• If you call and immediately hang up. Why are there short beeps when I call my phone?

    Probably everyone has encountered the fact that during a call the message “network busy” appears on the phone. At the same time, the call is simply dropped, there are no beeps even. In fact, this literally means that the network is overloaded and therefore your call cannot be processed right now. There can be many reasons for this. When you make a call, the signal from your mobile goes through the chain first to the mobile substation, then to the station cellular communication, back to another substation and to the mobile of the called subscriber. If the subscriber accepts the call, a connection is made on digital frequencies. During the pickup, the PBX begins searching for your subscriber, and if one is not found (for example, the phone is disconnected or the subscriber is talking to someone), a refusal is returned to you. Typically, one substation supports a certain number of connections (maximum), and if their number has reached the limit, you will receive a “network busy” message. This means that the signal from your phone was unable to reach the PBX.

    What can cause network congestion?

    The network may also be overloaded for other reasons beyond the control of the subscriber. The simplest and most common reason is an emergency at the station or malfunction of the equipment that supports the network. As a rule, such problems are resolved very quickly and are not very noticeable to subscribers. Also in the cellular communication system there is the so-called “Network Planning” - when all the operator’s networks are built with a certain reserve. When this reserve is exceeded, some cannot get through because there is not enough reserve for them (it is not profitable for a telecom operator to expand the network for extra calls that are used very rarely, say, in New Year). Also, networks are built taking into account the estimated amount of traffic, which does not provide for round-the-clock conversations of all subscribers in the network.

    The cause of network overload may be a malfunction of the base station in a certain area or maintenance work. At this time, the load is transferred to another BS, and accordingly, it may not be able to cope with them. Network congestion can occur during promotions, when the operator offers temporary calls at a reduced cost. The number of calls increases sharply, and the same number of stations are installed. Another problem may be a shortage of cellular frequencies when the number of subscribers exceeds the permissible limit in permissible frequencies.

    Sometimes, instead of the usual long ringing beeps after dialing a number, you hear frequent short beeps. In this case, no call occurs - either the beeps continue for a long time until you hang up, or the dialing is “reset”.

    What could this mean? There are several situations when you may hear short beeps during a call, and we will look at them now.

    Your caller is talking to someone else

    In stationary telephone network continuous short beeps after dialing a number mean that the person on the other end of the line is currently engaged in a conversation with someone else. All you have to do is wait until the conversation is over. However, sometimes short beeps can also occur when the subscriber does not pick up the phone, but a few seconds earlier someone else called his number. The first person to call hears long beeps on his handset, and you get short beeps because the line is already busy.

    Sometimes short beeps landline phone means that the number is disconnected for some reason or is completely removed from service. You can understand this only by calling the number you are interested in several times during the day.

    During a call to mobile phone short beeps also mean that your subscriber is busy with another conversation. They are often accompanied by the voice of an auto-informer: “The subscriber is busy, call back later”. You just need to be patient and wait for the person you want to finish the conversation. Many operators even send an SMS reminder at the end of the call: “The subscriber has ended the call and you can call him back”.

    Network problems

    Very frequent short beeps can be heard when the network is congested and stations mobile communications can't cope with the flow of subscribers. This situation regularly arises in the first hours of the New Year, when everyone rushes to call close and not so close friends to congratulate, make wishes, etc.

    If the New Year is far away, and after dialing the number the phone beeps with a pulsating rapid beep, most likely the reason is communication problems. Remember, is there a recently occupied new building near you or your subscriber? Perhaps the load on your cell station has grown, and it cannot handle the influx of calls and Internet packages.

    You are on the black list

    If short beeps are regularly heard for several days in a row when you dial only one specific number, but other numbers can be reached without problems, perhaps the person you want to talk to has blacklisted you. This is the common name for a list of “undesirable” numbers whose owners you don’t want to communicate with. The "black list" function is available in some phone models, in addition, it is offered mobile operators(paid).

    You can understand that you have been blacklisted by the nature of the beeps: first, after dialing the number, you hear one or two long normal beeps, which are replaced by frequent beeps of the busy signal. At the same time, the message “Call rejected” may appear. Please remember that beeps of this nature do not necessarily mean you will be blacklisted. This way the network can react to a weak and unstable signal.

    After redialling, the signal passes through and a connection is established with the number you need. It is possible to assume the existence of a “black list” only if the situation is repeated several times, and in different times. It’s easy to check: just dial the “stubborn” number from another phone, unknown to its owner. If you hear the usual long ringing beeps, it means that your number is still included in the “black list”.


    If you think that certain person added you to the ignore list on your phone, call the required number. If you constantly hear short beeps or your phone is simply unreachable, this most likely means that you have been blacklisted for some reason.

    Immediately after calling from your number, call the same subscriber from another phone. If the beeps are normal, then your phone number has definitely been added to the list of ignored incoming calls. You can also simply ask the person a question directly.

    If you are unable to check whether your phone number is blacklisted by calling from another phone, simply send an SMS message to this person, having previously configured it in the appropriate menu mobile device delivery report and setting a minimum waiting period. If the delivery report comes almost immediately, most likely the person's phone is turned on and your number is blacklisted. If you receive a message informing you that your SMS cannot be delivered to at the moment, most likely, the phone of the subscriber you are interested in is really turned off or is currently at his location bad level cellular network signal.

    If you want to know if you are blacklisted by a person in social network“VKontakte”, look through its page and if you see a complete restriction of access to information (the inscription “The user chose to hide data”), most likely you have been added to this list. At the same time, the buttons for sending a message and adding it to your friends list on the site are not available to you.

    In order to find out whether you are blacklisted by credit institutions due to certain violations of the rules for using the borrowed funds provided to you, make a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. Find information about yourself there - if “Bad Credit History” appears next to your name, it is quite possible that your applications from banks will not be approved, at least in the near future.

    If you do not want to communicate (for example, receive calls, SMS and mms) with any subscriber, you can easily exclude the appearance of his number on the display of your mobile thanks to the appearance of such a service as “Black” from the Megafon operator list"However, before you start using it, set it up (connect it first, and then enter it into your list required numbers).


    Connecting and deactivating the "Black" service list", and you can also manage it in any way convenient for you. To connect, send a USSD request to *130#, call the Information and Help Desk at 0500, or send a “blank” SMS message to 5130. A few minutes after After sending a request, you will receive a message that the service has been ordered, and a little later that it has been activated. After that, you can add it to. list numbers (and delete).

    To enter any number in "Black list", dial the command *130*+79XXXXXXXXXX#, press the call button. You can add a number in another way: send the text "+" and the number of the desired subscriber, and indicate the number in the form 79xxxxxxxx. If you want to remove someone from the list, also send request *130*079XXXXXXXXX# or SMS with the text "-" and the subscriber number.

    You can view the numbers in the “Black List” at any time, just dial *130*3# and press the call button or send a message containing the text “INF” to number 5130. If you need to completely clear all list immediately, and not one number at a time, then dial the USSD command *130*6#. You can deactivate the service by dialing the SMS command “OFF” and sending it to 5130 or by dialing the request *130*4#.

    By the way, before ordering the service, make sure that you have enough funds on your balance, since for connecting the “Black List” the operator will withdraw 15 rubles from your account if the service is activated for the first time, and 10 rubles if it is activated again. There is no charge for turning it off, but subscription fee is 10 rubles per month. It is also worth noting that service management is also possible in the Service Guide self-service system.

    Video on the topic

    Taking out a loan from a bank, paying it off with delays or not paying it off at all, and then applying for a loan from another bank and getting it - previously such a scheme was possible. Today, unscrupulous borrowers are instantly blacklisted jar. Yes, not one. How is this possible and how to check if your name is in it list?


    Today, without exception, all banks cooperate with the Credit History Bureau (BKI). This is a database where more than 40 million files are stored for almost every borrower who has at least once applied for a loan from one of the banks. Having access to the BKI database, the bank can obtain information about a potential client in a couple of minutes and, based on it, approve or reject a loan application. Thus, getting into the blacklist of at least one jar, you will almost certainly receive refusals when applying to other banks.