• Information educational technologies in dou. The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool children. Organization of methodological work using information and communication technologies

    Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Ogonyok" of the municipal district of the city of Nerekhta and Nerekhta district of the Kostroma region

    Methodological development for educators:

    “The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.”

    Developed by:

    Zhitkova Olga Nikolaevna,


    Teaching experience: 7 years.


    Content :

    1. Explanatory note……………………………………………………………. 3


    3.Chapter 1.What is ICT?.................................................. ........................................................ ..7

    4. Chapter 2. Application of ICT in working with preschool children………..14

    5. Chapter 3.ICT in the work of a modern teacher………………………………….20

    6.Chapter4. Rules for creating a presentation for children…………………………….23

    7. Literature used………………………………………………………28


    Explanatory note

    The presented methodological development is recommended to help preschool teachers and students of pedagogical educational institutions.

    This work highlights the issues of informatization of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the age of pupils, provides recommendations for organizing the educational process using information technologies, offers recommendations for the creation and design of illustrative graphic material using ICT, and describes practical experience in using ICT in the pedagogical activities of a teacher.This development will help improve pedagogical skills that can be used in practice when working with children.

    Target: ensure the quality of the educational process based on the study and implementation of information technologies.

    Terms of sale: children's educational institutions.


    Apply methodological development for educators in children's educational institutions.

    Ways of interaction between specialists:

    Full-fledged work is impossible without the participation of educators, narrow specialists (ICT specialists), and parents.

    Ways of interaction:

    1.carrying out nodes using ICT

    2.conducting a methodological association, a seminar on the topic “Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”, consultations of educators.

    3. Introducing the use of ICT in the activities of educators.

    Brief description of the content:

    Application and relevance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

    The effectiveness of using this methodological development: the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of a child quite effective and will open up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

    Will help the teacher competently create a presentation for working with children.

    The principle of constructing methodological development:


      Stimulation of cognitive processes.

      Consistency and systematicity

    Expected result:

    Increasing ICT - competence of preschool teachers;
    Introduction of ICT into the educational space.


    If we want to move forward, then one leg must remain in place while the other takes the next step. This is the first law of all progress, equally applicable to entire nations and to individuals.

    J. Eotvos

    The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is a pressing problem of modern preschool education. Gradually,computer technologyare also included in the preschool education system as one of the effective ways to transfer knowledge. This modern method develops interest in learning, fosters independence, develops intellectual activity, allows development in the spirit of modernity, and makes it possible to qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

    Relevance the use of information technologies in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of the information society, the widespread dissemination of multimedia technologies, electronic information resources, network technologies as a means of teaching and education.

    Target : to ensure the quality of the educational process based on the study and implementation of information technologies.

    It is safe to say that ICT is an integral part of the learning process for preschoolers. This is not only accessible and familiar to children of the new generation, but also convenient for a modern teacher.

    In accordance with the document "Federal State Educational Standards on the conditions for the implementation of the main general education preschool education programs " , approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 2151, one of the requirements for teaching activities is knowledge of information and communication technologies and the ability to apply them in educational process.

    The teacher must be able to:

    2. actively use information technology in educational process

    3. get acquainted with information sites for teachers and have the skills to search for information on the Internet

    4. Proficient in various programs for creating multimedia presentations

    1. create graphic and text documents (i.e. independently prepare group documentation, diagnostics, etc.)

    This means being able to use the Microsoft Office program,

    Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Excel

    2. Actively use information technology in educational process

    Get acquainted with information sites for teachers and have the skills to search for information on the Internet

    Thus, the use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency

    Chapter 1

    What is ICT?

    The combination of ICT is associated with two types of technologies: information and communication.

    "Information technology – a set of methods, methods and means that ensure storage, processing, transmission and display of information and are aimed at increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor.” At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly related to the computer (computer technology).

    Communication technologies determine the methods, methods and means of human interaction with the external environment (the reverse process is also important). The computer takes its place in these communications. It provides comfortable, individual, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of communication objects.

    When using ICT in work, the work experience of teachers and education are not important, but the desire and desire to master ICT is important.

    The use of computer technology helps teachers in their work:

      attract passive listeners to active activities;

      make educational activities more visual and intensive;

      to form an information culture among children;

      activate cognitive interest;

      implement student-centered and differentiated approaches to learning;

      to discipline the teacher himself, to form his interest in work;

      activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.);

      ICT will enable any teacher to directly access the information space, both by seeking methodological assistance from various service departments and by broadcasting their work experience.

      ICT will allow the teacher to communicate more widely at various teaching events, for example, video master classes, webinars, etc.

      work with paper media is significantly reduced, since almost all text information is compiled and stored in electronic form;

      Less effort and time is spent preparing visual and didactic support for GCD.

      with the help of ICT, conditions are created for professional self-development: electronic textbooks and articles are used; On the Internet you can get acquainted with periodicals and exchange information with colleagues via e-mail.

      Communication with parents of pupils using ICT is another reality.

    ICT is primarily:

      transformation of the subject-development environment,

      creation of new means for the development of children,

      use of new visibility,

      additional information that for some reason is not in the printed publication,

      a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, video materials),

      in the information society, networked electronic resources are the most democratic way to disseminate new pedagogical ideas and new teaching aids, available to teachers regardless of their place of residence and income level,

      Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning issues and any photographs and illustrations.

    Application of ICT:

      Selection of illustrative material for joint organized activities between the teacher and children and for the design of stands and groups.

      Selection of additional educational material.

      Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers.

      Preparation of group documentation and reports.

      Creating presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of joint organized activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

      By creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time.

    Proper use of modern information technologies can significantly increase children's motivation to learn. Allows you to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. This contributes to the widest development of their abilities and the activation of mental activity.

    Today ICT allows:

    Show information on the screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest among children, since this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - playing.

    In an accessible form, brightly, figuratively, present the material to preschoolers, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

    Attract children's attention with movement, sound, animation, but do not overload the material with them.

    To promote the development of preschoolers' research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents.

    Encourage children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties.

    The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education allows one to expand the creative capabilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on various aspects of the mental development of preschool children. Developmental activities using it become much brighter and more dynamic. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make GCD attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative problems based on clarity.

    During the play activities of a preschooler, using computer tools, he develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the outcome of an action, design thinking qualities, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in children’s creative abilities. Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolersThe computer has a number of advantages:

      Movement, sound, and animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

      Provides clarity, which promotes perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

      Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining;

      You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.);

      Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children.

      It carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers.

      Problematic tasks and encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for children’s cognitive activity.

      The child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved.

      In the process of working at the computer, a preschooler gains self-confidence and the belief that he can do a lot.

      Allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);

      The computer is very “patient”; it never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

      The use of information technology encourages children to engage in exploratory research activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents.

    The range of use of ICT in the educational process is quite wide. One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for joint organized activities in kindergarten is the creation of multimedia presentations. It facilitates the process of perceiving and remembering information with the help of vivid images, because combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child’s attention for the longest time. Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) allows you to achieve a much greater effect. And the English proverb says:“I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered.”

    Using a computer to keep records.

    A computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and “advanced” parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizing programs, keeping an individual diary of a child, recording various data about him, test results, building graphs, and generally monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are not comparable.

    It follows from this that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. The use of information technology tools will make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective. Multimedia will allow the most accessible and attractive, playful form to achieve a new quality of knowledge, develops the logical thinking of children, enhances the creative component of educational work, maximizing the improvement of the quality of education among preschoolers, frees them from routine manual work, and opens up new opportunities.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that in a kindergarten it is possible, necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types of educational activities. The joint organized activity of a teacher with children has its own specifics; it should be emotional, bright, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

    The use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of a child quite effective and will open up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

    However, no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.


    Application of ICT in working with preschool children.

    One of the main conditions for the introduction of information technologies in preschool educational institutions is that children should be worked with by specialists who know the technical capabilities of a computer, have the skills to work with them, clearly follow the rules for using computers, and know the methods of introducing preschoolers to new information technologies. Considering this,priority Currently, teachers are being promoted, mastering the work with educational software systems, the resources of the global computer network Internet so that in the future each of them can use modern computer technologies to prepare and conduct classes with children at a qualitatively new level.

    The use of information technology in the classroom at a preschool educational institution makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in the classroom and makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the preschool educational institution teacher.

    There are 2 types of activities using ICT.

    1. Lesson with multimedia support.

    In such a lesson, only one computer is used as an “electronic board”. At the preparation stage, information resources are analyzed and the necessary material for the lesson is selected.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to select the necessary materials to explain the topic of the lesson, so presentation materials are created using Power Point or other multimedia programs.

    To conduct such classes you need one personal computer (laptop), multimedia, speakers, screen.

    The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

    With the help of multimedia presentations, children learn complexes of visual gymnastics and exercises to relieve visual fatigue.

    Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also associative form in the memory of children.

    The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

    · Implementation of polysensory perception of material;

    · Possibility of demonstrating various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a many times enlarged form;

    · Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from;

    · Possibility of demonstrating objects that are more perceptible to the intact sensory system;

    · Activation of visual functions, visual abilities of the child;

    · Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

    The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

    The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, and develop versatile skills, which contributes to the conscious acquisition of knowledge by preschoolers and increases the child’s level of readiness for.

    Working with an interactive whiteboard allows you to use didactic games and exercises, communicative games, problem situations, and creative tasks in a new way in educational activities. The use of an interactive whiteboard using multimedia technologies (graphics, color, sound, video materials) allows you to simulate various situations and environments in the classroom. Game components included in multimedia programs activate children’s cognitive activity and enhance the effectiveness of learning material. The technology of the board, based on the principle of a resistive matrix, is the most widespread in the world and the safest for health.

    Another advantage of using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten is the ability to make virtual trips and conduct integrated classes.

    The use of ID in a child’s joint and independent activities is one of the effective ways to motivate and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background.

    Thus, classes with multimedia support increase the speed of information transfer to children, improve the level of its understanding, which contributes to the development of all forms of thinking.

    2 . Computer assisted lesson.

    Most often, such classes are conducted using game-based training programs. In this lesson, several computers and tablets are used, on which several students work simultaneously.

    Working with an electronic textbook or tablet, the child independently studies the material, completes the necessary tasks and then passes a competency test on this topic.

    The computer's capabilities make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for review. A bright glowing screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch children's audio perception to visual, animated characters arouse interest, and as a result, tension is relieved.

    But today, unfortunately, there is an insufficient number of good computer programs that are intended for children of this age.

    Experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

    · research character,

    · ease for a child to study independently,

    · development of a wide range of skills and understandings,

    · high technical level,

    · age suitability,

    · entertaining.

    Educational programs existing on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

    1. Games for developing memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

    2. "Talking" dictionaries with good animation.

    3. ART studios, simple graphic editors with libraries of drawings.

    4. Travel games, “action games”.

    5. The simplest programs for, etc.

    The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use the computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child’s own experience, but also to increase the child’s creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on a monitor screen helps optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; Individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

    When organizing classes of this type, it is necessary to have a stationary or mobile computer class that complies with SANPiN standards and is licensed.

    Today, many kindergartens are equipped with computer classes. But still missing:

    · methods of using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;

    · systematization of computer development programs;

    · unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes.

    To date, this is the only one not regulated by special regulations. Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

    It is important to comply with the conditions to preserve the child’s health:

    1. Children five to seven years old can “communicate” with a computer for no more than 10-15 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week.

    2. It is desirable that the monitor be LCD or plasma.

    3. It is necessary to include games in classes aimed at preventing disorders and developing visual-spatial relationships.

    4. Regularly carry out eye exercises: during work, it is necessary to periodically move the child’s gaze from the monitor every 1.5-2 minutes. for a few seconds, a change of activity during the lesson is also important.

    5 To conduct frontal classes, we use a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to which children are sitting is 2 - 2.5 meters.

    To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary: ​​ventilation before and after classes and wet cleaning - wiping tables and display screens before and after classes, wiping floors after classes.

    Thus, we recognize that the computer is a new powerful tool for intellectual development; it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

    Chapter 3

    ICT in the work of a modern teacher.

    The effectiveness of computerization of education in preschool educational institutions depends both on the quality of the tools used and on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in the educational process.

    Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice, aimed at the implementation of innovative ideas in the educational process.

    Currently, the use of ICT in the practice of preschool educational institutions mainly consists of the following:

      selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentations);

      selection of additional material from various sources for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events;

      exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers;

      creating presentations in Power Point to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children;

      the use of digital photographic equipment and photo editing programs that allow you to manage pictures as simply as taking photographs, easily find the ones you need, edit and display them;

      use of appropriate programs (a fundamentally new way to view, store and share all video material; you can quickly create simple films by adding titles, transitions between scenes, background or voiceovers to the video);

      the use of the Internet in pedagogical activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution, as a search for additional information for classes, broadening the horizons of children.

      design, business cards of institutions, materials in various areas of activity.

      creating media libraries that are of interest not only to teachers, but also to parents.

      the use of a computer in the office work of a preschool educational institution, the creation of various.

      creating email, maintaining the preschool educational institution website.

    Viewing allows for a modern, high-quality, comprehensive analysis of events, which helps improve the quality of the pedagogical process. This form of work is most suitable when accompanying young beginning teachers. The methodological library is transformed into a media library, information is accumulated and exchanged on various modern media.

    The use of modern technologies, in particular the Internet site, makes it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of communication between teachers and parents. Current information from the news column, detailed information about the life of the preschool institution, the ability to communicate via e-mail and guest book - all this helps to make relationships more trusting, to involve parents in the life of the kindergarten, to make them full participants in the educational process. When holding parent meetings, the use of multimedia equipment allows parents to present videos and a film about the life of children in kindergarten, presentations about proper nutrition, and about preparing children for school.

    It is safe to say that ICT is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify methodological work in preschool educational institutions

    Chapter 4

    Rules for creating a presentation for children

    The golden rule for any presentation, proposed by former Apple marketer and current managing director of Garage Technology Ventures Guy Kawasaki, is 10-20-30: 10 slides in 20 minutes, font size no less than 30. These parameters are ideal for a Power Point presentation. A larger number of slides is not memorable, time of more than 20 minutes distracts attention, small font is annoying.

    Does this rule apply when creating a presentation for children?Applicable especially for children. Holding a child's attention is quite a difficult task, and a boring, long presentation will turn off even an adult.

    In addition to the “golden” rule, there are a number of other rules that are also suitable for creating a presentation for children.So how do you create a presentation for kids?

    Preparation, selection of materials for presentation

    The content of the presentation for children should not be a reprint from the textbook. Ideally, presentation material is selected from several sources.Even when presenting to children, the information must be fresh and relevant.For example, when talking about modern agriculture, there is no need to insert pictures of plowmen with scythes or Soviet Stakhanovites if we are talking about today.Illustrations must match the story, complement it, but not distract attention. It is necessary to take into account the age group of children and their hobbies at the moment. Popular cartoon characters will be viewed more positively than characters from your childhood.

    As for the text. It is worth re-reading a lot of material on the upcoming topic, making a short summary, but during the presentation, everything that can be said in words must be said in words.Text on slides should be kept to a minimum, especially in presentations for children.

    And finally,The presentation must have a clearly defined purpose.Of course, in the case of a presentation for children, it is not at all necessary to put it on a slide. This point is important, first of all, for the presenter, so that, being carried away by the related topic, he does not go far to the side.

    So, the material has been selected, the goal has been determined, the next point is the preparation of the presentation and its design.

    Presentation design for children

    1. Background. Nowadays you can find many ready-made templates online for any occasion. But we must not forget that a bright, rich background for a presentation will distract from the information being presented. In general, the background is just the background, so as not to distract, but to emphasize the material. So it’s worth choosing a plain background without drawings or any other elements.When it comes to presentations for children, the same mistake often occurs - too much with bright colors and pictures.There is no need to get carried away with bright, contrasting colors that can cause an attack of epilepsy.

    2. Illustrations. The teacher should attract children primarily with his story, and not with pictures. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't use illustrations.Pictures in the presentation for children are necessary.You need to take into account the age group and their hobbies at the moment. Popular cartoon characters will be viewed more positively than characters from your childhood.

    Illustrations should be of high resolution; there is no need to stretch a small picture across the entire slide - it will “pixelate” and thus only cause negative emotions.

    There is no need to use drawings and photographs at the same time on one slide, unless this is provided by the node. The presentation should be made in the same style; photographs and drawings should be of the same size.

    And finally, don’t forget that all images on the Internet have an owner. At the end of the presentation it is worth providing a list of illustrations and links to sources; this is not only a tribute to copyright, but also a useful practice for children.

    3. Font . It is necessary to avoid using different fonts - this distracts attention and tires. The font size should be large enough to be read from the back of the desk. The test must be readable. Avoid using fonts that are illegible, too narrow, or serif fonts. And finally, a simple rule - light text is placed on a dark background and vice versa.

    4. Animation. It’s very simple here, if animation can be avoided, this should be done. Of course, in a presentation for children you want to use as many effects as possible. Also, animation takes time. It will take a few extra seconds to wait for the text to appear, letter by letter.

    Actually, the presentation

    The goal of the presenter is not just to present material, but to generate interest. This is perhaps the most important point in a presentation for children.. A boring lecture, even illustrated with beautiful pictures and animations, remains a boring lecture. The presentation of material should be in the form of a story, a story. It is ideal if children are participants in this story. A presentation for children should be interactive, and children should actively participate. It makes sense to diversify the presentation with riddles and questions.

    Even 20 minutes of an interesting story can tire you. Watching a presentation is a strain on the eyes. It is better to give the presentation in parts, alternating with practical tasks, games or light physical activity.

    After finishing the presentation, it is necessary to summarize and draw a conclusion. As you know, the last phrase is always remembered better. So let the last phrase be good advice or parting words.

    “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic devices”

    computers and work organization"

    San PiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03

    In preschool educational institutions (DOU) the recommended

    continuous duration of work with a PC on developmental

    play activities for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes, for children

    6 years - 15 min.

    Game activities using a PC in preschool educational institutions are recommended

    spend no more than one during the day and no more than three times a week on days

    children's highest performance: on Tuesday, Wednesday and

    Thursday. After the lesson, the children are given eye exercises.

    It is not allowed to conduct classes with a PC in a preschool educational institution at the expense of time,

    reserved for sleep, daytime walks and other recreational activities


    When conducting children's classes using a computer

    techniques, organization and training schedule must correspond

    requirements for personal electronic computers and

    organization of work. «Hygienic requirements for personal

    electronic computers and work organization"

    Thus, we can highlight the following slide design principles

      The principle of signal-to-noise ratio. Reducing unnecessary elements.

      The principle of readability. Choice of fonts and colors.

      The principle of empty space. Selecting the main element.

      The principle of alignment. The presence of a visual relationship between all elements on the slide.

      The principle of contrast. Demonstration of the hierarchy between slide elements (by changing color, line size, shape, location in space).

      The principle of repetition. Maintain a consistent style across all slides.

      The principle of proximity. The arrangement of interrelated elements on a slide.

    As a result, we can come to the conclusion that the use of information technology makes it possible to make the process of learning and development of a child quite effective and opens up new educational opportunities not only for the child himself, but also for the teacher.

    However, no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child. Teachers must also have clear ICT skills and comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements,physiological and hygienic, psychological and pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms andrecommendations, so as not to harm the health of children.( "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization.")

    7. http://nsportal.ru/ -

    8. http://doshkolnik.ru/ -

    9 . http://igrateshka.ru/


    A standard set of eye exercises when working at a computer

      Close your eyes and tense your eye muscles. Wait about 4 seconds. Open your eyes and relax. Look out the window into the distance for about 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

      Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your eyes on it for about 4 seconds. Then look at the landscape outside the window and look there for about 6 seconds. Do the exercise 4-5 times.

      Look to the left without turning your head. Fix your eyes in this position for about 4 seconds. Repeat this exercise, only looking to the left, down and up. It is necessary to perform this circle 3-4 times.

      Turn your eyes in the following directions: left, down, right, up, then straight out into the window. Then right, down, left, up, and then straight into the distance out the window. Perform all steps 3-4 more times.

      Blink as quickly as possible, counting to 10, then close your eyes for a couple of seconds. Now blink again for a minute. Close your eyes again for 2-3 seconds. Open them and look out the window into the distance. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

      Look carefully at any clearly visible object (branch, bird, leaf, etc.) for 30 seconds. Then move your eyes to the most distant object. It could be a building, a car, a tree. Stare at it for 30 seconds. Then return your gaze to the first object. Repeat this exercise 6 times.

    Once the exercise is complete, let your eyes relax. You can just close them for five minutes and think about something pleasant. At the same time, do not lower your head forward. Performing similar exercises for the eyes while working at the computer helps to relax and train them.

    Appendix 2

    Slide color design

    Color theory:

    red-positive and cheerful, but after the 18th slide it causes

    aggression and lack of learning;

    yellow- it’s better to tone it down closer to beige, a good color for

    junior and middle school students;

    green(soft, muted) – up to 29-30 slides are perceived


    blue(soft) – positive color up to 30 slides;

    violet– does not contribute to the memorization of information;

    white- promotes the reproduction of information from 50 to 70%;

    black– the color of aggression and stress;

    brown(bright) – after the 23rd slide causes a rise in blood pressure;

    grey– causes anxiety.

    Appendix 3

    Using ICT in my activities

    During my work as a teacher, I used ICT:

    1.Design of stands, groups

    2. Selection of material for GCD

    3.Prepare documentation and reports

    4. Creation of presentations, videos, posters, booklets, business cards for children, parents, kindergarten workers

    5.Exchange of work experience, participation in competitions via the Internet

    6. Participated in the creation of a kindergarten website

    7. I improved my qualifications remotely

    8. Selected dances and songs for matinees

    9.Edited text, photographs, songs.


    Diagnosis of the influence of ICT on children's development.

    MBDOU compensatory type No. 16 “Golden Key”

    Using ICT in kindergarten

    Completed by: teacher-defectologist Savilova E.G.

    Urai 2015

    Currently, our country is implementing the Information Society Development Strategy, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. Therefore, the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is one of the priorities of education

    ICT is information and communication technologies.

    Our kindergarten has an interactive whiteboard, touch tables, screen, projector, laptops, computers

    • The introduction of ICT in the educational process of kindergarten has many advantages that should be highlighted:
    • allow you to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;
    • the use of multimedia presentations provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
    • graphic, text, audiovisual information is used simultaneously;
    • using a computer, you can simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show in class or see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of animals, nature, the operation of transport, etc.)
    • high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children;
    • provides the opportunity to individualize learning.
    • It is important to comply with the conditions to preserve the child’s health:
    • Children under 5 years old are not recommended to use a computer. Children five to seven years of age can “communicate” with a computer for no more than 10-15 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week.
    • Include games in classes aimed at preventing visual impairment and developing visual-spatial relationships.
    • Carry out eye exercises regularly, taking into account the change of activity during the lesson.
    • To conduct group classes, we use a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to the chairs on which isChildren sit 2 - 2.5 meters.

    What opportunities does the use of ICT open up in our preschool educational institution?

    • Using a computer to introduce children to modern technical means of transmitting and storing information, which is carried out in various gaming technologies.
    • Teachers mainly use educational games:
    • development of mathematical concepts: “Luntik. Mathematics for kids";
    • games for the development of phonemic hearing and speech development; “Learning to speak correctly”;
    • educational games: “Shape”, “Color”, “Learning to count”
    • games for the development of higher mental functions: the “Little Genius” series
    • Using a large computer and monitor, or laptop. In this case, it is possible to demonstrate a thematic presentation or gaming tool on the monitor screen.
    • presentations help the teacher motivate children to do activities.
    • Demonstration of presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.
    • With the help of multimedia presentations, children learn complex visual, articulation, finger, and breathing exercises.
    • multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order.
    • Using the interactive whiteboard
    • a universal tool that allows any teacher to organize the educational process in such a way that children’s interest in classes, stability of attention, and speed of mental operations increase.
    • Uses touch interactive table
    • specially developed software offers various levels of developmental training.
    • tables for children in a playful way help to replenish their vocabulary,

    learn to recognize colors and shapes.

    • During classes, the child develops motor skills, memory, auditory and visual perception.
    • the child enjoys learning.
    • Using the main MBDOU website
    • can receive information in the form of pedagogical advice and consultations;
    • can familiarize themselves with regulatory documents and participate in surveys on the forum
    • the site allows you to get to know teachers better (their hobbies, interests, pedagogical views, achievements)
    • parents have the opportunity to monitor the lives of children in kindergarten groups;

    This is very relevant nowadays: parents are not always able to bring their child to kindergarten themselves; parents are often in a hurry and do not have time to read the information in the group. And at home, together with your child, it is always interesting to look at the group’s website, look at new photos together, and listen to the child’s message about past events.

    Thus , the use of ICT helps improve the quality of the educational process.

    Socio-economic changes in Russia have led to the need to modernize many social institutions, and primarily the education system. New tasks set for education today are formulated and presented in the law “On Education of the Russian Federation” and the educational standard of the new generation.

    Informatization of education in Russia is one of the most important mechanisms affecting all main directions of modernization of the educational system. Its main task is the effective use of the following major advantages of information and communication technologies:

    • the possibility of organizing a cognition process that supports an activity-based approach to the educational process;
    • individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity;
    • creation of an effective management system for information and methodological support of education.

    The key directions of the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

    1. Organizational:

    1. modernization of the methodological service;
    2. improvement of the material and technical base;
    3. creation of a certain information environment.

    2. Pedagogical:

    1. increasing the ICT competence of preschool teachers;
    2. introduction of ICT into the educational space.

    In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education is one of the levels of general education. Therefore, informatization of kindergarten has become a necessary reality of modern society. Computerization of school education has a fairly long history (about 20 years), but such a widespread use of computers in kindergarten has not yet been observed. At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the work of a teacher (including a preschool teacher) without the use of information resources. The use of ICT makes it possible to enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

    What is ICT?

    Information educational technologies are all technologies in the field of education that use special technical means (PC, multimedia) to achieve pedagogical goals.

    Information and communication technologies in education (ICT) is a complex of educational and methodological materials, technical and instrumental means of computer technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists in educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists), as well as for education (development, diagnosis, correction) of children.

    Areas of application of ICT by preschool teachers

    1. Maintaining documentation.

    In the process of educational activities, the teacher draws up and draws up calendar and long-term plans, prepares material for the design of the parent corner, conducts diagnostics and presents the results both in printed and electronic form. Diagnostics should be considered not as a one-time carrying out of the necessary research, but also as keeping an individual diary of the child, in which various data about the child, test results are recorded, charts are drawn up, and the dynamics of the child’s development are generally monitored. Of course, this can be done without the use of computer technology, but the quality of design and time costs are not comparable.

    An important aspect of the use of ICT is the preparation of teachers for certification. Here you can consider both the preparation of documentation and the preparation of an electronic portfolio.

    2. Methodological work, teacher training.

    In the information society, networked electronic resources are the most convenient, fastest and most modern way to disseminate new methodological ideas and teaching aids, available to methodologists and teachers regardless of their place of residence. Information and methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used when preparing a teacher for classes, to study new techniques, and when selecting visual aids for classes.

    Online communities of teachers allow not only to find and use the necessary methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share their teaching experience in preparing and conducting events, and using various methods and technologies.

    The modern educational environment requires special flexibility from the teacher when preparing and conducting pedagogical events. A teacher needs to regularly improve his qualifications. The ability to implement modern teacher requests is also possible using remote technologies. When choosing such courses, you need to pay attention to the availability of a license on the basis of which educational activities are carried out. Distance training courses allow you to choose the direction of interest to the teacher and study without interrupting your main educational activities.

    An important aspect of a teacher’s work is participation in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, quizzes, and olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem of both the teacher and students. In-person participation in such events is often impossible due to the remoteness of the region, financial costs and other reasons. And remote participation is available to everyone. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of the resource and the number of registered users.

    It is undeniably important to use ICT technologies both for maintaining documentation and for more effectively conducting methodological work and for improving the level of qualifications of a teacher, but the main thing in the work of a preschool teacher is the conduct of the educational process.

    3. Educational process.

    The educational process includes:

    • organization of direct educational activities of the student,
    • organizing joint developmental activities between teachers and children,
    • implementation of projects,
    • creation of a developmental environment (games, manuals, teaching materials).

    In preschool children, visual-figurative thinking predominates. The main principle when organizing the activities of children of this age is the principle of clarity. The use of a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic, allows preschool teachers to quickly achieve their intended goal during direct educational activities and joint activities with children. The use of Internet resources makes it possible to make the educational process information-intensive, entertaining and comfortable.

    There are 3 types of activities using ICT.

    1. Lesson with multimedia support.

    In such a lesson, only one computer is used as an “electronic board”. At the preparation stage, electronic and information resources are analyzed and the necessary material for the lesson is selected. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find the necessary materials to explain the topic of a lesson, so presentation materials are created using PowerPoint or other multimedia programs.

    To conduct such classes, you need one personal computer (laptop), a multimedia projector, speakers, and a screen.

    The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally charged, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson.

    With the help of multimedia presentations, children learn complexes of visual gymnastics and exercises to relieve visual fatigue.

    Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also associative form in the memory of children.

    The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system of mental images in children. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.

    The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

    The basis of any modern presentation is to facilitate the process of visual perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images. The forms and place of use of a presentation in a lesson depend on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

    The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

    • Implementation of polysensory perception of material;
    • The ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a many times enlarged form;
    • Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;
    • The ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to the intact sensory system;
    • Activation of visual functions and eye abilities of the child;
    • Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for displaying information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

    The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, arouse keen interest in the child, and are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good results of the lesson. For example, the use of presentations in classes in mathematics, music, and familiarization with the outside world ensures that children are active when examining, examining, and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative, and spatio-temporal features in the objective world are formed. and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

    2. Lesson with computer support

    Most often, such classes are conducted using game-based training programs.

    In this lesson, several computers are used, on which several students work simultaneously. The use of an electronic textbook (and a gaming educational game for children is an electronic textbook) is a method of programmable learning, the founder of which is Skinner. Working with an electronic textbook, the child independently studies the material, completes the necessary tasks and then passes a competency test on this topic.

    The computer's capabilities make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for review. A bright glowing screen attracts attention, makes it possible to switch children's audio perception to visual, animated characters arouse interest, and as a result, tension is relieved. But today, unfortunately, there is an insufficient number of good computer programs that are intended for children of this age.

    Experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

    • research character,
    • ease for a child to study independently,
    • development of a wide range of skills and understandings,
    • high technical level,
    • age suitability,
    • entertaining.

    Educational programs existing on the market for this age can be classified as follows:

    1. Games for developing memory, imagination, thinking, etc.

    2. "Talking" dictionaries of foreign languages ​​with good animation.

    3. ART studios, simple graphic editors with libraries of drawings.

    4. Travel games, “action games”.

    5. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

    The use of such programs allows not only to enrich knowledge, to use the computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child’s own experience, but also to increase the child’s creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on a monitor screen helps optimize the transition from visual-figurative to abstract thinking; the use of creative and director's games creates additional motivation in the formation of educational activities; Individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

    When organizing classes of this type, it is necessary to have a stationary or mobile computer class that complies with SANPiN standards and licensed software.

    Today, many kindergartens are equipped with computer classes. But still missing:

    • methods of using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;
    • systematization of computer development programs;
    • unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes.

    Today, this is the only type of activity that is not regulated by a special educational program. Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

    The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology.

    An important rule when organizing such classes is their frequency. Classes should be held 1-2 times a week, depending on the age of the children, for 10-15 minutes of direct activity at the PC.

    1. Diagnostic lesson.

    To conduct such classes, special programs are required, which is rare or does not exist in some general education programs. But the development of such computer programs is a matter of time. Using application software, you can develop test tasks and use them for diagnostics. In the process of conducting traditional diagnostic classes, the teacher needs to record the level of problem solving by each child according to certain indicators. The use of special computer programs will not only make the teacher’s work easier and reduce time costs (use several computers at the same time), but will also allow you to save diagnostic results, considering them over time.

    Thus, in contrast to conventional technical means of education, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

    The use of computers in educational and extracurricular activities looks very natural from the child’s point of view and is one of the effective ways to increase motivation and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. Modern research in the field of preschool pedagogy K.N. Motorina, S.P. Pervina, M.A. Kholodnoy, S.A. Shapkina et al. testify to the possibility of children aged 3-6 years mastering a computer. As is known, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child’s thinking, preparing the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking.

    The introduction of information technologies has advantages before traditional means of teaching:

    1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they transmit information faster.

    2. Movements, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

    3. Provides clarity, which promotes perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. In this case, three types of memory are included: visual, auditory, motor.

    4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the outside world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining.

    5. You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.).

    6. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;

    7. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

    With all the constant advantages of using ICT in preschool education, the following problems arise:

    1. Material base of the preschool educational institution.

    As noted above, to organize classes you must have a minimum set of equipment: a PC, a projector, speakers, a screen or a mobile classroom. Not all kindergartens today can afford to create such classes.

    2. Protecting the child's health.

    Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment “DO NO HARM!” The use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

    When computers and interactive equipment operate indoors, specific conditions are created: humidity decreases, air temperature rises, the number of heavy ions increases, and electrostatic voltage in the area of ​​children's hands increases. The intensity of the electrostatic field increases when the cabinet is decorated with polymer materials. The floor must have an antistatic coating, and the use of carpets and rugs is not permitted.

    To maintain an optimal microclimate, prevent the accumulation of static electricity and deterioration of the chemical and ionic composition of the air, it is necessary to: ventilate the office before and after classes, wet cleaning before and after classes. We conduct classes with older preschoolers once a week in subgroups. In his work, a teacher must definitely use a set of eye exercises.

    3. Insufficient ICT – teacher competence.

    The teacher must not only perfectly know the content of all computer programs, their operational characteristics, the user interface of each program (the specific technical rules for operating with each of them), but also understand the technical characteristics of the equipment, be able to work in basic application programs, multimedia programs and the network Internet.

    If the preschool educational institution team manages to solve these problems, then ICT technologies will become a great help.

    The use of information technology will help the teacher increase the motivation of children’s learning and will lead to a number of positive consequences:

    • enriching children with knowledge in its figurative-conceptual integrity and emotional coloring;
    • facilitating the process of learning material by preschoolers;
    • arousing keen interest in the subject of knowledge;
    • expanding the general horizons of children;
    • increasing the level of use of visuals in the classroom;
    • increasing teacher productivity.

    It is undeniable that in modern education the computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each child a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Information technologies, in combination with properly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.

    So, the use of information technology will make the process of learning and development of children quite simple and effective, free them from routine manual work, and open up new opportunities for early education.

    Informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas in educational, educational and correctional processes. Recently, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become a good assistant for teachers in organizing educational and correctional work.

    Unlike conventional technical means of education, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in preschool childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

    The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

    List of used literature

    1. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008.
    2. Horwitz Y., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5.
    3. Kalinina T.V. DOW management. “New information technologies in preschool childhood.” M, Sfera, 2008.
    4. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies: educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.
    5. Motorin V. "Educational capabilities of computer games." Preschool education, 2000, no. 11.
    6. Novoselova S.L. Computer world of a preschooler. M.: New School, 1997.


    Can be successfully used in kindergarten ICT in the educational process.

    ICT in a preschool educational institution can be classified:

    1. ICT, with the help of which pedagogical problems are solved (electronic textbooks, electronic systems for teaching and monitoring knowledge)

    2.Electronic systems for the practical application of knowledge (virtual designer, programs for modeling, simulator)

    3.Interactive means (telecommunication conference, e-mail)

    4.Search tools and programs (catalogs, search engines)

    5.Electronic tools containing text information (electronic textbook)

    6.Visual media (digital photo, etc.)

    Unlike conventional technical means of education, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

    All over the world, the use of information and computer technologies in various fields of activity has become part of culture and a necessary norm. Proficiency in information and computer technologies helps a teacher feel comfortable in new socio-economic conditions, and helps an educational institution switch to a mode of functioning and development as an open educational system.

    When working with children, we use information and computer technologies quite actively during classes and other activities. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make the lesson attractive and truly modern, expands the possibilities of presenting educational information, and allows you to increase the child’s motivation. The use of multimedia technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) allows you to simulate various situations and scenes. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of preschool children and enhance the assimilation of material. We believe that the use of a computer in a preschool educational institution is possible and necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and also develops the child comprehensively.

    Multimedia is a means or tool for learning in various classes. Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communication skills, acquisition of skills, accumulation of factual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy.

    Multimedia such as a slide, presentation or video presentation has been available for a long time. The computer is now capable of manipulating sound and video to achieve special effects, synthesizing and playing sound and video, including animation, and integrating it all into a single multimedia presentation.

    Reasonable use of visual teaching aids in the educational process plays an important role in the development of observation, attention, speech, and thinking of preschool children. In classes with children, teachers use multimedia presentations, which make it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels of cognitive development, and significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching activities.

    The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom in our preschool allows us to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

    The basis of any modern presentation is to facilitate the process of visual perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images. The forms and place of use of a presentation (or even a separate slide) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

    The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

    Implementation of polysensory perception of material;

    The ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a greatly enlarged form;

    Combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for the amount of information children receive from educational literature;

    The ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to the intact sensory system;

    Activation of visual functions and eye abilities of the child;

    We use computer presentation slide films to display information in the form of printouts in large font on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

    The use of multimedia presentations allows us to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, which arouse keen interest in the child, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good performance of the lesson. Thus, the use of multimedia presentations in classes in mathematics, music, familiarization with the outside world ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually identifying the signs and properties of objects; methods of visual perception, examination, and identifying qualitative, quantitative and spatio-temporal elements in the objective world are formed. signs and properties, visual attention and visual memory develop.

    Today, ICTs are beginning to occupy their niche in the educational space of preschool educational institutions. This allows you to:

    Presenting information on the monitor screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest in children, since this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - play;

    Present new material vividly, figuratively, in a form accessible to preschoolers, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;

    Attract children's attention with movement, sound, animation;

    Encourage children to solve a problem problem, using the capabilities of the curriculum, which is a stimulus for the development of their cognitive activity;

    Develop exploratory behavior in preschoolers;

    Expand the creative capabilities of the teacher himself.

    Using ICT, it is necessary to carefully approach the criteria for selecting innovations, taking into account the interests and developmental needs of the children themselves, considering a wide variety of combinations of relationships, changes in the content of the educational process of the kindergarten.

    Leading world experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet:

    1. research nature,

    2. ease for a child to study independently,

    3. development of a wide range of skills and understandings,

    4. high technical level,

    5. age appropriate,

    6. entertaining.

    In addition, we, as teaching practitioners, must remember the sanitary rules and regulations for the use of ICT. According to SanPiN standards, a TV with a diagonal screen size of 59-69 cm must be used. Installation height is 1-1.3 m. When working, children are placed at a distance no closer than 2-3 m and no further than 5-5.5 m from the screen.

    Classes using a computer for children 5-7 years old should be conducted no more than once during the day and no more than three times a week on days of highest performance: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After the lesson, the children are given eye exercises. The continuous duration of working with a computer in classes for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes.

    In classes with children, ICT is more often used as part of the lesson, but in final or general lessons it can be used throughout the entire lesson, in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

    In the form of an educational game, you can conduct any classes with preschool children: mathematics, traveling around the country, city, speech development, literacy, design, drawing, etc.

    Interactive graphics and animation systems allow, in the process of analyzing images, to control their content, shape, size, color and other parameters to achieve the greatest clarity.

    One of the main means of expanding children's ideas are presentations, slide shows, and multimedia photo albums.This is illustrative, I grant-giving the teacher an opportunity to build aclarification in classes is logical, scientific, usingcalling video fragments. With such an or-material organization includes three typeschildren's memory: visual, auditory, motor. The presentation makes it possible tolook at complex material step by step,refer not only to the current material,but also to repeat the previous topic. Alsocan you go into more detail?focus on issues that cause difficultiesnia. Using Animetional effects helps to increase children's interest in the material being studied.

    Also, video fragments, interactive diagrams and models act as multimedia resources. The purpose of various kinds of slide shows and video clips is to show children those moments from the world around them, the observation of which directly causes difficulties. The purpose of diagrams and models is to visually represent processes in inanimate nature, such as the change of seasons, the water cycle, etc.

    Another possibility for using ICT in the educational activities of preschool teachers is the electronic type of materials for preparing tasks for independent work of preschoolers. The teacher can, at almost any time, select exactly those tasks that correspond to the topic and objectives of the lesson, arrange them in the desired sequence, adjust something in their content, design, correct errors, print in the required quantity and save in electronic form to return to him if necessary.

    The scanner will help children become full-fledged participants in creating a slide show. They always willingly bring their favorite books, drawings, pictures on given topics from home. Together with the teacher, this material is scanned and inserted into a slide show or clip. When the finished material is shown, each child recognizes his own picture, which, of course, causes a storm of emotions. Next time the child will select pictures and illustrations with a vengeance, turning to as many sources as possible. So much for cognitive activity and, as a result, visual variability.

    So, by involving children directly in the creation of various kinds of multimedia resources, we turn them from an object of our pedagogical efforts into a subject of educational activity, this is especially true for children of senior preschool age, who can almost create their own presentation on their own or with the help of their parents.

    For children of primary preschool age, the use of digital technologies in photography is relevant. The fact is that by including an object that is well known to the child in a slide show or presentation as a variable visual aid, several mental processes are triggered at once. Firstly, recognizing a “native” object from a child’s environment brings joy, and for kids this is important. Secondly, it contributes to the development of generalization operations (and my table is also a table).

    Thirdly, the reverse process, when, having encountered an object in his environment that has already been talked about and seen on the screen, the child builds a chain of reproduction of the rest of the material associated with this object (associative memory develops).

    I would like to note that if teachers of preschool institutions do not develop curiosity in children, the desire not only to learn something, but also to make efforts to independently obtain the necessary knowledge, then not a single school education institution equipped with the latest technology will be able to correct our mistakes.


    Mirimanova M.S., “Psychological safety of the preschool educational environment,” 2010.

    Zhuravlev A.A., “What are educational technologies and how to use them?..”, 2007.

    Kolodinskaya V.I., “Informatics and information technologies for preschool children,” 2008.

    Svetlana Kontsevaya


    Prepared by Teacher Kontsevaya Svetlana Sergeev on

    The informatization of society has significantly changed the practice of everyday life. And we, preschool teachers, must keep up with the times and become guides for the child into the world of new technologies.

    It is probably impossible to imagine the modern development of society and production without information and communication technologies. It is undeniable that everyone should “own a computer” educated person.

    As the German philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel said, “Man educated - the one"who knows where to find what he doesn't know."

    Currently, computers in schools are no longer perceived as something rare and unusual.

    However, in kindergarten they have not yet become a well-mastered tool for teachers.

    Every year modern information technologies enter our lives. Therefore, a preschool institution, as a carrier of culture and knowledge, also cannot remain on the sidelines. "Each participant educational process he decides to keep up with the times or walk backwards with his heels."

    In accordance with the document "Federal State Educational Standards on the conditions for the implementation of the main general education preschool programs education", approved by order of the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 2151, one of the requirements for teaching activities is knowledge of information and communication technologies and the ability to apply them in educational educational process.

    The teacher must be able to:

    2. active use information technology in educational process

    3. get acquainted with information sites for teachers and have the skills to search for information on the Internet

    4. Proficient in various programs for creating multimedia presentations

    1. create graphic and text documents (i.e. independently prepare group documentation, diagnostics, etc.)

    This means being able to use the Microsoft Office program,

    Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Excel

    2. Active use information technology in educational process

    Get acquainted with information sites for teachers and have the skills to search for information on the Internet

    - PEDAGOGICAL SITES: Periodicals or electronic publications, Websites directly dedicated to the work of the teacher, Electronic albums.

    Periodicals or electronic publications: Newspaper "Preschool education» Website "September 1"- these sites contain educational, educational and developmental materials for parents and educators.

    A group of sites directly dedicated to the work of a teacher and containing a lot of useful information and developments that a teacher can use in his work - This:

    Website "Teacher Portal" "Preschool education» ,Website "Preschooler",Website "MAAAAM",Website "Preschooler", "Chelyabinsk preschool portal", "Why",“Education of preschool children in kindergarten”,

    "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas"

    The festival has become the most widespread and representative open pedagogical forum. Materials of all participants are published. Each participant receives a complete set of final materials, including: personal diploma; a certificate confirming the fact of publication of materials; CDs (DVD) with full-text versions of all materials; books - collections of abstracts of all articles.

    Websites – electronic albums

    The life and work of great artists, painting, reference books….

    There are a lot of websites for teachers and they are all designed to help in organizing educational process. With their help we can diversify your activities, increase your competence, make the life of children in kindergarten more vibrant and memorable.

    Proficient in various programs for creating multimedia presentations.

    A presentation is an educational mini-cartoon with beautiful pictures; it is an excellent tool that helps tell a child about the world around him without leaving the kindergarten.

    Presentations consist of colorful animated slides, which will be excellent assistants during classes.

    By mastering the skills of creating presentations, the teacher gradually enters the world of modern technologies.

    So way, to sum up the above, we can say. "Even if I can't and don't want to using ICT in the educational process is still a MUST! "

    School computerization education in our country already has almost twenty years of history. Gradually usage computer technology (ICT) is also included in the preschool system education.

    Begins usage computers in classes and kindergartens.

    Main directions of ICT development

    - usage computer in order to familiarize children with modern TSO (technical teaching aids

    As a means of interactive learning

    ICT-enabled technology development

    As an ACS tool (Automated control system)

    To develop children’s sustainable cognitive interest in learning, the teacher must task: to make the lesson interesting, rich and entertaining, i.e. the material should contain elements of the extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, arousing interest in preschoolers to the educational process and promoting the creation of a positive emotional learning environment, as well as the development of thinking abilities. After all, it is the reception of surprise that leads process of understanding.

    Competently selected The material helps to track the level of children's knowledge and plan further work.

    ICT tools: computer, multimedia projector, video recorder, TV, tape recorder, camera, video camera, electronic boards.

    Use of ICT in the educational process

    ICT in working with children - photographs,


    Video clips (films, fairy tales, cartoons,


    Children's educational computer games

    ICT in working with parents - the ability to demonstrate any documents,

    photographic materials, videos and photo presentations;

    Promptly obtain information;

    - use ICT at parents meetings;

    Optimally combine individual work with group work

    ICT in the work of preschool educational institutions

    Allows you to publicly present teaching experience

    Participate in master classes, seminars, trainings, round tables

    Accumulate photos and video materials about the life of the garden, groups, open classes

    - use of presentations

    ICT tools help the teacher diversify forms of support for the educational process, improve the quality of work with parents of pupils, as well as popularize the activities of the group teacher and kindergarten as a whole.

    Their advantages use in interaction with families of preschool children are obvious and consist in next:

    Minimizing parents' access to information;

    The ability of the teacher to demonstrate any documents, photographic materials;

    Providing an individual approach to parents of pupils;

    The optimal combination of individual work with parents and group work;

    Growth in the volume of information;

    Prompt receipt of information by parents;

    Ensuring dialogue between the teacher and the parents of the group;

    Optimizing interaction between teacher and family.

    In the conditions of development of modern society, there are still few teachers use a variety of forms of work with parents of preschool groups with using ICT(cellular communications, preschool educational institutions websites, communication with parents by e-mail, use of personal web page). Work form data are used in order to solve current problems of children's development in the interaction of raising adults. I encourage all educators to channel their creativity and skills into technological innovation to achieve even better results.

    Usage computer technology helps:

    Involve passive children in active activities, overcome difficulties

    Do educational work more clearly

    To form an information culture among children and adapt

    preschoolers to school, promote the child’s overall development

    Activate cognitive interest, improve the quality of knowledge,

    bring joy to a child's life

    Forming the teacher’s interest in his work brings joy to the child’s life

    After all, the understanding of the role of computer technology in teaching process. Initially, most teachers were convinced that the purpose of ICT was to be a material at hand that could be used occasionally use, the current understanding of the role of ICT is that the computer was created in order to greatly facilitate human work and increase its productivity. Which I certainly agree with.

    An ancient Chinese proverb says, “Tell me and I will forget.” Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.”

    By using ICT in various forms, we contribute to the comprehensive development of the child and the formation of interest in understanding the world around him.

    Problems use computer technologies in direct educational activities.

    Using ICT in your work, necessary remember: ICT allows you to perform a certain function, help the child understand the flow of information, accept it, BUT DO NOT UNDERMINE THE CHILD’S HEALTH!

    Using ICT in educational process We must also not forget that we communicate with children, and they need LIVE communication! It is IMPORTANT not to replace it with communication with a computer and not turn it into a technical workshop.

    Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher

    Incorrect definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in the classroom

    Lack of plans

    Incorrect duration of computer use (frequency and time)

    Today, many kindergartens are equipped with computer classes, many families have computers, where children are gradually entering the world of modern innovations.

    But there is still no method use of ICT in the educational process, systematization of computer development programs, unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes have not been formulated. Today this is the only type of activity not regulated by special educational program.

    Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

    The main idea is the harmonious combination of modern technologies with traditional means of child development to form mental processes, leading areas of personality, development of creative abilities. This is a new approach to use ICT in working with children, which allows preserving the integrity and uniqueness of the domestic preschool education.