• Interesting fonts for word Russian. Download and install custom fonts for Office. How to Add Fonts to a Word File

    The Microsoft Word editor provides users with a wide range of tools for document design. Standard features include choosing a font and setting its size, style, color and much more. It is the fonts that will be discussed in this material. We will learn how to work with them, download and install new fonts for word. This will allow us to further expand our visual design capabilities. . Be sure to download our font collection - scroll down the page!

    I recommend good instructions from our partners. Many VKontakte users try to find the pages of friends and acquaintances using their phone number. Now there is an opportunity to do this. Details at the link.

    Beautiful Russian fonts for download

    For you, we have prepared a set of 250 Russian (Cyrillic) fonts that can be used in Word. You are sure to find the right one. You can download it from the link below (see).

    250 fonts :

    Date: 11.02.2015

    There are enough resources on the Internet that offer you all kinds of fonts for every taste. You can search for them yourself. We, in turn, would like to recommend to you the following sites where we selected fonts for downloading.


    Convenient preview, large selection. All fonts are divided into categories, making it easy to find the one you need.


    Huge selection, including rare options.

    Please note - if you download Russian fonts (Cyrillic), they will only work with the Russian layout (see). Exactly the same with Latin. Some fonts are universal - you need to look at each one separately.

    Installing fonts for word

    Here it is immediately necessary to note one feature that greatly facilitates the work. If you use a Windows operating system, then all new fonts are installed directly on it, and not separately for each program. Thus, once installed, they will be available for use in all programs where possible.

    Please note. You asked to tell me, the article has already been published.

    To begin with, the desired font should be downloaded from our website, or found on the Internet. If you come across an archive, you should unzip it to any location on your hard drive. Fonts with extensions .ttf, .otf, etc. should be available to you.

    In our example, we will use beautiful fonts for word, which you could download from the link at the beginning of the article.

    All fonts are stored in the C:/windows/fonts folder - the drive letter corresponds to the one in which the operating system is installed.

    The easiest way to install the font is to simply copy it to this folder. Try it, it will be immediately available in Microsoft Word.

    The following method is universal for all versions of Windows. Click "Start", then " Control Panel" and "Fonts".

    Click the "File" button on the menu bar, then " Install font". Select the one you need and complete the operation by clicking "Ok".

    If the menu is not displayed, press the "Alt" button

    Please note. can be typed in any font. They will allow you to add any mathematical expression. This is convenient when you are creating an essay or dissertation.

    Beautiful fonts: use them to design document text

    We will look at the process using Word 2010 as an example. For all other versions (2007, 2003, etc.) the process is similar.

    Launch the editor. Now in the feed"Главная ", в блоке "Шрифт ", выберите нужный из выпадающего меню.!}

    The selected font is now active and will be applied to the text typed from the keyboard.

    Article on the topic: . From it you will learn how to quickly switch input language. This will be useful to you if the text of your document contains a lot of phrases in English and Russian.

    The same result will be achieved if you select existing text and select the desired font from the list.

    Step-by-step video instructions.


    There are many different fonts on the Internet to suit every taste. With them you will make your document unique. Regardless of which source you download the font from, our instructions will help you install it.

    We would like to recommend you an interesting article on closing a Twitter profile. You can hide your data - instructions are available

    The Microsoft Word editor provides users with a wide range of tools for document design. Standard features include choosing a font and setting its size, style, color and much more. It is the fonts that will be discussed in this material. We will learn how to work with them, download and install new fonts for word. This will allow us to further expand our visual design capabilities. . Be sure to download our font collection - scroll down the page!

    250 fonts :


    There are enough resources on the Internet that offer you all kinds of fonts for every taste. You can search for them yourself. We, in turn, would like to recommend to you the following sites where we selected fonts for downloading.

    Huge selection, including rare options.

    Please note - if you download Russian fonts (Cyrillic), they will only work with the Russian layout (see). Exactly the same with Latin. Some fonts are universal - you need to look at each one separately.

    Installing fonts for word

    Here it is immediately necessary to note one feature that greatly facilitates the work. If you use a Windows operating system, then all new fonts are installed directly on it, and not separately for each program. Thus, once installed, they will be available for use in all programs where possible.

    Please note. You asked to tell me, the article has already been published.

    To begin with, the desired font should be downloaded from our website, or found on the Internet. If you come across an archive, you should unzip it to any location on your hard drive. Fonts with the extension must be available to you .ttf, otf etc.

    In our example, we will use beautiful fonts for word, which you could download from the link at the beginning of the article.

    All fonts are stored in a folder C:/windows/fonts- the drive letter corresponds to the one in which the operating system is installed.

    The easiest way to install the font is to simply copy it to this folder. Try it, it will be immediately available in Microsoft Word.

    The following method is universal for all versions of Windows. Click " Start", then " Control Panel" And " Fonts".

    Click on the menu bar button " File", then " Install font". Select the desired one and complete the operation by pressing " OK".

    If the menu is not displayed, press the " Alt"

    The selected font is now active and will be applied to the text typed from the keyboard.

    Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

    The other day, our group was faced with a serious problem - for missing pairs, we had to submit handwritten essays. For two passes - 1 abstract of 15 sheets! Yes, I haven’t messed up that much paper all semester, thank the eggs. Therefore, we had to resort to tricks, namely: find normal ones (Cyrillic) and put them into Microsoft Word, and print out our abstracts.

    Here is a selection of 80 Russian handwritten fonts. In the archive you will find the following (and other) copies:

    Make your own Russian handwritten font

    But after downloading these fonts, it became clear that no one would believe that we write like Pushkin, Boyarsky or Mozart. So we had to make the handwritten font ourselves. But how can you make your own font exactly like your regular handwriting?

    First, install Font Creator 6.
    Next, on a blank sheet of paper (lined or squared will not work) we write all the letters of the Russian (English, and others if necessary) alphabet, as well as numbers and special letters. symbols.
    Let's scan the resulting creation. Next, we cut the scanned image into separate letters and numbers (Photoshop or plain paint will do), and name it accordingly.

    Next step in Font Creator:
    - Click file - new (New)
    - We give a name to our handwritten font (for example Moy_shrift), put a check mark on Unicode, on Regular and on Don’t include outlines (for a blank silhouette form), in short, everything is by default.
    - A panel with silhouettes of punctuation marks and English letters appears in front of you. You need to insert Cyrillic alphabet into it. We proceed as follows:
    1. Click Insert in the top line, select Characters, YES.
    2. A table of symbols of the first font in your database appears in front of you. Then we flip through the pages of the table with the Block→ button.
    3. Find Russian letters.
    5. Look at the index of the first letter A (I have $0410) in the Selected Character field.
    6. Look at the index of the letter I (I have $044F)
    7. In the Add these character... field, enter these numbers (like $0410-$044F).
    8. Click Ok.
    9. Your template has been updated with the corresponding Cyrillic silhouettes.

    10. You can also separately insert the characters you are interested in (Ё, ё, etc.)
    Now click on the silhouette of the letter you want to create with the right mouse button.
    Then select Import image.
    In the Import image section, you click on the Load button.
    In the next window, you open the folder in which you saved the written letters and symbols.
    An image of this letter will appear in the window; click on the Generate button.
    So your letter appeared.
    Double-click on the square with your letter (the square in which the silhouette of this letter used to be).
    A lined window opens in front of you. Don't be scared by the large number of red dotted stripes, they will all come in handy.
    For convenience, expand the window to full screen.

    If your letter is too large or small, then delete the one already loaded, load a new one and, without clicking generate, click on the Glyph tab. Here we select the appropriate multiplier (this is done at random) and click “use as default”.

    Next, let's look at the two main lines (this is in the lined window) - left and right - they determine how the letters of your handwritten font will touch each other. If you want the letters to touch (as in a manuscript), move the right line over the letter (so that it extends slightly beyond the line).
    The lowest line (Win Descent) is the maximum limit for letters with a tail (ts, u, shch, z, r, d). If necessary, you can omit it:
    The second line from the bottom (Baseline) is the support line of each letter. If your letters stand differently on this line, then everything will dance in Word.
    The third line from the bottom (x-Height) is the maximum height of small letters.
    The fourth (CapHeight) is the maximum height of large letters, numbers, as well as the letter “c”, and for some it may be “d” and “b”.
    And the fifth line from the bottom is the edge line of the top line. (in my opinion =)

    Hello to all readers of the blog site!

    I want to tell you and show you with a specific example how to make handwritten text on a computer using the Microsoft Word text editor.

    You will also learn how to print this text on a printer in the format of a notebook sheet in a box.

    As always, I’m showing MS 2016 so that especially owners of 2003-2007 versions of the editor will find little inconsistency in my description, so I recommend purchasing a modern Microsoft Office product package because it’s really better!

    Before you begin practical actions, you need to download handwritten fonts for Word, which work with both Cyrillic and Latin, which cannot be said about standard ones.

    On the Internet you can find a lot of offers to download various fonts. But I will save you from searching on the World Wide Web, saving your time and protecting you from viruses that can be easily downloaded instead of the desired file, especially out of ignorance.

    I advise you to read one of my popular articles. By this direct link On my Yandex disk you can download handwritten fonts for Word for free and subsequently use them to create postcards, illustrations, presentations, etc.

    Installing fonts

    1. Method for modern OS.

    After you have downloaded the Zip archive “fonts.zip”, unpack it into a folder specially created in advance for this purpose.

    Please note that in the archive, in addition to fonts with the “ttf” extension, there are files with the “png” extension; these are pictures that show what each font looks like. To view, simply double-click on the file.

    Call the RMB context menu, click Install (if you are working with, then enter the administrator password as required).


    That’s all, after rebooting the computer, you can start writing, but first we’ll look at the algorithm of the second method, designed specifically for “retrogrades” who do not use modern operating systems.

    2. Method

    Select the fonts using the method described above and copy them;

    We follow the path: C:\Windows\Fonts;

    Using hot Ctrl+V, paste it into the Fonts folder.

    Don't forget to restart your PC.

    Let's create a notebook sheet in a cage

    1. Open Word, in the View tab, select the page orientation Page Layout.

    2. Open the Layout tab and select the Size tool.

    3. In the window that opens, select Other paper sizes...

    4. In the Paper Options menu, Paper Size item, create a notebook sheet with real dimensions. The dimensions of the notebook sheet are 16.5x20.5 cm, but when printed on a printer it turns out smaller than what is needed, at least for me, so increase it slightly to 19.5x22.5 cm.

    5. The Margins item will help you set the margin parameters, where Top and Bottom should be 0.5 cm each. Left 2.5, and Right 0.8 cm. Confirm the intentionality of your actions with the OK button.

    6. Now all that remains is to enable the Grid by adjusting its dimensions. To do this, in the Layout tab, go to the Align tool and check the Show Grid box. then immediately open the Grid Options.

    7. In the parameters you just need to set the size of the cells, which is known to be equal to 0.5 cm.

    At this point, it seemed that all the actions were over, but as it turned out, there was a problem when printing the document, the cells disappeared, only the text remained on a blank sheet of paper.

    See how I managed to cope with this task.
    Insert – Shapes – Lines.

    We take a straight line and methodically trace each line on our notebook paper, first horizontally, then vertically, or vice versa. It took me 5 minutes to do it once, and then we use it constantly.

    This is what the final result will be (choose fonts at your discretion from the downloaded archive).

    If someone has a problem with drawing lines, then I took this case into account by putting together with the fonts a template of a ready-made notebook sheet, just insert the text and print it out.

    You can use this method to create an essay, so as not to write it manually if your teachers require this from you, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete them.

    By the way, these fonts will work in other editors, for example, Paint, Photoshop or others.

    Important: When pasting copied text into a template, use the hotkey Ctrl+V to prevent the text from moving out of the margins.

    Perhaps there is an easier way to solve this problem, but I have not found it. If anyone knows other options, write about them in the comments, I will be very grateful.

    Meet the next large-scale addition to the section of beautiful fonts where I collect all the relevant selections. Unlike other notes with materials, here we will additionally provide explanations on the process of installing them in Word (and at the same time Photoshop).

    The note will come in handy while I'm working on updating a post about beautiful Russian fonts. I decided to develop this topic a little because... The last article is often visited by searching for phrases similar to “beautiful fonts for Word” or “where to find Russian fonts for Word.” But there is no information at all on this text editor! That’s why I came up with the idea of ​​composing a separate post, supplementing it with answers to user questions.

    The note consists of several parts. If you already know something, you can safely skip the text further, directly to the selections.

    • Font Installation Guide.
    • Beautiful fonts for Word.
    • Handwritten Russian versions for Word.
    • Excellent Russian fonts in Word.

    The unusual type of texts in Word can be used, for example, for various kinds of ceremonial documents (the same congratulations, certificates). For Photoshop, such beautiful materials are generally an irreplaceable thing: postcards, posters, banners, illustrations - all of this looks much better with handwritten text than with a standard simple design.

    Installing fonts in Word and Photoshop (for Windows)

    First of all, let's look at the question of how to install new fonts in Word or the Photoshop graphic editor. The algorithm of actions is, in principle, the same, although there are several implementation options.

    First of all, you need to download one of the free fonts from this section of the blog or from other thematic sites on the network. The file must have the format TTF(True Type Fonts) or OTF(OpenType, supporting Unicode encoding).

    Option 1. Previously, to install fonts in Windows (I only consider this OS, since I work with it), you just needed to copy this file to the official fonts directory, which is located at C:WindowsFonts. Once the file got there, it could be used in Word and Photoshop. This method still works, although now everything is done much simpler.

    Option2. You select one or more TTF/OTF files, and then right-click to open a menu where you click on the “Install” item.

    In a couple of seconds, the installation of the font for Word and other programs will be completed. Go to a text editor and select the design you need for the article fragment.

    Option3. In the first picture of the second method, you could see the “Install with FontExpert” pop-up menu item. If you have a special program on your computer, you can install fonts using it.

    This manager allows you to view and perform various operations with them (including installation). The procedure is similar to the previous second method - call the pop-up menu with the right mouse button and click “Install Now”.

    All these three options allow you not only to install fonts in Word, but also automatically add them to various other programs, for example, Photoshop, etc. After this, you will be able to use the new text style there too.

    In general, I think that after such detailed explanations, the question of how to install and make a beautiful font in Word is no longer relevant for you. However, if there are any unclear nuances, write in the comments.

    Now let's move on to the fonts.

    Beautiful fonts for Word

    In general, of course, beauty is a subjective concept, especially when it comes to design. I personally tried to choose beautiful fonts for Word that I would use in my work. There are only 10 options in the selection (but free), you can download them by following the link.

    After testing some solutions, I noticed another nuance. Whatever beautiful font you choose in Word, it should be simple and understandable for the reader, since you still have a document, not a graphic illustration. In Photoshop you can apply different design effects; in a text editor, as a rule, selections and styles are more or less simple. Practicality is more important here.


    NeSkid (Comica BD)


    Docker Three

    Anime Ace v3




    Bulgaria Moderna V3 font

    All of the beautiful fonts for Word presented in this selection are free, although some can only be used for personal projects (see their description).

    Handwritten Russian fonts for Word

    Of course, handwritten fonts are best suited for a text editor, because... they correspond to the style of writing documents, letters, notes. This is not Photoshop for you to experiment with grunge, gothic inscriptions :) Although handwritten fonts for Word can also have different designs, differing from each other in certain nuances: neatness of writing, indents between letters, boldness of lines, etc.


    Good Vibes Pro

    Gunny Rewritten

    Wolgast Two Font Family

    Do not pay attention to the examples where English texts are used - they are taken from source sites. All these 3 options are full-fledged Russian fonts for Word (you can check it yourself).




    Shlapak Script

    Let me remind you that in order to download these handwritten fonts for Word, click on the picture, after which you will be taken to the source site, where there will be a download link. I was specifically looking for free options for you.

    Cyrillic / Russian fonts for word

    We come to the last block. Despite the fact that Russian fonts for Word are clearly indicated here in the title, in all other sections I also tried to select Cyrillic materials. Again, in Photoshop, for illustrations, websites, banners, you could also use English-language copies, but I think you write text documents mostly without the Latin alphabet.

    This final information block contains ordinary (not super colorful and not handwritten), but quite traditional developments. They are somewhat reminiscent of typewriter fonts for Word, but there is a little more variety.

    To be honest, all three sections could easily be combined into one, since many files overlap, but I just wanted to systematize the information at least a little. You will find even more options on various sites, archives of Russian fonts online (there are as many as 7 such projects in the article at the link).

    Sports World

    Majestic X

    Hattori Hanzo


    Minaeff Ect

    Kelly Slab

    Playfair Display


    Blogger Sans

    Jackport College N.C.V.

    As for the first part of the article, I think there will be no problems with installing them in Word, however, if anything happens, write. I hope you liked this selection of 30 great Russian fonts for Word that you can use when designing texts.

    The Word text editor included in the MS Office software package uses the same set of fonts that are installed by default in the Windows operating system. In most cases, this set is enough to design various text documents. Difficulties with choosing a font may arise when you want to use something more unique and make the font used in Word especially beautiful.

    In order to make a beautiful font in Word, you need to download it from the Internet, install it on your computer, and then use it in document design. Let's look at how to do this step by step.

    1. Visit one of the many sites on the Internet that offer various fonts for download. A small list of such sites is presented below.

      http://www.fonts-online.ru/http://allfont.ru/http://allshrift.ru/http://7fonts.ru/http://www.xfont.ru/http:// ru.fontriver.com/http://shriftkrasivo.ru/Some services offer to visually assess how a particular font will look by entering the phrase you are interested in and assessing how suitable a particular font is for you based on it, which is very convenient.

      It is also necessary to take into account that not all fonts are provided for both keyboard layouts: English and Russian.

    2. Download the fonts you like to your computer. Fonts installed on the Windows operating system must be in the format .ttf or otf. If some of the fonts downloaded to you will be compressed into .zip, .rar, or other archive file format, then they must first be unpacked.
    3. Install the fonts in the operating system so that any program, including Word, can use them in their work. To do this, copy all selected fonts in formats .ttf And otf to a folder C:WindowsFonts.

      font folder

    4. Immediately after copying the fonts to the specified folder, they will become available for selection in the Word text editor. If the editor was already running when the fonts were copied, you may need to restart it.
    5. After these steps, find the installed fonts in the list by name and apply to the selected text.

    In conclusion of this short article, I would like to note that you need to be very careful when trying to decorate text with fonts in Word. The concept of beauty is different for all people. In addition, the very purpose of the Word program presupposes its use for creating business documents with good readability and artistic delights.

    If you need to create a non-accountable document in Microsoft Word, in accordance with certain rules, but, for example, make a postcard or a warning notice, then in this article we will figure out how to beautifully format text in Word.

    To do this, you just need to change the size of the letters and choose the appropriate font; you can use one of the ready-made WordArt styles, or you can independently choose the color, effect, etc. for the text so that it looks interesting on the sheet and attracts attention.

    I took all the screenshots in Word 2010, but if you have Word 2007, 2013 or 2016 installed, then these recommendations will suit you.

    How to make a beautiful inscription

    Let's start by adding the required field to the document. Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Caption” – “Simple Label”.

    A field like this will appear on the page. Delete what you typed in the example by pressing “Delete” on the keyboard and type what you need.

    Then highlight the written words and go to the Home tab. Expand the drop-down list with fonts and select the one that suits you best.

    Please note that some fonts only apply to words written in English. So look in the list for a font that is suitable for Russian words.

    On our website you can download a set of 179 different fonts. And if you don’t know how to install them, then read the article on how to install fonts.

    In the example, as you can see, the selected font is suitable only for English words.

    To change the color of the letters, click on the small arrow next to the “Text Color” button and click on the one that suits you best. If the color you want is not listed, then click “Other colors” or select a gradient fill.

    The “Animation Options” button will allow you to select one of the ready-made design options. You can also select the desired type of text yourself by clicking on the “Structure”, “Shadow”, “Reflection”, “Glow” fields and selecting the desired one from the expanded list.

    To remove borders for the created block, right-click on it, select “Shape Outline” in the context menu, then “No Outline”.

    All the functions that we discussed above are applicable not only to what is printed in the block. They can also be used for things that you simply print on a sheet of paper.

    Now let's figure out what else is used to beautifully design the words printed in the block.

    Select the block itself and go to the “Drawing Tools” – “Format” tab that appears; it contains all the buttons that we will consider further.

    On this tab, the buttons in the “Shape Styles” group apply to the frame: fill, dashed frame, etc. In the “WordArt” group, all the buttons are used to change the test. Let's look at everything in order.

    For the inscription block, you can use any ready-made style. To change the outline or fill color, expand the available options and select the ones you want.

    Please note that if you have a little inscription peeking out of the drop-down lists, as in the example, then by hovering the cursor over any of the options, you will be able to see how everything will change.

    If you want, click "Shape Fill" and choose the appropriate color yourself. Here you can select a color that is not in the palette - “Other fill colors”, or a pattern, gradient or texture as a fill.

    For a block with an inscription, you can also change the “Shape Outline” - that is, the frame. Choose a color, thickness for it, or change the line to a dashed dotted line.

    Now let's move on to words and see what we can do with it. As with the frame, one of the ready-made styles can also be used for text.

    The “Text Fill” button allows you to change the color of the letters.

    To select a contour, click the corresponding button. Here you can not only choose the color, but also the thickness or change the strokes.

    To make words look more impressive, use various animation options. Click on a similar button, then select what exactly you want to use, for example, “Reflection”. Next, from the drop-down list, decide on the appropriate option.

    If you need the text to be of some unusual shape, then select the “Convert” option. The list that opens will contain various curvature options.

    How to write a beautiful text

    It is not possible to create a single template that would be used for this. Because everyone has different tastes, and similar text is created for different purposes. So, experiment, click on the buttons that I described above, and see how the words change.

    There are several articles on the site, during the writing of which an interesting type of text was obtained.

    In the article on how to make an inscription in Word, the result was as follows.

    If you need to make an inscription in a circle or semicircle in Word, then read the article by following the link.

    You can read about how to insert text into a picture in Word in this article. The result was like this:

    If necessary, you can download a Word file from Yandex.Disk: which will contain all the examples mentioned above, including those in a circle and in the picture. All you have to do is type your text.

    I hope everything is clear, and now you can make beautiful text in a Word document that will attract attention.