• Internet technologies for doing business. Internet technologies for doing business Basic elements of e-commerce systems

    Organization of the user's work on the Internet The user's connection to the Internet is carried out through a special organization called an ISP or Internet service provider. The provider provides the necessary software, email address, and access to other Internet servers. To connect your computer to the Internet, you need to set a username, password, provider phone number, and IP addresses. Depending on his capabilities, the user chooses one of the methods of accessing the Internet: 1) Remote access via a dial-up telephone line. 2)Direct access via a dedicated channel. 3) Asymmetrical access using satellite communications. Payment to the provider for Internet access can be made in different ways: 1) Time-based payment scheme (the amount of payment is proportional to the time of Internet access). 2) Payment scheme taking into account user traffic (tariffs: individual, economical, basic, active, professional).

    The user's work on the Internet begins with the process of establishing a communication session with the provider (MS Internet Explorer, Opera, Miranda programs are often used). As a result of establishing a connection with the provider, the user has the opportunity to set the address of the information resource of interest in the browser. The presence of hypertext links on Web pages simplifies the user's experience on the Internet. If necessary, the user can use existing search systems (directories, search engines).

    Internet commerce Among all possible areas of human activity, electronic commerce on the Internet is developing, perhaps, the most actively. Any company considers it its duty to create its own website. Users create many pages on a variety of resources. All of them, one way or another, take part in Internet commerce. Some are active, some are passive. For some, Internet commerce becomes a business. Others simply come to the Internet to chat, make new acquaintances, and just have fun. The most profitable Internet commerce is online stores that offer a wide variety of goods and services. The user has the opportunity to familiarize himself only with the characteristics of the product and its appearance. Despite such restrictions, such online e-commerce is quite popular. Many online stores offer income to those who want it. They offer a ready-made online store and good earnings from sales. To become a participant in such an affiliate program, you need to receive an invite to an online store. Online e-commerce and its success depend on the size of the audience. Russia is now experiencing a steady increase in the number of users. More and more people are connecting to the Internet. Against this backdrop, provider services are becoming cheaper. Anyone who seeks to join the flow of those wishing to make money on Internet commerce will not go wrong. The global web is one of the most fertile soils for doing business. Internet commerce gives a chance to earn capital not only for large companies, but also for the most ordinary users. The main thing that is required of them is to be aware of the so-called Internet flow - the mechanism for the movement of money.

    Scheme of operation of an online store The main emphasis in this scheme is on organizing the entire scheme of work on one’s own. All nodes are managed by one organization. And logistics, and accounting, and cash services, and management. Of course, at the very beginning, when opening a store from scratch, these issues do not have a decisive influence; ordering, processing and delivery of goods takes place on its own, and accounting is done in an Excel spreadsheet. But as turnover increases, they come to the fore and it is necessary to understand what you may encounter in the future. The main advantages of this scheme: 1. Control. Full control over all processes of the organization. The director can fire a manager who cannot cope with his responsibilities and hire another, can choose a system for recording warehouse balances, train staff and be personally present at the workplace at any time. 2. Work with customers. Another advantage is that the director can directly see his customers, giving them the opportunity to check and try on the goods. In this case, clients will trust such a company more. 3. A large number of platforms for accepting orders. There are no restrictions on accepting orders through the website, e-mail and by phone. Orders are also accepted through message boards and social networks.

    It is also worth mentioning the disadvantages of this scheme: 1. Employees. This necessity places a large burden of responsibility on the owner of the online store. First you need to find a suitable person, then train and motivate him in the process. But besides this, it is worth remembering that with hired employees, working with accounting becomes more complicated (if you are an individual entrepreneur) and there is a need to pay payroll taxes. And this amount is equal to at least a third of the employee’s payment. 2. Own warehouse. You will need to keep records of balances in your warehouse, as well as all receipts and sales, which will also take up your time or money for an individual employee. 3. Delivery. You must independently deliver or send goods to customers and keep records of shipments. In cases of problems with shipments, processing claims also falls on the director, which again requires time and resources. 4. Cash desk. If goods are sold for cash, then a cash register is required (if an LLC is registered) or there is a need to maintain a cash book (if the company is registered as an individual entrepreneur). These and not only these rules must be followed quite strictly, because if you do not comply, you will have to pay a large fine. 5. Mandatory expenses. It is also worth remembering that you will need to pay for accounting, rent of premises, Internet and telephone, as well as other services necessary for running a business.

    System of payment and delivery of goods The most popular method of payment for purchases is still payment in cash to the courier. The reasons are the low prevalence of credit and debit cards in Russia and the distrust of buyers in online payment methods. This attitude is caused by the instability of the economic situation in the country and uncertainty about the security of transactions via the Internet. All possible payment methods can be divided into three segments. Payment in cash payment in cash to the courier, cash on delivery, telegraphic, postal transfer, bank transfer through Sberbank. Payment by credit cards - VISA, Euro. Card, Master. Card via ASSIST, Cyber ​​systems. Cash, Cyber. Plat, TELEBANK. Electronic money – WEBMoney, Pay. Cash. Not all online stores allow you to pay using online payment systems. And the method of online payment itself sometimes does not inspire confidence in customers of online stores (additional transaction costs, insecurity, lack of an easy-to-use system.)

    Most likely, the situation will not change dramatically in the future and stores will receive the bulk of payments in cash upon delivery. It is possible that the share of payments by credit and debit cards will increase. For large purchases, the question of cash collection from the buyer to the store may arise. Delivery is one of the main issues, without solving which it is impossible to improve the level of services offered. The buyer evaluates the quality of service in a virtual store by the speed of delivery of goods. Delivery methods - local, regional and own delivery services, federal postal service, courier delivery in Russia and the CIS, international express delivery service, delivery via telecommunication networks. The cost of services for different delivery services varies by 3-5 times. Many stores use their own delivery service, which usually operates within the region. 34% of Moscow stores that have their own service limit their delivery territory to Moscow. In St. Petersburg, the share of such stores is 23.5%. Remote regions are served by mail or international delivery services. As turnover increases, stores have to resort to the services of professional courier services.

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      The purpose of distance learning for students in the basics of e-business is to introduce them to the basics of the functioning of the global computer network Internet, to the network economy and new forms of business, to methods of creating digital goods, to Internet marketing, payment systems and ways to create a website for running your own e-business.

      The development of information and telecommunication technologies has created an environment for economic activity on the Internet, and a new interactive channel for interaction between companies and business partners and clients has emerged. Today, commercial activities on the Internet have become accessible to everyone.

      Currently, there are two main directions for using the Internet in business: the Internet as a means of communication, a source of reference information, a means of advertising and marketing for doing business (economic activity) outside electronic networks, and the Internet as a tool for conducting electronic business based on the principles of the network economy.

      It is known that the network economy is an economic activity carried out using electronic networks. The network economy is an economic activity based on horizontal (direct) long-term connections between all participants in joint activities in the information and communication environment of the Internet.

      This is a qualitatively new form of management, which differs from the command-hierarchical (centralized) and market forms of management of economic activity. The network economy is becoming the basis for e-business, the main component of which is e-commerce, which cannot exist outside the network.

      E-business is a business activity based on the use of information and telecommunication technologies that ensure the interaction of economic entities on computer networks in order to make a profit.

      The development of the information infrastructure of the public interactive Internet, as well as the ease of use of the network, has brought together many buyers and sellers of information, goods, and services, and the interaction of economic entities has formed new business models.

      Of interest are the main models of interaction between market subjects in computer networks:

      B2B- business for business (Business-to-Business), e-business, focused on a business partner;
      B2C- business-to-consumer, e-business, focused on the end user.
      C2C- consumer to consumer (Consumer-to-Consumer), e-business, focused on the end user.

      B2B is a business model of interaction between companies using computer networks.

      The basis of the B2C business model is retail trade, i.e. interaction of companies with consumers on the Internet.

      C2C is a model for selling goods and services from one consumer to other consumers, i.e. interaction between consumers and consumers on the Internet.

      In addition, there are a number of other business models.

      Electronic business includes: negotiation of agreements and contracts, electronic procurement management, software and digital goods production, order formation and processing, sales, product delivery, marketing, financial analysis, payments, personnel search, customer support and partnership support.

      Since the environment for conducting e-business is the Internet, we will begin learning the basics of e-business by getting acquainted with the global Internet network.

      The concept of e-business, e-commerce, e-commerce. Advantages and disadvantages of e-business.

      Electronic business, E-business, I-business, e-Business is a business model in which business processes, exchange of business information and commercial transactions are automated using information systems. A significant part of the solutions uses Internet technologies to transfer data and provide Web services. The term was first used in a speech by former IBM CEO Louis Gerstner.

      Electronic business is a collective concept for many classes of information systems that automate the commercial work of an enterprise. In addition to e-commerce, which is focused on interaction with the consumer in the field of sales, the entire value chain of the enterprise is supported.

      The history of e-business goes back to the beginning of the information technology revolution of the 1960s and 70s. The rapid development of ICT - the collective name for the industries of microelectronics, computer technology and telecommunications - has made it possible to simplify and reduce the cost of data exchange between and within enterprises. Large corporations have begun to implement paperless electronic data interchange (EDI) technologies to reduce the burden and costs of paperwork, as well as increase the speed of exchange.

      There are several classes of information systems used by enterprises to automate their business:

      ERP (English: Enterprise Resource Planning) - IS for enterprise resource management.

      CRM (English: Customer Relationship Management) - IS for managing interactions with customers.

      BI (English Business Intelligence) - IS for collecting, analyzing and presenting business information.

      ECM (English: Enterprise Content Management) - IS for managing information and documents in an enterprise.

      HRM (English: Human Resource Management) - personnel management information system.

      SCM (English: Supply Chain Management) - IS for supply chain management.

      According to IDC, the total e-business market will reach $1.6 trillion by 2003, with $1.4 trillion of that coming from B2B offerings.

      According to eMarketer, e-business revenues worldwide were $336 billion in 2001, $686.3 billion in 2002, and $1.26 trillion in 2003.

      Electronic commerce (e-commerce)- a term used to refer to commercial activity using electronic data transmission media. Provides the opportunity to make purchases, sales, service maintenance, and conduct marketing activities through the use of computer networks. E-commerce (in a broad sense) is a business activity involving the implementation of commercial transactions using electronic means of data exchange.

      The objects of e-commerce are what the activities of e-commerce systems are aimed at. These include various goods, services and information.

      E-commerce systems

      1. By objects and subjects of activity they distinguish: B2B (business to business), B2G (business to government), B2C (business to client), C2C (client to client), G2B (government to business). At the same time, there are other varieties: business - administration, administration - business - this is respectively equal to B2A and A2B.

      2. According to the degree of novelty of the enterprise’s activities in the e-commerce system:

      a completely new, previously non-existent type of activity,

      a new type of activity for the enterprise,

      reorganized existing activities,

      previous activities using new capabilities of e-commerce systems.

      Basic elements of e-commerce systems

      1. E-commerce entities are participants and clients of e-commerce systems. These are financial institutions, business organizations (commercial enterprises) and consumers.

      2. E-commerce systems: trading, payment, arbitration and delivery systems.

      3. Processes in e-commerce:

      Market research,

      Sale of goods, services, information,

      Fulfillment of orders,

      Transaction settlements,

      Support for commercial activities, in particular catalog management

      4. E-commerce networks: global Internet, commercial and corporate.

      Benefits of e-commerce

      For companies

      1. Global presence. The scope of e-commerce is determined not by national borders, but by the spread of the Internet in the world. This allows even small companies to do business on a global scale.

      2. Increased competitiveness. Companies use e-commerce technologies to “get closer to the customer.” They offer extensive pre-sales and post-sales support and can quickly respond to customer complaints.

      3. Personalization of sales. With the help of e-commerce tools, companies can obtain information about the requests and requirements of each individual customer and automatically provide products and services that meet their requirements.

      4. Quick response to demand. Companies adapt to consumer requirements and can quickly respond to their requests and provide feedback.

      5. Cost reduction. Concluding a transaction electronically reduces service costs. This entails lower prices for customers.

      For clients (consumers)

      1. Global choice. Customers have the opportunity to choose goods and services from all represented global suppliers.

      2. The ability to quickly compare offers and exchange information with other users.

      3. Convenience of transactions. The ability to order goods and carry out transactions at a time convenient for customers.

      4. Price reduction. Consumers can purchase goods, services, information at lower prices

      The global Internet has made e-commerce accessible to companies of any size. If earlier the organization of electronic data exchange required significant investments in the communication infrastructure and was only feasible for large companies, then the use of the Internet today allows small firms to join the ranks of “electronic traders”. An electronic storefront on the World Wide Web gives any company the opportunity to attract customers from all over the world, and Catalog Management allows you to create such a storefront without any significant investment of labor, time and money. Such an on-line business forms a new sales channel - “virtual”, which requires almost no material investments. If information, services or products (for example, software) can be delivered via the Web, then the entire sales process (including payment) can take place online.

      The definition of e-commerce includes not only Internet-oriented systems, but also “electronic stores” that use other communication environments - BBS, VAN, etc. At the same time, sales procedures initiated by information from the WWW, but using for exchange fax, telephone, etc. data can only partially be classified as e-commerce. We also note that, despite the fact that the WWW is the technological basis of e-commerce, a number of systems also use other communication capabilities. Thus, requests to the seller to clarify product parameters or to place an order can also be sent via email. Today, the dominant means of payment for online purchases are credit cards. However, new payment instruments are also entering the scene: smart cards, digital cash, micropayments and electronic checks.

      E-commerce includes not only on-line transactions. The area covered by this concept must also include such activities as conducting marketing research, identifying opportunities and partners, maintaining relationships with suppliers and consumers, organizing document flow (including transmitting manufacturer catalogs in electronic form), etc. Thus Thus, e-commerce is a complex concept and includes electronic data exchange as one of its components.

      E-commerce examples:

      Online stores

      Organization of payment systems

      Internet auctions

      Tender web platforms, for example Erumpo.


      Department of Labor Economics and Human Resource Management



      As guidelines

      for bachelors of the direction "Management"

      Moscow – 2014

      UDC 658

      Epishkin I.A., Egorov S.V. Internet technologies for doing business: Guidelines for conducting practical classes for bachelors of the “Management” direction. – M.: MGUPS (MIIT), 2014. – 42 p.

      The guidelines are devoted to issues related to Internet tools for doing business. The peculiarity of the Internet as a communication medium is considered. Methods for identifying and segmenting the target audience are given. The target audience is ranked and Internet channels of interaction with the main segments of the target audience are considered.

      О MGUPS (MIIT), 2014

      1. Determination of the target audience. 6

      2. Create an Internet resource. 7

      2.1. Content management system.. 7

      2.2. Domain name. 7

      2.3. Choosing hosting. 9

      2.4 Installing CMS Wordpress on hosting. 10

      2.5. Setting up CMS Wordpress. 12

      3. Content marketing. 14

      4. Promotion of the Internet resource. 18

      4.2. We are forming a subscription base. 19

      4.3. SEO. Search engine optimization of the site. 20

      1. Create an AdWords account. 22

      2. Select the target audience.. 22

      4. Set the cost per click. 22

      5. Create an ad group. 22

      6. Create an ad. 23

      7. Select keywords. 23

      8. Create additional ad options. 23

      9. Select a payment method.. 23

      1. Access to the personal part of Yandex. 23

      2. Create an ad. 24

      3. Selection of keywords. 26

      6. Analytics of user behavior on the site. 31

      6.1. Description of the Yandex.Metrica service. 31

      6.2. "My counters" page. 31

      6.3. Editing a counter. 33

      6.4. Webvisor. 34

      6.5. Filters.. 34

      6.6. Counter code. 34

      6.7. Goals. 35

      6.8. Review of reports in the Yandex.Metrica system. 37


      This guide describes the implementation of a practical task in which it is proposed to go from an Internet business idea to a ready-made model consisting of a web resource and a ready-made system for promoting and analyzing it in the Internet space.

      The Internet is changing the means of communication both between people and between business units. The Internet is creating a new consumer culture. Anyone starting a business using Internet technologies needs to understand the technologies of working in social networks and the largest Internet portals. Therefore, everyone performing this practical work must be registered on Internet portals and social networks: VK.com, Google.com, Skype.com, Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Yandex.ru, Instagram.com

      The Internet tools provided by these resources will allow you to search for the target audience, get in touch with them, retain customers and increase loyalty to the Internet project.

      There are many options for doing business via the Internet. You can create an online store, you can make money from advertising and affiliate programs. Users who are persevering can easily start creating and promoting their own website. Let's look at the most common and popular ways of doing business online.

      The first way to do business on the Internet

      Contextual advertising is considered a profitable type of business via the Internet. By placing text ads on sites whose topics are close to their content, you can make good money from their views. Previously, advertising banners were very popular, but due to the high cost of their placement, contextual advertising gradually replaced this type of business on the Internet. Nowadays, you can more often find on the Internet such forms of contextual advertising as banners, tickers and ad units, but banner advertising is still common on the World Wide Web.

      Second way

      The modern Internet is replete with many sites. Creating your own website is quite difficult, as is promoting it and making it generate income. Of course, it is easier to turn to a programmer for help, but his services will not be cheap. In addition, to make a website attractive to visitors, you will need to think through its design in detail. Website promotion involves promoting it in the Internet search engine and filling it with information. This leads to the third option for doing business on the Internet.

      Third way

      A kind of business on the Internet is copywriting and rewriting, as well as SEO copywriting. Copywriting involves creating unique texts on various topics, and rewriting involves rewriting ready-made articles while maintaining the meaning, but changing their structure. SEO copywriting allows an article to rank high when requesting information in Internet searches by including keywords in its text. As a rule, high-quality SEO copywriting is highly valued in the field of website promotion. By creating unique articles with keywords, you can achieve good income.

      Fourth method

      Online stores are now a very profitable type of business on the Internet, but only if you approach it thoroughly. A novice entrepreneur often mistakenly believes that the quality of the online store he has created is directly related to the quality of the goods and services sold through it, and the success of sales will depend on it. Before creating an online store, you need to study the product market and draw up a detailed business plan.

      Fifth method

      You can quickly get money by posting links to download programs, e-books, audio files, and video products. This type of online business does not require advertising. The main thing is to post a link to a useful file. The user, having downloaded it, will receive what he needs, and the seller of the file will receive monetary income.

      The idea of ​​the project is the basis for the success of your business using the Internet. The best option for choosing an idea is to identify a need and develop a project to satisfy this need. In our case, we will create a model of an Internet resource, the main task of which will be to attract and retain the target audience. Our main goal will be the users of our site. This way we will prepare the basis for forming a real business on the Internet. The project can also be aimed at attracting a target audience for third-party Internet resources that will pay for advertising on your website. It is possible that in the future the project will develop as an independent online store.

      For our project, which is the basis of an online business, there will be no need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC; we will not need a warehouse, office, delivery service or accounting department.

      The main thing in our project is to determine the target audience, develop a corporate identity and logo, create your own website, promote the site in search engines, and analyze user behavior.

      Our Internet business development scheme will be based on the so-called two-step sales method, which is extremely popular both in Russia and abroad. In this scheme, the stages of attracting and retaining an audience are separated from the sales stage.

      Its essence is that the first step of communication with a visitor is not the sale of goods, but the desire to help, to provide something in exchange for the visitor’s contact information. Thus, the second contact with this visitor through the provided contacts will be the second step. You have already helped him with your advice or something else, his loyalty has increased, he knows you. The first step of the work is to create our own audience, from which we will subsequently build.

      After defining the Project Idea, it is necessary to clearly formulate the name of the future Internet site, determine the keywords by which we will further promote our Internet resource in search engines.

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