• Measurement in Hertz. Frequency, signal period, changes in voltage, current. Periodic. Units of measurement. Hertz, Hz, Hz. Hertz. Shares. kilohertz, kHz, megahertz, MHz. More about frequency and wavelength

    The concept of frequency and period of a periodic signal. Units of measurement. (10+)

    Frequency and period of the signal. Concept. Units of measurement

    The material is an explanation and addition to the article:
    Units of measurement of physical quantities in radio electronics
    Units of measurement and relationships of physical quantities used in radio engineering.

    Periodic processes often occur in nature. This means that some parameter characterizing the process changes according to a periodic law, that is, the equality is true:

    Determining Frequency and Period

    F(t) = F(t + T) (relation 1), where t is time, F(t) is the value of the parameter at time t, and T is a certain constant.

    It is clear that if the previous equality is true, then the following is true:

    F(t) = F(t + 2T) So, if T is the minimum value of the constant at which relation 1 holds, then we will call T period

    In radio electronics, we study current and voltage, so we will consider periodic signals to be signals for which the voltage or current ratio is true: 1.

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    periodic processes (for example, oscillations) in the International System of Units (SI) as well as in the CGS and ICGSS units systems. Hertz is a derived unit that has a special name and designation. In terms of the basic SI units, the hertz is expressed as follows: 1 Hz = 1 −1.

    1 Hz means one execution (implementation) of such a process in one second, in other words - one oscillation per second, 10 Hz - ten executions of such a process, or ten oscillations in one second.

    In accordance with the general SI rules regarding derived units named after scientists, the name of the unit hertz is written with a lowercase letter, and its designation with a capital letter.


    Multiples Dolnye
    magnitude Name designation magnitude Name designation
    10 1 Hz dekahertz dHz dHz 10 −1 Hz decihertz dHz dHz
    10 2 Hz hectohertz GHz hHz 10−2 Hz centihertz hz cHz
    10 3 Hz kHz kHz kHz 10 −3 Hz millihertz MHz mHz
    10 6 Hz megahertz MHz MHz 10 −6 Hz microhertz µHz µHz
    10 9 Hz gigahertz GHz GHz 10 −9 Hz nanohertz nHz nHz
    10 12 Hz terahertz THz THz 10−12 Hz picohertz pHz pHz
    10 15 Hz petahertz PHz PHz 10−15 Hz femtohertz fHz fHz
    10 18 Hz exahertz EHz EHz 10−18 Hz attohertz aHz aHz
    10 21 Hz zettahertz ZHz ZHz 10−21 Hz zeptohertz zHz zHz
    10 24 Hz iottahertz IHz YHz 10−24 Hz ioctohertz hHz yHz
    not recommended for use not used or rarely used in practice

    Hertz and becquerel

    In addition to the hertz in SI, there is another derived unit, equal to the second minus the first power (1/s): the second is related to the same relationship becquerel. The existence of two equal units, but having different names, is due to the difference in their areas of application: the hertz is used only for periodic processes, and becquerel - only for random radionuclide decay processes. Although it would be formally correct to use reciprocal seconds in both cases, it is recommended to use units with different names, since the difference in the names of the units emphasizes the difference in the nature of the corresponding physical quantities.


    • The frequency range of sound vibrations that a person can hear lies in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
    • The human heart in a calm state beats at a frequency of approximately 1 Hz (It is noteworthy that Herz means “heart” in German. However, the surname of the great physicist is spelled Hertz).
    • Note frequency la the first octave is 440 Hz. Is the standard frequency of a tuning fork.
    • The frequencies of oscillations of the electromagnetic field, perceived by humans as visible radiation (light), lie in the range from 3.9·10 14 to 7.9·10 14 Hz.
    • The frequency of electromagnetic radiation used in microwave ovens to heat food is typically 2.45 Hz.

    See also

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    An excerpt characterizing Hertz (unit of measurement)

    “They say that the ball will be very good,” answered the princess, raising her mustache-covered sponge. “All the beautiful women of society will be there.”
    – Not everything, because you won’t be there; not all,” said Prince Hippolyte, laughing joyfully, and, grabbing the shawl from the footman, even pushed him and began to put it on the princess.
    Out of awkwardness or deliberately (no one could make out this) he did not lower his arms for a long time when the shawl was already put on, and seemed to be hugging a young woman.
    She gracefully, but still smiling, pulled away, turned and looked at her husband. Prince Andrei's eyes were closed: he seemed so tired and sleepy.
    -Are you ready? – he asked his wife, looking around her.
    Prince Hippolyte hastily put on his coat, which, in his new way, was longer than his heels, and, getting tangled in it, ran to the porch after the princess, whom the footman was lifting into the carriage.
    “Princesse, au revoir, [Princess, goodbye," he shouted, tangling with his tongue as well as with his feet.
    The princess, picking up her dress, sat down in the darkness of the carriage; her husband was straightening his saber; Prince Ippolit, under the pretext of serving, interfered with everyone.
    “Excuse me, sir,” Prince Andrei said dryly and unpleasantly in Russian to Prince Ippolit, who was preventing him from passing.
    “I’m waiting for you, Pierre,” said the same voice of Prince Andrei affectionately and tenderly.
    The postilion set off, and the carriage rattled its wheels. Prince Hippolyte laughed abruptly, standing on the porch and waiting for the Viscount, whom he promised to take home.

    “Eh bien, mon cher, votre petite princesse est tres bien, tres bien,” said the Viscount, getting into the carriage with Hippolyte. – Mais très bien. - He kissed the tips of his fingers. - Et tout a fait francaise. [Well, my dear, your little princess is very sweet! Very sweet and perfect Frenchwoman.]
    Hippolytus snorted and laughed.
    “Et savez vous que vous etes terrible avec votre petit air innocent,” continued the Viscount. – Je plains le pauvre Mariei, ce petit officier, qui se donne des airs de prince regnant.. [Do you know, you are a terrible person, despite your innocent appearance. I feel sorry for the poor husband, this officer, who pretends to be a sovereign person.]
    Ippolit snorted again and said through his laughter:
    – Et vous disiez, que les dames russes ne valaient pas les dames francaises. Il faut savoir s"y prendre. [And you said that Russian ladies are worse than French ones. You have to be able to take it on.]
    Pierre, having arrived ahead, like a homely man, went into Prince Andrei's office and immediately, out of habit, lay down on the sofa, took the first book he came across from the shelf (it was Caesar's Notes) and began, leaning on his elbow, to read it from the middle.
    -What did you do with m lle Scherer? “She’s going to be completely ill now,” said Prince Andrei, entering the office and rubbing his small, white hands.
    Pierre turned his whole body so that the sofa creaked, turned his animated face to Prince Andrei, smiled and waved his hand.
    - No, this abbot is very interesting, but he just doesn’t understand the matter well... In my opinion, eternal peace is possible, but I don’t know how to say it... But not by political balance...
    Prince Andrei was apparently not interested in these abstract conversations.
    - You can’t, mon cher, [my dear,] say everything you think everywhere. Well, have you finally decided to do something? Will you be a cavalry guard or a diplomat? – asked Prince Andrei after a moment of silence.
    Pierre sat down on the sofa, tucking his legs under him.
    – You can imagine, I still don’t know. I don't like either one.
    - But you have to decide on something? Your father is waiting.
    From the age of ten, Pierre was sent abroad with his tutor, the abbot, where he stayed until he was twenty. When he returned to Moscow, his father released the abbot and said to the young man: “Now you go to St. Petersburg, look around and choose. I agree to everything. Here is a letter for you to Prince Vasily, and here is money for you. Write about everything, I will help you with everything.” Pierre had been choosing a career for three months and had done nothing. Prince Andrey told him about this choice. Pierre rubbed his forehead.
    “But he must be a Mason,” he said, meaning the abbot whom he saw at the evening.
    “All this is nonsense,” Prince Andrei stopped him again, “let’s talk about business.” Were you in the Horse Guards?...

    In the language, the abbreviation “Hz” is used to denote it; in English, the designation Hz is used for these purposes. At the same time, according to the rules of the SI system, if the abbreviated name of this unit is used, it should be followed by , and if the full name is used in the text, then with lowercase.

    Origin of the term

    The frequency unit adopted in the modern SI system received its name in 1930, when the International Electrotechnical Commission made a corresponding decision. It was associated with the desire to perpetuate the memory of the famous German scientist Heinrich Hertz, who made a great contribution to the development of this science, in particular in the field of electrodynamics research.

    Meaning of the term

    Hertz is used to measure the frequency of vibrations of any kind, so the scope of its use is very wide. For example, it is customary to measure sound frequencies, the beating of the human heart, oscillations of the electromagnetic field and other movements that repeat with a certain periodicity in the number of hertz. For example, the human heartbeat frequency in a calm state is about 1 Hz.

    In essence, a unit in this measurement is interpreted as the number of oscillations performed by the analyzed object within one second. In this case, experts say that the oscillation frequency is 1 hertz. Accordingly, more vibrations per second correspond to more of these units. Thus, from a formal point of view, the quantity denoted as hertz is the reciprocal of the second.

    Significant frequency values ​​are usually called high, and minor frequencies are called low. Examples of high and low frequencies are sound vibrations of varying intensities. For example, frequencies in the range from 16 to 70 Hz form so-called bass sounds, that is, very low sounds, and frequencies in the range from 0 to 16 Hz are completely inaudible to the human ear. The highest sounds that a person can hear are in the range from 10 to 20 thousand hertz, and sounds with a higher frequency are classified as ultrasound, that is, those that a person is not able to hear.

    To denote higher frequency values, special prefixes are added to the designation “hertz”, designed to make the use of this unit more convenient. Moreover, such prefixes are standard for the SI system, that is, they are also used with other physical quantities. Thus, a thousand hertz is called “kilohertz”, a million hertz is called “megahertz”, a billion hertz is called “gigahertz”.

    The world is one and complete, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything common in the small.

    The frequency of 432 Hz is an alternative setting that is in accordance with the harmonics of the Universe.

    432 Hz based music has beneficial healing energy because it is the pure tone of nature's mathematical foundation.

    The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been discovered so far have mostly been tuned to 432 Hz.

    In Ancient Greece, musical instruments were predominantly tuned to 432 Hz. In the archaic Greek mysteries, Orpheus was the god of music, death and rebirth, as well as the guardian of Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned to 432 Hz). And this is no coincidence; the ancients knew more about the unity of the Universe than their contemporaries.

    The current 440Hz based music tuning is not harmonious on any level and does not match the cosmic movement, rhythm or natural vibration.

    When did the frequency change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz occur?

    The first attempt to massively change the waves occurred in 1884, but through the efforts of G. Verdi they retained the previous system, after which the setting “A” = 432 Hz began to be called the “Verdi system”.

    Later, J.C. Digen, serving in the US Navy and a student of physicist Herman Helmholtz, convinced the American Federation of Musicians at its annual meeting in 1910 to adopt A=440 Hz as the standard universal tuning for orchestras and bands. He was a professional in the field of astronomy, geology, chemistry, and studied many branches of physics, especially the theory of light and sound. His opinion was fundamental in the study of musical acoustics. J.C. Digen designed the 440 Hz military chime, which was used for propaganda news during World War II.

    Also, shortly before World War II, in 1936, the minister of the Nazi movement and the secret leader in controlling the masses, P. J. Goebbels, revised the standard to 440 Hz - the frequency that has the strongest effect on the human brain and can be used to control large numbers of people. people and Nazi propaganda. This was explained by the fact that if the human body is deprived of its natural tuning and the natural tone is raised a little higher, the brain will regularly receive irritation. In addition, people will stop developing, many mental abnormalities will appear, a person will begin to withdraw into himself, and it will become much easier for him to lead. This was the main reason why the Nazis adopted the new frequency of the note "A".

    Around 1940 US authorities introduced a 440 Hz setting worldwide, and it finally became an ISO 16 standard in 1953. The change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz is due to the Rockefeller Foundation's war on mind control by replacing and superimposing the 440 Hz frequency instead of the standard tuning.

    440 Hz is an unnatural tuning standard, and music at 440 Hz conflicts with . The music industry uses the introduction of this frequency to influence the population to create more aggression, psycho-social agitation and emotional distress leading to physical illness. Such music can also generate unhealthy effects or antisocial behavior, discord in a person's mind.

    The science of cymatics (the study of the visualization of sound and vibration) proves that frequency and vibration are the master keys and organizing basis for the creation of all matter and life on this planet. When sound waves travel through a physical medium (sand, air, water, etc.), the frequency of the waves has a direct bearing on the formation of structures that are created by the sound waves as they pass through a specific medium, such as the human body, which consists of more than 70% water!

    The frequency comparison can be seen in the picture.

    Special operation to change the classical music frequency 432 to 440

    What do we know about the note “A” 432 Hz? I think not so much, because 58 years have passed since the “International Organization for Standardization (ISO)” adopted the “A” tuning of 440 Hz as the main one for concerts.

    Nobody plays at 432 Hz anymore.

    Musicians performing works from the Baroque era prefer “A” - 415 Hz, which was most often used before the Classical era. Modern musicians often use 440-442 Hz, and sometimes higher, as the most familiar and convenient tuning. But for a long period in musical history, it was the note “A” with a frequency of 432 Hz that was used.

    Even after the adoption of the standard, in 1953, 23 thousand musicians from France held a referendum in support of the “Verdi” 432 Hertz tuning, but were politely ignored. Where did “A” 440 Hz come from, and why did it replace the similar note 432 Hz that had existed for so long?

    System 432 existed in Ancient Greece, starting from Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras and other great thinkers and philosophers of antiquity, who, as we know, possessed invaluable knowledge about the healing effects of music on humans and cured many people precisely with the power of music!

    What note does the classical scale begin with? From the note “C”, isn’t it!? So, the note “C” in this scale will be equal to 512 Hz, an octave lower than 256 Hz, even lower - 128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1. Those. the lowest note will be equal to one vibration per second, accordingly, this is the first note of the scale!

    The greatest violin maker of all time, Antonio Stradivari (the secret of his mastery of creating instruments has not yet been revealed), created his masterpieces precisely in the 432 Hz setting! The sound of 432 is much calmer, warmer and closer. You feel it with all your heart.

    Prohibited frequency 432 Hz

    Despite the control imposed by the Illuminati since the time of Helmholtz and the Nazi Goebbels regarding the replacement of the frequency 432 with 440, musicians continue to play in an independent setting at the frequency 432. Because there is a decrease in stretch along the strings, the drummer thus weakens the drum skin a little, the keyboard player It’s easier to tune in to control.

    Goebbels knew that frequency 432 had perfect harmonic balance. This is the only frequency that evokes the Pythagorean musical spiral containing the famous and unsolved PLATO CODE.

    True, recently the American mathematician and science historian Jay Kennedy, who works at the University of Manchester in the UK, announced that he had cracked a secret code hidden in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to Kennedy, Plato shared the Pythagorean ideas about the music of the spheres - the inaudible musical harmony of the universe - and built his works according to the laws of musical harmony.

    « One of Plato’s most famous dialogues, “The Republic,” is divided into twelve parts, according to the number of sounds in the chromatic musical scale, which the ancient Greeks had ideas about. Moreover, at each junction there are phrases that in one way or another relate to music or sounds", stated the researcher.

    What are the ancient solfeggio frequencies? These are the original sound frequencies used in ancient Gregorian chants, such as the great hymn of St. John the Baptist. Many of them, according to church authorities, were lost centuries ago.

    These powerful frequencies were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. This is described in the book “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse” by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

    • Up to - 396 Hz - Release from guilt and fear
    • Re - 417 Hz - Neutralizing situations and promoting change
    • Mi - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
    • Fa - 639 Hz - Connection and Relationships
    • Salt - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
    • A - 852 Hz - Return to spiritual order.

    Frequency 432 turns out in an interesting way 700: PHI = 432.624 Or so 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 864 | 000 864 / 2 = 432

    The music around us not only distracts our consciousness, but also, bypassing it, is loaded directly into the subconscious, transforming the information hidden in it in such a way that people can be controlled.

    Parameters whose values ​​are expressed in hertz can be found in the technical characteristics of various devices: computer components, radios, measuring equipment - wherever alternating electrical signals flow. However, not everyone can answer the question of what is measured in hertz without thinking.

    Hertz (Hz) is a derived SI unit used to express the frequency of periodic processes, that is, repeating after a certain period of time. The numerical value of this value means the number of implementations of the specified process per second, which can be mathematically written as 1 Hz=1/s=s -1. In hertz, you can quantify the frequency of phenomena of any physical nature, be it a change in time of current in a household electrical network, contractions of the heart muscle, swing vibrations, the occurrence of impulses or the propagation of sound waves.

    It is easiest to understand the meaning of the unit of measurement in question using the example of sinusoidal dependences of signals on time. The picture shows graphs of sound vibrations of various frequencies. In the first figure, one maximum wave value occurs in an interval equal to a second, and in the second, ten. That is, the appearance of the same states of process parameters in the latter case occurs ten times more often - with a frequency of 10 Hz.

    Data transmission in communication systems, propagation of sound waves and many other processes can be characterized by frequencies several orders of magnitude greater than 1 Hz. Therefore, standard SI prefixes are used with this unit of measurement, denoting multiples (1 kHz = 10 3 Hz, 1 MHz = 10 6 Hz and others).

    In addition to the hertz, there is another unit of measurement that corresponds to 1/s or c -1 - the becquerel. Unlike the first, which serves to describe periodic signals, this quantity characterizes the activity of sources of radioactive decay, which is a random process.

    Here are some interesting facts on the topic of the article.

    • The approximate frequency range of sounds audible to humans is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Moreover, with age, the upper limit shifts towards a decrease - most people gradually lose the ability to perceive high-pitched sounds.
    • In Russia and European countries, the frequency of alternating current in electrical networks is 50 Hz, in the USA and Canada - 60 Hz, and in Japan, depending on the region, this network parameter can be equal to either 50 or 60 Hz.
    • The heart of a healthy person who does not experience significant physical activity beats at a frequency of approximately 1 Hz.
    • The FM radio broadcast range is from 87.5 to 108 MHz, the frequency of electromagnetic waves generated for cooking and heating food in a microwave oven is 2450 MHz.