• Cable communication lines. Abandoned unattended amplification points in the Bitsevsky forest An unattended amplification point how it works

    Equipment of this type is installed between itself and other equipment through a certain distance, which is the length of the regeneration section. The length of the regeneration section depends on many factors, such as the own parameters of the cable pairs, levels of internal and external interference, etc., the length of the regeneration section is determined by calculation. For a symmetrical cable, this distance is 4.5 – 5.5 km, depending on the model of the symmetrical cable.

    6.2. Allocation of digital channels in the PKM-120t transmission system

    One of the features of the railway transport communication network is the need to allocate channels at intermediate stations (IS). To do this, from the secondary or higher-speed stream transmitted along the linear path to the substation, the primary one must be separated, which can be converted into a tonal frequency spectrum using the ACC.

    The construction of channel selection equipment is based on two-stage signal selection. At the first stage, any primary 2048 kbit/s stream is allocated from a secondary or tertiary stream, and at the second stage, any PM channel (BCC) is allocated from a 2048 kbit/s stream. A third stage of separation is also possible - receiving low-speed signals from the bcc channel. We will limit ourselves to considering the first two, since the third stage goes beyond the scope of the primary communication network.

    The two-stage principle of AV construction makes it possible to provide access to any channel of the transmission system at intermediate stations, the convenience of increasing the number of allocated channels, the possibility of separate use of equipment for the allocation of primary digital streams AV 8/2, AV 34/2 and the allocation of channels (AV 2/K) in different transmission system configurations.

    In AB 8/2, one of the four primary streams of each transmission direction is allocated and the primary stream generated in the intermediate station equipment is introduced into the vacated positions in the group secondary CPU. In AB 34/2, the number of allocated streams depends on the equipment installed at the intermediate station.

    6.3. Digital channel allocation equipment

    We will consider the principles of constructing digital stream separation equipment using the example of AB 8/2 separation equipment, which is designed for two-way selection of any primary digital stream with a transmission speed of 2048 kbit/s from a secondary digital stream of 8448 kbit/s and transit of unbranched streams.

    AV 8/2 makes maximum use of the units and components of the VVG IKM-120 equipment, provides ease of control of the process of isolating/inputting digital signals, provides diagnostics and the ability to switch on to offline operation in the absence of signals from end stations.

    In addition to the allocation/input and transit of digital signals of primary streams, AB 8/2 provides broadcasting of digital service communication signals, calls, speed coordination commands and other service signals transmitted in the secondary path and also the ability to access them at an intermediate station.

    The essence of the CPU allocation method, which allows maintaining the quality of transmission of transit streams and reducing the amount of equipment installed at the allocation point (AP), is that during allocation the group flow is not divided into component ones. Instead of splitting in the transit path, only those time positions of the transmission cycle that relate to the allocated flow are prohibited. Simplified - if you do not take into account some service signals, which are group signals, only every fourth character of the secondary digital signal is processed.

    The principle of AB construction is illustrated by the block diagram shown in Fig. 6.2.

    Rice. 6.2. Block diagram of AB construction

    The group path includes sequentially only the devices of the secondary interface VS Pr, VS Per, which ensure the conversion of a linear quasi-ternary signal into a unipolar one at the input and the reverse conversion at the output of the equipment, as well as the NO and OR elements, which prohibit the positions of the allocated stream and introduce another stream to these positions . The rest of the selection equipment is connected in parallel to the group path and, therefore, does not have a direct impact on the quality of information transmission in the transit stream.

    Using the synchronizing signal receiver Pr S/S, the temporal position of the component streams that make up the linear digital signal is determined. GO generating equipment produces pulse sequences necessary for the operation of AB 8/2 devices.

    The allocated stream is selected by installing the appropriate jumpers in the control device of the control unit, where position prohibition signals are generated and sent to the NO element. The same signals are sent to the AND element to separate the flow into the asynchronous coupling device AC Pr. The entry of a new flow from AS Per into the vacated positions is carried out by the OR element. As a result, a group secondary stream is formed, containing new information in one of the component streams. In the asynchronous reception interface device, a stream with a transmission rate of 2112 kbit/s, after eliminating service symbols, is converted into a primary digital stream with a transmission rate of 2048 kbit/s. The AS Per device reduces the speed of the input digital stream of 2048 kbit/s to a speed of 2112 kbit/s, providing the necessary procedure for entering service information and matching speeds.

    Using the same elements, it is possible to build equipment for separating digital streams, channels and groups of channels from any higher-speed stream, since the main thing in the selection equipment of any level is the principle of position substitution, implemented on the AND, OR and NO elements.

    The equipment for separating the primary digital stream from the secondary path AB 8/2 is built with maximum use of the units of the UVVG-U secondary temporary multiplexing device from the IKM-120U transmission system kit. The block diagram of the equipment (Fig. 13.2) shows the boards included in the AB 8/2 kit.

    Fundamentally new for AB 8/2 compared to UVVG-U is the PV allocation board, which provides allocation, prohibition, input and selection of the digital stream - these are elements AND, NO, OR and a control device (see Fig. 13.2). The remaining elements of the kit perform the same functions as in UVVG-U.

    Secondary flows pass through AB 8/2 in transit in the directions A-B and B-A through PC devices on boards BC - GZ and through PV.

    In the receiving direction, the signals pass through the following devices. From the input of section AB 8/2, a secondary digital signal with a speed of 8448 kbit/s is supplied to the VS-G3 board, in which the PC device converts the bipolar code into binary and decodes the NDV-3 code. Then the signal goes to the PS-V and PV boards. The PS-B board continuously monitors synchronism and restores synchronism after its loss, and also installs receiving generator equipment for the correct distribution of information flows across channels.

    Using clock frequency fluctuations from the HF, the GO-V Generating Equipment generates pulse sequences necessary to control the operation of devices located on the PV and AC boards in the corresponding direction of reception and transmission.

    The information flow allocated in the PV is supplied to the AC board. The AC board contains two transceiver channels for processing primary streams. In AS Pr, the original speed of the allocated digital stream is restored. From the output of the AC Pr device, it goes to the input of the PC Per-2 transmitting device, in which the unipolar code signal is converted into a linear HDB-Z or AMI code.

    Let us consider the passage of signals in the direction of transmission from the intermediate station. Transmission, like reception, can be carried out in directions A and B.

    The primary information stream arrives at the AC board, where first PC Pr-2 devices convert bipolar signals into unipolar binary code and the VTCH clock frequency separators allocate a clock frequency of 2048 kHz, and then AC Per devices asynchronously convert the speeds of the input digital stream of 2048 kbit/s to speed, a multiple of the group signal clock frequency of 2112 kbit/s. Signals from the AC Per arrive at the PV board, in which they replace one of the transit digital streams that follow in the group signal at a speed of 8448 kbit/s.

    From the PV device, the group signal is sent to the VS-G3 board, in which the PC Per-8 device converts the binary code into bipolar (HDB-Z). Next, the group signal is sent to the output of the kit.

    Each half-set AB 8/2 carries out synchronization independently. For this purpose, there is separate GO-V generating equipment for each direction. It is also possible to synchronize the GO of any direction with the GO of the opposite direction, or from an external generator with a frequency of 8448 kHz.

    The AB 8/2 equipment implements the following operating modes:

    two-way input and selection of the PCC – the main mode in which signals are selected and input from both directions A and B;

    one-way input and release of the PCC - the mode can be used if one of the AB 8/2 semi-sets fails;

    bypass mode via secondary digital stream 8448 kbit/s - emergency mode, which is automatically activated in the event of an equipment failure AB 8/2. The control signals SU A and SU B for switching the equipment to this mode are generated by the monitoring and signaling device KS;

    “main station” mode – emergency mode into which the equipment of any semi-set AB 8/2 automatically switches when the information signal disappears or when an SIAS emergency signal is received at the information input. In this case, a new transmission cycle is formed, and an SIAS alarm signal is transmitted at all variable positions of digital streams (except for the input one). For this purpose, each semi-set AB 8/2 contains a master oscillator GZ-8448 as well as clock signal formers and SIAS.

    The operation of the equipment is monitored by the control and alarm device KS, which receives alarm signals from sensors located on the main components of the equipment. In the event of an accident, the CS generates the main signals for indication, and, if necessary, serves to transfer the equipment to one of the emergency modes.

    The AB 8/2 equipment set is installed in the frame of the isolation equipment rack (SAV) (it is possible to place it in the frame of the unified SVVG-U rack). The overall dimensions of section AB 8/2 are the same as UVVG-U - 440 x 120 x 225 mm.

    The scope of application of AB 8/2 equipment in the national communication network is primarily small communication centers where low-speed flows are branched from the main line or up to 30 PM channels are allocated (BCC). For transmission lines of a nationwide network, a typical diagram is (Fig. 6.3, a and b), where groups of channels of different flows branch off at allocation points. For railway transport lines, the most characteristic principle is the principle of organizing communication, when at each intermediate station channels of the same primary flow should be allocated (Fig. 6.3, c), which are used for technological communication of the road department. In this case, the number of AB 8/2 connected between two end stations will, as a rule, be more than four. In addition, the equipment will be installed not only at service stations, but also in premises where there are no service personnel, which places certain demands on control and alarm systems. All these issues have been worked out in detail within the framework of the creation of a specialized transmission system for organizing technological communication IKM-120T, where the AB 8/2 set is used as part of the equipment of serviced and unattended allocation points.

    Rice. 6.3. Communication diagram for transmission lines

    national network

    Unattended regeneration and amplification points of transmission lines are designed to accommodate transmission system equipment (regenerators, amplifiers, switching and radio transmission equipment), power supply equipment, input and termination of communication cables, power supply cables and cable termination devices.

    After the Great Patriotic War, multiple telephony systems over symmetrical cables became widespread on the long-distance telephone network of the former Soviet Union. At the end of the 50s, industry completed the development of K-60 equipment using vacuum tubes. In the early 60s, mass serial production of this equipment began. The amplifiers of maintenance-free amplification points (NUP) of the K-60 equipment used electronic tubes with a guaranteed service life of 5000 hours.
    In 1960, TsNIIS (now NPO "Dalnyaya Svyaz") completed work on the creation of primary unattended amplifier stations using transistors for 24- and 60-channel transmission systems (NUP K-24P and NUP K-60P) for a single-quadruple cable. At the end of 1964, the K-60P equipment was put into production.

    The K-60P system is widely used on intrazonal networks to operate over a symmetrical cable with conductors with a diameter of 1.2 mm.
    Conversion of currents of conversational frequencies 0.3 - 3.4 KHz into a linear frequency spectrum 12 - 252 KHz is carried out by three conversion stages - one individual and two group. Using two pairs of two cables, 60 HF channels can be organized in the linear spectrum up to 252 kHz.
    The operating range of the system is 12,500 km (i.e., it is intended to be used on the backbone section of the primary network). Up to 12 NUPs can be located in the OUP-OUP section. The length of the reinforcement section is up to 19 km.

    The maintenance-free amplification point of the K-60P-4 transmission system, used on symmetrical single-quadruple high-frequency cables of the ZKP, ZKA, MKS, MKSA types, consists of an underground vinyl plastic cup in which the amplification equipment is located, and a surface metal case where the input cable devices are located. In the lower part of the ground housing there are inlet pipes through which the ends of the single-quad stub cables are removed from the LUP. Inside the housing, the ends of the stub cables end in gas-tight connectors, which are used to connect to station devices. The inlet pipes with stub cables are carefully sealed to protect the LUP from moisture penetration into it. The inclusion of the NUP in the line is carried out by installing couplings at the junction of the stub cables with the linear cables.

    In the diagram below:
    1 - body; 2 - protective concrete (brick) well; 3 - hatch; 4 - embankment; 5 - load-bearing plate; 6 - blind area; 7 - inlet steel pipes; 8 - asbestos-cement pipe; 9 - stub cable; 10 - coupling; 11 - linear cable

    Details about the K-60PZh system


    maintenance-free amplification point;
    uncontrolled amplifier point


    low level programming



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    Source: http://www.gratis.pp.ru/index.php?act=ST&f=99&t=9538&s=


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    Source: http://www.peo.ru/navigator/?articleId=679&print=1

    Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations. Academician 2015.

    See what “NUP” is in other dictionaries:

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      Cable communication lines- Cable communication lines communication lines consisting of directional transmission media (cables), designed together with wire transmission systems to organize communication. The organization of communications here means the organization of channels: ... ... Wikipedia

      Linear cable structures of trunk and intrazonal transmission lines- 1) part of the transport communication network; 2) a set of linear paths of transmission systems or standard physical circuits that have common linear structures, devices for their maintenance and the same propagation medium within the range of the devices... ... Environmental law of Russia: dictionary of legal terms

    NUPs are located in Moscow, in the South-Western Administrative District, in different parts of the Bitsevsky forest park. I'm guessing there are more than 2, but I haven't seen any more.
    To get to the first NUP (let's call it Cross because it is located at the intersection of paths in the forest), you need to enter the forest from the side of the street. Ostrovityanova near house 45 and cross the stream at the spring, or “Bald Mountain” can serve as a landmark; if you go from it, you can also get to the spring and further along the paths.

    The door to the NUP is welded shut and covered with earth and other rubbish from below, but someone managed to bend the edge so that you can look into the inside. This is what we can see there...

    Is it possible to open the hatch, I have no idea because... You can’t get to it until the door opens, but the structure is interesting.
    It’s not very clear in the photograph, but from the roof, or rather the top of the hill, there is an iron pole sticking out, seemingly hollow, perhaps it served as an antenna, but it is not in the photograph of the inside. Maybe some of the equipment was preserved in this Cross NUP; otherwise, why close it “tightly”. But who knows. This is what I found next to him...

    Let's move on. The second NUP is located at the entrance/exit to/from the Yasenevskaya part(s) of the forest. Having crossed the wooden, rather wide, bridge and taking a couple more steps, we will see the NUP. Outwardly, it is noticeably different from the Cross NUP.

    Let's take a look behind the door. By the way, it creaks a lot, especially in winter, and it’s better not to stand on the hatch.

    A pile of rubbish, garbage and sticks. The ladder was “torn off” so I used logs and physical preparation. Everything was covered in soot and, as it seemed to me, covered in oil or something greasy, but I took gloves with me, I was lucky. To make it more clear, I found a couple of diagrams of such a structure, exactly the same as the second NUP, the first one is distinguished by a “headband”, although who knows, maybe there was also a “thermal container” inside, I wasn’t.

    Some specifics:

    Maintenance-free amplification point - NUP

    Purpose: Unattended amplification point (UPP) with ventilation, designed for installation of linear telemechanics system equipment and auxiliary life support systems of the main TM equipment. NUP is used in the construction of pipeline communication cable lines in all construction-climatic zones with an estimated external temperature from +40°C to -30°C with normal geological conditions, except for areas of permafrost, seismic, mining workings and subsidence soils.

    Design: NUP consists of above-ground and underground parts.

    1) The ground part (head) is a rectangular house. Serves to house the life support system of SLTMN equipment (System of Linear Telemechanics of Trunk Pipelines), and also provides protection for the entrance hatch of the thermal container from mechanical and climatic influences, and serves to prevent free access to the hatch.

    2) The underground part (thermal container) is made in the form of a steel two-layer cylindrical body with an air gap with a wall thickness of 4 mm, an insulated neck, a lid and cable entries, bottoms at the ends, with an insulated inlet neck and a cover. The thermal container is designed to provide
    temperature and humidity conditions necessary for stable operation of the main equipment installed inside the thermal container, placement of input and cable equipment, equipment for maintaining communication cables under constant excess pressure.

    Inspecting the room, I would call it a hallway, I noticed ventilation pipes and mini shafts. By the way, in the photograph of the ground part you can see the “pipes”. In one of them there is an electric motor, which supplied fresh air... And yet it seems to me that the room was on fire. The photo shows the rim of the neck in which the ladder is located, or rather was located, almost turned into coals.

    We open the door and see the main room of NUPA. The room in which all the equipment should be located and the personnel who service it should sit. But alas, there is no equipment. Everything is in decline. Apparently, someone periodically turns over there: bottles, cigarette butts, bags and other garbage confirm this.

    Thank you for your attention.

    For symmetrical cables MKS 4X4 and 7X4, sealed with lamp equipment of the K-60 and K-24 systems, the NUP is an underground vertical steel chamber (Figure 3). Thermal insulation made of mipore is placed between the steel walls of the chamber, due to which the heat generated by the lamps maintains a positive temperature in the NUP throughout the year.

    Figure 3 – Underground LUP with a vertical thermal chamber for lamp systems: a) section; b) general view; 1 - layer of bitumen; 2 - magnesium electrode; 3 - tank; 4 - anti-corrosion layer; 5-ground part
    The entrance to the chamber is through a hatch closed with two lids, one of which is thermally insulated. The outer side of the walls and the bottom of the chamber are protected by a multi-layer anti-corrosion coating. The inside of the camera is primed and painted.
    The camera is installed in a pit about 4 m deep on a concrete foundation. A brick or prefabricated concrete booth is built above the chamber, in which equipment for maintaining the cable under pressure, gas-tight and insulating couplings of alarm devices, protection panels, etc. are placed. To stabilize the temperature in the chamber, the ground part of the NUP, if necessary, is embanked with soil, which is reinforced with turf or sowed with grass.
    Cables are introduced into the ground part of the NUP through two input blocks of three asbestos-cement pipes. From the ground part, the cables are introduced into the LUP chambers through special steel pipes. To seal the input, the cable sheath and the ends of the input pipes are soldered (Figure 4). If cables are introduced without a metal sheath (from grounding loops), then the input holes are sealed using bitumen-rubber mastic.
    Inside the chamber, the main cables are routed to the VKSh cabinet on which the boxes are installed.

    Figure 4 – Soldering the cable to the inlet pipe (o) and fastening the cable inside the heat chamber (b); 1 - flange of the introductory cartridge; 2 - cable; 3 - liner; 4 - soldering; 5 - introductory cartridge; 6 - camera; 7 - compression sleeve; « - clamp; 9 - clamp; "0 - soft gasket; // - bolt; 12 - chamber stiffener

    Figure 5 – Horizontal LUP for the K-60P system (semiconductor) and cable entry: 1 - branching coupling on the AGC cable; 2 - PVChS wires: 3 - tank neck; 4 - stairs; 5 - VKSh introductory cabinet; 6 - gas-tight couplings; 7 - trunk cables; 8- grounding cables; 9 - lineman service communication cable: (O-cables AGC; 11-cylinder; 12 - air ducts: II AKOU

    Rice. 8.6. Section of the NUP for single-quadruple cables (K-60P-4 system): 1 - NUP housing; 2 - protective concrete well; 3 - hatch; 4 - deboning; 5 - load-bearing plate; 6 - blind area; 7 - inlet pipes; " - asbestos-cement pipe: 9-cable

    Figure 7 – Installation of LUP with a horizontal chamber

    Figure 8 – Sealing the cable entry into the horizontal LUP: 1 - cable without jute cover; 2 - bitumen mass; 3 - soldering; 4 - end wall of the tank; 5 - stiffener; 6 - cable without armor; 7 - cable in jute cover
    To transmit telecontrol and alarm signals, a connecting cable is laid between the camera and the ground part of the NUP, which ends in a box in the chamber, and in the ground part it is soldered into a splitter mounted on the wall.
    For symmetrical cables of the MKS 4x4 type, sealed with K-6OP semiconductor transmission equipment, the NUP is a horizontal steel single-wall underground chamber (Figure 5). The entrance to the chamber is through a hatch and a neck, above which there is a ground booth. The cables are introduced through metal inlet pipes located at the end of the chamber directly into the underground part of the NUP. To protect against corrosion, the joint area is carefully covered with bitumen mass.
    For symmetrical single-four cables MKS, MKSA, ZKP, ZKPA, etc., sealed with semiconductor transmission equipment K-24P and K-6OP, small-sized NUPs are used (Figure 6). The NUP housing consists of an underground vinyl plastic shell, which houses the amplification equipment, and an above-ground metal housing, where the input and cable devices are located. In the lower part of the ground housing there are two pipes through which the ends of single-quad cables 3.5 m long are brought out from the LUP. Inside the housing, these ends end in gas-tight connectors, with the help of which the linear cable is connected to station devices. The inlet pipes with the outgoing cables are carefully sealed to protect the LUP from moisture penetration into it. In this form, the NUP is transported to the main line, where, after its installation, the main cables are connected to the outer ends of the input cables in ordinary straight couplings. To protect against mechanical damage, the LUP body is placed in a brick or reinforced concrete well with a cast iron hatch.
    For coaxial standardized cables KMB-4, sealed with K-1920 equipment, underground horizontal single-walled metal chambers are used as LUP (Figure 7). The chamber has the shape of a cylinder 4 m long with convex (spherical) bottoms. The entrance to the NUP is through a hatch and a vertical neck. The outer part of the chamber is covered with waterproofing. Cables are inserted through metal pipes located at the end of the chamber. The place where the cable sheath is soldered to the inlet pipes (Figure 8) is protected from corrosion with bitumen mass.
    Inside the chamber, each main cable is soldered in a branching coupling into single-coaxial distribution cables of the KRK type (according to the number of coaxial pairs in the cable), one symmetrical cable with a capacity of 7x4 and one air duct. KRK distribution cables are laid on an air chute and terminated with OGKM type termination couplings. The symmetrical cable is soldered into a box.

    Figure 9 – Cable entry and placement of terminal devices in the horizontal NUP for K-1920 systems: 1 - OGKM; 2- distribution cables KRK; 3- balloon; 4 - branching couplings; 5 - main cables; 6 - AGC cable; 7 - grounding bus; S - place where the grounding cable is soldered to the tank; 9 - grounding cable; 10 - AKOU; 11 - air duct; 12 - gas-tight couplings GMS
    A gas-tight coupling is connected between the branch coupling and the box. The air duct is connected to the cable maintenance system under excess pressure (AKOU, USKD, ShchPV). Equipment for maintaining the cable under pressure is located in the chamber. The input arrangement is shown in Figure 9. A small prefabricated reinforced concrete, metal or wooden booth covered with slate is installed above the entrance hatch. Similar, but elongated (6 m) horizontal chambers are used for KM-8/6 cables, sealed with K-1920 and K-300 equipment.
    Currently, a universal metal horizontal chamber NUP with a length of 2.4 m is being introduced, intended for cables KM-4 and KM-8/6, sealed with semiconductor equipment K-3600, K-1920P, K-1020, K-300. A container with such equipment has a stub cable 3-4 m long, which is spliced ​​with a linear cable in a straight or branch coupling. Terminal and gas-tight devices are assembled and placed directly in the container by the manufacturer.
    For small-sized coaxial cables MKT-4, sealed with K-300 equipment, small-sized semi-recessed NUPs are used, which are a steel single-walled vertical cylindrical body with a welded bottom and a tightly closing lid (Fig. 8.10). The part of the body buried in the ground is covered with waterproofing on the outside, and the above-ground part is painted with water-resistant paint. The ends of the input cables, 4 m long, are brought out through the branch pipes in the housing. Inside the housing, the input cable is divided into distribution cables, the ends of which end with coaxial or symmetrical connectors. With the help of the latter, the line is connected to the station equipment. The outer ends of the input cables after installing the NUP are connected to the main cable in a straight or transition coupling, and when the cable is kept under constant overpressure - through a gas-tight coupling KGS.
    Electrical measurements of the mounted cable are carried out with the LUP cover open from the terminal connectors. To protect against precipitation, a wooden, slate-covered or metal booth is installed above the NUP.

    Figure 10 – NUP for small-sized cable MKT-4 (K-300 system)