• How to make diagrams in Word? We build graphs and diagrams in MS Word

    In various financial documents or reports, coursework or diplomas, you may find data presented in table form. And in order to make them look more clearly, it is better to build a graph based on them. Since almost all the documentation that is presented in electronic form, is created in the MS Word editor, then in this article, we will learn how to create graphs in Word.

    If you have a table with data in your document, then, of course, you can do everything yourself. To do this, turn on the visibility of the grid; using lines, draw the axes; sign them; and then, using the curve, draw.

    But why such complexity if the editor already has built-in this function. We just need to enter the data correctly and everything will be ready.

    But let's talk about everything in order.

    How to build graphs

    Let me take the following data as an example. There are employees, and the amount of goods they sold in a certain month. The graph will help you quickly understand which employee sold the most goods for a certain month, or for the entire period.

    Place the cursor in in the right place document. Then go to the tab and in the “Illustrations” section, click on the button with the image of the diagram.

    A window like the one in the screenshot below will appear. In it, select the type of chart that suits you best. Then click "OK". I will build with markers, but in in this case you could also make a histogram, or bar chart.

    You need to transfer into it all the values ​​​​that you have indicated in the table in Word document.

    First you need to select the correct range of values ​​in Excel. I will have 5 lines ( top line and 4 employees), and 8 columns (employee names and months). Grab the lower right corner and select the number of rows and columns you need.

    When you change them, please note that the schedule itself changes.

    Once everything in Excel has been changed, close this window.

    This is the result I got.

    If you double-click with the left mouse button on the vertical (0, 10, 20, 30...), horizontal (Katya, Masha...) axis, legend (January, February...) or any of the data series (colored curves), a window with settings will open .

    For example, click on the curve with values ​​for April, a window opens "Data Series Format". Here you can change the color, line type, etc.

    If you click on the horizontal axis, a window will open. There you can select the necessary parameters.

    If you right-click on the chart itself, a context menu will open. In it you can "Change data"– an Excel sheet will appear with the created table, which we closed, and more.

    By clicking on the created graph, a tab will appear at the top. In it you will see three additional tabs: “Designer”, “Layout” and “Format”. Click on them and see how else you can change the view. For example, add a title to your chart.

    How to create a function graph

    If you need to insert it into a document, then you can proceed as follows. First add a function graph in Excel, I explained how to do this in a separate article, and then copy and paste it into a Word document. After this, you will still have the opportunity to edit it in Word, as described above: either click on the axes, or go to the tab.

    You can also find on the Internet various programs, with which you can make a graph of a function in Word. I'll tell you about one of them - "Chart Builder 1.50".

    This is a macro that needs to be installed on your computer. Then open Word and launch the program in “Add-ons”.

    I downloaded the installation file from the Internet. Then I launched the installation wizard.

    There is nothing special about the installation. Select language, accept terms and conditions license agreement, and press .

    In order for the macro to work, you need to change a little Word settings. Go to the “File” tab and click on the item.

    In the next window, go to the tab "Security Control Center" and click on the button.

    On the tab "Macro Options" place a marker in the field "Enable all macros". Click "Ok" in this window and in the previous one.

    If you do not plan to constantly use this macro, then, after you have worked with it, go back to Word and return everything back.

    If you had a Word document open at the time of installing the program, then close it and open it again.

    Then go to the tab. A new icon corresponding to the macro should appear there. To run the macro, click on it.

    The program interface is in Russian. Enter your values ​​and draw the desired function.

    How to build in Word graph functions?

    Master's answer:

    The graph of a function is a type of diagram in applications Microsoft Office, which displays the dependence of one indicator on another, for example, the cost of an order on the price of a product. The graph can also display dynamic change different meanings, for example, change in air temperature over a week.

    To build graphs in Word, you need to use the add-on for Microsoft package Office. It's called Graph Builder. This application allows you to draw graphs of specified functions in the form of polylines. You can download this add-on from the link http://www.softportal.com/getsoft-1561-postroitel-grafikov-2.html. Next, install the application on your PC. Now launch Word and you can build a table of data for your function graph.

    Enable the ability to run macros for good use additions. To do this, in the “Tools” menu, select “Macro”, then “Security”. In the new window, select low or intermediate level security. Also install Visual support Basic for Applications.

    Now click on “View” and select the Graph Builder command in the “Toolbar”. This will activate the builder button. Or you can right-click on any toolbar and check the box next to Graph Builder. Now click on the “Launch graph plotter” button and in the new window that opens, make the settings for building a graph in Word.

    Check the boxes next to the items you need. If necessary, enable axis labels, grid display, arrows, or tick marks. Near the inscription F(x)=, left-click on the arrow and select the required function. Near the required system coordinates, Cartesian or polar, select the switch. Select high or medium plotting accuracy. Now set the grid size by writing required values in the appropriate fields. Next, set the desired graph unit, such as points or millimeters. In the “Table of Values” section, make a link to the values ​​that need to be used to build the graph. Select desired language and click "Draw".

    Sometimes, while working in Microsoft program Office Word, we urgently need to create a schedule. Many users open other programs for this because they do not know how to build a graph in Word. However, this is done quite quickly, the main thing is to know which tabs to use.

    Building a graph in Word

    To build a graph in the Word editor, you must have minimal knowledge about the principle of constructing graphs and diagrams in any other program that are included in Office package. It would be better, of course, if it were MS Excel. Before you make a graph in Word, you need to launch it to create a new document or open an existing file. Then you should place the cursor in the place where your chart will be located. Next, you need to go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Illustrations” section click on the “Diagram” button. After these steps, a new “Insert Chart” window will open in front of you. In its left part, from the presented templates, you need to select the “Graph” item by clicking the left mouse button. On the right side of the window, from the presented thumbnails you can select required type graphics.

    After selecting the desired thumbnail with the left mouse button, click on the OK button. Then you have to wait for it to open Microsoft document Office Excel. As a result, the view work area transforms, and a text document will be visible on the left side of the screen, and an Excel document will be displayed on the right side. On Excel sheet You should enter the data you need, set parameters, change the data range and rename the coordinate axes. All the results of the changes introduced in Excel document, can be found on the left side of the screen, that is, in the Word document. After finishing editing the chart data, you will need to close the Excel document.

    If the data was entered incorrectly or you simply need to make changes to the constructed graph, then you should use context menu"Working with diagrams." It will become available if you select any element in the chart area. So, if you made a mistake when entering data in an Excel document, then you should open the “Designer” option in the “Working with Charts” menu and click on the “Change Data” button in the “Data” section and change what is necessary. Now you know how to draw a graph in Word and save your time opening unnecessary programs.

    Visualization of information significantly increases its perception. Word editor from the well-known Microsoft corporation has all necessary tools to create graphs. The creation of graphic data directly depends on the version of the editor used.

    Microsoft interface Word sample 2016 is maximally optimized for the end user. The algorithm for creating graphs is as follows:

    Note! The editor gives you a choice appearance graphs. It all depends on the user's needs. The desire to visually highlight specific data can easily be satisfied by a graph with markers, or to display growth - a stacked graph.

    The created graph can be changed at any time; just select the area of ​​interest and click the right mouse button. It is possible to change both the initial information and the color scheme:

    Version text editor from 2016 transformed the graphs from a visual point of view (the lines became smoother, big picture became more graceful and), but general principle construction remained the same. And this is important to understand when working with older Microsoft products.

    Graph in Word. Other versions

    The only version in which creating a graph looks a little different is Word 2003. The whole process can be described in the following steps:

    Microsoft's policy has always been aimed at accessibility and simplicity for the end consumer. Over the 15 years of Word's existence, the general principle of creating a visual display of data has not been touched upon, and therefore, having mastered at least one version, you can easily create graphs in other editors.

    Find out detailed instructions, from our new article.

    Related graphic: Become more productive with Word

    The method will be useful if you need to frequently change the source data. Step by step instructions:

    1. Open Excel spreadsheet with the necessary data.

    2. Select the necessary cells from which the graph will be built.

    3. Select the “Insert” section and find the “Diagram” tab.

    4. In the “Chart” tab, find the “Graph” icon and left-click on it.

    5. Select the created graph. Just click on its border.

    6. On the Home tab, click Clipboard.

    7. Cut out the graph.

    8. Paste it in the desired place in the text Word file by clicking on the “Paste” icon in the “Clipboard” and selecting the appropriate paste option.

    This method greatly simplifies working with graphic data. The clipboard allows you to save the elements you need and instantly move them from one text file to another. In addition to this, create visual elements V text document can be done directly from the Excel spreadsheet editor.

    Video - How to create a graph in Word, Excel 2016


    By following the instructions described above, the user will learn how to create graphs and change them to suit their own needs, regardless of the version of the text editor. Simplicity and accessibility are the main directions of Microsoft's policy, and creating diagrams in Word is proof of this.

    Video - How to build a graph in Word

    How to properly create a chart in Word?

    Charts in Microsoft Word provide freedom of choice regarding how information is presented. With their help, the usual text file turns into a rich, informative document.

    Microsoft Word is the most popular office application. This is an editor that has many text formatting functions. For example, you can draw tables and graphs in it.

    Often users do not know how to insert graphics into Word and use other programs. As a result, problems arise with the display of diagrams, and often after they are created they cannot be changed in any way, only if they are deleted. It is much easier to create graphs using Word resources, and besides, it is not difficult to do. And the functionality of the program makes it possible to create complex technical documents with a lot of graphs, tables and diagrams.

    To create a chart in Word, follow these steps:

    1. Download and install Microsoft Word. You can download it from the official website http://www.microsoft.com/rus/ or on the Internet. You can also purchase the disc in a store;
    2. Activate the application, select with the cursor the place where the graph will be located;
    3. Go to the "Insert" tab. It is located at the top of the editor, on the toolbar;
    4. Select "Illustrations". In the window that opens, you will see many special modules (shapes, diagram, drawings, clip, etc.). All elements can be inserted into a text document;
    5. Open the "Diagram" item. You will see a large list of charts (pie, histogram, line, scatter, stock, donut, bubble, radar, regular tables);
    6. To plot a graph, click any of these buttons;
    7. The application will open Microsoft Excel. Specify the necessary parameters in it;
    8. After creating the chart, enter information into the cells (this is best done in Excel, not in Word);
    9. Confirm the creation of the diagram;

    If desired, it can be edited at any time. Or you can delete the chart entirely. To do this, double-click with the right mouse button. A dialog box will open with a lot of editing functionality.

    It is also possible to replace the diagram with another one. To do this:

    1. Right-click on the chart;
    2. Go to the “Change chart type” menu;
    3. In the window that opens, select the required schedule;
    4. Click OK.

    Features of working in the Word graphic editor

    1. To work with a chart, just click on it once - the line “Working with charts” will appear at the top. It has many sections: designer, layout, format, settings and others. When you type text in a document, the panel will not be visible. It appears only after left-clicking on the diagram.
    2. Once the diagram is created, you will see it in the document. To rename it, click on “chart title” and enter the required information.
    3. Click on the “Table Mode” item to hide the module table (it resembles an Excel sheet).
    4. Go to the “Standard” panel, select the required chart type. If you don’t have enough options, you can go to “Diagram” - “Chart Type”. In the window that opens, you will see two tabs. On the first there are more than a hundred modifications of diagrams, on the second you can make your own diagram.
    5. To adjust the position of the graph in the document, right-click on it. Then “Legend Format” - “Placement”. In the window that appears, you can set the position of the graph, for example, at the bottom in the middle.
    6. You can also change the size of the diagram. This is done in the standard way: by grabbing the lower right marker and dragging it down.
    7. You can also change the axis names, format the grid, and enlarge the data markers (for better visibility). For example, click on the axis and a window will open. Select the “Scale” item in it. Uncheck the " Maximum value" and "Prices of main divisions" so that their values ​​are not set automatically.
    8. By default, the chart background is gray. To change it, click “Chart” - “Chart Options”. Six tabs will appear, with which you can customize the appearance of the chart: axes, lines, titles, background, and more.
    9. To finish editing the chart, simply click on free space in the document.

    Program for inserting graphs into Word

    To create graphs in Word you can use special program. Its name is “Chart Builder 1.50”. The application can be downloaded for free on the Internet. It allows you to format and insert any pictures, graphs, drawings and geometric objects into the editor. And you don't need to use Excel for this.

    "Chart Builder 1.50" is a macro. To use it smoothly, you need permission to run. To activate permission:

    • Go to the “Service” section in Word;
    • Next “Macro” – “Security”;
    • Select the security level (low or medium).

    When the program is installed, a special button will appear in Word. If the program was open during installation, you will first need to close it and then launch it again.

    The macro button may not appear. Then do the following:

    • Open the View tab, then “Toolbar”;
    • Select Graph Builder;
    • Click on the “Launch plotter” icon - a new window will be activated. Actually, this is “Chart Builder 1.50”.

    The program is Russified, and the interface is quite simple; understanding it will not be difficult. The advantage of the application is that it can be used to build many graphs that are not provided for in Word functionality.

    Having such great functionality, Word can be used in a variety of areas, both in the office and at home. Using the built-in Word resources, you can easily create any graphs and tables. Even if you are not satisfied with something in the proposed chart types, you can always experiment and try to create your own chart.

    Creating a chart in Word is not difficult. But to understand all the functionality of the program, a couple of minutes is not enough. To do this, you will need to use the application to the maximum, using trial and error to create detailed, informative, highly specialized graphs.