• Sberbank badge sample. How to use Word templates - making a badge

    Creating any document usually includes two stages: writing the text and giving it a beautiful and convenient form.

    It is possible to reduce formatting time if you use document templates that are offered in abundance Microsoft Word 2010.

    Some templates are installed by default (you can see them in File/New/Template Samples).

    Others are fairly easy to download from Office.com (File/New/Office.com Templates). Finding the template you need makes it much easier with the Search for Templates on Offict.com search box.

    Using the template is convenient and simple.

    1. Find the required template in the suggested folders, press the “Download” button, then save it to your computer. The process is illustrated in Excel example.

    2. Open the template and start working with it as with a regular document: enter text, add and delete lines if necessary, experiment with fonts. Most templates (eg resumes, business cards, labels) come with sample tips.

    3. Save the document, select the type doc file(docx).

    What to do if you need to change a ready-made template?

    It happens that the templates offered by Microsoft Word do not fully correspond to our idea of ​​the document. In this case you need to change ready-made template and save it correctly by changing the file name. To do this, select "File/Save As/" and select the file type - Word Template or Word Template 97-2003.

    How to create a template yourself?

    Let's try to create a template in Microsoft Word ourselves. Let it be a well-known badge.

    1. Decide what information we will put on our badge. This will determine how many rows and columns we need to prepare. So, last name, first name, patronymic, position, company - 5 lines. It’s not bad if the badge has a photo - that means 2 columns.

    2. Select the badge sizes. There is no specific standard for this; let’s focus on the average numbers: 6.5x9.5 cm.

    3. Let's open Microsoft document Word.

    4. Insert/Table/Columns – 2, rows – 5/Approx.

    (Figure 1)

    5. Using the cursor positioned at the lower right edge of the table, we move our workpiece to the desired size.

    (Figure 2)

    6. Fill out the table. To do this:

    We merge the cells of the first row in the 1st and 2nd columns.

    (Figure 3)

    In the resulting cell we write the name of the company;

    In the second line of the first column we write the last name, in the third - the first name, in the fourth - the patronymic, in the fifth - the position;

    We combine rows 2-5 of the second column. Insert (Insert/Drawing) a previously prepared photo;

    We experiment with fonts (we make the last name, first name, patronymic a little larger than the rest of the text);

    Align text and photo;

    Using the right mouse button, go to the “Borders and Shading” menu. We remove the borders in our table, leaving only the External borders.

    (Figure 4)

    If we need a template with several badges on one sheet, let's continue working. Copy the resulting table to the clipboard and open another one Word document. Using simple arithmetic calculations, we will determine how many badges will fit on a standard sheet. If this is A4, then – 6.

    Select File/Page Layout/Margins/Narrow. Then go to Insert/Table – 2 columns, 3 rows. Copy our badge from the clipboard into each cell of the table and save it as a template.

    (Figure 5)

    Now, if necessary, just open our template, make the necessary changes and print.

    Many Russians engaged in certain types of activities need to make badges directly for themselves or for hired personnel. You can save on their production if you make a badge online for free and print it yourself.

    There are several available on the Internet popular programs, which will allow you to make a badge online for free. With the help of specialists, we will understand the nuances of working with some of the offered services.

    One of the ways to make badges is to use the Badge-online.ru resource. The uniqueness of this service lies in the ability to work directly on the site without downloading or installing the corresponding application on your computer. Just a few clicks will allow you to create a badge with an individual, original and attractive design.

    The principle of working on a resource involves the sequential passage of the following stages:

    • select a template;
    • provide the necessary information;
    • adjust dimensions;
    • download the finished badge.

    The template is selected from the options available on the site or downloaded by the user independently. Then the information required by the user is entered with the ability to select the size and style of the font used, as well as the color design.

    It should be remembered that changes made will be visible in the finished version of the product, the size of which is selected according to individual parameters. If non-standard badge parameters are required, then Microsoft Word or text editor Paint. A fairly necessary badge, download the word template, download it and set it to the appropriate sizes.

    You can also make an online badge for free in the Offnote.net editor. It is designed for making business cards, but also copes with the task of developing badges. To make them, the user performs the following operations:

    • selects a template;
    • edits data;
    • downloads the necessary images;
    • changes size.

    When editing information, you can move entire text blocks, which greatly simplifies the filling of the template. Then a photo of the face is loaded or graphic design products. It should be remembered that accessible free format is only *.PNG, and for the rest you will have to pay money.

    How to make a badge in Word

    You can create a badge template word download for free using special program Master of Business Cards. This service in the standard version it is paid. However, for novice users, a ten-day demo version is suitable, in which you can create the necessary product without the ability to save it in a graphic format.

    This service allows you to get an answer to the question of how to make a badge in Word using numerous pictures, formats, templates and fonts. You will need to download and install the program, which will automatically remove itself from the computer after ten days.

    Everyone knows that participant badges are required at conferences. But judging by the examples of badges themselves, many people do not think about what these cards on strings are actually needed for.

    Let's go through the main mistakes, laugh at the examples and highlight a few main rules for badge design.

    A badge has exactly two main functions: an identifier and a souvenir.

    And a badge can perform each of these functions only if it is drawn in accordance with them. The rules seem obvious, but examples prove otherwise.

    Function 1: identification of participants.

    What is the most important thing in badge design? There is only one answer to this question:

    The name should be large and readable.

    Moreover, the readability of a name is determined by the following factors:

    1. “Large” means the following: a person with average visual acuity should be able to read the name on the badge from a distance that is most typical for the communication conditions of the participants in the event.

    If people communicate most during a coffee break, this distance is usually 2-3 meters. This is the standard “safe” networking distance.

    If you need the speaker to be able to address a person in the audience by name, test the font size in combat conditions.

    2. The person's name should occupy a significant part of the badge area.

    The presence of empty space around the name also adds weight.

    Good example(all pictures are clickable):

    Bad example:

    As we see, all the viewer’s attention should be occupied by the most functional and significant element, and not by all sorts of tricks. And, sorry, certainly not sponsor logos.

    3. Sans serif font is best readable. Regular font is easier to read than italics.

    This is a serif font:

    Here it is - sans serif:

    Is there a difference? Sans serif fonts are generally neater and more readable. My personal opinion is that italics should not be overused; without it, the life of conference participants immediately becomes easier, because straight letters are easier to read from a distance.

    If you came up with the brilliant idea of ​​printing out universal blank badges and letting participants write their name, keep in mind:

    4. Match the color and thickness of the marker to the size and design of the badge.

    Better yet, have a couple of girls at the front desk with excellent handwriting and clear instructions, otherwise you risk getting something like this:

    But you wanted something more meaningful, at least like this:

    If so much space is required for a name, then where does everything else go?

    Unfortunately, identification is often confused with the formal registration process. Think carefully about the format of your event and answer the question: Is a last name really necessary on the badge? And especially the middle name? At many events these elements will be unnecessary.

    If you are trying to create a relaxed homely atmosphere, do not flood the room with Elena Petrovna Evdokimovs and Vasily Eduardovich Kravchenkos.

    Participant identification does not end with name alone. There is another important aspect of identification:

    A feeling of belonging to the same group.

    The psychological factor is important for participants: in a crowd of people, a person can quickly figure out who came to the same event. This creates a feeling of comfort, facilitates networking, and also becomes a universal conversation starter: “Are you going to the conference too? First time here? Nice to meet you, my name is Alexey.”

    You and I are of the same blood.

    From the point of view of the organizers, the ability to distinguish “us” and “outsiders” from the crowd thanks to high-quality badges simply makes life much easier. Imagine a huge business center where, in addition to your event, a million other events are taking place, office owners and their visitors are walking back and forth... and in this chaos you need to quickly find your people and direct them to the right conference room. You won’t ask everyone: “Are you by any chance going to a conference?”

    This subtask is solved by recognizable branding of badges: a sufficiently large event logo or color design that is recognizable from afar. I recently saw a good example at:

    The design, the badge holder, and even the “business” identifier - all this helps to quickly figure out which group the Technopark visitor belongs to.

    And finally, the last aspect of identification:

    Belonging to different subgroups, indicator of status/role.

    Badges help both participants and organizers understand who is who at the event.

    No, genatsvale! When a society has no color differentiation of pants, then there is no purpose!

    What exactly is worth differentiating:

    • Participant Roles(guest, organizer, speaker, volunteer, partner, press, etc.);
    • Tracks(with parallel programs for different tracks, it helps both participants and organizers navigate);
    • Level/status(beginner/advanced/expert or internal/invited participant, city/country representative, etc.).

    How exactly to use this?

    • Different colors in the design of the badges themselves(background, design elements)
    • Different color badge holders(of rope)

    A good example is my favorite deITology:

    Unsuccessful examples are often found at conferences; I’ll give just a couple here. How can these badges help you understand at first glance which group a person belongs to? The abundance of colors and various elements is distracting:

    Creating business cards - quickly and easily!

    Convenient program for quick creation and printing business cards. Purchase full version Produced through the most reliable online stores. Delivery on CD is possible throughout Russia.

    Very clear and convenient program to create business cards. I tried it before different ways designing business cards and badges, but it was either too complicated or not enough options. But “Business Card Master” is exactly what I need!

    Mikhail Morozov, Moscow

    Great program! It really allows you to create a beautiful business card in a couple of minutes. The secret of success is to create your own versions of business cards based on existing templates. Special thanks for the fast technical support.

    Natalya Metelskaya, Ekaterinburg

    IN modern world a badge is an integral attribute of any large organization. This is especially true for those companies whose activities involve direct communication with clients. In addition, badges facilitate internal corporate communication. The main function of a badge is to provide information about the person to whom it belongs. That's why badge design plays a very important role and significantly affects the efficiency of the company.

    Wearing badges, just like employee business cards or a manager's business card, is part of the corporate culture that supports the company's good name and image. At any major event - be it an exhibition or a conference - badges are used to identify participants. Therefore, if your company participates in such an event, pay special attention to the design of employee badges. A bright and laconic badge is the key to success in establishing necessary contacts and expanding the base of potential clients. A well-chosen badge design will allow your organization’s employees to “stand out from the crowd” and increase the percentage of profitable deals in the future.

    There are several species badges:

    1. Cards with text

    2. Badges

    3. Stickers.

    The most common are cards due to their low cost of production and ease of use. The design of the badge depends on the taste and needs of the customer, but there are some general rules.

    Standard badge size 54x86 mm, however, this value may vary. In most large organizations, staff wear badges on a lanyard or clip, which is attached to the badge through a special hole. Typically, badges are printed on thick paper and then covered with a laminate.

    The badge must be issued in uniform style from all company representatives. Usually it is indicated on the badge first and last name its owner, as well as institution, which this person represents. Sometimes the badge may contain additional information, For example, photograph or logo companies.

    If you yourself are the founder of an event, and its participants are unfamiliar with each other, then making badges is an important stage of preparation. Prepare badges with the event logo - and it will certainly be remembered by all its participants.

    Microsoft Word is an excellent text editor that is included in the package Office programs. It is one of the most used in the world. Many users mistakenly believe that Word has earned such popularity solely due to belonging to one of the largest companies, however, this is far from the case.

    Editor "Word"

    This program opens up many possibilities for formatting and layout of text of varying complexity, and it will be convenient for both beginners and professionals to work with it. Word is widely used by office workers, journalists, copywriters, schoolchildren and students. It can be both a complex mechanism for creating a unique design and a platform for editing quick notes. The program adapts perfectly to many text formats and synchronizes with others Office products, has a huge set fonts and functions for their modification, etc. Word will become an indispensable assistant and to create primitive information material.

    A badge is a small plate that indicates the identity of the employee (first name, last name), his position and, as a rule, the name of the organization. Badges are worn suspended by a string around the neck or attached to a pin on the chest. You might have seen such cards from employees of supermarkets, beauty salons, large firms, corporations, and so on. The “trend” has reached schools and institutes. So, duty officers, interns, library workers and others carry such cards. Plastic holders can be found in a huge variety of office departments. But how to make badges and their informative content in Word? We will talk about this further.

    How to make a frame for a badge in Word using a ready-made template?

    There are several ways to make a badge. The simplest of them is to edit a ready-made template. Some of them are already installed by default, but templates such as badges need to be downloaded additionally. However, it won't take much time. First, you need to check whether such a template has been downloaded in advance and look at the available templates. To do this, go to “File”, then click “Create” and “Sample Templates”. If there is no badge template, click “Office.com Templates” and download the required option. Further work will proceed in the same way as with any other document. We enter the required data, you can add the organization’s logo, play with fonts, add a border, fill it, and more.

    But often the badge template does not meet user expectations. They want to create their own unique option from the very beginning. How to make badges from scratch in Word?

    Create your own version of the badge

    Despite the fact that all badge holders are made standard size, it still needs to be measured to be on the safe side. We will make this version of the badge using table blocks. They are fairly easy to draw and cut after printing. If the badge is horizontal (this is the most common type), it is better to immediately make landscape orientation leaf. This parameter can be easily changed in the "Page Layout" tab and in the "Orientation" item. In the "Margins" item, you can set the "Narrow" checkbox. I would like to note that it is better to make several badges at once and print them on one sheet.

    Badge using table designer

    Open the "Insert" tab and select "Table". We denote the number of cells. It depends on the number of badges you want to receive as a result. When the table is ready, you need to adjust the size. To do this, hover your cursor over the table and click on the small cross that appears in the left corner. Go to "Properties".

    Set the size to “Exact” and uncheck the “Allow line wrapping” checkbox. We set the line height to 5.5 (standard badge height, if your holder has other sizes, you should stick to them). Set the column width to 9. Now you can start editing the content.

    How to make an inscription for a badge in Word?

    If you need to place an organization's logo on a badge, it is best to do it right away so that you don't have to cut it, stretch it, or narrow it later. To do this, let's use the "Insert" tab again and do the work as with regular pattern. By the way, you can place a photo of a person in the same way. Now you can enter the personal data of the employee or student. The capabilities of Word allow you not to edit the contents of each cell.

    If you need badges of the same type (for example, only the first and last names of employees will differ), then you can easily copy the contents of one badge, paste it into another cell and make minimal adjustments. You can even save the badge template in Word’s memory and then use it as a template. To do this, click “File” and select “Save as Word template”.

    How to make badges in Word without the help of a table designer? To do this, you can draw a rectangle autoshape and then continue editing the content. This is less convenient, but it will work as an alternative option.

    So we figured out how to make badges in Word. We hope that this process will be simple and quick for you in future.