• How to add to a dialog that has been deleted. How to return to a conversation on VK if I deleted the dialogue and left it. Disable notifications about new messages in a conversation

    Hello, dear friends. Today we will continue to deal with VKontakte dialogues. If you don’t know, then in previous articles we discussed, as well as. You can follow the links and read, you will find a lot of interesting things there. Today we will look at how to return if you left it or accidentally deleted the dialogue.

    Finding a conversation on VKontakte

    If you have recently left, then she is present in the dialogues, still at the very top, and you will not have any problems finding her. Therefore, go to your page and click on the “Messages” link in the left menu:

    That's how it is. Personally, I have a dialogue with a conversation in plain sight and it says that I left it. All I have to do is click on it:

    If you can’t find your chat in the dialogues, you can use the link to download 40 chats in which you participated:

    If more people participated, then this link can be continued by adding serial numbers from. For example: c41_c42_c43, etc.

    Now in the upper corner we look for a menu in the form of three vertical dots and click on it. From the drop-down list, select “Return to ....”.

    How to return if you deleted a dialogue

    If you accidentally deleted a chat conversation and now you can’t find it, then don’t worry, it will appear soon after one of the participants writes something.

    But if you left the conversation and deleted it, then you will have to use the link that I gave to find it. Find her and return.

    Or you can try asking one of the participants to send a link to the chat itself, and thus return to it. The main thing is not to worry, any conversation you deleted can be found.

    This question is asked by many active users of the social network VK, as they left the dialogue for various reasons. In general, VK exists for the most part thanks to communication, where chat plays one of the primary roles. Dialogues are very useful, but limited in functionality; they are very inconvenient to use when you need to convey information to many people.

    Quite often, for some reason, users leave chats, mainly because someone invited someone you don't want to see. Perhaps the informational interest in the dialogue has simply dried up and the conversation has lost its meaning. Even as a joke, users often leave chats to appear offended. Just then questions arise about how to return to the VK conversation if you left, today we will describe all possible situations.

    How to return to a conversation on VK?

    The simplest scenario for how to return to a conversation on VK is a simple recovery, but how to return to a deleted conversation? Here you already need to have some specific knowledge.

    To return to a conversation you previously left, no matter for what reason, you just need to follow a few steps, they are similar to leaving the chat:

    1. Log in to VK and go to the “Messages” category;

    1. Find the conversation you want to return to and go to it. For convenience, you can use the search;

    1. To return to an abandoned conversation, just hover over the ellipsis at the top of the window;
    2. Select "Return to Conversation."

    Now we have learned how to return to a conversation if you left it, but only if the user independently left the group and the conversation was not deleted. There is no limit on the number of exits and restorations in a conference, so the procedure can be performed many times.

    An alternative way to get back into the conversation is to simply write a message. VK will automatically restore you to the conference and no additional steps are required.

    When the reason for leaving the conversation becomes expulsion, then there is no way to recover on your own; it is necessary for one of the participants to invite you again.

    How to return to a deleted conversation on VK?

    The next urgent task is how to return to a VK conversation if you deleted the dialogue. Here everything is somewhat more complicated; you won’t be able to simply find the desired group in the “Messages” section, for obvious reasons. In fact, the information itself is not completely deleted, it is simply hidden from the user’s view. That is, by clicking on the link to the conversation you can still find it.

    Before returning to the conversation if you deleted the dialogue, you need to try to find the link to the group. You probably saved the link somewhere or it is stored in your browser history. In most browsers, you can go to history by pressing Ctrl + H, then after finding the element you can return to the group.

    When the link has been found, just click on it. Then the actions do not differ from the previous option, you just need to select the “Return to conversation” element in the “Action” tab, which is displayed as an ellipsis. It is worth noting that all group members will know about your departure and return, as a corresponding message is shown.

    If we were unable to find the required address for the conversation, then in the next paragraph we will consider this scenario.

    How to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted and the link cannot be found?

    Finally, we’ll figure out how to return to an abandoned and deleted conversation without the help of third-party tools. In fact, each conversation has its own ID, which is assigned individually. That is, by entering a number, which is the group number, you will go into a conversation.

    The numbers work on the incremental principle, that is, each new conversation is one more, taking into account groups that are already hidden from visibility. To access the abandoned conference, just follow the link https://vk.com/im?sel=c1, here the final digit is an identifier.

    You can simply check each chat you were invited to in turn to find what you need, but this is a long process. To speed up the search, you can go in two ways: either create a new group and look at its number, and then find the one you need in reverse order, or display many conversations at once.

    The first method is relevant if you have recently left the conversation and you can actually find it in just a few searches of the numbers in the address. The second option is to enter a link that will form a group of conversations, simply adding new ones through the underscore in the line https://vk.com/im?sel=c1_c2_c5_c10 etc. Of course, if your page is old, then there may be many conferences over the entire period, then the process will become labor-intensive.

    Left the conversation, how to return is obvious - use one of the suggested methods for searching for an identifier if the conference was deleted. If the dialogue is not even hidden, then returning to the conversation will not take much time at all. The only caveat is that when you are kicked out, you cannot recover on your own.

    If you still have questions on the topic “How to return to a conversation on VK if the dialogue has been deleted?”, you can ask them in the comments

    The social network VKontakte provides the ability to create a conversation. This is convenient because it allows you to send important information to multiple users at the same time. Each participant can leave the chat and join it again. But how can you return to the conversation if the dialogue is deleted? In this case, it will not appear in the message window. But, fortunately, this is still possible.

    Why does correspondence disappear?

    Of course, deleted correspondence may be the result of a page malfunction or a bad joke from your friend. But most often, users themselves leave chats and delete all messages - as they say, “burn bridges.”

    The reasons vary. The most common is that the conversation became irrelevant, and the person decided not to waste time on it. Or perhaps one of the messages seemed offensive to him. Or a new member has been added with whom the user does not want to correspond. But over time, he may want to return to the conversation. Conversation deleted? It doesn’t matter - you can still add to the chat.

    Added by another participant

    A user who leaves a conversation can be invited back. So contact one of the members and ask to be added again. To do this, he needs to open “Actions” and select “Add interlocutors”.

    In the window that opens, he needs to enter your name or simply find you in the list (if you are on his friends list). If there are free spaces in the chat, you can continue chatting with your interlocutors. The information “ Participant's first name and last name returned to the conversation." This is to ensure that all chat members know who has access to the conversation.

    Follow the link: first method

    The first option is not very convenient, since the user needs to wait for a response from the chat participant. There is an easier way to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted. In this case, we will not need outside help.

    Enter the link https://vk.com/im?sel=2000000001 in the address bar of your browser. Your first chat will open - it doesn’t matter whether you are currently a member or not. Put 2 as the last number and you will be taken to the second conversation. This way you can select the number of the desired conversation. When you find it, add it in the usual way - through “Actions”.

    Up to number 9 the link works well. But it won’t work further if you just insert “10”. The fact is that after the “=” sign there must be 10 digits. Therefore, you should write “2000000010” - that is, remove one zero after the two.

    Follow the link: second method

    Now let's look at the third option. The principle is the same as in the previous method, but you need to use a different link.

    Enter http://vk.com/im?sel=c1 in your browser. The number after c is the chat serial number. Change it until you get to the conversation you want. Then select "Actions" - "Return to Conversation". This option is convenient because you can easily insert single-digit and double-digit numbers.

    View messages

    So, we figured out how to return to the VK conversation. If a user deletes a conversation by mistake, they will most likely want to access the messages again. But here he is disappointed: the correspondence does not appear. Communication with participants will begin from the moment they are added again. Everything that was written before cannot be returned.

    However, there is no need to despair. Yes, you can't preview the dialogue from the very beginning. But if you just want to re-read an important message, ask one of your interlocutors to forward it to you. You can also create a second account and add it to the conversation. Then all correspondence will be revealed to you.

    We've looked at three ways to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted. Be careful when leaving the chat, the number of places in it is limited. Even if you really want to leave the conversation, think carefully before deleting the correspondence. It may contain important information, access to which will be lost.

    Good afternoon everyone. In the previous article, we examined it in detail and clearly, and also learned about various message settings. In this article we will find out what other communication tools this social network has and talk in detail about VKontakte conversations.

    Collective conversation on VKontakte. What is this?

    If only two people can participate in a regular dialogue, then you can invite as many people as you like into the conversation. This is convenient when you need to discuss something together, rather than individually. In general, talking to several people at once is much more interesting. Many conversations are created only to discuss some event and live for several hours, others unite people by interests and can exist for years. Whatever you say, this is another handy tool.

    It’s easy to start communicating on VKontakte with several people at once. What is needed for this?

    How to create a conversation on VKontakte

    Creating a conversation (also called a conference) is not difficult. To do this, in the list of dialogs at the top you need to click the “ + “. A tooltip “Start a conversation” will immediately appear.

    Next, from the list of friends, select all the friends you want to add to the general chat, and put a checkmark next to each one (you can add as many people as you like, the number of participants is not limited). Here you can also use the search to quickly find the person you need, rather than scrolling through the entire list for a long time and choosing from it. All participants appear at the top of the conversation list. If you suddenly change your mind and decide to exclude someone from communication, you just need to click on the cross next to their last name.

    After all participants have been selected, below, under the list of dialogues, you need to enter a name and click the “Create conversation” button. You can also set a photo by clicking on the button with the image of a camera in a circle and selecting an image from your computer or smartphone. does not play an important role, but it will help you visually quickly find the chat among other dialogs, since after creation it will be displayed in the general list of your dialogs. That's it, you can chat!

    When you write a message in a general chat during such communication, it is visible to all participants at once, and notification of a new message also comes to everyone at once at the same time. If you were busy and couldn't view the chat, then you can simply see the number of missed messages and read what the participants were chatting about without you. 🙂

    You can create a conversation from your phone in exactly the same way. In the current era of mobile technology, everyone now has a smartphone, and VKontakte communication is more often conducted from mobile devices than from personal computers. Therefore, the mobile version of the application contains all the same functions as the regular one.

    Creating a “VK” conversation from a mobile phone

    If you want to create a “VK” conversation from your phone, go to the “Messages” section. After that, you need to click on the icon with the image of a pen and a piece of paper in the upper right corner. You will be taken to the page for creating your chat room. Here, above the list of people, click “Create a conversation” and go to the next page (in the new versions, you must first click the “+” icon, and then “Create a conversation”). Here you need to select participants by checking the box next to each of them. If you don’t want to search in the list, you should use the search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. After all participants are selected, click “Next”

    On the next page you will see a list of all participants. All you have to do is come up with a name for the conference and click the “Create” button. After this, the chat will be created, and you can immediately start communicating.

    To go to the general chat settings, you need to click on the icon in the upper right corner with the image of two profiles. You will be taken to the settings page where you can:

    General chat settings

    We've sorted out the phone, let's see how to set up chat from a personal computer. All settings are displayed in the upper right part of the window. Here you can use the search to find the message you need or see the participants in the conversation. To go to advanced settings, click on the three dots and a list of options opens.

    The settings are the same as in the mobile version of the application, but there are also advanced features. I really like the “Show attachments” option. Using this setting you can find what you need. Let's imagine that two weeks ago one of the conversation participants attached a photo to his message, and now you really need it. Select this item and go to a window where all attachments that have ever been attached to messages are displayed.

    As you can see from the screenshot, for convenience, all attachments are sorted by type: photographs, videos, audio recordings and documents. A wonderful setting that allows you to quickly find the attachment you need without scrolling through the conversation wall and without remembering when this or that participant attached the media file you need.

    Another great setting is “Search by message history” (also selected from the general list of settings). It allows you to quickly find the message you need. You can search in two ways:

    1. According to the text of the message, what you need to type into the search bar and click the “Search” button;
    2. By date (if you remember exactly what day the message was sent);

    To search by date, click on the calendar icon and select the desired date. Thus, the conference has a powerful tool for quickly finding the messages and attachments you need.

    How to choose a title for a conversation?

    You can call your conference whatever you want, as long as you like the name. As we already wrote above, the name is set at the bottom, under the list of friends. It can be changed at any time. To do this, go to settings and select “Change name”. Next, in the window that opens, change the old name of the conversation to a new one and call “Save”.

    If your chat is active and communication is ongoing, it is better to come up with a catchy name that will stand out among the list of dialogues. This way you will be more likely to find it among other dialogues. Although any participant can change the name at any time and from any device, you should not abuse this, otherwise you will later get confused and forget what your chat was called.

    How to add new members

    Sometimes it happens that a chat was created for communication between, for example, three people, but then there was a need to add new participants there. Keep in mind that the creator or anyone else in the conversation can invite a new person at any time. To invite a new participant to a VKontakte conversation, select the topmost item “Add interlocutors” in the list of settings. Next, in the list of friends that opens, select one or more people and click the “Add friend” button. That's it.

    You can invite someone to a conversation in another way. To do this, in the list of chat settings you need to select the second item “Link to conversation”. Then a window will open where you will need to copy the link (to do this, you can simply click the “Copy” button) and send the link to the person you want to invite.

    The sent invitation looks like this (see picture below). After you click the “Join” button, in the window that opens you will be asked to confirm the action. Press the button again and get into the general chat.

    How to delete a conversation, leave it, or return to a general chat

    In order to delete a “VKontakte” conversation, you need to select “Clear message history” in the list of settings. Naturally, only its creator and no one else can do this.

    The next window will ask you if you really want to delete all correspondence. They will also warn you that it will be impossible to cancel the action. If you are determined to delete the conversation, click the “Delete” button.

    It should be remembered that in this way you only delete all correspondence. The chat will disappear from the list of dialogues, but if one of its participants writes a message, the conference will again become visible in the list of your dialogues.

    In order to completely delete a conversation (so that no one writes to it at all), you need to do the following:

    • Go to the “Messages” section and select our chat;
    • Click on the list of conference participants. In the list that opens, delete all participants by clicking on the cross next to the person;

    It should be remembered that only its creator can exclude people from the conference! If you are excluded from a conversation, you can return to it only at the invitation of the interlocutor

    • Next, select “Clear message history” and delete all messages.

    That's it, now all people and the entire correspondence history are deleted! Remember that other participants' correspondence will be stored until they delete it themselves.

    In order to do so, you need to select the last item “Leave conversation” in the settings. A window will open asking you to confirm the action. We confirm and leave the conversation. The messages will indicate that such and such a person has left the conference. Now you won't see what your friends are chatting about, and you won't receive notifications either. Sometimes they do this intentionally, sometimes they leave temporarily so that too active chat does not distract from important matters (for example, preparing for an exam (:crazy:)).

    Please remember that you can return to the general chat at any time. We find it in the list of dialogues, go to settings (icon with three dots) and select “Return to conversation”. After this, you will be able to write again and receive notifications of new messages.

    “Is it possible to return to a deleted conversation?” is a question that users sometimes ask. Answer - No! Keep in mind that if you delete a conversation and all your friends from it, neither you nor the other participants will ever be able to return to it. So think carefully before deleting a public chat!

    How to mention a person in a VKontakte conversation?

    Sometimes you need to point out a person to your interlocutors, give a link to him. How to do this? And really - is it really possible to write the first and last name of that person, and then your friends will search for him themselves? Of course not. There is a special form of code for creating a link. She looks like this:

    [ | ]

    The first part (up to the vertical line) contains the id of the user who needs to be mentioned in the general chat. The second part contains the link text. This could be a person's name or any other word or phrase.

    So, how to find out the id of a VKontakte user who needs to be mentioned in a conversation. Go to the user page and look at the address bar of the browser. For example, we will see the following there:

    So, now we fill out the code form in the message. Don't forget that there should be no spaces before or after the vertical bar. They can only be used in the second part of the code if you write, for example, a person's first and last name. The code will look like this:

    After you paste this code into the message and click “Send,” the Contact itself will convert the code into a link. It looks like this:

    Difficulties arise when it is not possible to immediately find out the user id. For example, if you go to my profile page “Sergey Contacts”, you will see in the address bar not the id, but the words sergey_vkazi


    “VKontakte” allows you to change “ugly” numbers into a word or phrase. Where can I get the id in this case? To do this, go to any profile page other than the main one (for example, in “Photos”). Now you will see the same id in the address bar.


    Now fill out the code form, not forgetting to add the letters “id” to the numbers. For the sake of an example, let’s write not the user’s first and last name, but something else. For example, the creator of the Vkazi blog. Then the completed code form will look like this:

    That's it. Now you know how to mention a person in a VKontakte conversation. You can also make a link to the group, but we’ll talk about this in the following articles. And that's all for today..

    VKontakte is the most popular social network on the Runet, and over time, like other resources, undergoes updates. The site interface and functionality are changing, and new opportunities are appearing. One of the innovations of VK is the ability to create so-called “Conversations”, that is, dialogues in which several people can be participants at once. This function is similar to Skype conferences.

    The list of conversation options includes options such as changing the avatar, adding new participants, and any conference member can invite them. It happens that due to the huge number of messages coming from a conversation or for other reasons, we leave it, deleting the dialogue itself, but sometimes we need to return back to it. In the article, we’ll look at how you can return to a conversation on VKontakte if you deleted the dialogue and left it, and we’ll also get acquainted with other “tricks” of the conversation on vk.com.

    VKontakte Conversation has a much larger list of functions than a regular dialogue with a user. We will consider the main points regarding this in this article.

    So, to allay your fears, you can return to a VKontakte conversation even if you have cleared the dialogue. Today there is an effective way to do this. It is carried out in several steps:

    Done - after this your VKontakte conversation should open, you can return to it as follows:

    • Click on the “ellipsis” icon located to the left of the conversation avatar;
    • In the drop-down list, select “Return to conversation”.
    The ellipsis icon and the “Return to conversation” tab, by clicking on which we can enter back into the conversation

    What else you need to know about VKontakte conversations

    The first thing you should know about VK conferences is that the maximum number of participants cannot exceed 250 people. This means that if you left the conversation and after you invited someone else there so that as a result the number of conference members became equal to 250 people, then you will not be able to return to it;

    Messages you received while you were away from the conversation will remain unreadable. By the way, you can only restore a deleted dialogue if no more than a day has passed since it was deleted. You can find out how to do this here:

    Disable notifications about new messages in a conversation

    If you don't want to receive notifications about new messages in a conversation, you don't have to leave the conversation. You can disable receiving notifications by doing the following:

    1. Go to the conference you need and click in the dialog box on the “ellipsis” icon located to the right of the conversation name;
    2. In the drop-down window, click on the “Disable notifications” tab - you’re done.

    How to create your own dialogue with friends

    If you want to create your own VK conversation, you can do it as follows:

    1. Go to the “Messages” tab;
    2. To the left of the dialogue search line there is a “plus” icon, click on it;
    3. The conversation creation window opens, where we can specify those participants whom we invite to it, select, come up with a name for the dialogue and click on the “Create conversation” tab.
    The window for creating a VKontakte conversation, in which you need to specify participants

    Removing a user from a conversation

    Either the creator or the person who invited you to it can exclude you from the conversation. By the way, if you yourself are the creator of the conference, then to remove a user from it, you must:

    1. Click on the tab with the number of participants located under the conversation name;
    2. To the right of the user name there is an icon in the form of a “cross”, click on it, confirm the exclusion from the dialog - you’re done.

    The conversation participants window, in which to exclude a user you need to click on the “cross” icon

    Regarding exclusion from the conversation, it is also worth noting that you will not be able to return to it on your own. You should not trust third-party software that promises to provide such an opportunity, since such programs are often ordinary Trojans that steal the user’s personal data.

    If a conversation participant has restrictions on the list of users who can write him private messages or you are on this person’s blacklist, he will still be able to see the messages you sent to the conference.

    Any user you follow can invite you to a conversation. VKontakte does not yet have the option to ban invitations to conferences. Therefore, if you do not want to be a participant in a certain conversation, but they persistently add you there, then the only way out is to unsubscribe from the page of the user who invites you there.


    The article discussed the main points regarding the return of VK to the conversation. If you want to learn more about conversations, then you should take a look at the “Help” section of VKontakte, where up-to-date information about VK conversations and small instructions for working with them are provided in an easy-to-read form - https://vk.com/support?act= faqs&c=1.