• How to get from Baia Domizia to Rome. What hotels in Baia Domizia have nice views? History of Baia Domizia

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    Baia (Baia or Baiae) is a seaside resort located in the vicinity, which was very popular in ancient times. Now this is one of the most important archaeological zones, one part of it is located under water and is accessible for diving. Land-based attractions in Baia include the castle, the Nymphaeum, the Sanctuary of Serapis and the ruins of the Rione Terra residential area.

    • 7 km west of
    • 25 km west of Naples

    Getting to Bayou

    the lilac train line (number 7) runs from the station in Naples Montesanto(Cumana branch) towards Torregaveto. Route:

    From Fusaro station: 9 minutes (750 m) walk to the Archological Park of the Baths of Bailly.

    Sights of Bahia

    Baia Underwater Archaeological Park

    On Baia resort the ancient Roman aristocracy loved to visit, thanks to its picturesque landscapes, the fertility of its surroundings and mineral springs. Guy Julius Caesar, Marius and others built their villas here. This was Horace's favorite place. Seneca warned against bathing people in Bai in order to avoid becoming slaves to their passions, calling the resort a refuge of vice. The ancient Roman emperor Hadrian spent the last days of his life in Bayeux.

    Now, due to volcanic activity, the ruins of the resort are under the water of the Tyrrhenian Sea, 100 m from the coast. They can be viewed through the transparent bottom of a special pleasure boat. Among them are the remains of the temples of Venus, Diana and Mercury.

    Address: Via Sella di Baia, 22, 80070 Bacoli NA, Italy

    Sights of the city of Baia:

    The sights of Bahia are connected with its ancient history:

    Archaeological Museum of Campo Flegrei

    The temple and baths of Bahia were raised from the water and recreated in a smallArchaeological Museum of the Phlegrean Fields(Museo archeologico dei Campi Flegrei). The museum was opened in 1993.

    • Archaeological Museum of the Phlegrean Fields
    • Via Castello
    • Opening hours:
    • 9:00 - 14:30 (last entry at 13:00), closed on Mondays
    • Closed: January 1, May 1, December 25.
    • Free entry from Tuesday to Friday, when the Bailly Castle ticket office is closed
    • Combined ticket € 4.00 - includes admission to the Baths of Bailly, the Flavian Amphitheater and the Archaeological Park - on weekends and public holidays, when the castle ticket office is open until 13:00.
    • On paid entry days (weekends + holidays), the entrance to the Baths of Bahia is located at via Lucullo 94 in Palazzina Ferretti, through the underwater park (Parco Sommers), which is open from 9 am to 1 hour before sunset.
    • On free days (Tue - Fri) entrance to the Baths of Bahia is from via delle Terme.

    Bailly Castle

    Big lock(Castello Aragonese di Baia ), which houses the museum, was built at the end of the 15th century by representatives of the dynasty, like many other coastal fortifications. This austere building, strategically located, overlooks the bay.

    Apparently, the current structure is the result of many alterations over the centuries, significantly altering its original appearance. The main changes were made by Don Pedro Alvarez de Toledo, Donl Emanuel Fonseca and Ferdinand IV.

    Bailly Castle presented an insurmountable barrier to those attempting to access the land from the water. Most likely the castle was built to protect the coast from Saracen attacks.

    After a terrible eruption that occurred during one night at the end of 1538, the castle of Bailly was damaged. During the same eruption, Monte Nuovo, the “New Mountain,” appeared. The Spanish Viceroy, Don Pedro Alvarez de Toledo, ordered renovation work, which created a defensive structure to protect against Saracen invasions.

    However, Bailly Castle was not only a military building; Public and political meetings were also held here, and criminal verdicts were announced. Garibaldi vacationed here in the 1800s. As a result of the First World War, the castle turned into an orphanage where the sons of soldiers who died in the war lived.

    Temple of Serapis

    The "Macellum" (market) is now known as Serapis, or more accurately, the Temple of Serapis. The renaming happened after excavations during which a statue of Serapis, an Egyptian god, was discovered. Despite subsequent repeated restoration work, the history of the statue can be traced back to the Flavian dynasty.

    Serapis is the Hellenistic god of abundance, fertility, the underworld and the afterlife. Serapis was depicted as a Greek god, but with Egyptian paraphernalia, combining the iconography of many cults, symbolizing abundance and resurrection... During the Roman period, Serapis's popularity continued to grow, and it was not uncommon for him to appear as the husband of Isis in temples outside Egypt. Serapis and Isis had a son, Harpocrates, an analogue of the Egyptian Horus.

    The Macellum was built of rare marble and decorated with beautiful mosaics, and had an apse with a semicircular dome under which stood a statue of Serapis, the sanctuary of the god.

    Macellum owes its fame to the phenomenon of Phlegraean bradyseism; the penetration of mussels inside Corinthian columns made of cipolin marble, which helps to accurately assess how deep the building was sunk below sea level.

    The resort of Baia Domizia is located on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, 90 km from Naples and 180 km from Rome.

    Holidays in Baia Domizia are an amazing combination of sea air with the pleasant aromas of Mediterranean pine and eucalyptus. Beautiful sandy beaches with a gentle slope into the sea, surrounded by lush Mediterranean vegetation, invariably attract tourists.

    Hotels Baia Domizia is located in close proximity to the coastal area; picturesque paths from the hotels lead directly to magnificent sea beaches with fine, white sand. The tourism infrastructure here is quite developed. In the town itself, tourists will find numerous bars, small restaurants and shops where they will offer you original souvenirs and various national trinkets.

    Baia Domizia is one of the areas of the Campania region that is characterized by healthy and tasty Mediterranean cuisine. The basis of this cuisine is white meat, fish, shellfish, pasta, olive oil, mozzarella, vegetables, fruits and top quality wine. You can taste the masterpieces of this culinary art anywhere in the region.

    Many festivals take place in Baia Domizia every year. Often this is a "sagra" - a celebration of local products, in honor of their new harvest.

    Usually sagras are accompanied by concerts, live music, and parade performances in traditional costumes, just like a real holiday should be noisy, cheerful with plenty of food and wine.

    This area was known back in ancient times; many monuments of ancient buildings have been preserved, so today the most interesting excursion routes lie here. You can join group excursions or rent a car and drive around the coast on your own. From Baia Domizia it is convenient to visit the cities located on the Amalfi and Sorrento coasts, the neighboring islands of Capri and Ischia, and Caserta with its magnificent palace. You can reach Rome, Naples, Vesuvius and Pompeii.

    15 kilometers from the coast is the ancient town of Sessa Aurunca, known since the times of the Roman Empire.

    On the cobbled sidewalks, the colorful and measured life of a typical ancient city flows: the buzz of a small market, the mingling of appetizing smells emanating from old-fashioned cafes, bakeries, shops and groceries. This place has a rich history and local attractions will tell you about it: the Ancient Roman theater, the cathedral, an underground gallery, and an ancient necropolis. The famous Appian Way passes here, the most significant of the ancient public roads of Rome. Already in ancient times, the Appian Way was called “the queen of roads.”

    A rich excursion program, nearby thermal resorts, Reggia Designer Outlet and Cilento Outlet Village, amusement parks Magic World, Edenlandia - all this creates excellent conditions for a varied and eventful holiday.

    Baia Domizia it is, first of all, silence in the environment pine forests. Stretching for several kilometers along the coast, this small town attracts tourists quite low prices at quite worthy service. For some reason, Italians especially love this resort. There are only three parallel streets, many houses in the obligatory Mediterranean style and a huge pine park, which is part of the city. Baia Domizia was built relatively recently - only in the sixties of the last century. And it was built exclusively with the needs of tourists in mind. There is appropriate infrastructure here: bars, small restaurants, hidden under the shade of slender pines, and a bunch of small shops with always friendly owners. Here you can buy everything: charming souvenirs made by local craftsmen, decent ceramics, leather shoes, and even jewelry. Prices here are quite affordable, despite the fact that the city is exclusively resort. Near the city Formia, is much more numerous and can be reached by buses, which are plentiful on the nearby highway located just outside the park. It is quite possible to get here from Naples by bus, although you need to know where it is coming from. If you don’t want to fill your head with unnecessary information, use ours. We will comfortably deliver you to any place you need.

    Beach holidays and surroundings.

    People go to Baia Domizia mainly for a beach holiday. An ideal location next to the Gulf of Gaeta, a gentle entrance to the water, fine, silky sand - this is what distinguishes the local beaches from other beaches on the coast.

    There are no attractions in Baia Domizia itself, well, maybe just an ancient Roman viaduct Ponte degli Aurunci, which is located on Monte Street. He crosses a tiny valley. The bridge consists of twenty-one arches. In principle, if you rent a car, you can explore the surrounding areas of the city. Go to the Archaeological Museum in Minturno, where there is everything that is usually discovered during excavations. Colosseum, remains of ancient Roman columns and mosaics. On the way to Sessa Aurunca you can see Bourbon Bridge. This is the first suspension bridge in Europe, very well preserved and located over the Garigliano River. Or can you go to Mondragone Castle, the picturesque ruins of which are located on the top of Monte Petrino. It was built in the 8th century. The journey by car will take about twenty minutes. And impressions for the whole day.

    And if you don’t plan to drive yourself, you can choose one of our wonderful ones presented on the website. In any case, the decision is yours, but we, as always, wish you a pleasant stay!

    Baia Domizia- a tiny charming resort in the Italian hinterland, located on the shores of the Tirenian Sea. Here is a relatively inexpensive holiday, suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday and picturesque nature. The town itself is located in a pine park; the combination of sea air and pine forest makes this place invigorating and fertile. City Baia Domizia is a city of three parallel streets along the coast, all hotels are located directly on the beach.

    Baia Domizia - silky sand, clear sea...

    On the beaches, the sand is fine and silky, the sea is transparent and clean, there are traditional umbrellas and chairs. Good service, quite a few traders (mostly Afro-Italians) who sell national trinkets. Along the sea there are many shops and kiosks with cola, beer, mineral water, watermelons, as well as limoncello and grappa, the best part is that they do not close for siesta. The service in hotels and on the beaches is excellent, sometimes they prohibit you from swimming beyond the buoys, and you are not allowed to swim in a storm, although tumbling in decent sea waves is fun.

    The town itself is a lot of white Italian houses with red roofs. There are almost no Russian-speaking vacationers here; the bulk of vacationers are Italians. Discos mainly feature Italian animation, but this is quite enough to have a good time. Getting there from Baia Domizia not very convenient, it’s better to get to Formia, and there it’s only 3 hours from Rome; a BIRG ticket allows you to use transport in Rome for free for the whole day.

    Vacationers in BAIA DOMIZIA good and comfortable, it is surrounded by mountain slopes, many tourists, when going to BAIA DOMIZIA, stock up on equipment and relax either on the beach or go mountain hiking. If you don’t strive to get to the top tourist places in Italy, BAIA DOMIZIA– an ideal holiday destination, you can go to neighboring Formia, visit the tomb of Cicero, take a ferry to the islands or to Gaeta. In Gaeta, life is, of course, in full swing; you can go shopping and visit historical places. From Formia it is easier to get to Rome and back.

    A holiday on the shores of picturesque Bahia is an opportunity to disconnect from Russian-speaking tourists, enjoy walks through cedar thickets and mountain slopes, or simply lie comfortably on the beach while drinking limoncella. A holiday in Bayeux is chosen when only a couple of trips to Italian attractions are planned.

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    Tiny town Baia Domizia located along the Domitian Coast and is part of the luxurious Riviera Pineta di Sessa, in the region. This resort is considered one of the most inexpensive in the south of the country and enjoys increased attention among families with children, as well as among tourists who want to relax in a picturesque setting, among rocks and pine forests, away from noisy cities, enjoying peace and quiet.


    Located between Naples and Rome, Baia Domizia is completely subordinated to the interests of vacationers. It has everything you need for a good holiday, including comfortable hotels, cozy restaurants, well-equipped beaches and opportunities for water sports. There are few foreign tourists here, but there are plenty of Italians who come here from different regions and regions. This resort is almost unknown in Russia and the CIS countries, so Russian speech is heard here extremely rarely. Animation in the hotels is in Italian, and the hotels themselves are located in a pine park along the coastline. The architectural appearance of the city is simple and reminiscent of typical coastal provincial towns of the south, with low white houses and burgundy tiled roofs glistening in the bright sunlight.

    General information

    The territory of Baia Domizia covers an area of ​​only a few square meters. km, with a small population, which is mainly employed in the tourism sector. Local time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. Time zone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in the summer. Telephone code +(39) 823.

    A brief excursion into history

    Baia Domizia is considered one of the youngest resorts in the Campania region. It was born only in the 60s of the last century, and was specially built in accordance with the goal of becoming a popular tourist center. Its layout is simple and uncomplicated, so it is almost impossible to get lost here. Most of the hotels are located on a rocky shore and in order to get down to the beach there is an elevator and stairs, going down which you can appreciate the delightful natural landscapes of the region.


    The resort has a typical Mediterranean climate. The average air temperature in winter is about +8 degrees, and in the summer months it can rise to +30 and above. Precipitation falls from November to March, and the swimming season begins in May, lasting until October.

    How to get there

    The closest international airports to the city are in Naples and Rome. It is separated from the first by 75 km, and from the second by 180. Communication between them and the resort is carried out using buses and trains. The Minturno-Scauri train station is located 3 km from Baia Domizia and from there you can easily walk to your destination on foot or by bus.



    The fine, pleasant white sand that covers the beaches of Baia Domizia is one of the main advantages of this resort. The water in the sea is transparent, and the presence of sun loungers and umbrellas allows vacationers to forget about everything in the world and truly relax under the gentle rays of the Italian sun. For those who prefer a more active pastime, there are rental points for water transport and equipment for water sports.

    Attractions and entertainment

    Unfortunately, since the city has a fairly short history, there are no significant architectural structures or cultural sites on its territory, so curious tourists can book a bus tour from one of the local travel agencies that operate routes in completely different directions. One of the most popular trips is a trip to the Odyssey coast, to the town of Formia. It once served as the residence of the Neapolitan kings, and now has the status of a fairly popular tourist center with a rich historical heritage. Among its main attractions are the Tower of St. Erasmus, a former royal palace now converted into a hotel, and the tomb of the famous Roman thinker Marcus Tullius Cicero. No less popular among tourists is an excursion to the ancient city of Gaeta, located in the harbor of the same name on the Tyrrhenian Sea and related to many myths and legends associated with the history of Ancient Greece and Rome.

    Of course, a wonderful distraction from a beach holiday and a unique opportunity to see the greatest monuments of bygone eras is a trip to Naples, with its Teatro di San Carlo opera complex, the royal palace of Palazzo Reale and the legendary Umberto Gallery. In addition, there you can see the ruins of ancient Pompeii and the majestic Vesuvius, with which almost half of the most important historical events in the life of Italy are connected. In terms of the entertainment industry, Baia Domizia does not look like the best option, so fans of music and dance, as well as fans of the nightlife, are better off walking towards the nearby resorts. Fans of fishing and boat trips have an excellent opportunity to take an exciting journey through the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the coast from the water.


    The abundance of restaurants and eateries allows guests to appreciate the quality of Italian cuisine in all its splendor. Exquisite seafood delicacies, meat and fish dishes, all kinds of pasta, vegetables and fruits, as well as famous Campania wines are widely represented on the menu of local culinary establishments.


    The city's shops and stalls display a very impressive assortment of various goods, from Italian shoes to luxury jewelry and cosmetics. The prices cannot be called too low, but they are also difficult to classify as overpriced, so shopping here seems quite interesting and exciting.

    Baia Domizia is an excellent resort for those who are focused on a calm and measured holiday surrounded by beautiful nature. Staying in this city is a great way to relax and enjoy the process of sunbathing, listening to the sound of the surf and the cries of seagulls.