• How to change the steam language to Russian. How to change the language on Steam. A way to change the language in a separate game

    Steam users quite often ask the search engine “how to change the language on Steam,” so we have described 2 ways to change the language to Russian or English.
    The original version of the client is in English, which sometimes causes inconvenience in its use. Especially among those who do not particularly speak a foreign language, or are getting acquainted with Steam for the first time, without having yet studied the menu and features of the program.


    Steam was created back in 99 and it mainly distributes games to the computer. Currently, its audience is 125 million people, or even more.

    With the help of the Steam service, all current Valve products have begun to be distributed, and now you can find games here from other manufacturers, as well as for different platforms and OS.

    But most applications are still designed for Windows.

    The Steam client allows you to change the template of the appearance and interface of your program, change its color, the location of icons and buttons in the menu. One of the important details of setting up your client is setting the language. How can I change it to Russian?
    In addition to the Russian language, there are other languages ​​in Steam, even Chinese and Korean are present. The setup doesn't take that long.

    The service also has restrictions for the use of certain applications in some countries and regions.
    If the game is intended for the USA, there is no way to launch it in Russia.

    2. Change the language in Steam

    Changing the language in Steam is a simple process. You can select the Russian language separately for a specific game client, or for the entire Steam.

    Changing the language in Steam
    To switch the language on Steam to Russian, you must:
    - Launch the program and log into your profile using your personal data;
    - If the client is English-speaking, go to “ Settings"item, and then to the tab " Interface».

    - In place of the language, select from the list “ Russian" and confirm the action.
    - After saving the changes, the program will be restarted and translated into Russian.

    Change language only for games
    It happens that the Steam application does not need to be translated, but some game would like to be translated. It's not that difficult to do, just follow the instructions:
    1. Log in to your account as last time;
    2. Go to your games, select the one you want, you can use the search;
    3. Select “Properties” if Steam is in Russian, “Settings” if in English;
    4. Go to the Language tab;
    5. Select the desired game language and confirm the action.

    If the selected client supports the Russian version, then only Russian files will be downloaded. But more often both versions are downloaded, including the foreign one.

    Sometimes it happens that the interface in steam itself switches to a foreign language that is unnecessary and incomprehensible to you. In addition, changing the Steam language may require various instructions for optimizing or improving game performance, because some utilities may not be available for the current region.

    In any case, it is important to be prepared for unforeseen situations and be able to change the text in Steam to the one you need at any time, without resorting to someone else’s help and without panicking.

    Situations in which this will be useful

    There are quite a lot of cases when you may need to change the language on Steam to English or Russian, but not all players encounter some of them. So, these situations include:

    1. Reset settings. This happens after updating the steam version or deleting important configuration files by you or an antivirus.
    2. Changing system parameters. If your Windows starts, for example, unexpectedly considering English as the main language rather than Russian, then Steam will take this factor into account during installation and will prefer to change the “language” parameter to the one suggested by the OS.
    3. Purchasing games. Some released products are region-locked, so to enjoy the original voice acting or subtitles you will have to change the language in steam to the appropriate one.
    4. Get free icons. On Steam, as in other projects, some badges can only be obtained by residents of certain countries, and therefore, in order to take possession of them, you will have to change your nationality (only virtually, of course). Unfortunately, after you want to change the language to Russian again, the icon may be taken away.
    5. Change of region of residence. For example, if in Russia you had Russian Steam, and then you moved to Germany, it would be logical to change the interface and data to those required in the region.

    Switching process

    To change the Steam interface to Russian, you will need to do the following with the client:

    1. Log in to your account.
    2. Click on the Steam item at the top left - it is called the same for all languages.
    3. Select “Settings” (or “Settings”).
    4. In the “Select language” item, select the one you need, in our case – Russian.
    5. Restart Steam.

    If you did everything correctly, then you will have Russian language throughout the entire interface, and in the future you will be able to easily switch between versions. It is not recommended to abuse this for personal gain - the Steam security service will easily figure it out if you buy a game intended only for the Chinese and try to play in Europe.

    Today we will learn with you how to make the Russian language in Steam. There are several meanings here that will have to be sorted out. After all, the algorithm of our actions will depend on this. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

    Program interface

    Well, the first scenario is the one where we will change directly How to make the Russian language in Steam?

    For example, you can always resort to changing the settings. There you will find the interface language we need, and not only Russian. After you save the changes and restart the application, all manipulations will take effect. But how to get to the treasured menu?

    In order to answer how to make Russian in Steam (or any other language), just go to the program client, then click on the first (leftmost) inscription on the main page. It is simply labeled “Steam”. Next, you will see a list of actions and functions. There you will have to find “options” or simply select the 6th line.

    Now, if you want to see “Steam” in Russian, just select “Interface”, and then set the data we need in the very top parameter. In our case, you will have to find “Russian language” and save the changes. Steam will restart. That's it, problems solved. But this is not all that may concern our question today. Let's find out what other ways to solve the problem may be.

    For the game

    Well, there is another approach. If you are thinking about how to make the Russian language in Steam directly in the game, then you will have to work with the game settings. Let's figure out how this idea can be implemented.

    First, it is worth noting that not all Steam games support Russification. Thus, these products will have to be left in English or any other language. But if there is support for Russian localization, then you can try to play a little with the options.

    Launch the game and then go to settings. There you should find the "Language" option. In it you set “Russian” and save the changes. As a rule, after this all problems will go away. Sometimes you have to restart. That's all the problems. Now you know how to make the Russian language in Steam.


    But what to do if you need to translate the program website? Of course, there is a different approach here. To do this, you just need to install a good browser. All new similar applications have an automatic translation function.

    It appears as a separate line at the top of the browser asking if you want to translate the site, as well as a choice of possible languages. It is enough to set the “Russian” parameter and then agree to the request. That's all. The page has been translated. Only the language here will not be particularly correct. Some suggestions may seem strange to you. That's all.

    The Steam online service is used all over the world, so the platform supports several language profiles. After creating an account on Steam, you can change the language of your account at any time. This will affect the information displayed in various categories of the service (store, library, community center, etc.). Below are instructions for changing the language on Steam, but first you should understand how changing the language differs from changing the region.

    Step #2. Language settings

    In the window that opens, 3 bookmarks will appear in front of you:

    • about the account;
    • settings;
    • language settings.

    In the “Language Settings” tab you can change the interface language. This will only change the language in which the elements within the application itself are written.

    And in the “About your account” tab you will find the “Change store country” button. It hides a quick and convenient way to change the region, after which the configurations in the Steam store will change.

    Step #3. Download region (optional step)

    This no longer applies to changing the interface language, but it will be useful for those who for some reason are slow to download games or updates to them.

    Steam automatically connects to nearby servers when you need to update your game. But you can assign a download region manually if necessary. Sometimes the provider advises this, and sometimes they use it

    Video - How to change the language on Steam

    "How can Steam be translated into Russian?" - many RuNet players often ask technical support. In particular, these are those. who do not know foreign languages ​​at all. In fact, changing the language is a fairly simple matter. Let's see what can be done and how to switch Steam to Russian.

    Agent transfer

    The first thing we will consider is changing the “region” in the Steam program itself. As a rule, if a person does not know the language at all, then it is relatively difficult for him to use a foreign interface. That’s when he begins to think about how to translate Steam into Russian.

    This is quite easy to do. You just need to go to your account settings and select the language you need. To do this, click on your nickname in the upper left corner of the active Steam window, then click "Settings...". Here you will need to select the "INTERFACE" tab. As a matter of fact, this is the very interface that needs to be changed. In the list that opens, select "Russian" and click "Ok". Everything must be translated. Now you know how to change Steam to Russian. However, this is not all of the shifting possibilities. Let's see what other options there may be.


    Of course, if you don’t want to tinker with the settings for a long time and think about how to customize the program “for yourself,” then you can safely install Steam in Russian. That is, we are talking about downloading the initially Russified version of the agent.

    There are several ways to do this. The first is to find the required installation file on the Internet.

    True, this method is not the best. All this is due to the fact that many hackers and crackers can “encrypt” their viruses under any installation file. So, by downloading Steam from an unreliable source, you can introduce some kind of infection to your computer.

    The second method is to download the distribution from the official Steam website. Here you can be sure that you will not introduce any computer viruses or spyware after installation. As a rule, if you live in Russia, you will be offered the Russian version of the agent initially. If you install it, then you will not need to think about how to translate Steam into Russian. It will initially contain the required interface language. If you need to change it, just go to settings - interface - language (select the required one). After that, click "Ok". You will achieve the desired result.

    Changing the game language

    But sometimes a person needs to change not only the interface in the agent, but also in the game itself that he decided to play. True, this can be quite difficult to do. The fact is that glitches can occur in the system, which, as a rule, interfere with changing the language. So, if you know how to translate Steam into Russian, then you can also “change” any game.

    There are three ways here. The first is a banal one, known to many. If the game initially supports the Russian language, then change it in the settings of the toy itself. This is done during startup. More precisely, on the main screen. Go to "Settings" and in the "Language" column select "Russian". After this, the toy will be “transferred”.

    The second method comes to the rescue when the previous method did not work to change the language. The reason may lie in the fact that the game initially launches with a certain “language region”. To do this, you will need to find the file that is responsible for the launch settings. Such data is usually located in the "My Documents" folder. Next, you should look for the folder that relates specifically to your game. When you manage to find and open the desired file, find the line there that is responsible for the interface language and change it to “Rus”. What exactly is the name of the file you need and what line is needed? It's best to ask this on specialized forums. There are many games, so there is no point in listing all possible options. So you know how to translate Steam into Russian and change the interface language in the toy.

    "Release the cracker!"

    The last way you can Russify everything you want is to install a Russifier. True, first you will have to find and download it. Sometimes games and programs initially do not have a Russian translation, and there are no plans to do so. In such cases, if you have friends who know programming and foreign languages, you will need to ask them to release a “fan” translation-patch. True, this is very difficult for Steam to do. However, if you don’t see other ways, then you have a choice: play in a foreign language or wait for a localizer.