• How can I hide a VKontakte group? How to hide interesting VKontakte pages

    Hello everyone, my dear friends and blog guests. Today I would like to tell you how to hide the list of groups on VK, as well as remove interesting pages without unsubscribing from them. You probably join a lot of communities and don’t want even your closest friends to know about some of them. It's actually easy to do, so let's go!

    So, so that the list of our groups in personal information does not loom before the eyes of people and friends, you need to take a few simple steps:

    For example, if you want no one but you to see the list of your groups, then click “Only me”. Well, if you want your friends to also be able to see the list of your communities, then select the appropriate item.

    The coolest thing is that you can even set up display only for a certain category of people, or limit the display of your groups and publics to certain individuals.

    How to hide interesting pages

    But there are some problems with this column. Unfortunately, the developers did not even add a separate function to remove interesting pages from VK. This way everyone can see your subscriptions. There is no browser extension for this either. Yes, and it would not have saved, since it only works in a separate browser, and not for everyone. Thank God that at least groups are not included in this category.

    By the way, just in case you don’t know, this block includes the pages you are subscribed to. That is, these can be either public pages or personal pages of those who you are not friends with, but whom you follow.

    But if it is important for you that this block does not exist at all, then I can offer you the option of unsubscribing from all public pages and people. Just don’t throw your slippers right away. Read to the end first.

    Now, this community will not hang in the block "Interesting pages", because they unfollowed him. But nevertheless, we can enter it again at any time.

    The only disadvantage of this method is that you will not receive new posts from this public in your feed. But, if you noticed, right above the point "Add to bookmarks" You can turn on notifications by clicking on the bell icon. And now, even though you are unfollowed from the community, you will receive notifications from it. This way you won't miss the next post.

    Why would people hide groups or interesting pages?

    Surely many people are wondering why people generally hide information about subscriptions to different public pages. But here, I think, the answer is obvious. Not everyone wants to show off their participation in any communities. This is essentially their interests and personal life. And many people don’t want everyone to know about their hobbies. Therefore, it’s easier to hide the list of groups on VK and remove interesting pages so that no one pokes around.

    Of course, I don’t hide these blocks on VK, but I also don’t fill out all the information about myself. Namely, I do not include my parents, wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc. I think this is too personal information about me.

    By the way, if you have your own community on VK, then you will probably want to promote it or make a chic design design. For such cases, I would like to recommend you an awesome Kwork service. On the site you will find real professionals who will fulfill your order in the best possible way for a minimal price. I myself use the service regularly and am simply as happy as an elephant. That's why I recommend you use it.

    Well, that's all for me. I hope you liked my article. As usual, don’t forget to subscribe to my block and public pages on social networks. And of course, I’m waiting for you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    How to remove interesting pages on VK from prying eyes.

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    Social networks, how much has already been said and written about them, but the questions do not decrease. I am constantly given new ideas and questions for articles. Today, in my opinion, this is a very interesting question to which there is no simple answer.

    One user complained that he would like to hide the list of communities in which he is a member from public view. I couldn’t find how to do this using the settings. No matter how hard he tried, nothing worked.

    Do you want to know how to hide interesting pages on VKontakte? I can give you a short and comprehensive answer; this cannot be done using the settings in VK! However, when have we ever retreated from difficulties?

    The more difficult the problem, the more interesting it is to solve it, do you agree with me? And if we need to find information on how to remove interesting pages in VK, then we will definitely find a solution.

    In the settings, we can only hide the groups we are a member of. To do this, click on the triangle next to your avatar and go to settings.

    This line in the settings should look like this.

    This way, the list of groups you are a member of will not be seen by anyone except you. It’s not that simple with communities; you can’t hide them from prying eyes.

    If you want to hide from strangers which pages are interesting to you, then there is only one way to hide your interests from curious visitors. This method is simple - unsubscribe from those communities that you do not want to advertise.

    And in order to always have these communities at hand, you need to bookmark them. Now I will tell beginners how to bookmark a community.


    1. Go to the community and unsubscribe with one click by clicking on the button - you are subscribed and selecting unsubscribe.
    2. Click on the three dots and choose bookmarking. Although, you yourself decide what suits you best, perhaps it will be receiving notifications or messages.

    After these simple steps, unwanted interesting pages will no longer be visible. Today this is the only way to remove interesting pages on VK from prying eyes.

    The Internet has burst into modern life with rapid strides. It is used not only as entertainment, but also for work, as well as for many other purposes. Social networks are especially popular among young people. And the most famous is VKontakte.

    Benefit for everyone

    Social networks are attracting more and more new people. Thousands of new users register every day. Interesting VKontakte pages are appearing more and more often. And all parties benefit from this. The site becomes more popular, naturally, this has a positive effect on the income of its founders. And it’s good for users - they can while away their time here with benefit and pleasure.

    There are interesting pages on various topics. It could just be some original profile of one person or an entire community. People united by a common idea, interests and views can join the appropriate group. There are a huge variety of them: sports, information, women's and men's, about films, books, quote books, etc.

    Online advertising as a source of income

    The multi-million audience of the social network in question ensured the development of business projects. Interesting pages advertise any products or services. This is much more effective than, for example, posting your advertisements on poles or to passers-by. After all, you must admit, it’s easy to pass by some inconspicuous advertisement pasted on a board on the street. But to resist the tempting, bright and original text that you saw on your monitor screen is an unacceptable matter. This is why having interesting VKontakte pages is beneficial!

    Making your profile more popular

    A natural question arises about how to make a page interesting so that as many people as possible visit it. There are several proven effective methods.

    If this is your personal page and you want it to become visited, you should follow some simple rules:

    Communities of Interest

    Increasing the popularity of personal pages helps to increase a person’s self-esteem and expand his circle of contacts. If you need to do something more serious, for example, advertising certain products or services, then it is better to use groups for these purposes.

    There are several options here. If you are the owner of any business, you can describe the services your company provides, provide information about your products, accept orders from clients, etc. If you are an ordinary Internet user who does not want to waste time at the computer and seeks to earn income, it would also be appropriate to create a public page.

    Interesting VK pages have good traffic, which means a large audience of potential clients. And if you are the owner of one of them, you can earn money by advertising other people’s companies, websites, etc. on your page. The customer gives you an agreed amount of money, and your income grows - the scheme is simple.

    How to hide a community in the "interesting pages" block

    The public pages that a particular person has subscribed to are displayed in the profile and are visible to absolutely everyone. Some users, due to some circumstances, want to hide their interesting VKontakte pages. And many people are interested in the question of whether this can be done. This block cannot be hidden using privacy settings. There is only one possible option left - to unsubscribe from public posts that confuse you or those around you.

    To unsubscribe from a specific community, you need to go to its page, and then click the “unsubscribe” button under the avatar. Information from this public will no longer be displayed in your news. But if you still want to monitor its updates secretly, there is an option - add the group to your bookmarks. You can go to your favorite public page at any time. Bookmarks are not visible to other users, so no one will know which community you are following.

    Vk.com is a popular social network that is used daily by millions of users, and this number is only increasing every day. Individually for each user, when going to the “News” section, a special block “Interesting Pages” is formed. This block is compiled from an automatic selection of information that is relevant specifically for this user. This information includes both news and pages of other social network users to which the person is subscribed or which may be potentially interesting to the person (determined by the user’s visited pages).

    How to hide interesting pages on VKontakte from other users

    But is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages from other categories of users? Yes, this seems possible and the answer to the question of how to do this is given in detail below.

    Ways to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone

    Many people ask themselves: how to hide interesting VKontakte pages from everyone? To perform this action and successfully hide what is needed from all users, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

    Now you know how to hide interesting VKontakte pages without leaving access to them to anyone except yourself.

    Another way to hide interesting pages is to simply unsubscribe from communities or friends you follow. This may not be the most desirable action for you, but if there are no subscriptions, communities and friends will not appear in your recommendations, and therefore, in the list of your interesting pages.

    How to hide interesting VK pages from friends

    Many people ask the question: how to hide interesting VK pages from friends? You can use the method above or it's simple. In order to hide your interesting pages from friends, you need to unfollow your friends or add the friends from whom you want to hide your interesting pages to the black list. This is a rather unpleasant method, but taking into account the social network’s policies, it is the most effective.

    After this, your interesting pages will be unavailable to your friends whom you added to the blacklist or from whom you unfollowed.

    Is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages?

    Above we discussed key ways on how to hide interesting VK pages in 2017 after updating VK. Unfortunately, the functionality for hiding interesting pages from other users on a social network is much less than the functionality for hiding your posts on a social network, which also has significant restrictions.

    This is due to the rather strict policy of the popular social network, which is aimed at creating greater transparency in the interaction of users with each other. The growing popularity of the social network only increases the need to tighten this policy.

    Due to the current anonymity policy of the social network VKontakte, staying incognito on the Internet is now becoming more and more difficult. With some changes in one of the large-scale updates to VK introduced in 2015, some functions that made it possible to hide detailed information about yourself became unavailable. However, in return, it will introduce a separate section in the account settings, in which you can select the privacy settings for your photos, music, comments and groups to which you have a subscription.

    In this article we will tell you exactly what manipulations need to be done in order to hide the list of your groups, communities and interesting pages from friends and prying eyes in general.

    How to hide interesting groups in VK

    First of all, let's consider the option of privacy of the groups in which you are a member; this is done quite simply and literally in a couple of clicks of your mouse. To do this, go to your page where your avatar is located and pay attention to the upper right corner where your miniature avatar with your name is displayed, then hover the mouse cursor over the name and select “Settings” in the additional context menu that appears.

    Now that you have gone to the settings section of your page, you have access to such functions as “Security”, “Blacklist”, “Payments and Transfers”, but you need to go to the “Privacy” section, which you can select from the list on the right. Then you will need to find the line “Who sees the list of my groups” and left-click on it with your mouse.

    After this, another context menu will pop up, in which you will have the opportunity to select the following options:

    - Just me- this way you can hide your groups from everyone and only you can see them.

    - Friends only– the list of your groups can only be viewed by your friends

    - Friends and friends of friends– this point is a kind of addition to the previous one. In addition to your friends, the list of groups can be viewed by all users who are friends with your friends.

    - Everything except– by selecting this item, you can select those users from whom you want to hide your groups. That is, all VK users except those selected will see them.

    - Some friends– this item is radically different from the previous one; here you will have the opportunity to select those individuals who will be able to view the list of your groups.

    Important: if we are talking about complete privacy, then you should select the “Only Me” option.

    How to hide interesting pages in VK

    The bulk of the “Groups” section consists of communities or interesting pages. Unfortunately, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to hide your communities from public viewing” is no. This function is simply not provided in VKontakte. However, you can do a trick that will allow you to view the necessary news from the desired community or public page, without your friends knowing about it.

    To do this, open the main page of VK, where your avatar and information about you are located, and go to the “Groups” section.

    Now from the list, select the community you need, which you want to hide from prying eyes and open it. Now all you have to do is unsubscribe from him. To do this, click on the special “Unsubscribe” button.

    After which you need to add it to your bookmarks.