• How to set up a tricolor TV satellite dish. Setting up a tricolor TV antenna

    It is not at all necessary to call a specialist to set up a regular satellite dish. In this case, you can save money. We will tell you how to independently configure the Tricolor TV antenna to a satellite. With these tips, you can do everything right. It's only a little more complicated than connecting a monitor to a computer.

    By the way, you can ask the seller to assemble the antenna and bring it home assembled. This will save some time, but even self-assembly will not complicate this process. All you need to do at home is drill holes for the bracket (the plate is attached to it), and then follow the recommendations and actions in the instructions. The instructions themselves must be included with the purchase, so check the kit for its availability.

    Tools and devices for tuning the "Tricolor TV" antenna

    You will need the tools that are available in any home: strong electrical tape (where would you be without it), various screwdrivers (you may only need one screwdriver of a certain type), a hammer drill or drill, pliers, a knife, wrenches 8-13.

    It is possible that you may need some additional tools (a ladder, a stepladder, special drills for a hammer drill, clips for securing the cable, etc.), because installation conditions always differ for different houses. Some have used it and even manage to improve the original design of the bracket and weld additional ribs to it.

    The standard purchase package includes the antenna itself, a bracket, a receiver (set-top box), and a converter. Sometimes sellers have promotions and the package may include various bonuses, but this is rare.

    Self-tuning of the "Tricolor TV" antenna in theory

    The procedure itself looks like this (very generally): one person sits at home and looks at the TV screen, the other tries to point the antenna at the satellite and catch the signal. Using the remote control, you adjust the signal until the picture on the TV becomes clear.

    It is worth noting that for different settlements, independent tuning of the Tricolor TV antenna to the satellite will be carried out slightly differently. For example, when setting up an antenna in Samara, you should point it in the direction where the sun is at 12:30. Then it needs to be slightly adjusted depending on how the picture on the TV screen changes. As soon as the adjuster sees that the picture has become clear, he gives a signal to the one who installs the antenna on the roof, and he, in turn, fixes it on the bracket in the desired position. That is, in the position in which the antenna catches the signal.

    It is not difficult to catch the signal, because the Eutelsat 4 satellite (it is with its help that Tricolor TV broadcasts) covers a huge part of Russia and gives a strong signal.

    Instructions for self-tuning the Tricolor TV antenna to a satellite

    As stated above, Tricolor TV operates EUTELSATW4, which is located at 36 degrees east longitude. The installation is carried out in several stages, each of which we will describe sequentially below.

    Determining the location for installing the antenna

    The main criterion for such a place is a clear view in the direction from which the signal will come. There may be leaves and trees behind the antenna, it doesn’t matter, but the front side of the antenna should be clear. Depending on the city, the visual line connecting the satellite and the antenna is raised from the horizon 27-30 degrees upward. If this visual line abuts any structure (a house, for example), then you should look for another place.

    Experts recommend installing the antenna on the roof of the house, on the outside of the balcony, but not on the inside (because of the glass). Also, you cannot install the antenna on sloping roofs, because it will collect snow in winter, and this is an additional load for which the antenna is not designed.

    If the store has not yet assembled the antenna for you, then you should assemble it yourself strictly in the order specified in the instructions. At the place you have chosen, we attach the bracket. Depending on the conditions (wall material, etc.), we select the correct fastening elements: drills, anchor bolts, screws, etc. It is important to take into account the possibility of precipitation, in particular snow. The antenna must be installed in a place so that snow cannot get on the converter.

    Connecting the F connector

    Next, we connect the cable to the converter using a special F-connector (it is included in the kit). Then we use zip ties or simple electrical tape to secure the cable to the envelope holder and be sure to seal the f-connector. The same electrical tape is ideal for sealing. Just wrap the joint in several layers. It is advisable to use silicone sealant in addition, but if you don’t have it, then it’s okay. Some users find another way: they use a regular plastic soda bottle. The bottom is cut off, the joint is placed in it, then both ends are wrapped with electrical tape. The technique, although primitive, works. Although ideally it should be silicone sealant and electrical tape.

    The F-connector itself is easy to install: you expose the cable, insert it into the connector, and fix it. Everyone has dealt with a regular cable that connects to the TV. It's the same here. The photo below shows examples.

    Now we place the plate itself on the bracket. To begin with, you don’t need to screw it tightly, but it shouldn’t dangle from the wind either. Tighten the adjusting nuts, but not too tightly, because you have to turn the plate left and right and up and down to find the ideal point.

    Setting up the Tricolor TV satellite dish

    First, sets the antenna rotation angle and azimuth. So far, approximately. Depending on the city, you need to display it differently. For example, the azimuth in Togliatti is 197.49 degrees, the elevation angle is 27.884 degrees (you need to orient yourself to the south). A compass or city map will help with this.

    The antenna must be installed so that it corresponds to an elevation angle of 26.6 degrees. This means that the plate itself should be tilted 3-4 degrees down. Then connect the cable that comes from the converter to the set-top box. It needs to be inserted into the LNB IN socket (the leftmost one in the picture below).

    TV connection

    The same F-connector is used here, so there should be no problems. Now we connect the TV to the receiver. Everything must be done in the order specified in the instructions. That is, first we connect the cable to the TV (we use the RF OUT socket on the receiver and the only socket for the antenna on the TV), turn off the TV. If the receiver is turned on for the first time, the LNB power supply may be turned off. In some cases this is exactly the case. The power turns on when you follow the start menu instructions. When turned on, the search is activated and must be marked by simply pressing the EXIT button.

    Setting up the receiver on TV

    1. Antenna - 1;
    2. Frequency - 12226;
    3. EutelsatW4-EutelsatSesat satellite;
    4. FEC - 3/4;
    5. Polarization - left;
    6. Flow rate 27500.

    There will be two indicators on the TV screen. The lower one shows the signal level, the upper one shows the quality. The person on the roof must move the antenna mirror slightly horizontally to find the position that will give the maximum signal strength (lower indicator). Then the plate should be moved up and down to search for the best signal quality (upper indicator). This is how the search for the desired point is carried out and the Tricolor TV antenna is tuned to the satellite. Once the point is found, the plate must be finally and firmly fixed in the desired position.

    The influence of weather on tuning and searching for a signal

    Signal strength is highly dependent on weather conditions. If there is rain or fog or cloudiness, then it is unlikely that you will be able to adjust the Tricolor TV antenna yourself. It is simply impossible to catch a strong signal level. This should be done on a clear day under ideal weather conditions.

    Once all the described actions have been completed, you can search for channels. The instructions for the receiver will definitely tell you how to do this. But this is understandable even intuitively. Here we will not describe the process of searching for channels, but note that first we need to find only an information channel. In theory, only this should be accessible to the user after installing the antenna. Access to others after registering on the Tricolor TV website and activating the card.

    Subtleties for self-installation and configuration of the "Tricolor TV" antenna

    There are some unspoken rules and subtleties that you need to know about:

    1. We look at the neighbors. There are almost always plates in nearby neighbors' houses. To begin with, we install our antenna in approximately the same way.
    2. If it was not possible to catch the satellite within the first 20 minutes, then it is better to look for another location for installation.
    3. When setting up the receiver, it is better to have a small monitor (TV) nearby so that you can immediately see how the picture changes when the antenna moves. Most often, people, trying to tune the Tricolor TV antenna to a satellite on their own, shout at each other or talk on the phone.
    4. It is better not to change your PIN unless absolutely necessary. If you change the code and then forget it, there is no way to restore it. Although it is possible to re-flash the receiver, it is difficult and not accessible to everyone.
    5. Once all channels have been found, you need to finally tighten the antenna to the maximum.
    6. If suddenly the antenna tunes to another satellite (and this may happen), then there is no need to save the found channels. You will have to again configure the Tricolor TV satellite antenna yourself, rotating it horizontally and vertically in order to find the best signal point.
    7. The bolts must be tightened carefully. Often, when tightening bolts, users lose the position and have to do everything again.
    8. You need to register on the Tricolor TV website after setup, and not before. First, set up the antenna, and as soon as the info channel is displayed clearly, you can register on the company’s website. After receiving the smart card, all channels will become available after some time.

    That's all. We can assume that you have configured the Tricolor TV antenna yourself. There is nothing complicated in the process itself, and any person who knows how to use a drill/hammer and knows how to connect the simplest F-cable to the receiver and converter can handle this. No specialized knowledge is required, so you don’t need to call a specialist if you don’t want to spend extra money.

    Of course, this process is not described in as much detail as possible. It is likely that some difficulties may arise during installation that cannot be foreseen when writing the article.

    Having purchased equipment to connect to Tricolor TV, most subscribers run to specialists who can install and configure the dish. But sometimes the help of specialists is almost unavailable, and their waiting time seems eternal. And then you have to solve the problem on your own. But how to install Tricolor TV yourself? And what can you do to get a perfectly clear and stable signal?

    Even an untrained person can handle connecting satellite television. To install the plate, you do not need any special knowledge or skills, just be patient and follow the instructions.

    You should start installing the antenna yourself by reading the instructions. This will allow you to become familiar with the main elements of the equipment and help you avoid stupid mistakes. Next, you should check the package and figure out in advance what, where and how you will have to secure it.

    In general, equipment installation and television connection is divided into 4 main parts:

    1. preparatory stage, during which the installation location of the bracket is selected;
    2. plate installation;
    3. connection of all components into a single whole;
    4. catching a signal and setting up equipment.

    Each stage requires a serious attitude, since any mistake made (even during preparation) will prevent you from achieving a positive result and will affect the quality of reception and the stability of the equipment. In addition, the earlier a mistake is made, the more difficult it is to correct it.

    How to choose an antenna installation location?

    The correct choice of location for installing a satellite dish is the key to a high-quality and stable signal in the future. When choosing where to mount the equipment, you should focus on the following requirements:

    • there should be no obstacles in front of the antenna (trees, tall buildings);
    • the probable path of signal reception should not have sources of a strong magnetic field (for example, radio towers);
    • the distance from the dish to the TV should be minimal (within 100 meters).

    It’s good if another Tricolor TV subscriber lives nearby, in this case you can safely focus on his equipment and simply copy the location and direction of the signal receiver. Otherwise, you should figure out the issue yourself. To do this, you can call the technical support service of the teleoperator (88005000123) or focus on 36 degrees east longitude and the equator. But it is worth remembering that in Siberia the necessary coordinates will be different, since this region is served by a different satellite.

    How to set up the Tricolor TV antenna yourself: video

    The first thing you need to do to install the dish is to secure the bracket. It is worth taking into account the strength of the wind, the weight of the equipment and the material from which the house is made. Next you need to move on to preparing the plate itself. This requires:

    1. assemble, if necessary, the antenna itself (sometimes it is assembled by employees of the store where it was purchased);
    2. install the converter into the holder (the connectors should be directed downward so that water does not get into them later);
    3. connect the cable to the converter;
    4. isolate the connection point (additional protection from water);
    5. attach the plate to the bracket;
    6. secure the cable to the antenna, leaving about a meter of wire in reserve.

    This completes the installation of the plate.

    It is worth noting that the order of fastening and assembling the equipment may be different, the main thing is that everything is connected, and the rest depends on the wishes of the owner of the equipment.

    How to set up a Tricolor TV dish to a satellite yourself without a device?

    Having secured the antenna, you should proceed to checking the assembly. You need to connect the cable to the receiver and turn on the receiver. Next, you should start searching for channels. Naturally, without the correct settings it will not be possible to obtain an image. But the message “no signal” will appear on the monitor. This will be the sign that the plate is connected correctly.

    After this, you can begin to capture the signal from the satellite. To do this you need:

    1. press the i button on the remote control;
    2. pay attention to the scale on the screen (usually there are 2 of them);
    3. call someone close, this person will have to monitor the change in the scale;
    4. go to the plate and slowly turn it until the scale is full;
    5. press “Ok” on the remote control, after which, if the signal is received correctly, information from the cameraman will appear on the monitor.

    It is important to know that it is best to rotate the antenna centimeter by centimeter, taking breaks for 3-5 seconds after each movement. During this time, the receiver will have time to receive and process the signal.

    When the signal is caught and verified, all that remains is to secure the antenna with bolts so that it does not get turned by a strong gust of wind. After which you should register as a Tricolor subscriber, if this has not been done previously.

    How to install the Tricolor TV dish?

    Connecting to satellite TV is much easier than it seems. To figure out how to install a Tricolor satellite dish yourself, you only need to be careful, attentive and patient.

    The assembly and installation of the equipment is especially simple. The main thing is to securely fasten the bracket. Catching a clear signal will be a little more difficult. But this problem is completely solvable. In extreme cases, if you still cannot connect on your own, you can invite an experienced specialist who will quickly sort out the problem.

    Modern satellite television is widely used throughout the country. Multi-program broadcasting is great for residents of megacities who watch programs both in the morning before work and in the evening, as well as for those who live in small towns and villages. The signal level allows you to configure both the antenna and the entire television.

    There are many advantages of the Tricolor package:

    • cost (no subscription fee)
    • high image quality
    • huge selection of TV channels

    Satellite TV

    Setting up Tricolor TV satellite antennas is necessary in the following cases:

    • if you have purchased and already installed a satellite television set, but you are unable to configure the antenna
    • if you have lost the antenna settings - and you need to do the work again

    Once you have purchased your satellite equipment, you need to install it correctly. It is important to choose the installation location wisely, and then adjust the level of the signal entering the antenna.

    The satellite dish has a fairly simple operating principle:

    • a signal from a satellite is received on the surface of the Tricolor antenna
    • being reflected, this signal enters the converter
    • from the converter the signal is sent to the receiver
    • from the receiver the signal goes to the TV

    Let's look at a specific example of how to set up a satellite dish. The Tricolor package is one of the profitable ways to expand the number of programs available for viewing. The Tricolor TV set consists of the following parts:

    • satellite dish
    • converter
    • connection cables
    • cable connector
    • fasteners

    You can set up the Tricolor TV satellite dish if you strictly follow the instructions. Before starting work, inspect the equipment yourself for the presence of all elements. Proceed with setting up the Tricolor antenna only after preparing the antenna installation site. Conditions required to set up the Tricolor TV satellite package:

    • circular polarized converter direction
    • correct antenna assembly

    The antenna is assembled according to the instructions included with the kit. If it is missing, you can take a closer look at already installed antennas. By and large, assembling this kit rarely causes difficulties. It is quite possible to assemble a satellite dish yourself in a few minutes. The main thing is not to push too hard, as this can break the antenna.

    Antenna installation

    Antenna installation occurs in two main stages:

    • installation of the mounting bracket
    • fixing the plate on the bracket

    To obtain a high-quality image on the screen, you must correctly align the antenna to the satellite. You can do this yourself, the main thing is to understand exactly how the antenna should be positioned, as well as in which direction it should be directed.

    Taking into account the location of the satellites, it is necessary to choose a specific direction for installing the Tricolor antenna. And this direction is to the southern hemisphere of the Earth, since the satellites are located above the equator. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a direction so that the horizon is not blocked by other buildings or anything else.

    It is recommended to install the equipment on the roof of a building, a wall, or on the outside of a balcony or loggia. There is no need to install the antenna on the balcony itself - too much moisture getting on the device can damage it.

    If you have decided on the installation location, you should figure out how to set up the Tricolor satellite dish yourself.

    How to set up a satellite dish

    Setting up the Tricolor dish, as well as fixing it, are divided into two main steps:

    • temporary fixation, with the ability to adjust the direction of the antenna
    • tightening all fasteners after installation

    When temporarily assigned, the Tricolor signal is configured. You gradually and smoothly begin to rotate the antenna horizontally. Do this until you have the best reception of the Tricolor TV signal. After this, the antenna is adjusted vertically. Perform these manipulations until the Tricolor antenna setup shows us the best reception signal.

    After you manage to configure the Tricolor TV antenna for ideal signal reception, begin tightening the fixing elements. When attaching, you must use all the holes and mounting ears - otherwise you risk losing the antenna after a strong gust of wind. In addition, rotating the Tricolor TV dish relative to the mounting axis will lead to loss of signal.

    The main errors that appear when installing and configuring the Tricolor antenna are:

    • neglect of high-quality TV dish mounting
    • The Tricolor antenna is not tuned until the best reception is obtained
    • Assembly and configuration of the Tricolor antenna is not carried out according to the included instructions

    How to set up a satellite dish yourself was discussed step by step. The next step is to set up the picture on the image output device (TV or monitor).

    How to set up a satellite dish

    How to configure the channels yourself is written in the instructions. To do this you will need the following items:

    • digital satellite receiver
    • TV remote control

    The setup remote control is only needed to turn the TV on and off. Using the receiver, channels will be switched, and all the necessary settings will be made.

    Tricolor TV uses satellite data transmission. The signal is received by an antenna and a converter with circular polarization. Then the signal goes through the cables to the Tricolor TV satellite receiver. And after that we get a picture on the screen or monitor. Searching and setting up Tricolor channels occurs automatically - just select the appropriate option on the equipment control panel.

    An important stage in setting up satellite signal transmission depends on the correct installation of the antenna. If there are any mistakes in installing the antenna, setting up a high-quality image can cause difficulties. If after setting the image on the screen is in squares, this means that you made a mistake. There are several reasons for a bad image:

    • broken antenna
    • incorrectly configured antenna
    • incorrectly selected antenna
    • trees and branches blocking the signal

    In these cases, reinstalling the antenna in a more suitable location will help.

    Receiver registration

    After setting up the image, you need to register your receiver with the shared system. To complete the registration you will need the following information:

    • Tricolor TV personal card number
    • receiver serial number
    • code from card
    • your passport (or the owner’s passport)
    • installation address of the equipment set

    The easiest way to register your number is to register through the Tricolor website. After filling out a fairly simple form, the screen will show information about your agreement with the company and the activation of the card. You can also register by calling one of the phone numbers listed on the company’s website. It won't take long.

    The Tricolor system is configured sequentially, according to the algorithm discussed above. Once again, let’s look at the main points of how you can set up the Tricolor TV satellite dish:

    • choosing the right installation location for the Tricolor TV antenna
    • it is important to correctly configure the Tricolor TV antenna to receive the signal
    • decided on how to properly mount the antenna yourself
    • looked at the connection chain for Tricolor TV and antennas

    If all of the above conditions are met, setting up Tricolor TV yourself will not be difficult. It is important to act carefully and thoughtfully.

    Satellite television subscribers are faced with the task of adjusting the parameters of the Tricolor TV receiver. Setting up a tuner with certain knowledge and experience is not difficult. Even an inexperienced user can cope with this task. In what situations may it be necessary to configure Tricolor TV channels?

    • Initial installation of the kit.
    • Restoring settings after an update.
    • Adjustment when changing broadcast parameters from the operator.
    • Software glitch.

    Rescanning the channel list is also required if the Tricolor TV settings are lost. How to configure the receiver yourself without asking the installation specialist? You will find the answer in this article.

    Initial setup of Tricolor TV channels

    When purchasing a satellite television package, you need to install the antenna, configure it to receive the maximum signal, and secure it. After installing the satellite dish and aligning it to the Tricolor TV satellite, the receiver is configured with the help of an installation wizard. If you did this yourself, you will need to activate the card, scan and install the channel list, and also adjust a number of other auxiliary parameters. Registration of the receiver and activation of the card should already be done at this point.

    Before you start setting up channels, it is advisable to reset the receiver settings to factory settings. This can be done using the “Factory settings” menu item by clicking the button with the color corresponding to the reset in the context field below.

    How is Tricolor TV configured using the installation wizard?

    1. Enter the menu by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control.
    2. Select the interface language. The default is Russian.
    3. Leave HDMI mode selection to automatic. If you have any difficulties with display, set the appropriate resolution and visibility area.
    4. Set the correct date and time.
    5. In the settings window, select “Search “Tricolor TV”.
    6. Select "Tricolor-West" or "Tricolor-Siberia" and region, depending on your location.
    7. Check the correct antenna alignment and signal level using the “Strength” and “Quality” scales.
    8. Scan available channels using Channel Update Search.
    9. Save automatically found channels.

    Now, for ease of use, make your favorite channel lists.

    Creating a list of favorite channels

    The initially available categories are sports, news, music and radio, and each of them can be edited:

    1. Enter the menu settings and enter the password for the receiver (0000).
    2. Select Organize Lists.
    3. A window will appear divided into two parts: on the left is a list of channels available for adding, on the right is a field for selected channels.
    4. By pressing the desired color of the button on the remote control, you can change the name, composition of channels or completely delete the list.
    5. After editing the list structure, distribute the necessary channels.

    Ready! The channels are fully configured and you can move on to additional features.

    Parental Controls

    To restrict access to some programs, change the default PIN code and install the Parental Controls feature. PIN is a password that can be used to protect settings from editing and a specific channel list from viewing.

    1. Enter the menu, scroll to “Parent Code” and press OK.
    2. Enter the factory PIN code "0000".
    3. Set the age limit for adult programs by selecting 18 years of age and confirm your selection.
    4. Find the menu item “Change PIN” and enter the new code.

    From now on, when selecting channels with an age restriction, the receiver will ask for a password.

    Terrestrial digital television DVB-T2

    For automatic search:

    1. In the “Channel search” menu item, specify the search type “Auto”.
    2. In the sub-item, enable “Skipping encrypted channels”.

    Searching manually will save some time:

    1. In the “Search for channels” menu item, specify the search type “Manual”.
    2. In the sub-item, enable “Skipping encrypted channels” and specify the channel data. If channel information is detected, the signal strength will indicate its presence.
    3. Click search to scan broadcast TV.

    The resulting list will range from 10 to 30 channels, depending on the region where the receiver is installed. Save the result.

    Tuning channels on TVs with a built-in satellite tuner

    In Tricolor TV, tuning channels using a conditional access module installed in a TV with a DVB-S2 receiver differs from conventional adjustment and scanning through the receiver. Proceed with setup after completing installation and alignment of the antenna to the satellite.

    • 1 step. Configuring satellite parameters.

    Enter the “Select Satellite” menu sub-item; when prompted for a PIN code, enter “0000”. Check the box next to "Eutelsat 36".

    When setting the transponder parameters in “LNB Settings”, specify the lower and upper gen 10750 MHz, the transponder - 12226.

    • Step 2. Transponders.

    In the menu sub-item “Search for satellite - Transponder”, create a new one and enter its data in the table. When you enter the first transponder, the network will be identified as belonging to Tricolor and automatic search will become available. In this case, the remaining transponders will also be configured automatically.

    If scanning in automatic mode fails, the data of all 14 transponders must be specified manually using the same scheme.

    • Step 3. Activation.

    Insert the conditional access module with the installed card into the TV slot. Register your slot and activate your subscription. Find a test channel and leave it on it until the channels are completely decoded.

    "Tricolor TV". Setting up multiroom equipment

    The receivers included in the equipment set for two TVs have a number of features. For them, it is necessary to configure the server-client connection parameters over the local network. Both of them must be enabled at the time of setup.

    1. Activate the Ethernet 0 menu window.
    2. Further configuration of the interface depends on the connection method. When connecting via twisted pair, select “Link Local”; when connecting via a router, select “DHCP”.
    3. Click on the switch in the “Enable server” submenu.
    4. Exit to the previous menu and click "Search".

    The remaining settings are identical in composition to the primary settings of a regular kit.

    If during use the Tricolor TV settings are lost after some time, rescan the channels. Don't forget to set the transponder update. When updating the Tricolor TV software, the receiver is configured via satellite. When a new software version becomes available, you will receive a notification from the operator.