• How to update Yandex navigator maps. Free GPS navigators for Android with offline maps

    The navigator for Android can be downloaded both from the company’s official website and through a certified software store for Android, namely Google Market. How to install Yandex Navigator?

    1. We open a store (“Google Market”).
    2. In the search menu we make a request - Yandex Navigator.
    3. The first answer is the application we need to download.
    4. After downloading it, run the installation file. As a rule, it starts itself after downloading.
    5. After a few minutes of installation, you will have to wait. After completion, in some cases, the smartphone must be restarted. The system, if necessary, will offer to do this itself.

    After installation, an equally important point is setting up the application. Click on the icon on your desktop to launch the program. You will immediately be offered two requests:

    • Enable geolocation.
    • Allow microphone access.

    Allow an app to access your device's location data

    In the first case, without enabling this service, the navigator simply will not be able to work and will not determine your location. You will need a microphone to communicate with “Alice”, this is a Yandex voice assistant that helps you communicate with the navigator without distraction from driving the car. A very useful thing, we’ll talk about it a little later.

    Where to download for a computer running Windows?

    Yandex Navigator for a computer can be downloaded from a proprietary resource – “Microsoft Store” or from another third-party service. But, keep in mind that in the latter case, there is no guarantee that the application will be “clean” and without bugs. Therefore, it is better to download the application from official resources using links from the Yandex website. This applies to both programs for Android and PC.

    How to get directions in Yandex Navigator?

    How to build a route? In order to get directions you need to click on the “Search” button. In the menu that opens, you need to select categories of possible addresses (restaurants, cafes, hotels, shops, cinemas, etc.), you can select from the history of your trips or specify the addresses yourself. There is another option, you can get directions by car with voice. To do this, it was necessary to confirm Yandex's access to the microphone. If the microphone is connected, say the phrase “Listen, Yandex.” After this, a small window will open at the bottom of the page, with the caption “Speak.” At this time, say the address or name of the institution.

    After the system detects addresses, you will be offered two or three routes to approach them. Choose the one most suitable for you and click on the corresponding button - “Let's go” or say the word - “Let's go”.

    After this, the monitor of your device will switch to a new mode, where the distance and time to the target will be recorded. Arrows will light up at the top of the screen indicating the direction to turn, speed, etc. Then you can drive, focusing only on the voice announcer, but keep in mind that it is common for any system to make mistakes, so double-check the spoken messages, just in case.

    For the convenience and comfort of travel, the company has provided the ability to show traffic congestion, but keep in mind that it will only work with an Internet connection. To activate the function of displaying current traffic congestion, click on the traffic light icon in the upper right corner. The gradation of roads will be done with a color marker, for example from green, yellow, orange to red, meaning, respectively, showing a free road and a traffic jam.

    Voice assistant Alice

    How does Alice work in Yandex? Well, the first thing you need to know is that the voice assistant needs to be downloaded and activated separately. You can get Alice by downloading the software from official resources: Google Play or AppStore, depending on the brand of your smartphone. You can find programs for downloading, including on the service’s website, where download links will be offered.

    Alice launches in Yandex after loading automatically with all installed services from Yandex. This is just a search engine, mail or the same navigator. For the assistant to work, just click on the microphone icon in the lower right corner or in the middle, depending on the application.

    How to turn off Alice? Depending on what device you have it installed on. So:

    • If on PC. Then you need to launch the Alice menu, select the settings section. There will be a column - “Voice activation”. By moving the “slider” to the left, Alice turns off and will no longer start from her voice. To launch it, you will then need to specifically click on the microphone icon located, as a rule, in the lower corner or in the middle of the screen.
    • On an iPhone or iPad, you need to go to the settings menu in the same way. There, click on the “Voice Assistant” button. A separate menu will appear, where you must also move the “slider” to the left.
    • On Android, perform the same steps as for iPhone, the system menu is identical, only the coloring is different. You need to move the “slider”, after which Alice will be activated only by manual intervention.

    Is it possible to search by coordinates?

    Searching by coordinates in Yandex Navigator is certainly possible. But for this you need to know the coordinates. How to find out the coordinates of a place? Many companies and organizations on their Internet pages leave not only a classic address or phone number, but also a set of incomprehensible numbers and letters. The latter are the so-called geographic coordinates, which need to be entered in the same menu where you enter your regular address.

    How to enable pedestrian mode?

    Unfortunately, today it is not possible to enable pedestrian mode. The pedestrian navigator does not work. But, you can use similar software, Yandex Maps, in which the pedestrian mode starts without problems.

    How to download maps to use Yandex Navigator without the Internet?

    Many probably didn’t know, but Yandex Navigator works without the Internet, no worse than with Internet access. So, the user manual provided by the company says what needs to be done. So:

    1. Directly open the Yandex Navigator application.
    2. In the main menu, go to the “Settings” section.
    3. There we find the next subsection, called “Loading maps”. Click on it.
    4. The program automatically detects the current location and offers to download maps for it and gives the user the right to choose.
    5. If you need a Yandex map of Russia of any other region, simply enter the name of the city, region, district, etc. in the search.
    6. Having selected the region of interest, click on the “Download” button.

    Is it possible to include a precipitation map?

    The precipitation map currently works only through a third-party official application from the company, like Yandex Weather. There, a Yandex map of precipitation can be included in various time scales, up to 10 minutes.

    To “overlay” the precipitation map, you need to click on the icon on the right in the main menu, then the map will be fixed. Of course, we are talking about an application and service like Yandex Weather.

    It is difficult to predict when the possibility of using such an option in the navigator will be opened. As such, there is no serious need for this, so it is unlikely that the service will undergo another software update just for the sake of weather assistants. Moreover, a separate weather program from Yandex has been created and is already successfully operating on the market.

    How to clear history in the navigator? To do this you need to do the following:

    • Open the application and go to Menu.
    • Select – “Settings” and the corresponding subsection “Saved data”.
    • In it already click on the tab
    • — “Clear search history”;
    • — “Clearing the history of route construction.”

    Your trip statistics

    In the first case, all information on searching for places and addresses entered in the “Search” line will be deleted. Deleting information about constructed routes deletes information only about completed trips. Leaving only information about finding these places. Select what you need and click on the appropriate tab.

    What is the difference between Yandex Maps and Yandex Navigator?

    There are plenty of differences between the services, despite the fact that they work on the same Yandex. So, the distinctive features that are characteristic only of the navigator include:

    • Providing three different routes: fast, medium and long, depending on traffic congestion.
    • Voice guidance and control.
    • Display information about the remaining distance, remaining time, etc.
    • Intuitive interface.
    • Ability to track the current location of the vehicle.
    • A route control system, which, if the driver misses a turn or exit, instantly rearranges the route.
    • Determination of traffic intensity and workload.
    • Road gradation by color: green, yellow, orange and red.
    • There is no need for a constant Internet connection.

    This is the list of advantages that prevails in Yandex Navigator. Of course, someone will say that you can download offline maps in the regular Yandex Maps application. But, still, you won’t get such precision in laying out a route anywhere other than a navigator.

    Is it possible to view the Yandex metro map separately?

    The metro map is available separately only in Yandex Maps, since the pedestrian mode also works there, unlike the navigator. In general, the company has long created a separate application for the metro, called Yandex Metro, with all the information you are interested in.

    Yandex Navigator is a navigation application on Android for travelers and residents of any major city. First of all, car drivers will need it.

    Using the program, you can quickly get to your destination, avoid traffic jams and congestion caused by accidents. In addition, car owners will learn in a timely manner about ongoing road surface repairs.

    The mobile phone will immediately offer 3 options for possible movement. You should also download the Yandex Navigator application for Android for free because it will notify you of the need to pay for travel on a certain section of the highway.

    The driver will especially appreciate the importance of a mobile phone that has this application, thanks to the full display of information about video recording cameras. The application constantly displays accurate data on the remaining travel time at a specific speed.

    Yandex Navigator for Android will help reduce the likelihood of receiving a fine. It regularly displays notifications about speed limits, and, if necessary, even emits corresponding signals.

    You can even interact with the application by voice. You can download Yandex Navigator for Android for free on this page.

    Yandex Navigator is confidently among the leaders in the ranking of navigation applications for mobile devices. A side effect of this popularity is a large number of difficulties in use. Let's look at the most common complaints and try to fix them.

    Unfortunately, this is very vague information, which can be attributed to dozens of reasons, including the user’s inability to run the program and real-life geolocation failures in some areas. Therefore, let's look at the situation in more detail to highlight the various aspects of the problem, and not the trivial lack of knowledge about the operation of the smartphone.

    In this material we will limit ourselves to the difficulties that occur when using navigation from Yandex.

    The navigator cannot start correctly

    The application was installed correctly, but does not even start: it displays error messages and crashes immediately after launch. The reason may be failures when installing the program on the smartphone.

    According to system requirements, almost any modern device supports Yandex Navigator, so the option with a lack of resources is extremely rare. This can be indicated by constant freezes and long pauses even before basic actions.

    The smartphone may not be able to handle the application if it has less than half a gigabyte of RAM installed. For example, 256 MB is very little by modern standards.

    As for the first case, you need to delete the program through the phone settings, and then re-install it. So, in Android OS you can use the Play Market. If the crash was due to an error during installation, reinstalling will fix the problem.

    Why does the program need an Internet connection?

    Yandex Navigator can also work if you first prepare the program for this mode. In particular, you need to download to your smartphone the very maps that will be used to display your location without access to the Internet. This can be done from the application itself. Open the “Download maps” section in the menu, then specify the required city. If you are lucky and there is a map, download it.

    It is worth noting that Yandex maps on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and many other countries have very decent coverage, so there is a high probability that there will be no difficulties at this stage.

    1. Before downloading, switch to WiFi, since some cards are large in size.
    2. True, it still won’t be possible to completely remove the connection to the Internet, so formally Yandex Navigator really only works online.

    The fact is that although the maps are stored in the smartphone, you still need a connection to plot a route and search in the immediate vicinity. To some extent, preliminary calculation of the route helps - then you can move along it without communication. One way or another, exchange via the Internet will be significantly reduced, and the speed of the program will increase.

    Of course, without an Internet connection, the Navigator will not be able to download useful information, such as traffic information. Just in case, check: if they are not displayed, perhaps the traffic light image in the corner is currently gray. If so, click on it - the traffic light will be activated and will display the traffic situation in color. And a digital display is used to show traffic congestion from 0 to 10.

    There is a route, but the Navigator does not track movement along it

    1. First you need to make sure that receiving geodata is enabled.
    2. Then check your Internet connection and its speed (for example, open a website or two in your browser).
    3. If activated, the Internet is connected, but the program refuses to display the movement, try exiting the application and re-entering it.
    4. If it doesn’t work, force stop it using a special button from the settings section where applications are shown (the procedure is almost the same for Android and iOS). Launch Navigator again.

    If it refuses to drive again, restart your smartphone. Have you tried everything but to no avail? Reinstall the program. Although it usually doesn’t come to this, Yandex programmers have written a good application.

    Let’s imagine that even such serious measures did not help. In this case, the difficult way remains is to stop using Yandex Navigator on this particular smartphone. Since it’s not destiny for them to work together, use analogues.

    Voice search crashes

    There are several options here:

    • The microphone may be broken.
    • Or the Internet connection speed is not enough.
    • Or maybe the surroundings are not quiet enough - the street is noisy or the music is blaring.
    • It is better not to use voice search in a noisy environment.

    Well, sometimes the Navigator, like other programs, may refuse to function for no apparent reason. Wait, he will come to his senses and start working. Or follow the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

    Apple CarPlay Yandex Navigator. Solving a sound problem.

    If Yandex Navigator does not work in Uber / Uber, video

    What else can cause Yandex Navigator to malfunction?

    If the current position is not displayed or changes suddenly, exit the application and enter again. Unfortunately, such failures are possible.

    If the arrow indicating the direction disappears, or if you search for satellites for a long time and are periodically unable to maintain contact with them (especially on a long route) check the time settings, set the correct time zone.

    For geolocation from satellites The time is also transmitted, and if it diverges greatly from the system time, errors are inevitable.

    Occasionally, the program refuses to plot a route, citing the complete absence of a path between points - despite the fact that there is a road and you can drive along it. This happens more often abroad. Alas, the program is not omniscient, and accordingly, routes are not laid out everywhere.

    Contact the developers, help improve useful software -

    And sometimes there are reasons that in no way relate to the Navigator or satellites. There are several areas in the center of Moscow (in particular, near the Kremlin) where the application does not work. But this is not a mistake, but the foresight of the security services: special transmitters for the protection of strategic objects interrupt the satellite signal, giving out deliberately incorrect data.


    In the article, we looked at the main reasons that can lead to Yandex Navigator failures, whether on Android OS or another system.

    Add your questions and comments about the program, and we will discuss the features of its work with the whole world. Good luck on the road!!!

    Since the beginning of December 2017, the Yandex.Navigator and Yandex.Maps services have added the ability to plot routes even in the absence of an Internet connection. Many users have been waiting for this innovation for several years.

    Surely you have encountered a situation where a navigation application, downloading maps, devoured all mobile traffic and led to “huge minuses”.

    In addition, it is very inconvenient to be in an underground parking lot and not know where to go just because there is no Internet connection underground. It's even worse if your Internet connection suddenly disappears while you're on the road. Where to go next - only God knows... Now, fortunately, you can forget about such problems.

    Yandex's navigation and mapping services can suggest routes even if your device is not connected to the Internet. Moreover, if you suddenly miss a turn, the navigator will create a new route. In offline mode, you can also search for the necessary organizations and institutions.

    How to disable Yandex.Navigator and Yandex.Maps from the mobile Internet

    In order to exclude the operation of the Yandex navigation service from the mobile Internet (not Wi-Fi), you need to turn off data transfer for the application in iOS Settings. To do this:

    1. Open iOS Settings and go to the Cellular section;

    2. Find the Navigator (or Maps) application and set the switch to Off.

    After this procedure, Yandex.Navigator or Yandex.Maps will be able to download content only in the Wi-Fi zone.

    You will still be able to fully use the route, voice prompts and know about speed limits, but the service will no longer warn you about traffic jams. This option only works over the Internet.

    How to use Yandex.Navigator without the Internet (offline) on iPhone and iPad

    If you want Yandex.Navigator and Yandex.Maps for Android and iOS to work without a connection, you first need to download maps of the area where you usually travel or where you are going to go to your phone via Wi-Fi. To do this:

    1. Launch the application and go to Menu, where click on the Download maps section.

    2. By default, you will be asked to download maps of the area you are in right now.

    Maps are loaded by regions (areas). For convenience, you can use the search. If your journey involves crossing, say, several areas, you need to download maps of them all. The same goes for countries. Maps can be quite large, so it’s better to free up space on your phone in advance and download them via Wi-Fi so as not to waste precious megabytes of mobile Internet.

    3. That's it! After downloading the necessary maps, the Yandex.Navigator application will be able to build a route even in Airplane mode.

    You don't need to worry about enabling offline mode in Yandex.Navigator and Yandex.Maps - it is activated automatically when the Internet connection disappears or the signal is weak.

    Based on materials from yablyk

    Previously we looked at free ones. Today we will select a navigator, focusing on offline operation - to work with maps without the Internet, by activating the GPS connection on the phone. Let's focus on the offline functions of navigators and maps that come with Android applications.

    Offline navigators - review participants:

    Benefits of offline maps

    By default, all mobile navigators work online and may behave unstable without a direct Internet connection. If there is no Network, navigators do not display maps and do not build routes. All this can become a serious problem.

    The problem can be easily resolved by downloading offline maps to your gadget. They will work offline: in Russia, neighboring countries and Europe. Offline maps are indispensable for navigation if you have expensive mobile data or open a map in a place where there is no Internet access.

    Waze is a free GPS navigator that works without the Internet

    Waze is a navigation app developed by a community of enthusiasts. Displays traffic on the roads in real time, alerts about accidents and notifies about cameras. Available in Russian and adapted to the road conditions of most countries of the world.

    Waze - free navigator with offline functions for Android

    The Waze Android app doesn't have the obvious feature of saving maps offline, like Google Maps does, say. The navigator requires an Internet connection from time to time for full operation. However, there are some workarounds to download offline offline maps.

    How to Save Maps Offline Using the Waze App

    To download the Waze offline map, you need to:

    1. First connect to the Internet;
    2. Open the Waze app on your phone;
    3. Enter the address that you want to save for offline operation;
    4. After finding the specified location, Waze will store the data in the cache.

    You can use the offline map when traveling in Europe or Russia. Please note that in offline mode you will not be able to update your data until you connect your mobile device to the Internet. Traffic information will also not be available offline.

    How to load traffic information into Waze

    1. Make sure your mobile device is connected to the Internet;
    2. Open Waze GPS and enter the location where you want to go;
    3. Waze will calculate routes to your destination and display them in the app as you navigate;
    4. Click on the Waze icon to open the menu, find the Settings icon in the new pop-up window;
    5. To save your current traffic information, go to Waze > Advanced Settings > Data Transfer > Load Traffic Information > Enable.

    In addition to traffic information, Waze will display how much data the app has already downloaded and cached.

    Google Navigator: enable offline maps on Android

    Saving offline maps

    1. Connect to a WiFi network, open the Google Maps app on your mobile device.
    2. Make sure you're signed in to your Google account in Google Maps.
    3. Find the city or place in your GPS navigator that you want to save as an offline map.
    4. Click on the bottom bar of the Google Maps application - the name of the location will be displayed here.
    5. In the upper right corner of Google Navigator, a menu will be available with the option to save an offline map.
    GPS navigator Google Maps allows you to download free offline maps (one of the best in detail)

    Some features of Google Maps offline maps:

    • You can pan and zoom the map before saving it. The largest offline map size is about 30 square miles.
    • You can save an offline map under any name. It is convenient to give a clear name so that you can delete the file or check whether the desired city is in the list of saved maps.
    • For each map, its expiration date is indicated: it is advisable to check the relevance and update the files as needed.
    • After deleting the card, you will not be able to use it without the Internet until you download/update it again.

    Viewing saved offline maps in Google Navigator

    1. Open Google Maps on Android through your previously used account;
    2. Go to the main menu of the application through the sidebar by clicking on the button with horizontal stripes;
    3. Go to the “Offline maps” section;
    4. For each offline map, the following actions are available: Download, View, Rename, Delete.

    Yandex Navigator in offline mode (without Internet connection)

    Free vector maps can be downloaded through the main application settings. This option is available to owners of both Android and iOS versions of the Yandex navigator. True, the list of offline maps is limited to the CIS countries and a number of adjacent territories. For most of Europe, alas, offline maps are not available.

    Navitel is a popular navigator with offline function

    Offline Android Maps transforms your phone into a full-fledged GPS device. At the same time, you don’t need to spend money on mobile traffic, which is often very expensive.

    Not all users want to spend time downloading individual locations (as described above). You can download a one-time set of detailed maps for a specific country or region. One such solution is. It is available for Android smartphones and tablets, iOS devices, and car navigators.

    In the "Buy" section on the developer's website, special packages of offline maps are posted. And not only for Russia, but also for neighboring countries, Europe, the USA, and Latin America.

    In terms of the quality of map detail, this is perhaps the best offline navigator for mobile devices.

    Sygic – offline navigator for Europe and the USA

    Sygic is a GPS navigation application. Supports free 3D offline maps for Android, you can travel anywhere with them (at least > 200 countries). Offline maps display Points of Interest - gas stations, cafes, shops, attractions. All that is required to use the maps is to first download them to your mobile device.

    Realtime functions work only in online mode. In particular, Sygic offers the most accurate traffic information based on data from 500 million users worldwide. Information is also provided by global automakers, mobile operators, mapping and traffic information providers.

    During the first 7 days, you can test all navigator features (including those available with a Lifetime Premium subscription). After 7 days, Sygic leaves only basic capabilities, but this is quite enough for full-fledged work.

    Maps.me – GPS navigator for your phone with OSM maps

    Maps.me is an excellent free navigator for users who need offline operation and traffic savings.

    Maps.me supports offline OpenStreetMap maps, which are characterized by good detail. Ordinary users participate in the development of maps. Some maps are qualitatively better than Google Maps. It comes to the point that a shop or path that is not in other navigators can be marked on the Maps.me map.

    Working offline is convenient: in fact, you can get directions without having an Internet connection on your phone. To work offline, you must first download the map to your device through the Maps.me navigator menu.

    Maps.me: detailed offline maps for Android

    The second option is to go to the desired location and zoom in on it. The map fragment of interest will be loaded into the phone cache. Offline maps take up only a few tens of megabytes. free

    Which offline navigator is the best?

    Let's summarize.

    If openness and free maps are important, all offline navigators are good except Navitela. If you are willing to pay about $30 for quality, Navitel Navigator will be an excellent solution and, without a doubt, will be worth the money invested. This GPS program holds its own and is popular.

    Navigation Google Maps works without an Internet connection, but there is still a limitation for Android and iOS versions: you can save only certain sections of the map (one or several cities) for offline use, while motorists most often need more detailed sections of the maps .

    Waze– a promising navigator with a large community. But keep in mind: not all traffic information will be available offline, and maps are not always perfect in their detail.

    Sygic: GPS Navigation displays 3D offline maps for 200+ countries. The application will be convenient when traveling around Europe and the USA without the Internet.

    Advice. Install not one, but two navigators on your phone. Download offline maps and test each option. Leave the app you like best.