• How to organize the production of LED lamps. Production of LED lamps: technology, equipment, profitability

    Manufacturers LED lamps 95% of their products are manufactured in Chinese enterprises, and have their roots from there. Therefore, Chinese deceptive marketing technologies are used to inflate technical specifications by 10-30%. It turns out that whoever lies more will sell more. Only popular international companies like Osram and Philips indicate the parameters honestly, because the requirements abroad are stricter. But our diode market has not yet formed, because of this a lot of low-quality junk is sold and no one is fined or punished. No Rospotrebnadzor can handle this, and it is unclear how they get certified.

    Most often, a trademark is used to sell products, that is, they themselves do not design or invent anything. At foreign factories, they select a suitable finished product, put their own brand on it and start selling it.

    Russian LED lamps are almost 95% assembled in China from foreign components.

    Domestic Lisma and Tomich

    Since the beginning of 2015, Russian LED lamps Lisma and Tomich have been gaining popularity. These largest enterprises have modernized their production and now produce light bulbs using filament LEDs. The bulb and base remained the same, only the filament was replaced with a filamentous diode. Since some of the components remained the same, this made it possible to reduce the cost of equipment modernization. But the filament LEDs themselves are purchased in China. Unlike other brands, Lisma and Tomic indicate a real service life of 15,000 hours. The rest usually write 30-40 tons of hours, overestimating the service life by 2-3 times. After all, the buyer still won’t know how many hours she will work, and unscrupulous companies take advantage of this.

    The production of LED lamps in Russia will not be profitable to open and maintain; it simply will not withstand competition from narrow-eyed brothers. And the cost will be 2 times higher, for example, you can look at the prices for Kreonix light bulbs, the price of which is approximately 500 rubles.

    Choosing LED lamps wholesale

    To make it easier to choose LED lighting equipment for wholesale purchases, I have compiled a list of the most interesting brands(manufacturers), there were approximately 22 items. Most official websites are bad and incomprehensible, the information is hidden and confusing. I had to spend a lot of time searching and emailing.

    Now you can literally get acquainted with the range of all popular Russian manufacturers in just 20-30 minutes. The model range changes rarely, which will keep the information relevant for 1-2 years.

    The list of worthy ones included:

    • Wolta, Nanolight
    • Kreonix, BBK
    • Thomson, Housekeeper
    • Space, X-Flash
    • Uniel, Smartbuy
    • Supra, Osram
    • Navigator, Jazzway
    • Gauss, Feron
    • Elektrostandard, Ecola
    • Era, Camelion
    • ASD,Аrlight

    Before you start choosing and comparing, remember a basic rule that is often forgotten. It is impossible to characterize all other models by the quality of one diode light bulb. Usually the model range is divided into 3 groups:

    1. budgetary;
    2. average price range;
    3. premium, luxury.

    An LED for 200 rubles cannot have the same quality and parameters as a light bulb for 350 rubles. The biggest role is played by the quality of the LEDs and the cooling system. And of course, it is not profitable for a lamp manufacturer to have a cheap product operate for 30,000 hours. Budget ones make sure that they fail much earlier. Save on build quality, materials and design.

    Real state of the market

    Half of domestic manufacturers of LED lamps write on their official websites:

    • that they are market leaders;
    • use innovative technologies;
    • that they have their own production of LED lamps.

    In fact, in 95% of cases the information is unreliable. Even the famous Optogan has only a small laboratory in Russia, and purchases the bulk of LEDs somewhere in China and Taiwan. Naturally, Optogan tries to hide this and does not advertise such details.

    It is very difficult to assess the quality of LED products from Russian-Chinese brands. Frame diode lamp may remain the same in appearance, but the filling changes, and not always for the better. In order to save money, when changing the filling of the product, the information in the technical data sheet for the light bulbs is not changed. They leave old passports that have already been printed.

    Example. For tests, I bought ASD LEDs; the documentation indicated that they were 3528 LEDs and had a power of 11 Watts. After analysis, it turned out that there are 5670 LEDs and the power is much lower, only 8.5W.

    In this article:

    LED is a fairly new word, because this technology arose relatively recently. Many may think that high-tech LED production requires considerable investment in equipment, highly qualified personnel, a properly equipped workshop, and so on. And many will be right - the production of LED lamps cannot be started with a small budget.

    It follows that the scale of production must also be appropriate. Small volumes will simply not be able to cover all fixed costs. Fortunately, this market has shown healthy growth year after year, and the competition in this area is still not oversaturated. All this increases your chances of success if you decide to open such a business.

    How to organize LED production

    So, in order to open an LED manufacturing plant, you will need a lot of money. On average, you will need an amount of $3,000,000 - $15,000,000. What exactly funds are required for will be described below. The exact figure depends on factors such as:

    • City or region where you plan to start production (cost of renting premises);
    • Prices for materials in this region;
    • Cost of delivery of equipment for LED production;
    • Scale of release, etc.

    The payback period for such production is usually 1-2 years. After this period, such an enterprise brings a tangible income of 20-30%, taking into account all taxes and other payments. If such numbers don’t put you off, let’s consider what it takes to start production (besides perseverance and hard work, of course).

    LED production equipment

    Equipment is perhaps the biggest expense item. So that you understand, we will not talk about the full cycle of LED production from scratch.

    The fact is that the first and key stage of the full production cycle is growing crystals.

    This process is extremely problematic to carry out in our country, judge for yourself:

    • The equipment on which crystals are grown costs 7-20 million dollars;
    • In order for the process to be successful, a whole staff of highly qualified and highly paid engineers is needed;
    • It is very difficult to create sufficiently pure conditions in which crystals grow;
    • Crystals must be grown for many years before acceptable results are obtained.

    That's why option for assembling LEDs is more acceptable: there are no huge payback periods, costs are much lower.

    A typical LED production line includes the following elements:

    • Measuring equipment for testing LEDs, as well as finished products (lamps, tubes, etc.);
    • Equipment for assembling LED lamps;
    • Other related equipment.

    One such line can cost from $400,000 to $2,000,000. Depending on the production volume, you may need up to 5-6 lines.

    Advice: it is better to buy equipment for LED production from one manufacturer. The cheapest place to buy such units is in China. There are also American, Swiss and other manufacturers.

    Workshop space

    A warehouse is suitable for the production of LEDs, however, it will need to be significantly re-equipped. The fact is that the LED assembly line must be kept perfectly clean, and this is sometimes very difficult to achieve. In addition, the room must be spacious enough to accommodate all the necessary equipment.

    So, for a small factory for the production of LEDs you will need common premises with an area of ​​300-2000 m2.

    You are unlikely to find a facility where LEDs have already been produced, so refurbishing the premises will cost you $20,000-$50,000.

    Labor force

    Finding qualified personnel is another significant difficulty. To produce one or two thousand light bulbs per day, you will need a chief technologist and 3-6 engineers. Non-production employees are also needed, for example, accountants, service personnel, employees in the purchasing, sales and marketing departments.

    If larger production volumes are planned (for example, 10,000-20,000 LED lamps per day), then the number of employees can be safely multiplied by two.

    So, the total personnel costs are -$25.000-$50.000per month.

    Raw materials

    There are many companies in the world that produce chips for LED lamps: Bridgelux, Chimei, Cree Epistar, as well as the Russian Svetlana-Optoelectronics. Raw materials (LEDs) are approximately 40-50% of the price of the finished product (LED lamp or tube).


    As already noted, LEDs appeared on the market relatively recently. There are still no established international quality standards for these products. In many ways, it is the manufacturer himself who sets such standards for his products.

    At the same time, LED lamps are products subject to mandatory certification. The Certificate of Conformity ensures that your products are indeed LEDs that meet safety and energy consumption standards.

    The certificate can be obtained from a certification body accredited by Gosstandart. Each subject has several such territorial bodies. It is better to check with a specific institution for the exact list of documents required to apply for a certificate. Among other things, you will need to submit product characteristics and test reports from an independent expert organization.

    Together, the cost of all procedures can cost a round sum of $2.000-$5.000 .

    LED Manufacturing Process

    The process of creating LEDs is extremely labor-intensive and requires compliance with many technical requirements. Conventionally, it can be divided into 3 successive stages:

    Stage 1: Creation of chips from crystals

    The layer of grown crystals is called a film (due to the microscopic thickness of the layer). At this stage, the entire film is divided into thousands of individual chips.

    Stage 2: Chip sorting

    The process of sorting chips is called “binning.” The thing is that chips from one layer are not homogeneous. They differ in many ways:

    Based on these parameters, the chips are sorted into bins (groups). Moreover, this happens in such a way that all chips in the group are homogeneous in all respects. This is the only way to achieve maximum similarity between the products.

    Stage 3: Creation of finished products

    The finished product consists of more than just chips. Important details are also the product body and lenses; Sometimes a phosphor is also used. At the same time, it is the optics (besides the chips themselves, of course) that is considered the key part of the finished product. There are several types of lenses, such as silicone or plastic. The main thing is that the lenses meet all the requirements:

    • Maximum transparency;
    • Ability to transmit light over the entire range;
    • Resistance to high and low temperatures;
    • Durability.

    Advertising and sales

    The main buyers of LEDs are still large firms and enterprises. Demand dictates the sales conditions in this business, so you must direct maximum efforts to attract just such corporate clients:

    • Large transport enterprises in your region (subways, car parks, Russian Railways, train stations);
    • Enterprises with production shops;
    • City services responsible for lighting and illumination in the city;
    • Chain and retail hardware stores;
    • Large trading enterprises.

    LED lamps can be used for home, street or industrial lighting, illumination of house facades, fountains or swimming pools, and illuminated advertising. Interior lamps are especially interesting.

    They can be ceiling, wall or furniture. With their help, you can correctly place accents in the interior and create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. Therefore production LED lamps is quite a profitable business.

    Popularity of lighting systems

    Lamps can be turned on in a certain order, highlighting functional areas in the room. Space zoning is in fashion now. In addition, given the cost of real estate, every square meter counts, and dividing the premises into zones is simply necessary.

    It is also possible to adjust the light intensity. Work with LED backlight Interior designers love it because there is room for their imagination to run wild. In addition, LEDs on cars are also becoming increasingly popular.

    This is an environmentally friendly light source, since the LED lamp does not contain mercury, does not have ultraviolet and infrared radiation, and consumes little electricity. And if saving the planet is something abstract for some consumers, then saving money is a more real, weighty argument. In addition, an LED lamp can last up to 100 thousand hours, and an incandescent lamp can last up to 4 thousand hours. Durability, vibration resistance, no flicker, modern design- There are also undoubted advantages of LED lamps.

    Investors are interested in this area of ​​activity

    The production of LED lamps is now incredibly interesting for investors. The reason for this lies in the presidential decree, which spoke about increasing energy efficiency, or, more simply, about the transition to energy saving technologies. Some restrictions have been introduced on the sale of incandescent lamps, and in the future they will be completely removed from sale.

    You should create your own business

    Thus, now is the time to create an enterprise and start producing LED lamps. At the right approach This type of entrepreneurial activity is a very profitable business in the near future. Especially considering the fact that scientists have solved the problem white light LEDs. According to market analysts, already in 2015 the share of LED lamps in total sales of energy-saving lighting will reach 30% (in 2011 the market share of LED lamps was 10%).

    Collection of documentation

    In order to organize your own production of LED lamps, you need to collect and, most importantly, prepare documents correctly. You won’t get any help from the state in this matter, since it simply does not support this area of ​​activity. It will take about two weeks to collect documentation. You will need to spend about 10 thousand rubles. But you should understand that everything will depend on the region in which you decide to open your company.

    How can lamps be produced?

    If you want to open your own production of LED lamps, you can go in two ways: a full cycle or only assembly production.

    In the first case, it will be extremely difficult to compete with Chinese manufacturers. You will have to invest quite a lot of money in such a business. Considering the cost of equipment, rent, and labor, there is no way to achieve any competitive production costs.

    Although there is always hope that the country's leadership will begin to take care of domestic producers and block the flow of low-quality, cheap goods from China. However, the technology for producing LEDs using a full cycle is not yet popular among entrepreneurs.

    Purchase of raw materials

    The assembly production option will require the purchase of circuit boards, microcircuits, LEDs and soldering irons. The room for the assembly workshop should be large enough (about 350 sq. m for a workshop with 10 assembly tables). It should provide good ventilation. You also need to rent warehouse space and set up a stand to test finished products.

    Search for employees

    The production of LED lamps will require approximately 10 assembly shop employees, several managers in the sales department, managers in the purchasing department, marketing specialists, as well as a good experienced accountant. Drivers, cleaners, packers, and loaders are not required to be permanent employees.

    Purchase of equipment for production

    It will be necessary to purchase special assembly equipment for the production of LED lamps. Its cost will reach approximately 400 thousand rubles. But the equipment makes it possible to reduce costs by hiring a minimum number of workers. Instead of, for example, 20 employees, you can hire only three adjusters who will monitor the condition of the production line.

    To open a factory you will need the soldering equipment necessary to create printed circuit boards. You will also need a section of injection molding machines, with the help of which the production of housings will take place. It will be necessary to purchase a winding section. For more successful work, you will need a CAD laboratory.

    Related design

    You will have to think about packaging and methods of promoting finished products. Third Party Organization will develop a packaging project, print and assemble boxes for lamps. Making a small print run is unprofitable, so you need to be prepared for high packaging costs.

    Marketing activities of the company

    The production of LEDs should be well advertised. Promotion methods: company website, advertising in the press, on billboards, promotions in supermarkets, and so on. Typically, marketing costs are in the range of 1-5% of sales volume. But this does not apply to the costs of introducing a new product to the market. These expenses are huge and do not pay off immediately.

    They are gradually becoming a thing of the past. In their place came economical, durable devices. These are light-emitting diode (LED) lamps. There are many types of them. Depending on the characteristics that each device has, they are used in various fields of human activity.

    To choose the best LED lamps, reviews of which are presented in various sources, you need to study the most popular brands. In this case, it will be much easier to choose cheap and high-quality lighting fixtures.

    General principle of LED lamps

    An LED light bulb is a lighting device whose operation is based on the principle of electric luminescence. A current is passed through the boundary of two different semiconductors (p-n junction). At the same time, it stands out electromagnetic radiation spectrum visible to the human eye.

    By combining semiconductor light sources, a lens, a radiator for cooling, and a driver (power supply) in one housing, an LED lamp is obtained. This is a whole large class of lighting devices.

    Previously, LEDs were very expensive and only had a red glow. Their widespread use began after the invention of blue LEDs.

    Creating a Glow

    To achieve the correct distribution of light flux, a special lens is used. If you apply a yellow phosphor to it, the output will be And its shade (temperature) can be different. This principle applies to most LED lamps.

    Another approach to creating lighting is RGB technology, which involves using three colors of green (Green) and blue (Blue) on one board. Depending on the combination of these three elements, you can achieve almost any color of glow. This allows you to create various decorative effects.

    Scope of application

    LED lamps are used in a wide variety of human activities. There are street, industrial, home, LED lamps for cars, For home use, as well as for growing plants.

    Street lamps allow you to illuminate buildings, parks and swimming pools, as well as highways, etc. Their difference is their special protection from mechanical and weather influences. Spotlights are placed in a separate group. This is due to a special approach to their development and manufacturing.

    For home use, special devices are produced that are designed to completely replace incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lamps.

    Special industrial lamps are used in warehouses. They are different high power and a good degree of protection. Special devices have also been developed for growing plants. Their spectrum includes a special ultraviolet component. These devices are usually programmable.

    LED lamps for cars manufactured for interior lighting, as well as signal lights and tuning. Recently, they have been used to create low and high beams.

    Light Creation Technology

    Industrial, automotive or table lamps ICE Several basic technologies for creating light flux are used. They are distinguished by sufficient power and brightness.

    SMD is one of the classes of LEDs. It is most often used to create a luminous flux. Design features ensure high-quality heat removal. This makes it so durable.

    The class of high-power and ultra-high-power LEDs includes devices rated for a current of 350 mA. The design of such devices usually does not require a lens. It requires increased attention to cooling.

    OWL is the most modern technology. In it, the emitting chip is mounted directly into the board. This increases the reliability of the device. This design improves heat dissipation. Uniformity is ensured by a common optical system.


    Household LED table lamps most often have an Edison base. It has threads of different diameters. It is designated by the letter E with a number (socket size). There are diameters of 14, 27 and 40 mm.

    Another common type of base is the pin connection. It is designated by the letter G. The number of pins is indicated by a specific marking. Such lamps are not connected directly to a 220 V network. Therefore, the device has a special power supply.

    The T base has lamps that replace fluorescent varieties. They are quite popular in our country. There are also several standard sizes on sale.

    In cars, type H sockets are most often used. There are several popular types of such devices. The oldest lamps are those with H4 socket, while H8, H9, H11 devices are recognized as modern.

    Device power type

    Depending on the type of device, it may have different set functions. For a specific application, it is important to choose the right quality of lighting fixture. LED lamps for the home operate on a 220 V network. For this purpose, they are provided with a special power supply.

    Automotive devices most often operate on a 12 V network. For industrial facilities, lamps are used that can be powered from more powerful sources of electricity. Depending on the purpose of the lamp, technologists develop various designs and think through the functional qualities of lighting devices.

    Functional qualities

    If you want to create color lighting using RGB diodes, the lamp has a special power supply. In some models, you can control the shade, as well as the brightness of the glow, using the remote control. For this, an infrared or radio channel is used.

    To be able to work autonomously, the lamp may have a built-in battery. The most advanced devices can be controlled via Wi-Fi. This system is suitable for smart home programs. Additional features selected in accordance with the area of ​​application of the equipment.

    Types of structures

    LED lamps, characteristics which allow such devices to remain in demand, do not have clear restrictions on the design. Therefore, this class of lighting devices usually includes three different types devices. Lamps can be general purpose, directional light flux, and also have a linear design.

    The general purpose class includes devices shaped like candles and incandescent lamps. They are also called "corns". These are lamps that create diffused full lighting in office spaces or living rooms. The luminous flux may differ in different temperatures (shade).

    The group of directional light LEDs includes lamps that are used to accent shop windows, advertising signs, squares, etc. Their most famous design is the “spot”.

    LED light bulb linear configuration in modern world very common and in demand. It looks like a tube. The shape is very similar to fluorescent types of illuminators. However, technical specifications diode device more perfect. Most often, such devices are used in offices, retail, and warehouses.

    Advantages of an ice lamp

    When choosing the best LED lamps, reviews of which are often found in various sources, you should take into account a number of their features. Compared to other types of lighting devices, they have a number of advantages.

    First of all, their durability should be noted. A high-quality LED lamp from a trusted manufacturer is designed to operate for 30 thousand hours. At the same time, an energy-saving light can boast only 10 thousand hours of operation, and an incandescent lamp - 1 thousand hours.

    LED devices have high class security. They do not contain infrared, ultraviolet radiation, mercury, or flicker.

    In addition, the presented equipment has low power consumption. There is a commercially available LED lamp of 9 watts (corresponding to a 70-watt incandescent lamp), 14 watts (similar in luminous flux to a 100-watt incandescent lamp), 22 watts (similar to a 150-watt incandescent lamp), etc. Even energy-saving varieties lag a little behind LED devices. For example, an 11-watt LED lamp corresponds to a fluorescent device with a power consumption of 20 watts per hour.

    In addition to the listed advantages, LED devices are resistant to shock, voltage surges, and vibration. They do not heat up and do not contain components harmful to humans. Therefore, LED lamps are gradually replacing other types of light sources.

    Choosing a quality lamp

    When choosing the best LED lamps, reviews of which are presented in various sources, you need to consider existing types manufacturers. Add to list quality manufacturers Some domestic companies include, for example, Svetaled, Optogan, etc. Such lamps have a relatively high cost. However, the quality of such devices really meets consumer expectations. Such devices undergo certification and quality control, and high-quality components are used to create these products. Their long existence on the market and demand among buyers indicate the high reliability of LED lamps from these manufacturers.

    Also quality LED devices include well-known manufacturers. For example, these are the Osram brands, "Philips". LED lamps These manufacturers are quite expensive. But it is a profitable investment. Devices from such companies will last a very long time and will quickly pay for themselves during operation.

    Chinese devices

    A fairly wide variety of models are offered by Chinese manufacturers. Often such lamps do not have certificates of conformity and are assembled from insufficient quality parts. It is better not to buy such devices, since their service life is not long enough. A greenish tint of light and rapid failure are the main features of such illuminators.

    If you want to buy inexpensive lamps, you should pay attention to popular, popular devices. In this case, the likelihood of purchasing a low-quality device is less. Their characteristics and design are constantly being improved.

    Due to my profession, I constantly have to answer the same questions: “Konstantin, which lamps are worth buying in Russia, and which are better to avoid?”, “I bought light bulbs, but they stopped burning after half a year, why?”, “ What are the best LED lamps?"...

    This, of course, is a collective image of questions, but all the answers to such questions boil down to the fact that most buyers do not know what lamps are on sale and what is worth taking and what is not.

    I have already tested hundreds of lamps and have more than enough experience. I am preparing for release on our website a large selection of LED lamps by manufacturer. There is a lot of work, especially with graphic material. But I hope my work will not be in vain and will help someone...

    But this is in the future, but today we will still focus on the agenda of our “meeting” - the best LED lamps.

    I distributed it for myself a long time ago LED lamps into several categories. Just a few, and not two, as most people do))) - Good and bad... Good and bad do not exist in nature. There are better options, there are less, there are high-quality builds, there are unsatisfactory ones, etc. etc. To understand which lamps are good and the best, it is not enough to look at the box and the number of sales. We need to look deeper.

    And in general, there are no bad light sources for me. There is such a thing as “crooked hands”. Which, thank God, I am not yet one of. Of the most bad options, using his hands, his head and a soldering iron, he brought light sources into a “digestible” product.

    Well, I divide lamps by manufacturer. Only this fact gives me the right, without testing, to obtain the first information about which lamps are better and which are worse.

    In short, in any case, manufacturers from Europe take first place. These include such resonant brands as: Osram, Philips, Wolta, Ikea, etc.

    The second category of manufacturers, which produces good lamps- these are Russian manufacturers. Among them are Optogan, SvetaLed, Tomsk and, in my opinion, Saransk lamp plant. If I’m wrong, you can kick me, but not too hard). The latter, if my memory serves me correctly, were successfully released.

    We will include pseudo-Russian manufacturers in the third class. In this category I include lamps from Russian retailers, whose orders produce lamps in China.

    And of course, to the last ones - Chinese manufacturers of LED light sources.

    The best LED lamps from European manufacturers

    I mentioned that Europeans have long been leaders in high-quality diode light. Yes, the price tag for their products is not small. It bites a lot. But if you are lucky enough to purchase a product in good store and not a fake, then you are guaranteed joy for several years.

    Here we can highlight the leading positions of Osram and Cree; they truly produce the best LED lamps. I cannot give the palm to anyone. This is very good product on both sides. There are also strengths and weak. But in general, this is the standard.

    Good "middle peasants"

    I'll give second place to a little known one. It seems that there are not many sales in Russia, but the quality is at the level! About “sales” is addressed to those who still buy things according to the principle of take everything, it means good. Recently I had to take a number of characteristics from one of the lines of these lamps. Moreover, these copies were acquired at random; no one specifically provided them. And I was very pleased that the heating of all lamps from this manufacturer is no more than 48 degrees) Like a carbon copy! From 46 to 48.7 degrees. A total of 18 lamps were tested. This already says a lot. I hope that soon, if they promote themselves in our market, they will be able to take first place in my rating.

    Reasons for the high cost of European lamps

    I once wondered why the best LED lamps are European? The answer was found quite quickly after I visited one of the factories producing such lamps.

    • All lamps are produced under one brand - the founder of the company. And the word “brand” itself no longer allows us to produce garbage. Foreign companies strictly monitor this
    • Constant control over the quality of lamps throughout the production line
    • Each assembly process is handled by a special department. There are no conveyors here. Before going to next stage Assembling the lamp undergoes inspection. Thus, it turns out that the lamp goes through the so-called OTC several times.

    Let's focus on special departments. Unlike Russian manufacturers of LED lamps in Europe, each department has its own structure, its own management, its own plans and sometimes its own laboratory. It is each department that is responsible for the defects of its process. In Russia or China, everything is built differently. Lamps undergo one control and only after they are packed in a box. Those. truncated OTK)

    The division into divisions gives a great advantage and unique quality. After all, no one from the management wants to get "lyula" for the fact that, due to defects in his department, the work of the entire plant is wasted.

    We often complain that “their” lamps are very expensive. Yes! Dear ones! But the price consists not only of the components, but also of the fact that the lamps do not go along an assembly line, but have a strict “hierarchy” in production. And this is human labor. This is a salary, this is the cost of maintaining facilities. Hence the price. Hence the quality.

    Therefore, if you have the opportunity to choose between Cosmos and Philips, then I would prefer that you leave the store happy owner the last one.)

    The best LED lamps from Russian manufacturers

    Separate group. In our country, I know only 2 companies that produce LED lamps of their own production from start to finish - Optogan and SvetaLed. According to recent data, Optogan stopped producing general-purpose lamps and switched to producing industrial light sources. There are also Tomsk residents, but I don’t know how they organize things. Where do they get LEDs from? Do they grow it themselves or buy it? I don't have this information yet...

    What can I say? The lamps are good! I won’t say anything about the Tomsk people; I had no desire to test them yet. But the first look in the box left a negative impression.

    But the price!!! This is, of course, terrible... Even if you produce “your own, dear” one, it should not cost more than the European one. Your brands are known for the most part only in Russia, and even then not so long ago. And believe my experience, even if I know that Optogan will be better in terms of characteristics than Philips, I will still take the European. Because this is time-tested quality. And not just the name. And you gentlemen from Optogan and Sveta are just a farce. The lines of light sources are poor; how the product generally behaves over time is not known. I tested both companies. Yes. The characteristics are not overstated, the luminous flux is powerful. But that's all! I refused to install these lamps at home in favor of Philips and Osram.

    In general, you can buy it, but is it worth spending that kind of money?

    Pseudo-Russian manufacturers of LED lamps

    In this category I include Russian companies that do not produce LED light sources themselves, but hire Chinese factories, which produce final products based on their drawings and developments.

    There is no point in saying that this is bad. Everyone earns as much as they can in Russia. And the fact that “Feron”, “Camelion”, “Jazzway”, “Gauss”, “Navigator”, “Era”, etc. have been on hold for more than a year now Russian market, suggests that this type of trading is in demand.

    Each of these brands has its own engineering service, logistics departments, and analysts who promote their product to the market. Naturally, neither these companies nor their products can be called the best. Each of them goes in cycles. Either a good product or a bad product. No stability. But even this fact suggests that people are not sitting still. Engineers are working, coming up with something. Albeit with varying success, they do not stop there.

    By the way, lamps from these companies are in great demand among our customers. They are budget-friendly and have passable quality for the most part. Jazzway, I know, constantly monitors “people’s enjoyment of the product.” If people don’t like something, then engineers will improve the product or chemically alter something. But I only know Jazz about this kind of work with clients. I don't know about the rest.

    The best LED lamps from Chinese manufacturers

    This is a separate category with its own pitfalls. I don’t believe a single word of those who say that on Chinese sites like Ali, DX, etc. There are no normal LED light sources. I have tested and continue to test many stores from “those” places. The vast majority are outright garbage, but there are some pretty good ones. The price tag for their products is also not small, but still an order of magnitude cheaper than that of pseudo Russian manufacturers. When people ask me for advice, “something cheaper” I always send them to trusted stores. But there are also some nuances here. This is a pulsation. Last week I completed a project to replace the lighting of one of the housing and communal services, which wanted to replace the lighting in a number of houses (entrances) with LEDs. One of the conditions was to invest in a small budget, to put it mildly. Here we had to turn to “our brothers.” The most suitable ones for the budget were selected from our list. Everyone was happy. But he warned that for such a price they would receive lamps with pulsation, not much exceeding GOST. The ripple was about 34 percent. In principle, the flickering is quite strong, but this is if you install these sources in an apartment. But it doesn’t play a big role for the entrance. We don’t read in hallways)

    Well, if we sum up the Chinese handicraft manufacturers, then yes... For the most part, they “drive” outright rubbish. And you need to be able to avoid it, and not rush even at those sellers who have very large sales.

    And yet, let’s return to the question “Which lamps are the best and best?” I’ll sum it up briefly and I think I’ll stop there...

    This question is difficult to answer. We always need to clearly understand what goals we are pursuing and what we want to cover. If you take home lighting, then the clear leadership is for Osram and Cree. For “crazy” money you will get something that will please you for many years. But again, it’s not for everyone and it’s for everyone’s wallet.

    The best pseudo Russian lamps

    Budget options include Feron and Jazzway. After the experiments I conducted, they are the only ones who do not overstate the technical characteristics in their passports and produce passable products. It’s hard to say the same about the others. It seems that the luminous flux is fine and the pulsations are minimal, but the huge number of negative reviews on the product after 2-3 months of operation does not allow us to say that they produce the best LED lamps in their price segment. I remembered Gauss light bulbs. As soon as this brand began to be advertised, they brought me two copies to test. I was pleasantly surprised that the luminous flux was almost 8 percent more than stated. That's it! He thought, best manufacturer. But that was not the case. Half a year passed and I again took these lamps for testing. From another batch. -12%. This is more like the truth, I thought and gave the lamps to a surprised friend). And now, for three years of constant tests and experiments, only Feron and Jazzway can be distinguished. Moreover, in terms of light characteristics, Feron will be preferable.

    Russian LED lamps

    About Russian manufacturers - not for everybody. If you care about Russian production, take it. I'm not in that category to use Optogan lamps, etc. I won't. At least in the near future.

    The best Chinese lamps

    Chinese lamps. Most Chinese manufacturers produce the best LED lamps. But only for those rooms where people are not constantly present. Warehouses, basements, entrances, etc. And it's true best solution! Firstly, they cost pennies, and secondly, they shine sometimes) decently. Here you can only hope that before you start buying from them, you will consult with knowledgeable people. For example, for entrances, these “wonders of the world” are quite suitable. Well, for those who want to hang lamps in their apartment, there are more expensive stores here. The most adequate price - quality - . The latter has offices throughout Russia. Pay special attention to filament ones. You should choose ordinary lamps of adequate condition in this store with a price of at least 350 rubles. per piece.

    And again, the best LED lamps are those that perform their function without needlessly emptying the consumer’s wallet. I would like to see the person who will hang Osram in the basement)