• The future of home lighting. LED luminaires and lamps of the future

    Do you still have regular incandescent or fluorescent energy-saving light bulbs in your home? You probably think they are too expensive and haven't heard about all their benefits. This article will tell you why LEDs (or LED lamps) are the future, and why even the high price is not a disadvantage.

    1. Save money on electricity

    With ever-increasing electricity rates, energy-saving light bulbs are a lifesaver. An LED needs 8-10 W to produce the same amount of light as a 100 W incandescent lamp or a 30-50 W energy saving lamp.

    2. Environmental friendliness

    The LED bulb does not contain mercury or gases hazardous to the atmosphere. Such a light bulb can simply be thrown away, without special disposal. And lower energy costs help take care of the environment.

    3. Durability

    LEDs last a long time. For a very long time. For example, duration continuous operation IKEA LEDs are some of the most affordable and high-quality LEDs in Russia - 25,000 hours (about three years), there are light bulbs for 40,000-50,000 hours. It turns out that if you use an LED light bulb for 5 hours a day, it can last about 10 years.

    At the same time led light bulbs durable in themselves: they are difficult to break by dropping them. Constant on/off long work and they also tolerate power surges very steadfastly, without unexpected explosions or burnouts.

    4. No heating

    LEDs do not heat up - this means that electricity is not lost as heat (for incandescent lamps this loss is about 30%). It is impossible to get burned on LED bulbs, which is very important, especially for the safety of children. This also expands the possibilities of lampshades that can be made from different materials and are located close to the light bulb without the risk of melting or catching fire.

    5. Variety of sizes and shapes

    Some types of light bulbs are tied to the type of base in the lamp, but not LEDs. They are produced with sockets different sizes and even forms, for example with a pin base, so that they can be replaced with LEDs halogen light bulbs. The variety of shapes is absolutely breathtaking: from the usual pear-shaped to luminous ribbons.

    6. Variety of light tone and brightness

    LED lamps come in several color temperatures: cold, neutral and warm. This choice helps in creating the desired atmosphere or allows you to make the color of the objects illuminated by the light bulb as natural as possible. To create a special mood, there are colored LEDs, they are even cheaper than white ones.

    The brightness of the light bulb can also be selected; it is indicated on the packaging in lumens. The picture below shows a comparison. brightness of incandescent lamps (in watts) and LED lamps (in lumens).

    Another advantage of LED lamps (not all, check when purchasing) is the ability to adjust the brightness with a dimmer. Then one light bulb can become both full-fledged lighting and a night light.

    7. High cost payback

    LED household light bulbs are now the most expensive on the market, and this often deters buyers. However, when taking into account the lifespan of one light bulb and the cost of saved electricity, the price will be comparable even to conventional energy saving light bulbs. Let's not forget about the increasingly widespread adoption of technology, which comes with lower prices: the further into the future, the cheaper LEDs become.

    The only possible disadvantage of LED lamps is that they are not the brightest: if you need very strong light, you should choose halogen or fluorescent bulbs or use several lamps.

    Photos: habrastorage.org, tutknow.ru, e-outlet.ru, homedit.com, impressiveinteriordesign.com, drawhome.com

    Report on lamps of the future LEDs 7th grade


    Technology LED lighting today is one of the most promising and popular types of lighting. The lighting technology market is rapidly taking over this area - today its prevalence reaches about 20% and is growing literally every year. What is the reason for its popularity? First of all, in its efficiency compared to other types of lighting, which is the main trend today. The light output of LEDs is 132 lumens per 1 watt - this is about the same as sodium lamps and almost 5 times more than the light output of conventional incandescent lamps. The savings are obvious. The service life of LED lamps also exceeds the service life of conventional lamps - it is more than 60 times longer than the service life of incandescent lamps and 6 times longer than the service life of conventional fluorescent lamps. In aesthetic terms, LEDs are again in the lead: in order to achieve a variety of spectral characteristics lighting, it is not necessary to use light filters, as is done when using incandescent lamps. LEDs are absolutely safe during operation, and also have a relatively small size and different high level strength. They do not emit mercury vapors that are hazardous to health, as happens when using other types of lamps, and it is impossible to become poisoned by this harmful substance both during lamp processing and when using them in everyday life. LEDs also emit low infrared and ultraviolet radiation and low level heat release.

    LED lighting technology is one of the most promising and popular types of lighting today. The lighting technology market is rapidly taking over this area - today its prevalence reaches about 20% and is growing literally every year.

    What is the reason for its popularity? First of all, in its efficiency compared to other types of lighting, which is the main trend today. The light output of LEDs is 132 lumens per 1 watt - this is about the same as sodium lamps and almost 5 times more than the light output of conventional incandescent lamps. The savings are obvious. The service life of LED lamps also exceeds the service life of conventional lamps - it is more than 60 times longer than the service life of incandescent lamps and 6 times higher than the service life of conventional fluorescent lamps. In aesthetic terms, LEDs are again in the lead: in order to achieve a variety of spectral lighting characteristics with their help, it is not necessary to use light filters, as is done when using incandescent lamps.

    LEDs are absolutely safe during operation, and also have a relatively small size and a high level of strength. They do not emit mercury vapors that are hazardous to health, as happens when using other types of lamps, and it is impossible to become poisoned by this harmful substance both during lamp processing and when using them in everyday life. LEDs also have low infrared and ultraviolet radiation and low heat generation.

    And a couple more words about efficiency, and again in favor of LEDs - during the warming up process, the power consumed by them drops by 30 percent, and led lamps, at the same time, do not lose their brightness, which is due to a decrease in their voltage. By comparison, fluorescent lamps consume more energy during the warm-up process.

    It is thanks to all of their above-mentioned advantages that LED lamps today are the most promising in terms of their functionality, energy consumption and in terms of a wide range of applications.

    LEDs also have disadvantages. First of all, their high cost. If we proceed from the price-power relationship, then in the case of LEDs it can be up to 100 times higher than that of ordinary incandescent lamps. The second disadvantage is the low temperature limit. The thing is that the use of LEDs implies the simultaneous use of a radiator for cooling, and the reason for this is not the most favorable size ratio relative to the heat generated, as well as the inability to dissipate exactly the same amount of heat as is released. For example, an LED design with a power of 10 watts requires the use of a radiator similar to that of Pentium processor. Consequently, the cost of LED lighting of this type increases, and the area where the entire structure is planned to be placed increases. An LED lamp can only be powered by a low-voltage source of electricity, and, of course, simultaneously with a radiator - this significantly increases the load on the network and reduces reliability.

    Today, there are two types of LED lamps known on the lighting market - GL-BR20 and GR-BR40. They are used in lighting structures, floodlights, decorative lighting structures, and also in various hand-held flashlights. Generally LED designs are divided into two categories - for interior lighting and for street lighting. They are widely used in structures for illumination of buildings, for billboards, for street lighting, in the interior - for lighting large areas, as well as interior items.

    What will they be like? lamps of the future, and what benefits can they bring? We offer an overview of the likely development of LED and other technologies for creating lighting systems.

    How will home lighting change?

    LEDs are considered the most modern light sources. However, scientists predict that in the future LED lamps will lose their bases and sockets. There will simply be no need for them - LEDs can last a long time, and over time their service life will be longer than the service life of the lamps.

    In addition, more is expected greater development intelligent systems Sveta. LED lamps will signal fires, emergency situations, and work as evacuation signs even when the power is turned off. The use of LED lighting will be relevant for people with disabilities. For example, a person with hearing impairment will understand by the light signals that there is a call. front door or the need to turn off the stove in the kitchen.

    Lamps of the future - what kind, besides LEDs?

    LED technology has made a breakthrough in lighting. Long-lasting, energy-efficient and stable operating LEDs have made it possible to create new forms of lighting devices, and provide practicality and long service life to traditional ones.

    However lamps of the future– not necessarily LED light sources. Scientists have already announced the creation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). It is believed that such sources will be functional and reliable, like LED lamps, but will be able to consume 100 times less electricity. Bye new development inferior to diodes in brightness, but researchers assure that over time this drawback will be eliminated.

    One more future luminaire technology– electroluminescent polymers (FIPEL). The devices will be plastic lamps and lamps that are resistant to mechanical damage and can work almost forever. The advantages of the technology are similar to LEDs - long service life, low heat generation and no toxic substances. However, electroluminescent polymers are cheap to produce, something LEDs cannot yet boast of.

    The future of LEDs – what to expect from the development of LED technologies?

    However, most manufacturers tend to rely on LED technology. This confirms the state funding of programs in this area, approved in different countries. For example, the United States has adopted the National Lighting Initiative program, which plans to spend more than a billion dollars on research over 11 years. The main task of scientists is to increase the performance of white LEDs. Researchers are confident that in the future LEDs will be able to create a light flux of 150 Lm/W, and energy savings will reach 1100 TW/hour annually.

    • Service life – 1000 hours (about 1 year, but in fact the lamp lasts less and often burns out)
    • Thermal radiation
    • High consumption energy

    Halogen lamps

    A halogen lamp is an incandescent lamp with a bulb filled with gas. This device allows the filament to burn brighter. Applying a halogen, particularly bromine, to the inside of the flask avoids the glass becoming less clear over the course of its service life.


    • saving up to 30% energy
    • stable high brightness light
    • improved color rendering
    • no ultraviolet radiation


    • strong thermal radiation
    • sensitive to voltage surges
    • Service life – 2000 – 3000 hours

    "Energy saving" (compact fluorescent) lamps

    In these lamps, a stream of charged particles passes through a bulb filled with mercury vapor, resulting in the formation of ultraviolet radiation. A phosphor coating on the inner surface of the lamp converts this radiation into visible light.


    • saving up to 80% energy
    • low heat generation
    • wide color range of light radiation
    • service life – from 6 to 15 thousand hours
    • uniform light distribution


    • recycling is necessary because they contain mercury and phosphorus (less than 5 mg), they are classified as waste of the first (highest) hazard category and require industrial disposal. For comparison: a home thermometer contains 3,000–5,000 mg of mercury.
    • IR and UV radiation
    • warm-up phase (up to 1 minute), but Philips produces lamps that only need a few seconds to light up at full power, such lamps have the Quick Start logo.
    • relatively high price
    • reduced service life due to power surges
    • unstable work at air temperature less than 0°C

    LED lamps

    LED lamps are a high-tech solution based on semiconductor crystals. Instead of using a filament or gas, LED bulbs create light by passing a stream of charged particles through a semiconductor crystal.

    LED structure
    There are two main types of LEDs: indicator type and lighting type. indicator type, such as 5mm, are typically inexpensive, low power LEDs suitable for use only as indicator lights in display panels, electronics, computers, or for illuminating wall-mounted devices. dashboard car. Illumination-type LEDs, also known as surface-mount LEDs (SMD), high-brightness LEDs (HB), or LEDs high power(HP) - reliable, powerful devices capable of providing the right lighting and having a light output equal to or greater than the light output of traditional light sources.

    All lighting type LEDs have the same basic design. These include the semiconductor chip (or die), the substrate on which the die is mounted, contacts for connecting power, connecting leads for connecting the contacts to the die, a heat sink, a lens, and a housing. Some LEDs, such as TFFC LEDs developed by Philips Lumileds, do not require connecting leads.

    Since indicator-type LEDs are low-power, all the heat generated in them is dissipated within the LEDs themselves. Lighting type LEDs are equipped with a housing that is soldered to the surface, which ensures that the heat generated by the LED is dissipated. Good heat dissipation is vital to ensure normal operation LED.


    • service life – 25 thousand hours
    • energy saving – 80%
    • instantly gives bright light
    • absence of IR and UV radiation
    • no thermal radiation
    • quality and brightness luminous flux does not change over time


    • Relatively high cost of the lamp (299 rubles for a Philips LED lamp, similar to a 60 W incandescent lamp)


    Plinths come in different types and designs. Labeling will help you understand which one is which.

    The first letter indicates the type of base. In home lighting the following are mainly used:

    • E – threaded base (Edison)
    • G – pin base

    The number in the base designation indicates the diameter of the connecting part or the distance between the pins.

    Lowercase letters at the end indicate the number of contact plates, pins or flexible connections (only for some types):

    • s – one contact
    • d – two contacts

    Sometimes another qualifying letter U is added to the first letter, indicating energy saving lamp.

    LED lamps for home lighting have standard sockets that fit most sockets used in everyday life.

    Threaded base E (Edison)

    Base E10- This is the smallest of the threaded plinths. Can be used in Christmas tree garlands or in pocket flashlights.

    Base E14– the so-called minions, are most often used in small lamps, sconces and chandeliers. Modern LED lamps are also manufactured in such a base; they can replace any standard incandescent lamp, this will significantly save energy. Light bulbs for such a socket are distinguished by a wide variety of types: pear-shaped, candle-shaped, teardrop-shaped, spherical, mirror and others.

    Base E27– lighting fixtures with such a base are the most common; they fit standard sockets that are installed in every room. LED lamps with such a base are as close as possible to standard and familiar incandescent lamps; they will fit any lamp with a similar socket.

    Pin sockets

    Base GU10– has thickenings at the ends of the contacts for rotary connection with the cartridge. This type of base is standard ceiling lights.

    Base GU5.3– most often found in halogen incandescent lamps MR16. This base is for accent lighting, in furniture lamps, in suspended and suspended ceilings. LED lamps with such a base are represented in a fairly wide range, so they can fully replace halogen lamps.

    Bulb parameters

    First of all, the lamp is characterized by its size power consumption(watt). Incandescent lamps are the usual 40-60 W. The power of LED lamps for household purposes ranges from 1 to 15 W. It is important to understand that power consumption characterizes only the “speed” of electricity consumption from the network, and not the luminous flux, which determines how bright the lamp shines.

    Luminous flux measured in lumens and most fully characterizes a light source in terms of its ability to illuminate a room.

    Color temperature— a parameter that determines the shade of the color of the lamp radiation. Warm white light corresponds to a color temperature of 2700 - 3500°K (2700 has a noticeable yellow tint and provides cozy lighting, 3500 is closer to white and sharper). A color temperature of 4000 - 5000° corresponds to neutral white light, providing strong and comfortable lighting. 6500° and above is a cool white light, often used for street lighting (since higher luminous efficiency is realized at this color temperature).

    Another important parameter - color rendering coefficient, which characterizes the correct perception of the color of objects when illuminated by a lamp. The color rendering index must be indicated on the lamp packaging and for LED sources intended for indoor lighting must be 80 Ra.

    No less important indicatorservice life. It is recommended to use lamps from well-known and trusted manufacturers, otherwise the service life may not correspond to the declared one.

    Light bulbs and health

    Modern companies They are conducting a lot of research, studying how lighting affects people's health and well-being. Through this research, new solutions are created. Manufacturers - members of the European Lighting Association, including Philips, produce LED lamps, observing the most stringent legal requirements (and in the European Union they are very strict).

    Being indoors illuminated by LED lighting solutions is as safe as being outdoors with natural light or indoors with any other artificial light source, whether halogen lamp or incandescent lamp.

    According to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 62471, light sources are divided into four risk groups. Sunlight falls into group 2 or 3 (the highest risk for vision). At the same time, LED lamps for home lighting, like other artificial light sources (incandescent, halogen and compact fluorescent lamps), have the lowest risk rating - 0 or 1. Therefore, when you long time If you are outdoors, it is better to always use sunglasses.

    The blue part of the spectrum is most harmful to our vision. People who are at risk (too sensitive to this part of the spectrum) should use LED or compact fluorescent lamps with low color temperature. It is also recommended to give preference to lamps with lampshades.

    The future of lighting

    LEDs are one of the most promising areas for the development of lighting technologies: due to their unique characteristics, the possibilities for using LEDs are almost limitless.

    Considering rapid development technical progress, it is now difficult to imagine what home lighting will be like, for example, in a hundred years. Assuming that current trends are reflected in the apartments of the future, lighting will be energy efficient, dynamic, and will make maximum use of and complement natural light. Thanks to LED and OLED technologies (organic light-emitting diodes), any surface can serve as light sources: furniture, walls, floors, clothing. For example, Philips luminous wallpapers are already available, they create the feeling that the entire wall is illuminated, and its light modes can change. So, in the morning they can shine with a pleasant white light, and in the evening they can surprise you with a play of shades. OLED plates will be able to replace window glass, which will allow light to pass through during daylight hours. daylight and serve as transparent glass, and at night the thinnest panels will imitate a sunset, dawn or sunny morning.