• Smart search engine Enigma. Nigma.RF (Nigma) - intelligent search engine

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about another search engine, which was once called Nigma, but after entering Cyrillic domains has undergone a rebranding and is now proudly written in Russian letters - Nigma.rf.

    A little earlier you could read my reviews of the mastodons of the Runet search market: Yandex and Google, which ranks second in popularity among the Russian-speaking Internet community. Those reviews were voluminous and commensurate with the scale of these search engines.

    I wrote in a little less detail about Mail, which partially uses Google’s search results, and about Rambler’s search, which, in turn, has completely become parasites of Yandex.

    I touched even less detail on the mastodons from search world bourgeois: Yahoo, which now uses Bing's search results, and Bing itself, which has seriously increased its share after assimilation with Yahoo. I also sang a requiem to Aporta, who rested in God’s life and whose domain was sold for a pittance for the purpose of some kind of shop.

    The hero of today’s review, in fact, has never been to Olympus or even close to it (unlike the systems mentioned above), but is nevertheless worthy of attention, because he has his own features that others do not have, and despite his modest financial and human resources Nigma continues to exist as a search engine in RuNet and is even trying to expand into the Vietnamese market.

    Operating principles and differences of the Nigma search engine

    First of all, I want to immediately explain why I called Nigma add-on popular search engines . They have their own search robot that indexes the Internet (or just Runet), but in addition to their own index database, developers actively use public databases of other systems (on at the moment, after Aport fell out of the frame, all that remained were Yandex, Google, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Altavista).

    How large the share of Nygma’s base itself is in this variety of data remains a mystery. But relying on fairly modest human resources (several dozen employees, if I’m not mistaken) and, probably, modest financial capabilities, the costs of indexing the RuNet on your own should be small, because otherwise you can easily go down the drain.

    Actually, this project was conceived as a kind of tool that sorts the results into shelves (categories). This action is called Nigma clustering and it means the following. The total output at the user's request is usually monstrous in size, and the search task in this case is to find user documents (links to them with title and ).

    But it is not always clear what exactly the user wanted to see in the first places in the search results. In most cases, there is ambiguity (Yandex has recently partially solved this problem with the help of Spectrum technology). Therefore, the developers decided, along with the general search results, to offer users also Nygma filters, which would make it possible to either highlight certain clusters or, conversely, remove some of them from the search results.

    This mess looks something like this:

    A set of filters is displayed on the left. Clicking in the checkbox opposite the desired cluster leads to its exclusion from the search (a cross is placed), clicking again, on the contrary, leads to the obligatory display of this cluster, and so on in a circle. Thus, in Nigma you can quickly and easily filter out huge search results and increase its relevance for your loved one:

    Actually, this became the main idea that prompted the developers to create a new search engine. The concept of creating a search engine was proposed by a former employee of Maila named Lavrenko, and it was implemented by Vladimir Chernyshov, a final year student of Higher Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University, and others like him. This was in 2004, and already at the beginning of April 2005 the website Nigma.ru was opened.

    He looked quite simple then:

    However, I share their sense of humor, which prompted me to write the caption “The smartest search engine,” because sometimes I also capture the inscription “The smartest search engine” on screenshots. best blog”, which sometimes even causes “just” anger in the comments.

    Unfortunately, it seems to me that the time to enter the search market was already lost at that time. Nygma's main competitors by this time had already successfully existed and developed for a whole decade. Yandex finally got back on its feet financially, and Google carried out a successful expansion into the Runet search market.

    At the beginning, by the way, Nigma had such an advantage over Google as , and could, hypothetically, have dividends from this, using the Google database. But soon the leader of the world search himself became accustomed to Russian morphology and had special trump cards in this aspect this system no longer has.

    Its developers had to come up with new features, which eventually became extended tooltips, identification and highlighting of official sites, special add-ons for search results th under the name Nigma mathematics and chemistry, as well as a separate search for torrent files and music.

    The latter is somewhat dissonant with classic search engines, which are trying in every possible way to distance themselves from such slippery, in the sense of, topics. Because there is always a sea of ​​people willing to milk money from fat cows. But in our case, most likely, the “elusive Joe” principle is at work.

    If we go in chronological order, then by 2008 the interface changes slightly and the ability to search in Nigma by music, books (in online libraries), as well as by pictures (well, more precisely by words in the Alt attribute or standing next to them, and not as it is implemented in real ). In addition, the ability to use the Aport and Bing index database is added:

    Well, in 2010, the appearance of the site takes on its usual appearance, with the exception of the logo, where the Latin spelling of the search engine is still used:

    The development of algorithms is still carried out by people related to Moscow State University, and therefore the presence of such tools as mathematics and chemistry in Nigma.ru is understandable and justified. By the way, these are pretty cool things that many schoolchildren and students use successfully.

    Nigma Mathematics, Chemistry and Music

    Personally, I won’t answer you unequivocally now from which side you can safely approach the discriminant, but my son appreciates the possibility of entering address bar(and now in the special section “Mathematics”) an equation or mathematical expression and obtaining not only the answer, but, if desired, the course of the solution:

    As you can see I used text description equations (by the way, with an error that was corrected without question, since the system has a spell checker built in by default), because, but it’s much more tedious for me to type a formula with special characters.

    However, Nigma-mathematics translated my text into a formula without any problems, found the answer and even offered to look at the progress of the solution (I don’t give a screenshot of it, because it’s big):

    There you will also be invited to watch a short video with an excursion into mathematics from an intelligent search engine:

    Looks even cooler to me Nygma-chemistry, because I studied it thirty years ago and completely forgot, although it was very easy for me then. It is possible to obtain formulas both from inorganic chemistry and partially from organic chemistry (where there is some kind of darkness in general).

    Moreover, queries can be stupidly entered in text, for example, like this (an interesting reaction in the stomach can occur):

    Nigma music is also no less cool (a special link “Music” is highlighted for it above the search form), because it allows you to find not only a link to a song upon request, but also listen to it in the built-in player, or even download it to your computer:

    When listening, you will be able to see the addresses of sites where these musical compositions take place, indicating the bitrate and download links. By the way, if you want to upload your music files, you will need to register, the form of which is located under the left column with filters.

    To questions about the violation of the rights of copyright holders, Nigma representatives answer something along the lines of: this search on music files, on the contrary, will help these same copyright holders track those who are trampling on their rights. And there is a reasonable grain in this.

    Well, it’s clear that search for a torrent file from Nigma will help copyright holders of video and software products to track the sources of violation of their rights. For some reason, they didn’t provide a separate link for browsing torrents, but in the right top corner issue pops up periodically advertising banner, calling for completely free and without registration this type search.

    Although, it’s enough just to enter a request in Nigma’s address bar and add the word “torrent” separated by a space to get pivot table all found files indicating their name, weight, number of peers and seeds, as well as the addresses of the sites where all this wealth was found.

    Nigma.ru search tips and other features

    Well, it’s also worth mentioning the slightly unusual search tips in this system. IN lately We are all accustomed to the fact that the search itself often knows what we want to ask it, and as we enter the query in the line, it offers its own options.

    This is convenient, but Nigma went even further and in some cases already in the drop-down list of hints tries to give a short or even detailed answer to the query you enter (and who then contextual advertising will click from the search results if all search engines implement the same feature):

    I typed in the query “capital f”, after which I was shown a drop-down list with a list of all possible states for this letter indicating their capitals (short answer), and when you move the mouse cursor to one of these short answers, you will be shown a more detailed help based on information taken from .

    Please note that I received the answer without pressing Enter at all and without seeing the results for this request (and the advertising along with it). I think it's convenient. Sometimes it’s also convenient to get a price range for product requests (prices are taken from Mail’s Products):

    This search engine also works great converter various physical quantities, currencies and other nonsense. Moreover, you can type all this in words and even in jargon. Actually, in articles about that, and, I mentioned similar capabilities of Runet leaders.

    How do you like this version of the query in Nigma: “how many bunnies are in a buck?” Well, she says there are so many:

    You know, quite often it occurs to me to search on the Internet decoding of one or another abbreviation encountered, but in Yandex or Google results you can’t always see this in the snippet and you have to go to sites, search there and spend extra time.

    On Nigma.ru everything is implemented in this regard somewhat more conveniently. When you enter an abbreviation in the search bar, you will be able to see its most common decoding in the left column with filters, and under the Abbreviations spoiler you will be able to find rarer versions of this abbreviation:

    If the entered query implies as an answer official website, then Nigma.rf marks it in the tips with the corresponding inscription in brackets, and in the search results in front of its title there will be a hand with a raised thumb (not middle) finger:

    The features are pretty nice. They would also receive a wide river of cash injections - then this search engine would sparkle with completely different colors (by the way, they were spinning at one time, but then Yandex decided that it was not good to promote a competitor).

    In the meantime, all this remains largely unclaimed, because Nigma's share in the Runet search market extremely small (according to statistics):

    There are seventy times fewer transitions from this search engine to sites in the ru domain zone than from the not very popular Mail. Its traffic can be indirectly judged by , but it is even less than that of the site (in RuNet this indicator is very relative, because users have very few Alexa toolbars installed) and actually says nothing.

    They have plans entering the Vietnam search market, but the itim.vn project is still in development and is available only by invite, as Nigma developers claim. At the same time, the not unknown one, which began its expansion into Vietnam at about the same time, successfully launched its portal Wada.vn.

    As for the audience that is inherent in this search engine, due to the presence of Nigma chemistry, mathematics and music services, one could make an assumption about its extremely low average age. However, at the RIF conference, held more than a year ago, a representative of this system spoke (in my opinion, it was Vladimir Chernyshev) and gave a schedule of its age audience in comparison with Yandex:

    There are no special differences, as we see. The same applies, by the way, to the gender of visitors (about fifty-fifty). This comparison was important for SEOs, who could approximate the statistical data presented below for Nigma on Yandex or Google. In particular, the percentage various types requests to their system:

    And also very interesting data on the distribution of user preferences (CTR) among the first 20 places in the Top:

    During one session, a user often clicks on different ads, so the average number of such clicks is interesting, as well as the range of positions within which on average these clicks are made:

    I hope that someone, interested in my description, will pay attention to this search engine, however, in the matter of choosing a “default search”, habit and the presence of little things that have become attached to them often play a primary role. Well, for example, I can’t use Google because they don’t show up there.

    It’s nothing, but I’m used to making transitions to familiar sites, which I can easily recognize in Yandex by their favicons, and even if you crack...

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Kuznetsov Vladimir Georgievich, associate professor of the Department of TiMEMO and ICT, OGBU DPO "RIRO"

    Nygma- Russian intelligent metasearch system, the first clustering search engine in Runet. The project was created with the support of the departments of computer science and psychology of Moscow State University, as well as Stanford University (USA). The name "Nigma" (one of the genus of spiders of the family Dictynidae, en:Nigma) was chosen by association with World Wide Web. The founders of the project are Viktor Lavrenko and Vladimir Chernyshov. The head of the Nigma.RF development team is Vladislav Kuznetsov.
    At the top of the Nygma start window there is a menu bar for accessing all popular services.
    This eliminates the need to open new windows or tabs to access these services, or enter special addresses. You just need to click on the name in this menu the required service and a social network or mail or TV programs or news will open next to Nygma.
    So, for example, using the “TV program” menu commands, you can view the TV program for the current day or some other day of the week, indicating the viewing time (now, morning, afternoon, evening).
    If we select the “maps.yandex.ru” command in the “Maps” menu, and in the window that opens, select the “Ryazan View on panorama” option, you can take a virtual walk around Ryazan.

    Nygma's control elements

    The Nigma search engine window itself consists of 6 tabs: “Internet”, “Pictures”, “Books”, “Music”, “Mathematics”, “Mini-games”, a special field for entering a query with a button for initializing information search for the entered query , and a number of other control elements. By default, the "Internet" tab is selected in the search engine window.
    To switch to another tab, click on the button with the name of this tab located in the line of buttons located above the field for entering queries.
    The name of the button for initializing requests depends on the selected tab. If the "Internet" tab is selected, the button is engraved "Find"; if the "Pictures" tab is selected, the button is called "Find Pictures!", etc.
    Each tab below the query entry field has its own line for example queries.

    Smart search in all search engines at once!

    Nigma is designed in such a way that after entering a query from the keyboard and pressing the initialization button, the search engine will begin searching for the requested information immediately not only using Nigma, but also using other search engines, and immediately (Yandex, Google, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Altavista). It's convenient. At the same time, if the query is poorly formulated, the search result will find too many large number documents and it will take sufficient time to extract the most suitable document from this list.
    To speed up the search for the necessary information in Nigma, you can use the following main methods:

    • filtering the requested information on specific topics;
    • use of a special block of control elements;
    • use of advanced search capabilities;
    • using your own query language.
    When you start entering a query, Nigma automatically generates lists of hints for query entry options, which significantly speeds up query entry (just click on the desired option tips.

    Filtering requested information by specific topics

    The essence of this method is as follows. Based on the user's request, Nigma generates a list of documents, dividing it into groups (filters). Using filters, the user can refine the query and quickly sort the found documents according to the topic he needs (select the ones he needs or exclude unnecessary topics).
    Let us enter the general query “Medicine” on the “Internet” tab and click the “Find” button. As a result, we received an insanely large number of results - more than 150 million documents.
    But Nygma automatically grouped the found documents into topics that are similar in meaning, and displays a list of these topics in the column on the left.
    To the left of the name of each topic/group of topics with a similar topic is an indicator in the form of a miniature square flag.
    By clicking on the flag indicator, we can either turn on topics, or, conversely, turn them off so that they are eliminated during filtering.
    If we click on the indicator for the first time, an icon in the form of a miniature red cross appears in the indicator, and the corresponding topic name will be crossed out, i.e. this topic will be excluded during filtering.
    If we double-click on the indicator, an icon in the form of a green checkmark will appear in the indicator, and the topic indicated by the indicator will be included in the list of selected documents when filtering.
    Enabling or disabling topics when filtering documents takes effect after clicking the "Filter" button.
    If we want to turn off all the topics presented in the list, then we must select the “Exclude” command in the “With all” group.
    If we want to include all the topics presented in the list, then we must select the “Select” command in the “With all” group.
    If we want to reset all selected checkboxes (that is, not filter anything), then we need to select the “Reset” command in the “With all” group.
    Suppose we need to exclude all topics when filtering, with the exception of the topic “Drug Directory”. The easiest way to do this is as follows. First, use the “Reset” command to exclude all topics from the list of topics. Then additionally click on the indicator of the topic “Directory of Medicines” so that instead of the icon with a red cross, a green checkmark icon appears in the indicator. Finally, click on the “Filter” button.

    Using a block of control elements

    Under the query entry field there is a block of control elements for configuring the search.
    If we turn on the “In Ryazan” checkbox in this block, then the search for the information requested in the request will be limited only to the Ryazan region. The "Search Engines" button opens a list of available search engines: Yandex, Google, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Altavista, Nigma.
    By default, all these search engines are connected with checkboxes and will be used for searching necessary information. If necessary, some of them can be disabled.
    The "Language" button opens the list available languages. By default, the "Any language" option is selected. At the same time, you can select other options using the selector button: “Russian”, “Ukrainian”, “English”.
    The "Sorting" button opens a menu for selecting a sorting method. By default, the "No sorting" option is selected. You can use the selector button to select the following sorting options: “By date (from new)” or “By date (from old)”.

    The "Settings" button opens a group of options included by checkboxes in the search engine ("Autocomplete", "Translator", "News", "Mathematics", "Chemistry", "Fact Search", "Definitions"). Some of them can be disabled if desired.

    Using Advanced Search Mode

    On the right side of the line with buttons for selecting the desired tab there are two more buttons: and “Switch to help mode”.
    Clicking on the "Advanced Search" button opens a special panel for selecting additional parameters for an advanced search for the information you are looking for.
    A second click on the same button closes the advanced search panel.
    By clicking the "Go to help mode" button, Nigma is switched to help mode. In this mode, you can quickly get acquainted with the list of tasks that are available to the user using certain system controls.

    Search images in Nygma

    To search for pictures, go to the "Pictures" tab. Let's say we want to find pictures of an Amur tiger.
    In the field for entering a request from the keyboard, enter “Amur tiger” and click the “Find pictures!” button.
    As a result, a window will appear with a selection of thumbnails depicting an Amur tiger.
    Click on the thumbnail you like to open the picture in a separate window.
    Right-click on the image to open context menu and in this menu we select the command we need (to save the picture in a file, print the image on a printer, copy the image to the clipboard, save it on the computer as background picture to decorate the worker Windows desktop, etc.).

    Nigma - Smart Library

    If we left the request “Amur Tiger” and went to the “Books” tab, then we will automatically go to the section of the search engine related to literature dedicated, one way or another, to Amur tigers.
    Moreover, based on the request (in our case " Amur tiger") Nigma generates a list of documents, dividing it into groups (filters). Using filters, the user can refine the query and quickly sort the found documents according to the topic he needs (select the ones he needs or exclude unnecessary topics).
    1. Search in Russian literature
    1.1. By author's last name
    By writing only the author's last name (for example, Yesenin), you can find his works.
    I have already pointed out that Nygma’s tabs are interconnected by the entered query.
    So, for example, if we want to select the most suitable picture with the image of Sergei Yesenin, then we just need to go to the “Pictures” tab to see an extensive collection of pictures with the image of S. Yesenin
    1.2. Text of the author's work
    To find a specific text by the author, you need to supplement the query with the name of the work, for example: Chekhov Horse surname.
    2. Search in foreign literature
    In the search bar, you can write both the name of the author (for example, Galsworthy) and the title of his work (for example, The Forsyte Saga).

    Nygma Music

    Nygma Music is a service that simplifies the search musical compositions. The Nigma.ru search robot finds music files on the Internet and indexes the tags contained in these same files, producing the desired result upon request.
    Nygma searches for music all over the Internet, sorts and groups the results. This means that you can easily find the artist or song you need, and without leaving Nigma you can listen to and download them.
    Search for music tracks by artist, album, song
    The user can enter the name of the group, song, artist, album, etc. into the search bar (for example, Lyube, Alexander Malinin, etc.).
    In the materials found by request, when you click on the “Read lyrics” link, a page with the lyrics of the song will open. For example, with the lyrics of the song "Shores".
    When you click on the “Listen” link, the player control panel will open and the process of playing the ordered melody/album will begin.
    When you click on the "Copy" link, a panel will open asking "Do you want to open or save?"
    If you want to save the selected melody in the desired folder, expand the "Save" button menu and select the "Save As" command from this menu.
    Will open standard window"Save As", in which you just specify the destination folder, and then click the "Save" button.

    Nygma. Catalog of popular games

    Nygma. Mathematics

    The Nigma mathematical system allows you to perform simple arithmetic transformations and solve math problems, taking into account different units of measurement and recognition of mathematical and physical constants. Queries for converting currencies, solving systems of equations, and plotting function graphs are also supported.
    The mathematical system was launched in October 2008.

    Nygma. Chemistry

    In December 2008, support for queries on inorganic chemical reactions, both starting and final reaction substances, appeared. Subsequently, search for chemical reactions and support for organic chemistry were added.
    As of 2011, the system allows you to search for more than 12,000 inorganic reactions. Substances can be specified either as names (“sodium chloride”, “ rock salt") and in the form of formulas ("NaCl").

    Browse Search

    Nygma is effective for overview search when collecting information. It allows you to quickly find public information from various areas and check if you have missed anything important using other search engines.
    I have prepared a small brochure with a selection of exercises for accelerated mastery of the described online service and you can download this brochure from the provided link. (doc, 6.99MB)

    A search engine is a world-wide machine designed to search for data in global network. Roughly speaking, the work of a search engine can be divided into two parts: a search robot (also called a spider) constantly walks the Internet, collecting information from website pages - this is called indexing; displaying results - when the user enters Security Question, then the enigma search engine goes through its internal, pre-built index and produces a list of links to sites that are relevant to the entered keyword.

    Enigma search string (working)

    True, it is necessary to make a clarification - the enigma search engine does not exist in nature. Enigma is a encryption machine that was very popular among the Germans in World War II, read about it below, it’s also called music group. There is a smart search system called Nigma, which is very similar to Enigma, so users very often get confused and try to search for the wrong search engine.

    Search engines can be roughly divided into local and global. The first ones are limited national domain or a certain language, the latter actually cover mainly the American Internet, which is not surprising, since it is the main part of the world, while the rest of the Internet is much less well-known. In this regard, if you are limited by country or language, then it is better to use a local smart search engine.

    The Internet is alive dynamic system- this means that it changes much faster than the spider knows about it.

    In this regard, search results may sometimes contain documents that have been changed or that no longer exist at all (in this case, a 404 error is issued). Some search engines, including the Enigma search engine, then save its image and when returning results you will view such an image, although the original has already been changed. This is why the speed at which the index is updated, as well as the size of the search database, is extremely important for efficient work search engines.

    Enigma search engine free download

    A search engine is a program, so it has special language requests, thanks to which it is possible to “explain” to the system as accurately as possible what is required of it. But nowadays all search engines understand the ordinary key query entered by the user, and it is not at all necessary to know his native programming language. This greatly simplifies the work of people completely unprogramming; they just need to enter a query in natural, “human” language for the system to determine your area of ​​interest. The machine itself is able to figure it out.

    The Enigma search widget is a widget created for the screens of mobile phones, Android smartphones and tablets. Thanks to this application You can quickly and easily search using the Enigma search engine. As you type keywords V search bar You will see a drop-down list of search suggestions and possible results, and, if this is specified in the settings, the request will be translated into other languages. If you wish, you can change the standard design option to your own - unique one. To download the Enigma search engine for free, just click on the corresponding button on the right.

    Enigma encryption machine

    Enigma is a family of electromechanical rotary portable machines with an encryption function, actively used during World War II to encrypt and decrypt top-secret messages.

    It began its history almost 100 years ago, when in the 17th year of the last century, the Dutchman Hugo Koch received a patent. In 1918, the patent was sold to Arthur Scherbius, who began commercial activities selling single copies. finished car individuals or entire armies.

    It took the British cryptographic service six years to become interested in this device. In 1924, she purchased a batch of machines from the manufacturer's company with the condition that the patent would be registered with the British Patent Office. This deal made it possible for the British to obtain a description of the cryptographic scheme.

    When studying history at school, we were told that during the Second World War the Germans used a certain encryption machine - “Enigma”. From the 25th year of the 19th century until the end of World War II, about 200,000 vehicles were manufactured for the needs of the German army. In 1926, the German fleet began to be equipped similar devices, and in 1928 - ground forces. They were also actively used by the intelligence and security services.

    According to experts, this mechanism was a new word in cryptography in those days.

    We all know how important search engines are for Internet users. Most often, we resort to only one of them every day. The most popular: Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Bing. Ordinary users have never heard of other systems. And yet there are many of them.

    Search sites

    Thematic search engines for air tickets and hotels, real estate, goods and services have become increasingly used. U large companies working in the field of telecommunications and information technology, have their own search engines. Microsoft has MSN Search, Rostelecom has Sputnik. In total, more than 1,700 search programs are used. There are about 45 in Runet. The Nigma search engine recently launched. Reviews of this development by Russian specialists exceed all imaginable expectations.

    A little history

    To understand what we are dealing with when searching for information on the Internet, let's figure out what a search engine is as a whole. Initially, when sites could be counted on one hand, a list of them was simply posted on one of the web pages. By 1993, there was a need to automate the search. Just think, the first search program simply downloaded all files from anonymous, accessible FTP servers. The search was conducted only by the file name, without taking into account its contents.

    Operating principles

    Later, search systems were improved. Modern Google takes into account the number of links to your page placed on third-party sites. Based on this, the program places the page at a specific place in the search results. The principle is simple - if the site is interesting, others should see it. There are other search algorithms. The basis of most search engines is a so-called robot.

    Campaigns that have invented convenient and fast search engines make money by selling rankings and advertising on their sites. In addition to search, they offer users free mail server, own browser, instant messaging program.

    Search engines in Russia

    As of 2014, the following search engines were used in Russia:

    • Google (39.0%).
    • Bing (0.7%).
    • Yahoo! (0.2%).

    Multilingual search engines:

    • Yandex (51.7%);
    • Mail.ru (7.0%);
    • Rambler (0.6%);
    • Nigma (0.1%) - all these are search engines that limit their search range to Russian-language domains.

    Search engine "Nigma"

    The last search system on the list is "Nigma" - the result of the work of students and employees of the Moscow State University. The search engine was created in 2009. The development team consists of 25 people. At first, the search engine was created for the purposes of the university itself. Then it outgrew the boundaries of the educational institution, and a new search engine appeared on the RuNet. "Nigma" is the name of one of the orders of arachnids.

    The advantage of the system is that when you enter words into the search bar, you immediately see a tooltip with its meaning. This way, there is no need to waste time opening a web page just to find out the translation or meaning of a word.

    "Nigma" uses clustering of search queries. This means that from the already selected pages you can choose the ones you need. For example, exclude data on online stores from document searches. You can also select pages with music files or sites related to a specific topic. The system creates clusters automatically, based on the most frequently occurring words on the page.

    The Russian language is the head of everything

    This is the first search engine located in the Russian-language domain zone. Just type “nigma” in the address bar. rf". The intelligent search system is laconic, the interface takes into account the main areas of interest of the Russian user. There is a TV program here Russian channels, all popular social media And full list job search sites. Unlike other portals, which contain all imaginable and inconceivable services, the Nigma search system simply redirects the user to the most popular resources in Russia. You can get any information on “nigma. rf". The search engine will redirect you to another search engine, or provide search results for it. Permanent links to them are located at the very top of the main search page. There are almost no advertisements in Nigma. Below the search bar there are three examples in the form of examples. key phrases. If you click on one of them, you will get a complete list of links to the request you are interested in.

    Russian-language morphology is very important. Before major search engines began to support it, Russian search programs had to translate the request, redirecting it with a similar request to English. In this case, some of the results were lost. Nigma implements a translation mechanism in which the number of pages found increases.

    Search Features

    "Nigma" finds and structures the search results for all polar systems. The request can be supplemented with certain conditions. In advanced search, you can exclude or add search engines. The intelligent search system "Nigma" works with most Boolean operators. That is, in a search you can find an exact phrase, one or more words from it, exclude certain words, and obtain information only from certain Internet pages.

    How often does our desktop or home page browsers are filled with various links, icons or widgets. Each is useful in one way or another. All this can be replaced by the Nigma website. ru. The intelligent search engine already contains all the information you need.

    For science

    Besides separate page To search for pictures or media files, you can use a special built-in calculator in Nigma. In the "Mathematics" section you can ask for advice when solving an equation, enter a formula in the window and calculate it, find examples of solutions. "Nigma" can solve quadratic equations, graph functions and find logarithms. The same assistant awaits chemistry lovers.

    The impression was that, by helping to solve problems, the Nigma search system indulges laziness and cheating among schoolchildren. Perhaps this is the reason why the search engine is so little popular. Teachers and parents simply do not recommend this site to children.

    There is another point of view. The portal created for the needs of Moscow State University is a reference book, not a cheat sheet. "Nigma" is a search engine; mathematics will not suffer at all from its presence. Detailed explanations, the opportunity to communicate and exchange experiences only fuels interest in science and learning. IN free time you can, without leaving home, expand your knowledge beyond school curriculum. By following the hints you can move on to the solution standard tasks to more complex ones. The intellectual search system "Nigma" turns studying into a hobby.

    Search files

    A nice addition to the site is the torrent search. This does not mean that with the help of Nigma you will be able to obtain unlicensed media products. Despite copyright laws, torrents remain fast and in a convenient way exchange of valuable information. The intelligent search engine "Nigma" will help you get completely legal torrent links.

    What do all RuNet search services have in common? They do not allow you to filter results.

    Today, even the most venerable search services do not allow you to configure the relevance of a query as flexibly as a search engine with a cute spider on its logo (the name of the family of which served as the letter identifier for the search engine).

    In addition, Nygma is the only search engine that has taken the slippery slope of music search and torrents, so ardently disliked by copyright holders.

    In its output you can listen and download any songs. Against the backdrop of the copyright hype, this looks at least bold. In any case, “not caught, not an artist.”

    Another radical difference is the ability to solve chemical equations right in the search bar. To do this, you just need to enter an example, and the search engine will independently solve it and show the conditions and features of the chemical reaction.

    Search engine features

    Nigma has relatively small human resources (several dozen employees) and adequate funding. Our own index database is small, but using public databases from other services can significantly expand your search capabilities.

    Moreover, each of the seven services can be disabled at any time. In this case, the results will not appear indexed by the disabled search engine.

    Thus, you can use your usual search engine (Google, for example), but with a convenient system for adjusting relevance.

    Issue clustering

    The search system forms separate groups (clusters) from the results. In this way, information, commercial and entertainment resources are separated. The user can filter out results that he does not need.

    The filter on the right side of the screen allows you to customize search results in detail, excluding marked keywords.

    Quite the contrary necessary requests put a “tick” and a cross next to unnecessary ones and click the “Filter” button so that only the results that interest the user remain in the search results.

    Smart Tips

    However, interesting things begin even before search query will be finalized. The search engine provides answers to some questions, such as “the capital/currency of such and such a country” before the search results, in a drop-down menu in the query line.

    This allows you to receive necessary information without even visiting the pages (hence without dealing with the advertisements placed on them). Most of this information is taken from the free encyclopedia; next to each result there is a link to the source.

    When you hover your cursor over the result, a small help message will appear with basic information. In most cases this will be enough. The advertising display is organized in the same way.

    Isolation of official sites

    At Google help or Yandex, sometimes it is completely impossible to detect the official website of a particular company. The search results are filled with the fruits of the labors of SEOs all over the world, but it doesn’t contain what you need. Nygma overcame this “sore” too.

    In its issue official resources companies are noted with a special icon"thumbs up"

    Search engine services

    In addition to interesting Internet search capabilities, Nygma has many other additional services. Search by music and torrents, computing capability in the search bar and a developed currency converter. Below you will find more details about each of the services.

    Computing facilities

    Among the sadly small audience of the search engine there are many schoolchildren and students. The service owes its popularity to its excellent computing capabilities.

    Their presence is natural, given that the project was created by a student at Moscow State University and has the support of Stanford University. To solve an equation, just enter it into the search bar.

    If necessary, the Nigma search engine will show the sequence of actions for solving a mathematical equation. Except linear equations, Nigma is also capable of solving systems of equations.

    A full list of possibilities is available at the “List of tasks to be solved” link located under the answer.

    And if writing formulas is inconvenient, you can type the example directly in text

    It was Nygma mathematics. The same possibilities are available for solving physical and chemical (inorganic and organic) formulas.

    Nigma search system chemistry allows you to enter formulas not only using notations chemical elements, but also with their names.

    In this case, a converter works between systems of quantities that can be indicated in words and used in formulas.

    There is also a built-in currency converter that perfectly recognizes slang names for currencies.

    We must give credit to the small group of people who are developing such useful functions resource. I would like to believe that in the future the search engine will “shoot” like its “senior colleagues” Google or Yandex.

    Search form builder

    Anyone can place a search form from Nigma on their website. For this purpose there is a special constructor. The whole process takes place in three simple steps. First, you will need to select a design option for the form itself and the search query button.

    Then assign possible locations and types of searches.

    Click “Get code” and copy the code that appears in the form to your website. The search form is ready to use. Computational functionality is not available in it, but it is organized quite well.