• Installing and configuring the VirtualBox virtual machine. How to download a ready-made virtual machine from Windows and open it in VirtualBox and VMware Workstation

    Today, more than ever, they are in demand among completely different groups of computer system users. Actually, the Windows operating system is not losing popularity, which many users want to use on their terminals in parallel with the main OS. Let's see how to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine in the simplest way. Let's take the WM VirtualBox software package as a basis, which is not only one of the most powerful, but also one of the easiest to understand general operating principles.

    What is a virtual machine?

    If anyone doesn’t know, software in the form of a virtual machine is nothing more than an emulator of a computer system with hardware, an operating system and user programs installed in it.

    In fact, a virtual machine with Windows 7 installed is like a copy of a really (physically) existing computer with G7 on board, but only at the software level, and is no different in its capabilities from a real terminal. In such a virtual system, you can install programs and applications, test equipment, emulate the operation of web servers, etc.

    As a rule, all processes associated with installing the software itself, and then the operating system, do not cause difficulties, however, taking into account the requirements of the “seven”, it is still worth giving some recommendations on how to complete all steps of this process.

    Virtual machine for Windows 7: WM VirtualBox

    So let's get started. As is already clear, first we will need an existing operating system. We proceed from using the WM VirtualBox package.

    Please note that in this case the question will be considered not of how to install a virtual machine on Windows 7, but of how to install “seven” on the machine. Indeed, why should we emulate its operation if it is already installed as the main system?

    First, we need to download the latest version of the program. You can do this either on the official website or find it on the Internet. In any case, the application is free, so there will be no problems with any “cracked” versions.

    Run the installation file and follow the instructions. Here everything is as usual: we agree with licensed use and constantly click the “Next” button until we reach the installation confirmation. There is one nuance here. The fact is that after clicking the Install button, the connection will be disconnected for a while and Internet access will be lost. There is no need to panic, this is normal.

    Next, windows will appear with offers for some devices. We agree everywhere. The last window will display a field with a checkbox next to the line to create a virtual machine immediately. If you need to proceed with these actions, leave everything unchanged. If the virtual machine will be created later, uncheck the box and click the button to complete the installation process (Finish).

    How to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine: pre-selecting parameters

    All. The main program is installed. The next stage will be the creation of a new car, on which the “seven” will subsequently be installed.

    To do this, in the running program, use the appropriate button, after which in the starting “Wizards” window, click the continue button. Now you need to select a few basic parameters. We indicate the type of Microsoft Windows operating system and select the version of Windows 7.

    Now one of the most crucial moments is choosing the amount of RAM. Please note that it will be allocated from the total volume installed on the computer, so that when the child OS is running, it will be reduced in the main one. It is not recommended to set the size to less than 512 MB (preferably 1 GB and above) and more than half of the total available size, otherwise the main system will not only slow down, but may even refuse to work.

    The next step is creation. In a similar “Wizard”, it is recommended to select a dynamically expanded disk (Dynamically Allocated) and give it a name. The save location and size will be indicated by default, but these parameters can be changed, say, to use not the system partition with the OS installed, but another logical partition. The program suggests using a size of 20 GB. This parameter can be left unchanged, but if you decide to change it, it is not recommended to use a size less than 15 GB (this is due to the requirements of the “seven” itself).

    Creating a boot disk (or system image)

    If you consider the question of how to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine, you should remember that it must be installed from a disk. There are two options: either the original installation disk (or a copy thereof) will be used, or the installation will be made from an image.

    In principle, if you create a dynamically expanding disk at an early stage, it is better to choose a bootable system image. You can create it from the original DVD quite simply in programs like UltraISO, Daemon Tools, Nero, etc. and save it directly on your hard drive. There is no point in dwelling on this in detail.

    Pre-configuring the virtual machine

    Now, before proceeding directly to the installation of the child OS (in our case, Windows 7), the virtual machine needs to be configured.

    To do this, use the properties button. In the menu, first set the video memory size for the display (at least 26 MB) and enable 2D and 3D acceleration.

    Then, in the media section, depending on how the installed operating system is written, select the DVD icon for the optical media with the original (then insert the disc into the drive) or the folder icon to indicate the location of the .iso image (after which the line will appear with reference to the image). Settings for audio, network, COM ports and shared folders can be set without changes.

    Now the main application window appears again, where you should click the “Start” button. If an information message appears, agree, and then click on the virtual machine screen and select the “capture” command in the pop-up window.

    Installation of the "seven"

    Only now we install Windows 7 on the VirtualBox virtual machine. In principle, the process of installing the “seven” is absolutely no different than if this procedure was carried out on a real computer. You just need to follow the installer's instructions. Depending on the configuration created, the process may take up to 20-30 minutes. At the end of the process, we get a “seven”, no different from a regular terminal.

    Working with add-ons

    Separately, it should be noted that the question of how to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine cannot be done without understanding some of the nuances that many users often do not pay attention to. The problem is that the enabled virtual machine blocks the use of the keyboard and mouse on the main system. In addition, it will not be possible to use it for the hosting and child OS at the same time. That is, it will be impossible to copy data in the main application running on the main system and paste it into a program on a virtual machine.

    To prevent this from happening, you just need to go to the add-ons installation section, after which in the autorun window you need to click on the line VBoxWIndowsAdditions.exe and install the program.


    So we figured out how to install and work with the WM VirtualBox virtual machine. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated here. In addition, in most cases, the average user will not have to select parameters manually, since the “Wizard” initially monitors the configuration of the main system and offers optimal settings.

    Well, how expedient and justified the use of a child OS in the form of a “seven” depends only on what specific tasks the user assigns to it. By the way, if you noticed, in this case you don’t even have to enable virtual technology support in the BIOS settings. They are used mainly only when using the “native” Hyper-V hypervisor (for its operation or for selecting the boot OS). But in our case this is not required.

    Downloading an operating system distribution from the Internet and installing it on a virtual machine is a simple but time-consuming process. It is much easier to download special files for a virtual machine with an already installed guest system and simply open this machine in the appropriate hypervisor program. Below we will learn how and where to download a ready-made virtual machine from a Windows guest, and also consider how to open it in the VirtualBox and VMware Workstation hypervisor programs.

    Ready-made virtual machines on the Modern.IE website

    Modern.IE is a Microsoft web resource created specifically for testing sites in the window of various versions of standard Windows browsers, starting with Internet Explorer 6 as part of XP and ending with Microsoft Edge on board the new Windows 10. For testing Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers, the web - Modern.IE resource and offers completely free download of ready-made virtual machines with Windows installed - in different versions of the system and for various hypervisor programs.

    Regardless of which version of Internet Explorer we choose within a particular version of Windows, we will get a full-fledged operating system for testing both standard browsers and other functionality. The only caveat is that all virtual machines have English-language Windows installed. The issue with Russification in versions 7, 8.1 and 10 is resolved by installing a Russian localization package and selecting Russian as the operating system language in its settings. You can translate Windows XP into Russian using the Multi User Interface for WindowsXP translation utility.

    The second, less significant nuance is outdated versions of Internet Explorer in some cases. If your goal is not to test older versions of Internet Explorer, it is, of course, better to choose a system with a more recent version of the built-in browser. Although this point is not important, because Internet Explorer is for the most part a browser for downloading other browsers.

    Virtual machines have either non-activated full-fledged versions of Windows installed, or trial versions with a limited period of free activation.

    Downloading virtual machines

    To download a finished virtual machine, open the Modern.IE website and go to the Virtual Machines section.

    Here you need to decide on some parameters.

    The first parameter - Choose your OS - is the choice of the operating system installed on the physical computer. The list of hypervisors for each operating system presented - Windows, Mac OS and Linux - will be different; the contents of the list depend on the support of certain virtualization programs by these systems. Naturally, Windows has the richest list of hypervisors. There is VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, and Hyper-V as part of server operating systems; there are even separate virtual machines designed to run on the old Microsoft Virtual PC platform.

    The second parameter - Virtual machine - is a choice of the version of Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge as part of a particular version of Windows. Modern.IE offers ready-made virtual machines with all versions of Windows, starting with XP and ending with the new Windows 10. Only virtual machines with server editions of Windows are not presented.

    The third parameter - Select platform - is the choice of platform, that is, the hypervisor.

    After selecting a ready-made virtual machine, we will see an archive prepared for downloading on the right. Click the “Download” button.

    The distribution of the finished virtual machine contains all the necessary files for import by the hypervisor. For example, the VMware Workstation virtual machine includes a VMDK format virtual hard disk and an OVF configuration export file. A ready-made virtual machine for the VirtualBox program contains an OVA configuration export-import file. And as part of the assembly of virtual machines for Hyper-V, we will find a virtual VHD disk with the installed system and configured files.

    After downloading the archive with the virtual machine, it must be unpacked into a separate folder and placed in a secluded place, preferably on a non-system drive.

    How to open a ready-made virtual machine in VirtualBox

    After unpacking the downloaded content into a separate folder, launch the VirtualBox program and select “Import configurations” from the “File” menu.

    In the window that appears, use the browse button to indicate the path to the unpacked OVA file. Click “Next”.

    Next will be the parameters for importing the virtual machine. Here you can change some data - change the name of the machine, set a different RAM value, select a different installation folder for the virtual hard disk. Click “Import”.

    Once the import process is complete, by clicking the “Configure” button, you can change other parameters of the virtual machine - for example, increase video memory, activate 2D and 3D video acceleration, enable a shared clipboard, etc. After all the settings, turn on the virtual machine.

    Windows will start and the process of installing the necessary drivers for the emulated computer devices will follow. Then in the VirtualBox window you will see the Windows desktop or start screen.

    How to open a ready-made virtual machine in VMware Workstation

    To open a virtual machine in VMware Workstation, we also unpack the downloaded archive into a separate folder on the computer. Launch VMware Workstation and click the option to open a virtual machine either in the “File” menu or in the main tab of the program. In the Explorer window, specify the path to the OVF file.

    After the process of importing a virtual machine is completed, as in the case of VirtualBox, you can change some parameters in the settings, in particular, set the desired RAM indicator in accordance with the hardware capabilities of the physical computer.

    After launching the virtual machine on VMware Workstation, drivers will also be installed, and then we will be greeted by the operating system screen against the backdrop of branded wallpaper from the Modern.IE web resource.

    Have a great day!

    Creating a virtual machine on a real computer is an extremely convenient tool for experimenting, studying, and testing various operating systems.

    In simple words, if you want to look at and study, for example, Linux OS, Mac OS, Windows Server and other various systems, but for this you do not have a separate computer and hard drive to install them, virtualization will help out. That is, by allocating some RAM and hard disk space from your work computer, you can install any system you need on it.

    Install virtual operating system very easy using the Oracle VM VirtualBox program. Its installation usually does not cause any difficulties; it is done by analogy with any other applications.

    How to use VirtualBOX:

    1. Launch VirtualBox and click " Create".

    2. Specify the name (think of any one), as well as the type and version of the operating system. The OS boot option depends on the type and version, i.e. whether the boot image you connect will work.

    3. Next, we indicate the amount of random access memory (RAM) for the future virtual system. The recommended volume will be offered depending on the selected OS version. If possible, indicate a little more than recommended, but not required. Focus on the tasks that you plan to perform in the system you are creating. For example, if you just need to see what a new operating system looks like, then it is enough to indicate the minimum, but if you are going to work in it, distribute more.

    4. Then you need to specify the disk to host the OS. If this is your first time, select " Create a new virtual hard disk", if not, you can select an existing one.

    5. For correct operation of the OS, it is better to specify the “native” format of the VirtualBox hard drive - VDI.

    6. Depending on whether you have sufficient disk space, you need to decide which virtual disk storage format to use: dynamic or fixed. Essentially, this is how you set the size of the virtual machine image file on your computer and the disk space inside the virtual system.

    • Dynamic virtual hard disk- initially does not take up extra space on your hard drive, i.e. has only the size required for a given operating system. But as you work with the virtual OS, if you fill it with files (install programs, copy information there, etc.), then the size will grow accordingly. And only in the direction of increase; the disk will no longer be able to decrease backwards.
    • Fixed virtual hard disk- has an exact constant size in the virtual operating system, and accordingly the size of the virtual machine image file. This option is suitable if you have a lot of free space on the hard drives of your computer. A fixed disk is faster than a dynamic disk.

    8. After clicking the "Create" button, the process of creating a disk for the virtual system will begin. Surgery time depends on the size and type of disc.

    9. After the process is completed, in the left column you will see the created virtual machine with information about the characteristics. A “virtual computer” has been created in the computer! Click " Launch".

    10. Now you need to specify the path to the boot image to install the operating system. Here you either specify a drive with a disk, or, more simply, a bootable ISO image. If everything is specified correctly, the download will begin from this disk (or from the database). Install the operating system as usual.

    11. After installing the system, launch it. For example, Windows 8.1 installed in the VitrualBox window.

    8. Installing Windows 7 in the VirtualBox virtual machine.

    VirtualBox- a special program for creating virtual computers in PC memory. Each virtual computer can contain an arbitrary set of virtual devices and a separate operating system. The scope of application of virtual computers is very wide - from performing software testing functions to creating entire networks that are easy to scale, distribute the load and protect. VirtualBox distributed free of charge, open source.

    1) Download the latest version of the program VirtualBox from the official website: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

    2) Install it on your computer.

    2.1) Run the installer; In the first window, click Next

    2.2) Select item I accept the terms in the License Agreement and press Next.

    2.3) Click Next, then again Next

    2.4) Click on the button Yes. Attention: In the next step, after clicking the Install button, the connection with the network (both local and Internet) will be disconnected.

    2.5) Click Install to continue installation

    2.6) In pop-up windows Install software for this device? click on the button Install

    2.7) In the last window, leave the checkbox to start creating a virtual machine immediately or uncheck the checkbox to create a virtual machine later. Click the button Finish. If you uncheck the box, use the icon on the desktop to launch the program.

    3) In the main program window, click on the button Create. Will open New Virtual Machine Wizard. Click the button Next.

    4) Enter the name of the virtual machine, in the OS Type section set the values:

    Operating system: Microsoft Windows

    Version: Windows 7.

    5) Enter the amount of RAM allocated to the virtual machine.

    Attention: Memory will be allocated from the physical memory installed on your computer. Do not install memory below 512 Megabytes or above 50% of the installed physical memory size. Click the button Next.

    6) Select the boot virtual hard disk. Set the radio button to: Create a new hard drive. Click the button Next.

    7) Will open New Virtual Disk Wizard. Click the button Next.

    8) Select the virtual hard disk type. The dynamic image will initially take up little space and will expand gradually. A fixed image will immediately create a disk of the specified size - this may take a long time. Click the button Next.

    9) Select a name and location for your virtual disk file. By default, the file name matches the name of the virtual machine, and the file itself is located on the same hard drive where the real Windows 7 is installed, in the C:\Users\UserName\.VirtualBox folder.

    Select the virtual hard disk size. (Default 20 Gigabytes). Click the button Next.

    10) Click on the button Ready and you will return to the previous window, where the parameters of the virtual machine you are creating will be indicated. Click on the button Ready in the window Bottom line, and you will create a new virtual machine.

    A virtual machine for installing Windows 7 on it has been created.

    11) Before you start installing Windows 7 on your virtual machine, you need to configure it. To configure your virtual machine, click on the button Properties.

    12) In the settings section, from the list on the left, select Display. Set the size of video memory available for the virtual machine to at least 26 Megabytes. Check the boxes for settings items Enable 3D acceleration And Enable 2D video acceleration.

    13) In the settings section, from the list on the left, select Carriers.

    14) In the settings tree Storage media select the DVD disc icon.

    If you have a Windows 7 installation disk on a DVD, then insert it into the DVD drive and in the column Attributes opposite the element Drive select it from the drop-down list. Also check the box for Allow direct access.

    If you have a Windows 7 installation disk in the form of an ISO image, then in the column Attributes click on the folder icon to open

    15) In the window Virtual Media Manager click the button Add. Select the image file and click Open. Click on the button Choose

    16) Your image will be added to the settings tree Storage media, following the virtual hard disk file. Click the button OK.

    17) You will find yourself in the main program window. Click on the button Start

    18) If information windows appear, click on the button in them OK

    19) Click inside the virtual machine screen, and in the information window click on the button Capture

    20) Install Windows 7. Installing Windows 7 on a virtual machine is no different from a regular installation on a real machine.

    21) After installing Windows 7 on the virtual machine, VirtualBox will immediately launch Windows 7 inside the virtual machine.

    22) Using the mouse and keyboard in a virtual machine blocks them from being used in real (host) Windows. To switch between the virtual machine window and the main Windows window, you have to use the Right Control host key.

    So that the virtual machine does not capture the mouse cursor and keyboard, and you can easily move the mouse cursor between the guest (virtual) and host (main) systems, and the clipboard becomes shared, you need to install Guest OS Additions. To install them, do the following: in the menu of the running virtual machine, select Devices -> Install Guest OS Additions

    23) In a pop-up window Autostart Click VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe and install the program.

    24) To shut down a virtual machine, in the menu of the running virtual machine, select Car -> Close -> Turn off the car.

    25) To launch the installed Windows 7 in the main program window, click on the button Start.

    In this article we will figure out how to install virtualbox and how to add new virtual machines. First, I’ll tell you for those who don’t know what these virtual machines actually are.

    Imagine this situation - at work you have to work in a program that only works under the Windows XP operating system, and you have Windows 7 (or Windows 8/8.1) installed. How do you get out of this situation? Some people will resign themselves and install Windows XP on their computer (which no longer receives security updates), while others who are smarter will install a virtual machine on their computer and install Windows XP in it with the ability to work in the desired program.

    That is, to put it briefly, a virtual machine is a full-fledged computer (with a processor, RAM, hard drive and even BIOS), which runs inside your computer using an emulator program.

    Virtualization technologies, which just a few years ago were very expensive and resource-intensive, have already entered the homes of ordinary users and occupy a place in the most common home computers. Here is a sample list of what virtual machines are used for:

    • Application testing
    • Testing network programs in closed virtual networks
    • Testing applications with various PC configuration parameters
    • Lack of funds for additional computers
    • Consolidating servers on one physical computer
    • Training on various operating systems

    and much more...

    My experience with virtual machines started with virtualbox, but after working with virtualization giants such as VMware and the mega giant Hyper-V, I felt how much cooler they are. But for this coolness they ask a lot of money.

    So if you are just interested in tinkering with other operating systems without reinstalling yours, or you need, for example, to run Windows applications on a Linux computer, then Virtualbox should satisfy you completely.

    If you are going to launch serious network infrastructure projects that must work 24/7/365, then you are better off looking towards Hyper-V, which comes with Windows Server 2008/2012. Believe me, it's really worth the money.

    This was a little background, and now about Virtualbox itself.

    Download and install virtualbox

    You can download Virtualbox from the official website, the latest version at the time of writing is 4.3.14, which is what we will install.

    Launch the downloaded installer and click “Next”
    In the next window, leave everything as default and click “Next”
    In the options window, leave all the checkboxes as default
    In the next window, the installer will warn you that a new network connection will be created during installation, which will temporarily disconnect your active network connection. Click “Yes”, and in the next window “Install”
    We wait a few minutes for the program to install. After a message appears indicating that the installation was successful, click “Finish”
    If everything went well, the program “ VirtualBox Manager
    The “Manager” itself is just a shell with the help of which work will be carried out between the virtual machine and the physical computer.

    The program settings are quite sparse, you don’t even have to pay attention to them, since everything is configured there by default, which should satisfy the vast majority of users.

    Adding a virtual machine

    To add a new virtual machine, click the “ Create“, enter the name of the virtual machine, select the type of operating system and its version.
    In the next window, select the amount of RAM for the virtual machine. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you cannot select more RAM than is installed on your physical computer.
    In the next window you are asked to select a virtual hard disk or create a new one. Since we are launching the program for the first time, we will create a new hard disk by selecting “Create a new virtual hard disk”
    In the window for selecting the type of hard drive, I advise you to leave the type VDI By choosing this type, your virtual hard disk will be 100% compatible with virtualbox and its operating speed will be equal to the speed of a real hard disk
    In the next window you should select the type of virtual hard disk:

    • Dynamic virtual disk– the size of the virtual disk will grow as it is filled with data. It is created faster, works slower.
    • Fixed virtual disk– the size of the virtual disk will be the size that will be specified when creating it. It takes longer to create, it works faster.

    I think you can decide for yourself which type suits you best, but I will choose the Dynamic disk type.
    In the next window you will be asked to select the name of the disk, its size, as well as the location where the disk itself will be stored
    After selecting this data, click “Create”. At this point, the preparatory work can be considered completed.

    Now a program with an added virtual machine has opened in front of you
    In this case, a virtual machine is a “bare” computer, without an operating system. If to install an operating system on a physical computer you need to have a disk with the operating system or a bootable USB flash drive, then you can use disk images to install the operating system in virtualbox (as in other virtual machines). It is very convenient and practical.

    Setting up a virtual machine

    Let's move on to the settings of the virtual machine we added. Click the “Configure” button and examine the virtual machine settings window.

    After setting up the virtual machine, click “OK” and click “Launch”. If you did everything correctly, then when you start the machine you should start booting from the disk image
    Then everything is the same as in a regular computer!

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated and you now also know how to work with virtual machines! If you have any questions or suggestions, I’m ready to discuss them in the comments.

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