• How to learn chemical elements

    You can get the highest score in chemistry at school only if you know the periodic table by heart. Today we will explain to you how to remember everything chemical elements as quickly and even interestingly as possible.

    This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

    Have you already turned 18?

    Periodic table: history

    Mendeleev invented the periodic table of chemical elements more than 150 years ago. The basis for the classification of all elements was the dependence on the charge of the atom and their individual properties. For these reasons, they are grouped in separate parts of the diagram and differ in color and name.

    Every year, the global scientific community tries to refine the table through the discovery of new chemical elements or, in the opinion of some scientists, to optimize it according to new characteristics of individual components.

    In the first case, new chemical components that have not received worldwide recognition, or their properties have not been approved at the level of the global scientific community, receive only a number and thus occupy a place in a certain block of the usual table. As for optimization, the situation here is somewhat more complicated. Many famous scientists modified Mendeleev's work, but none of the results obtained was accepted as worthy of the original. The traditional option still remains better than any modern revision.

    How can you learn the periodic table easier and faster? Special ways They haven’t yet come up with this, but generally accepted methods for effectively memorizing information have not yet been canceled.

    If you need to learn the periodic table quickly

    Most often, the time frame for studying school material is limited and students have to process a large amount of information in the shortest possible time. If a child’s memory is not very well developed, then it will not be possible to learn the table easily and quickly in class. You will have to put in a lot of extra effort.

    The first and easiest method for memorizing quickly is repetition. It is very similar to “cramming”, but differs in unobtrusive contacts with memory, thanks to which short information is easily absorbed.

    The essence of repetition is that information that needs to be remembered constantly appears before the student’s eyes. It should be presented in short blocks, presented as simply and clearly as possible. To achieve quick results, do everything correctly: write periodic elements or their connected small blocks on small pieces of paper, place the latter at eye level throughout the apartment, put small notes in the pocket of your daily clothes. Once your eyes get used to what is written, which usually takes no more than 3-4 days (depending on the specifics of the material), the information will no longer seem difficult to remember.

    If your handwriting leaves much to be desired, then alternative option will be a printout of the table. Download required format images, color scheme, etc. you can use the Internet or simply turn to the pages of traditional textbooks.

    The second method is visual distribution into blocks. If the brain has received the signal, it will be easy for it to work on the task. When a child sees the entire table at once, he experiences stress, the brain responds in the same way - for him, memorizing it seems overwhelming. Think carefully about how much new data you need to process in a certain period of time and break everything down into logical blocks. This way your head won’t be overloaded, information will come in doses and be remembered for a long time. How the elements will be studied: through rewriting, redrawing, reading aloud, etc., depends only on the preferences of the student himself. Copying and printing the table is still not recommended, as this may increase the time it takes to achieve the desired result.

    If these traditional methods do not help you quickly learn all the elements, then you can approach the problem more creatively and use the method of versification, associations, games, and even creating a “memory palace.”

    How to learn the periodic table using interesting methods?

    It has long been no secret to fans that students, schoolchildren and even scientists annually create many new songs in verse about chemical elements. For most people, this becomes a kind of humor, but for conquering the periodic table, such works are more than important.

    Whatever study method you use, you should not hope for instant results. It is impossible to remember this information in one day. Only associative thinking, games, and even creating a “memory palace” can speed up the memorization process.

    Associations and vivid memories are the path to the subconscious, thanks to which you can save any information. To get quick results, remember the brightest events in your life and your favorite things, try to find a logical connection between them and the chemical elements you are studying. This is quite easy to do using food, jewelry, appliances, etc. as an example.

    IN game form studying the table can be quite different. You can learn new knowledge about the chemical properties of the components of the table alone or with a circle of friends. For this purpose you can buy board games, draw thematic cards, chips and much more.

    Creating a “memory palace” is the most complex and effective option for memorization. It may take some time to master it, so you need to start training early. The point is that you create some image of a house where everything is on its shelves, or a story where everything is logically interconnected with illogical events. Thus, correct information will be out of context and will always remain in your memory.

    Computer teaching methods: interesting and effective

    With the development of technology, of course, came new methods of processing and remembering information. They have also come up with many options for children on how to use a computer to study school subjects and even to solve individual problems.

    If you want to learn the periodic table using a computer or help your child solve this problem, then they can help you:

    • themed games. For young children, many thematic games have been invented, where chemical elements are presented in the form of animals, fairy-tale characters, etc. Each of them carries out its own missions during the game and thereby helps the child learn complex material without much effort;
    • simulators. Simulators are needed not only to increase the speed of typing on a computer; with their help, you can also achieve incredible results in the study of chemistry, biology and other sciences. IN in this case, This effective way memorization, thanks to which you do not have to make many copies of the table for repetition, rewriting and redrawing. Each simulator has its own training methodology and in almost 100% of cases the results are achieved. good results work;
    • special programs and training courses. Studying the periodic table can be part of an online chemistry course. The teacher's original development can help you quickly learn even all the Latin names of the components of the table;
    • school forums, discussions and competitions. Nothing helps in achieving new results better than competition. Many schools today organize chats, online conversations between students, and even subject competitions. Participating in them can help you achieve your goal, find like-minded people, and even cultivate a love for chemistry for many years.

    Thus, you can learn the periodic table quickly and interestingly if you approach this issue with all seriousness. There are many methods for memorizing complex information about each element; they can be combined, modified and adapted to suit you. The main thing is to achieve results without stress and coercion.

    How to quickly learn the periodic table - current issue, both for students of specialized lyceums or universities, and for ordinary schoolchildren. Especially before taking an exam, gaps in knowledge require urgent rehabilitation. Is it possible to remember all the names of the elements in the shortest possible time, and most importantly, understand their properties? With a little time, effort and creativity, a difficult task can be easily accomplished.

    Learning "smartly"

    • The periodic table should become your bible for a while. Print it out, paste it under glass on your desk, and carry it with you. A hand-made copy with empty squares will be even more effective. Having learned some of the elements, enter them from memory into your table.
    • Don't try to memorize everything at once. Study the table in small parts: by columns, rows or color categories.
    • Try to look at the table in public transport, in line or when there is nothing else to do.

    Non-standard approach

    Not everyone is able to painstakingly study and constantly repeat the names and properties of table elements. Original techniques that are used in studying will come to the rescue foreign languages or invented by caring parents.

    Mnemonic method

    Children who are not particularly persevering will certainly like the fascinating mnemonic method of learning, based on the creation of associative connections. Information offered in an interesting playful form is easier for the child to perceive and is retained in memory for a long time.
    How to quickly learn the periodic table in chemistry using this method? For some of the information, bright, memorable associations associated with pictures, words, and sounds are selected. Students are asked to choose words that sound similar to the names of the elements (cesium - Caesar, carbon - Baron), and write a fascinating story or poem.
    Simple elements can be ignored. The usual “hydrogen” or “helium” are probably already familiar. And for complex names, effective techniques are suitable.

    • Rhyming names.
      Poems where elements are grouped according to some characteristic are better remembered. Metals rhyme perfectly. “Sodium, potassium and argentum are alkaline monovalent”, etc. A creative approach stimulates long-term memory and allows you to learn the periodic table in verse as quickly as possible.
    • Interesting stories.
      Children are encouraged to create real-life thrillers with tableau elements as the main characters. The story of cop Bor 017, who went on a mission in a cool Ferrari (Ferrum), and then arrested the evil Barilius, will never fade from memory.
    • Spatial thinking.
      Every person remembers the way to school or store well and can easily describe their room. You can create entire “memory palaces” where the elements of the table are represented by tangible, real images. So, on the way to the park, it’s easy to imagine a seller of Helium or pale Hydrogen balloons, and in the courtyard of a house tiler Silicon.
    • Songs.
      Ready-made songs and even karaoke versions can be found on the Internet. And masterpieces composed independently will definitely not be forgotten.


    The association method works great for memorizing the periodic table. For each element we come up with interesting fact or story, a short phrase describing its properties.
    For example, “boron” can be remembered as a baron who decided to pick mushrooms or cones in a pine forest. Argentium is associated with the story of Argentina, where sailors discovered deposits of silver.
    If you need to remember the location of the elements, the order in the table, come up with stories where the characters are described in the same sequence: “Water ruined the helium pen.”
    Learning iconic names complemented by a memorable story will be more meaningful and engaging.

    Game-based learning

    Tabletop and computer games. There are a lot of applications on the Internet for phones and desktop computers, with the help of which a student can not only quickly learn the material, but also constantly repeat it.
    A mother of many children came up with a way to quickly learn a chemistry table to teach her children. The usual hobby of naval combat has turned into an educational game. Instead of a battlefield, she suggested using the periodic table, and the elements became the names of the ships.

    Anyone can master the periodic table. The main thing is not to give up and try to turn memorizing dry information into an exciting activity.

    There's a chemistry test coming up and your teacher wants you to know the periodic table by heart? Fortunately, if you spend a little time on this task, you can know the periodic table as well as you know the alphabet. Here's how it's done.



      Print out the periodic table. This will be your bible for the next couple of weeks. Wherever you go, you will carry it with you. It is best to print more than one copy of the table. You can mark whatever you think you need on one copy, and then repeat on a second copy to see if your methods work.

      • Print a copy. If you remember everything visually or kinesthetically, make a copy of the table manually. No the best way remember something rather than do it yourself. The table will be clearer if you make it yourself.
    1. Divide the table into parts and memorize them. Most tables are already divided into color categories and element types, but if this is not enough for you, you can divide it in your own way. You can divide it by rows or columns, by element severity, or just start with the simplest and work your way up to the most complex. Find the template that suits you.

      Fill yours with this free time. Try to learn the periodic table when you have nothing else to do, for example, when you are on public transport or just standing in line for bread. If you don't have a chart handy (although you should have one), try to remember it by focusing on the items that jump out at you.

      • Take this seriously. Study several elements per day and repeat elements from previous days. If you don't repeat and check yourself, you will forget everything!

      Brain tricks

      1. Create associations. For each element, you can memorize a small phrase, story, or some fact that is associated with the metal whose designation you need to remember. For example, Argentina was named after silver (Argentum – Ag) because when the Spaniards landed on its shores, they found a lot of silver there.

        • Sometimes you can come up with something funny to help you remember the elements.
      2. Use a mnemonic technique. This means that you can use words that will be associated with each element. You can create entire rhymes to help you remember a number of elements.

        • Ignore simple elements. You most likely already know for sure that Hydrogen is “H”. Focus your attention on those elements that are difficult for you.
      3. Use pictures. Many people remember information easier if they associate it with pictures. Why does everyone know that "A" is used for "Watermelon"? Our brain automatically associates words with pictures. Find a picture for each element.

        • Assign elements to items in your home. Put labels on them. For example, your stool may be hydrogen. Call the chair a hydrogen bomb and imagine it exploding. Give your TV a mouth - it's oxygen and it breathes. When it's time to write the test, close your eyes and imagine that you are walking around your house, remembering all the associations you have made.
      4. Learn them in song. If Daniel Radcliffe can do it, so can you. You can create your own own song or find a ready-made one on the Internet. If you think that one version of a song is a lot, then you will be pleasantly surprised.

    Do you want to know yourself and feel how your body works? Learn chemistry and its basis - periodic table Mendeleev. To remember the main chemical law, there are many different ways. We will tell you about them, and you will decide how to learn the periodic table quickly and easily.

    Coloring the elements

    We draw a table on paper and paste rectangular blanks with written chemical elements into each column. Color the rectangles using colored pencils. This educational coloring game will be especially appreciated by young artists who love to draw.

    Cutting out cards

    We cut out cards of the same size from cardboard. On each we write one chemical element of the periodic table. Such blanks are convenient to take on the road or to use in situations where you need to pass the time. The main thing is to review the cards regularly. Then the names of the elements will be remembered for a long time.

    Let's play "sea battle"

    We print the periodic table four times on the printer. Two for each player. On the first table we draw our own ships. On the second, we use dots to denote our fleet and the enemy’s damaged submarines. When shooting, we call not a letter and a number, but the corresponding chemical element.. In the form of a game, it will even be interesting to acquire knowledge - to understand how to quickly learn the periodic table in chemistry.

    Developing imagination

    Our brain likes to connect unfamiliar things with familiar ones, so we remember the periodic table using interesting stories. Which ones exactly? Your imagination will tell you. It is important that in the invented stories there is movement and the words are combined with the name of the elements.

    For example, fermium drove off in a Ferrari, and small magnesium and ruby ​​rubidium were chasing after it. Rave? Of course, but how memorable!

    We enter sequentially

    Draw a table on cardboard or paper. We place it in a visible place, for example, under the glass of a table or hang it on the wall. As we memorize the chemical elements, we enter them into the prepared blank. When we write, a special area of ​​the brain is activated. This helps not only to think and concentrate better, but also to remember information. It becomes clear how to learn the periodic table in chemistry.

    We teach according to a template

    Let's look at the table - it is divided into parts. We try to remember elements by color. You can do this by the severity of the elements, by columns or by rows. The main thing is to choose a template that is convenient for you.

    Remember how to learn the periodic table correctly:

    1. Information is remembered better fresh air. Nature increases perception function by 20 percent.
    2. We pronounce the names of the elements out loud. The louder, the higher the memorability.
    3. When we teach, we walk around the room. Movement helps the brain remember better.
    4. Before going to bed, put the table under your pillow. Information will “leak” into the subconscious.

    These simple rules will bring you closer to your intended goal - memorizing more than a hundred chemical elements. True, this will take time. Even the most modern methods are unlikely to help answer the question: how to learn the periodic table in 5 minutes.


    Our brain is the most efficient and complex computing device. There's a chance to fill it up useful information- learn the main chemical law invented by humanity. To make the process more fun, we come up with an incentive prize, for example, a long-awaited trip to the theater or concert. When we have incentive, we cope with difficulties faster.

    How to learn the periodic table? Every student has to face this problem sooner or later. Fortunately, the task seems difficult only at first glance. The simple memorization techniques described in the article will help you cope with it quickly and easily.

    How to learn the periodic table: the beginning of the journey

    It's no secret that repetition is the mother of learning. How to learn the periodic table if the student does not return to it again and again? Be sure to print out the material and carry it with you everywhere. It is necessary to repeat the elements every time there is free time (in line, in transport, during recess).

    An even more efficient option is to create a copy of the table manually. This method is ideal for schoolchildren who have the most developed kinesthetic (muscle) memory. While rewriting a table, you can not only learn some elements, but also better understand its structure, which also contributes to effective memorization.

    You should not set unattainable goals; it is impossible to learn the entire table in a day. It is quite enough to memorize several elements per day, and then repeat those that were studied earlier.

    Association game

    How to learn the periodic table? For better memorization, you can use associative thinking. For each element, you need to create a short story, and it is not at all necessary to make it serious. It is possible that a funny story will be remembered faster. For example, Argentina got its name from argentum (silver) because early settlers discovered a lot of silver on this land.

    Don't waste time making up stories to remember simple elements. Most likely, the memory already contains the information that hydrogen is H. It is better to focus on what seems the most difficult.


    How to learn the periodic table if the methods described above do not help? Pictures that depict objects that are often found in everyday life will come to the rescue. Each element that needs to be recorded in memory must be associated with one or another picture.

    There is no need to spend time drawing pictures. How to quickly learn the periodic table? You need to print out cards with all the elements or create them by hand, and then attach each sheet to a specific item in the house. For example, you can “call” the table hydrogen, imagine how it turns into a hydrogen bomb and explodes. You can also imagine that the refrigerator has a nose that allows it to breathe (oxygen). The main thing is that the images are bright and not too complex.

    Splitting a table

    How to quickly learn the periodic table? Experienced teachers advise dividing it into parts with your own hands. Many tables are already broken down into categories that include different types elements. As a rule, such categories are indicated by different colors. However, a student can create a template that is easy to remember on our own, so the material will be better remembered.

    For example, you can arrange elements according to severity, arrange them, moving from the simplest to the complex. You can also learn the table by columns or rows. The main thing is that using the new template is comfortable.

    Modern method

    The periodic table, a photo of which can be seen in this article, will be easily remembered if you turn to special flash games. Programs have been created that help memorize elements in a playful way. Flash games involve searching for elements by letter, name, or weight.

    Interestingly, the player can work not only with the entire table, but also with one of its parts. A timer is optional to make the task more difficult.

    Ballad of Magnesium

    How to remember the periodic table? Why not write a little song dedicated to her?! Sodium, calcium, rubidium - rhymes for the names of elements are selected very easily. By the way, you can not only compose a ballad that makes it easier to memorize, but also find suitable option on the global network.

    Obviously, a song can always be abandoned in favor of a poem if writing one seems like an easier task.

    Little tricks

    The periodic table includes more than a hundred elements, so you should start memorizing it in advance. Why not have the material hanging above your desk long before you actually need to know it? By observing the names of chemical elements every day, the student will automatically remember them. This will come in handy when you have to start studying the table in earnest.

    It is not at all necessary to memorize new elements created by man. Most teachers don't require this. We are talking about elements endowed with increased radioactivity that pose a serious danger (after 112). It is also useful to force yourself to do things from time to time. tests testing the acquired knowledge. Assignments can be found in textbooks or on the Internet.