• Which table lamp is best to buy for vision? Let there be light! Choosing a table lamp for a schoolchild

    After a visit to the ophthalmologist with their child, probably every parent thought about how to choose a lamp for a schoolchild. The need for this device is obvious, since children spend most of their time after school at their desks doing homework. It is worth considering that improper lighting of the room and table is fraught with problems not only with vision, but also with posture, since poor lighting forces the child to lean closer to the table and take incorrect poses.

    Where to start choosing?

    First of all, you need to decide on the form factor of the lamp and the material from which it is made. Desk lamp should be:

    • not bulky;
    • comfortable and ergonomic, with the ability to change the angle of inclination and brightness of the light;
    • stable and with a heavy base;
    • with a trapezoidal lampshade.

    You should choose a table lamp together with your child; you need to take into account his opinion and wishes. It is recommended to place the lamp at a height of 30-45 cm from the working surface, so the length of the tripod must be appropriate. The total weight of the lamp should be such that a child can easily move the device on the table, and at the same time heavy enough to be stable.

    You should pay attention to the following parameters:

    1. Power. It should be such that the light is soft. Remember that too bright light will irritate your eyes.
    2. Tripod. For a schoolchild, it is worth purchasing a device with a bending leg, this will allow you to fix the lamp in the required position. With the help of a flexible leg, you can adjust the height and level of inclination, which can be different depending on what the child will do at the table - write, sculpt or draw.
    3. Ceiling lamp. It should not be very wide (a trapezoid shape is optimal), and the lamp itself should not extend beyond its edges. When choosing a lampshade in the shape of a trapezoid or prism, the greatest intensity and directionality of lighting is achieved. At the same time, you can easily place a lamp of any size inside such a lampshade so that it does not stick out. If it is not easy to decide on the size and shape, then the choice of materials is small - plastic, metal, glass. To save money, you can opt for a plastic lamp, but you need to make sure of its quality. A good plastic lampshade should not melt or smell bad. You can give preference to metal, but such a lampshade can heat up when using incandescent lamps. If the choice is made in favor of a glass lamp, then the lampshade should be closed.

    The lampshade must be chosen so that:

    • the child did not feel any discomfort from being blinded when using it;
    • the catchy design did not distract the student from doing homework;
    • the light spread evenly over the working surface;
    • the light bulb did not protrude beyond the edges of the lampshade.

    Modern models of table lamps can be expensive, because the high-quality body of the product, flexible leg and light adjustment entail an increase in the cost of the device.

    Choosing a light bulb for a lamp

    After a successful purchase table lamp For the desktop, all that remains is to choose the light bulb itself. There are several popular types:

    1. Incandescent lamps. They were also used by our grandmothers. They are considered the most economical option when purchasing. But during voltage surges they can burst, and glass shards will fly throughout the room, which can be dangerous for a child. Incandescent lamps are characterized by frequent flickering when illuminated, which adversely affects vision, and the eyes get tired quickly. Incandescent light bulbs tend to heat up, which can cause accidental burns to your child. If the choice nevertheless fell on this type of product, then you should give preference to light bulbs with frosted glass - their glow is more uniform.
    2. Fluorescent lamps. Characterized by lower energy consumption, luminous efficiency and more diffused light, the service life will also please. However, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, these include: chemical hazards, since such lamps contain mercury; uneven light, which can distort the colors of illuminated objects; loss of light output properties, as well as changes in the luminescence spectrum during long-term use; flicker.
    3. LED lamps. This species is common, recognized and safe. Inside such a light bulb there are LEDs with good efficiency; they have the least flicker. They convey color well without changing the shades of illuminated objects. Such light bulbs last a long time, do not heat up and do not burst during voltage surges.

    When choosing a light bulb for a table lamp, parents of a student should pay attention to the power. Ophthalmologists recommend using lamps with a power of 60-100 W. There is a generally accepted standard at which the degree of illumination of the workspace should be in the range of 300-500 lux.

    Incorrect light in your work or study area causes headaches, fatigue and can even damage your eyesight. Therefore, you should pay attention to the choice.

    We talk about how to find a lamp that will fit into the interior and create the right light in this article.

    How to choose a table lamp for your home, office and other spaces?

    Elegant for proper lighting of the reading and relaxation area in the nursery

    Among large quantity proposals, finding a lamp suitable in design and functionality can be difficult. So as not to get confused and do right choice, it is worth thinking about where and how the electrical appliance will be used. After all, you must admit that a model in the shape of a cartoon character is unlikely to be suitable for work, and a massive lamp on a clamp is not suitable for the bedroom.

    To illuminate the desktop of an employee, schoolchild or child, choose laconic products with high quality light and brightness adjustment function. An example of such solutions for office and home is. These table lamps provide sight-safe light that can be easily adapted to different activities. And their design is non-distracting and fits into a strict work environment.

    How to choose for the manager’s office, reception or meeting room? In this case, you need a premium lamp. It should not only be functional, but also emphasize status. Also, special attention is paid to the design of lamps when decorating a reception area in a hotel, or an administrator’s area in a beauty salon or store. Elegant products are appropriate here, for example, a lamp with a transparent body and a bamboo base Intelite DL5-8W-TRL.

    A model for proper lighting and stylish design of a relaxation area in a fashionable beauty salon or boutique

    For the bedroom, kitchen and other rooms in the apartment in which you will not work with small details, choose a model with a stylish design and soft, dim light. Such table lamps for the home make the interior cozy, provide zonal lighting and help create a romantic atmosphere.

    What types of table lamps are there?

    Lamps vary in size and shape, purpose, and type of lamps that are installed in them. They also have different bases (platform, clothespin, clamp) and functionality (brightness adjustment, color temperature, autonomous operation etc.).

    for convenient lighting and stylish design of a modern workplace

    And depending on the scope of use, three large groups are distinguished.


    These are lamps that are designed for installation of lamps (incandescent, halogen, economical, LED, etc.). They can be either a light source with basic functionality or more complex electrical appliances. Previously, such solutions were often purchased to illuminate desktops, but today they are losing popularity because they have been replaced by more functional and convenient smart lights.


    These table lamps are attractive with their design. This can be an elegant model with a textile lampshade or a shade made in the Tiffany technique, as well as a light source in a fashionable hi-tech or loft style. They provide soft lighting, which is not suitable for working with fine details. Decorative electrical appliances are used as interior decoration, for zone lighting or as night lights.

    Multifunctional table lamps or smart lights

    These are models with built-in LED modules in a modern design. They are multifunctional, therefore they are used to illuminate work areas, and for interior decoration or zone lighting, and as night lights.

    With powerful speaker, Bluetooth and USB port for charging smartphones and other equipment

    An example of such a solution is the ruler, which is distinguished by:

    • current design. The lamps have stylish shapes and easily fit into modern interiors. They are ergonomic, which means they give pleasant emotions to both adults and small users;
    • adaptability.“Smart” table lamps allow you to control the brightness and temperature of the light, change the height and angle of incidence of the rays. Thanks to this, they are easily configured for work or leisure;
    • smart functions. A USB port, built-in speaker and other features turn the lamp into a convenient device for modern people;
    • long work. If you turn on a lamp with a service life of 50,000 hours for 5 hours every day, it will last for 25 years.

    You can learn more about smart lamps from our video

    Which table lamp is better for the eyes?

    Modern medical universities, as well as ophthalmological centers, often conduct independent testing of products. To be 100% sure that the light is safe, choose a model that has passed this test. For example, in our catalog there are ones that are approved by the Department of Ophthalmology of the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

    received ophthalmological approval

    If you don't find it in this line suitable model, try to choose the lamp yourself. To answer the question of which table lamp is best for your eyes, use the following guidelines.

    1. Uniform lighting with wide angle. Even light without bright and dark areas is most comfortable for vision. In this case, the rays must fall at a wide angle to illuminate the entire working surface.
    2. Correct lampshade and height adjustment. Choose a lampshade of such a shape that direct rays do not fall into your eyes. And of course, in the work area there is no need for openwork shadows or lampshades that change the shade of light. How tall should the lamp be? The best solution There will be models whose position is adjustable.
    3. Soft light. Direct beams create a contrast between bright and dark areas, so they are not recommended for use when working with small details. A good table lamp with a built-in LED module should have a diffuser. If you use traditional light sources, choose lamps with an opaque white bulb.
    4. Requirements for LED products. Have you decided to choose an LED lamp? Make sure it has quality chips that prevent flickering.

    What power should the luminous flux of a table lamp be, or how many watts does the lamp need?

    with a luminous flux of 500 lm and a brightness adjustment function - perfect solution for illuminating the work surface

    The lamp is positioned so that the surface illumination ranges from 300 to 750 lux. If you do not plan to work with very small details, an illumination of 300-400 lux is sufficient. For reading and writing, an illumination of 500 lux is required, and for drawing and similar activities, a higher illumination is required. Keep in mind that light should be created not only by a table lamp, but also by a source of general light.

    If we talk about average indicators, then for good lighting a traditional lamp with a power of 30-75 W or an LED lamp with a luminous flux of 270-800 lm is sufficient. In this case, it is better to place the source at a height of 30-55 cm from the table surface.

    Reference. Luxes and lumens are often confused, so here's a quick explanation. Lux (abbr. - lx.) is a unit of measurement of illumination. It shows how much light falls on a given surface. Simply put, it determines how brightly the desktop is lit. Lumen (abbr. - lm) is a unit of measurement that characterizes the power luminous flux lamp per unit of time. To put it simply, it shows how much light the light source gives off during operation. The level of illumination of the desktop (measured in lux) depends on several factors: the luminous flux of the lamp (indicated in lumens), the general lighting in the room and the distance at which the light sources are located from the surface. Therefore, to illuminate the desktop on a cloudy day, the minimum brightness of a desk lamp is enough, and in a room with artificial lighting it is recommended to increase the light intensity. If you have moved or slightly raised the lamp shade from the desktop, but want to maintain the same illumination of the surface, the brightness of the lamp needs to be increased.

    How should a table lamp be placed?

    Before looking for a place for a lamp, take care of the general light. Many people remember this banal rule, but not everyone follows it. But it is precisely this that will help protect your eyesight while studying or working. The general light should be soft and moderately bright so that there is no contrast between the work area and the rest of the room.

    Now let’s move on to the question of how the table lamp should be positioned correctly. .To properly place the light source, you need to follow three recommendations.

    1. Safety. If the size of the table allows, move the lamp a few centimeters from the edge so that it does not fall. The electrical appliance must be stable. Do not place it on a stack of notebooks and papers
    2. Suitable height. For comfortable work For an adult of average height, the light should fall from a height of 35-50 cm. If a child is sitting at the table, this distance must be reduced.
    3. Illumination of the entire work surface. We have already said that sharp transitions between light and shadow create too much strain on the eyes. Therefore, place a lamp and adjust the height so that the entire table or most of it is illuminated.

    bronze color with a flexible leg for precise adjustment of the lighting area

    Which side should the table lamp be on?

    The lamp is placed on either side, but so that there are no shadows on the working surface. For this reason, when writing, it is recommended that right-handers place the lamp in the front and left, and left-handers - in the front and right. If both hands will be used during work (drawing, modeling, etc.), the lamp is positioned so that the light falls from the front and from above.

    Where should the lamp be placed while working on a computer or laptop?

    Example of use for convenient lighting of a laptop

    The surface of the monitor emits light, so it is not illuminated additionally. In this case, a desk lamp is needed to illuminate the keyboard and desktop. The light source avoids the contrast between the bright screen and the rest of the room.

    You can place the lamp in the center, directly above the monitor. If this does not work, then the lamp is placed on the left or right. Lighting should not be bright or glare-producing.

    Important advice. An indicator that the light is set correctly is the comfort of the person working at the table. Do not forget that standards and requirements are average values. Each person's visual system has its own characteristics. Therefore, if the correctly adjusted light seems unpleasant, change it to a comfortable one.

    Before concluding, we suggest you look at the review prepared by a young buyer and satisfied user of a table lamp from our store.

    Still have questions? Ask them in the comments to the article or get advice from the experts of our online store. If the material was useful, share it with your friends on social networks.

    A school-age child needs careful organization of his workspace at home, in particular, the choice of a desk lamp. After all, the student has to spend a lot of time preparing lessons, and daylight, unfortunately, is available for a short period of time. Therefore, the task of parents is to choose the most suitable lamp model that fits the budget as much as possible.

    6 rules for workplace lighting

    The best light for the eyes is natural

    The cause of 70% of vision problems at school age is improper lighting of the child’s workplace.

    In order for a schoolchild to study comfortably without deteriorating vision or deteriorating posture, it is important to choose the right lighting. It must meet a number of requirements:

    1. The light should be even, without glare.
    2. The light of a table lamp in the dark should be accompanied by overhead lighting.
    3. It is better to choose curtains made of loose fabrics that will not block natural light.
    4. It is advisable to wash the windows in the room once every two weeks.
    5. It is not advisable to place flowers on the windowsill, as they refract the light rays of daylight.
    6. Light sources should not be placed behind or in front of the baby’s workplace.

    Criteria for choosing a table lamp

    The desk lamp should illuminate as much of the desk area as possible.

    A table lamp, like any piece of furniture, should not only aesthetically fit into the room, but also be functional. To do this, when choosing a lighting device, you should consider the following points:

    • The simpler the design, the better. Intricate spirals or arcs with lampshades of bizarre shapes look original, but are extremely inconvenient to use, as they strongly refract light. Therefore, it is optimal to choose a model with a flexible leg. This can be a lamp on hinges or on a clothespin. The mobility of these structures allows you to illuminate the desired areas of the working surface without moving the lighting fixture.
    • You need to place the lamp on the table based on which hand your child writes with: if he is right-handed, then the light should be on the left, if he is left-handed, vice versa. Then the shadow will not interfere with writing or reading. But you can also put a lamp in the middle if the table space allows.
    • It is better to choose regular lamps for a tabletop lighting fixture with a white coating (it practically imitates natural light) or LED lamps with a rheostat that regulates the power of the outgoing light - this makes it easier to choose the most comfortable lighting for a particular child. But it is better not to use energy-saving lamps, since their production uses mercury compounds, the vapors of which are dangerous to the health of the baby. The more cold white light The radiation they emit is harmful to the eyes.
    • The color of the light emission must be marked LTB (warm white), which, unlike LD (daylight) and LCB (cool white), is as similar as possible to daylight.
    • The power of a table lamp depends on the area of ​​the working surface of the table (if the table is small, a 60 W light bulb is quite enough; if it is medium or large, then 100 W is better).

    Compliance with these parameters is also reflected in the price of the lamps. The choice is yours: you can buy an inexpensive model for 900 rubles, or you can buy a perfectly thin one made of high-quality plastic for 6,000 rubles. It all depends on the type of structure and the material from which the lampshade is made.

    Choosing a table lamp shade

    You can decorate the shade for a table lamp with your own hands

    An important criterion for choosing a table lamp is its shade. Basic requirements, except appearance, are as follows:

    • the opacity of the material from which it is made;
    • focusing on the tabletop, and not the eyes of the person sitting at the table;
    • the presence of a reflector that will scatter light.

    The parameters for choosing the optimal lampshade model are:

    • form;
    • color;
    • material;
    • size and height.

    It is best if the shape of the lamp resembles a trapezoid (a narrow base for the base and wide open edges), since in this way the lamp will illuminate a large area of ​​the table. Spherical or cone-shaped lamps project light in one beam, which is very harmful to visual perception.

    As for color, it is better to choose a pastel shade - it will not distract the child from the main task - learning. Great idea - a green lampshade. Shades of this spectrum give the eye muscles the necessary rest.

    The lampshade material, as a rule, comes in several types:

    • plastic;
    • plastic;
    • glass;
    • metal;
    • glass;
    • textile.

    The ideal option for a table lamp is thick and opaque durable plastic so that the light does not blind the eyes. Plastic lamp shades are dangerous because they can ignite if used for a long period of time. And metal ones get too hot. Considering that the table lamp is selected for a child, accidental burns are possible due to careless handling of the device. Glass lately It is very popular as a material for making lamps, but it rather serves a decorative function than a practical one, as it can break. Textiles perfectly diffuse the light beam, making the lighting soft and pleasant to perceive. However, the fabric collects dust and therefore such table lamps are contraindicated for children's rooms, and especially if the child is allergic.

    Table lamp models

    A classic cabinet option on a stable platform. For a room in the Empire style, a lamp in the form of a floor lamp is suitable. A lamp in the high-tech style. You can choose a lamp with a built-in clock. The green color of the lampshade is calming.
    The clothespin model is very functional

    Under the dim light of table lamps, schoolchildren do homework, teachers check notebooks, and representatives of creative professions write their next masterpieces. A diffused or local lighting lamp is prerequisite for any workplace to maintain healthy vision. Any ophthalmologist will tell you that this device should be selected taking into account the needs of each family member, and not to add attractiveness to the interior. What types of lamps exist, and by what criteria should they be selected?

    The difference between desk lamps and decorative lamps

    The table lamp does not require any special installation and can be mounted on any horizontal surface. They are used in rooms for various purposes, and according to the type of lighting they are divided into diffuse or spot. In terms of functionality, lamps are divided into decorative and working. As a rule, the design of such a device is movable; its design involves an adjustable head so that desired point direct a beam of light.

    Manufacturers offer a huge number of lighting devices for work. The more solid and expensive they are, the more adjustments they have. However, not all models are convenient. In order for a table lamp to have a positive effect on performance and not spoil vision, the light source must be located at a distance of approximately 30-45 centimeters from the illuminated surface.

    Decorative lamps in their design are more reminiscent of floor lamps, similar to Soviet table lamps produced in the USSR, which have an intricate leg and a beautiful lampshade. They are used in recreation areas for additional lighting, for example, next to the sofa, on the bedside table, near the mirror in the hallway or in the living room. Modern interiors are unthinkable without decorative lighting devices - these are synonymous with respectability and comfort. If we talk about style, tabletop models created to decorate a room come in the following varieties:

    1. Classic, made of glass or crystal.
    2. In high-tech or modern style, characterized by creative shapes of different colors.
    3. Romantic, characterized by fabric lampshades in calm shades.


    Any lamp consists of fittings and a light bulb. The fittings include a lampshade (light diffuser), a reflector (directing the light flux to the desired location), a socket, a housing and a device for inserting wires. The durability and safety of the device is ensured by the material of the cartridge, which is made of fire-resistant material: porcelain, metal or heat-resistant plastic. Based on the type of lighting, desk lamps are divided into:

    • working and decorative;
    • directional and diffuse lighting;
    • reflected or direct light.

    The design of the lamp is aimed at using a certain type and power of light bulbs, so you should install only those elements that are provided for by the characteristics of the lighting devices, so as not to violate fire safety rules. By type, desk lamps are divided into:

    • LED;
    • on a clamp;
    • sensory;
    • luminescent;
    • transformers.


    LED light sources are actively displacing all the traditional technologies to which we are accustomed from the market. The principle of their operation is based on the passage of current through the semiconductor zone, causing it to glow. Advantages LED lamps for the desktop is low power consumption, high efficiency, long service life (up to 5 years of continuous glow), quick payback, high resistance to external influences, environmental safety, the absence of glare and flicker, which affects eye fatigue.

    Pros for the desktop LED devices undeniable. They relieve vision problems, helping you concentrate on work or study. The LED emits light similar to sunlight, so it does not strain the retina even after a long time of sitting at a desk. In addition to mains-powered models, there are battery-powered LED rechargeable lighting devices that can be taken with you on the road, used in a car, or outdoors. Although it will cost a little more than a regular lamp, it will pay for itself very quickly.

    With clamp

    Lamps on a clamp are models equipped with a mount to the desktop. The clamp is rigidly fixed on any horizontal surface, and the column has the appearance of a flexible structure, which makes it convenient to adjust the light source at your own discretion. Typically, this model has an opaque bell with a targeted flow. Lamps on a clamp are sold complete with bulbs of the appropriate type, are equipped with a convenient and long cord and are light in weight (up to one kilogram).

    Inexpensive clip-on desktop lighting also falls into this category. These are miniature models consisting of a holder and a compact diffuser, without a multi-stage elbow. They are perfect for creating overhead light and are fixed on protruding parts of furniture located next to the desk, attached to shelves and even to wall hangings.

    Device design with a clamp:

    • body made of plastic or metal in a variety of colors;
    • light diffuser in white, black or colored versions;
    • a grip that securely fixes the entire structure on the surface of the desktop;
    • To redistribute the light flow in the desired direction, a mechanism is provided that connects the holder links.


    Touch-sensitive desktop lights are devices that turn on when you touch a specific place on the body. They can be equipped with a special dimmer that allows you to adjust the glow strength of its elements. The touch table lamp can be made in a classic, retro style or in a fashionable high-tech style, and ordinary incandescent light bulbs or energy-saving elements are used as a light source. Sometimes there are LED light sources.

    The operating principle of touchscreen table lighting is simple. A sensor with a specially designed circuit that responds to touch is connected to the device body. The sensor operates on the principle of a capacitor, which is the housing. When a person touches it, the capacitance of the capacitor increases, the sensor reacts and sends a signal to the control device, which, depending on the task, turns off or turns on the desktop lighting.


    A fluorescent light source is a gas-discharge daytime lamp, the luminous flux of which is determined by the glow of phosphors (substances capable of converting energy into light) exposed to UV radiation. The luminous efficiency of luminescent devices is several times higher than that of similar incandescent elements, and the service life is 20 times longer than cheaper analogues.

    A fluorescent lamp is a cylindrical tube equipped with special electrodes containing mercury vapor. When they are affected electric current, the vapor begins to emit UV rays, and the phosphor, which is applied to the walls of this tube, emits a uniform soft light. They can be circular, compact, U-shaped or linear in shape. The average service life is 10 thousand hours.

    This model is optimal choice for a table lamp, because its light is as close as possible to daylight. They have a wide range of shades from cold to warm white and high light output, and main criterion positive assessment - several color rendering options: excellent, standard and good, which provides ample opportunities for their use. An important factor when choosing fluorescent lamps for desktop lighting is practicality - their efficiency reaches 80%.


    Transformable table lamps are a new type of lighting. Their appearance is associated with new requirements for convenience and functionality, as well as with the introduction of computer equipment into offices, apartments and houses. The design of such a device provides an excellent opportunity to easily move the light source away or bring it closer and direct the light flux in the desired direction. This is especially convenient when some task requires strong visual strain, special accuracy and attentiveness: sewing, drawing, working with small details.

    As a rule, tabletop transformers are designed for incandescent light bulbs or fluorescent elements. The lampshade of the device can be made of translucent or opaque material, being a source of both soft diffused light and directed light. The lamp's leg is long, has swivel joints in several places, and its base is specially weighted to make the device stable. Sometimes transformers are equipped with a clamp on the base. The lamp changes shape very easily, hence its unusual name.

    How to choose a children's table lamp for a schoolchild

    When getting your child ready for school, you should remember that he will spend a lot of time at his desk, so the main criterion for choosing a table lamp is its safety for health, and only then you need to pay attention to the design and color schemes. The first thing you need to look at is the power of the light fixture, maximum value which should not exceed 100 W. The most comfortable lighting for a student is 60 or 75 W for a small work surface, and 100 W for a desk large size.

    Best option light emission for a child is a warm white lamp, and perfect shape The lampshade is trapezoidal – it provides the most comfortable glow for the eyes. Psychologists advise choosing lighting fixtures in calm colors for your child so that they do not distract attention from homework. The most neutral is green, yellow or white, which create a psychologically comfortable lighting effect.

    As for the lampshade, you need to opt for high-quality plastic, because the plastic element can melt at any time, and the metal element can get very hot, and there is a risk for the child to get burned. It is advisable to choose a lamp with power regulators for the student in order to be able to adjust the luminous flux manually. A tripod also wouldn’t hurt to change the angle of the lighting at any time, capturing the desired work surface.

    Characteristics of the right desk lamp

    The right lamp for an adult’s desk is not much different from a lighting fixture for a schoolchild. Functionality may differ, but the most important criterion is to illuminate the work surface and not shine into the eyes of the person working, creating the most comfortable lighting. You should select the height of the device based on the owner’s parameters, area and height of the table. As a rule, a table lamp for an adult does not exceed 45-50 centimeters.

    It can be equipped with a dimmer, two or three lighting elements, and the lampshade should not transmit light or transmit very little light. As for the quality of the device, one should proceed from the design of the room and the status of the owner. A cheap Chinese lamp will not suit a respectable businessman - the table should have a device made only from high-quality materials: wood, porcelain, brass, crystal, and a lampshade made of leather, suede, natural fabric or translucent stone can serve as a diffuser.

    Which lamp to choose?

    Having scoured the Internet in search of an answer to the question of which lamp to choose for your desktop, you can see thousands of photos, but still cannot make your choice. The variety of lamps presented in stores also does not give confidence in the correct choice, so let’s try to understand the manufacturers of high-quality lighting devices, the features and advantages of their products.


    The well-known Russian company Uniel offers customers several options for table lamps. These include standard office lighting fixtures and LED models. The advantages of this brand's products include energy savings of up to 85%, a special protective coating for the bulb that prevents ultraviolet radiation and the absence of mercury vapor, which ensures a stable luminous flux over a long service life.

    Odeon light products are a collection of lighting devices of modern design. The lamps of the Italian company attract buyers with their uniqueness and original design. Each of them corresponds to a historical or artistic style that will suit any, even the most sophisticated interior. These are truly high-quality devices, with an ideal price-quality ratio.


    The Austrian brand Globo supplies European and Russian market an impressive collection of table lamps, including more than 2000 items. These include solar-powered lamps and lamps using LED technologies. The company places high demands on the quality of its products, which is why all Globo table lamps bear the conformity mark European standards, confirmed by the GS Certificate.

    Arte lamp

    The Italian company Arte lamp offers more than 1000 table lamps, which represent all important lighting directions: from classic models to designer experimental devices made using latest technologies. Their LED lamps consume a very small amount of electrical energy, not being inferior in power to their analogues.


    Russian led lamps for the "Era" desktop is ideal option for those buyers who do not want to overpay. The popularity of this company's products is due to excellent quality and prices accessible to everyone. Long term service, ease of operation, reasonable price and modern design– the main advantages of Era lighting products.


    The Japanese brand Supra is familiar to many as a manufacturer of high-quality household appliances, but their lighting products are also a sought-after product. Supra table lamps have many models to suit every taste and guaranteed quality. These include compact classic devices, models on a clothespin, and design solutions that attract the eye with non-standard geometry.


    Belgian Massive lighting products are different the highest technologies and the highest quality workmanship. It is the largest manufacturer of luminaires, which are developed using ultra-modern computer technology, and during manufacturing they undergo mandatory tests for moisture impermeability, electrical safety, heat resistance, color fastness and strength.

    Where to buy and how much does a table office lamp cost?

    Buying a desk lamp is not a problem now. In any city there is a lighting store that has a huge assortment of tabletop models. But if you need an exclusive designer lamp, then numerous online stores will come to the rescue, delivering their goods anywhere in the world. We bring to your attention the addresses large stores, where you are sure to find the product you need:

    Video master class

    If you don’t have time to look for a table lamp in stores, then turn on your creative imagination, arm yourself with improvised means and make it yourself. To do this, the most unexpected items can be used: plastic bottles, scraps of old magazines, beads, buttons, any interesting textiles and even cocktail umbrellas and children's toys. Watch the video on how to make a stand-alone desk lamp with your own hands using unnecessary things:

    A properly selected table lamp contributes to high-quality work. Desktop lighting should first of all create comfortable conditions for vision. Therefore, when choosing a lamp, it is better to first pay attention to its compliance with recommended standards, and then to its decorative advantages.

    What are the recommended standards for desk-based workspace lighting? First of all, the glow from the light source should be soft and even. The presence of the main overhead light is also mandatory, even when the table lamp is on. If we talk about the shade of light radiation, it is believed that warm white light is best suited for the human body (it is often denoted by the abbreviation LTB on the base or packaging of the lamp). Good soft light without glare comes from frosted incandescent lamps.

    It is best when high-quality plastic is used to make the lamp shade. Bad plastic will quickly fail, and the metal shade gets hot, and a child can get burned if he touches it. The correct shape of the lampshade will be spherical or cone, but in no case a cylinder. It is traditionally recommended to choose green as the color for the lampshade, as it is pleasant to the eyes and does not irritate them. Bright colors of the lampshade of other shades will interfere with the child’s ability to concentrate on work.

    The table lamp should come with a flexible tripod so that the angle of inclination can be easily changed. Moreover, it is better if it is a lamp with a “flexible leg” and not on hinges. The hinge joint will fail faster, especially if you need to change the direction of the light frequently. It is important to remember that the recommended height of the lamp above the table is 35-40 cm. Very often there is a computer on the desktop, in which case you need to make sure that the lamp is higher than the monitor. Yes, as we remember, the lamp should be on the left of the child, but for right-handers, by the way, on the contrary, on the right!

    The topic of table lamp power deserves special attention. The optimal power of a table lamp is considered to be in the range of 60-100 watts. Since this spread is quite large, ideally the lamp should be taken with a power regulator device. Otherwise, to select individual lighting, you will have to alternately screw in 60, 75 and 100 watt lamps until you find what suits you best. When talking about lamp power, you also need to consider the size of your desktop. If the desk is large enough, then up to 100 watts of power may be needed to fully illuminate it. We must not forget, however, that a 100-watt incandescent lamp, in addition to its good brightness, gets very hot and, accordingly, can damage the lampshade and even tire you with its thermal radiation.

    When buying a lamp, pay attention to how convenient and safe its cord is made. Also screw in and unscrew the light bulb from the socket, this is the easiest and simplest test for build quality. If the product makes a fairly reliable impression and meets the points described above, then it can be taken.