• How to disable backup in iTunes. How to Delete iCloud Backups and Set Up iPhone Backup

    What is it? Or as it is also called Archiving windows files. This is a process when the system itself does backups herself. As a result, when your Windows crashes, you can restore it. (This is in theory) in practice such restoration is not effective. However, the system makes copies 2 times a day.

    Whether or not to disable this option is up to you. For example, I turned off this crap. Because it slowed down my computer quite a lot, and I wasn’t happy with it. In addition, I believe that the system can be rolled back using this backup. It will only save you for a while, until the last archiving, then everything will disappear again. That's how it was for me. Maybe for some it’s okay. But I am describing my case.

    And so we disable this archiving and prevent backup copying windows. First, go to Start/Control Panel and select Administration. Then click on the shortcut (Services). A window (Services) should open, in it we look for (Module Service), right-click and select (Properties). Next, in the (General) tab there is such an inscription (Startup type) set to (Disabled). Close the window and reboot the system.

    After the reboot, we see that in the lower right corner, where you previously had a checkbox with a stopwatch icon, is now just a checkbox. That is, archiving does not occur. So you did everything right. And suddenly the system began to work better. Although you will no longer see the pop-up message about backup windows and archiving files.

    If something is not clear, see the instructions in which I showed everything in detail.

    Video, photos and text materials are the property of the site "site" copying and distribution only with a link to our information portal!!!

    In this article, we will figure out step by step how to find and remove unnecessary iPhone data from the iTunes database.

    This article is suitable for everyone iPhone models Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus on iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu options and hardware support listed in this article.

    Finding iOS Backups

    iTunes is a universal tool that allows you to manage Apple devices and store media content. By many users this program used to create and store backup copies.

    A backup is a backup of Apple products, which makes it possible to restore all information on the device if you switch to a new device or all the information is lost. If created in iTunes backup You no longer need the copy, you can delete it if necessary.

    This process will also free up workplace on iTunes. To ensure the safety of existing backups, you need to work with them carefully.

    To prevent damage to backup files, you must follow these recommendations:

    • Reserve iTunes copies saves to the backup folder, which is located in the “Users” folder. The location of the folder with backup files depends on the OS version. The backup folder itself can be copied, but should not be moved to a network or external drive, to another folder.
    • You may not rename, move, edit, or extract the entire contents of backup files. Such actions may damage files. For example, to restore information from a moved backup file, you must return it to its original location, otherwise the file will not work. Even if the contents of a backup file can be accessed or viewed, often the contents are not stored in a readable format.

    Find iOS backups on your Mac

    To search for a list of backups, follow these steps:

    • Click on the magnifying glass icon in the menu bar.
    • Enter or copy and paste the following line: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/.
    • Click on the “Login” button.

    To search for a specific backup, you must perform the following steps:

    • Let's launch iTunes program. Click iTunes in the menu bar, then select “Settings.”
    • Select "Devices".
    • Hold down the "Control" button, click on the desired backup, and then select "Show in Finder".


    Search for Windows 7, 8, 10 iOS backup

    You can find the list with backup copies after sequentially selecting: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\.

    You can also do the following:

    • We find the search bar (in Windows 10, go next to the “Start” button to the search bar, in Windows 8, click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner, in Windows 7, click on the “Start” button).
    • In the search bar we indicate %appdata%.
    • Press the “Enter” button.
    • Double-click on the Apple Computer folder, then MobileSync and Backup.

    Deleting an iTunes Backup on Mac

    Delete iTunes Backup on PC

    Similar in a simple way You can delete old iPhone backups in iTunes, or backups of devices you no longer work with. The process of deleting unnecessary backups is a very useful procedure, since in some situations their size can be gigabytes.

    Some people feel more comfortable knowing that they have backups of absolutely everything they need. However, not everyone is comfortable using iTunes, given that the process itself takes quite a long time. Many people use an analogue - MobileMe for OTA (over the air) synchronization, which allows you to make backup copies of almost the entire phone.

    Deactivating the backup feature on MacOS

    With just one command in the terminal, you can deactivate the iTunes backup feature. This means that no more backups will be created. On MacOS, you can disable this feature only in the terminal. The sequence of actions is described in detail below.

    Step 1: Sign out of iTunes.

    Step 2: Open command line"Terminal.app".

    Step 3: Copy and paste the following command into the terminal:

    defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool true

    This command will change hidden parameter V iTunes settings and will cause it to skip the backup process.

    Step 4: Open iTunes and connect your iPhone to your computer. The file synchronization process will begin immediately. No backup will be performed.

    Change the "true" setting in step 3 to "false" to re-enable the backup feature.

    Deactivating iTunes Backup Feature in Windows Operating System

    Turning off iTunes backup on Windows is a little more complicated than on MacOS, but it works. First of all, close iTunes and then follow these steps:

    Find the file “iTunesPrefs.xml”. It is usually located in the directory

    C:\Users\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\ITunes
    C:\Users\username\Application Data\Local\Apple Computer\ITunes.

    Note: If the Application Data folder is not visible, make sure that hidden files visible in Windows Explorer.

    Open iTunesPrefs.xml using a special text editor, “understands” the code (for example, Notepad ++, Ultraedit, but not MS Notepad).
    The required section is called “User Preferences”; you can find it by pressing the key combination “Ctlr+F” and paste its name into the search bar. To disable backup, you need to enter the following code in “User Preferences” after the first one:

    DeviceBackupsDisabled dHJ1ZQ==

    Once you've done this, the code should look exactly like the screenshot below

    The process starts synchronization and backup. As a result of this process, not only your devices are stressed, but also your nervous system. But we endure because we know that this process is very important and, on occasion, can save our (or almost our) lives. We are talking about those unfortunate cases where these backups can be a magic pill for our devices. However, there are still certain situations and users who may need the ability disabling the backup process.

    At the same time, we are not now and are not going to talk about the possibility complete shutdown automatic synchronization V . In our case, your, or iPod, together with iTunes, participates in the synchronization process, but without backup as such.

    We will tell you how to disable the backup process (BK), but we want to warn you in advance. Continue reading if you know exactly what you are doing and what you want to get as a result. Still, from our point of view, a more thoughtful step would be to leave all this to some advanced jailbreakers, if you are not one yourself.

    Disable backup in iTunes for iOS devices

    - So, if you are reading, then despite our warnings you have decided firmly. Then just close iTunes (if it was open). Launch Terminal.app and enter the following command:

    defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool YES

    — Restart iTunes and try connecting your iPhone (iPad, iPod). Now the device should synchronize, but without backup.

    Once you have disabled the backup feature, nothing will be added to the local directory of your hard drive or to the iCloud cloud. All information that is already stored on the mentioned media can, of course, be deleted via iTunes or manually. Remember, disabling the backup feature will deprive you of the ability to restore your device, and for most, this is an absolute evil.

    Disable only automatic backups

    Another good idea is to disable only automatic copying when synchronizing. To do this, go through the procedure of exiting iTunes again and launching Terminal, where you enter:

    defaults write com.apple.iTunes AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool YES

    Cancellation of the ban on backing up iTunes and iOS devices

    Let's exit iTunes again and launch Terminal by entering the following:

    defaults delete com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled

    Restart iTunes and make sure everything works again by connecting your iOS device.

    Everything that was described above is naturally relevant for the operating room. Mac systems OS X. If you happen to be Windows user, then to disable the RK function you will need to launch iTunes in a special way. You can use the Run menu or right-click on iTunes icon and enter the following launch parameter:

    "%ProgramFiles%\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt DeviceBackupsDisabled 1

    To re-enable the function in Windows, simply change the one to zero.

    On behalf of the entire editorial team, we once again remind you of the importance of creating and storing backup copies of data that may be critical at a critical moment for your device. Thus, even if you use these instructions, we hope that the number of situations in which you will need such instructions will be minimized.