• How to disable Google account synchronization on Android. How to enable Google account synchronization on Android. Enable Google synchronization with Android

    Like most others, it is not ideal. It goes without saying that glitches can also occur there, which are especially noticeable when installing applications not taken from the official Play Market service and installing unofficial firmware. One of the most common is Google Android account synchronization error. Let's try to figure out how to get rid of it.

    Google Android account sync error: typical glitches

    First of all, we note that if such problems occur, when the user cannot use some of the system’s capabilities, you should not blame everything solely on the “operating system” or the device itself.

    Most often, users encounter a message indicating a failure, the exact cause of which has not yet been clarified, but it can be assumed that it is associated solely with the actions of the user himself, as well as with incorrect login settings. Now gadgets with unofficial firmware will not be considered, since they themselves can harm the system and will have to be removed, returning the device to its original state.

    Google Android account synchronization error: what to do?

    The most unpleasant thing in a situation where a Google Android account synchronization error appears on a phone or tablet may be the so-called “stuck synchronization”.

    In this case, as practice shows, the entire system hangs, and the failure can be corrected by simply rebooting the device. In most cases, this helps (think of frozen programs in Windows - when you reboot they work again).

    Fixing a syntax error

    It is likely that the Google Android account synchronization error on a tablet or smartphone may be caused by incorrectly entering your personal data (login and password).

    Here you just need to enter the correct entries received during registration (the G-mail address is used as the login). As a last resort, you can try to recover your password.

    Checking synchronization settings

    Sometimes the Google Android account synchronization error is associated with incorrect settings in the system itself. You can, of course, try to return to factory settings, but in most cases this is not required. You just need to go to the settings and look at the enabled services.

    As a rule, synchronization should be turned on for all accounts. To begin with, you can uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. After this, when the device is turned on again, you should again enter the accounts section and check the boxes next to the appropriate services, including data transfer, browser, etc.

    In some cases, it is mandatory to disable the two-level authentication system in your account security settings. In this case, it is also worth using auto-synchronization and data transfer to

    Deleting an account

    If all the methods given above do not help, and the Google Android account synchronization error appears again, you will have to take extreme measures - deleting the existing “account”.

    To do this, use the settings menu, where you select the accounts section. Here we are interested in it, enter the Gmail address and confirm the deletion with the button below or the menu command.

    Now, as is probably already clear, you should restart the device, after which, if you have an Internet connection and try to log into Google services, the system will prompt you to either create a new entry or use existing registration data. Enter your username and password and confirm your choice. If this does not help (for example, on devices with installed firmware), you will have to create a new “account”, but in this case there can be no talk of any restoration of the contact list or previously installed applications.


    Although errors of this type are very common, they can be dealt with using the simplest methods and means that are not too complicated. It is enough to use only your mobile gadget. In this case, no connection to a computer with access to the installed control program is required.

    In addition, it is worth noting that the problem of failures that occur on devices with firmware was not specifically addressed here. The fact is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise regarding their safe removal, which requires special attention and maximum caution. Otherwise, the entire system can be brought to a state of complete inoperability.

    Otherwise, the standard tools considered are the simplest and do not cause any difficulties for any user. Finally, it can be noted that you can also delete the data and cache of the service itself, but these parameters are relevant to the account synchronization error, as they say, insofar as.

    Synchronizing your Google account on your Android smartphone is a very convenient feature. Thanks to it, some of the important information from the smartphone is stored on Google servers, and if you switch to a new smartphone, this information can be quickly restored.

    For example, a list of contacts. If you use account synchronization, then after switching to a new smartphone, your contact list will appear on it literally in a minute and you will not have to manually re-enter all phone numbers.

    In this material you will learn how to enable and configure Google account synchronization on your Android smartphone or tablet.

    After you have selected a Google account, you will see the synchronization settings for this account. Here you can enable or disable synchronization for many services, including the Chrome web browser, Gmail, Google Keep notes and much more. To enable synchronization, move the switches opposite the desired services to the “Enabled” position.

    If you want account synchronization to begin immediately, you can click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the “Synchronize” option in the menu that opens.

    This will start synchronizing all selected services with your Google account. If synchronization still does not work, then you need to check your Internet access.

    Synchronization is a rather useful feature that every smartphone based on Android OS is equipped with. First of all, data exchange works in Google services – applications directly connected to the user’s account in the system. These include email messages, address book content, notes, calendar entries, games and much more. The active synchronization function allows you to access the same information simultaneously from different devices, be it a smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop. True, this consumes traffic and battery power, which does not suit everyone.

    Disable synchronization on your smartphone

    Despite the many advantages and obvious benefits of data synchronization, sometimes users may need to disable it. For example, when there is a need to save battery power, because this function is very power-hungry. Deactivation of data sharing may apply to both your Google account and accounts in any other applications that support authorization. In all services and applications, this function works almost identically, and it can be turned on and off in the settings section.

    Option 1: Disable sync for apps

    Below we will look at how to disable the synchronization function using a Google account as an example. These instructions will also apply to any other account used on the smartphone.

    1. Open " Settings", by tapping on the corresponding icon (gear) on the main screen, in the application menu or in the expanded notification panel (curtain).

    2. Depending on the version of the operating system and/or the shell preinstalled by the device manufacturer, find the item containing the word “ Accounts».

    It may be called " Accounts», « Other accounts», « Users and accounts" Open it.

    Note: On older versions of Android, there is a general “Accounts” section directly in the settings, which lists the connected accounts. In this case, there is no need to go anywhere.

    3. Select " Google».

    As mentioned above, on older versions of Android it is present directly in the general list of settings.

    4. The email address associated with it will be indicated next to the account name. If you use more than one Google account on your smartphone, select the one for which you want to disable synchronization.

    Uncheck the boxes next to applications and/or services for which you want to disable data synchronization;

    Deactivate toggle switches.

    Note: On some versions of Android, you can disable synchronization for all items at once. To do this, tap on the icon in the form of two circular arrows. Other possible options are a toggle switch in the upper right corner, an ellipsis there, a tear-off menu with the item “ Synchronize", or the button located below " More", clicking which opens a similar menu section. All these switches can also be switched to the inactive position.

    6. Having completely or selectively deactivated the data synchronization function, exit the settings.

    You can do the same with the account of any other application used on your mobile device. Just find its name in the " Accounts", open and deactivate all or some items.

    Note: On some smartphones, you can disable data synchronization (only completely) from the curtain. To do this, you just need to lower it and tap on the “ Synchronization", turning it into an inactive state.

    Option 2: Disable data backup to Google Drive

    Sometimes users, in addition to the synchronization function, also need to disable data backup (backup). Once activated, this feature allows you to save the following information in cloud storage (Google Drive):

    • Application data;
    • Call log;
    • Device settings;
    • Photo and video;
    • SMS messages.

    This data saving is necessary so that after a factory reset or when purchasing a new mobile device, you can restore basic information and digital content sufficient for comfortable use of the Android OS. If you do not need to create such a useful backup, do the following:

    1. In " Settings» smartphone, find the section « Personal information", and in it the item " Recovery and reset" or " Backup and Restore».

    Note: Second point (" Backup..."), can be located either inside the first one (" Recovery…") or be a separate element of the settings.

    On devices with Android OS 8 and higher, to search for this section, you need to open the last item in the settings - “ System", and in it select the item " Backup».

    2. To disable data backup, depending on the version of the operating system installed on the device, you must perform one of two actions:

    • Uncheck or deactivate the switches next to the items " Data backup" And " Auto recovery»;
    • Disable the toggle switch opposite the item " Upload to Google Drive».

    3. The backup feature will be disabled. Now you can exit the settings.

    Solving some problems

    Many owners of Android devices can use them, but do not know their Google account information, email, or password. This is most typical for representatives of the older generation and inexperienced users who ordered service and first setup at the store where the device was purchased. The obvious disadvantage of this situation is the inability to use the same Google account on any other device. True, users who want to disable data synchronization are unlikely to be against it.

    Due to the instability of the Android operating system, especially on smartphones in the budget and mid-budget segments, failures in its operation can sometimes result in a complete shutdown or even a reset to factory settings. Sometimes, after turning on, such devices require entering the credentials of a synchronized Google account, but for one of the reasons described above, the user does not know either the login or password. In this case, you also need to disable synchronization, albeit at a deeper level. Let's briefly look at possible solutions to this problem:

    • Create and link a new Google account. Since the smartphone does not allow you to log in, you will have to create an account on a computer or any other properly working device. More details:

    Once a new account is created, its data (email and password) will need to be entered when setting up the system for the first time. The old (synchronized) account can and should be deleted in the account settings.

    Note: Some manufacturers (for example, Sony, Lenovo) recommend waiting 72 hours before linking a new account to your smartphone. According to them, this is necessary so that a complete reset and deletion of information about the old account is performed on Google servers. The explanation is dubious, but the anticipation itself sometimes really helps.
    • Reflashing the device. This is a radical method, which, moreover, cannot always be implemented (depending on the smartphone model and manufacturer). Its significant drawback lies in the loss of warranty, so if your mobile device is still covered by it, it is better to use the following recommendation. More details: How to flash an Android phone
    • Contact the service center. Sometimes the cause of the problem described above lies in the device itself and is of a hardware nature. In this case, you won’t be able to disable synchronization and linking of a specific Google account yourself. The only possible solution is to contact an official service center. If your smartphone is still under warranty, it will be repaired or replaced free of charge. If the warranty period has already expired, you will have to pay to remove the so-called lock. In any case, this is more profitable than buying a new smartphone, and much safer than tormenting it yourself, trying to install unofficial firmware.


    As you can understand from this article, there is nothing difficult about disabling synchronization on an Android smartphone. This can be done for one or several accounts at once; in addition, there is the possibility of selectively setting parameters. In other cases, when the inability to disable synchronization appeared after a failure or reset of the smartphone, and the data from the Google account is unknown, the problem, although much more complex, can still be fixed independently or with the help of specialists.

    The Android mobile operating system, like almost any modern platform, provides functionality that ensures the safety of the user’s personal data. One such tool is synchronization of contacts, passwords, applications, calendar entries, etc. But what if such an important element of the OS stops working properly?

    One of the common problems in this case is the lack of synchronization of the user's contact list. Such a failure may be short-term, in which case after a certain time the exchange of data with the Google cloud is restored.

    It's another matter when the termination of contact synchronization is permanent. We will talk further about how to correct such an error in the system.

    Before performing the steps described below, you should double-check whether the device is connected to the Internet. Just open any page in your mobile web browser or launch an application that requires network access.

    You should also be sure that you are logged into your Google account and there are no problems with its operation. To do this, open any application from the Good Corporation mobile application package, such as Gmail, Inbox, etc. Better yet, try installing any program from the Play Store.

    And the last point - auto-sync must be turned on. If this function is activated, the necessary data is synchronized with the cloud automatically without your direct participation.

    To find out if this option is enabled, you need to go to "Settings""Accounts""Google". Here in the additional menu (vertical ellipsis at the top right) the item should be checked "Auto-sync data".

    If all of the above points are in perfect order, feel free to move on to ways to fix the contact synchronization error.

    Method 1: Manually synchronize your Google account

    The simplest solution, which in some cases can be effective.

    If after performing these steps, synchronization begins and completes successfully, the problem is solved. Otherwise, we try other ways to resolve the error.

    Method 2: Removing and Re-Adding Google Account

    This option is even more likely to fix the problem with syncing contacts on your Android device. You just need to delete your authorized Google account and log in again.

    Our next step is to add the newly deleted Google account to the device again.

    By adding a Google account again, we start the data synchronization process from scratch.

    Method 3: Force Synchronization

    If the previous troubleshooting methods do not work, you will have to, so to speak, “cheat” and force the device to synchronize all data. There are two ways to do this.

    The first method is to change the date and time settings.

    As a result, your contacts and other data will be forcibly synchronized with the Google cloud.

    Another option for forcing synchronization is using a dialer. Accordingly, it is suitable only for Android smartphones.

    In this case, you need to open the Phone application or any other “dialer” and enter the following combination:

    As a result, you should see the following message in the notification panel indicating a successful connection.

    Method 4: Clear cache and delete data

    A very effective method of dealing with contact synchronization errors is to completely delete them and clear the associated data.

    Now let's start clearing the cache and contact list.

    Method 5: Third Party App

    It may happen that none of the methods described above will fix the problem with contact synchronization. In this case, we recommend using it from a third-party developer.

    The “Fix for contact synchronization” program is able to identify and correct a number of errors that lead to the inability to synchronize contacts.

    All you need to do to fix the problem is press a button "To correct" and follow further instructions of the application.

    Google, together with Android, has created a whole group of various services that significantly expand the functionality of the device. The Android synchronization function is extremely popular, thanks to which you can quickly and conveniently move data between several phones, including contacts. You can activate synchronization on Android in your account settings in just a few steps.

    Advantages of synchronization: how best to enable synchronization on Android

    Most people change phones frequently. Buying a new gadget is a pleasant event, but it brings with it one common problem. There is a need to transfer all your contacts from Android to a new gadget. This can be done manually by simply rewriting the list of required numbers and then entering them one by one. If you have dozens or even hundreds of numbers in your notebook, this method will not work.

    An equally big problem is restoring numbers if you have lost your phone. Restoring your entire contact list will take a very long time, and some important numbers may be lost forever. Synchronizing the contacts of Android devices with Google will help solve all these problems. As soon as you activate it, all data (phone numbers, calendar, and even, if necessary, photos) are synchronized with Google, and you can always restore this information on a new device. You don't even need a computer for this operation.

    All you need is a Google account on Android that is directly linked to gmail. You must log in to this account on the phone from which you want to read information. Next, you should log into the same account, but from a different smartphone, and then activate synchronization. After this procedure, you can delete your account from your old device for additional security. However, not all users of Android devices know how to enable Google account synchronization on Android.

    Activate synchronization: synchronize android OS contacts with google

    The inclusion procedure is not particularly difficult. You will only need to activate contact synchronization once. Once the phone is synced, you can remove it. To activate, follow the instructions provided:

    After this, contacts from Android will be recorded on the cloud, and you will only need to download them to another phone. Now you know how to enable synchronization on mobile phones and tablets on Android. If you are wondering how to disable synchronization, then you just need to uncheck the items that do not need to be synchronized. These are all the steps required to disable it.

    Activate the display of contacts

    The next logical question is how to sync Android contacts with Google on a new device. To do this, you must first perform a similar procedure. If this doesn't work, you may need to reset the display. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

    All the necessary numbers will appear in your address book, and you will be able to use the synchronized data. If you have multiple Google accounts, make sure you use the same one for both phones. You can register with Google either from your phone or through a personal computer.