• How to distinguish an iPhone 5c from a fake. How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original: features of the originals

    Hi all! When buying such an expensive device as an iPhone, you always want to save money. Logical? Naturally. However, all official sellers often have approximately the same prices (recommended by Apple), which means that in order to buy cheaper, you have to turn to little-known stores or private advertisements.

    And this is where an unpleasant surprise may await you and me, when the joy of the purchase may be replaced by disappointment that the device will turn out to be a genuine Chinese counterfeit. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance and know the signs by which you can easily distinguish a real iPhone from a fake one. Which? Now we'll find out!

    Since there are a huge number of “Chinese” iPhones, there are also a lot of signs by which they can be recognized - it makes no sense to indicate all of them, I will give only those that will absolutely accurately (and most importantly - quickly!) help you identify a fake iPhone.

    What needs to be done?

    • Check IMEI () - or (where it was purchased, is there a warranty, what model, etc.). Naturally, if you enter a number and there is no information on it, then this is a reason to refuse the purchase. However, there is some nuance - some Chinese manufacturers manage to register the serial number from a real iPhone on a fake, so you need to be quite careful and not limit yourself to this method.
    • Just an ideal option - (laptop) and connect a smartphone to it. If the iPhone is original, iTunes will recognize it and allow you to work with it. The guarantee, as they say, is 100 percent, but you don’t always have a computer at hand :(
    • The App Store must be present in the smartphone menu. Talk about the fact that it has been removed, you need to install it yourself, it is not in this version - complete nonsense. Run it - it should look like this.
    • Please note that there are other standard applications from Apple in the menu - kiosk, tips, mail (find out!). Friends from the Middle Kingdom, as a rule, do not bother themselves much with copying them and something may be missing, but they should all be “in place” - that’s a fact!
    • One of the simplest and most effective ways is to turn on the device, open the main menu and pay attention to the calendar and clock icons. The calendar should display the current date (if it is, of course), if not, then it should indicate the date that is currently in the iOS system. And on the clock icon the time is shown and the second hand “runs”. Always. It is in the menu, without going into the application. This is not and cannot be the case with any, even the highest quality Chinese counterfeit. This means that a quick glance at the device’s screen is enough to distinguish the original iPhone.

    As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated - authentication verification should not take much time.

    About such things as the presence of two SIM cards, memory cards, a television antenna, “native” American assembly (by the way, find out where they are manufactured

    The iPhone is a mass device, used by all segments of the population, including children, old people and women, most of whom handle technology at the level of an insecure user. It is these people who often become victims of scammers who sell counterfeit Apple smartphones online or in person. In this article we will tell you how to 100% distinguish an original iPhone from a fake.

    Taking advantage of the lack of fundamental differences in the design of some generations of iPhone (5/5s/SE, for example), scammers often try to pass off one model as another, or at least sell a device with a memory capacity that does not correspond to the declared one. In this case, a thorough check, which we talked about, will be required.

    However, often attackers act even more brazenly, offering people Chinese (mostly) Android counterfeits under the guise of an iPhone, which differ from the original like a tank from a slingshot. Naturally, an experienced user will easily detect a fake, but a person who does not understand the technical intricacies may well purchase a “fake”, especially if the deal is concluded at a meeting - a trained fraudster has a strong psychological impact on the buyer. However, it is quite easy to expose the seller to clean water; this can be done using the recommendations described below.

    How to distinguish an original iPhone from a Chinese counterfeit

    Currently, Chinese craftsmen have reached incredible heights in the production of high-precision copies of Apple smartphones. We will not describe in detail the external distinguishing features between the original and the fake, because... There are very high-quality fakes, but we will focus on the main verification methods, which should not be neglected in any case.

    Appearance and accessories

    Often, a cheap replica can be identified “by eye” - it will be identified by a plastic case, a box made of “toilet paper” instead of the high-quality cardboard that Apple uses, a connector and, accordingly, a MicroUSB connector instead of Lightning, etc. In addition, some large manufacturers avoid confrontation with the lawyers of the apple confrontation and indicate on their replicas the names with a mistake (iPhone, iPhone, Spacve Gray, etc.) or draw the Apple logo with an apple bitten on the wrong side.

    But we repeat, the market is full of very high-quality fakes that look very similar to the original iPhone. Here is an example of a high-quality Android copy of the iPhone 6.

    Please note that externally (design, materials, buttons, graphical interface) the smartphone looks exactly like an Apple product. Even the menu About this device V Settings looks like the real thing.

    Even the settings are faked

    There is a special page on the Apple website where you can enter the serial number and check the warranty for the original iPhone, while the system, of course, will not accept a fake one. However, you should be careful here - scammers may provide documents and a box from a real iPhone with the correct serial number. It can also be viewed in the phone settings, but even there it can be faked.

    Specified Serial number on the above-mentioned fake refers to a real iPhone 6. As you can see, Asian craftsmen very skillfully use original Apple devices to create fakes.

    However, even on the above page with Settings, an experienced user would have discovered a catch. Pay attention to the line Capacity- 64 GB and Available - 63.98 GB. The difference between these values ​​is only 20 MB, which is impossible to achieve in practice.

    In other words, on a real iPhone, the difference between the declared and actual storage capacity indicated in the settings will always be significantly different. We explained in detail why this happens.

    Actually, here we come to the description of the necessary actions that must be performed without fail.

    Apple ID is a universal account for many Apple services. You can create an Apple ID even without an iPhone, iPad or Mac. The thing is that counterfeit iPhones operate on the Android operating system, carefully disguised as iOS - the graphical interface will not allow an inexperienced user to detect the deception. However, the Chinese device does not have the functionality of the original.

    We described in detail how to create an Apple ID without Apple devices (any computer with one installed is required) and showed it in the video.

    Having your own Apple ID, you are 100% guaranteed to detect a fake, for this:

    1 . Launch the application Settings and go to the section .

    2 . If such a section is present and no one’s account is indicated in it (button Login), enter your details. If nothing prevented you from logging into your account, it means you have an original iPhone. It should be like this:

    3 . To be sure, go to the App Store and search for iMovie or Garage Band. These are Apple apps that are not available on Android. It is logical that if such applications are available in search results, then the iPhone is original.

    It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this; a fake phone also works.

    But what if the gadget you want to buy costs a lot of money?

    How to avoid falling into the hands of scammers passing off cheap Chinese versions as expensive originals?

    There are general rules by following which you can protect yourself from such mistakes:

    • You should always buy from official representatives . In every city there are stores that are dealers, don’t be lazy to contact them.
    • Pay attention to the size of the proposed model . Before visiting points of sale, study the information on the Internet to have a general idea.
    • The serial numbers on the product and on the packaging must match . Do not listen to the seller if he claims that such information is not important, and the box is completely lost among others.

    iPhone 4s

    In order to understand how to distinguish an original iPhone 4s from a fake, Read the information carefully and be careful when purchasing.

    • The authentic version does not have a TV, and there is no hint of an antenna.
    • The Wi-Fi function is only available on a real telephone.
    • The weight of the original is 80 grams.
    • The weight of the charger is 60 grams.
    • At the bottom of the product is the text “Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China.”
    • There are 2 channels for sound output.
    • Definitely works on iOS.
    • A fake manufacturer's logo may be distorted.

    Are all these indicators present? Here is the original.

    In addition, the options tape can be stuck upside down relative to the text on the box. So this is definitely a Chinese copy. Apple will not allow itself such a mistake.

    Also, if the phone looks flimsy, it’s definitely not from Apple.

    iPhone 5

    How to distinguish an original iPhone 5 from a fake when purchasing?

    The fake is encased in a plastic base. You can install a flash drive on it, which is not permissible for any of the original models.

    Available with several SIM card slots. The word iPhone may be misspelled.

    iPhone 5s

    Previously, the fake was visible in the first few seconds of examining the gadget.

    Today the question is, how to distinguish an original iPhone 5s from a fake, is quite relevant, since copies have now learned to be stamped well.

    But still, pay attention to the price. Well, it can’t be a couple of thousand lower than at another point of sale.

    Compare prices online and then go out and buy.

    All inscriptions should be extruded and not simply drawn.

    And by the way, the apple is gnawed on the right side.

    If the body is not aluminum, but There are no offers from Apple in the applications - this is a Chinese model.

    It is possible to check the device serial number on the manufacturer's website. And on the phone it will be in the settings, “General” item. It contains the “About this device” section.

    If the site displays a message that such a number was not found, this model is not original.

    To be sure, repeat the test, but the indicators are unlikely to change.

    iPhone 6

    Real and fake iPhone 6

    If the smartphone you choose is inexpensive, the question is: how to distinguish an original iPhone 6 from a fake closed. This brand of phones does not have ridiculous prices.

    Start your inspection from the packaging box.

    It must be made of solid quality material. The drawn pictures are displayed brightly - this is the original.

    • The original box contains:
    • documentation package for it,
    • device for removing SIM cards from the cell,
    • Lightning cord,
    • stickers with the company logo,
    • there are headphones.

    The manufacturing company cannot fail to report something. If this happens, most likely you are looking at a well-executed fake.

    Original iPhone 6S

    How to distinguish an original iPhone 6s from a fake?

    Just look at it and it will be clear what you are holding in your hands.

    If the item is visually of high quality, made without errors, in an expensive, durable-looking box, we can already say that you are on the right track.

    The manufacturing company cares about its reputation and makes its product 100% well.

    Also pay attention to the back cover of the smartphone. In the original it is not so easy to remove, it is fastened with small screws.

    And under it there should be only one telephone card.

    The device has an antenna, a memory card, and USB - these are good qualities, but not for the original 6s smartphone.

    And no matter what the seller says about modifications, walk away from him.

    Is it impossible to find a box with a serial number, like on a mobile phone? No matter how good the gadget looks, you shouldn’t buy it - most likely, it’s a fake.

    The Cupertino company's smartphone, iPhone 5, is one of the most famous and beloved mobile phones in the world. At the same time, its popularity plays into the hands of Chinese manufacturers of counterfeit copies of smartphones. Quite a long time ago it became a custom to produce counterfeits of phones from popular brands.

    iPhone smartphones are no exception, and with each appearance of a new model, underground manufacturers immediately release their copies of the new product. On the wave of popularity, dishonest sellers of mobile devices make good money by selling counterfeits to inexperienced users.

    The fake is of very low quality from the original, the phones themselves are not certified, and numerous violations of product and trademark licensing rules have led to a ban on the sale of non-original devices.

    Buying such a counterfeit harms both the user and the manufacturing company. The buyer forms the wrong opinion about the smartphone, and as a result, he may decide not to purchase the company’s products anymore.
    To avoid such deceptions when buying an iPhone 5, we will describe how to distinguish an original smartphone from a copy.

    Differences in connectors and interfaces

    It is very easy to distinguish a genuine device by visually checking the presence or absence of certain connectors in the phone. Here are some interface options that can be found that expose counterfeiting::

    • The original iPhone lacks any kind of TV tuner. Therefore, if you notice an antenna on your phone, it’s a fake. In the real iPhone 5, you can watch TV using certain programs;
    • The original mobile phone may not have a stylus;
    • It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real phone by the presence of a USB connector. The original iPhone 5 is equipped with its own unique Lightning connector, which is almost impossible to confuse with USB;
    • A counterfeit device often has a built-in slot for reading memory cards. The original phone does not have such an interface;
    • A real iPhone only supports one SIM card. Therefore, if you are offered a phone that supports 2 or more SIM cards, then it will not be a real iPhone 5.


    Fake copies can also be distinguished by inscriptions printed on the device body. First of all, you should check the iPhone itself. Often it is distorted or replaced with a consonant word. Also, instead of the amount of memory, a fake may have the inscription Wi-Fi, 3G and more.

    Secondly, inspect the logo on the back cover of the smartphone. There should be the original Apple symbol - an apple bitten on the right side. In fakes, the logo may be changed or absent altogether.

    Among the other inscriptions and markings on the back cover of the original iPhone there should be:

    • under the iPhone inscription in a small rectangle is the total amount of phone memory;
    • further - the standard inscription for all models of Apple smartphones - “Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China”;
    • under the previous inscription - the FCC ID identification number and the serial number of the smartphone;
    • at the very bottom of the cover are various certification marks and the FOXCONN logo.

    Design differences

    A fake can be distinguished from an original by its higher weight, which is quite easy to feel if you hold the device in your hand. The original case is made of aluminum, while the Chinese copy is made of cheap plastic. It is impossible to remove the back cover of a real iPhone smartphone, since it is rigidly fixed. Sometimes the screen diagonal size may differ slightly (usually larger).

    The thickness of the case may also vary slightly. For the original iPhone 5 it is 7 mm. The color of the back cover of the phone can also distinguish a fake, since the original can only have 2 colors - white and black.

    Software features

    Any iPhone model comes with the iOS operating system installed. It is impossible to install such a system in a fake, so at best, with a copy of an iPhone, the user will not receive the fastest Android OS.

    Any version of iOS comes pre-installed with a large number of useful and unique applications from Apple, but the most important way to distinguish a fake is the absence of an AppStore, which a fake cannot have. You can also pay attention to the names and signatures of applications.

    Now the need to counterfeit an iPhone has practically disappeared. There are a large number of models on the market that can compete with the Apple smartphone. At the same time, such flagships, as a rule, turn out to be much cheaper.

    But still, a huge number of people are trying to figure out how to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake. Some Chinese developers have released both very bad fakes and very high quality ones. Therefore, we have to understand this issue.

    Why fake?

    Despite the fact that problems with replicas have already become rare, the question of how to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake still remains pressing. Why do some manufacturers do such things?

    Firstly, in pursuit of money. Of course, this is the main reason. It is the attempt to ride on a popular brand that is the driving force. Secondly, many Apple fans cannot afford a device from this company, so they are looking for cheaper options. There is demand - there is supply.

    The replica can be of very high quality. In this case, there is only one way to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake. There are copies made of poor quality. In this case, a visual inspection is enough to identify a fake.

    Methods for defining a replica

    It doesn’t matter at all what model you have in your hands: iPhone 5 or 6. How to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake? The following methods will help:

    • visual inspection;
    • checking the complete set and packaging;
    • serial number check;
    • telephone system inspection;
    • iTunes compatibility check.

    These are the simplest and most popular options that will help you identify a Chinese counterfeit.

    The simplest option

    But there is one unspoken method that seems not entirely objective to many. Many believe that a person who has held a real iPhone in his hands at least once in his life will definitely identify a copy. Therefore, you can either go to the store yourself to touch the Apple smartphone, or ask the person who owns the iPhone for help.

    Objectively speaking, this method is not the most reliable. Sometimes the first impression can be deceiving, and the first glance at the replica will be clouded by the joy of buying a new phone. Therefore, it is better to delve into the study of more mundane methods.

    Checking the packaging

    The easiest way to understand how to distinguish an original iPhone 7 from a fake is to look at the box and packaging.

    Apple is famous for its meticulous attention to detail. The developers try to preserve branded elements in everything. Therefore, attentive users will probably notice inaccuracies in the packaging.

    This box is made of thick cardboard. It has sharp corners. The logo is made using the embossing technique. There is a sticker on the back of the box that contains all the information about the device.

    To avoid getting sued, many Chinese manufacturers provide different data. For example, they may write iPhone with errors. Here you can find a variety of variations: from iPhone to iPhone. In the latter case, a lowercase L is used instead of i.

    Also, the main logo can be modified. For example, an apple is bitten on the other side. Some display a pear. In general, every manufacturer does the best they can. The most accurate copies usually have identical inscriptions on the sticker and tight, high-quality packaging. In this case, all that remains is to look inside.

    Checking the contents

    Apple's packaging almost never changes. Some major changes are always mentioned at the presentation. Therefore, it is easy to follow this and check the box for the presence of required components.

    So, there is always a charger inside, and a Lightning power cable is supplied with it. The user also has access to the original headset. Wireless headphones are especially popular now. The accompanying documentation is contained in a special envelope. There is a clip for removing the SIM card tray.

    You can consider accessories separately. They are made of durable plastic. They should not have scratches, burrs, cuts or other defects. The power cable must be soft. Each component is carefully packaged. Now the company practices supplying elements in separate boxes.

    How to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake? In this case, it all depends on the specific model. It is important to understand the difference in smartphone modifications. It is necessary to find details and differences. But there are also common elements by which a replica can be recognized.

    All parts of the original device fit tightly. There can be no backlash or squeaks. There are also no gaps. The device body is monolithic. It is impossible to disassemble it, remove the cover, remove the battery, etc.

    A lot can be understood from the buttons. They should clearly respond to pressure, not play or creak. There are some points that have always been fake:

    • removable battery;
    • the presence of two SIM cards (new products of 2018 are an exception);
    • presence of a slot for a memory card;
    • micro USB connector instead of Lightning;
    • telescopic antenna.

    Attention to detail

    How to distinguish an original iPhone 8 from a fake? You will have to take a closer look at the details that are a feature of this particular model.

    We look at the camera. The original device has a neatly placed module in the correct place. There should be no dust under the glass. There can also be no defects there.

    The screen of the original iPhone received a deep black color. It does not cast gray, does not ripple, has no dead pixels, etc. Of course, if there are any problems with the screen, this does not mean that the device is not original. It may have been to a service center.

    You can pay attention to the Lightning port. On the sides of it there are bolts located symmetrically. They have a pentagonal thread. If it is damaged, scratched or has any other defect, there is a possibility that they tried to repair the smartphone or change the “stuffing” in it.

    Checking serial number and IMEI

    This method will definitely answer whether you have a replica in your hands or not. Although it will not always save you from an iPhone that has been to a service center.

    First you need to compare the IMEI numbers on the packaging and in the system itself. To find it, you need to go to the smartphone settings, find the “Basic” - “About device” section and collect the necessary information there.

    Next, you will need to check the IMEI on a special resource. In general, there are a large number of them, for example, iphoneox. After entering the code, information about the device will appear. The release date, technical parameters and much more are described here.

    The resource will also help determine whether the phone is “black”.

    You can check your eligibility for warranty service on the company's official website. If you have the original in your hands, the date of purchase will be indicated on the site, as well as the status of technical support.

    System check

    Another easiest way to understand how to distinguish the original iPhone 5 from a fake. This method always helps to identify the replica. The fact is that Apple created the original iOS operating system, which only works on Apple devices. It cannot be installed on any other smartphone.

    To somehow get out of the situation, developers of fake phones install everyone’s favorite Android, but “finish” it to iOS. And despite this, the difference is still always noticeable.

    It is also worth paying attention to the performance of proprietary programs. The iPhone has popular services like iTunes, as well as a native browser and the famous voice assistant Siri. If the phone is original, then all the above services will work.

    There is an option to check the app store. Many users know that the Apple company has a proprietary one. The App Store is an original Apple service. It, of course, cannot be in any other device.

    Despite similar icons and other tricks, if you open this service on a fake smartphone, the famous Google Play will open. These app stores are very different, so the buyer will not be confused.

    iTunes Compatible

    As mentioned earlier, iTunes can help with the question of how to distinguish the original iPhone 5s from a fake. The program is proprietary and helps to synchronize smartphone data on a PC.

    Since Apple worked on all this, there is no way to connect a third-party device paired with this application. Therefore, it will be enough to connect your iPhone to your PC and launch iTunes. The program will try to synchronize data and identify the device. Naturally, in the case of a replica, this process will not be successful.

    Questions about headphones

    As mentioned earlier, a careful inspection of the configuration can help in identifying a replica. Nowadays, all new iPhones come with the original EarPods. To identify a fake smartphone, it is enough to distinguish the original iPhone headphones from the fake ones. How to do this?

    Some people believe that to determine the original headset, it is enough to listen to the sound. Apple branded headphones are very high quality, they produce deep, clear sound and low bass.

    1. The original headset has a dense dark blue metal mesh inside the ear pads. Fabric mesh is often used in counterfeits.
    2. There are no gaps between the parts of the headphones in the original. Fakes are usually made carelessly, so they have large gaps.
    3. The original headset has right and left earphone markings. The fake does not have it or it is made incorrectly.
    4. The material is smooth and without defects like the original.

    Sometimes the manufacturer doesn’t bother and doesn’t even repeat the original shape of the ear pads. It doesn’t attach too much importance to high-quality wire if it’s a wired version. It is very thin and rough, which is why it can quickly crack or tear.

    Buying a replica

    Of course, knowledge about identifying a fake iPhone is useful, but it is better to avoid such a thing. You will find yourself in a winning situation only when you collect money for an original smartphone and purchase it from an official dealer.

    A high-quality device has a 1-year warranty and support from Apple specialists. You get the opportunity to use all the branded services that the company’s fans love so much. All official updates arrive to the original smartphone with automatic installation.