• How to clean blood: best methods

    Diseases, poor quality nutrition, poor ecology and bad habits - all these factors (in fact, there are many more of them) undermine the health of anyone, even a heroic organism. And although any body is capable of self-cleaning, it may happen that at a certain moment it ceases to cope with the flow of toxins and wastes - the body fails.
    Then diseases begin, immunity decreases, as a result of which all kinds of viruses and bacteria begin to “take over” the body’s immune system.

    Digestion is disrupted, nutrients are not fully absorbed, vitamin deficiency or anemia may develop.

    Anemia can be caused by: iron deficiency or vitamin B12 deficiency

    As a result of disruption of cell membranes due to damage to them by poisons and carcinogens, chronic diseases can appear and even cancer can develop.

    • There is only one conclusion– you need to help your body: periodically cleanse it, increase your immunity and saturate it with vitamins and nutrients.

    Frequent colds are one of the signs of decreased immunity and sludge in the body.

    Of course, there are many “miracle pills” for cleansing the body, super-cocktails and youth pills, but let’s not rush. It is no secret that most of these drugs on our market are “dummies”, advertising gimmicks for money laundering, or even just poison that can lead to serious side effects.

    Let’s better pay attention to some natural food products, which are superior to any chemicals (even expensive ones) in terms of the effectiveness of cleansing and maintaining the body.

    • And at the end of the post, an additional bonus is some recommendations on this topic from doctors.

    Why are natural products (usually) better than “miracle chemistry”?

    • Many tablets contain harmful chemicals and even narcotic substances;
    • Even if a medical product (dietary supplement) is made from natural products, it is still inferior to the original in terms of energy.. A freshly picked apple is always healthier than dried, and even more so pharmaceutically processed apple extract;
    • There is a high probability of running into a fake (especially in our market)
    • Typically, chemical drugs have many limitations and cause many side effects. As they say: “We treat one thing, and cripple another”;
    • Unlike chemicals, natural products do not (mostly) have an addictive effect;
    • Natural products act more gently on the body, naturally, without disrupting the functioning of the entire body. If you need a laxative effect, it would be better to use prunes or pumpkin than pills;
    • The economic aspect is also important. Pharmacy preparations are very expensive these days, and many times more expensive than cranberries, calendula or kefir.

    This list can be continued indefinitely, but it is already clear that before using the “heavy artillery” of tablets, you should try no less effective and useful “Natural Products”.

    I am not advocating giving up medications altogether. There are such serious health problems where, well, you simply cannot do without the same antibiotics. I encourage you to pay attention and adopt some products and tips. P/S: For use, consult with doctors and nutritionists.

    Remove toxins from the body

    Cleansing the body is a complex and rather lengthy process. There are many methods for cleansing the body at home.

    The most common cleansing scheme is this:

    Regardless of which cleansing technique will be used, it can be divided into two stages:

    1. Cell and blood purification
    2. Organ cleansing and removal from the body

    Cleansing the body at home is the topic of the following posts, but today we will pay attention to those food products that effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

    And in order to make this post more useful, I’m also adding the most interesting and accessible (in my opinion) recipes.

    Products cleanse blood and blood vessels


    Garlic is a unique product. Garlic perfectly cleanses the blood, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, and kills germs and viruses. Garlic suppresses putrefactive processes in the intestines. Garlic is only slightly inferior in effectiveness to antibiotics.

    Garlic is toxic to:

    • Yeast fungi;
    • Staphylococcus;
    • Diphtheria bacillus
    • Dysentery
    • Bacteria

    In addition, garlic:

    • Boosts immunity
    • Inhibits the development of cancer
    • Removes worms
    • Used for male potency
    • Prevention of heart attack and stroke
    There are many recipes for cleansing the blood using garlic, and I post the most effective ones:
    Tibetan (with garlic and milk)

    Cleanses from toxins, waste, cholesterol plaques. Has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, making them more elastic

    • Garlic – 350 grams
    • Alcohol – 200 grams
    • Milk – a glass of boiled milk / 3 times a day


    We crush the garlic, put it in a dark glass container and fill it with alcohol. Let this mixture sit at room temperature and in a dark place for 10 days. After everything has settled, squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth. The result is a sticky liquid - that’s what we need.


    Mix the required amount of drops of infusion with a glass of boiled milk and drink.
    We drink for 10 days, 3 times a day along with main meals.
    Start with one drop of infusion, increasing by one drop with each subsequent dose, and then according to the scheme:


    • Day 1: breakfast - 1, lunch - 2, dinner - 3 drops;
    • Day 2: breakfast - 4, lunch - 5, dinner - 6 drops, etc.;
    • On the fifth day it will reach 15 drops (dinner).

    After that we move back:

    • Day 6: breakfast - 15, lunch - 14, dinner - 13 drops;
    • Day 7: breakfast - 12, lunch - 11, dinner - 10 drops, etc.

    In total it turns out to be 10 days. At the end of 10 days, take the remaining mixture: 25 drops per 50 grams of milk, 3 times a day. We take this until the alcohol infusion of garlic runs out.

    • At the end of 10 days, take the remaining mixture: 25 drops per 50 grams of milk, 3 times a day. We take this until the alcohol infusion of garlic runs out.
    Grandma's recipe with garlic
    • Garlic – 2 cloves/day
    • Water – 2 glasses/day

    Cut one large or two small cloves of garlic into thin layers, place in a glass and fill with raw (not boiled) water. Leave the glass with garlic and water to steep in a dark place from evening until morning. We drink it in the morning. We immediately do this procedure with insistence and leave it from morning until evening. We drink in the evening and do it in the morning. And so on in a circle for a month - we drink two glasses a day.

    During this month, do not eat garlic or garlic dishes, and do not drink alcohol in any form.
    According to reviews, it is inexpensive, but very effective, which can not only cleanse blood vessels, but also increase hemoglobin, heal the heart, and improve well-being. There is a case of recovery from liver cirrhosis.

    Recipe with garlic and lemon juice
    • Peeled garlic – 400 grams
    • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 800 grams

    All this is mixed and infused in a cool place.

    Take it like this:
    A teaspoon of garlic-lemon juice is stirred in a glass of water and taken once a day at night and so on for two weeks.


    Nettle perfectly cleanses the blood and saturates the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements.
    Do not use if you are prone to thrombosis, with severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, and gynecological diseases.

    1 tablespoon of nettle per 0.5 liter of boiling water (can be infused in a thermos)
    Drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks for prevention, or in cycles of 2 weeks after 2 weeks.


    Cleaning blood vessels with potato decoction (more precisely, decoction of potato peelings)
    The decoction not only perfectly cleanses blood vessels, but is also good for the heart. The decoction has virtually no contraindications. Do not use green peel!

    • Peel from 4-5 potatoes (medium size, peel in a not very thin layer)
    1. Wash the peelings well and put them in a saucepan.
    2. Fill with half a liter of water
    3. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat
    4. Leave to cool until warm and strain

    We drink half a glass an hour before meals. Reception course – 2 weeks

    What other products cleanse the blood and blood vessels: pine needles, kombucha, celery, burdock root, echinacea, clover, coltsfoot, calendula, beets….

    Cleansing the intestines from waste and toxins

    Test for intestinal contamination:

    Drink 3 tablespoons of beet juice. Later we observe the color of the urine. If the color turns beet-colored, it means the intestines are clogged and are not absorbing substances. This is a signal that it’s time to cleanse your intestines.


    Excellent and very useful product. There are simply a huge number of recipes with it. Oats are also used for pulmonary diseases, for exhaustion, for quitting smoking, to strengthen the body and increase immunity.
    But for our post, oats are of interest because they perfectly cleanse the intestines

    Recipe with oats to cleanse the intestines
    • Oats – 400 gr

    Pour two liters of water over the oats and cook for 40 minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon.
    Take half a glass 4 times a day. There are no special restrictions on the duration of the course, but not less than 2 weeks.


    Bran simply and effectively cleanses the intestines.
    Everything is simple - you just need to eat 15 minutes before meals, 1-2 tablespoons of bran, always washed down with mineral water, and so on 3 times a day.

    The following products also cleanse the intestines:: nuts, grains, freshly squeezed juices, kefir, sauerkraut juice.

    Liver cleansing

    Milk thistle

    A very useful, but also very prickly plant. Previously, I specially grew it in my garden.
    Milk thistle is, first of all, a powerful hepatoprotector, that is, it restores liver cells, cleanses the liver and accelerates the recovery of the organ.

    In general, you can write entire dissertations about Milk Thistle and its use in medicine.

    Properties of milk thistle:

    • antitumor;
    • detoxifying;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • epithelializing;
    • wound healing;
    • antiulcer;
    • antioxidant;
    • hepatoprotective;
    • choleretic;
    • immunomodulatory;
    • lactogenic;
    • laxative;
    • antiallergic;
    • diuretic
    • restorative

    To cleanse the liver use: as well as decoctions, tinctures, oils, elixirs and blends.
    Use depending on the recipe: seeds, oil, stems and leaves of milk thistle

    In my opinion, a decoction of milk thistle seeds is most effective for cleansing the liver.
    1. Pour 1 teaspoon of milk thistle seeds into a glass of water and cover with a lid.
    2. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes
    3. Infuse the decoction for 15 minutes
    4. Strain

    Take half a glass, 2 times a day after meals.

    The liver can be cleansed with: apple juice, pine needles, lemon juice, beet kvass, vegetable oil.

    Kidney cleansing with folk remedies


    Not only is it very tasty, but also very healthy. Watermelon perfectly cleanses the kidneys; the only important thing is that the watermelon is free of nitrates and all kinds of “rubbish”.

    There are many watermelon diets and kidney cleansing schemes using watermelon. You can write a lot about watermelon, as it is a diuretic, drives sand out of the kidneys and even small pebbles (done in a warm bath). I won’t write much about watermelon, since this topic is worthy of a whole separate post.

    The only thing I want to note is that the following products perfectly cleanse the kidneys: watermelon, nettle, ginger (wrap), knotweed, St. John's wort.

    • Lymph is the main cleanser of the body at the cellular level. Lymph collects all waste materials, toxins and waste from the intercellular space, therefore, to cleanse the body, it is useful to stimulate the production of lymph, as well as strengthen the lymphatic flow. The best way out for this is to use: coltsfoot decoction, lingonberry leaves, calendula tincture;
    • Cranberry is a very healthy berry. Cranberry is a strong antibiotic and antiviral agent. Cranberry cleanses the body, clears the urinary tract of bacteria, and fights the appearance of plaques and blood clots in blood vessels. They drink it for urolithiasis;
    • During cleansing, the body loses a lot of water with waste substances and salts, so it is necessary to take mineral complexes in parallel with cleansing the body;
    • In addition to herbal remedies, during poisoning of the body it is necessary to use sorbents, for example, activated carbon;
    • When cleansing the body (and the best thing in general), you need to give up: alcohol, fatty foods, snacks, sugar, meat;
    • Carry out the cleansing procedure from its beginning to its end;
    • If, during cleansing of the body, you suddenly begin to feel very bad, if you are vomiting, fainting, pain or bleeding occurs, immediately consult a doctor;
    • Read my blog and be healthy!

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    When the question of how to cleanse the body is on the agenda, you cannot hesitate. Not only health, but also beauty, mood, and energy depend on this. It is important to periodically carry out various cleanings, getting rid of unnecessary, harmful, and dangerous substances. Simple methods help to significantly improve the condition of body and spirit. The main thing is to act consistently and confidently.

    What is body cleansing and why is it needed?

    A modern person needs to start cleansing the body by the age of 30, or even earlier. The environment, poor nutrition, harmful foods, bad habits, and deviant lifestyles provoke the development of catastrophic processes. If cleansing is not carried out in time, you can become a victim of many diseases, both physical and moral.

    There are several levels of body contamination. The sooner they are identified, the less damage to health will be, the faster the return to a healthy state will occur. The slightest signs of deviations should be a reason to start cleaning. Focus on the characteristics of each level to react instantly and keep your body healthy.

    Pollution levels:

    1. Externally it is difficult to determine. Characterized by fatigue, irritation, and bad mood for no reason. Accompanied by digestive system disorders, bloated abdomen, abnormal bowel movements, and poisoning. At such times, you cannot go on diets, as the condition will worsen. If you do not start cleansing, you will experience headaches, an increased desire to eat, and heaviness in the liver.
    2. External symptoms are reflected on the face. Pimples, irritation, peeling are true friends of this level. Cases of atypical allergic reactions may occur. The skin does not tolerate contact with the sun and cold.
    3. Chronic diseases begin to progress. There is increased lacrimation, runny nose, and conjunctivitis. Immunity is extremely weakened. If measures are not taken, irreversible processes will begin.
    4. Characterized by excessive fat deposition, the appearance of moles, the occurrence of tumors, and the growth of polyps. It is necessary to cleanse the internal organs.
    5. This level is dangerous due to deformation of tissues, muscles, and organs. The body must be urgently cleaned to avoid stomatitis, joint inflammation, and periodontal disease.
    6. Nervous breakdowns and depression are possible. The nervous system suffers greatly, especially if you start taking medications for cleansing.
    7. Without cleaning, this level may be the last. Characterized by malignant tumors, organ failure, and incurable diseases. A lethal ending cannot be ruled out.

    You need to cleanse your body from the inside. This is a lengthy process, but having successfully completed it, you will receive a good reward - a healthy body, a strong nervous system, and a life full of energy. It is important to get rid of toxins, excess microbes, harmful bacteria that are found in different places in the body. The approach to cleansing should be comprehensive. Complete cleaning takes more than one day, please be patient.

    How to properly cleanse the body

    You need to cleanse yourself in several stages. It is very important to remain consistent, otherwise the efforts will be in vain. You cannot jump to the area of ​​cleansing that seems most necessary and skip those that you consider unnecessary. After all, outwardly it is extremely difficult to determine in which place the greatest blow is dealt to you.

    Before you decide to cleanse yourself, analyze your lifestyle, diet, and physical activity. Give up alcoholic cocktails and carbonated drinks, cigarettes and desserts, fast food and leisure time. Proceed with cleaning only after eliminating all hazardous factors. Make a plan to cleanse all major organs and systems one by one:

    • intestines;
    • liver;
    • stomach;
    • kidneys;
    • vessels;
    • joints.

    From toxins and waste

    It’s easy to detoxify (cleanse yourself of waste and toxins) at home. Enema is mistakenly used for cleaning. It is possible to remove the excess in this way, but it is too categorical a method that has big consequences. Restoring the microflora after such an intervention is difficult and time-consuming. It is better to postpone this method as a last resort.

    You can painlessly cleanse yourself of toxins with the help of fiber. It acts as a natural adsorbent, collecting the remains of rotting food, traces of bacterial activity, and toxins. Fiber swells in the intestines, clearing all excess from the walls. This cleansing course is recommended to be repeated twice a year. Follow the manufacturers instructions for maximum benefit from this product.

    To cleanse your clogged intestines, drink kefir. One day is best. The fresh product weakens, and the old one begins to strengthen. Drink carrot juice and add a drop of sunflower oil to it. The juice is good for skin, eyesight and hair. Eat boiled beets seasoned with vegetable oil. This salad will fully replace an early breakfast and promote cleansing.

    • tansy – flower inflorescences, 4 parts;
    • wormwood – fruits and leaves, 1 part;
    • cloves – seeds, 2 parts.

    That is, for 10 g of wormwood, take 20 g of cloves and 40 g of tansy. Grind everything separately and then mix. The product is used at the rate of 1.75 g of the mixture at a time. This is about a tea spoon, without a slide. On the first day, take one dose, 30 minutes before your morning meal. On the second day, add one more dose before lunch. Starting from the third, take the mixture before dinner. For the remaining 5 days of cleansing, stick to taking the triad three times a day.

    From alcohol

    Alcoholic products themselves take a very long time to be eliminated. It is sometimes useful to speed up the process on your own. The following methods will help you get rid of alcohol:

    • drink a lot of milk immediately after drinking;
    • eat grapefruits and oranges or drink juice;
    • drink plenty of water;
    • take a diuretic;
    • use adsorbents for cleaning;
    • have a hearty lunch of vegetables, lean meat, and dairy products;
    • move, breathe fresh air, take a cold or contrast shower.

    Tea, coffee, and heavy foods prevent the body from cleansing itself of alcohol. When using special medications, be careful. Exact adherence to the dosage and frequency of taking them is the key to successful cleansing. Do not think that a new portion of alcohol for a hangover will improve the condition. You may feel temporary relief, but this will not help clear your blood of alcohol. It will only delay the cleansing process.

    Before losing weight

    You need to cleanse yourself before losing weight for two reasons. Firstly, this will increase the effectiveness of the diet. Polluted organs function worse, distribute incoming substances incorrectly, and a slagged body has a hard time getting rid of fat deposits. Secondly, this makes it easier to enter a new diet. During the cleansing process, eating habits change, the body and thoughts are tuned to the road to slimness and beauty.

    Make a few rules:

    • Drink pure water in the required quantity. At least 2 liters per day. This does not include tea and coffee drinks, soups, and cocktails.
    • Limit your meat menu. Get protein from fermented milk treats.
    • Avoid fried, smoked and canned foods. Steamed, oven-cooked or slow-cooked foods are more useful.
    • Eat what is good for you. Eliminate from your diet foods that provide only energy value. These are sweets, ice cream, baked goods.

    • Maintain time distance between meals. You should not eat fruit immediately after a portion of rice and fish, as this will lead to rotting of the food in the intestines. Main course separately, desserts at another time.

    Check out other methods on how to do this.

    After smoking

    Quitting cigarettes is commendable, but it is not enough to become healthy. It must be cleaned from prolonged exposure to harmful gases and substances. Create a clean environment around you, free of artificial odors, materials, and products. Spend less time in smoking rooms. It is physically difficult for a person to quit smoking, so do not tease yourself. Take every chance to fill your lungs with clean, fresh air.

    For a complete cleanse, use the following tips:

    • Do inhalations. Use infusions of pine needles and cones, linden and lavender, celandine and mint.
    • Engage in active sports. Running, swimming, jumping rope - that's what you need. While walking, try to visit a coniferous forest, if there is one nearby.
    • Go to the bathhouse. Wooden is best. If your heart can handle it, visit the bathhouse at least once every few days. This cleansing of the body improves the condition of the skin.

    Healthy Products

    How to cleanse the body with maximum efficiency? This process should not only eliminate the bad, but also bring something useful. It is important to cleanse with healthy products. These include:

    • Rice. It must be used correctly. Pour boiled chilled water over the cereal overnight, and boil for 5 minutes in the morning.
    • Buckwheat. Helps you lose weight. Excellent for cleansing with mono-diets, when only one product is consumed for 4-7 days without salt, oil and spices.
    • Bran. Add 4 tablespoons of them to a glass of kefir. This stimulates mechanical cleansing of the intestines. This removes all dirt and harmful microorganisms from the intestinal walls.
    • Oats. Cleanses the liver well. Grind the washed and dried oat grains, pour boiling water (calculated at 1 liter per 1 tablespoon of flour obtained). Let the mixture sit for a day. Take it half an hour before meals for a couple of months.

    How to clean blood at home?

    Purifying the blood is extremely important because it distributes substances to all organs and systems. Well-being, organ performance, and mood depend on its purity. Blood carries oxygen, and a lack of it can result in fainting, dizziness, and nausea. It is important to eliminate all unnecessary things that affect the correct and healthy composition of this most important fluid in the body. Let's look at 3 common blood cleansing methods.


    When asked how to cleanse blood, the first thing that comes to mind is the simplest answer. Through fasting! The absence of new intake of harmful substances and constant blood circulation will do everything themselves. Only fasting needs to be organized correctly; you cannot simply refuse to consume vital food. Prepare for blood cleansing in advance.

    Start your cleanse with a one-day fast. Drink a lot of water on this day, preferably melt water. It is recommended to drink tea with some diuretic herb or fruit drink. This way the cleansing will go a little faster. You can repeat these days every few weeks. If the process goes well, try increasing the time without food. Come out of your hunger strike gradually.


    An effective means of cleansing the blood is a simple enema. Do 7 procedures every other day, then 4 procedures after 3 days and another 4 after 7. For cleaning, use salted water (1 tsp per 1 liter) or chamomile infusion. On the day of the procedure, drink apple juice. After undergoing such a cleansing complex, restoration of the microflora may be necessary. Buy special candles and eat seafood.

    Using activated carbon

    This substance perfectly cleanses the body of almost all harmful substances. Charcoal is an affordable remedy that helps cleanse the digestive system. The course is designed for 14-21 days. Take charcoal tablets twice a day, calculating their amount based on your weight. For 10 kg – 1 tablet. It is better to grind them into powder before use. Charcoal actively removes even other medications, so it is better to avoid medications and antibiotics during the cleansing period.

    Cleansing the body is a top priority for everyone who strives to be healthy. Even a child can benefit from preventive cleanings to eliminate possible complications. Unhealthy environment, dangerous products, bad habits negatively affect every cell of the body. Take care of yourself and follow the rules of a healthy life.

    Find out more methods at home.

    Each one accumulates a large amount of garbage as it works. This includes tmp directory files, registry entries created by programs but not used, logs, logs. All this helps reduce the speed of the computer. This article will provide information on how to speed up application response times and make working with the OS more comfortable.

    If you do not perform these actions regularly, the speed of opening context menus, folders, and launching programs will slow down. The free space on your hard drive will decrease all the time, which will lead to freezes or even the inability to load the operating system.

    Windows built-in tools

    The story about programs that can clean your computer should begin with the built-in utility. It works less efficiently than third-party products. It is worth paying attention to for users who rarely work on a computer, as well as those who do not have the rights or ability to install software. The utility is included by default with all modern versions of Windows. To run it on any OS, just enter the line “cleanmgr” in the input field of the “Run” window. Now all that remains is to click on “OK”. The main utility window will appear on the display. It needs to indicate which partition the program will continue to work with.

    HDD analysis will continue for several minutes. Its speed is affected by the size of the hard drive, the percentage of defragmentation, and the time that has passed since the last time a similar operation was launched. When the scan is finished, the utility will provide a superficial report and prompt you to select groups of files to delete. Next to each item there is a checkbox, and opposite it is written the number of megabytes of information occupied.

    To check the boxes next to the names of all groups. Click "OK" and confirm your intention. To remove more unnecessary information from HDD partitions, in the main utility window you need to click on the “Clean up system files” button. Using the approach described above, you will have to spend no more than 10 minutes to complete all the steps. As mentioned earlier, standard Windows tools are ineffective, which means that during the scan the utility did not find all the garbage.

    Third Party Products

    One of the most popular programs for optimizing PC performance is CCleaner. Many users prefer it, as you can use this tool literally in a couple of clicks. The application interface is as simple and clear as possible, so even an inexperienced user will not need to study the reference manual.


    CCleaner is an absolutely free product, so you should download it only from the official resource. In addition to the opportunity to get the latest version of the utility, you will know for sure that you will not infect your PC with a virus. The program requires installation before cleaning the computer. After launching the installer, Windows will warn the user about the danger of executable files downloaded from the world wide web. Do the following:

    1. Select "Yes".
    2. A window will appear on the display. In it you need to select the language that is preferable to use in the interface.
    3. After clicking on “Next”, the user will be able to make preliminary settings. All parameters will be clear to any user who has at least once installed programs in Windows.
    4. Now all that remains is to click on “Install” and wait for the process to complete. Installation is quick. It will take one or two minutes.

    How to clean up your computer: deleting temporary documents

    In the main window of the program there is the inscription “Cleaning”. After clicking on it, the utility will perform an analysis, the function of which is similar to that organized in the built-in tool. The columns on the left indicate the names of groups of files that will subsequently be deleted. Some of them are checked by default. Check the boxes next to unnecessary files. Click on "Analysis" and wait while the application collects data. The completion time of a function is affected by the amount of garbage on the system.

    After scanning, a window with a detailed report will appear on the screen. In it you can view the location of all documents being deleted and the amount of data being freed. To clean your computer, click on the appropriate button. Files important for the operation of the operating system will not be deleted. However, if you don't want to get rid of your browser history or Windows error logs, it's worth examining the report first and carefully reviewing the names of the groups that are flagged.

    System registry

    In general, the speed of a computer depends little on the garbage in the registry. However, disorder in it negatively affects the stability of specific programs. Partitions and records should be cleaned when utilities that were functioning normally suddenly began to fail. If it is impossible to install new applications due to errors during the installation process, it makes sense to optimize the registry:

    • Click on the icon labeled “Registry” in the left block of the program.
    • Without unchecking the boxes, click on “Search”.
    • The utility will begin scanning, which will last several minutes.
    • After it is completed, click on "Fix".
    • CCleaner will offer to create a backup copy of the data, which it will later erase.
    • After selection, a window will appear on the display with detailed information about the partitions and keys to be deleted. There is a “Fix” button in it, which you should click on.


    The "Tools" section of the CCleaner utility provides the user with several tools for manipulating operating system settings, installed applications, and hard drive partitions. The main features of this section that are worth paying attention to are programs and management of startup entries.

    It includes those applications that run either with Windows or after the user logs in. Startup should be cleared of unnecessary or rarely used programs. It is unlikely that you will be able to speed up your computer using this method, but the OS loading time will be noticeably reduced. The application uninstallation function is completely similar to the standard Windows tool. The advantages of CCleaner are greater visibility and quick access to functionality.

    Revo Uninstaller

    Revo Uninstaller differs from most programs aimed at removing garbage from a computer's HDD. While most utilities erase already accumulated data, Revo Uninstaller combats one of the reasons for PC clutter - improper software removal. During its operation, the application monitors the activity of programs, remembers which files were created after each specific one, and what data was written to the registry and changed in it.

    By removing a program using Revo Uninstaller, the user can be 100% sure that there is no debris associated with it left on the computer. Utilities installed before being equipped with the application in question are also uninstalled without leaving any tails. This is possible thanks to the built-in complex analysis system. The user just needs to click on the “Uninstall” item, and after scanning, check all the inscriptions. Anyone who likes to fully control the operation of programs will be able to study the detailed report. It records all paths to files and registry settings that will be deleted.


    Remember: cleaning your computer once is not enough. Windows of any version requires regular service. The more programs are installed in the operating system, the more often work is done on the PC, the less frequent maintenance should be.

    You can clean your computer's hard drive using system applications and utilities. They allow you to automatically delete temporary files, manually get rid of unnecessary data, and also completely erase all information - the choice is yours. Some types of external drives - flash drives, floppy disks, external hard drives - can also be cleaned in this way, while others - CD/DVD drives - will require the use of additional programs.


    If you need to clear a disk volume of temporary files unused by the operating system and application programs, open the properties window for this disk. To do this, launch "Explorer", right-click the icon of the desired object and select the "Properties" line in the context menu.

    On the “Properties” tab, next to the diagram showing free and used space, there is a “Disk Cleanup” button - click it. A warning will appear on the screen indicating that compiling the list of unnecessary files may take several minutes. Wait until the system program finishes running.

    In the list of files that will be placed on the “Disk Cleanup” tab of the window that appears at the end of the process, check the boxes next to those groups of files that you do not mind. By highlighting each line, you can read an explanation of the purpose of this group of files. Start the cleaning process by pressing the OK button.

    In the same window there is another tab - “Advanced”. It is divided into two sections, and each has a “Clear” button. Click the top one if you want to open a list of installed applications and free up disk space by deleting some of them. Use the bottom one to access the list of saved recovery points - by deleting old and unused ones, you can also increase free disk space.

    The main cause of most diseases is slagging in the body. Various harmful substances are deposited and, accumulating, provoke malaise, frequent colds, drowsiness and excessive fatigue.

    To directly prevent such unpleasant phenomena, regular cleansing of the body should be carried out. Experts recommend paying attention, first of all, to the intestines. After all, it is through it that various harmful substances penetrate inside. Many people don’t really want to go to the doctor and think about how to quickly and effectively cleanse the intestines at home.

    In fact, three main stages can be distinguished in cleansing the intestines: regulation with food, the use of enemas and sorbents, and the colonization of healthy flora. One or more of the following symptoms indicate the need for a colon cleanse:

    • bad strokes;
    • white coating on the tongue and bad breath;
    • violation of proper intestinal regulation (no stool for 1-2 days);
    • general lethargy, weakness, visible lack of sleep and facial fatigue;
    • problematic skin on the neck, chin, and around the mouth.

    Read more about the stages and methods of colon cleansing below.

    A few words about the dangers of toxins

    Before you begin cleaning, you should understand the nature of the problem.

    A very clogged intestine can contain up to 25 kilograms of slag stones. Such formations gradually decompose, releasing decay products called toxins, which subsequently enter the blood. In turn, the blood carries all substances throughout the body. Once in tissues and organs, toxins provoke the occurrence of dangerous diseases.

    In addition, growths form in the contaminated intestines, lumps of mucus and mold appear. For this reason, any person who wants to maintain their own health and prolong youth needs to know how to properly cleanse the intestines and follow the correct techniques.

    This article describes effective ways by which you can not only cleanse your intestines without leaving your home, but also lose weight. During brushing, you need to take care of your teeth and the entire oral cavity, avoiding the entry of unnecessary bacteria, fungi, and infections through unwashed food.

    General rules for direct colon cleansing at home

    1. Balanced diet. The diet must include fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Honey is also very useful.
    2. Limiting the consumption of fatty, flour and sweet foods.
    3. You should eat fish and lean meat at least once a week.
    4. Eating should be done in moderation. Practice split meals 5-6 times a day in small portions.
    5. Drink plain clean water daily (at least two liters). Melt water has a healing effect. Mineral and sparkling water can only be consumed as a supplement to the two liters mentioned above, but not as a replacement for them.
    6. Do not perform procedures if you are temporarily or permanently unwell. These include pain during menstruation, dental pain, etc., so as not to aggravate the situation.

    Every more or less serious cleansing of the body should begin with the large intestine. It would not be superfluous to use an enema or monitor bowel cleansing procedure.

    Proper functioning of the intestines can be achieved with the help of oat infusion. To prepare this product, add water to the ground oats and leave for three to four hours.

    A mixture of carrots and spinach turns out to be a good cleaning product: during the day you need to consume a mixture of 300 grams of carrot juice and 200 grams of spinach.

    The best way to solve problems with constipation is to eat foods containing protein, as well as yogurt and kefir.
    Video: colon cleansing

    Products, products and preparations for colon cleansing

    What do you eat during a colon cleanse?

    • Broccoli
    • Beetroot
    • Spinach
    • Apples (green and red)
    • Berries (blueberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, strawberries and raspberries)
    • Avocado
    • Flax seeds
    • Celery seeds
    • Grapefruit
    • Legumes
    • Cress
    • Aloe Vera
    • Lemon
    • Fruit juice
    • Green leafy vegetables
    • Garlic
    • Green tea

    What NOT to eat during a colon cleanse?

    • Oil
    • Cottage cheese
    • Meat (pork, beef, sausages, sausages, deli meats, veal, fish, canned meat)
    • Alcohol
    • Cigarettes
    • Cakes
    • Bakery
    • Cookie
    • Sugar
    • Ice cream
    • Sour cream
    • Mayonnaise
    • Steak sauce
    • Salad dressings
    • Chocolate
    • Ketchup
    • Soft drinks or energy drinks
    • Nuts

    #1 Colon cleanse with apples

    To improve the condition of the body, you can spend a fasting day on fresh fruits. You will need at least 2 kilograms of them. During the day you should eat only apples; herbal tea and mineral water can be supplemented. It is recommended to organize a similar method of intestinal cleansing once a month.

    #2 Cleansing with porridge

    Porridge provides an opportunity to remove all excess from the body (remains of food, fecal stones). In addition, eating this dish helps strengthen the walls of the entire gastrointestinal tract and even heals their damage. Good porridge can be prepared according to the following recipe. You need to take equal amounts of rice and oats, the total amount of which should be 1 cup. After washing all this, you need to cook the porridge; if necessary, you can salt it. There is no need to add oil.

    Cereal porridge is a good cleanser. You need to prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp in the evening. flax seed, the same amount of bran and 3 tbsp. “rolled oatmeal”, fill it with warm water. In the morning, you can add honey, dried fruits, nuts to taste and eat the porridge on an empty stomach.

    #3 Cleansing with decoctions

    Take a tablespoon of coltsfoot and hops, add a couple of tablespoons of calendula. Brew a glass of boiling water.

    #4 Cleansing with bran

    This cleansing course takes quite a long time. Its duration will be one month. You need to take two tablespoons of bran three times every day before meals. Wash down the bran with plain clean water. By the way, this way you can not only cleanse your intestines well, but also reduce weight.

    #5 Colon hydrotherapy with saline solution

    It is necessary to prepare a saline solution of the correct consistency. Place 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. In an hour and a half you need to drink 10-12 glasses of this solution. The liquid will have a powerful laxative effect. All harmful substances will quickly come out.

    It is recommended to drink the saline solution until it comes out as clear as it originally was. There is a certain nuance: the water should be slightly saltier than blood. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. It is better to carry out such cleaning in the morning on an empty stomach. After completion of the procedure, a light breakfast is allowed. Porridge, vegetables or fruits will do.

    #6 Vegetable peeling

    Organize a fasting day on vegetables. You need to eat 2 kilograms of vegetables. Any other products are completely excluded. You can drink it with non-carbonated mineral water.

    It is better to eat vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, and bell peppers on this day. The addition of herbs and green apples is allowed. This option is also perfect for cleansing the stomach, which is closely connected with the intestines.

    An excellent option would be a vegetable salad made from the listed ingredients. You can salt it and season it with vegetable oil.

    #7 Enema cleansing

    In case of poor tests, it becomes necessary to use enemas. It's better to do them early in the morning. The liquid temperature should be 30-35 degrees.
    An enema can be done using an Esmarch mug. It is commercially available; if necessary, such a device can be purchased at a pharmacy. At least 2 liters of water should be poured into the body.

    Today there are different enema recipes that you can use. But it will be quite enough to carry out the usual procedure using simple heated water.

    Some people decide to undergo a whole series of procedures at once. For example, three to four water enemas are performed in one week. However, some experts do not recommend this intensity, as it leads to the leaching of beneficial bacteria from the body.

    #8 Cleaning with fresh juices

    Cleansing should be carried out no more than once a month. You can prepare fresh juices from peaches, apples or citrus fruits. Throughout the day you should drink at least two liters of juice (in several doses, of course). You can't eat anything. In addition to fresh water, you are allowed to drink water (mineral without gas and regular clean).

    This method is also great for carrying out... Don't forget that the intestines are functionally strongly connected to your liver. Therefore, it is advisable to clean them together.

    #9 Cleansing with dried fruits

    You need to take 300 grams of dried apricots, figs and prunes. Grind everything and mix with aloe (100 g) and honey (100 g). The result will be a very healthy and tasty mass. You need to eat a few spoons of this mixture twice a day. The duration of the course is only 10 days. During this period, you need to drink plenty of water. The mass can be stored in the refrigerator.

    #10 Cleansing with juices and kefir

    On the first day of cleansing, you should do an enema on an empty stomach. Then drink only kefir until the evening. You can eat a small slice of Borodino bread. In the morning of the second day, also give an enema. After this, you need to drink various freshly squeezed juices. The third day is dedicated to separate vegetarian meals (only vegetables, fruits, juices, herbs). This treatment method can be used once a month.

    #11 Cleanse with flax seeds

    A tablespoon of flax seeds should be boiled in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth, add a couple of tablespoons of mustard oil (mix 1 tsp mustard powder thoroughly with 200 grams of olive oil). Introduce the remedy into the intestines in the evening using an Esmarch mug.

    On the second day, the volume of the cleansing enema should be increased by half a liter. Third day – 2 liters. water, two tablespoons of flaxseed, the same amount of mustard oil. On the fourth day you should take a break. Then you need to repeat the three-day cleanse and again organize a break of 1 day.

    #12 Cleaning with fir water

    Treatment solution: pour 500 g. boiling water 2 handfuls of fir needles, let it brew for half an hour under the lid. After this, the infusion must be filtered and taken into an enema. It should be warm, not hot. The product must be kept in the body for 3 minutes.

    The course of treatment lasts a week. First, you should use half a liter of infusion, on the second day - 1 liter, on the third - a break. On the fourth day - one and a half liters of infusion, then a two-day break. Seventh day – 2 liters (maximum dose). Repeated cleaning with fir water is carried out again after a month, then you need to add a month at a time, gradually increasing the interval between cleansing to six months.

    #13 Use of sorbents

    Sorbents are classified as medications, so it is wiser to take them with the doctor’s permission, increasing your fluid intake to at least half a liter per day. The course of treatment using them should not exceed 2 weeks.

    The following sorbents are usually used: polysorb, silica gel, activated carbon, enterosgel and others.

    7-Day Natural Colon Cleanse Diet Plan for Complete Detoxification

    Based on numerous requests from our readers, LadyWow magazine, together with a nutritionist, has created a weekly intestinal cleansing diet plan for complete detoxification. The plan is presented in the form of a table below.

    Explanation of the table:

    • Drink as much clean drinking water as possible throughout the day;
    • The “Snack” column in the table means that if you get hungry between meals, you can use a snack.
    • Very important! ONLY on the first day at 7 am, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of unrefined sea salt (do not use table salt) with 250 ml of warm water. Drink this solution. After you drink salt water, you may experience a headache, nausea and even vomiting after about 1 hour - because salt water removes all toxins. Because this process happens quickly, you will begin to visit the toilet more often.

    Table: 7-Day Natural Colon Cleansing Diet Plan for Complete Detoxification

    Day Breakfast (8.00) Lunch (13.00) Dinner (19.00) Snack (between meals)
    Day N1 1 glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice + 1 avocado + half a glass of raspberries. 1 bowl of steamed vegetables + cup of pureed vegetable soup. 1 small banana + half a cup of raspberries + one apple. 1/2 cup raspberries + 1 apple
    Day N2 1 glass of fresh apple juice, as it flushes out all toxins, stimulates intestinal motility and improves the overall condition of the digestive system + 1 plate of green salad. 1 green apple + 1 cup raspberries + 1 cup fresh carrot juice (no sugar) + 1 bowl chopped green leafy vegetables. 1/4 avocado + 1/2 cup mango (or pineapple) + 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper + 1 cup blueberries + 1/2 kiwi. 1 medium-sized cucumber (eat it raw) + 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice.
    Day N3 1 cup raspberries + 1 pear + 1 cup pineapple + 1 teaspoon flax seeds. 1 bowl of fresh vegetable soup + 1/2 avocado + 1 orange + 3 celery stalks. 1 banana + 1 cup raspberries + 1 tablespoon flaxseed + 1/2 cup steamed broccoli. 1 apple + 1/2 cup cooked green beans.
    Day N4 Eat a plate of green salad made from: peas, spinach, broccoli + 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 2 carrots. 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 1 bunch of celery + 1 teaspoon ginger + 1/2 bowl of spinach. 1 glass of water + 1 cup of hot vegetable soup + 5-6 broccoli sprouts + 1 raw carrot. 1 cup raspberries + some prunes. This will help you get rid of toxins from your colon.
    Day N5 We use 1/2 papaya fruit + 1/2 banana + 2 tablespoons flaxseed (ground). 1 cucumber + 1 handful of cilantro + 1 tomato + 1 medium raw beetroot. 1 cup fresh orange juice + 1 cup berries + 1/2 cup steamed brown rice (cooked). Drink a glass of water before bed. 1 banana + 1 small apple.
    Day N6 Add 1 tablespoon flaxseed (finely ground) to 1 cup water. Mix thoroughly and drink. After 30 minutes, eat a fresh green apple, not a red one. Next, eat a plate of green leaf salad. Drink a glass of freshly prepared vegetable juice (any) + eat a plate of raw vegetables + 1 fruit (any) after 10 minutes. Prepare flaxseed infusion (1 tablespoon of flaxseed powder per glass of water) and drink 30 minutes before dinner. Then, after 30 minutes, eat a bowl of green salad or hot vegetable soup. 1 avocado + 1 cup raspberries.
    Day N7 1/4 cup spinach + 1 banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tbsp. spoon of flaxseed. 1 pear + 1 cup grapes + 1 pomegranate + 1/2 beets + 1/2 carrots. Eat 1 cup of stewed cabbage + 1/4 cup of green peas + 1/2 cup of broccoli + 1 cup of raspberries. 1 apple + 1 cup green grapes.

    Prevention of slagging for pregnant women

    We need to think about proper and, most importantly, careful cleansing of the body during the period when they begin to plan a pregnancy and during its course. There are a lot of different methods, including the most radical ones, which require medical supervision. This article will provide information about gentle and gentle ways to cleanse the intestines at home.

    To prevent slagging, pregnant women should not eat:

    • fatty foods;
    • cocoa and any of its derivatives (chocolate butter, candies, chocolate);
    • excessively salty, sour, spicy;
    • mushrooms;
    • fresh yeast products;
    • peas;
    • confectionery with a lot of buttercream.

    Pregnant women can benefit from eating the following foods:

    1. vegetables (especially cucumbers and potatoes);
    2. fruits: apples, pears, etc.;
    3. berries: cherries, grapes, cherries, etc.;
    4. dairy products;
    5. lean meat, fresh fish;
    6. dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
    7. dried fruit compote.

    Let's summarize:

    With proper nutrition with a cleansed intestine, both pregnant and ordinary women will feel light, notice an improvement in the condition of their skin, sleep, and feel a surge of strength and vigor.

    Any of the listed methods of cleaning the intestines at home has its advantages. It is wiser to give preference to a technique whose use will bring the least discomfort. If you clean the intestines regularly, then all processes will be normalized, you will feel good and attractive. appearance guaranteed.