• How to connect to Wi-Fi without a password. Instructions for connecting Wi-Fi from various devices

    When you turn on your smartphone, each resident of an apartment building can see many wifi connection points. Particularly inquisitive people have a desire to use someone else’s network, but how to find out the password for Wi-Fi.

    Each router has its own IP address, through which you can view all the data of the neighboring device.

    WiFi is an IEE802.11 standard network. The transmitter is installed in almost every apartment. You can find out the name and address of the router from the network mask, which people often forget to change during the initial installation of the device. You can connect to Wi-Fi if the owner of the network broadcasts it without a password at all.

    You can find out the type of wifi device by the name of the network displayed in the list of available ones. You can use the network unlimitedly if the device itself was able to connect without a password.

    Your actions are invisible when the traffic load is low. You can detect something is wrong if your neighbor looks at the list of connected devices. And he will do this through the laptop browser, where the corresponding router address is entered.

    You can go into the router settings through a browser by entering the address By default, the nickname is set to admin and the same password.

    But before that, the laptop needs to be connected to wifi. By quietly correcting the data, you can annoy your neighbor and interrupt the connection. After that, it will reset the settings to factory settings and change the access codes.

    The wifi password and ip address are easy to find out using special hacking programs, but the latest versions of routers provide this feature and block automatic connections.

    It is convenient to have a neighbor connection point for the following purposes:

    • No need to pay a monthly subscription fee;
    • WiFi allows you to use several devices at once, unless your neighbor sets a limit on the number of connected devices;
    • Your identity will not be established for illegal connections.

    Hacking someone else's wifi is an illegal act, which results in criminal liability.

    Whether or not to hack someone else’s router is up to everyone personally, but why not try? The IP address of the device is indicated on the back cover of the wifi transmitter. You can look it up at a computer hardware store.

    Ways to solve connection problems

    To connect to most wifi networks you will have to crack the password. A simple way to solve Internet access is to purchase your own router and get your own IP address for the devices.

    But an inquisitive mind is always drawn to complex tasks. The first step is to find information about the new network and whether there is a Wi-Fi password on the router.

    You can find out after viewing the details of the current wifi. Open the “Control Panel” and find the Internet network item and go to the “Network Control Center”. We need to open the “Network Connection” item.

    At this point you can see:

    • Complete list of available wireless networks;
    • Broadcast signal level;
    • Access to Wi-Fi. If it is open, then you are very lucky, use free wifi.

    You can hack wifi using programs to find a suitable password. They run on your laptop and try possible variations until a connection is made.

    It should be remembered that no amateur hacker can use the neighbor’s Wi-Fi completely unnoticed. The IP address is calculated instantly if you connect the device to the network.

    A list of all current connections is displayed in the router itself. It is always available on a PC connected to it locally via a wire. But rarely does anyone control their network while the transmitter is operating stable. One extra neighbor on the “wire” will not make a difference; the speed drops significantly with a huge list of wi-fi “freeloaders”.

    What hacking programs are there?

    Applications do not guarantee 100% wi-fi hacking results; you will have to connect using several programs. Finding out the password is possible with a probability of up to 90%.

    Here is a list of programs available on the Internet:

    • WifiSidejacking - the program interface is entirely in English, but a detailed manual helps you connect to Wi-Fi in a few minutes;
    • Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for competently searching for not only wifi passwords, but also helps determine the IP address of connected subscribers;
    • AirSlax - works with wifi in 6 simple steps: scanning the network, selecting a target, capturing packets, disconnecting the client, guessing the password and saving the finished result;
    • Wifipirate 13 is a powerful application that provides passwords of all surrounding wireless broadcast points;
    • CommViewforwifi - used to analyze networks, search for new connection points and neighbor activity time.

    Aircrack-ng includes a software package of applications for decrypting intercepted files, creating encrypted signals, recovering Wep keys in Windows. It includes a tool for converting files with the ivs extension.

    There is also the ability to monitor the current connection and determine the wi-fi network traffic.

    Through a remote IP address, the Airserv-ng application provides access to the laptop's wireless card. Allows you to solve problems with drivers and make changes to the operating system. The program hacks wi-fi networks: Wep, searches for WPA-PSK keys, WPA/WPA2. All operations are carried out automatically without the participation of the owner of the magic code.

    No programmer can predict the password selection time; it all depends on the following factors:

    • Password complexity, presence of letters and numbers;
    • Wi-fi device type;
    • Has the IP address changed?
    • Distance from the transmitter, device load.
    • The selected utility and scanning method.

    How to hack a hotspot on Android?

    Finding a password for a smartphone’s wi-fi transmitter is even more interesting. Often neighbors use the Internet through their cellular operator. Based on the results of the selected password, it is possible to determine the IP address of the subscribers.

    There are software applications for scanning networks:

    • Wifi Password break;
    • To control wifi, use the Wifikill program;
    • Wibr+ - serves as an assistant for hacking wi fi without any special hacking skills;
    • WiHackmobile is a simple program for finding passwords of surrounding networks;
    • Wi-Lomster is a popular application for working on a smartphone;
    • WifiRouterkeygen - quickly finds Wi-Fi passwords to connect to a neighbor. The interface is easy to use and does not require familiarization with the utility.

    The listed utilities can identify the most attractive network for hacking.

    You won’t be able to connect quickly if your neighbor has taken care of wi-fi protection:

    • Saved a long and complex password;
    • Changed default logins;
    • Purchased the latest version of the provider's router;
    • Turns off the transmitter when not in use;
    • Controls connections and has introduced restrictions on the number of devices;

    There is no chance of hacking networks with a reliable level of encryption using any utility.

    If the router turns off during scanning, the procedure will have to start over.

    Connecting your device is half the battle, but you need to carefully hide your IP from your neighbor. When he realizes that his wi-fi network has become public, he will wonder who used the router. The problem will develop into a scandal if he comes to you.

    The Wifikill utility helps you find intruders using your router. With one click, it will block a user by IP address. But he can change it, so it’s better to set restrictions on the number of connected devices. It’s better to create a list of allowed devices.

    Wireless Internet has long become a part of our daily life. Wi-Fi access points that make it possible to access the global network are now everywhere: in cafes and cinemas, in the subway, in universities and, of course, in residential buildings. But you won’t be able to connect to most of them for free: many points are securely protected with passwords that prevent anyone from using them.

    There are several popular and simple ways to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password for a specific access point. This article will discuss each of them in detail.

    Method one: password guessing

    This is the simplest method of connecting to someone else's Wi-Fi, which does not require any special knowledge or third-party utilities. Many Wi-Fi users prefer to use simple and accessible passwords that cannot be forgotten. The most popular combinations: 12344321, 87654321, qwerty, ytrewq, password and others. Try entering them and maybe luck will smile on you!

    Video on password selection via WIBR+

    If you can’t find the right combination this way, you can try special software for automatically selecting passwords. The most popular program among these is WiFiCrack, created to work with Windows 7.

    How does WiFiCrack work?

    The principle of operation of this program is simple: it tries to automatically connect to networks that you have marked as targets for hacking. This program takes combinations for passwords from a dictionary, which can be modified and expanded. If any of the values ​​are correct, the program saves the Wi-Fi network name and password in a separate file called Good.txt

    Instructions for using WiFiCrack:

    1. Run the WifiCrack.exe file, preferably as an administrator.
    2. Check the boxes of the access points you want to connect to.
    3. Click "Next" to perform the next action.
    4. Upload the file with the dictionary, which should be in the archive or folder with the program. Mark it with a checkmark. If you need to make changes to the dictionary, do so in advance.
    5. Click “Start” and wait for the work to finish.
    6. Review the selected passwords in the Good.txt file. It is located in the program folder. If there is no such file, it means that the program failed to select.

    Using this program is simple and intuitive. If you have any questions, you can look at the step-by-step instructions in the screenshots:

    Apart from Windows 7, it can also run Windows 8.1 and Windows Vista. For stable operation in other operating systems, it is worth choosing other software with similar functions.

    Method two: deception tricks, or phishing

    Phishing is a hacking method common among hackers, in which a person is forced, through deceptive maneuvers, to independently give out a password or other necessary information.

    Phishing is often used to hack e-wallets and bank cards, but it is also common among those who are not averse to using nearby Wi-Fi.

    Phishing uses different methods: usually information is obtained from social networks or via email, but in the case of a Wi-Fi password, this method will not work. That is why, to obtain the correct combination, special programs are used to create a fake access point and trick them into obtaining the password. One of the most famous such utilities is Wifiphisher.

    How does Wifiphisher get the password?

    Before starting work, the program makes the necessary settings on your PC or laptop. The list of actions performed at this stage is as follows:

    • setting up HTTP and HTTPS;
    • search for wireless interfaces on the wlan0 and wlan1 networks;
    • monitoring using DHCP services, displaying IP addresses;
    • obtaining a list of access points available for phishing.

    After completing all these steps, you need to select the access point to which you need to know the login combination. This page looks like this:

    When you make your choice, the program will provide you with hacking scenarios to choose from, and then it will copy the name of the network and create a fake access point identical to the victim’s. Next, the utility disables the neighbor’s access point, disconnecting its connection to the Internet. The victim you have chosen is trying to reconnect to Wi-Fi, and uses the fake point created in the previous paragraph. It is after this action that the collection of information begins.

    When a person connected to a fake access point tries to access the Internet, they are automatically redirected to a phishing page. It shows information about the connection error, as well as a request to enter the password for the Wi-Fi point. As soon as the victim fulfills this condition, his Internet will work again, and the program will display the required combination. That's it, now you can go online using your neighbor's Wi-Fi whenever you want.

    In addition to a harmless connection to a neighbor’s network, this program makes it possible to reconfigure the router and manage another person’s networks. Thanks to this, you can obtain his logins and passwords on various sites, as well as transfer him to phishing pages to lure out information. That is why many criminals use it to commit fraud and steal funds from bank cards and electronic wallets.

    Video on installing and using the program:

    Method three: interception and decryption of data

    Another effective way to connect to your neighbor’s Wi-Fi without knowing its password is to intercept data from the router and then decrypt it. This method is more complex and time-consuming than the previous ones, and requires much more knowledge about programs and the operation of Wi-Fi networks from the person who decides to use it. In addition, you will need special software: popular programs include Airslax and WiFi Slax; you will also need a decryption utility and dictionaries for selecting combinations.

    Programs of this kind work as follows: they send a request to connect to the router several times, and despite the fact that no connection occurs, the router continues to send data to your device. Among this data is a password, so by intercepting it and decrypting it, you can use it in the future.

    Let's consider a step-by-step algorithm of actions using the Airslax program as an example:

    1. First you need to unpack the archive onto any flash drive. Pre-format it by copying all the necessary data to another location.
    2. Next, run the bootinst.bat file. It will create a bootable USB flash drive.
    3. Use the key combination Alt+F1, which will open a menu for you. Select the option called AiroScript.
    4. You will see a list of routers that you can hack. Choose from it the device that suits you. The selection is made using the key with the number under which the device is recorded and the Enter key.
    5. From the list of commands, select automatic mode. Then the program acts on its own: it interferes with the connection, and after the victim begins to exchange data with the router, it intercepts handshake - the so-called “handshakes”, which also contain the combination to enter the network.

    You can see a graphic guide to working with Airslax and a detailed explanation for it here:

    WiFi Slax works on the same principle. Video instructions:

    After both utilities are completed, you will need to use third-party software to decrypt the received data. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor is considered the best program for this purpose.

    Working with the utility looks like this:

    1. Open the exe file, install the utility and select the desired language.
    2. Load the necessary data into the program: for the Airslax utility they are stored in the automatically created dump folder, for WiFi Slax - in the tmp folder.
    3. Press the key combination Ctrl + I, and then select the dictionaries necessary to decrypt the password.
    4. Wait for the program to respond. Usually the combination is decrypted within a few minutes. The more complex the password, the longer it will take.

    After completing this program, you will receive a working network password, and your neighbor will not suspect anything. However, it is worth noting that this is a labor-intensive method, and it is only justified if it was not possible to determine the password using automatic selection, and you do not want to engage in phishing, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion and put yourself at risk.

    Why you shouldn't use someone else's Wi-Fi

    Free Internet is great, but using it is fraught with many dangers. Open networks, which can be entered without a password at any time of the day or night, make it possible for anyone to intercept and decrypt the traffic you send, which means that your security and confidential data are at risk. And an experienced hacker can get to not only the authorization data of the current session, but also files on your computer, bookmarks in your browser, and all logins and passwords that are automatically saved in the browser.

    Hacking someone else's router is an even more dangerous undertaking. You will not be punished in any way for harmless auto-selection, but phishing and data interception are a direct violation of the law. For hacking other people's devices and obtaining information from them that is not intended for the general public, you can receive not only a fine, but also a very real sentence in a general regime colony.

    So think twice before hacking your neighbor's router. Maybe it's easier to buy your own?

    Wi-Fi is usually password protected, but not always. At the same time, connecting without a password for an inexperienced person may take too long or fail altogether. Therefore, today, when a wireless connection is present in every apartment, it is better to be able to connect yourself.

    How does a Wi-Fi hotspot work?

    To access the Internet through an unsecured network, you need to understand what an access point is. When it is necessary to connect a large number of devices, a cable connection turns out to be very inconvenient. Instead, a router is connected, which shares a common channel between them all wirelessly. To protect against the connection of other people's devices, the connection can be tied to the addresses of specific devices or simply password-protected.

    Unsecured connection

    We often come across LAN networks whose owners inadvertently forgot to install protection. In this case, everyone can connect, after which they are free to use as much as they want. To do this, you just need to scan the environment and then select the appropriate one. How to connect to Wi-Fi without a password?

    On an Android phone, open your phone settings, click on the WLAN line. A list of all available networks nearby will appear; unprotected ones do not have a lock next to the connection quality icon. To connect, just click on the one you want.

    In order to connect to someone else’s Wi-Fi without knowing the password from a laptop with Windows 7 installed, open the control panel and select “View network status and tasks” in the “Network and Internet” category, in the left column find “Change adapter settings” ", a window will appear in which you can select to connect. Networks without protection are marked with an exclamation mark.

    However, you will still need the owner's permission, otherwise you will be stealing their traffic. Additional load on the channel can lead to a significant decrease in its throughput, especially when watching videos or listening to music, which can greatly interfere with the owner. Besides everything, a limited connection will cost him a pretty penny. Luckily, there are more legal ways to get online for free in the city.

    How else can you connect to Wi-Fi?

    Quite often in public establishments such as cafes, restaurants or libraries, you can stumble upon a free access point. Owners post them to attract customers. Any device can be connected to this channel. If you have problems, you can always ask the administrator how to connect to Wi-Fi from your phone without a password. By connecting here, you will not interfere with anyone and will not violate anyone's rights.

    If you can’t find a free access point, you can look towards special programs that guess your password. However, most of these programs are Trojan viruses that you install voluntarily. They can steal your traffic or personal information. Never install such programs! Even if you come across a working program, its storage and use is punishable by law. It's always better to find a free network than to try to break into someone else's.

    It is impossible to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password. But you can always ask permission, and it is quite possible that they will help you, and you can go online with peace of mind.

    Unlike corporate access points, neighborhood routers are much more vulnerable. With the help of special programs (Wifite, etc.), Wi-Fi can be hacked even without hacking skills. Surely even your neighbors have problems with their router configuration, or their passwords are wrong. This article will be useful for those who want to learn how to connect to their neighbor’s wifi, and for those who want to protect themselves from freebies.

    The hacking method depends on the configuration of the neighbor's WiFi network. Any security standard has vulnerabilities that an attacker can exploit for their own purposes.

    Open access

    An open hotspot is a rare occurrence, but it exists. The packets in them are not encrypted; any user can intercept traffic using the Airodump-ng utility. The intercepted data is analyzed in Wireshark.

    Now this is unlikely, because sites that work with personal data use a secure connection (https).
    Protection method: install a complex WPA-2 key on the router. If you work over open Wi-Fi, use the HTTPS Everywhere browser extension, which encrypts traffic.

    To find the nearest open Wi-Fi, you can use the Free Zone program on Android. In addition, there are some passwords to closed access points (to which users of the program have given access).

    IV collisions in WEP

    WEP is an outdated security standard that is vulnerable to static attacks due to IV collisions. After the advent of WPA2 network authentication, few people use WEP; in new firmware versions it is not even in the settings.
    The most effective is the Tevs-Weinman-Pyshkin attack, proposed in 2007. To hack, you need to intercept several tens of thousands of packets.

    How to protect yourself: change the network authentication method to AES or WPA2 in the router settings.

    WPS PIN selection

    WPS PIN is an 8-digit number, individual for each router. It can be cracked by brute force through a dictionary. The user sets a complex WPA password combination and, in order not to remember it, activates the WPS pin. Transferring the correct PIN code to the router means subsequently transferring information about the settings to the client, including a WPA password of any complexity.

    The main problem with WPS is that the last digit of the PIN is a checksum. This reduces the effective length of the PIN from 8 to 7 characters. In addition, the router checks the code, breaking it in half, that is, to select a password you will need to check about 11,000 combinations.

    Protection: update the router firmware. The updated version should have a lock function that is activated after several unsuccessful code entries. If the function is not provided, turn off WPS.

    Other ways to get WPS PIN

    Connecting to Wi-Fi using a PIN code is also possible through direct access to the equipment. The PIN can be obtained from the router's backbone during a "friendly visit".
    In addition, the router may remain open during a firmware update or reset. In this case, the neighbor will be able to log into the router interface using the standard login and password and find out the PIN. After this, the WPA password is obtained in a couple of seconds.

    Protection method: remove the password sticker and do not leave the access point open for a second. Change the WPS PIN periodically through the router interface.

    Searching for a password using a dictionary

    By intercepting the WPA 4-way handshake between the victim and the access point, you can extract the dictionary code from the WPA handshake.

    Security: Use complex WPA passwords consisting of numbers, symbols and letters in different case.

    Phishing via Wi-Fi

    If programs fail to hack WiFi, they use the human factor, tricking the user into giving out the password to the access point.

    Phishing attacks are often carried out through email, but few people would write their Wi-Fi password in an email. To confuse your neighbor, it’s easier to force him to connect to a different access point. This is done using the WiFiPhisher utility, written in Python.
    The hacking process follows the following algorithm:

    • The utility prepares the attacker's computer: configures HTTP and HTTPS servers, searches for wireless interfaces wlan0 and wlan1. Starts monitoring one of the found interfaces and obtains additional IPs via DHCP services.

    • The console displays a list of access points available for attack.

    • The utility clones the name of the selected point and tries to disable the existing original network.
    • The victim's Internet connection drops and he connects to the cloned access point.
    • During the connection, the attacker receives information about a new connection to the console.
    • The victim tries to open any website, but is shown a phishing page instead. For example, instead of google.ru, a connection error will be displayed asking you to re-enter your password. The page may be very similar to the standard ISP page or router interface.

    • If the victim does not suspect anything and enters the password, the Internet will work, and the attacker will receive the password in his console.

    How to protect: Check pages carefully before entering your password, even if you are visiting a reputable site.

    Consequences of hacking

    Access to Wi-Fi provides access to the router settings. And considering that rarely does anyone change the standard password for the router interface, information about which is posted on the Internet, the task is greatly simplified. Settings management is network management.

    Gaining access to WiFi through hacking will allow you to first change the WPS PIN, and then gain access to other information for authorization on sites.

    Gaining access to Wi-Fi will allow, through the use of appropriate utilities, to reconfigure the DNS, which will redirect users of banking services to fictitious pages.

    If the network is hacked, then even changing passwords after a while will not help: the attacker will save the WPS PIN or install a Trojan program in the firmware.


    This article is not intended to encourage you to hack your neighbor’s Wi-Fi, but to tell you about popular vulnerabilities that can cause losses, including material ones.
    Some good-natured people don’t mind giving away unlimited Internet, or they don’t know how to set a password for an access point. Of course, if your neighbors just use your unlimited Internet for free, nothing bad will happen to you. But this way you give access to your passwords. There have been cases when people were tried to be scammed by viewing illegal sites from someone else’s IP.
    Modern firmware for routers is made as simple and convenient as possible, so even people without experience can configure the security of their Internet through the interface. Use the protection methods described in this article to the maximum, set complex and unique passwords for each resource.

    The article describes how you can connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi.


    A Wi-Fi router is a special device for providing a wireless Internet network, which is established between users of the World Wide Web and the provider. In this case, it is possible to connect several users to the Internet using one wireless device.

    In order to access the Internet, you need to configure other devices accordingly - laptop, mobile phone, tablet, and so on. These gadgets must have a built-in special wi-fi adapter, which, like a receiver, catches waves of a certain frequency. Accordingly, the wi-fi router transmits these waves.

    In this review, we will discuss in detail how we can connect to our neighbor's wi-fi router. This will be useful to us in the following cases:

    • Our own Internet stopped working for one reason or another (problems with the provider, ran out of money, etc.)
    • We are visiting a place where there is no Internet
    • If necessary, connect to the free Internet when your own funds are not enough

    Before connecting to your neighbor’s wi-fi, you can agree on this with him and pay for the Internet together. But if your neighbor has an unsecured network, then you can access the Internet through his wi-fi router without asking for a password.

    How to connect to a neighbor's wi-fi using an unsecured network?

    The easiest and freest way to access Wi-Fi is to connect to an unsecured network. Not every owner of a wi-fi router sets a password for their network, and often some are not even aware of this possibility.

    So let's get down to business:

    • First we need to turn on our tablet or laptop (or other device), waiting until it boots up completely. If necessary, you can run the wi-fi module on your laptop, after which the system will automatically find all nearby wi-fi networks, if any.

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • If you are sure that your neighbor definitely has a wi-fi router and is using it, then your laptop/tablet/phone will immediately detect this. At the bottom right of the display or monitor, you will see an icon similar to the one in phones that indicates communication with a mobile network (antenna). By clicking on it, we will open a window with a list of all wi-fi networks located nearby. Among them we need to find an unprotected network

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • How do you know which network is unsecured? In the picture below you can see a yellow shield with an exclamation mark next to the vertical stripes. This is an unprotected network. All other networks on the list are, accordingly, protected, and we will not be able to connect to them without knowing the password. Of course, the icons themselves may have different appearances on different devices; for example, sometimes a secure network is indicated as a padlock. But the principle itself is clear to us

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • After we have found an unprotected network, we need to click on it with the mouse and then click on “Connection”

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • After this the connection process will begin

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • We pay attention to the lower right part of the display to the icon we already know and wait until the pop-up message appears: “Internet access”

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    That's all. The process of connecting to your neighbor’s wi-fi via an unsecured network is complete. Now we can freely surf the Internet.

    What other method can you use to connect to your neighbor’s wi-fi?

    If your neighbor’s network is secure, that is, it requires a password, then you should first agree with him on a joint payment for the Internet. This will be beneficial for both him and you. But if your neighbor turns out to be a very kind and good person, then he will simply give you a password for free for eternal use.

    In general, we need to do exactly the same steps that we described above, but with one caveat - you will need to enter a password.

    Let's describe the process step by step again:

    • Turn on the laptop and launch the wi-fi module to search for wi-fi networks
    • Click on the icon in the lower right side of the monitor
    • In the window that opens, click on your neighbor’s network and click on “Connect”
    • Next, enter the password provided by your neighbor

    Now we can surf the Internet again, but we will pay half (shared with a neighbor) for its use.

    It should be noted that your device (laptop or tablet) must have the appropriate driver installed, which directly ensures the process of searching for wi-fi networks. Most often, when connecting to a wireless Internet network, the main problem is a disabled wi-fi module. Therefore, we recommend that when you turn on your laptop, you immediately check whether this module works on your device.

    If in the lower right part of the screen you see a red cross in place of the wi-fi icon, this means that the module is disabled.

    Let's talk about how to enable it again:

    • Right-click on “ Computer» ( Windows 7) or " My computer» ( Windows XP) and then click on “ Control»

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • In the window that opens, click on “ device Manager" in the left column and in the same window in the central part - on " Network adapters»

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    • In the list that opens, find the wi-fi adapter, right-click on it and then click on “ Engage»

    How to connect to your neighbor's Wi-Fi

    That's basically all. Now you can safely connect to your neighbor’s wi-fi using the above methods.

    What are the benefits and dangers of unsecured networks?

    Unsecured networks, those that do not require a password, are very useful for those users who want to connect to their neighbor's wi-fi. True, people around will ridicule the person who did not set a password on his wi-fi router.

    If a wi-fi network does not have password protection and also encrypts data transmitted to the Internet, then this is a huge advantage. Because if you connect to such a network, then your data will not be decrypted even if intercepted. Data encryption is the main criterion when connecting to any unknown wi-fi network.

    But if there is no such encryption, then you should be careful when using such a network. That is, you will need to enter your password as little as possible to enter various social networks and so on. It is best not to log into your accounts and mail. In this case, you should simply limit yourself to “browsing” the Internet, reading news, watching videos, downloading files, and so on.

    Otherwise, when you urgently need to go to, for example, Odnoklassniki, you will have to use special browsers, for example, Tor. If you're connecting to your neighbor's wi-fi, you probably don't know which network you're using, so you should always be on the safe side.

    Video: How to connect to your neighbor's wifi?