• How to use Twitter? What is Twitter and why is it needed? How to Twitter a Company Never Ingratiate yourself

    If you have recently opened your Twitter account and don’t know how to properly and quickly promote it, then this article will help you do it. After all, I want to invite you not just to manually moderate your followers and followers, but to do it with a unique tool.

    If you want not just to have your own Twitter, but to create one, then you need, in addition to regularly filling the microblog, to be able to control your following friends.

    I present a service that allows you to control all followers and followers on your Twitter account, search for interesting friends and much more.

    On the main page, after logging in using your Twitter account, a page opens with a list of those who do not follow you back and from whom you can unsubscribe using the Flitter service.
    There is a proposal from above to increase this opportunity to 2900 unsubscribes using simple posts and subscriptions to the newsletter. Listen to the podcast if you know English, of course. Then in the menu below those who are not mutual, there are accounts without registration (they are also considered undesirable), then non-Russian, inactive - these are also important indicators.

    Now there is a picture with a proposal to increase unsubscribes, which I did in three steps - followed, tweeted and subscribed to my email.

    Next, an important point: inactive accounts (1) on Twitter. After all, Twitter is important for its active writing friends-followers. And we need to get rid of the inactive ones. You can choose the period yourself, but look, I have some who have been silent for a year or six months. Click (2) to sort by latest tweet. (3) - for some, the images have already disappeared. (4) - I unfollowed 76 accounts using this parameter.

    You can search by word and follow selected accounts.

    However, not everyone can be followed, but only 50, because the Flitter account is free.

    To avoid all restrictions and get many benefits, you can subscribe on a paid basis, the cheapest plan costs $12 per month.

    What does a paid account give you:
    - unlimited unfollowing,
    - management of your listing,
    - copying following and followers from another account,
    - growing your Twitter at a rapid pace by following relevant queries,
    - scheduling your posts according to a convenient schedule when people are online and taking into account geographical moments,
    as well as many other interesting services.

    Modern users are offered many social networks. They can be used to spread news and simply communicate. How to use Twitter? What exactly is this page? Why is it needed? Every modern user should know the answers to all these questions. Especially those who follow fashion trends.


    What is Twitter and how to use it? This is the name of a fashionable and modern social network. In short, it resembles a microblog.

    On Twitter, the user can write messages not exceeding 140 characters. Additionally, links, photos, videos and other interesting materials are attached here. Most often, Twitter is used as a news or advertising feed.


    What is Twitter and how to use it? Everything starts with registration. But more about her later. First, a few words about the terms used by users in the social network under study.

    A tweet is a message on Twitter. It, as already mentioned, cannot be more than 140 characters.

    Retweet - repost. That is, when a user transfers (copies) a particular post to his page. This is done using a special button.

    Twitterers or tweeples are users registered on Twitter.

    Follower - subscriber. A person who follows a particular profile and subscribes to its news.

    I guess that's all. Such terms are enough to answer how to use Twitter. But what exactly should we do? And how to work with a social network?


    Let's start with registration. This is the very first step that will allow you to work with the service. Registration on Twitter is free. It only takes a few minutes.

    The guide in this case will look like this:

    1. Open Twitter.com in your browser.
    2. In the upper right corner click on the "Registration" button.
    3. Fill out the registration form - username and surname, e-mail, password.
    4. Click on "Register".
    5. Confirm your profile.

    Ready! Registration on Twitter is completed. Now you can use all the features of the social network.

    Filling out the form

    To fill out the form you will need:

    1. Log in to your profile on a social network.
    2. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner. It is located near the little man icon.
    3. Select the "Settings" option.
    4. Use the menu that appears to configure the display of the questionnaire.
    5. Click on "Save".

    Your Twitter My Page is now ready to use. Typically, you can subscribe to profiles and publish messages immediately after registration. But usually users put off this idea.

    We write messages

    How to write on Twitter? This is the main and simplest task. The point is that you can bring your idea to life using different methods.

    First, after logging into their page, each user will see a field called "What's new?" If you write a message here and click on “Publish”, you will get a tweet.

    Thirdly, on the left side of the window (under the avatar) there is a “Write a tweet” field. It serves similar to the "What's new?" function.

    Now it’s clear how to write on Twitter. This is not the most difficult task. And every user registered on a social network must cope with it.


    What is Twitter and how to use it? It is worth paying attention to the interface of the social network. Unlike Facebook and VK, the microblog under study raises many questions.

    We've sorted out the writing of messages. What's next?

    It's very simple. We have almost completely figured out how to use Twitter. This social network is quite simple and straightforward.

    About subscription

    The bulk of actions on the site under study occurs through writing short posts, as well as subscribing to users/pages. Everything is very easy. Usually these operations do not cause any difficulties.

    How to subscribe on Twitter? You will need to write the name of the group or user in the upper right corner. There is a line "Search" (a translucent area with a magnifying glass). By clicking on "Enter", the user will process the request.

    To unsubscribe from a profile, just follow the same steps. Only the “Read” button will change to “Unsubscribe”. This is quite normal. All operations can be carried out at any convenient time. Subscribing and unsubscribing from profiles and groups is completely free.

    Benefits of the network

    We figured out how to use Twitter. Why do this? What is the use of a social network that doesn’t even really have so-called personal messages?

    The answer is simple - Twitter is used for its own promotion. First of all, tweeting is convenient. The posts are short and succinct. Secondly, Twitter is a trendy social network. Thirdly, information spreads extremely quickly using the site.

    That is, Twitter is not suitable for communicating with friends. But if you want to become popular or promote your own business, the social network will greatly help with this. It is very convenient to write short messages, for example, with photographs. Such tweets are in great demand.


    How to use Twitter? All you need to do is register on this site - all other actions will be clear without any instructions or tips. Even a novice user can cope with the task.

    Anyone can master Twitter. Registration takes only a few minutes. Immediately after authorization on the site, all the possibilities of the service are opened to the user!

    Tweet. If you want your followers to know what you're up to right now, post a tweet. Remember that you are limited to 280 characters, otherwise, if you exceed this limit, you will not be able to send a tweet.

    • The characters will be counted automatically. The number of symbols remaining will be shown in grey, after 10 it will be shown in red, and then when you reach zero a big red minus will appear.

    Use hashtags. A hashtag is a word preceded by a hash sign, #. Using hashtags you can easily find the right word. Read our guide on using hashtags on Twitter.

    • Some trends contain hashtags themselves, allowing users to discuss something all over Twitter.
    • A good example of using hashtags is when everything related to a particular football team is tagged with a hashtag with its name.
  • Gain followers (subscribers) . Your Twitter can be private or it can be public. If you want to gain as many readers-followers as possible, then you need to try and make interesting and topical tweets. Also, don't underestimate the power of following other people's Twitter - you can often get followed for following you. And don't forget to show respect to your readers. In this sense, all the cards and means are in your hands - be it with tweets, or blog posts, or whatever. You can even use the #FF (#FollowFriday) mechanism - this is when you send a tweet with a small list of your followers under the hashtag #FF, as if sharing them with other Twitter users. Such lists are often cited, which means your name will be mentioned more often. However, recently this mechanism is going out of fashion, and in itself it looks like spam, so... In other words, users can be recruited using simple retweets, which are a kind of recognition and are often rewarded in the same way.

    Check messages from your followers sent to you personally. Click on the “@Mentions” link to see if there are replies to your tweets. When you send a tweet, include the username after the @ sign - this will create a mention. Example: “@username” mentions Twitter user username and your entire tweet will appear on their @Mentions page.

  • Create your own style and timing for sending tweets. Twitter, like many other social networks, can be addictive and waste your precious time. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide how much time you will spend on it and how many followers you intend to collect. You shouldn’t give up everything and everyone in pursuit of users - it’s a question of quantity, not quality, and it’s not worth a penny. Instead, focus on the quality of your tweets and followers so you don't have to worry about people not following you on Twitter (which happens and there's nothing you can do about it). And if you feel like you're starting to spend too much time on Twitter, take a break and come back to it later.

    • A number of scientific studies have shown that a person can be part of a group of 150–200 people without problems. If the group is larger, then the connections between its members are no longer as effective and productive. Don't forget about this in your pursuit of followers!
  • To explain this, entire “schools of bloggers” are created, various kinds of specialists are attracted for master classes, and as a result, bloggers and microbloggers are released onto the Internet with a diploma from Harvard University...
    All you need to know are these simple tips))

    Quotes without quotes, maximum retweet,
    swearing and other quirks of microblogs:

    This guide does not aim to teach the basics of using Twitter; there are official guides for this and does not promise to make you a “popular microblogger.” Cats and stolen jokes work flawlessly on all social networks.

    1. Write a lot

    You need to write a lot on Twitter. This is probably the only thingsocial media (micro-blogging service, if you're being picky)

    to terms), where you can not restrain yourself in volumes, n while receiving accusations of flooding. If anyone is unhappy,

    short-term ban, but some people don’t like to wait and start for such cases, a second, backup account

    2. Hide the excess

    However, sometimes even the most persistent and habitual people are forced to make restrictions. For example, you can turn off the display of retweets from individual users in your feed. This helps a lot when some good person suddenly becomes too passionate about one topic and believes that you are obliged to share his obsession with him. You can also mute (that is, “hide” - from the English mute) all tweets using keywords. This is vital when your entire feed has been competing in wit about Depardieu for the second day or is once again conducting a collective investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group.

    3. Quote without quotes

    One of the most insidious rules that constantly confuses newbies: on Twitter, it is customary to quote without quotes - both what you agree with and what you want to ridicule. How then will readers understand that you are not writing from yourself? If the reader has been following you for a long time, then he understands: a liberal cannot suddenly write that, for example, the Jews sold Russia, and a socialist cannot write that pensions need to be abolished, this is an “ironic quotation.” Of course, after the publication of an unquoted quote from KP columnist Ulyana Skoybeda, there will definitely be beautiful-hearted people who will call you a terrible person and even wish you a slow, painful death. You can explain to them that “it was a quote,” but it’s better not to—hardcore does not tolerate curtseys.

    4. Quote in series

    The more difficult case is when they quote what they agree with. How to understand where the quote is and where the words of the author of the tweet are? The first is usually taken out of context, while the latter still has a more or less complete form. One way or another, nothing prevents you from entering a questionable phrase into Google. Advice: in the first minutes of the release of a resonant interview or column, you can quote the most striking passages from there and collect several retweets. In this case, it is acceptable to provide a large piece of text, divided into several tweets: at one time, services were popular that allowed you to artificially increase the volume of characters in a tweet, but they did not catch on and it is better not to use them.

    5. Beware of RT

    tweet in your feed, and done manually, the old fashioned way, when you quote a tweet, and before the text put the author’s username and a special mark “RT”. The fact is that, technologically, such a publication is completely your tweet, and after RT you can write anything, pranking inexperienced readers. Hundreds of people are ready to believe even the most incredible nonsense, allegedly said on behalf of famous microbloggers. Finally, retweet or quote people who praise you or the result of your work in measured doses - narcissism is annoying; share when you are scolded - it always goes well.

    6. Never ingratiate yourself.

    Don’t write “please RT” or “maximum retweet” - if you reported something truly important or made a good joke, then you will be noticed in any case. Do not tag famous people or popular bloggers through the “mension” in the hope of attracting their attention - this is bad manners. An example of incorrect behavior: “I met Boris @b_nemtsov in the metro. he’s still cute))” or “Sergei @s_udaltsov is a mediocre politician!!” It’s another matter if you tag your friends or acquaintances in a tweet, inviting them to have a drink in the evening, or asking a serious, justified question, for example: “Alexey @navalny, why didn’t you go to the Russian March?” This is fine. Well, if you need a shameful but free retweet, then you should write something like “I searched half of Moscow, but finally found the latest number of SNC @xenia_sobchak. the best magazine in the world!))". It seems that Ksenia Sobchak's Twitter is half made up of such retweets

    7. Don’t litter replays

    If you expressed some interesting idea in a tweet, then one person may comment on it, then a second person may disagree with this person’s opinion, so a third person will join the discussion, then a fourth... At some point, all of these tweets will be almost entirely will consist of listing the usernames of the participants in the conversation, because on Twitter there is no separate place for them, like, for example, the addressee field in the mail - usernames take up full space in the meager 140 characters of a tweet. Moreover, it often happens that the participants in the discussion forget about how it all began and begin to discuss completely abstract topics, for example, they argue about the latest high-profile film or, as a result of the conversation, they send each other back and forth for a long time. Your replay feed continues to update (after all, your username was there at the very beginning!) and prevents you from seeing truly important answers. Therefore, make it a habit to immediately delete people’s usernames from correspondence if you understand that now replays definitely don’t concern them anymore

    8. Don't be shy in your expressions

    Don't spend too much time formatting the text. The gold standard is to not start sentences with a capital letter or put a period at the end of a tweet. But if you suddenly do everything according to the rules of the Russian language, it will not be a big crime. They don't pay attention to commas on Twitter, but God forbid you make an obvious spelling mistake like "tsya/tsya" - you will be crucified. Obscene language deserves special attention. Mat is the flesh and blood of Russian Twitter. It can and should be used in any quantity, and I am experiencing real moral suffering while compiling this guide without swearing (the author of these rules writes). The only ironclad rule is never replace letters inside such words with asterisks, this is terrible. It is also better not to use exotic, sophisticated modifications and be content with the simple monosyllabic classics of the mat. It is especially well suited for commenting on the news picture of the day: instead of 140 words - one. (this item is not for me)

    9. Be natural

    There should be a "Don't tweet while drunk" rule here, but no hand is raised. Of course, if your parents, boss, or God forbid you are a politician, you can seriously harm yourself. But drunken Twitter is literature in its own way. Reading drunken insights and confessions, people realize that they have much more in common than they thought.

    Thank you, Roman Fedoseev!

    Quotes without quotes, maximum retweet, swearing and other quirks of microblogging

    This guide does not aim to teach the basics of using Twitter (there are official guides for this) and does not promise to make you a “popular microblogger” (cats and stolen jokes work flawlessly on all social networks). W→O→S editor-in-chief Roman Fedoseev tells how to become part of a close-knit group of people for whom Twitter is an integral working tool and even a way of life.

    A couple of years ago, I came across one precise observation on the Internet: if Facebook is decorous erotica at one in the morning on Ren-TV, then Twitter is swashbuckling hardcore porn. (In modern times, apparently, it is necessary to add that “” in this case is a snuff with dismemberment). In general, hardcore is the leitmotif that permeates everything that happens on Twitter, at least in the Russian-language part of it.

    1. Write a lot

    You need to write a lot on Twitter. This is probably the only social media (microblog service, if you pick and choose terms) where you can not restrain yourself in volumes without being accused of flooding. If someone is unhappy, that's their problem. On Twitter there is a limit on the number of tweets (1000 per day and 60 per hour), after which a short-term ban occurs, but some people do not like to wait and create a second, backup account for such cases.

    2. Hide the excess

    However, sometimes even the most persistent and habitual people are forced to make restrictions. For example, you can turn off the display of retweets from individual users in your feed. This helps a lot when some good person suddenly becomes too passionate about one topic and believes that you are obliged to share his obsession with him. You can also mute (that is, “hide” - from the English mute) all tweets using keywords. This is vital when your entire feed has been competing in wit about Depardieu for the second day or is once again conducting a collective investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group.

    3. Quote without quotes

    One of the most insidious rules that constantly confuses newcomers: on Twitter, it is customary to quote without quotes - both what you agree with and what you want to ridicule. How then will readers understand that you are not writing from yourself? If the reader has been following you for a long time, then he understands: a liberal cannot suddenly write that, for example, the Jews sold Russia, and a socialist cannot write that pensions need to be abolished, this is an “ironic quotation.” Of course, after the publication of an unquoted quote from KP columnist Ulyana Skoybeda, there will definitely be beautiful-hearted people who will call you a terrible person and even wish you a slow, painful death. You can explain to them that “it was a quote,” but it’s better not to - hardcore does not tolerate curtseys.

    4. Quote in series

    The more difficult case is when they quote what they agree with. How to understand where the quote is and where the words of the author of the tweet are? The first is usually taken out of context, while the latter still has a more or less complete form. One way or another, nothing prevents you from entering a questionable phrase into Google. Advice: in the first minutes of the release of a resonant interview or column, you can quote the most striking passages from there and collect several retweets. In this case, it is acceptable to provide a large piece of text, divided into several tweets: at one time, services were popular that allowed you to artificially increase the volume of characters in a tweet, but they did not catch on and it is better not to use them.

    5. Beware of RT

    6. Never ingratiate yourself.

    Don’t write “please RT” or “maximum retweet” - if you reported something really important or made a good joke, then you will be noticed in any case. Do not tag famous people or popular bloggers through the “mension” in the hope of attracting their attention - this is bad manners. Example of incorrect behavior: " met Boris @b_nemtsov in the metro. he's still cute))" or " Sergey @s_udaltsov is a mediocre politician!!" It's different if you're tagging your friends or acquaintances in a tweet, inviting them to drink in the evening, or asking a serious, justified question, for example: “ Alexey @navalny, why didn’t you go to the Russian March?" This is fine. Well, if you need a shameful, but free retweet, then you should write something like “ I searched half of Moscow, but finally found the latest number of SNC @xenia_sobchak. the best magazine in the world!))" It seems that Ksenia Sobchak’s Twitter is half made up of such retweets.

    7. Don’t litter replays

    If you expressed some interesting idea in a tweet, then one person may comment on it, then a second person may disagree with this person’s opinion, so a third person will join the discussion, then a fourth... At some point, all of these tweets will be almost entirely will consist of listing the usernames of the participants in the conversation, because on Twitter there is no separate place for them, such as, for example, the addressee field in the mail - usernames take up full space in the meager 140 characters of a tweet. Moreover, it often happens that the participants in the discussion forget about how it all began and begin to discuss completely abstract topics, for example, they argue about the latest high-profile film or, as a result of the conversation, they send each other back and forth for a long time. Your replay feed continues to update (after all, your username was there at the very beginning!) and prevents you from seeing truly important answers. Therefore, make it a habit to immediately delete people’s usernames from your correspondence if you understand that now replays definitely don’t concern them.

    8. Don't be shy in your expressions.

    Don't spend too much time formatting the text. The gold standard is to not start sentences with a capital letter or put a period at the end of a tweet. But if you suddenly do everything according to the rules of the Russian language, it will not be a big crime. They don't pay attention to commas on Twitter, but God forbid you make an obvious spelling mistake like "tsya/tsya" - you will be crucified. Obscene language deserves special attention. Mat is the flesh and blood of Russian Twitter. It can and should be used in any quantity, and I am experiencing real moral suffering by compiling this guide without swearing. The only ironclad rule is never replace letters inside such words with asterisks, this is terrible. It is also better not to use exotic, sophisticated modifications and be content with the simple monosyllabic classics of the mat. It is especially well suited for commenting on the news picture of the day: instead of 140 words - one.