• How to put in classmates open for communication. How to put marital status in classmates

    Previously in social network Odnoklassniki made it possible to simply add users as friends and communicate with them. Now it is possible to distribute friends into certain categories, such as “Family”, “ Best friends", "Colleagues", etc. In addition, you can indicate which of your friends you are more closely related to. However, along with this opportunity, a problem arose: feelings do not last forever, and sometimes it is necessary to remove this or that person from the relationship.


  • After you log into your account on the Odnoklassniki website, in the left top corner you will see your main photo, to the right of it are the fields “Main”, “Friends”, “Photo”, “Groups”, “Notes”, “Video”, “Gifts”, “Forum”, “Holidays”, “Bookmarks”, “About me”, “Black list”, “Auctions”, “Events”, “Achievements”. Under main photo The functions “Add photo”, “Top up account”, “More” are located. On the right side of the window you will see a list of holidays that your friends celebrate, below it a list of people you once knew, and below this list there will be a “About Me” field. There you can see your personal information, your parents and other relatives, and the person you are in a relationship with.
  • To remove this person from the relationship, click on the “In a relationship with...” button. Now you have two functions: “Get married” and “Break off the relationship.” By clicking on the second button, you will remove the person from the relationship and you will be able to choose a new soulmate or leave this column empty.
  • The next way to end a relationship on Odnoklassniki is to remove the person from your friends list. Go to the menu that contains the entire list of your friends, enter the name of your ex-significant other or friend in the search bar, hover over the account of this user and select the most recent one from the functions that open. It will be the “End friendship” function.
  • In addition to the above two ways to remove a person from a relationship, there is another way on this social network. In your friends list, find the person who is in a relationship with you, click on his name. His account will open in front of you. Under the main photo there is a button that allows you to write personal messages to this user. Click on it. This way you can send to a friend text message asking to be removed from the relationship.
  • Information for users over 13 years of age

    How to set up a relationship in Odnoklassniki, that is, change your status about yourself.

    The Odnoklassniki network gives a lot of opportunities to users and has long no longer quite lived up to its name because finding your classmates is the least that can be done in it.

    Here people fall in love, quarrel, congratulate on holidays, etc. And relatively recently, a function appeared that allows you to indicate your relationship with someone.

    All those who visit your page will see who you are married to or in a relationship with.

    How to establish relationships on Odnoklassniki

    • In the “More” menu, find the “About Me” settings, or you can scroll down your page a little, then on the right you will see the question “Maybe there is your soulmate on Odnoklassniki?”
    • Click on the “other half” link, this is where you can choose what kind of relationship you are in and with whom.
    • The selected user must receive your invitation and confirm the “relationship.”

    How to remove relationships in Odnoklassniki

    If your relationship is already listed in Odnoklassniki, you can change this. It's very simple:

    • Again, in the “More” menu in the “About Me” tab, click on the “Married” or “In a Relationship” link,
    • Uncheck the box
    • Save your settings.

    Now your profile will not indicate whether you are in a relationship with someone or not.

    Everything flows and changes, the person who was dear to you yesterday may no longer be so today. Of course, you need to break up gracefully and do it through, not the most best way. But in some cases it is quite acceptable. For example, relationships were initially virtual. Or has a person offended you so much that you don’t want to meet with him or talk on the phone, so you decided to burn all your bridges through Odnoklassniki? Or maybe you just want to tickle your soulmate’s nerves, hint that they might lose you under certain conditions?

    1. You can simply write a letter saying that you have decided to break up. A farewell letter is not only romantic, but also easy and simple.
    2. Another option is to leave a message on the person’s wall or forum. This is suitable for those cases when you want to inform not only him, but also all your mutual friends about your breakup. Instead of a message, you can send a song or music video appropriate to the occasion.
    3. You can record a video or audio message.
    4. If you categorically do not want to communicate with a person (for example, he did something mean), then you can write to one of your mutual friends so that they convey your decision to him. Also an option, although not a very successful one.

    However, it is still better to talk to the person about the breakup in person, especially if you were in a serious relationship. Take courage and do the decent thing - talk to the person face to face, don’t leave a negative memory about yourself. Many people believe that the more often you do the right thing in life, the more often fate rewards you for it.

    Who knows, maybe, having parted with someone beautifully today, tomorrow you will meet someone with whom you will be together for the rest of your life? You may never again wonder how to hide a relationship on Odnoklassniki, because you will probably want to shout about your love not only to the entire social network, but to the whole world.

    In Odnoklassniki, a user can specify a lot of all kinds of information about himself. Maybe even list your favorite movies or books! Often people indicate their significant other, that is, the people with whom they are in a relationship. In this article we will tell you in detail how to add, change or remove a significant other.

    How to set marital status in Odnoklassniki?

    Go to Odnoklassniki, in the menu located in the center of the screen, click “More” - “About Me”.

    Here you will see sections where you can add information about yourself. We are interested in the other half. Click on the line “Maybe there is your soulmate on Odnoklassniki?”

    Choose your soulmate from your friends. If your spouse is not on Odnoklassniki, you can indicate his name by clicking on the line “Indicate the name of your significant other.”

    Enter the name of your significant other and click “Done.”

    Go to your page, now information about your other half will be listed here as well.

    Go back to the “About Me” section and find information about your marital status. Click on marital status(in the example this is “Married”), after which a menu will appear, and in it click “Break relationship”.

    The relationship will be severed, information about your significant other will disappear from your page.

    How to change marital status in Odnoklassniki?

    It is best to change your marital status through the removal of your significant other, as shown above. Next, simply indicate your new current marital status.

    Marital status in the mobile version of the site

    At the time of writing, change, delete or add marital status to mobile version site on your phone or using an application. But you can do this: open full version site from mobile browser and provide the required information. To do this, in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki, call up the menu and click “Full version of the site.”


    Add or remove marital status in Odnoklassniki

    Surely you have seen many users of the social network Odnoklassniki.ru marital status. For example, married, open to communication, or divorced. Want to do the same?

    Let's figure out how to add, remove or change marital status in Odnoklassniki.

    How to set or change marital status in Odnoklassniki

    It's very easy to do this:

    • In a relationship
    • Married
    • Open for communication
    • Divorced

    If you select the items “In a relationship” or “married”, a new window will open asking you to select the person with whom you are in a relationship.

    If you select the “Open for communication” or “Divorced” options, your status will simply change.

    How to remove the “Married” or “In a Relationship” status in Odnoklassniki

    To remove the “Married” or “In a Relationship” status, you need to go to the page of the person with whom you want to break off the relationship; in the left column (under the main photo) there will be the necessary item.

    I hope the article “how to set (remove, change, change, indicate, delete, change, hide) marital status in Odnoklassniki” was useful to you.


    How to remove marital status in Odnoklassniki?

    As you know, in Odnoklassniki you can enter information about who you are dating or who you are married to. The function is interesting, but if the relationship comes to an end, the joint venture status must be removed. How to do this?

    Go to your page. In the menu, click “More”, then when the drop-down menu appears, click “About Me”.

    Our example specifies a relationship with a user. Click on the "In a Relationship" button.

    A menu will appear. In it, click “Break relationship”.

    You can check that your marital status is no longer reflected on your page.

    If it is indicated that you are married or married, act in exactly the same way.


    How to remove or change marital status in Odnoklassniki from PC or mobile version

    • Removing SP
    • Removing from the computer
    • From phone
    • Results and comments
    • Video

    Naturally, like other social networks, ok.ru has information about your marital status. Today we’ll just talk about how to remove it from Odnoklassniki. If you are interested in the opposite side of the issue, read our article: How to set marital status. So let's get started.

    Removing SP

    We will consider the process using the example of a detailed step by step instructions, each stage of which is accompanied by screenshots. Also at the very bottom of the page you will find a thematic video.

    The OK audience is divided into two components:

    • visitors from a PC or laptop;
    • mobile device users.

    Naturally, we will consider canceling your marital status for both the former and the latter.

    Removing from the computer

    So, let's look at the process of removing our significant other from the PC. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. To get started, open your browser and scroll down the page, select “About Me” from the left side column. That's exactly what we need.

    1. Then when we get to new page, click on the existing joint venture and select a new one from the drop-down list.

    That's all. A couple of clicks and your relationship status has changed. Simple, isn't it? Now let's help in this issue and users who visit the site from mobile devices.

    From phone

    Let's figure out how to do the same on the phone, or more precisely, in the mobile version of OK, which people use when accessing Odnoklassniki through a browser.

    To delete a marital status, do the following:

    1. Open the browser to mobile device and enter the address ok.ru. On your page you need to open the main menu. We have marked the button with a red circle.

    1. Next, scroll the content to the very bottom and select “Full version of the site”.

    1. As soon as we get to the full version, in the left side column we need to expand the item indicated in the screenshot.

    1. Now, as in the case of a computer, select “About Me”.

    1. Tap on the arrow marked in the picture to change your marital status to any one in the list.

    Ready. Our relationship will be severed. The issue of deleting SP in Odnoklassniki via phone has been resolved.

    Results and comments

    That's it. The topic of removing SP in OK has been fully discussed. As it turns out, it's not difficult at all. Now you know how to do this from a PC and phone. We hope the article was useful to you, but even if you still have questions, we are ready to help. Just write to us in the comments.


    Also, for greater clarity, we posted a video designed to highlight the topic of relationship status in Odnoklassniki.

    In Odnoklassniki, a user can specify a lot of all kinds of information about himself. Maybe even list your favorite movies or books! Often people indicate their significant other, that is, the people with whom they are in a relationship. In this article we will tell you in detail how to add, change or remove a significant other.

    How to set marital status in Odnoklassniki?

    Go to Odnoklassniki, in the menu located in the center of the screen, click “More” - “About Me”.

    Here you will see sections where you can add information about yourself. We are interested in the other half. Click on the line “Maybe there is your soulmate on Odnoklassniki?”

    Choose your soulmate from your friends. If your spouse is not on Odnoklassniki, you can indicate his name by clicking on the line “Indicate the name of your significant other.”

    Enter the name of your significant other and click “Done.”

    Go to your page, now information about your other half will be listed here as well.

    How to remove marital status in Odnoklassniki?

    Go back to the “About Me” section and find information about your marital status. Click on your marital status (in the example it’s “Married”), after which a menu will appear, and in it click “Break relationship.”

    The relationship will be severed, information about your significant other will disappear from your page.

    How to change marital status in Odnoklassniki?

    It is best to change your marital status through the removal of your significant other, as shown above. Next, simply indicate your new current marital status.

    Marital status in the mobile version of the site

    At the time of writing, it is not possible to change, delete or add marital status in the mobile version of the site on the phone or using the application. But you can do this: open the full version of the site from a mobile browser and provide the necessary data. To do this, in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki, call up the menu and click “Full version of the site.”

    All social services make it possible to set marital status in profiles. Odnoklassniki is no exception in this regard. In this regard, many users have a question about how to set their marital status in Odnoklassniki. For example, a guy and a girl started dating and want everyone to know about it. So that you don’t dig through the sections yourself and frantically search for the item you need, we will tell you in detail how to find it and what to click. By the way, this is quite simple to do.

    We indicate for the first time

    1.Open your profile in Odnoklassniki. In the horizontal list of sections, click on the last item “More”.

    2.Select the fourth block “About yourself”.

    3. Pay attention to the second line “Maybe there is your soulmate on Odnoklassniki”? Click on the “other half” link that is highlighted orange.

    4.A list of options will appear:

    • In a relationship.
    • Married.
    • Open for communication.
    • Divorced.

    5.Select the item that suits you.

    6.If you are dating someone or are already married, you can indicate your partner. You will immediately be taken to the list of your friends, in which you must choose your soul mate. Click on to the right user.

    7. He will receive a notification that you want to add him to your family status. When she confirms your request, the information will immediately be shown on your profile.

    9.Click on “Done”.

    Where can marital status be seen on the page? The information will be placed in the block to the right of the user's avatar.

    Can this be done from a phone?

    Change information about relationships in the mobile version of the site on your phone or via special application impossible. There is only one way out of the situation: launch the full version of the site on a smartphone and change the information there.

    IN mobile version service, click on the menu and find the “Full version of the site” item there. This will be extremely inconvenient, since the full version of the resource is not designed for small screen smartphone. Plus, the site may load much slower if you are on a mobile connection. In this regard, it is advisable to wait until you have the opportunity to log into your profile from a computer and change all the information there. If the matter is urgent, then feel free to go to the full version. It is recommended to use stable connection Wi-Fi.

    How to change SP?

    Do you want to change your marital status in Odnoklassniki? Any user can change their status in their profile without any problems. It is impossible to change the status of another person. In this case, you should have access to his profile. However, changing data on someone else’s page is at least unethical. You can change the status of another person, but only if he agrees to it. It’s the same with confirming your situation with a person. Only he himself can confirm.

    1.Open the “About Me” window again. Click on your current status. It could be “Married” or simply “In a relationship” with someone.

    2.Click on one of the available options.

    3.If you need to specify a new partner, then click on “Break relationship” and specify the user again. If you want to completely remove marital status from Odnoklassniki, just don’t add anything afterwards.

    Social service Odnoklassniki allows you to set, change or even delete your status. You have the right to customize your profile yourself. The fact that you once set the status “married” to someone does not mean that you cannot change it to another and that you will have to start new account.