• How to put a horde icon on twitch. Create subscriber badges for your Twitch channel. Enjoy hundreds of available fonts and typographic elements

    Hi all! With this article, I want to start a series of publications in which I will tell and show how to design a Twitch channel.

    In this lesson I will tell you how to design banners in the panel under the player.

    In order to start creating a unique design, you need to click on the “Edit Panel” button.

    Then you should see a tab, click on it, and you will see a form in which you will need to set the parameters of the future banner.

    1. “Panel Title” is the title of your banner.

    2. “Add image” this button is intended for loading a banner image. The maximum width of the uploaded banner must be at least 320px, otherwise the uploaded image will be automatically expanded in width.

    3. “image Links To” in this field, if necessary, you can add a link that will open when you click on the banner. Typically, this function is used to direct the user to your other resources and to go to the DonationAlerts form for sending a donation.

    4. “Description” This is the description under the picture of your banner. It can contain any additional information.

    If you are a beginner streamer, then it will be enough for you to install 5-6 banners in the panel under the player:

    About me - brief information about you.

    Streamer support (donation banner via DonationAlerts)

    VK group (If not present, must be created)

    YouTube channel (if available) usually clippings of interesting moments are uploaded to YouTube channels.

    Banner with electronic wallets - WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI wallets, etc.

    My PC - here you need to indicate the characteristics of your computer.

    But before you start designing your panel, you should have your banners ready. Where can I get them?

    Especially for you, I made something like a constructor for a novice streamer. At the end of the article you can download a folder with ready-made banner templates, with which you can create a unique set of banners for your channel. All images in the folder are in .png format and are available for use in any editor.

    1. Open any editor convenient for you, from the standard “Paint” to “Adobe Photoshop”.

    2. Select any blank you like from the folder.

    3. Then, on the background of the blank, on top, we put the headings from the same folder. On a large banner, you need to overlay a layer with electronic wallet icons. I added two icons for WebMoney, since two wallets are usually used: WMZ, WMR.

    4. We go to the channel, click “Edit panel”, and add your banners one by one (not forgetting to sign the title). Don't forget to click "Submid" under each form.

    Namely, by introducing the possibility of registering a paid subscription to a companion’s channel (it will be possible to “zasabitsa”), I decided in advance to come up with the style and design of badges (icons) that appear next to the subscriber’s nickname in the chat.

    It is typical that you cannot limit yourself to one single icon. Well, it’s impossible... In principle, it’s possible, but you lose one of the tools for retaining your audience. After all, Twitch has been operating a loyalty system for subscribers for quite some time, which is expressed in a kind of progress in the appearance of the icon as the length of the subscription increases.

    The subscriber badge changes in periods: the first month of subscription, the third month, six months, a year and two years. By default, Twitch plays on the theme of precious metals and stones. First, the subscriber receives an unsightly gray badge with a crack, and after three months he switches to bronze. In fact, he takes silver for six months, and gets gold for a year. Well, in another year, a diamond badge is offered for the two-year anniversary of the subscription.

    Finding your style

    This approach is too primitive and I wanted to avoid using it. All this craving for gold, silver and other luxury has always been very popular, just remember the style of iOS before version 7. I was impressed by the more interesting options for badge progress that I saw on the channels of various Twitch partners - namely progress, change, and not a change in its quality.

    WeLoveGames Badges

    The first thing that came to my mind at that moment was the icons on the WeLoveGames channel. Unfortunately, I’m not a fan of this streamer’s work, but I pay tribute to the graphic design that he uses for his brand. Denis plays on the logo of his channel in the style of old computer games: the initially empty heart is gradually filled with vitality, and in the 2nd year it becomes golden.

    I decided not to invent a bicycle, but to take my logo as a basis, which is also distinguished by its simple geometric shapes. In fact, this is a fox, made in the most abstract style with triangles. Here is an illustration, the basis of which I drew with my finger on the phone screen in Google Keep. Due to the lack of an initial idea on how to depict the progress of the development of the badge, I myself initially slipped into the “premium” category of precious metals, and even decided to stick a heart to my future badge =)

    First sketch in Google Keep

    18 pixels

    Despite the flawed concept itself, the lack of an idea for a two-year subscription and the primitiveness of the presentation of the finger prototyping method, the option proposed above received approval from the “focus group” simply because it looked quite tolerable. The problems started at the stage of drawing the icon according to the rules set by Twitch.

    The basic size of a subscriber badge is set by the service at 18 by 18 pixels; options for icons twice and four times larger (36 and 72 pixel squares) are also requested. It would seem that what could be difficult in the process? Reduce a large logo in Photoshop so that it fits within the specified dimensions - business! But it seems so until you start drawing something pixel by pixel in a limited space.

    In principle, I did not like operating in PhotoShop as part of such filigree work, and I discovered piskelapp.com - an online service for creating pixel art, including animated ones. After several days of painful attempts to draw my triangular fox, I ended up with a very lackluster result. But most importantly, I still didn’t have a concept for developing the icon.

    Initial drawing version


    We sat with friends, I showed them my efforts in creating badges for subscribers. There was still no concept. I showed the guys different variations of loyalty badges in Google image search. Opened the RXNexus subscription page, with its chick hatching from the egg receiving a crown and mantle. It was a typical dull morning after the previous revelry.

    rxnexus icons

    In general, my comrades rated my work highly; everyone liked the icon in its original resolution. Everyone except me, because there was no idea. There was just a logo in color and black and white pixel art. I said the word “integrity” several times while showing the guys the WLG and Nexus icons. And suddenly it dawned on me!

    After all, my icon really lacks integrity - these scattered triangles look good in high resolution, on a VKontakte group icon or Twitch channel logo, but at a resolution of 18x18 pixels it all looks disjointed and unfinished. Then I took a “pencil”, painted it black and traced the outline. And everything came together!

    Added a little volume to the dark red ones. Sasha suggested drawing the fox’s eyes. I immediately attached a crown for the two-year subscriber, and made a pale “arctic fox” version for the first-month subscriber. The idea of ​​a hat looked good in terms of getting a badge for a one-year-old subscriber, but what kind of hat should it be?

    I went out onto the balcony to breathe and a minute later I realized - bandana! After all, I always broadcast in a black bandana with white hieroglyphs. I go back into the room and say:

    Sasha, I came up with an idea!

    And he looks at me, smiles and answers:

    Me too. Bandana.

    Perhaps fools think alike, but the main thing is that the concept began to take shape, and I was only missing one badge for a subscriber with 6 months of experience. Initially, I made a color version of the first badge for 3 months with the same flat eyes, and for 6 months I depicted “herringbone eyes,” but later in the evening, when the guys left, I realized that it wouldn’t work.

    The icon changes from three to six months should be more noticeable than simply changing the expression of the eyes by moving two pixels up. And literally right away I thought about Deal With It glasses, and finished drawing them for my fox. The puzzle is complete.

    Final version of badges

    UPD from August 2017

    After I developed a new emoticon for $10 subscribers, the idea came to redesign the icon for subscribers with one year of experience. A respectable fox in a bowler hat and with a monocle seemed to me much more interesting than a punky fox in a bandana. He seems like a logical transition from the self-confident six-month-old fox. But of course, I’m not writing this all seriously. It's just that bandanas come and go, but gold monocles remain ;)


    What is typical is that I am not a real artist, I have been working with computers all my life and have not noticed any inclination towards creative activity in myself, except that I like to sing something all the time. But in this case, I wanted to do something good and beautiful so that my future subscribers would like the icons. To want to subscribe to the channel just for the sake of such a cute icon. And now I'm looking forward to the subscription becoming available.

    P.S. Please note that intellectual property rights come into effect upon publication of the copyrighted work. All rights belong to their respective owners.

    Copyright © Evgeny Pavlov, 2017

    It's all somehow connected

    How to properly, easily and quickly create your channel on Twitch. A voluminous article with pictures that explains all the details.

    Today, video streaming services are becoming more and more popular, allowing you not only to broadcast gameplay, but also to enjoy communicating with your viewers. Most streamers strive to attract a large audience through gaming content and online communication. But many users of the Twitch.tv service are also interested in the design of the channel. This is what I wanted to help our streamer with today.

    Twitch channel design

    1. Information about the streamer

    First of all, the viewer is interested not so much in the game as in the streamer himself. That's why it's better to start with a short biography. You can write it either in the profile itself, to do this you need to click on the key icon opposite your nickname, it takes you to your profile settings (scr.1), then scroll down to the field: “About yourself” (scr.2), and in panels under the broadcast, but more on that later.

    Field: “About Me”(scr.2)

    The video player banner is an image that will be displayed when your channel is not connected to the Twitch.tv system (scr.3).


    You can access the banner settings through the tab: Channel and video materials (scr.4).

    Tab: “Channel and video materials”(scr.4)

    All that remains is to select a picture from your computer and upload it to the channel (scr.5). The picture must be in 1280:720 or 1920:1080 format, otherwise it will stretch across the entire broadcast screen (as in my screenshot above).

    The profile banner is the splash screen in your profile window (scr.6).

    You can put your picture on your profile screensaver by clicking the button: Change profile banner (scr.7).

    Button: “Change profile banner”(scr.7)

    4. Information panels

    Probably the most important thing in the design of the channel is the information panels under the broadcast window. To create a panel, you need to click on the switch next to the panel editing label, it is located under the broadcast window (scr.8).

    Switch for panel editing(scr.8)

    After clicking, a window for editing the panel will appear (scr.9)

    Panel editing window(scr.9)

    • Panel Title – title of the panel.
    • Add Image – allows you to add a picture to this panel (it is better to choose an image with a size of no more than 400x100, otherwise the picture will be compressed).
    • Image Links To: - allows you to set a link to this picture (after clicking on the picture, the user will go to the link you need).
    • Description: – field for entering information.
    • Submit – save the panel.
    • Remove – remove the panel.

    You can create as many of these panels as you like. In one you can write information about yourself, in another you can make a button, in a third you can make a button for selecting music for the stream, and so on.

    5. Music selection button

    In most cases, streams are accompanied by music, but sometimes users simply get tired of listening to the streamer’s tracks, and then the great creators of Twitch came up with http://twitch-dj.ru. The streamer just needs to register, enter his nickname and channel name, after which a link will be given (scr.10).

    After pressing the button, the viewer will be transferred to the music order window (scr.12).

    6. Formatting text in panels

    Let's return to the information panels. It is unlikely that the viewer will like it if the text under the broadcast is monotonous, so now I will tell you how to format the text in these panels. There are several symbols that help format text. All characters must be placed before the first word on each line.

    # — Makes text on the given line bold(scr.13)

    ## — The text becomes smaller, but remains bold(scr.13)

    Formatting text(scr.13)

    ***** — Dividing line (scr.14)

    Dividing line (scr.14)

    These are the most used text format functions. You can view all the rest in the panel itself, just click on the Markdown button (scr.15).

    Thank you for your attention! I hope you will find a lot of new and useful things in this article.

    Twitch channel design, header template.

    I won’t explain what Twitch is, if you came to this article, then you know this, so let’s get straight to the point.

    Step 1. Create a header.

    From the moment you create your channel, your header will look like this:

    Agree, it’s not a very interesting design. Actually, in order to replace it, we first need to draw our own cover. The recommended header size is 1200x300 and the file size should not exceed 3 MB. I have already made a ready-made template of the required size, it looks like this:

    Ready-made Twitch template - save in Photoshop

    Step 2. Replace the header on Twitch.

    We already have the hat, all that remains is to replace it on the Twitch channel itself. To do this, go to your channel and click on our nickname.

    The current Twich header will appear. We point the mouse at it, we will be asked to change the profile banner, also known as the header. We click anywhere on the cover and we will be prompted to upload a new image. We drag our header image into the browser, or select it from the desired folder.

    Click the “Finish” button

    As a result, we get the following header:

    You can change the cover as many times as you like and at any time.

    The most popular and famous chat memes currently known on Twitch.

    Save this page in bookmarks and you can always post cool memes in the chat.

    Text and graphic memes appeared even before Twitch. And we went there immediately. First, one smart guy decided that if he beautifully composed different text symbols in a certain order, they would look like a picture. The fashion for this quickly spread and now almost every chat on Twitch is regularly filled with these same memes.

    We offer you the top 5 funniest and most popular memes.

    The most popular memes for chatting on Twitch

    Let's launch Goose, hard workers!

    Of course, this meme will be in first place.


    There are several variations of this meme:



    ░░░▐░░░░▐▄▒ Beautiful ▒▒▀▄

    Gypsy or RIOT!

    The meme became popular in early 2016 and still often pops up in various chats on Twitch.


    Nice game play

    Boobs have always been trending in any text chat or forum. Twitch chats did not stand aside.


    Let's launch Homunculus the Hard Worker!

    Continuing the theme with the goose, many different memes appeared, one of the most adequate and popular about Homunculus (who doesn’t know what a Homunculus is - Wikipedia to help).

    ░░░░░░▐░░░▄▄▄▄▄░ ▀▀▄

    Let's launch Shurikens, Robotics!

    Fascist humor, like any other humor where racial or sexual minorities are oppressed, is very peculiar and not everyone may like it. But the fact remains that this meme is very popular on Twitch.


    Let's launch Uncle Bogdan


    Fresh cool memes for Twitch chat

    Let’s move on from popular and trending ones to fresh ones that have only recently appeared. There are a lot of them, but we will cover a few of the coolest, in our opinion.

    ░░░░░░░░░░ ░▄▀▀▌░░░░

    Thank you, Mr. Dudets!
    ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
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    / ノ⌒7⌒ヽーく  \ /
    丶_ ノ 。   ノ、 。|/
    `ヽ `ー-‘_人`ーノ
    丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ



    And finally, for lovers of beauty:

    ‘ ‘ ‘ ……………………………………………………………..

    P.S. Each meme from the article can be downloaded by simply copying the text. Therefore, save this page for yourself and come here every time you need to insert some cool meme in a chat on Twitch!