• How to increase the download speed of games on Steam. How to increase download speed from Steam. Choosing a provider to increase Steam speed

    In our time of universal Internet, few people buy their games on separate media. After all, you can watch trailers, the opinions of players and reviewers, and choose among thousands of games right from home. Neither delivery to the retail outlet, nor geography, nor drizzling rain will no longer prevent the gamer from relaxing. You just need to go to http://store.steampowered.com and buy what you like.

    How to speed up the game download process on Steam.

    The catch is that modern games on Steam are quite large. You won't surprise anyone with tens of gigabytes. There are more. Almost all users believe that their channel is enough for a quick jump. However, they often experience several successive disappointments. The speed is low!

    How to speed up game loading on Steam?

    Technical essence of the problem

    Other consumer programs included. The advice is simple. Disable or limit operating speed.

    • The most typical consumer in the modern world is Torrent. Most clients are able to limit download and distribution speeds. The method depends on the specific product, so for an inexperienced user it is easier to temporarily turn it off. Partially downloaded files will continue where they left off last time. Whatever the user uploads, the program tries to reduce the time as much as possible, but the distribution causes an increase in the exchange.
    • Download in the browser. Many users have the habit of opening many tabs. The page periodically polls the server and eats resources. In addition, there are sites that have pages with many such queries.
    • All kinds of background processes. Anything can happen here, and there is only one general advice: install only what you need and pay attention to how the program uses resources.

    Internet speed is good. But it’s difficult to download. It's about the service itself. Millions of users access it every day. Fortunately, there are numerous mirrors (duplicate servers). How to increase the download speed in this case, read the instructions below.

    Working with mirrors

    Go to the Steam application in the Steam menu → Settings → Downloads. Select the region closest to you. You can play with regions, but don't use American or European ones. They give the least chance of a high-speed jump. There is also a speed limit here. This is necessary so that the game does not take over the entire available channel. Check this setting. We increase it until we find the optimal ratio between your requests to the Internet.

    Server usage statistics are available at: http://store.steampowered.com/stats/content. It’s convenient that you can watch it for the last 48 hours.

    Pay attention to the word FILTERED in the server name. Not everyone can use this server, but if you can, very good. Why? It is precisely because of its inaccessibility to other providers that it is less loaded. The download speed will increase significantly.

    After changing the settings, restart the Steam application.


    The best way to increase loading speed on Steam is to use content servers. They are copies of Valve's main main server, which stores all downloadable games available to users of the service. Official content servers are often loaded and downloading from them is very slow, so it makes sense to use other mirrors.

    Select the content server closest to your location using the corresponding function on the Steam website. Look at the server data. If it has any load other than zero, then it can be used. If the name of the mirror contains the parameter, it means that only a limited number of users can use it.

    Go to your Steam client settings. To do this, open the program window and select Steam - “Settings”. Next, go to the “Downloads + Cloud” menu. In the “Download Region” field, select the server you found. After that, apply the changes by clicking on the “Ok” button. Restart the client.

    After restarting, Steam will use the specified server. Try downloading any game. If the download speed has increased, then all the applied settings were correct.

    If you want to achieve maximum game download speed on Steam, it is advisable to disable other Internet programs running on your computer. Thus, an enabled torrent client can significantly reduce the performance of other programs. You should also disable all kinds of download managers, browsers and other applications that transmit data over the Internet.

    Useful advice

    In Steam settings, you can also specify the desired download speed through the “Internet Connection Speed” field. This setting allows you to increase or decrease the amount of data received by the application. This way you can increase or decrease the speed of loading games.


    • Steam Traffic Map

    Steam is a digital distribution system for computer games. With it, you can buy and install licensed versions of various games through your personal user account. If your internet connection is not very good, you can try increasing the content loading speed.


    The loading speed of games largely depends on the content servers used - mirrors of the main Valve server. They store all games that are available to Steam clients in encrypted form. By default, the program is configured in such a way that the content server is selected depending on the user's region and taking into account the minimum ping of the current connection, however, the automatic selection of Steam is not always optimal. For example, the main Russian content servers Central, Urals and Siberia most often do not offer high speeds. You can change the content server and increase the loading speed of games.

    Choose a content server depending on its current load. Statistics with this data are available at http://store.steampowered.com/stats/content/. Choose the server that is closest to you and least loaded. Please note that zero load means that the server is currently unavailable. Also try to find servers with the parameter: they are faster and are provided by various providers, among which yours may be.


    The best way to increase loading speed on Steam is to use content servers. They are copies of Valve's main main server, which stores all downloadable games available to users of the service. Official content servers are often loaded and downloading from them is very slow, so it makes sense to use other mirrors.

    Select the content server closest to your location using the corresponding function on the Steam website. Look at the server data. If it has any load other than zero, then it can be used. If the name of the mirror contains the parameter, it means that only a limited number of users can use it.

    Go to your Steam client settings. To do this, open the program window and select Steam - “Settings”. Next, go to the “Downloads + Cloud” menu. In the “Download Region” field, select the server you found. After that, apply the changes by clicking on...

    0 0

    Probably everyone knows that Steam is a digital distribution system for game content with millions of users, which allows you to download purchased games from content servers to any computer on which you are logged into your account. However, due to the huge number of users, even with a 100 megabit channel, you need to wait a long time when downloading large games and especially on the days of world releases.

    1. Content servers.

    A little theory. Content servers are mirrors of the main Valve server, on which all games available to clients of the Steam network are stored in encrypted form. Content servers are available in almost all regions of the globe. By default, when installing, Steam pings all available mirrors and selects the one with the lowest ping, but low ping does not mean that the server is not currently loaded and will serve content...

    0 0

    There is no need to say that some server downloads faster - it all depends on where the user lives and the services of which provider he uses. For example, sometimes my speed with Russia-Central is higher than with Russia-Ural, even though I live in the capital of the Urals.

    Well, it looks like some kind of work is being done to increase the speed, since, for example, until the summer of this year, my download speed on Steam did not rise above 1.3-2.1 Mb/s, but now sometimes I see the speed reaches up to 3.6 Mb/s (I don’t remember what the maximum was last time, but something around 4.1-5 Mb/s if my memory serves me correctly), but again it all depends on the load and if the game just came out or a new one appeared addition, then the speed sags and is lower...

    0 0

    Probably everyone knows that Steam is a digital distribution system for game content with millions of users, which allows you to download purchased games from content servers to any computer on which you are logged into your account. However, due to the huge number of users, even with a 100 megabit channel, you need to wait a long time when downloading large games and especially on the days of world releases.

    In this HOWTO, I will tell you how you can increase your download speed and take full advantage of the capabilities of thick Internet channels.

    1. Content servers

    A little theory. Content servers are mirrors of the main Valve server, on which all games available to clients of the Steam network are stored in encrypted form. Content servers are available in almost all regions of the globe. By default, when installing, Steam pings all available mirrors and selects the one with the lowest ping, but low ping does not mean that the server is not currently loaded and will serve content without cutting back...

    0 0

    Increasing download speed on Steam!

    Link to the cool guy: https://www.youtube.com/user/TaleerGameGrief Today I will show you how to increase the loading speed on Steam! Steam Thank you all for watching! Subscribe to the channel! Give it a like! Link to VK group: http://vk.com/gamers.republic Link to group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Findex_Vulcan

    How to increase download speed from steam


    Steam upload speed 3,430,891,008.0 GB/S


    How to increase loading speed on Steam

    Integral Game_...

    0 0

    After you buy the game on Steam, you will need to download it. The download process is highly dependent on your Internet speed. The faster your Internet connection, the faster you will receive your purchased game and be able to start playing it. This is especially important for those who want to play a new game at the time of its release. In addition to the speed of your Internet connection, the download duration is also affected by the server you select in Steam. A correctly selected server allows you to increase your download speed by two or more times. Read on to find out how to increase download speed on Steam.

    The need for high game download speeds is becoming more and more urgent as the size of game data increases every year. If previously most games weighed about 10-20 gigabytes, today it is no longer uncommon for games to occupy more than 100 gigabytes on the user’s hard drive. Therefore, in order not to have to download one game for several days, it is important to correctly configure the download in Steam.

    How to increase download speed on Steam In order to change download settings, you need to go to the general settings tab. This is done using the top menu of the Steam client. You need to select Steam - Settings.

    What's on this settings tab? At the top there is a button for selecting a location - “download”. Using Nero 8, you can change the folder where Steam games will be downloaded. The following setting is extremely important for download speed. The download region determines from which server you will download the game. Since the majority of our readers live in Russia, they need to choose Russian regions accordingly. You need to proceed from the range and location of the selected region. For example, if you live in Novosibirsk or near this city or the Novosibirsk region, then accordingly you need to select the Russia-Novosibirsk region. This will significantly speed up loading on Steam.

    If Moscow is closer to you, then choose the appropriate region. In other cases you need to act in a similar way. The worst regions for downloading from Russia are American territories, as well as servers in Western Europe. But if you do not live in Russia, then it is worth trying other download regions. After the download region has been changed, you should restart Steam. Now the download speed should increase. Also on this tab there is a function - limiting the download speed. With it you can limit the maximum loading speed of games. This is necessary so that when downloading games you can use the Internet for other things. For example, watching videos on YouTube, broadcasting music, etc.

    Let's say that your Internet receives data at a speed of 15 megabytes per second, respectively. If you download a game from Steam at this speed, you will not be able to use the Internet for other activities. By setting the limit to 10 megabytes per second, you can use the remaining 5 megabytes to use the Internet for other purposes. The next setting is responsible for changing the download speed of games while simultaneously viewing game broadcasts on Steam. The option to slow down the download speed is needed in order to free up the Internet channel. Game download speed will be reduced. The last setting is responsible for the speed display format. The default download speed is shown in megabytes, but you can change it to megabits. To set the necessary settings, try downloading a game. See how the download speed has changed.

    If the speed has deteriorated, then try changing the download region to another. After each change in settings, check how the game loading speed has changed. Select the region that allows you to download games at the fastest speed.

    Now you know how you can increase your download speed on Steam.

    Question from a user


    Tell me with one problem. I recently bought the game on Steam, but I still can’t download it. The download speed does not exceed 100 KB/s (and if it exceeds it, it is only for a few seconds, and then it drops again).

    What’s strange: files from a torrent download at 10-11 MB/s. What could be the reason? (I tried different settings in the program itself, but no results yet)

    Good day!

    In general, ideally, if you have a torrent download speed of 10 MB/s, then approximately the same speed should be on Steam (in normal mode). Judging by the description, it looks very much like either some kind of “artificial” limitation, or a high load on the Steam server itself.

    Below I will try to give a consistent “procedure” for checking the basic software settings...

    Understanding the reasons for low speed on Steam

    1) Check your current speed

    I want to start the article with one simple piece of advice: first of all, check your current Internet speed (for example, you can be connected to a channel of 100 Mbit/s, but in fact at the moment the speed will not exceed 10 Mbit/s).

    It’s better to do this using third-party services (for example, on http://beta.speedtest.net/ru ). If during the test your Internet speed does not exceed 30 Mbps (Mbps), then the maximum download speed that you will see on Steam will not exceed 3.5 MB/s (to convert Mbps to MB/s just divide the number by 8; ) .

    Help! How to check and find out your real Internet speed -

    This can be done in task manager (to enter it - press Ctrl+Shift+Esc) , or using special applications. Pay attention first of all to those applications that load the network more than 5%: torrent programs, browsers, etc.

    2) Try changing the download region

    Steam games are located on different servers around the world! This was done to ensure that all users have high speed access to Steam services.

    Usually, by default, Steam automatically detects the nearest server for downloading games (and usually the maximum download speed from it). But in some cases, it makes sense to try to manually specify the desired server in the settings: often when a server in a neighboring country serves a file faster than a server in Russia...

    Note: You can select the region for downloading in the Steam settings in the "Downloads" section. See screenshot below.

    3) Check your speed limits

    There may also be speed limits in the Downloads section of Steam. Ideally, it should be set to “No limitation” (as in the screenshot below).

    Also pay attention to the checkboxes: allow loading during the game, slow down loading during the broadcast (i.e., it may be that you set a new game to download, and decided to while away the time in one of the old ones - but due to the missing checkbox, the download will not proceed while the game is running!).

    Note: also try clearing the download cache (the button is located at the bottom of the “Downloads” section window, see screenshot above).

    Please also note on (when games start selling on Steam, the load on the server channels increases, which affects the download speed).

    For example, during the New Year holidays, the load on the Steam servers increased by 2–6 times! And quite a lot of users complained about the access speed (if you have a similar case, just wait until the holidays are over).

    4) Are there any speed limits set in the router?

    Most modern providers install a router when connecting to the Internet (so that there is a Wi-Fi network throughout the house). Modern routers allow you to limit the download/upload speed (for example, so that one computer on the network does not “clog” the entire channel).

    Typically, the limit is set on a specific computer (and not on a program). Therefore, if the reason is in the router settings, then your download speed (most likely) will be low in all programs...

    Help! Setting up a home router using Tenda (FH456) as an example -

    Limit user download speed to 512 KB/s (Tenda router)

    By the way, in the router settings, also pay attention to other computers on the network: are they clogging the channel by loading various data. For example, in the screenshot above, the PC Lite computer downloads something at a speed of 465 KB/s...

    5) Change Internet provider

    In some cases, changing your Internet provider is the only solution to the problem. Especially if you use a low-speed connection when optics have already “arrived” in your home.


    Methods of connecting to the Internet: which is better and which one to choose -

    Additions on the topic are welcome...