• How to correctly enter coordinates into Google maps. Finding a place by coordinates, building a route. Step by step instructions

    This is what an example of a Google map looks like with marks of interesting places. Places are highlighted with yellow stars and signed, and if I want to visit one of them again, I open the map on my iPhone and use it as a navigator with the desired point.

    Each point on the globe has coordinates in numbers, which I usually indicate on my blog in reports about interesting places. Let's see how to use them using Google Maps.

    To get started with Google Maps, log in to your Google account so that the points are saved in your personal map. If it is not there, you can quickly register (link to log in or register: myaccount.google.com).

    For example, in the description of the Abandoned Hotel on the Seashore you found its coordinates in the form of numbers:

    10.323483,107.084107 ←Select and copy these numbers, open Google (you can just use a search engine, or you can use a Google map - it doesn’t matter), paste the numbers into the search box and press Enter↩.

    A map will open in front of us, all we have to do is click on it with the cursor and zoom in (by turning the mouse wheel) to see where this place is.

    The star changed color and a yellow star appeared on the map - the place was saved.

    Now we click on the inscription “Change label” and sign this place so that we can later understand what this point is.

    Now in your personal Google map there is a point of the Abandoned Hotel (). And you can open the Google maps application on your phone and (if you are logged into your Google account from your phone), use it as navigation.

    How to use Google maps navigation on your phone (useful features)

    Open points saved on your computer on a Google map

    If you saved points by logging into your Google account, then these points are forever saved on your personal map, and you can open them from any device, after first logging into your Google account on this device. The points will be shown in the Google maps application. To do this, you only need the Internet and GPS navigation (turn on satellite data transmission on your smartphone if this does not happen automatically).

    Save a place on Google map

    To save the point where you are already located on your smartphone, you need to open the Google maps application, turn on the Internet and GPS navigation on your smartphone, find yourself on the map (if navigation is turned on, the Map will show you a point with your location), click on this point with your finger and hold it until the panel at the bottom “Dropped pin” opens. Click on this panel and see the “Save” asterisk. Click on the star - your place is saved. You can also sign a Label (visible only to you) for this location.

    Get directions to a place on Google map

    To see how to get to a place, you need to plot a route. To do this, we find on the map the point we need to get to, click on it, and a car icon appears in the field of view on the screen. Click on the car and get the route laid out by Google. If desired, in the menu above you can select the type of transport: car, public transport, man (walk).

    Public transport on Google maps

    Google Maps, when plotting a route, shows the numbers of buses that can take you to the desired place in an unfamiliar city and recommends what is the best way to go: bus, metro, taxi or walking. All you need is access to the Internet - for this, in any new place you can simply buy a local SIM card with the Internet - and you always have navigation.

    Interesting places with coordinates on my blog for your notes:

    (c) Olga Salii. Copying material.

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    ENCOUNTER games often use (guess) GPS coordinates. Due to many questions and inconsistencies, various options for spelling and use, this article was written.

    Coordinate format

    Different software (navigators, 2GIS, etc.) use different coordinate formats.

    Here are the current formats:

    • 55.755831°, 37.617673° —- degrees (decimal)
    • N55.755831°, E37.617673E° —- degrees + additional. letters (decimal)
    • 55°45.35"N, 37°37.06"E —- degrees and minutes (+ additional letters)
    • 55°45"20.9916"N, 37°37"3.6228"E — degrees, minutes and seconds (+ additional letters)

    Additional letters indicate latitude (N-north, S-south) and longitude (W-west, E-east). If there are no letters, then negative latitudes and longitudes (southern and western, respectively) are indicated in decimal format with a “-” sign. If necessary, the formats can be recalculated independently: 1° = 60" minutes, 1" minute = 60" seconds.

    In order to determine the coordinates of a place, you need to select the “get information” tool:

    And then point the left mouse button at the location of interest. A cloud with information about it will open at the selected location, and the coordinates of this location will be available on the left side of the screen in 2 known formats:

    In order to determine a place using given coordinates, you need to enter them into the search field at the top and click “find”.


    1) If the coordinate format is decimal (first comes LATITUDE (for example, 57.632811), then separated by commas - LONGITUDE (for example, 39.89041)). In the coordinate itself, you only need to put a POINT. Write the coordinates themselves separated by COMMA. Those. in the example above you need to be: 57.632811, 39.89041

    2) If the coordinate format contains degrees, minutes and seconds (the latitude also comes first, then the longitude). The format is as follows: 57°37′58.39″, 39°53′22.97″

    3) In response to searching for coordinates, Yandex Maps puts a blue beacon in place. Previously, there was also a green beacon that displayed the exact position on the ground. The blue beacon is attracted to the nearest location on the map. In conditions of poor detail, the error of the blue beacon relative to the real state of things can range from several meters to several kilometers. The authors are strongly recommended to test the hidden coordinates for instructions from the blue beacon.

    The Kosmosnimki service works by analogy with Yandex Maps, but the coordinate beacon there more accurately indicates the required location. The detail in the countryside is quite low, but for the city it is quite tolerable.

    Features of working with Google Maps (https://maps.google.com/)

    Google Maps is perhaps the most convenient service for determining location by coordinates.

    The coordinate format is no different from that with Yandex Maps. Accepts both decimal and degrees with minutes and seconds.

    The fundamental difference: when you enter coordinates in the search bar, 2 beacons are created. The purpose of the red beacon is unclear. The green arrow shows the exact location at the specified coordinate. Moreover, the error of the red beacon in conditions of low detail of the map area can be tens of kilometers.

    Explanatory screenshot:

    In order to find out the coordinates of a place in Google Maps, you need to click on this place with the left mouse button and select “What is here?” in the context menu. The search bar will contain the current coordinates of the required point, and the point itself on the map will be marked with a green marker.

    Features of working with 2GIS (http://yaroslavl.2gis.ru/)

    2GIS is most convenient for working with coordinates only in urban environments. There is only one coordinate format - degrees, minutes, seconds. Example: 57° 37" 59.34", 39° 53" 37.67".

    There is no normal search by coordinates in 2GIS yet, but you can still determine them or find a place by coordinates.

    So, in order to determine the coordinates of a place on the map you need to:

    1) Right-click on the location of interest on the map

    4) The window will increase and you will see the “Coordinates” tab, you need to open it

    5) In front of you are the coordinates of your point.

    Screenshot for example:

    In order to find a place using these coordinates in 2GIS you need to:

    1) Poke anywhere on the map with the left mouse button.

    2) Select "Create point (note)" in the context menu

    3) In the window that opens, check the “advanced settings” box

    4) In the window with coordinates that opens, change the coordinate numbers to the desired ones.

    6) In the left menu in the drop-down list at the top, select “additional layers”

    7) Select the created note so that it appears on the map.

    Explanatory screenshot:

    Navigation software (CityGID, Navitel and others)

    Most navigation software supports searching in various coordinate formats.

    For CityGuide(using the example of version 7) the search by coordinates occurs according to the following scheme:

    1) Menu -> Search -> Coordinates.

    2) The following window will open:

    3) Click on buttons 1 or 2, respectively. Enter the coordinates. In the lower right corner there is a small reminder about possible input formats. It is most convenient to enter and use the decimal coordinate format. The letters (N, E, W, S) are not required.

    4) After entering the coordinates, the hidden point will open in the map window. Here you can evaluate how far to go and whether the task was solved correctly.

    5) Press the “Let’s go” button and the navigator will take you to the point in accordance with the loaded map.

    For Navitel Navigator

    Most coordinate formats are also supported. The coordinate format is set in the program settings in advance. Searching by coordinates is no different from the same in CityGuide:

    1) Find -> Coordinates (on the second menu page)

    2) Enter the coordinates and go.

    Hello, dear friends of the portal site!

    Tool - determination of geographical coordinates on a Google Maps map of a city, street, house, in real time. How to determine coordinates by address - latitude and longitude on the map, convenient search by coordinates in Google (Google Maps). A world map with coordinates (longitude and latitude) will allow you to find any address using already known parameters, calculate the distance between two cities/points online

    Fill out the Google Maps search form - enter the city, street, house number. Type the name of any geographical feature separated by a space. Or move the marker to the desired location yourself and search (click “Find”) using the coordinates of the object on the Google map. A similar search has already been used when searching in . Use the change in the scale of the diagram (the desired scale will appear in the third field from the top) to take a closer look at the location of the house on the street.

    As you may have noticed, when you move a label on the diagram, the geographical parameters change. We get a kind of map with latitudes and longitudes. Previously, we have already worked on determining coordinates on the Yandex map

    Using the reverse method, everyone will be able to search by coordinates in Google using known parameters. Instead of the geographical name of the object, we fill out the search form with known coordinates. The service will determine and show on the map the exact geographical location of the street or area.

    Interesting places in Google Maps - online secrets from satellite

    Knowing the address of any city in the world, the latitude and longitude of Washington and Santiago, Beijing and Moscow can be easily determined. accessible to both city guests and local residents. We are sure that you have already been able to master this tool on the page; by default, the map shows the center of the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow. Find your latitude and longitude on the map at the address.

    We propose to find out the secrets of the Google Maps service online. The satellite will not fly past interesting historical places, each of which is popular in a certain part of the globe.

    Below you can see for yourself that these interesting places on earth deserve special attention. And the Google Maps Sputnik service is happy to offer you to find and see the most famous geographical secrets of the world. We believe that residents of the Samara region will also be interested. They already know what it looks like.

    You do not need to determine their geographical coordinates and search for the necessary Google maps service. Just copy any parameters from the list below - latitude and longitude (CTRL+C).

    For example, we will watch from a satellite (switch to the “Satellite” scheme type) the largest stadium in the world and Brazil - Maracana (Rio de Janeiro, Maracana). Copy the latitude and longitude from the list below:


    Paste it into the search form of the Google Maps service (CTRL+V). All that remains is to start the search for the object itself. A mark with the exact location of the coordinates will appear on the diagram. We remind you that you must activate the “Satellite” scheme type. Everyone will choose a scale +/- that is convenient for themselves in order to better see the stadium in Brazil

    Thank you to Google Maps for the data you provided.

    Cartographic data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world

    Even those who didn’t like geography at school understand the importance of maps and the ability to search by coordinates. Now maps, like many other information, have entered computers, tablets, and smartphones. The maps offered by the Internet help you determine the area, find the right institution in an unfamiliar city, plot a rational route, and find a place using the available coordinates. The importance of having accurate coordinates has increased with the use of GPS and GLONASS navigators. The most frequently used services include Google and Yandex maps.

    How to correctly enter coordinates, different coordinate formats, how to translate them between each other?

    Coordinates are assumed to be the values ​​of geographic latitude and longitude - the main indicators of the location of a point on Earth. Latitude and longitude are measured in degrees and minutes. The accuracy of searching by coordinates, first of all, depends on their correct input. The following must be taken into account:

    1. Latitude is entered first, then longitude separated by commas.
    2. Yandex maps use northern latitude and eastern longitude by default. If other options are needed, please specify in letters:
    • N(С)—northern latitude;
    • S(S) – southern latitude;
    • E(В) – eastern longitude;
    • W(W) – western longitude.
    1. Latitude range: -90 to 900, longitude range: -180 to 1800.
    2. It is possible to use three formats for entering coordinates:
    • degrees, then minutes and seconds - 440 31′47”, 56012′33”;
    • after degrees minutes and seconds in the form of a decimal fraction - 39 24.256, 75 45.349;
    • in the form of decimal degrees – 33.76498, 67.51237.
    1. There are formulas for converting data from one format to another, but it’s easier to download existing converters that will carry out the translation automatically.

    Search by coordinates on the map (how to enter coordinates)

    The task of finding an object using available coordinates comes down to entering them correctly and obtaining information about the desired point.

    Yandex maps

    To find an object on the map using available coordinates, the values ​​of these coordinates are entered into the search bar in the upper left corner of the loaded Yandex map. In this case, minutes are entered as a decimal fraction, for example: 46.7543, 28.239675. Unless otherwise specified, the default is north (N) latitude and east (E) longitude. For Yandex maps, it is possible to use latitude and longitude symbols in both Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.

    Google maps

    A similar procedure is followed for downloaded maps. The difference is that in this service, latitude and longitude values ​​can only be read using Latin letters.

    Determine the coordinates of a point (latitude and longitude)

    Another useful feature of the maps was the ability to determine its exact latitude and longitude from a given point.

    Yandex maps

    To determine the exact data about the latitude and longitude of a certain point, you need to hover the cursor over it and press the left button; a window will appear next to the cursor indicating the name of the area and the exact coordinates in the form of decimal degrees. The second option is possible when, when hovering the cursor, press the right key and select the “what’s here” option in the context menu that appears. In the second option, the information will be displayed in the window to the left of the map.

    Google maps

    Similarly, on a loaded Google map, the cursor is moved to the desired point, the left button is pressed or the menu is called up with the right button, just like in Yandex. At the same time, a window pops up at the bottom of the map, indicating the name of the place or object, as well as the exact coordinates.

    Determine coordinates by address (find the address and then determine its coordinates)

    A more common task is to search for an object by name or address, and then determine its geographic location.

    Yandex maps

    Finding the desired object will depend on the information available

    1. If there is an exact name of the desired object, then it is entered into the search bar, the result will be marked on the map with a marker, and a card of the object with the name, address, and coordinates will be shown on the left side.
    2. If the search is for a group of objects, for example supermarkets. A supermarket is entered into the search bar and the city is indicated. Available supermarkets will be highlighted on the city map with markers. When you hover the cursor over each marker, data about the name, address, and coordinates will be displayed in the object card.

    Google maps

    The same search algorithm is used in Google maps. When you specify the exact name of an object, one marker will appear on the map. Information about it available on the Internet will be displayed to the left of the map. When searching for an undefined object from a group, all suitable ones available in the area will be marked on the map with markers. On the left there will be a list of them with names. To get information about each, just point with the cursor on the map or in the list.

    Google maps: search by coordinates. So let's get started. The first thing you need to do is go to the Google maps website. To do this, go to link, or go to google.com and go to maps there by clicking on the menu icon in the upper right corner and selecting "Maps":

    After going to Google maps, you can start searching for a place by coordinates. Just copy the coordinates you need and paste them into the search bar on the site. All you have to do is click on the search button:

    In the example, the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower were used.
    You can also simply enter the coordinates you need by hand, Google will still understand:

    For example, when entering two coordinates 0 and 0 separated by commas, it showed the point that is located at the intersection of the equator and the prime meridian.
    There are also a few rules worth mentioning:
    1 - latitude is indicated first, and then longitude
    2 - you need to separate decimal values ​​with a period, not a comma (incorrect option: 50.56948, 29.59211. Correct option: 89.39281, 65.59684)
    3 - for latitude you need to use a range of values ​​from -90 to 90
    4 - for longitude you need to use a value range from -180 to 180 degrees
    Another way to search by coordinates is to simply enter them into the Google search bar, after analyzing your request, the system will understand that you entered the coordinates. After which the search engine will display your point on the map before the result links:

    It is also worth noting that using the Google maps service, you can not only search by coordinates, but also do the opposite, that is, use maps to find out the coordinates of a particular place. All you need to do is open the Google page, go to the Maps application and then click anywhere on the map, you can also use the search. After which, a marker will appear on the maps, and at the bottom of the window the name of the place where the marker is located and its coordinates will be displayed:

    That's all, now you can find any place knowing its coordinates, and vice versa, find out the coordinates of any place in the world.