• How to come up with a strong password and make it easy to remember. How to come up with a password that is difficult to crack

    Spanking in Rus' until the twentieth century has always been the most common method of corporal punishment. Initially, representatives of almost all segments of the population, all genders and ages were subjected to it.

    "Trade Execution"

    Punishment by flogging was first enshrined in law in the Code of Laws of 1497. They were punished this way for a variety of crimes. For example, they could have been flogged for daringly speaking out against the authorities.

    They hit mainly the back of the body - the back, thighs, buttocks. Most often, the person punished was completely undressed for this purpose.

    Punishment with a whip required special art. To do this, the executioner had to move a few steps away from his victim, and then spin the whip over his head with both hands and, with a loud cry, quickly approach the condemned person, bringing the instrument of torture down on his back. It was impossible to hit the same place twice. After each blow, the executioner was required to wipe off the blood and skin particles adhering to the whip from the whip. According to researcher Katoshikhin, the execution usually lasted several hours, with 30-40 blows of the whip applied per hour.

    One foreigner, who was an eyewitness to such a procedure, left the following testimony: “The executioner beats so brutally that with each blow the bones are exposed. So it's

    (the person being punished) is torn to pieces from the shoulders to the waist. The meat and skin hang in shreds.”

    Many died from this. Everything depended on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the force of the blows. Some withstood 300 blows, and some fell like a sack after the first blow. If the executioner felt sorry for the person being punished, he could hit him weaker (sometimes for a bribe). Otherwise, he could have beaten him to death.

    In the era of Peter the Great, punishment with a whip was called “trade execution.” She was often appointed for political crimes in combination with branding.


    Punishment with batogs was considered much lighter. The latter were thick sticks or rods with cut ends. Batogi were often used - for extracting taxes and arrears, for beating serfs and subordinates. Sometimes the court ordered beatings with batogs - for theft, perjury, disrespect for the royal family... So, a clerk was punished with batogs, who, when drinking to the health of the sovereign, did not take off his headdress.

    The execution took place like this. The person was placed face down on the floor or on the ground. One of the executioners sat on his legs, the other sat on his neck, clasping it with his knees. Then each of them took two batogs and beat them on the back and below the back of the victim until they decided to stop the punishment or until the bars broke. At the same time, it was forbidden to strike the stomach, thighs and calves. Also, during the execution, the person being punished had to shout the word: “Guilty!” If he did not scream, then the punishment continued until he screamed and admitted his guilt.

    Through the gauntlet

    More cruel was the punishment with spitzrutens - flexible rods about 2.1 meters in length and less than 4.5 centimeters in diameter. They were used mainly to punish soldiers. This was called “running the gauntlet.” The method of punishment was borrowed from the Swedes and was introduced by Peter I in the Russian army in 1701. The person punished for this or that offense was stripped to the waist, his hands were tied to a gun, which was turned towards him with a bayonet so that the unfortunate man could not evade reprisals, and he was escorted between two rows of his comrades lined up to his right and left. Each soldier had to hit the offender on the back with a spitzruten. The regimental doctor followed the beaten person, counting the blows so that the punished person would not be marked to death or maimed.

    “Teachings” for children and women

    Children's punishments were “blessed” by the famous “Domostroy”: “... but also to save through fear, punishing and

    teaching, and when to beat.” Children in Rus' were usually flogged with rods. A rod was a bundle of rods used to strike the soft parts of the body. They could punish with rods for any offense, and this punishment was applied not only by parents or educators, but also by school teachers - say, for negligence in learning. Sometimes girls were also flogged.

    This method of punishment was applied to children of any class: it was considered useful for the child. In large families, they sometimes held weekly floggings on Saturdays, and often the offspring were flogged not only for actually committed offenses, but also as a preventive measure, “so that it would be discouraging.”

    Before carrying out the execution, bundles of rods were soaked in cold running water. Sometimes the soaking took place in a salty solution, and then the beating caused severe pain. However, scars after such punishment rarely remained. Less often, a rope with knots was used to beat the younger generation, which was used to whip them backhand.

    Women were also flogged, most often with whips or rods. Domostroy prohibited the use of hard objects and methods of beating that could cause injury.

    A peasant woman could be “taught” by her husband - for impudent language, disobedience or suspicion of treason. Serf women and girls could be flogged by order of the landowner. The police flogged women who were illegally engaged in prostitution. But completely official corporal punishment also existed for representatives of the upper classes. Thus, two ladies-in-waiting of Catherine II were brutally flogged for the caricature they drew of Prince Potemkin.

    Even in Catherine's era, an attempt was made to soften the existing system of corporal punishment. In 1785, representatives of the upper classes, merchants of the first and second guilds, were exempted from them. At the beginning of the 19th century, various restrictions were introduced - on the number of blows, punishments for the sick and elderly, and representatives of other categories. But in primary and secondary educational institutions, the rod remained a means of “education” until the 1860s.

    Corporal punishment was completely abolished in the Russian Empire only in 1904. The Bolsheviks put a definitive end to this issue after the revolution, declaring flogging a “bourgeois relic.”

    Hello, dear readers of my blog!

    Today I would like to tell you about how to come up with the right password.

    While registering on many sites, I saw that they all had different requirements for access codes. Based on this, I developed the perfect formula for creating a password. It will be different on almost all sites, but at the same time, you will remember it and will not forget it! 🙂

    Why is it important to make them different?

    Before we start creating a password, I would like to say a few words about the importance of having different passwords.

    One password for all web services is certainly convenient, but dangerous. After all, it can be stolen not only by the administrators of the sites on which you are registered, but also by hackers.

    Knowing him, it is not difficult to find out personal information or obtain any secret data and documents.

    Once you have access to your mailbox, you can change or recover passwords from other resources. Or conduct correspondence on your behalf. Therefore, I recommend that you take this issue seriously. In addition to creating it, I advise you to change it periodically or, if possible, connect an SMS confirmation of login to your account. For example, how this is implemented on VKontakte. Moreover, it's free :)

    We come up with a password (for example, for government services)

    The list of requirements is suitable for many sites:

    1. It should be a minimum of 8 characters, as I noticed that some sites require this length;
    2. You must use at least one number;
    3. At least one letter is capital;
    4. Use the first 2 letters of the site name in the password (this is necessary so that the password is always different);
    5. Use punctuation. It's not necessary, but if it happens, that's good.

    Perfect password

    Let's say we need to come up with a password for the Mail.ru website.

    Let's choose a punctuation mark, let it be “!”.

    Let's take the first 2 letters of the site, make the first letter capital - “Ma”.

    5 more characters left. I can recommend using the last 2 digits of your year of birth. Let’s say “90”.

    3 characters left. It's up to you to choose. You can enter your full name. Let’s say “baa”.

    So, we get the password - !Ma90baa

    For yandex.ru, it will be - !Ya90baa

    For rambler.ru - !Ra90baa

    For vk.com - !Vk90baa

    For Skype - !Sk90baa

    It is not necessary to write in the same order as mine. You can change the symbols in places as you wish, as it is easier for you to remember. For example: Sk90baa!, Skbaa90!, 90Skbaa!, 90baaSk! etc.

    You can choose any number of digits in the password, at least 5, it is at your discretion. Or you can add numbers at the end, and 3 letters before them.

    Well, that’s all :) Now you will have passwords for all your accounts and will never forget them. 😎

    What password should I set?

    Everyone has encountered the problem of choosing a password.

    And so that he doesn’t get lost in his memory, and so that no one is indignant, and so that he is imitation-resistant - unbreakable. A lot can be written about ciphers and passwords. However, in addition to a unique and “correctly” composed password, it is also necessary to systematically and competently organize its storage and administration. On the other hand - paranoia, and even if you forget him... .

    Cracking a password is difficult, but it is possible. You can seriously complicate the work of burglars.

    “One” of the largest social networks reported that almost every day, out of more than a billion attempts to log into the system, more than 600 thousand are made by attackers who are trying to gain access to other people’s messages, photos and other personal information.

    The American Internet company SplashData has compiled a list of the stupidest and weakest passwords used by people around the world. Unfortunately, many users use exactly them - so that it is easy to remember.

    The most idiotic and, at the same time, dangerous password was “password”.

    In second place is the combination of numbers "123456", in third - "12345678". The words “football” and “superman” found their way into the rankings.








    Experts urge you to be more careful and not use the same password for mail, online banking and other online services. Information security experts have warned users not to use the same login-password pair for several different sites. A strong password must contain at least eight characters and include upper and lower case numbers and letters, as well as special characters (such as underscores, dollars, or percents).

    It is much easier to crack simple passwords programmatically, but complex passwords using brute force methods are very difficult.

    A simple tip for choosing a relatively complex password.

    We take any word. Let's say the name of a loved one or the name of a pet. Switch the keyboard to English.

    We look at the Russian letters and type this unforgettable name.

    Of course, with a capital letter!

    For example, the dog's name Sharik is converted to Ifhbr

    Name Miranda -> Vbhfylf

    It's easy to remember and quite difficult to pick up/hack.

    To make it more difficult, you can use the name of your favorite book (song, etc.). Moreover, if there is a numeral in the name, that’s great! After all, this numeral can and even should be written in numbers. In this case, spaces can be skipped or replaced with an underscore _

    For example:

    3veirtnthf -> Three Musketeers

    100ktnjlbyjxtcndf -> One Hundred Years of Solitude.

    123456, 11111, etc.

    qwerty, fyva, avs,"password" / "password", etc.

    name (yours, loved ones, pet...)

    date of birth (yours, loved ones, pet...)

    phone number

    And also:

    The minimum acceptable password length is 8 characters

    the password should be meaningless

    Why is this so important when choosing a password?

    Let's look at each of these positions separately.

    Briefly on the first 2 points. These passwords are simple, common and known to any hacker; rest assured, this is the first thing a person trying to hack your account will try.

    To get an idea of ​​the remaining positions, let’s dive into the depths of the problem and try to look at everything from the inside.

    Any password you enter during registration is necessarily encrypted before entering the storage. There are many such encryption algorithms. Using the example of the most common of them, one-way MD5 encryption, we will trace the path of our password from registration to its hacking.

    So, after encryption, our password takes on the form of a HASH (checksum), which in our case consists of 32 specially obtained characters and looks like, for example: “202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70” for the password “123”.

    If an attacker manages to gain access to the storage and obtain the HASHES of our passwords. Then he is faced with the task of deciphering them. Special software will help him with this, which can be easily found on the Internet.

    Any program for decrypting passwords of this type uses a brute force method: complete (Brute force), according to words, by mask. To complete this task, depending on the complexity and literacy of the password, it can take from a few seconds to several days, months and even years.

    Using a standard PC (CPU: 3 GHz) and software (PasswordPro), House of Soviets decided to test a line of passwords of different lengths and composition for strength.

    So, passwords consisting of numbers will be the first to be given up.

    Password: "1234"; search time< 1 c.

    Password: "1234894"; search time< 1 c.

    Letter passwords will last a little longer.

    Password: "adfp"; search time = 2 s.

    Password: "adrpsdq"; search time = 22 min. 1 p.

    A combination of lowercase and capital letters will significantly increase the time, but it still remains insufficient, considering that several PCs can be working on decryption at once.

    Password: "aBst"; search time = 5 s.

    Password: "fdQnnHF"; search time = 1 day, 22 hours 13 minutes.

    And the most ideal option would be a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, special characters (usually “-” and “_”) and with a length of at least 6 characters.

    Password: "As_3"; search time = 7 s.

    Password: "fN4u-3k"; search time = 11 days, 13 hours 27 minutes.

    Password: "fN4u-3kS8"; search time > 1 year.

    Brute force can be performed not only by periodically combining printed characters, but also using a specific list of words, a password database, which may include a dictionary, for example, Dahl’s or user passwords stolen from other sites, as well as your personal data thoughtfully found on the Internet. Therefore, it is important that the password is clear and does not contain such obvious data as the day, month, year of your birth, the names of you and your loved ones, etc.

    Is it safe to store a password on a computer?

    No. There are a huge number of programs (Trojans, Keyloggers) that can search for valuable files on your hard drive, a connected flash card, or take notes on the keys you press and send the extracted information to its owner.

    Hack password. It’s possible, but now it’s difficult.

    Even if you are protected by a Firewall and an antivirus with the latest update, it is better to play it safe and store really important information in a paper notepad.

    And there is also the letter e!

    What password to choose.

    Requiring registration and use of a password to gain access to your account. E-mail, Internet messengers, personal account of the Internet provider, chats, forums, other sites and this is at a minimum. In this article we will try to figure out how to come up with passwords for all these countless services.

    When registering on a new website, we often stop and think when we see the password entry field. An almost ideal way to create a strong password would be to generate a random password using a special program such as . But such passwords are difficult to remember, which means they need to be written down and stored somewhere. This option is not suitable for some ordinary users. Even if you use a programmatic method to create and store passwords, you will still have to remember some passwords.

    When creating a password manually, you must follow several rules:

    • You cannot use simple combinations of symbols and numbers. For example, passwords 123, 321, 123456, qwerty, asdfg and other similar ones are not suitable.
    • Cannot be used when creating a password (names of relatives, pets, dates of birth, phone numbers, addresses, zip codes, etc.). For example, the passwords Masha, Sasha21, Vasya02071988 and others are not suitable.
    • Do not use passwords that can be guessed from a dictionary of popular passwords. For example, the passwords love, cat, alfa, samsung, mercedes, yasterva and others, as well as their variants and combinations are not suitable.
    • Do not use passwords that are less than 10 characters long.
    • The password must consist of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
    • When coming up with passwords, use your imagination and don’t think in stereotypes. The computer that guesses your password is good at math, but it can't think or be creative.

    There are many ways to come up with a simple and relatively strong password. We will look at one of these methods.

    How to come up with a password

    The first thing we need to do is come up with a key phrase. The ideal option would be a unique nonsense phrase that is easy to remember. For example: space cockroaches. You can also use phrases from not very popular songs and poems.

    • Recording a Russian phrase in an English layout.
    • Write the phrase backwards.
    • Replacing letters with their visual counterparts (“a” - “@”, “i” - “!”, “o” - “()”, etc.).
    • Using the first few characters of each word.
    • Removing paired/unpaired characters.
    • Removing vowels/consonants from a phrase.
    • Adding special characters and numbers.

    You can use several of these methods to turn the key phrase into an almost meaningless string of characters. But, the ideal option would be to create your own unique method of “encrypting” the key phrase.

    For example, using several template methods " " you can get the following password:

    space cockroaches– use the first 4 characters from each word – kosmtara – write in the English layout – rjcvnfhf – write with a capital letter and add special characters and a random number – Rjcvnfhf@955

    As a result, we ended up with a long and rather complex password that cannot be calculated from the personal information of its owner, but can be easily recovered from memory. Having checked the strength of the password using the service, we get the result “very strong”.

    In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that when coming up with a password you need to use your imagination and the ability to think outside the box. Using this advantage over "dumb" computers, you can create passwords that will be too tough for them.

    Welcome to the blog site! I have long wanted to write an article about what the password for an account should be so that it would be very difficult to hack it. This article will teach you how to create a complex password. We will look at techniques that will help not only make your password secure, but also not difficult for you to remember.

    Now we can no longer imagine our life without the Internet. Almost every site requests registration. The most popular resources are social networks. Every day, millions of users log into their accounts. We risk making a lot of mistakes by sending important data in messages. It’s good to have a complex password for VK or another popular social network, this helps protect yourself from intruders.

    Several password complication methods

    What should the password be? This question is asked by hundreds of Internet users. The following types of passwords are distinguished:

    • alphabetic;
    • symbolic;
    • digital;
    • combined (combination of previous options);
    • register usage.

    The first three types do not inspire confidence. These are too simple ways to create a password. Due to inexperience, we make mistakes and set them up. Okay, this will be a “password” for an account on a forum or other similar place. And, if this is the entrance to a bank office, all your money will be lost. The only thing that saves you is that the security service of such sites has developed a system for rejecting easy passwords.

    Letters, numbers and symbols

    A combination of letters, symbols and numbers is the most secure type of password. You have to seriously rack your brain to guess it.

    Experienced “users” advise beginners to use this particular combination. Also, don't make it too short. A long combination will allow you to keep your data and correspondence safe from third parties.

    The main thing is not to use the banal phrases below:

    • "123";
    • "123456";
    • "321";
    • "qwerty";
    • "asdfg".

    These and other similar sets of characters from the keyboard guarantee hacking. It’s not just you who come to mind first, but hundreds of people. They will be calculated not even by a special program, but usually by an ill-wisher.

    How to choose a password for mail or other type of authorization? This issue is worth tackling on your own. Several more password complication options will help.


    Before entering your username and password, you should pay attention to the case sensitivity of some forms. Combining uppercase and lowercase letters will make the password more secure.

    When writing a secret word, think about its variety. Alternate capital and small letters one or more at a time. This method will seriously upset online villains.

    The most annoying thing is if you forget the order yourself. According to the recommendation of experienced users, it is worth making the first character uppercase, the second lowercase, and then alternate one at a time. It is better to take note of this advice so as not to rack your brains later.

    You can do without introducing case features into the “password”, but this is still another method to increase the complexity of the password.


    The date of birth that any user will remember is the most banal and simplest way. If you play it correctly, it can turn out to be a good option. Using the “reversal”, many have managed to create a winning password that is unlikely to be solved.

    The method is based on writing characters in reverse order. Choose any date, for example, when you were born and type the text backwards. If you have the phrase “081978” in mind, then turning it over, we get “879180”. It is quite easy to remember how to write such a password.

    Let's consider other more complex ideas. Let's assume that the password is based on your first and last name. We type, already knowing the technique using the register - “PeTrPeTrOv”. Now let’s apply the “changeover” tactics. We use the date, for example, when the user was born - February 21, 1982. Plus we’ll add symbols to everything. At the end we get the following example password - “PeTrPeTrOv!28912012”. The result was stunning, because for the “user” it is simple and easy, but not for attackers.

    Check the strength and security of your password using online services:

    • https://password.kaspersky.com/ru/
    • https://howsecureismypassword.net/


    What should the password be? Let's find out another great way. Let's look at the principle of encryption. In fact, all the previously discussed methods have something in common with this. Here we will show what passwords are by encrypting phrases.

    We take the most meaningless and unique phrase that will easily be remembered. Let there be “space cockroaches”. You can use any lines from songs and poems, preferably not very well known.

    Then we apply a code to our phrase. Let's look at a few surefire ways:

    • rewriting a Russian word on an English layout;
    • "shifter";
    • replacing letters with symbols that are similar in appearance (for example, “o” - “()”, “i” - “!”, “a” - “@”);
    • removing paired or unpaired characters;
    • dropping consonants or vowels;
    • addition of special characters and numbers.

    So, let's think of a few words with meaning - “space cockroaches”. We take 4 letters from each, we get “komtara”. Switch to English and retype – “rjcvnfhf”. We complicate it by starting the cipher with a capital letter and adding symbols.

    This is what the password should be, using the example of the originally conceived phrase - “Rjcvnfhf@955”.

    A reliable combination with a large number of symbols has been invented. The strength of the password is checked using special services, for example, passwodmetr.com. The combination, as we were able to do, was not easy for the scammers to guess, since the user’s personal data is not involved. But for the “user” such a “password” is a godsend, since remembering such a reliable password will not be difficult.


    For those who do not want to spend extra time thinking, developers have long invented complex password generators. This method provides some degree of reliability. The best ones are still considered to be “passwords” invented by one’s own mind.

    What is a generator and how to use it? This is a smart program that displays random passwords - completely random combinations. He uses many of the methods discussed, but does not take into account “turnovers”.

    The complex password generator is downloaded from the Internet. For example, let's take "keepass". Like any other generator, it is not difficult to operate. The application and the generation itself are launched by pressing a special button. After the operation is completed, the PC issues a password option. The only thing left to do is to enter the resulting combination in unchanged form or with additions.

    Difficult passwords created by the iron friend are very difficult to remember. Rarely does anyone keep them in their mind; more often they have to be written down. There are usually a lot of passwords; we don’t sit on one site and constantly register again and again on other resources. Therefore, storing a bunch of such information is not convenient for everyone. You can completely lose all the papers with notes.

    There is one way out with storage - print them in a computer file. This is one of the most reliable cases. You just have to remember that the PC system does not last forever and also becomes unusable.

    All methods for creating complex passwords have already been discussed above, and you can create an email password that will reliably protect your data from third parties.

    Here are some useful tips for creating passwords:

    • do not mention personal information about the user (names of relatives, names of pets, phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth, etc.);
    • You cannot use the Cyrillic alphabet in your password;
    • do not use phrases that can be easily calculated using a dictionary of popular passwords (yaster, love, alfa, samsung, cat, mercedes and other similar ones, as well as their other derivatives and combinations);
    • take into account the length of characters - preferably at least 10;
    • complicate the password using a combination of various methods - upper and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols;
    • do not use the most common passwords - templates, think original (a robot that calculates your password cannot be as smart as a person).