• How to flash a flash drive? Restoring the USB drive. Flash drive recovery

    This article is intended to help with software recovery of USB Flash Drives based on the SK6211 microcontroller manufactured by Skymedi. This controller is found in flash drives from various manufacturers, for example: Kingston, Kingmax, A-data, etc. The utility was chosen as an example. It, like many others, is designed to work in the OS environment - MS Win XP. The Kingston DT100/1GB flash drive was chosen as the “test subject”.

    The utility kit includes:
    1) SK6211_20090828.exe – the actual main module.
    2) SK6211_User_Manual.pdf – instructions for the program in English
    3) SK6211BA_Skymedi Flash Support List _20090828.xls – “Flashlist” - a list of memory modules that are supported by this version of the utility. (Useful for determining “CodeBankVer” by date)
    4) SK6211BA R-W Performance_Capacity List_20090828.xls – Summary table of speed tests of various memory modules in single-channel and dual-channel modes in Win XP sp2 & Win 2k sp4 OS.
    5) SK62XX_FAT_20090505.exe & SK62XX_FATool_UserGuideV1.pdf – auxiliary utility for flash testing.
    6) ErrorCodes.txt – list of error codes.
    7) DrvSwitch.exe – factory driver.
    8) Driver_Using_manual.pdf – instructions for using the driver.

    1. Preparation

    We connect the flash drive and find out the VID/PID, for example using ChipGenius 3.0. The test subject has VID = 0951 PID = 1607.
    Run the utility “SK6211_20090828.exe” and select default in “Configuration Selection”.

    We see that in the first window (DUT1) the flash drive has been identified (SAMPLE – No Match), but it is not ready for firmware yet! SAMPLE = example, No Mach = No Match. This means that the current settings (default) do not correspond to the internals of the flash drive. The utility has already determined that the flash drive is built on a controller that responds to its requests and has already read information from its firmware.
    This information can be viewed by double-clicking on SAMPLE.

    Here we see the contents of the firmware:
    1) SK6211 controller
    2) Memory FID (AD D3 14 A5 34) and its name (HY27UT088G2A)
    3) CodeBank version: C080512A_F080516A
    4) Firmware version: CodeSwap-0512
    5) The rest is not so important (date of manufacture / utility version / configuration name = “engraving on the USB connector” / VID&PID codes, etc.)
    6) Channel: Byte Mode (Single channel mode. May be useful in settings!)

    Everything is fine here! But what to do when the firmware crashes so that most of this information is missing!?

    Controller Version: SK6211BA
    Flash Part No.: No matched Flash Part No.
    Flash ID 01: 0x89 0x95 0x94 0x1E 0x74
    Flash ID 02: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Flash ID 03: 0x89 0x95 0x94 0x1E 0x74

    Here the utility read the FID from the flash drive, but could not use it to select the memory from its list!
    Conclusion: try another utility or check your contacts. Sometimes restoring contacts on the Data Bus between the controller and the memory changes the ID number and the utility, using the correct ID number, finds a match in its Database.

    Controller Version: SK6211BA
    Flash Part No.: I29F32G08AAMD1_S
    Total Flash Size: 8192 MB
    4K Page, MLC
    Flash ID 01: 0x89 0xD7 0x94 0x3E 0x84
    Flash ID 02: 0x89 0xD7 0x94 0x3E 0x84
    Flash ID 03: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Flash ID 04: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Flash ID 05: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Flash ID 06: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Flash ID 07: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Flash ID 08: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

    Here the utility found memory in its database. But the Code Bank version is unknown! We find it by searching for the date by the name of the flash chip in the file SK6211BA_Skymedi Flash Support List _20090828.xls

    Now we are looking for suitable Code banks.
    Open the file:

    We find version 09.03.09 by date: C090309A_F090309A

    2. Settings

    Let's return to the experimental subject. Click the “Advaced” button to go to advanced settings. Password – 123456.
    1) register VID & PID: 0951 & 1607
    2) Vendor Name: Kingston
    3) Product Name: DataTraveler 2.0
    4) Revision: 8.2 (leave unchanged)
    5) Disk Type: Removable (leave it unchanged)
    6) S/N: 001478544881SK8703120829 (this is the test subject’s own serial number)
    7) S/N Gen: (3) Don't Change SN
    Below you can skip to
    8) Fixed Flash Size = 1024 (set the original size of the flash drive)
    9) When you set the checkbox to Erase All, the message appears: Warning Message: System information will be eliminated after erase all!!!
    (Warning: system information will be destroyed after setting the “delete everything” mode!!!)
    Go to the right window Flash Options
    10) Select a controller: SK6211BA
    11) Select Code Bank Ver: C080512A_F080516A (the one that the utility gave by double clicking on SAMPLE) Now I expect that in the Flash Selection section it should be possible to select the desired memory - HY27UT088G2A, but this does not happen. What is the reason? Perhaps in the utility version! After all, the firmware version indicates: PDT Version: SK6211_PDT_20080616_BA, and I use SK6211_20090828! We follow the path of choosing a flashlist. We find the date - 04/02/2008, but I don’t find names with such a date in the list and Code Bank versions with the closest date are also not suitable! The assumption of matching the date from the flashlist is not suitable for this flash drive. Only a complete search helped! When selecting C090828A_F090828A, the utility gave the opportunity to select the desired memory!
    12) Next select Channel Mode: Single
    We don't change anything else.

    We receive the READY status

    Now the utility is “ready” to flash the flash drive.
    Click Auto-LLF

    3. Work on mistakes

    44 -
    2 -
    when changing read/write test error 37 -

    The jackdaw on ERASE ALL helped

    45 -
    (Status READY, error in LLF process)

    Helped: switching to test mode by shorting 31-32 legs to m/s memory
    and re-flashing

    101 -

    We need a more recent version of the utility that supports new memory.
    ps: in the previous version 20090709_BA (34 - )

    94 -
    1 -
    When trying to flash - (Access error)

    We removed the USB extension cable that was causing the losses.

    The experience of forum users was used to work on bugs: Vitorrio, SeeJay, E1haZ and others.

    Discussion of the article and problems with recovery are discussed in this forum thread.

    The era of CDs and DVDs is almost completely over. Today, flash drives are used everywhere as universal storage media. USB drives are small in size, have a sufficient amount of built-in memory and allow you to add or delete any files without any harm to existing ones.

    Everything seems to be fine, but flash drives have one significant drawback - if used incorrectly, they often fail... The most typical failure is the computer identifying the drive as an unknown device or a disk with zero memory capacity:

    If you were careless to unplug your USB drive from its slot without first using the safe removal function, it is quite possible that it will become a victim of a short circuit and become unreadable. Is it possible to restore a flash drive after such an incident, read on...

    Types of flash drive failures

    So, if you are reading this article, then most likely you already have a “dead” flash drive. Before you try to revive it, you need to find out what kind of trouble happened and how your USB drive reacts when connected to a PC. In other words, let's see how bad it is :)

    The flash drive can react in two ways: either the indicator diode on it will light up or not. If the diode does not light, then a physical breakdown can be diagnosed. In this case, you can try to repair the drive only if you have a soldering iron and know how to work with it (the last section of the article is about this).

    A much more optimistic forecast can be given if the indicator lights up and does not go out. This means that our problem is software and can be fixed using special software. In this case, one of two scenarios awaits us: the flash drive may be detected as an unformatted disk with a capacity of 0 bytes, or it may not be detected at all.

    If the computer sees an empty drive, then everything can be solved by correct formatting. However, most often the problem is that due to a sudden power surge, the firmware of the flash drive is damaged and we will have to look for it on the Internet.

    To summarize the algorithm for diagnosing a breakdown, I suggest you act according to the scheme below:

    Formatting treatment

    The easiest damage that can happen to your flash drive is a file system failure. Failure can be of two types: with a violation of the cluster layout and without. In the latter case, you can even do without formatting and save all the data on a flash drive!

    You can diagnose a failure without violations if the flash drive is detected by the computer, but does not open. The computer simply freezes when trying to display its contents, so we don’t try to open anything. We look at what letter the removable media is identified under, launch the Command Prompt (Start - Run - cmd) and enter the command "CHKDSK G (or other letter): /f":

    The /f key will automatically try to correct file system errors that led to the unreadability of your flash drive and, if the command completes successfully, you will receive a fully functional drive with all the data that was on it before the error appeared!

    Unfortunately, it’s not often that you get off so easy... Much more often you have to deal with flash drives, whose size is determined by the computer as 0 bytes. In this case, formatting can help. And not with standard tools, but with special utilities. One of the most universal in this regard is HP USB Disk Storage FormatTool (you can download it in the archive via the link at the end of the article):

    This utility allows you to correctly format any media in FAT32 and NTFS systems. To do this, just select the desired device from the drop-down list and click the “Start” button. By default, the quick format option is activated, but this mode may not work with a damaged flash drive. If unsuccessful, you must uncheck the corresponding box before starting the procedure again.

    In particularly advanced cases, when even HP USB Disk Storage FormatTool gives an error, but the flash drive is still recognized as removable media, so-called low-level formatting can help. It erases all memory sectors byte by byte and fills them with zeros, making it impossible to attempt to recover data in the future.

    If saving a flash drive is more important to you than saving the data that was on it, then the HDD Low Level Format Tool utility (available in the archive for the article) can help you format it using the above-mentioned method:

    When you start the program, a window will appear asking us in what mode we want to use the HDD Low Level Format Tool. Naturally, we need a free one, so we click the “Continue for free” button or simply close the window. A main window will appear with a list of disks. Select the one you want, click “Continue”, confirm your consent and wait for the process to complete.

    Low-level formatting itself takes quite slowly, so be prepared in advance for the fact that it may take about an hour (depending on the capacity of the flash drive and its read/write speed). Moreover, in free mode, formatting speed is limited to 50 megabytes per second (approximately 180 gigabytes per hour).

    Determining the controller type

    If formatting does not produce results or the flash drive is initially detected by the computer as an unknown USB device, then the problem is most likely due to damaged firmware. Finding firmware for popular media models on the Internet is not that difficult, but you need to know exactly what to look for. And to do this, first of all you need to determine the type of flash drive controller.

    This can be done in two ways: using special programs or using PID and VID identifiers. It is preferable, of course, to use programs with good databases, since controllers from completely different companies may have the same identifiers and you will have to search for a long time for a suitable utility for flashing the firmware...

    The best in terms of determining the type of controller are the Chinese programs ChipGenius and ChipEasy, and from the Russians, perhaps, Flash Drive Information Extractor (all are in the archive). You can use any of them, however, the disadvantage of the Russian language is the lack of links to download utilities for firmware (highlighted in pink in the screenshot):

    All of them provide quite a lot of different information, however, we are mainly interested in two parameters: device identifiers (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot) and, directly, the controller model (highlighted in green). Knowing this data, we can find a firmware program on the Internet.

    By the way, Chinese programs already give us links to such programs, but it’s not always possible to download them, even if you use Google’s page translator, so the search will be discussed separately below. It’s a pity, of course, that our developers couldn’t integrate the search for a link to the firmware into their program, but oh well :)

    In the meantime, it’s worth mentioning that you can find out the identifiers (but not data about the controller!) of a flash drive without special utilities. To do this, you need to go to Device Manager (context menu of the “My Computer” icon - “Properties” - “Device Manager”), select our drive from the list, call up its properties and in the “Details” tab select the “Hardware ID” property:

    We have at our disposal an unnamed flash drive (alas, it’s working :)) and we found out its identifiers, as well as the type of controller and its model. Now it's time for the most difficult procedure - searching for a program for firmware.

    Flash drive firmware

    Firmware or firmware (abbreviated F/W) is a microprogram that controls the operation of the flash drive controller. If it fails, the drive, while remaining physically functional, stops responding to standard computer requests, which is why you can neither read nor write information from it.

    Fortunately, the firmware for most controllers is freely available on the Internet. Therefore, the main problem is only finding them. You can search directly in search engines using queries such as: "Alcor (chip manufacturer) AU6982 (chip model) VID: 058F ​​PID: 6387 firmware", and on specialized sites.

    One of the best Russian-language resources for searching and downloading firmware for any flash drive is FlashBoot.ru:

    On the search page we need to enter the PID and VID identifiers, and then click the "Search" button. We will receive a whole list of flash drives that have the same ID as ours. The task now comes down to finding a device with the same controller model as ours.

    If you find a flash drive in the table that resembles yours in all respects, click on its name and see detailed information about it:

    Here we are primarily interested in the UTILS line, which contains the name of the utility needed to flash our flash drive. We copy this name and search for it on the Internet. You can do it differently. You can search on the same site. To do this, go to the "Files" section in the top menu. True, the names of the programs from the list and those on the site differ, so the search will not always be successful.

    In any case, we found out that our flash drive is based on an Alcor chip and its model is AU6982. This is already enough for a successful search, which leads us to the need to download the AlcorMP utility one of the versions available on the website:

    We unpack the downloaded archive into a folder, check whether the program version matches the version that we identified by identifiers and run the executable file. If the firmware version is suitable, then we will see data about our flash drive in one of the cells of the working window. All you have to do is press the "Auto" or "Setup" button (if you know how to configure parameters) and wait for the firmware to finish.

    If the working window is empty, which often happens, then we were unlucky the first time :) You need to try downloading other versions of programs suitable for the same chips as your flash drive. In short, this is where the lottery begins and sometimes you can try up to a dozen different utilities until you find the only one that will correctly identify your drive.

    After flashing the firmware, safely unplug the flash drive and reinsert it. If everything worked out, then it should be detected by the computer without any problems. If not, try other flashing programs until you succeed.

    Treatment for physical injuries

    The most severe case of a flash drive failure is when it does not show any signs of life when connected to a PC: the indicator does not blink, messages about unknown equipment do not appear, and there are no unidentified devices in the Device Manager. In this case, real physical damage can be stated.

    However, unless the flash drive has been dropped from a great height, exposed to high temperatures, or dropped into water, you have a small chance of saving it (and sometimes even the data on it!). Most likely the problem is that due to a short circuit on the flash drive board, something has become unsoldered. Often the legs through which food flows are unsoldered.

    In any case, we will have to open the flash drive case to try to restore it. To do this, unfortunately, you may need to unscrew it if it does not disassemble. Inside we will see something like this board:

    The main “problem” areas are the legs of the USB plug and the power stabilizer, which over time tend to become unsoldered or burn out due to short circuits. If you know how to work with a soldering iron, first try soldering the outer terminals of the plug, which are responsible for power and grounding. This should restore normal power to the flash drive.

    If, after manipulating the soldering of the outer legs, the flash drive starts blinking when connected to a PC, but is not detected, the problem may be with the soldered legs, receiving and transmitting data. Solder them too and check again. If the connection is not accompanied by a blinking indicator, then most likely you need to solder or replace the power stabilizer.


    Alas, sometimes it happens that even after all attempts at resuscitation, the flash drive shows no signs of life. In this case, you should admit that you did everything you could and, with a clear conscience, throw the media in the trash.

    Although, if the flash drive is very dear to you, you can take it to a good service center. There they can remove the memory chip for you and transfer it to a new board. True, the cost of such an operation is comparable to the cost of a new device, and sometimes even exceeds it! Therefore, it is advisable to do this only if there is some important information on the flash drive.

    However, most often the matter does not reach the service center. Most flash drives can be restored at home. Our article and archive of programs will help you with this, which you can download from the link below. I wish you success!

    P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

    Many factors lead to “diseases” of flash drives (when they refuse to work). In this publication, we will not be interested in them (the reasons), but in ways to return gadgets to full functioning - how to flash or reflash a flash drive.

    It is not difficult to flash or reflash a flash drive.

    The main purpose of using a flash drive is to record data. The data (together with flash) has a wide variety of purposes - from simple storage to loading the OS (even checking fingerprints).

    Architecture and recording system

    It is also important for the topic of our article to understand its components:

    • The physical connection to the PC is made using a USB interface (sometimes microUSB);
    • Controller;
    • Memory chip;
    • Signal oscillator for USB bus.

    The FAT system (16, 32 or ex) is used for recording (depending on the size). For capacities over 64 GB - exFAT or NTFS. If using the gadget becomes problematic (read-write errors), it needs to be formatted or flashed.

    Windows tools

    Flashing a flash drive

    If formatting the drive is not available (the OS program reports errors and special utilities do not produce results), then to bring it back to life you will need to flash the flash drive firmware, or rather, flash the flash drive controller firmware.

    The correct name for what is usually called firmware is microprogram consisting of controller microcode and service data on microcircuits. The microcode is embedded in the device during manufacturing at the factory. But the service manual is often rewritten during operation.

    Software repair (repeating factory actions) includes cleaning, testing memory, creating new translation tables and writing them to service fields - this is what is called “low-level formatting”.

    Utilities for such work have a strict specialization based on controller models. Therefore, the repairman needs to find the one that corresponds to a specific instance (after all, microcircuit options can change from batch to batch!) - patiently going through more than a dozen.

    Determining the brand (type)

    Before flashing a flash drive, you need to determine the VID and PID values ​​for it. From them we will recognize the model, and from it we will find technological software for repairs. To determine the model, the easiest way would be to look at the markings after opening the case. It would be more gentle to use software methods.

    To find the VID (manufacturer identification) and PID (product identification) codes that recognize any USB flash drive, special software is used. For one of the devices, we can use (for example) the Flash Drive Information Extractor program (there are many others).

    After installing the application and running the GetFlashInfo.exe file, click “Get data”. Let's get a sample report:

    Based on the obtained values ​​for VID and PID, entered into the database window, the controller and program (UTILS) for flashing the flash drive are determined:

    There will be other devices in the list with the same controller. The more similar one is selected from them (intuitively). Now we find the utility - enter the found name in the search. If what you are looking for is not found on this site, you can Google it or turn to other sources. Even if the name is slightly different, it’s okay - it should work out.

    Choosing an OS for techno-utilities

    Technological utilities work better under Windows XP - production workers are more conservative and do not chase fashion. In addition, due to the fact that driver installation and other “dangerous” actions will be required, you must have administrator rights.

    Reflash with the found program

    We disconnect the drive, launch the executing exe file of the downloaded and unpacked utility (in this case MPTool.exe).

    IMPORTANT. It is worth looking in the archive for the “read me” text file (readme.txt) - it may contain useful information. It may contain instructions or a hyperlink to a source with them. Translate the English text using Google Translator.

    After launching the application, connect the USB flash drive to the PC - information about it appears in the program window. By pressing the “Start” key, flashing begins. The process is reflected by a yellow stripe.

    Upon completion, an encouraging text will be reflected on the green background of one of the cells - OK.

    The OS immediately prompts you to format the disk. If you have the necessary driver installed, then everything will work out. If not, then you need to disconnect/attach the gadget. Then the driver will be installed automatically and the flash drive will appear in Explorer - you can format it.

    With another utility, the actions may be slightly different, but not so critical that you can’t handle it.

    Manufacturers have begun to make publicly available software for flash drive repair. To download what you need in a particular case, the model (sometimes additionally the serial number) is indicated in the technical support section. In some cases, the serial number is requested by the software itself (checked via the Internet). It would not be superfluous to check the authenticity with the SerialCheck program, since counterfeits surround us everywhere.

    Almost any model can be brought to life using proprietary programs. Plus the opportunity to find a similar case on the forums. The firmware of the Chinese flash drive controller is no different, except for their smaller capacity compared to the declared one. A flash drive with an unidentified controller brand may be unrepairable.

    Complex cases include SanDisk flash drives. This is due to corporate policy. The company itself carries out the full production cycle - from the development of non-standard solutions to sales. There is no repair software for them. If you can’t find the utility, don’t worry and use a bucket.

    Flash drive prevention

    As we already understood, it is better not to let the flash drive need repair. Here are some recommendations to minimize unwanted effects:

    • Protection from temperature fluctuations, from the influence of water, aggressive environments, mechanical influences, X-rays, electromagnetic fields. Accuracy of insertion/removal;
    • When a flash drive is filled to capacity, its file system may be damaged. A dangerous symptom when recording is slowdown and freezing;
    • Check the flash drive using OS tools, defragment it;
    • Do not use a flash drive as the only copy of data (imagine that you only have one key to your apartment);
    • Follow the procedure for safely removing the flash drive;
    • To avoid static discharges, do not touch the contacts of the flash drive with your fingers or metal objects, and avoid contact with other synthetics;
    • If a flash drive behaves strangely, do not rush to treat it with low-level programs. First, copy important files to another medium, and then start repairing.

    Now you know how to flash a USB flash drive and you can figure out this issue yourself. May your flash drives live long.

    Leave your comments.

    Almost every person who is in one way or another connected with computers has at least once encountered the problem of a flash card malfunction. It can be expressed in different ways: Windows does not see the flash drive, refuses to format it, failures occur when copying and moving files, or the wrong amount of memory is determined.

    You can restore a Kingston drive using special software

    Most simple cases can be cured by simply formatting the flash drive using the Windows operating system. To do this, you need to insert it into the computer and after identifying it, go to My Computer, right-click on the drive and select Format. After successful formatting, the system will notify you about this.

    If, after formatting, problems remain or it ends in failure, for example, the operating system generates an error - “Windows cannot complete formatting,” then you need to try another method. For example, Kingston provides special tools for its drives to restore their functionality. The Kingston flash drive recovery program can be easily downloaded from the company’s official website, in the support section. After downloading, you need to unpack it and run it. In the window that opens, select the desired drive and click Format. After formatting in a special way, the flash drive should work.

    Another method worth trying is to use a low-level formatting program. Such a program, for example, D-Soft Flash Doctor or similar. It is not targeted at any specific drive or manufacturer, so it can format any flash drives and memory cards.

    If all these actions lead to nothing, then there are serious problems with the controller.

    Restoring a Kingston flash drive using firmware

    You can restore a flash drive by using a special utility for low-level firmware of its controller. But there are situations when the device really cannot be helped by anything other than physical intervention, such as soldering or connecting to special devices.

    If the drive has the following viability criteria, then there is still a chance to restore it:

    • Windows detects the flash drive when it is plugged into the computer port;
    • after inserting the flash drive into the connector, the system automatically asks for formatting;
    • the drive identifies itself, is visible in the system, and when accessed, the message “Insert disk...” is displayed;
    • systematic errors when copying or moving files to a flash drive;
    • Slow speed of the drive as a whole.

    Before you restore the Kingston flash drive, you need to find out the controller identifiers. You need two of them, the first - VID, contains the manufacturer's identifier. The second is PID, which stands for product code. You need to determine them with a utility like Flash Drive Information Extractor. Once you receive them, you can write them down somewhere.

    Finding a recovery utility

    Directly to carry out the firmware, you will need a special utility that can flash the flash drive controller at a low level. Such special programs are usually only available from equipment manufacturers. With their help, they carry out initial firmware, repair and testing of devices. Sometimes these utilities end up online by accident, and sometimes manufacturers share them. But the whole problem is that each manufacturer has its own utility, which can be different depending on the controller model and the amount of memory.

    To find the right program specifically for the model being reanimated, you will need SID and PID. There is one service on the network called Flashboot.ru, which stores thousands of utilities for flashing various devices and gadgets.

    You must substitute the received numbers in the SID and PID fields and click search. The service can display several program options at once. You need to choose the one whose description indicates the corresponding volume of the drive being restored. The list may also contain utilities for other manufacturers. You need to remember that you need to restore the Kingston flash drive, so select the most suitable configuration from the list. The Utils field describes the name of the program. After finding the desired line in the list, you need to copy the name of the utility and go to the files section of the flashboot.ru website. You need to paste the copied name into the search bar and click find.

    After finding the utility, you need to download it to your computer and unpack it. Sometimes a situation arises when the program you are looking for is not in the files. Then you can simply search for her by name in any search engine.

    Using a program to recover a Kingston flash drive

    Using the utility is the simplest part of the operation. You just need to insert the USB flash drive, launch the program and click on the Start button in the program. Of course, the design, localization and operating methods of different utilities for different flash drives may be different, but the essence is the same, and it is intuitive. After successful flashing of the controller, the operating system may immediately offer to format the revived flash drive.

    If all else fails

    If nothing helped or the utility was never found, then this means that, most likely, one of the modules of the drive’s electrical circuit is physically damaged. In such a situation, only a service center can help. Specialists will be able to physically connect to the contacts of the flash drive and analyze or scan for damage. If the flash drive can be repaired, then it will be repaired, but if not, then nothing will help it.

    Step-by-step instructions for USB flash drive recovery in which I will try to answer the question in an accessible language How to recover a flash drive independently and without much effort.

    Sometimes you help a person, and then he will tell everyone that you are so good and there are already crowds of people thirsty for help. This is roughly what happened when I restored several flash drives colleagues.

    Now the people bear not only their own flash drives, but also flash drives your friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else would bring a bottle of beer or a cookie.

    It’s not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest you learn to do all this yourself, you refuse. Next time I’ll just sew them off. If you don't want to study, pass by.

    I’ll finish with the lyrics here and move directly to the topic of the post..

    If your flash drive stopped be determined like a disk, doesn't want to formatted, does not allow you to write down information or something else happened to it, BUT it has no mechanical damage, then you know that all is not lost. Most likely a glitch controller and you will have to tinker with it a little. This procedure takes approximately 5 minutes.

    I’ll say right away that there is no universal programs For recovery all varieties flash drives. You will need to find exactly the one that can work with your controller. flash drives.

    First we need to define VID And PID non-working flash drives.

    Determine VID and PID for flash drive recovery

    Stick it in flash drive into your computer and run device Manager. StartExecute - mmc devmgmt.msc.

    Then go to the section Universal Serial Bus Controllers.

    We find ours in the list flash drive. Usually, everything flash drives have a name USB storage device.

    Press the right button on the device and open Properties.

    Go to the tab Intelligence.

    Select the item from the drop-down list Instance code devices or Equipment IDs.

    In this window we see PID And VID.

    Finding a flash drive recovery program

    We go to the website FlashBoot.ru and enter the received VID And PID.

    Click on the button Search.

    In the results we look for your manufacturer and model of the flash drive. I have Kingston DataTraveler 2.0.

    In the right column there will be the name of the program we need or a link to it.

    All. Now search Google for the program by name or download it from the link provided. Launch and follow the instructions. Usually, in such programs for recovery There’s only one button, so you shouldn’t have any questions.

    That's all!

    If you have any questions, ask in the comments.