• How to check iPhone IMEI? Check iPhone activation by IMEI. How to check if you bought a new iPhone (activated or not)

    Hello everyone! What is the iPhone activation date? In fact, this is the date of the first full activation and registration of the device on Apple servers. Immediately after this moment, almost always (there are nuances -) the countdown of the warranty period begins and the phone becomes at least slightly used.

    Why even find out this very date? The first thing that comes to mind is to check the iPhone when purchasing. After all, if we are told that the phone is new (not broken, not painted, just purchased), and its activation date was more than a year ago, then this is, to put it mildly, a lie. But we don’t want to be deceived and waste our money, do we? No!

    So let's figure it out: how to check when the iPhone was activated for the first time? Let's go! :)

    Now let's definitely go!

    Method 1. You can find out the activation date on the official Apple website

    In fact, Apple is a “great fellow” - on its official website there is a very good tool for checking any “Apple” devices. How to use it?

    Open the page “Checking your right to service and support” - here is the link.

    1. Enter the serial number.
    2. Enter the verification code.
    3. Click continue.

    A window with the results appears. We are interested in the line - “the right to maintenance and repair”. And it, in turn, contains the expected expiration date.

    As you can see in the picture, in this particular example it is October 31, 2018. So, to calculate the exact activation date, you need to subtract 1 year from this period and add 1 day.

    As a result, we get that the iPhone from this example was fully turned on and registered on Apple servers for the first time - November 1, 2017.

    I think the meaning is clear - if you have questions, write in the comments :)

    However, when checking, you may encounter other results (), but we are only interested in two:

    1. “You need to activate your iPhone” - do you see this inscription? Wonderful! Your iPhone is new and has never been turned on.
    2. Right to service and repair: the period has expired - this means that more than a year has definitely passed since the iPhone was activated.

    If in the first case everything is clear - you just need to be happy with the new iPhone, then what to do in the second? After all, the activation date was more than a year ago - this is too vague data, I would like specifics! I have them...

    Method 2. Alternative sites to check

    They are also called “checkers”. What are their advantages? The fact is that they provide much more information than the official Apple website (for example,) and store this data for a much longer time. There are also disadvantages - this is still not an official tool with all the ensuing consequences.

    Well, okay, let's move on to checking. We will use one of the most famous and popular checker sites.

    1. Open the resource using this link.
    2. We also indicate the serial number.
    3. We look at the activation date (also known as the Warranty Start Date).

    Note 1. What’s nice is that the site provides a lot of other, no less useful additional information about the device.

    Note 2: I have no affiliation with the iPhone review resource in question. But that's it, just in case :)

    Note 3 (2019). Unfortunately, the resource has become paid. However, judging by the comments:

    • They ask for little money.
    • The activation date is shown accurately.

    To use it or not? It's up to you to decide.

    So, as you can see, quite a lot of time has passed since the first turn on. Almost two years. Therefore, if you are offered to buy something similar and they call it a new or “refurbished” device, it is better to refuse the purchase - they are simply trying to deceive you.

    P.S. Did you manage to find out the iPhone activation date? Let's like and click on the social network buttons - the author will be very grateful. Thank you very much!

    P.S.S. Do you have any questions or questions? Don’t be shy, “like” and feel free to write in the comments! It’s possible without the “+1”, but it’s somehow more pleasant! :)

    There is nothing worse than when companies abandon tools or services that have been extremely useful to users around the world. It's even worse when this happens without an official explanation or offer of an alternative solution.

    This is exactly the situation iPhone and iPad owners found themselves in when they checked the status of iCloud Activation Lock at the beginning of the year. However, there is a workaround to check iPhone and iPad activation lock.

    Step 1: Go to the technical support site getsupport.apple.com and select the iPhone option.

    Step 2: After this, many options will appear, from them you need to choose the one that is related to the hardware aspect of the device. This could be “Repairs and Physical Damage” or “Battery, Energy and Charging”.

    Step 4: Here again, several options will be provided from which you need to select “Send for Repair”. After this, a field will appear to enter the serial number, IMEI or MEID. In this case, you must enter the IMEI.

    Note: If this item does not appear, go back a few steps and try selecting another option. If the option is still not available, access the site through any American proxy server.

    Step 5: Enter the IMEI code. The service will display the activation lock status of your device corresponding to the entered number.

    It's worth noting that this trick doesn't always work. In some cases, the user is prompted to provide Apple ID account information to verify device activation lock. For those planning to buy a used device, this is simply not possible.

    If you are interested in the question of how to find out the release date of an iPhone, this article will be a good guide. This question is usually asked by those who purchased an iPhone secondhand. It is important to find out when it was manufactured, as well as when it was activated.

    It is also necessary to be able to distinguish a real smartphone from a Chinese counterfeit. Sometimes it is absolutely impossible to do this externally. In order to obtain the information we need, a serial number is required. We will tell you how to find it out and how to see the activation date of the device, as well as its production.

    How to find out the activation date of an iPhone of any model

    The activation date is needed for more than just knowing when the user purchased it. With its help, we will determine whether the iPhone is under warranty or no longer. Lack of warranty can sometimes be a reason to refuse a purchase. Time of use is like mileage on a car: the device also wears out over time.

    Finding out the iPhone serial number in iTunes

    So, it's time to find out the serial number. The first method is to connect to iTunes. If you have never done this before, you need to download/install the latest version of this program and connect the device using the original cable. We connect, launch, look: in the “Review” tab there is data on the serial number. Let's copy it.


    Find out the serial number on the iPhone itself

    We need to go to the main settings of the iPhone and select the "About this device" tab. Information about your iPhone will appear there. There will also be a serial number. Hold your finger on it and copy.


    We receive information about the release date

    It doesn’t matter from which device you access the Internet. You will need to follow this link. In a special window you must enter the device number. Then you will see one of the messages:

    1. If the warranty period has not expired, information about its expiration will appear. We subtract the year and get exact information on the date when the user purchased and activated the iPhone. Now we know exactly how long the iPhone was in constant use.
    2. If the warranty period has expired, you will have to take the former owner’s word for it. The only proof can be a receipt. But not everyone keeps receipts even for such expensive purchases if the warranty period has expired. The only thing we can do is find out the production date of the iPhone.

    How to find out the production date of an iPhone

    This is done quite simply: follow the link to a special service. We insert the serial number there. Press one button and all the data is in front of you. The year of production and week are displayed. That is, if we know both the activation date and the production date, we can find out how long the iPhone spent in warehouses. When there was no such service, decryption had to be done independently. There are instructions on the Internet on how to do this, there are special tables. But you won't need it.

    In the last year, the Internet has simply been flooded with stores selling supposedly “new” iPhones at prices 2-2.5 times lower than the adequate minimum price for a new device.

    There is nothing criminal in itself about selling refurbished phones; each product has its own audience. But the “disgrace” on the part of such stores is that no one tells you that the phone has been restored. And a person who is not well versed in Apple technology and does not know how to check a phone may not notice the catch until after a certain amount of time, technical problems begin with the phone.

    Remember once and for all: there are no customs confiscations, there are no sales due to store closures. All this is an attempt to lull your vigilance and sell you a phone restored by someone unknown and unknown where, under the guise of a new one.

    In this article we will talk specifically about unofficially restored phones by the hands of who knows what craftsmen.

    There are also “like new” versions of phones that Apple itself restores and sells at discounted prices with an official one-year warranty. But such phones are sold in white boxes with the inscription “Apple Certified Pre-Owned” and, as a rule, no one will try to sell them to you under the guise of new ones.

    And so, the surest, most reliable and most correct method of checking an iPhone is checking by serial number on the Apple website.

    Remember, it’s on the Apple website! No clicks on the request “check iPhone by IMEI” in Yandex. Only the Apple website will give you correct information regarding the device (occasionally there are failures in displaying information or maintenance work, but 95% of the time the information can be trusted). The link is given below:

    Checking iPhone by IMEI on the Apple website

    Now let's move on to the results of this check and their meaning:

    1) New device.

    Orange exclamation mark and inscriptions:

    “You need to activate iPhone” - when checking iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac.

    All these inscriptions mean that the device is new and is waiting for its activation (first turn on) in order to display the expiration date of the warranty, since the warranty period is calculated from the moment the device is activated.

    Therefore, if when checking on the Apple website you see one of these inscriptions, the device is new.

    2) The device is no longer new, but is still under warranty.

    What is important to us is the third paragraph with the inscription “Right to maintenance and repair: granted.” And just below the end date of the warranty period is displayed. Accordingly, the phone was activated for the first time on this date (minus 1 year).

    Accordingly, such a phone is NOT new. Yes, it may not have been used, yes, the films may not have been removed from it, but formally, regarding activation, it is not new.

    3) The device is not new and the warranty has already expired.

    In the third line there is the inscription: “Right to maintenance and repair: the period has expired.”

    In 95% of cases, you will see exactly this inscription on a restored phone, which means that the first activation was made more than a year ago, therefore there is no chance that this phone is new and cannot be. You may first demonstratively tear the “factory film” on the box, the films may also be on the phone itself, but all these points are faked, but it is impossible to fake an entry in the Apple registry.

    Therefore, this is a restored phone, and it was restored from spare parts of unknown quality and manufacturer, since the goal is to reduce the cost as much as possible. That is why the prices for these phones are so “tasty” and so attract those who like to save money.

    The trouble-free operation of these phones rarely exceeds 1-2 months. Then the crookedly soldered parts begin to fail one by one and there is little point in repairing these phones. You will just spend the amount on repairs that, if you paid extra, you could buy a new phone.

    It is worth noting that one of the favorite “excuses” of these would-be sellers is: “we sell Eurotest, they are not subject to warranty and therefore you may see erroneous information on the site.”

    This is all nonsense and substitution of concepts. Just like Eurotest, if it is new, it is perfectly accepted in Russian authorized service centers. The main thing is that the phone has the same model number as the one officially sold in Russia. You can read more about this in another.

    We, in turn, responsibly declare that only NEW equipment is sold in our store. You can check any product by serial number and it will correspond to point 1 in this article!

    What is a serial number?

    The manufacturer assigns each released device a unique serial number, which encrypts all information about the device model, country, and release date. The serial number is unique for each device from the same manufacturer.

    What is IMEI?

    Mobile phones, in addition to the serial number, have a so-called IMEI code. IMEI is an international identifier unique to each mobile phone. IMEI is a generally accepted standard for all mobile devices, which is “sewn” into the phone during manufacturing at the factory. This is something like a serial number that is broadcast to the operator when authorizing the phone on the network. The IMEI code format is the same for all phones, regardless of manufacturer. Also, the IMEI code is used to track and block stolen phones at the level of the cellular operator, which subsequently prevents the use of such a device in the network of this operator. However, blocking the IMEI code with one operator does not prevent it from being used in other networks.

    How can I find out the device serial number?

    As a rule, the serial number is printed on the packaging and duplicated on the device body; in most cases, the serial number is accessible through the software shell.

    How to find out the IMEI of a phone?

    To check your phone's IMEI, dial *#06# and the call button on your phone. The phone's IMEI looks like a 15-digit digital code. The IMEI code is duplicated under the battery of your phone, on the packaging and in the warranty card.

    Why do I need this?

    SNDeepInfo is the most affordable way to find out all the information about a device before you pay money for it. Enter the device serial number or phone IMEI in the input field and get accurate information about the phone model. Apple users receive extended information indicating physical and technical characteristics (device color, memory size, production date, firmware version when selling the device, unlocking and jailbreak methods).

    What is this all for?

    SNDeepInfo will protect you from buying a fake device. If, when checking, the serial number is not in the system, think about whether you are buying counterfeit equipment.

    SNDeepInfo protects you from buying stolen goods. Each user who has become a victim of theft or lost a device has the opportunity to leave the stolen phone number or device serial number in the IMEI database. Therefore, SNDeepInfo is not only a service for checking IMEI and serial numbers, but also a database of stolen phones and devices.

    SNDeepInfo helps you find stolen and lost items. Enter the code of the stolen phone or the serial number of the missing device into the IMEI database and increase the chances of finding the loss. If upon inspection the device is found to be listed as stolen, you can return it to its rightful owner and receive a reward if nominated by the owner.

    SNDeepInfo is not just a phone IMEI database and serial number check, it is an in-depth device quality check service, a seller integrity test, and a search service for stolen phones and lost devices.

    Currently, the service supports checking IMEI codes of all phones, including IMEI Apple iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, as well as Samsung Galaxy S8, and Galaxy Note 8! It is planned to expand the service for checking device serial numbers for any electronic equipment.