• How to place a hashtag in a contact. How to put hashtags on Instagram: a detailed guide. What is it

    1. What do they look for “in contact” or “vkontakte”?
    An analysis of search queries for “VKontakte” and “VKontakte” showed that “VKontakte” is searched for more often and there is less competition there. The fact is that search engines perceive “in contact” as a synonym for “vkontakte”, but “in contact” is a much more common phrase, and “vkontakte” is a name.

    Probably, the choice “in contact” was made because of the site’s statistics, but it was not worth it. Even in combinations with the keywords “make” and “hashtag,” VKontakte wins, both in terms of the number of views and in terms of query competition. In addition, this way you can reach a non-target audience.

    2. Capital letters in hashtags.
    One of the problems with hashtags is their readability is poor, especially in the context of an article. The article provides two clear examples: #earningsonline - and: #earnings_on_the Internet - the second option is more readable, but I prefer to do it this way: #InternetEarnings - i.e., every word in the hashtag is capitalized. This option is more attractive and easier to remember, for example: #DearFriends, #GoodMorning, etc. This is just an addition to what has been said.

    3. Do we work for people or for the public?
    I really really liked the option of a “hashtag-category” for a public page, profile, etc., but when I started thinking about these things, the question involuntarily arose - for whom are we working? No, of course, it’s a necessary thing, but it’s too plastic. People, of course, will get used to it and understand, but I used hashtags like #windows@blognotes and somehow they don’t look right, more like a list of e-mail addresses :) This is just a thought, maybe not true.

    4. “Domain name” of the public or...
    In fact, what was called the “domain name” of the public is called the “page address” - at least in the settings of my group, it was called that.

    However, it is not clear what else to call it. Blogger called it “permanent link”. There is also such a thing as “CNC”. But all this is not the same!

    In English this is called “slug”, which is translated into Russian as a bullet, a piece of metal, etc., there are many options. I somehow came across the Russian version of “chang”, but I will not undertake to claim that I correctly understood the author and I do not know the origin of this term.

    5. Hashtag for the photo - cool!
    But I liked this idea. It's a pity that this is not very suitable for links. That is, you can combine a link and a photo, but then the photo will not be clickable. For notes with photographs, that’s it!

    6. Hashtag at the end of the post.
    The simplest and most adequate option (for me personally) is to place hashtags at the end of the post, which is what I recommend in my tips for announcing articles on VKontakte (http://goo.gl/sJE4Zx). The main thing has already been read, the links (if any) have been seen, etc. If the user wants to click on the hashtag and look at the posts of other users, then the flag is in his hands, he may actually find something that is interesting.

    That seems to be all I can say and add. As always, I will copy my comment to Google+ with a link to the article. I love the win-win! If anything, the link from my comment can be removed, or if the comment is too long, then the entire comment is fine, I’ll understand 😉

    We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

    Initially, the hashtags came to us from Twitter and very quickly spread across all social networks. However, even now not everyone knows how to use them, whether it is necessary to do this and what results they give. In this article we will give answers to these questions. Let's start with a definition. Hashtags are words with a hash symbol, written in Latin or Cyrillic. They summarize information from one profile based on similar characteristics. It also unites different accounts that posted similar content.

    On Instagram, they can perform several tasks:

    • Sorting photos by topic.
    • Creation of rubrics.
    • Carrying out flash mobs.
    • Attracting new subscribers through search.

    Note that the last point is not guaranteed, as # promotion is deprecated. Don't expect serious results. But one way or another these elements are useful. When used correctly, they attract the attention of potential customers and simplify blog navigation.

    Types of hashtags and how to work with them on Instagram

    There are two classifications. One of them is by frequency (the number of publications for the selected hashtag). Based on this, there are four types of notes:

    • High frequency. From 100,000.
    • Mid-frequency. From 10 to 100,000 thousand.
    • Low frequency. From 500 to 10,000.
    • Rare. Up to 500.

    For example. If you go to Instagram search and type “promotion” in the “Tags” section, you will see 1 million posts. This means that # is of the first type, it is popular and will probably not be very useful in promotion.

    Hashtags can also be divided into several types according to their purpose:

    • Spam. For example, #likes, #follow4follow and others used for promotion. They usually provide minimal benefit and can lead to blocking.
    • Geohashtags. Link to region or city. #Interior Design is not aimed at a target audience like #Interior DesignMoscow.
    • Branded. Your company name.
    • Content. They are relevant to the content of the note.
    • Classifiers. Combine publications on the topic.

    How to write hashtags on Instagram correctly

    Writing labels doesn't seem difficult. However, you need to know a few rules that will allow you to achieve their maximum effectiveness.

    • Latin and Cyrillic. As we have already written, it is allowed to select # in English and Russian, but remember that in this case the number of competitors increases.
    • Collocations. Write short phrases, no more than three words.
    • Space and special characters. They are not suitable for your purposes. Use underscores, emojis, and numbers as separators.
    • Hashtag division. Leave a space between them. This way they won’t merge into an illegible canvas and Instagram won’t consider them spam.
    • Uppercase and lowercase letters. They don't matter. #design and #Design are considered one option.
    • Replacing signs. If you change the ending or another character, you get two different tags. For example, #tourist and #tourists.

    It’s very easy to add tags: put a hash in front of the desired word and it will automatically become a link. They can be added after publication. To do this, just go into editing mode and click “Edit”.

    How many hashtags can you add to photos on Instagram and how to put them correctly

    You are allowed to place thirty tags on one post, but it is recommended not to overuse this element and choose no more than 11 words. Otherwise, they may look like spam to both users and the social network's algorithms.

    At the same time, it is important not to focus on high-frequency options, since they are practically useless and even harmful. There are too many such accounts in the general feed and you will fall down very quickly. The target audience will not see you, but you will attract mass likers and mass followers.

    Make a list of 100-150 business-appropriate hashtags in advance. Use # of different frequency and types: geographical, with the name of the company, product/service, combining posts on the topic.

    Add characteristics of what is shown in the photo. For example #nature #white. Imagine yourself in your potential client's shoes and think about how you would formulate your request.

    Come up with your own hashtag. For this, a brand slogan or characteristics associated with it will come in handy. Experiment with the combination. Sometimes even a misspelling looks appropriate.

    Methods for selecting tags

    You can find them manually by looking at competitors' accounts. Find large companies in the industry and analyze which #s they use most often and how many they add. Use search on Instagram. Enter a keyword and you will see relevant notes in the line above the displayed photos.

    The third method is the most effective. Create collections using special programs.

    • Displaypurposes. Convenient and free service. Enter one or more tags in the black field and a list of relevant options will be generated.
    • Websta. It works on the same principle. Recognizes Russian well.
    • Instatag. A selection of popular #s, sorted into different areas. There are sections “for likes”. All that is required of you is to go to the desired category and select the appropriate words.

    How to make hashtags on Instagram

    There is a classic technique - when hashtags are placed directly after the text. You can make this block more neat by separating it with emoji or symbols. The most convenient way is to type the information in the editor on your phone using enter and spaces, and then copy it to the blog. This design will look beautiful and will be better received by readers.

    Another trick is to place the # part in the post itself. It is necessary to fit them in organically. If you're writing about your product or service, add a hash mark to the title and other keywords. There should be no more than two or four. Space the bullets evenly throughout the paragraphs. Place the remaining hashtags in the first comment. It also looks neat and doesn't irritate your profile visitors.

    The third method is suitable for increasing positions in the feed. To do this, put 30 marks in the text in the note and the same number after it, in the comment. The disadvantage of this method is that Instagram may impose sanctions on you as a spammer if you do not remove high-frequency tags in time (within 5-10 minutes).

    How to promote Instagram using hashtags

    Hold competitions and flash mobs. Invite users to take a photo of something specific and post it on their blog with a tag you come up with. This is how many brands gain followers and increase awareness.

    Offer discounts and gifts for using your tag with or without a review. A mention on a client’s page is good advertising and is more credible than sales posts.

    Tag a more popular account in the note that is close to your topic. Add as many tags as possible to increase your visibility. This way, new people will see your post and you will gain targeted subscribers.

    Don't use this promotion method blindly. There are tools to help track its effectiveness. This way you can understand what is going wrong and correct the shortcomings.

    Special services:

    • Sproutsocial.
    • Picalytics.
    • Iconosquare.

    How to add hashtags on Instagram: the rules again

    Account owners often make mistakes in using hashtags. They are usually related to their quantity and frequency. In order not to waste your time and avoid getting sanctioned, do not forget to follow simple principles:

    • # should always be relevant to the topic of the post.
    • Do not enter more than 11 words, it will look like spam both by users and the social network.
    • Remember that for popular queries you will move down in the feed very quickly, as it is updated every minute.
    • If you want new readers to find you in search, your account must be open. A closed profile will not appear in the search results, even if you select the tags correctly.
    • Don't put the same hashtags in every post. This will signal that you are a spammer and the page will be blocked.

    We told you how to correctly write hashtags for photos on Instagram and in what quantity to add them. Even if you are skeptical about the need for #, try entering this element into your profile. On Instagram, they really may not play a big role in quality promotion and recruitment of subscribers. But they will be very useful as an additional tool for blogging.

    Hi all! Vasily Blinov is with you and today I want to tell and show you how to put hashtags on Instagram.

    But I’ll start not just with how to do them, but with what they are - hashtags on Instagram, what they are needed for and how to use them correctly in your posts. I believe that without understanding how they work, there is no point in using them.

    What is a hashtag on Instagram?

    On Instagram, photos are grouped using these tags. Using them you can find photos on a specific topic, place, event, etc. Sometimes you click on tags that interest you and find a lot of interesting information, people and beautiful photos.

    Since I travel, I often look at places that people have hashtagged on their Instagram. It happens that through him I contact and meet these interesting guys, ask them about a place, a city, where to go, what to see, etc.

    Sorting by hashtags is an indispensable function, but recently many people have begun to use it for purposes other than its intended purpose. Which leads to spamming with wrong photos based on the necessary tag words.

    For example, for the tag of my city #Perm there is a very small percentage of live photographs, mainly for it, I would say 90% - this is the sale of clothes, watches, some services and other nonsense. Because of spam and advertising, it simply became useless.

    In addition to the fact that hashtags are used throughout Instagram and are seen by other users who do not follow you, they are also needed to sort personal content. Due to the unique words in the tag, you can divide all your photos on Instagram into different topics. For example, I have several topics on which I write and publish posts: #Vasily_about_remote or #Vasily_travel_Bali. Nobody uses hashtags like this, and for me they became unique.

    That’s basically all about what hashtags are and why they are needed. I think everyone understands, if you have questions, write in the comments.

    How to tag photos?

    Everything is simple here, but there are some peculiarities.

    To make a hashtag on Instagram on your phone or computer, you need to put the “#” symbol in the description immediately before the word and this word will automatically become a link, when you click on it, a search will open with all the photos in the descriptions or comments to which this hashtag was used.

    What do you need to know when writing hashtags on Instagram?

    1. You can put hashtags in any part of the text and in the comments. Usually they replace individual words in the text or are written in order through a space at the end of the text or in a separate comment.
    2. The tag can be written in both Russian and English, and also contain numbers.
    3. It can contain both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example: #Vasily and #Vasily are the same hashtag.
    4. If you change at least one letter or symbol in it, then it will be a different hashtag. For example: #travelE and #travelI are different tags.
    5. It cannot contain spaces. To write a hashtag consisting of several words, either write them together or separate them with the underscore character “_”. For example: #VasilyBlinov or #Vasily_Blinov.
    6. Instagram remembers all the hashtags that you entered earlier, after you enter the hash and the first letter, a list of all words will appear. Also, when you enter “#” and the first letters, the Instagram search will automatically show you a list of tags. Just be careful, because phrases with errors are often shown there.

    Instagram remembers hashtags, and the next time you check the hashtag and enter the first letter, it will offer you a ready-made word.

    How many tags can you put on Instagram?

    The maximum number of hashtags that can be added to a photo is 30. If you accidentally write more, none of them will be published.

    I made a separate selection where I collected . This article will help you generate the right number of words. I saved it in bookmarks and use it as a cheat sheet, I don’t always remember the right words without it, it will also help you choose hashtags if you use promotion services like Pamagram.com, to find a more precise target audience.

    Search by hashtags on Instagram

    Now we have conveniently made a search on Instagram, you can search in 4 categories:

    1. The best
    2. Tags
    3. Places

    To find photos by a specific tag word, go to the application, click on the “magnifying glass” search icon, then click on the text input line and select the “Tags” tab.

    How do I use hashtags to gain likes and followers?

    The other day I read an interesting article in which a guy talked about how he promotes his posts using hashtags. Well, his scheme is complete crap. First, he publishes a photo on Instagram with one list of hashtags, after a few minutes he deletes this set, writes another in the comment, then deletes it again and writes back the first option.

    This is some kind of perversion! I don't understand why you bother so much. Hashtags need to be used, but they do not play a major role, they are only an auxiliary element.

    Better worry about the quality of content and photos, put appropriate tags, do it for people. I previously tried to add as many tags as possible to each of my posts, but the result was almost zero.

    Firstly, all the popular tags that we usually put last a few minutes. If you click on them an hour after publication, you will not find your photo, it will fly far down the feed, and no one will see it.

    Secondly, a bunch of tags in the text make it difficult for your follower to read, and the post doesn’t look very nice.

    Thirdly, if you use unique tags to group your posts, then they simply won’t be noticed in a bunch of others.

    1. Take high-quality photos and descriptions.
    2. Use your own unique tags that will divide your posts into different topics.
    3. Don’t add a bunch of unclear and illogical tags.

    Thus, by making your account interesting for readers, your subscribers will grow and, accordingly, likes to your photos.

    That's all for me, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments. And also subscribe to my newsletter to receive other interesting and useful articles by email.

    What hashtags really are and how to use them correctly in your SMM promotion in 2019. Experts from the SMM social media marketing automation platform PublBox will talk about the practices of searching and setting hashtags.
    Hashtag - what is it? A hashtag (or “hashtag” from the English “hash” - “hash, symbol “hash”” and “tag” - “label, tag”) is any word in Latin or Cyrillic, and even a combination of words and numbers without spaces, preceded by there is a # symbol (hash).
    Hashtags took root so well on Twitter that they quickly spread beyond its borders. They are quite appropriate on any social network. But ask yourself: are we overestimating hashtags and how can we use them wisely in our posts?

    Let's go through the hardware

    The mass following hashtag has also taken root on Twitter. During the day, some popular tag like #MassFollow #MutualPump will definitely appear in the trends. The bottom line is that you find a user using a hashtag, subscribe, and he follows you back.
    Why is mass following using hashtags for subscriptions not a solution for companies and brands?

    • 99% of followers acquired this way will never respond to your tweets;
    • Most people subscribe, wait for a mutual response, and then delete the page from their subscriptions.

    Hashtags on Instagram

    Hashtags on Instagram may be the only text accompanying an image. Besides the banal descriptive function, what else can # be useful for?

    • Hashtags to increase engagement:

    On Instagram, hashtags help users and business pages find similar posts and join the general flow. Conventionally, you are makeup artist Natasha. And share the results of your work on Instagram. Add the hashtag #MUA and the search will return your photo with others like it. Now everyone who is interested in makeup options will be able to appreciate your efforts with likes, subscribe to updates, and even, if you’re lucky, order a service.
    To capture most of the audience, you will add other hashtags: #smokeyeyes #makeupoftheday and other #nails and #eyelashes. But it’s important to remember: the maximum allowed number of hashtags in one post on Instagram is 30.
    There are also disadvantages: on the one hand, by adding the maximum number of hashtags, you increase the likelihood that not a single makeup fan will miss a wow post; on the other hand, the abundance of hashtags will make the publication unaesthetic and create a feeling of spam.

    • Hashtags for personalization

    It makes sense for you, makeup artist Natasha, to create a unique hashtag. To do this, you can add your last name or first name to the existing one, for example, #NataliaMUA. The main thing is to check in advance whether this hashtag is occupied by another Natalia.

    • Hashtags for navigation
    • To highlight a series of photos that relate to one event or topic, try creating navigational hashtags within your account. For example, you want to show the client only samples of lip makeup - for this you can use the hashtag #NataliaMUA_lips.
    • Hashtags for promotion and subscriptions

    It is believed that promotion using hashtags works best on Instagram. Many people talk about this so actively that one might even believe that there is a list of magic hashtags that bring dozens of active subscribers to the page and instantly turn them into clients. But, of course, it’s not that simple :)
    Definitely, you can increase the number of followers on Instagram if you get into the top 9 in the general list when using mid-frequency hashtags. Within the first minutes, the publication should gain as much engagement as possible compared to others using exactly the same hashtag .
    The higher the frequency of the hashtag, the less likely it is to stay in the top. This means fewer people will see the post and subsequently follow your profile.
    There is also the other side of the coin:

    • Most often, you collect likes and subscriptions from bots. If you're lucky, in large quantities, but what's the point? The value of such likes and subscriptions is minimal.
    • Your content must be really catchy so that a real person viewing something using a certain hashtag will want to like it and, even more so, subscribe to your updates.

    Hashtags on VKontakte

    On VKontakte there were no restrictions on the number of hashtags. Because of this, posts could turn into almost unreadable spam. After some time, the wave of reckless hashtags passed. Now they have two main purposes:

    1. Sorting messages (cataloging) on ​​the wall of your own public page or page by category works 100%.

    By the way, if you, like makeup artist Natasha, decide to choose the common hashtag #MUA to designate an internal section, add after it the name or id of your page through the @ symbol - then subscribers, by clicking on such a hashtag, will see a selection of only your photos on the topic.

    1. Introducing your post into thematic blocks within the platform in the hope of attracting new subscribers - effectiveness is relative.

    Hashtags on Facebook

    On Facebook, hashtags are clearly not a key tool, but you definitely need to know how to correctly put a hashtag on Facebook. Where to expect a catch?

    1. Hashtags on Facebook perform mainly the function of a marker - they suggest the key thoughts of the text to the reader. Here, hashtags for subscriptions practically do not work and do not affect the increase in engagement.
    2. Searching for hashtags uses a complex algorithm. Posts are not published in chronological order. First, the user will receive a portion of his friends’ posts with the hashtag, and then the pages that are the most significant for search results according to Facebook’s calculations.

    If you run a competition with a mandatory hashtag, keep in mind: Facebook search may not return all posts, and in the desktop and mobile versions it will generate different search options.
    Monitoring may be incomplete. Many companies (and even makeup artist Natasha) use hashtag searches so as not to miss mentions of their work in user posts. Consider the specifics of delivery.

    Let's sum it up

    Despite the once huge hype around hashtags, they turn out to be somewhat overrated in the end.
    What do we get from using hashtags, and how can they help us?

    • They help highlight the #key idea in a long post. and make an emphasis.
    • They are extremely easy to navigate on VKontakte and Instagram.
    • Using hashtags The most trending news in many social networks is determined.
    • At choosing the right hashtags(for niche topics) you can get active subscribers who are really interested in your publications.

    And finally

    A short guide on using hashtags on social networks:

    • Don't go to extremes. You shouldn’t overuse and use all 30 hashtags. But their complete absence will not increase interest in the post.
    • Put spaces between hashtags. An unreadable river like #beauty#fashion#style#I doesn’t make you want to not only subscribe, but even like it!
    • Hide hashtags. If they are used in large quantities and only for the purpose of collecting as many likes as possible, try posting them as a separate comment immediately after posting the photo.
    • Don't use symbols. Dash, hyphen and other punctuation marks, special characters +, $, &, %, spaces between the components of one hashtag will simply make it unworkable.
    • Mix hashtags. To increase the effectiveness of a post, you need to use both high-frequency and unique hashtags for navigation and personalization.
    • Don't get banned. There is a list of hashtags banned on Instagram. It contains #bigdickboy and #russianmilf, but the completely harmless #hardsummer and even #valentinesday are also prohibited - watch out!
    • Re-read the hashtag and make sure there are no errors. Illiterate text will not only lower your professional rating, but will also negatively affect hashtag engagement.
    • Re-read your hashtag loudly and with expression before posting., unless you plan to create a meme that will beat the #fairytaleBali ratings.

    Are you eager to promote your Instagram account? Great! In fact, it turns out that this is much easier to do than it seems. One of the most popular methods is hashtags for Instagram, which will help you gain the attention of your audience by communicating with people within the service. So what is it and how to use it?

    What is it?

    How to choose hashtags on Instagram?

    When writing tags on Instagram, you need to choose them correctly. First of all, they must correspond to the general theme of the photo. It is best to “peep” an example from businessmen or stars, whose profiles are simply strewn with key phrases for successful promotion. The most popular and relevant for Instagram promotion are the well-known classic hashtags, including #sun #love #family #sea #weather #me #follow #like #girl #food #fashion and others.

    When selecting key phrases, focus not only on the image itself, but also words that are close to the theme of the photo as a whole. For example, you can add the following tags to a photo with the sea: #sea #me #rest #vacation #relax #sea #sun #happiness and so on. To enhance the effect, you can put tags in different languages.

    Don’t forget about temporary hashtags that go to the top on some important dates. These could be holidays, elections, popular events. You can also use personal “words” that have special meaning. New tags also appear periodically - for example, tags of branded companies during prize draws.

    How to create your own hashtag on Instagram?

    Many users are interested in the question of how to choose their key phrases. Hashtags on Instagram can be invented by the user and carry a special meaning that is clear only to him or his friends. These can also be simple, fun and creative captions that reflect the user's personality. Your tag can be used in several publications and express the owner’s attitude towards the photo. It’s easy to come up with: it all depends on your imagination and preferences. Write about your impressions of the shot, remember the funny moments associated with it. By the way, you can put tags not only under photos, but also under videos. Well, you already know how to choose hashtags, so be creative and imaginative: other users may find your photos and be interested in a phrase with text of their own composition. You’ve learned how to make classic hashtags on Instagram, so let’s move on to the next stage.

    How to use tags correctly?

    How to make an interesting hashtag on Instagram correctly? To do this, follow all the recommendations indicated above. Pay attention to an important fact: exceeding the number of mini-inscriptions from the author on an iPhone or Android may result in them not being registered. Anticipating your question - how many hashtags can be used in one photo, I will answer: exactly 30 pieces. If you add the 31st, they will simply be deleted and will not be loaded along with the photo. It will be a shame if you didn’t have time to save or write them down. You will have to think about what to do in such a situation and create tags again. Agree, not the most tempting prospect? But if you follow my advice, you will be able to use and write keywords correctly for your profile.

    Read the separate article.

    Wondering why hashtags or geotags don’t work? Perhaps you should just update the app to the latest version to know which hashtags are trending at the moment.


    So, now you know how to properly promote your Instagram account and choose hashtags for your favorite photos. Don't forget to follow the "Newest" section and create your own phrases. Making a hashtag is not as difficult as it seems, and this article is a clear example of this. Use the right tags and ensure an influx of subscribers who may even repost your photo. Who knows, maybe you will attract new users using similar phrases. It’s not for nothing that Instagram was created as a platform for promotion? Go ahead - select tags and move them!

    If you're interested, check out our other article.