• How to make acoustic speakers. Magnetic shielding of speaker systems How computer speakers are designed

    First, let's dot the i's and understand the terminology.

    Electrodynamic loudspeaker, dynamic loudspeaker, speaker, direct radiation dynamic head are various names for the same device that serves to convert electrical vibrations of sound frequency into air vibrations, which are perceived by us as sound.

    You have seen sound speakers or, in other words, direct radiation dynamic heads more than once. They are actively used in consumer electronics. It is the loudspeaker that converts the electrical signal at the output of the audio amplifier into audible sound.

    It is worth noting that the efficiency (efficiency) of the audio speaker is very low and amounts to about 2 – 3%. This, of course, is a huge minus, but so far nothing better has been invented. Although it is worth noting that in addition to the electrodynamic loudspeaker, there are other devices for converting electrical vibrations of sound frequency into acoustic vibrations. These are, for example, loudspeakers of the electrostatic, piezoelectric, electromagnetic type, but loudspeakers of the electrodynamic type are widely used and used in electronics.

    How does the speaker work?

    To understand how an electrodynamic loudspeaker works, let's look at the figure.

    The speaker consists of a magnetic system - it is located on the back side. It includes a ring magnet. It is made of special magnetic alloys or magnetic ceramics. Magnetic ceramics are specially pressed and “sintered” powders that contain ferromagnetic substances – ferrites. The magnetic system also includes steel flanges and a steel cylinder called core. The flanges, core and ring magnet form a magnetic circuit.

    There is a gap between the core and the steel flange in which a magnetic field is formed. The coil is placed in the gap, which is very small. The coil is a rigid cylindrical frame on which a thin copper wire is wound. This coil is also called voice coil. The voice coil frame is connected to diffuser- it then “pushes” the air, creating compression and rarefaction of the surrounding air - acoustic waves.

    The diffuser can be made from different materials, but more often it is made from compressed or cast paper pulp. Technologies do not stand still and in use you can find diffusers made of plastic, paper with a metallized coating and other materials.

    To prevent the voice coil from touching the walls of the core and the flange of the permanent magnet, it is installed exactly in the middle of the magnetic gap using centering washer. The centering washer is corrugated. It is thanks to this that the voice coil can move freely in the gap without touching the walls of the core.

    The diffuser is mounted on a metal body – basket. The edges of the diffuser are corrugated, which allows it to oscillate freely. The corrugated edges of the diffuser form the so-called top suspension, A lower suspension- This is a centering washer.

    Thin wires from the voice coil are brought out to the outside of the diffuser and secured with rivets. And on the inside of the diffuser, a stranded copper wire is attached to the rivets. Next, these multi-core conductors are soldered to the petals, which are mounted on a plate isolated from the metal body. Due to the contact petals, to which the multi-core leads of the voice coil are soldered, the speaker is connected to the circuit.

    How does the speaker work?

    If you pass an alternating electric current through the voice coil of a speaker, the magnetic field of the coil will interact with the constant magnetic field of the magnetic system of the speaker. This will cause the voice coil to either be pulled into the gap in one direction of current in the coil, or pushed out of it in the other. Mechanical vibrations of the voice coil are transmitted to the diffuser, which begins to oscillate in time with the frequency of alternating current, creating acoustic waves.

    Speaker designation on the diagram.

    The graphical symbol for the speaker is as follows.

    Letters are written next to the designation B or B.A. , and then the serial number of the speaker in the circuit diagram (1, 2, 3, etc.). The conventional image of the speaker in the diagram very accurately conveys the real design of the electrodynamic loudspeaker.

    Basic parameters of the audio speaker.

    The main parameters of the audio speaker that you should pay attention to:

      But in addition to active resistance, the voice coil also has reactance. Reactance is formed because the voice coil is, in fact, an ordinary inductor and its inductance resists alternating current. Reactance depends on the frequency of the alternating current.

      The active and reactance of the voice coil forms the total impedance of the voice coil. It is denoted by the letter Z(so-called impedance). It turns out that the active resistance of the coil does not change, but the reactance changes depending on the frequency of the current. To bring order, the reactance of the speaker voice coil is measured at a fixed frequency of 1000 Hz and the active resistance of the coil is added to this value.

      The result is a parameter called the nominal (or total) electrical resistance of the voice coil. For most dynamic heads this value is 2, 4, 6, 8 ohms. Speakers with an impedance of 16 ohms are also available. As a rule, this value is indicated on the housing of imported speakers, for example, like this - or 8 Ohm.

      It is worth noting the fact that the total resistance of the coil is somewhere between 10 and 20% greater than the active one. Therefore, it can be determined quite simply. You just need to measure the active resistance of the voice coil with an ohmmeter and increase the resulting value by 10 - 20%. In most cases, only purely active resistance can be taken into account.

      The nominal electrical resistance of the voice coil is one of the important parameters, since it must be taken into account when matching the amplifier and load (speaker).

      Frequency range is the range of sound frequencies that a speaker can reproduce. Measured in hertz (Hz). Let us remember that the human ear perceives frequencies in the range of 20 Hz – 20 kHz. And, this is just a very good ear :).

      No speaker can accurately reproduce the entire audible frequency range. The quality of sound reproduction will still differ from what is required.

      Therefore, the audible range of sound frequencies was conventionally divided into 3 parts: low-frequency ( LF), mid-frequency ( midrange) and high frequency ( HF). So, for example, woofers best reproduce low frequencies - bass, and high-frequency ones - “squeak” and “ringing” - that’s why they are called tweeters. There are also full-range speakers. They reproduce almost the entire audio range, but their playback quality is average. We win in one thing - we cover the entire frequency range, we lose in another - in quality. Therefore, wideband speakers are built into radios, televisions and other devices, where sometimes it is not necessary to obtain high-quality sound, but only need clear transmission of voice and speech.

      For high-quality sound reproduction, the bass, midrange and tweeter speakers are combined in a single housing and equipped with frequency filters. These are speaker systems. Since each speaker reproduces only its part of the sound range, the total work of all speakers significantly increases the sound quality.

      Typically, woofers are designed to reproduce frequencies from 25 Hz to 5000 Hz. Woofers usually have a large diameter cone and a massive magnetic system.

      The midrange speakers are designed to reproduce a frequency range from 200 Hz to 7000 Hz. Their dimensions are slightly smaller than woofers (depending on power).

      The tweeters perfectly reproduce frequencies from 2000 Hz to 20,000 Hz and higher, up to 25 kHz. The diffuser diameter of such speakers is usually small, although the magnetic system can be quite large.

      Rated power (W) - this is the electrical power of audio frequency current that can be supplied to the speaker without the threat of damage or damage. Measured in watts ( W) and milliwatts ( mW). Recall that 1 W = 1000 mW. You can read more about the abbreviated notation of numerical values.

      The amount of power that a particular speaker is designed to handle may be indicated on its housing. For example, like this - 1W(1 W).

      This means that such a speaker can be easily used in conjunction with an amplifier whose output power does not exceed 0.5 - 1 W. Of course, it is better to choose a speaker with some power reserve. The photo also shows that the nominal electrical resistance is indicated - (4 ohms).

      If you apply more power to the speaker than what it is designed for, it will work with overload, begin to “wheeze,” distort the sound, and soon fail.

      Let us remember that the efficiency of the speaker is about 2 – 3%. This means that if an electrical power of 10 W is supplied to the speaker, then it will convert only 0.2 - 0.3 W into sound waves. Quite a bit, right? But the human ear is very sophisticated, and is capable of hearing sound if the emitter reproduces an acoustic power of about 1 - 3 mW at a distance of several meters from it. In this case, an electrical power of 50 - 100 mW must be supplied to the emitter - in this case, the speaker. Therefore, not everything is so bad and for comfortable sounding of a small room it is quite enough to supply 1 - 3 W of electrical power to the speaker.

    These are just three basic parameters of the speaker. In addition to them, there are also such as sensitivity level, resonance frequency, amplitude-frequency response (AFC), quality factor, etc.

    At first glance, making your own speakers is quite simple. However, this is misleading. First of all, it should be noted that the models are made with different elements. Depending on them, the device parameters and sound quality will be different.

    There are special requirements for computer speakers. You can also make a model for your car or studio yourself. In this case, it is very important to follow the instructions. First of all, to assemble the speakers, you should consider the standard model diagram.

    Speaker layout

    The speaker circuit includes drivers, pads, diffuser and crossover. Powerful models use a special bass reflex. Amplifiers can be installed with field-effect or switching transistors. To improve sound quality, capacitors are used. The woofer is matched with the amplifier. The dynamic head must be attached to the seal.

    Single speaker models

    Single speaker speakers are very common. To assemble the model, you will first have to deal with the body. Plywood is often used for this purpose. At the end of the work it will have to be sheathed. However, the first step is to make the side posts. For this purpose you will have to use a jigsaw. you can choose a small power.

    The inside of the plywood must be stitched with vibration-proof tape. After fixing the speaker, the seal is fixed. Glue is used for this purpose. Next, all that remains is to attach the diffuser. Some people make a separate shelf for it and fix it with stacking screws. To connect the speaker to the plug, a terminal block is installed. How to turn on speakers? For this purpose, a cable is used from the terminal block, which should lead to a power source.

    Model drawing for two speakers

    Speakers with two speakers can be made for home or car. If we consider the first option, then a pulse type diffuser will be required. First of all, durable plywood is selected for assembly. The next step is to cut out the bottom post. Models with legs are very rare. To cover the veneer, you can use regular varnish. There is no need to glue vibration isolation tape to the front pillar. The diffuser is mounted under the speaker. To make a hole in the panel, you need to use a jigsaw. The bass reflex is fixed at the rear wall. Some manufacture devices with horizontal speakers. In this case, the diffuser will be located at the top of the structure. Wires for speakers are of the two-core type.

    Devices with three speakers

    Speakers (homemade) with three speakers are very rare. These devices are most suitable for the multi-channel type. To assemble the model, first of all, sheets of plywood are selected. Some also recommend using veneers. However, models made of natural wood are quite expensive on the market. The speakers should be installed horizontally. The device will also require an amplifier.

    Metal corners are used to secure it. To connect the plates you will need tightening screws. In some cases, the plates are secured with glue. Next, the model will have to be partially covered with leatherette. The next step is to install the terminal block. In order to fix it on the body, you will need to make a separate hole. It is also important to note with regulators. Microcircuits for them are used of the capacitor type. When the speakers produce noise, you need to change the diffuser.

    Studio devices

    Speaker drawings for studios assume the use of powerful speakers. The diffuser is most often used of the pulse type. Many experts recommend installing two amplifiers. For normal operation you will need a zener diode.

    In order to assemble the speakers yourself, the housing is first made. Round holes are made on the front panel for the speakers. You will also need a separate output for the bass reflex. The design of the columns is quite different. Some people prefer to varnish the surface of the case. However, there are models covered in leather.

    Models for computers

    Speakers for computers are often made with one speaker. To assemble the model, veneer sheets of small thickness are selected. A hole for the speaker is cut out on the front panel. The bass reflex must be located at the rear of the housing. If we consider low-power models, the amplifier can be used without a resistor.

    To adjust the speaker volume, special crossovers are used. These elements are allowed to be installed on a bass reflex. If we consider devices with a power of more than 100 W, then amplifiers can only be used with resistors. Some people select pulse diffusers for the model. At the end of the work, the terminal block is always installed.

    Automotive modifications

    Available with two or three speakers. To assemble the model yourself, you will need sheets of plywood. In some cases, varnished veneer is used. To fix the speaker, you need to make a hole in the panel. The next step is to install the bass reflex. Some modifications are made with low-frequency cores. If we consider speakers (homemade) of low power, then the bass reflex can be installed without an amplifier.

    In this case, a multi-channel crossover is used to control sound. Some specialists install terminal blocks behind the bass reflex. If we consider speakers with a power of more than 50 W, then the microcircuits are used for two amplifiers. The diffuser is installed as a standard pulse type. Before fastening the case together, it is important to take care of the vibration-proofing layer. For the terminal block, you need to make a separate hole on the plate. Some people believe that the body must be cleaned. The wires for the speakers are of the two-wire type.

    Open-back speakers

    Portable speakers with an open case are quite easy to make. Most often they are made with one speaker. Holes are made on the back panel of the device with a drill. The plates are directly connected with tightening screws. The diffuser for such devices is suitable for pulse type. Bass reflex units are often installed with one amplifier. If we consider powerful portable speakers, they use a resistor crossover. It is attached to the bass reflex. Many experts recommend installing speakers on a seal.

    Devices with closed housing

    Speakers (homemade) with a closed housing are considered the most common. Many experts believe that they are the best in sound quality. Bass reflex devices for devices are suitable for the operational type. The woofers are installed in the holes. For the purpose of assembling the case, ordinary sheets of plywood are suitable. It is also important to note that there are modifications with cores. If we consider high-power speakers, the terminal blocks are installed in the lower part of the housing. The design of the models is quite different.

    20 W models

    Assembling 20V speakers is quite simple. First of all, experts recommend preparing six sheets of veneer. They should be varnished at the end of the work. It makes more sense to start assembly by installing the speakers. The bass reflex is used as a pulse type. In some cases it is installed on pads. Experts also recommend using rubber seals.

    Power supply to the speakers is provided through the terminal block. It is attached to the back panel. The bass reflex can be installed either with or without an amplifier. If we consider the first option, then the cores are selected of the phase type. In this case, the woofer does not need to be used. If we consider speakers without an amplifier, then they use a crossover. At the end of the work, it is important to clean the body and varnish it.

    50 W devices

    Speakers (homemade) rated at 50 W are suitable for ordinary acoustic players. In this case, the body can be made from ordinary plywood. Many experts also recommend using natural wood veneer. However, it is important to note that he is afraid of high humidity.

    After choosing the material, you should work on the speakers. They must be installed next to the bass reflex. In this case, you cannot do without an amplifier. Many experts recommend selecting only low-frequency crossovers. If we consider modifications with a regulator, then they use a pulse diffuser. The terminal block in this case is installed last. You can always use leatherette to decorate the speakers. A simpler option is to varnish the surface.

    Speakers with a power of 100 W

    100 W speakers are suitable for powerful ones. In this case, the bass reflex is taken only of the pulse type. It is also important to note that the amplifier is installed with a crossover. Many experts recommend using veneer to assemble the case. It is better to install the woofer on a pad.

    The speakers consist of at least two pairs of magnets and diffusers. All this is housed in a housing that we used to call a column. To create a magnetic system, two metal washers approximately 13 mm thick are used. They are placed one by one on a lathe, which smoothes their surface, making it perfectly flat. Then a round hole is cut in the center of one washer and a wider hole in the center of the other.

    How to make speakers

    Now we cut out a smaller and stronger metal disk called a core, and drill a deep hole in it. Super-strong epoxy glue is applied to the core and the back washer in the one with the smaller hole, after which the parts are also screwed, because the connection must be strong enough to withstand the magnetic field.

    The hole is sealed with a foam filter so that the vibrating filter does not collect dust and spoil. Now glue is applied to the edges of the metal basket; this is an aluminum frame that will hold the magnetic system and diffuser. An outer washer with a wider hole is screwed to the glued edge of the basket. Then a ferrite ring made of cermet is glued to the bottom of the outer washer.

    Now glue is applied to the ring, the basket is turned over and the bottom washer is glued. The core fits into the hole in the outer washer. To ensure that the core stands strictly in the center while the glue dries, it is clamped with gaskets. Once the entire system has been screwed to the basket, it is sent to the magnetization unit.

    Using a direct current of 600 volts, positive and negative fields are created, which turn the system into a permanent magnet with its own magnetic field. Now the voice coil is wound, this electromagnet, which will interact with the permanent magnet. An electromagnet generates a magnetic field only when current is applied to it; it consists of turns of copper wire with varnish insulation, which is glued to a plastic core.

    The positive field of the coil will be attracted to the negative field of the permanent magnet. The negative fields of the magnets will be repelled; the main thing here is that when alternating current is applied, the magnetic field of the coil changes. Positive and negative fields are applied to the coils several times per second, so the magnets are constantly attracting and repelling, causing the voice coil to move.

    It transmits vibrations to the diffuser, and it creates sound waves. As soon as the coil is installed, shock absorbers are glued between the outer washer and the core, flexible synthetic rings that protect against friction against the magnetic system. Now the diffuser is glued, usually it is made of cardboard, plastic or metal. Then the electrical contacts are soldered.

    The current from the amplifier travels through the wire to two terminals. The terminal wires are connected to the voice coil wires. After the diffuser is checked for freedom of movement, a cardboard cap is glued to it to protect it from dust. The last step is a sound check of the speaker. It connects to a device that generates different frequencies.

    A worker checks that the movement of the voice coil and diffuser is not interfered with. The computer then analyzes the sound waves sent by the driver. Two-way speakers consist of two drivers in one housing, a low-frequency woofer and a tweeter. The foofer has a large, slow diffuser that reproduces low frequencies. Twitter has small, fast ones that reproduce high ones. Three-way systems have a third driver with a cone for the midrange.

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    Making speakers with your own hands is possible for anyone who knows how to use a soldering iron and also understands electrical circuits. To work, you will need a small number of parts that can be borrowed, for example, from car radios. You will also need material for making speaker cabinets. Usually wood is used for these purposes, but you can even use a plastic case from acoustics that have become unusable. Before you sit down with a soldering iron and etch a printed circuit board, you should choose the design, microcircuit, and speaker system capabilities.

    What do you need from acoustics?

    It's nice when the sound reproduced from a personal computer sounds over the entire audible range (from 20 Hertz to 20 kHz). To emphasize certain frequencies, you need to use special filters. Most of the cheap speakers that can be found on sale reproduce sounds in the range from 50-100 Hertz and up to 15 kHz. This makes the sound seem incomplete and ugly. Therefore, DIY speakers must have higher performance to meet your needs.

    Decide right away which frequencies you plan to emphasize and whether your amplifier will have the ability to manually adjust. But if you decide to take the easy route, then it will be enough to filter out the low and high so that the devices reproducing this spectrum work in parallel with the main speakers. You've probably heard words like "tweeters" (small speakers that filter high frequencies) and "subwoofer" (a large wooden box that houses a speaker to reproduce bass). These are the ones you will have to do yourself.

    What do you need for a subwoofer?

    It won't work without a quality box. Surround sound is created by air moving inside the box. Moreover, the air drives the speaker diffuser. This means you need to make a closed box with one hole for air to escape. Since you are making speakers for your computer with your own hands, there is no need to use huge speakers that are used for car audio. The ideal option is a car speaker used as a standard one, which is installed in the front part. Small-diameter speakers, rubberized diffusers, soft and elastic. This is exactly what is required for a subwoofer.

    Of course, it will not create strong air pressure, but for a small room it will be enough to emphasize low frequencies. You will also need a low-frequency amplifier; there are many of these on the radio market. If possible, you can remove it from an old car stereo. The output power should be at least 20 watts, and the power supply to the microcircuit should preferably be unipolar. But the most important thing is a low-pass filter (LPF), because you won’t be able to make a speaker with a subwoofer yourself without this unit. You should not clutter the design with complex low-pass filters on microcircuits and operational amplifiers. A passive filter made up of resistors and capacitors is sufficient. Depending on their parameters, frequencies are cut off.

    How to make a subwoofer box

    To make the box you need to use durable wood. Chipboard or fiberboard is ideal; its thickness should be no more than 5 mm to make the structure as light as possible. If you have old Soviet TVs in wooden boxes, you can make a nice box out of them. Cut out all structural elements using a jigsaw. Do-it-yourself acoustic speakers must be durable, so do not skimp on glue and self-tapping screws for fastening. The front part on which the speaker is mounted is attached last.

    To stiffen the box, use triangular-shaped wooden slats. Try to glue all small cracks and gaps. After all, the air in the subwoofer will move, and you want it not to come out of the cracks, since the sound will deteriorate because of this. In the back of the box you need to drill a hole for the wire, and a connector for connecting to the amplifier is mounted on the outside. It is much more convenient if the sound speakers, made by yourself, are compact and without external blocks.

    How to make a power supply

    As mentioned above, you should not use bipolar power supply chips for the design. The reason is the complexity of the power supply; it is not easy to obtain the current necessary for operation. Therefore, it is best to make designs that can be connected to a unipolar voltage of 12-24 V. And subsequently, repairing speakers with your own hands will be much easier, if, of course, some kind of breakdown occurs. The power of the transformer should be slightly greater than the power of the consumers - all amplifier microcircuits.

    The best option is to make one power supply for all devices. To effectively arrange all acoustic components, it is worth placing the power supply, the low-pass filter with an amplifier for the subwoofer, and the low-pass filter for the main speakers and tweeters in one housing. This will allow you to use the equipment ergonomically, and the number of wires will be minimal. On the back wall of the subwoofer you need to install connectors for connecting the main speakers and tweeters. But keep in mind that the subwoofer is a source of vibration, so soldering must be done efficiently, and fastening to the body must be done using rubber washers.

    DIY speakers: amplifier and power supply

    The amplifier and power supply can be embedded into the subwoofer body to save space, and connectors for connecting “tulips” can be installed on the outside. The hole is filled with sealant, after which the front side is installed. It is also mounted first using sealant, and then tightened with self-tapping screws. After the box has dried, it must be covered with suitable material.

    As a power supply, you can use a simple circuit: a transformer, a rectifier bridge and 2-3 electrolytic capacitors. These computer speakers, assembled by yourself, will work great, the sound will be clear and pleasant. If there is a slight hum, increase the electrolyte capacity. If there are no elements with a large capacitance, you can connect several in parallel, then the total will be equal to the sum of all capacitors.

    How to make basic speakers with your own hands

    To make the case, you can use either wood or plastic. It is better to give preference to the first one, since its use in acoustics improves the sound quality. If you are too lazy to cut wood, then you can refine the speakers from an old radio or use them without modification. The amplifier and power supply will be assembled in the subwoofer box, so all that remains is to connect the speakers to the required connectors. Therefore, if you have two speakers from the music center, you can safely use them.

    If you decide to do everything in the best possible way, then, by analogy with the subwoofer box, you also make two housings for the main speakers. If desired, they can also be covered with attractive material. Pasting with thin felt, for example, improves the sound quality of the speaker system. In these speakers, it is best to install two speakers - for mid and high frequencies. This will save connection wires and provide a more attractive appearance of the entire system.

    Manufacturing a printed circuit board for amplifiers and rectifiers

    Perhaps an equally labor-intensive process that will take a lot of time. If the design you have chosen is quite simple, then you can apply the design to the foil material using a permanent marker. Just pre-treat the foil with electrolyte for car batteries or hydrochloric acid. This will degrease the surface and improve the etching process. If the design of the printed circuit board is complex, then it is better to use laser-iron technology and software for drawing tracks. Here's how to make a speaker with your own hands, namely a printed circuit board for it.

    In the program, you outline the location of the elements, draw paths, and then print the resulting image on a laser printer with maximum black color saturation. It is better to use glossy paper. Then lay the drawing face down on the surface of the PCB foil, attach the paper and wrap it in a clean rag. Now you need to move the heated iron over the rag so that the design is printed as accurately as possible. This procedure is carried out within 10-15 minutes. After its completion, moisten the paper in water, all excess will go away, and only toner will remain on the foil. If adjustments are necessary, you need to complete the missing elements with a permanent marker.

    Board etching

    Once the pattern transfer is complete, you will need a ferric chloride solution. Most radio amateurs use it, since the etching process with its help takes little time. If you use a solution of copper sulfate and salt, then etching can take a day or two, depending on the concentration of the substances. It also happens that a ferric chloride solution does not corrode copper well, so to increase the etching speed you need to heat it. Just try not to miss the moment when the tracks are freed from excess metal, otherwise the part of the foil that is under the toner will be destroyed.

    In principle, you can make music speakers with your own hands without etching printed circuit boards. There is wall-mounted installation, which is much easier to do. But a beautiful board with proper installation looks much nicer than wires and terminals of elements collected in a heap. And the possibility of interference in the case of wall-mounted installation is much higher. After etching the board, it must be thoroughly washed and dried. And only after removing the toner layer with solvent or alcohol can you begin installing the elements.

    Mounting elements on a printed circuit board

    Now all you have to do is outline the location of all the elements on the surface of the board. First, make marks in those places where you need to make holes with a drill with a diameter of 1-1.2 mm. The task is not easy, since with strong pressure you can simply break the drill. To improve the printed circuit board, it is necessary to tin (coat with a layer of tin) all the tracks of the board. To do this, you need to treat them all with a rosin solution, then use a heated soldering iron with tin to go over each one so that the solder adheres securely to the copper surface. Excessive heating is not needed, as there is a risk that the foil will begin to peel off from the PCB.

    Before installing the elements, their terminals must also be tinning. Only in this case will computer speakers made by yourself have the highest possible reliability. If there is vibration, the soldering can very quickly break down, the contact will be lost, and the amplifier will stop working or will work, but with a wheeze and is unstable.


    As you can understand from all that has been said, you can make high-quality acoustics from any material that is at hand. Just pay attention to its condition; do not use rotten wood for a subwoofer or speakers. The element base of low-frequency amplifiers is very small - one microcircuit is enough, which provides an output power of 10-20 Watts in two channels. Simple music speakers, designed by yourself, will serve you for many years, and the sound quality will allow you to enjoy both music and films with special effects.

    Many users ask the question: how to make computer speakers with your own hands? And this is not at all surprising, since only doing it yourself will not raise any doubts about the quality of the finished system. To create speakers, you will need skill with a soldering iron and an understanding of basic electrical circuits. Yes, even without these skills and knowledge, you can try to create your own invention, but be prepared to face difficulties. If you are interested in making speakers for your computer, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with each stage of creating this useful device. In order to understand the following material, you will need basic knowledge of school physics and a little perseverance.

    Making a “bun”

    Obviously, this popular component will not work without a box. The movement of air inside the structure sets the diffuser in motion, which creates volume of sound.

    Apparently, you will have to make a closed box with only one hole - for air circulation. Since you're building hardware for PC music, there's no need to use hefty speakers. The best option is factory car audio.

    Important! This option will not provide you with much air pressure, but it will be quite enough for a room with a computer.

    Important! Don't look for strange low-pass filters on a large number of amplifiers. A passive filter, which is easily assembled from resistors and capacitors, will be enough for you.

    We make the case

    The body will require very strong wood. Well suited for such purposes: chipboard and fiberboard. The thickness of the sheets should not exceed five millimeters so that the entire structure is lightweight.

    Important! If you have an old TV in a wooden case lying around in the garage, you can use this to create a high-quality box.

    Use a jigsaw to cut out all the necessary elements. When creating the case, do not skimp on glue, screws and other elements that provide fixation. Also focus on the front part where the speaker will be installed.

    Important! To achieve the required rigidity, you should use wooden slats that have a triangular shape. Pay attention to all small holes and gaps - they definitely need to be glued.

    On the “back” do not forget to drill a hole for the cable, and make a connector on the outside in order to connect to the amplifier. It will be extremely convenient if the design does not contain any external blocks.


    How to make speakers for PC? The system must be powered by energy, so a little attention needs to be paid to the power supply.

    Important! Do not use for the design those microcircuits that have bipolar power supply, since it will be extremely difficult to obtain the required current for optimal performance.

    Give preference to the design that requires a unipolar power supply with a voltage in the region of 12-24 V. Such measures will have a positive effect on repairs in the future, because it will be much easier to carry out repairs in the event of a breakdown.

    What else do you need to consider? Pay attention to the following tips:

    • The output power of the transformer must significantly exceed the total power consumption.
    • It is best to create one power supply for all components at once.
    • In order to achieve the greatest efficiency, place the power supply and filter with the amplifier only for the “bun”. It is better to mount the ULF near the main speakers and tweeters. Such measures will help ensure the least amount of wires and the greatest efficiency.

    Important! Don’t forget that the sub experiences a lot of vibration, so all soldering should be done very well. All elements in the subwoofer must be firmly secured.

    Amplifier and power supply

    It is better to fill the hole with a good sealant, and only after that mount the front panel. Its craftsmen also recommend placing it on a sealant, and after drying, placing it on screws.

    After the entire box has completely dried, you need to select a suitable material and cover it. For a power supply, you can use one transformer, a rectifier bridge and about two or three electrolytic capacitors. Such a device will reproduce sound clearly and not create unnecessary interference.

    Important! If you observe a small hum, you should increase the value of the electrolyte capacity. If you can’t find elements with a large capacity, then you can simply plug in several components parallel to each other.

    Main columns

    Here you can use either wood or plastic for the body. Of course, it is better to choose the first material, since using it will help achieve the best sound.

    Important! If you are too lazy to do woodworking, then you can simply cheat and take the old devices from the radio and install them without changes.

    As mentioned above, the amplifier and power supply will be in a box, so the finished speakers are simply connected to the required terminals. If you want to do everything in the best possible way, it is recommended to resort to the following algorithm:

    1. Create two cabinets for the main speakers. Use the tips for making the box as instructions.
    2. Use the material to cover the structure. Such measures will help achieve good sound.
    3. Install two speakers in each enclosure.