• How to make a new folder on your computer. How to create a new folder in Windows XP. Video about making a daddy

    If you frequently work with any documents, it may be more convenient to create a folder on your desktop for quick access to them. This is not difficult to do, however, this operation may be difficult for novice users. In this tutorial we will look at how to make a folder directly on the Windows desktop.

    An example of this operation will be considered using the Windows 7 operating system as the most popular at the time of publication of the material. In other versions of Windows the process will be similar. So:

    Due to inexperience or accident, the user may, at the moment of assigning a folder name, press Enter without renaming it, or click the mouse on the desktop, then it will be fixed with the default name - “ New folder" No big deal, it just needs to be renamed.

    Renaming can be done in two ways:

    Many users store documents on their desktop in folders or even as separate . Undoubtedly, this approach speeds up access to the necessary documents, because you do not need to open Explorer and search for the desired object on the disk. However, not all users (even experienced ones) know that you can simply display a folder stored on a local drive on the desktop and get quick access to it without opening Windows Explorer. That is, the folder itself is located on the disk, and not on the desktop, and its shortcut is used to open it directly from the desktop. This approach is considered the most correct from the point of view of organizing storage and working with documents.

    Open Windows Explorer or browser " Computer" and find the desired folder on your computer's hard drive.

    For those who have forgotten: Explorer can be opened by right-clicking on the Start button and selecting “ Open File Explorer"or by left-clicking on the Explorer icon in the taskbar on the left.

    Right-click on the desired folder to open the context menu, where select " Create a shortcut».

    As a result of this operation, the shortcut “ name of the selected folder-Shortcut»,

    which, by clicking with the left mouse button (LMB on the shortcut and not releasing), you need to drag it to the desktop.

    We are all at different levels of computer skills. And that's quite normal. The most important thing is to never stop developing. In this article we will discuss one of the key features of working on a computer - creating folders.

    What is a folder?

    You probably understand that a computer is a device for storing information. But this is abstruse, but in reality our photos, music, games and many other useful things are stored on the computer. So: this is information.

    The unit of information measurement for ordinary users is a file. A photo is a file, usually a song is one file, a movie is often one file. Now imagine that you went to the supermarket to buy groceries. Let's say you need to buy a stick of sausage, cheese, beef, onions and kefir. Let's compare each of these items with the file.

    How comfortable will it be for you to carry all this in your hands, even to the cash register? That's right, you take a basket or cart. In turn, for example, you will put the onion in a bag at the very beginning, and only after that in the cart so that it does not fall apart. Roughly speaking, the same thing happens on the hard drive (your computer's memory). So that files (music, photos, videos and other files) do not look like one big pile, they are combined into “carts” or folders. (They are also called directories).

    Enough theory, how do you create a folder on your computer?

    With the Windows operating system, for example, this can be done via "Conductor". This is a built-in program that is designed to work with files.

    First you need to decide where your folder should be. For example, you decide to create a folder on your desktop. For this right-click on an empty part of the desktop, select left click "Create" and in the additional list that opens select “Folder”.

    After that, we need to name the folder or leave what is written by default - "New folder." Press the button "Enter". Our entire folder or “cart” has been created and we can now place any files in it.

    Below images show you how to create a folder in C drive step by step.

    I’m very interested to know if you managed to clearly explain how to create a folder; are there any more articles on basic computer capabilities? Write the whole truth in the comments!

    Let's get straight to the point. We will create the folder on a computer with the Windows 7 operating system installed. It is worth noting that there is no difference when using a computer or laptop with Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.


    You can create a folder quickly and without using the mouse. To do this, you need to type the following key combinations:

    1. Ctrl + Shift + N.
    2. If you need to create a folder in Explorer, you can use the following keystroke order: Alt, a, f, g.

    To create an invisible folder, you need to perform two simple steps.

    To change the default folder icon:

    Why can't I create a folder named Con

    Or maybe it’s still possible? Let's try to rename the previously created “Programs” folder. To do this, click on its name twice with the left mouse button, with a short delay between clicks, or press F2 with the active (selected) folder. Enter a new name “con”. As you can see, after this the system error “Invalid device name specified” appears. There is nothing left to do but click “OK” and observe the previous folder name.

    Not only is CON a forbidden folder name, it is also impossible to use PRN, LPT, CLOCK$ and AUX in the name. Without going into details, this is due to the fact that Windows perceives these folders as system folders that have already been created earlier.

    A folder is a convenient tool for organizing files. It can be compared to shelves in a closet. At each place there are things placed according to a certain principle, which is established by the owner.

    For example, in the folder “Photos from Sochi” there are 3,000 thousand photos from vacation. And in the folder “Business trip to the North” there are 1,800 pictures from a work trip.

    If you do not create separate folders and place them in one place, for example on a flash drive, then the photos will be mixed. Therefore, it will be difficult to find the necessary files.

    Now imagine that your boss asked you to send me a photo report about your trip to the North. You won’t choose 1,800 from 4,800 photos one at a time? So you can go crazy!

    All of the above applies not only to photographs, but also to any type of information: music, films, programs and other various files.

    Right! Learning to create:

    How to create a folder on the desktop?

    Don't worry, once you learn how to create folders on your desktop, you can do them anywhere. My choice is related to the convenience of explanation.

    The desktop is the first thing you see on your computer screen immediately after it boots.

    Click the right mouse button. In the pop-up window, select “Create”. Select “Folder” from the menu that opens.

    After which a “New Folder” will appear on the desktop.

    Notice the name is highlighted in blue?

    This means that you can rename it at this time. Start typing a word, the current one will be deleted automatically. Once completed, click anywhere on the screen and the name will be saved.

    An alternative way to save the folder name is to press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

    Now you can create folders anywhere you want. The creation method is similar to that described above.

    How to rename a folder?

    In order to rename a folder, you need to hover your computer mouse cursor over it. Then right-click and select “Rename”.

    We enter the new folder name from the keyboard and save it using one of the methods suggested above (the “Enter” key or mouse click anywhere on the screen).

    How to create a file in a folder?

    Go to the folder in which you want to create the file. At the same time, it can be empty or contain something. It doesn't matter.

    The process is similar to creating a folder, only now you need to select what you want to create.

    I will show the example of a Microsoft Word document designed for creating text documents.

    In my case, the first document will appear in the folder.

    Rename and save.

    How to add a file to a folder?

    All that remains now is to learn how to move files into a folder. There are two ways:

    1. “Copy” file and “Paste”
    2. Move with mouse

    Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

    First way.

    I have a picture on my desktop. I pressed the right mouse button before hovering over it. And then “Copy”.

    Now go to the folder and right-click again, only now select “Paste”.

    After which the picture will be in the right place.

    Second way.

    Click on the desired file with the left mouse button and drag it to the open folder area. The result is similar to the first method.

    Choose any method depending on what is easier for you to apply.

    In order to quickly find something inside a folder, I recommend using the Search function. The method is suitable for those who know the full name of the file or part of it.

    The name entry field is in the upper right corner. You need to write the name you are looking for and the result will appear automatically.

    All the knowledge gained in this article can be applied anywhere: on your desktop, flash drive, external hard drive, another folder - these are just a few examples. And also for any types of files.

    If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments immediately. I will try to help as soon as possible.

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    The computer desktop usually contains shortcuts to frequently used applications, but multimedia files may also be present there. Sometimes they take up the entire screen space, so you have to remove some of the icons. But there is an alternative to this drastic measure. Each user can create a folder on the desktop, sign it with the appropriate name and move some files to it. The article will tell you how to do this.

    This process is quite simple and does not take much time. Most users have learned to do it themselves, since all the actions are intuitive. But not everyone knows that there are three different ways to complete a given task. These are the ones we will talk about now.

    Method 1: Command Line

    "Command line"- this is the part of the operating system that most users are not even aware of. With its help, you can carry out any manipulations with Windows; accordingly, you can also create a new folder on the desktop.

    After this, a folder with the name you specified will appear on your desktop. "Command line" can be closed.

    Method 2: Explorer

    You can create a folder on your desktop using the operating system's file manager. Here's what to do:

    Now you can close the window "Conductor"— the newly created folder will be displayed on the desktop.

    Method 3: Context Menu

    This is truly considered the simplest method, since to perform it you do not need to open anything, and all actions are performed using the mouse. Here's what to do.