• How to make a program on iOS. Application development applications: how to make an application for iOS and Android yourself

    Have you ever thought about how applications for iOS and OS X are created, of which there are millions? iPhone owners, iPad and Mac used every day? We know that many people have thought about developing programs for Apple devices, but beginners, as a rule, are afraid of the difficulties in the learning process and studying textbooks on their own.

    The profession itself “developer of applications for iOS and Mac” is universal: it combines knowledge of two programming languages ​​- Objective C and Swift. The first is the main language, built on the basis of the C language and has a simple syntax. Without this language they won’t hire you to work in the studio mobile applications. But Swift is a relatively new language: Apple introduced it in 2014, it is integrated with C and runs faster than Objective C and Python, allowing you to create any programs - both games and useful applications.

    Nowadays there are only a few specialists who know Swift, so they are in great demand on the market. Just go to any HR platform to see the average salary of iOS developers - 100 thousand rubles. Experienced programmers have salaries of several hundred thousand rubles + various bonuses from the company.

    To get best result for a short time and a guaranteed internship, you can use the GeekBrains service. It includes both Objective C and Swift, which means that you essentially get two specialties instead of one. Companies sell smart iOS programmers like hotcakes, so they don’t sit without work for even one week.

    The learning process is an online broadcast of lessons, so you can study from anywhere in the world. Specially developed unique technology makes remote learning even more convenient than face-to-face learning. Do your homework, and if you couldn’t be in class, watch it in the recording. Here's what a typical lesson looks like on GeekBrains:

    Why online courses? They have an obvious advantage over universities in terms of time spent and at the same time provide the opportunity to earn practical experience and get a guarantee of results. 7 out of 10 service students find work while still studying, since GeekBrains provides a guaranteed internship. In addition, students gain invaluable experience in team development and a portfolio case. Without the latter, it’s almost impossible to get a job now.

    For example, this is what your resume might look like after training.

    Many new developers or people who are just interested in programming don't know how to quickly and easily create an iOS app.

    We will analyze this entire process step by step so that everyone can read this material and carry out the development on their own.

    Step one. Come up with an idea and a name

    Of course, from the very beginning you need to come up with good idea, which could be popular. The application should be simple, functional and useful to users. Here are some tips to help you find a great idea and bring it to life:

    1 Go to the AppStore and look at the programs presented there. Perhaps something will come to your mind.

    2 Also look at your apps list(installed). It’s likely that you don’t like all of them and would like to add some functionality to some of them. This will be the idea for your creation!

    3 Look at your friends' apps for the same purpose.

    Important! At the end of your idea, you should have a clear understanding of what function your application will perform.

    As for the name, this issue should also be taken very seriously. First, look at the most and their names. Go to apple.com/ru/itunes/ for this purpose. Be sure to check out the free and paid section.

    Experts highlight several tips on what the name should be, and specifically:

    • length is about 10 characters (not much more, maybe less, but again, not too much);
    • preferably English language(by the way, the interface should also have it in order to expand the consumer audience);
    • two words in the title;
    • one word must fully reflect the purpose;
    • the second word must be a description of the first.

    Step four. Concept development

    In the first step, you have already accepted the idea and name of the future application. Now it’s worth doing something that will allow you to start developing directly. It's about the concept. In this The concept includes the following:

    • Target audience. Be sure to think about who your user will be. This may be young, purposeful and familiar with modern gadgets young man. On the other hand, this could be an elderly user who is far from technology. The remaining two components of the concept will depend on this.

    • Functional. Clearly list all the functions that the application will perform.
    • Design. Sketch out, even on a piece of paper, what the application will look like. Moreover, you must clearly understand what the start screen will be like, what buttons will be on it, and what will be on additional pages. Also, add buttons according to the list of functions. Also design all the buttons.

    Once you have all the sketches, you can start coding!

    Step five. Coding

    Now open Xcode and run next steps creating software on iOS:

    1 On the Start screen, in the menu on the left, tap "Application"(open this section) and select "Empty Application". Click "Next". Next, enter your details, and in the developer ID field (given by Apple) enter "example", and in the class prefix field specify "XYZ".

    2 Next, select "File" and in the dropdown list "New". Then press successively "User Interface", "Storyboard" and a button "Next". In the device menu, select and enter in the name field "Main". Save this file in the same folder as your main project. After this, the Main.storyboard file will appear in the project tree (on the left). This, as you may have already understood, is a visual representation of all the screens of your program. This is what you will edit in the future.

    3 Now you need to make sure that when you launch the application, exactly the screen that you create in Storyboard opens. To do this, in the folder tree on the left, sequentially select your project, "Targets", "General", "Deployment Info". Then near the inscription "Main Interface" choose "Main", as in Figure 8 - this is exactly what we called our screen at the previous stage.

    Rice. 9. Assigning the created screen as the main one in Storyboard

    4 Now, in fact, you need to create this very home screen, which will open first on startup. To do this, in the tree on the left Click on "storyboard" once. A blank window will open in the main window. At the bottom right, click on the cube icon; this is a library of objects that can be added to the screen. Now find on the right "View Controller" and drag it with the mouse cursor onto an empty field. A rectangular object will appear. Actually, you can add all the elements there.

    5 Now you can add other objects from the library. These can be text fields, input fields and other elements. If you double-click on them, you will be able to change their attributes and properties. Actually, in the same way you can write some code to react to a click. However, if you have watched video tutorials on Objective-C, then you know very well what elements you need and how to add them.

    6 If you need to add another screen, do it in the same way as before - move it to empty space object "View Controller". Then you can also move various objects onto it.

    7 Now we need to make sure that the user could move between these screens using a swipe or by clicking on the appropriate link. There is an object for this called "Navigation Controller". Move it to your home screen. Next click on "Editor", then "Embedded In" and to the above mentioned object. A gray bar will appear at the top of the home screen. This means that a so-called navigation bar has been added to it.

    8 To add a screen navigation button, there is an object "Bar Button". This is a button, to put it simply. Move it to the navigation panel and set the appropriate properties.

    Add the remaining objects in the same way, and also set the necessary properties for them. We won’t go too deep into how to code an application, as this is a very broad topic. Moreover, if you read the above material, you will know about this necessary information.But the above coding stages are the start of your further developments.

    How to write an application for Iphone – 10 important steps + 5 useful tips.

    People who know can earn good money without leaving home.

    Where to start?

    What steps should I take?

    What does someone who wants to write their own application need to know?

    For what purpose do you want to make an application for Iphone?

    Just recently started working AppStore, and everyone who has programming skills got the opportunity.

    However, not everyone knows how to create an application for iPhone.

    To choose the most convenient system for creating applications, you should decide for what purpose you want to produce them.

    Goals may be different:

    • Earning money for living.
    • Earning money for a big purchase.
    • Self-presentation.
    • Skill development.
    • Presentation of goods and services provided.

    Depending on the goal, you will have to make an effort to learn how to competently create interesting games, diaries, online - libraries that are in demand.

    To earn the minimum capital, you can devote 2-3 hours a day to work.

    For more serious savings and skill development, you will need more hours daily work - from 4 to 12.

    How to write an application for Iphone - 5 important steps

    A beginner can create simple game in 1-3 days, following step by step instructions. How to make an application for Iphone that will attract a large audience and receive many positive reviews?

    Steps to create an application:

      Download and installation special program Xcode.

      Choose a convenient text editor.

      You can write codes in Xcode, but it is much more convenient to use a separate editor and copy the text into a line.

      Select and install a vector graphics platform.

      If you wish to create your own designs and images, you will need to use vector software.
      The most popular and convenient are CorelDraw, Inscape.

      Learn the Objective C programming language.

      Without understanding the programming language, you will not be able to with many functions and users will only be able to open and close pages and inserts.

      Download several test, ready-made options from the Apple website.

      By evaluating their work, you can build own application at a high level.

    It may not be enough just to understand the programming language.

    In this case, you are left with several options:

    • Outsource application development.
    • Move forward step by step, learning the language on your own.
    • Sign up for courses.
    • Abandon the idea of ​​​​creating applications.

    If the last option doesn't suit you, move forward.

    Just download Xcode and learn it.

    Many who think about how to write an application for the iPhone think that this can be done without much effort.

    This is a wrong opinion.

    To create a truly interesting application that will bring in a lot of money, you will have to work hard.

    Planning and strategy for creating an iPhone application

    Planning is an important step in creating a program.

    Until you have a concept ready, you shouldn't download Xcode, you simply won't be able to figure out what you need to do.

    What to do when creating an application concept:

    1. Draw approximate view game or diary on a piece of paper, indicate the main details.
    2. Decide on your target audience.
      Will this application be for children, teenagers or adults.
    3. Determine your main goal.
      What benefits will the program bring to those who download it?
    4. Find photos that match the theme.
    5. Create a user-friendly interface.
      Each button should have a specific function and be clear at first glance.

    Once the concept is complete, set the project aside for a few days and then come back and review everything you've written with a fresh mind.

    If there are no errors or inconsistencies, continue working on the program.

    Steps to create an application:

    1. Open new file in Xcode.
    2. Select the item – Empty Application.
    3. Select a blank template.
    4. Go to the Storyboard menu and save the file in a new project.
    5. Give the application a name.
    6. Using your programming language, enter all the required codes.
    7. Using a view controller, create an application screen.
    8. Add the previously selected interface - images, items.
    9. Create as much as possible more screens and fill the folder with them.
      The more features the application has, the better.
    10. Test the result of your work.

    The video below shows the beginning this process to create an application:

    What do you need to know about testing when writing an iPhone application?

    After you have independently assessed the final result in a special emulator, you need to provide the opportunity for other people to evaluate the project.

    By working on one project for several days or weeks, you stop noticing obvious mistakes that would immediately catch another person's eye.

    In order to allow several people to test the application, you need to use an Ad-Hoc certificate.

    Once you have the opportunity to send out the application for testing, try to take into account all the wishes and comments of users.

    What you need to know about testing:

    1. The number of reviews can be huge, and each of them will have to be studied and taken into account.
      If more than 50 percent of the reviews are negative, a major overhaul is necessary, but you should not give up.
      Few beginners managed to create great app right the first time.
    2. To authorize testers, ask each of them for their device number.
      Only knowing the Udid will you be able to submit the file for the test.
    3. Each Ad-Hoc certificate will require the creation of a separate archive with developments.

    After passing test mode, again you should postpone work for a few days.

    A beginner should understand that learning to create interesting applications– it’s not a matter of one day.

    The first three applications must be done with special thoroughness, paying attention to every, even the smallest detail.

    Publishing a written application for iPhone

    The new application will be stored in the Realise folder.

    All you need to do is find it and archive it.

    At this point, the work on creating the project can be considered completed.

    Approval from Apple moderators is required for it to go on sale.

    After assessing all criteria, a letter confirming approval or rejection of the application will be sent by email.

    Most main criterion, which will be used to evaluate the platform’s adaptability to iOS 8.

    In the future, access to the created program and its settings will be available in the iTunes menu in the connect section.

    Then fill out a detailed form, create a colorful description, and set a price.

    The last step is to add icons and screenshots that will help the user evaluate the product and make a purchasing decision.

    However, the work doesn't end there.

    If you want your sales to go up, you need to provide advertising.

    Use for this: VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and Twitter.

    You can send several free copies major bloggers and columnists in exchange for advertising.

    Sales reports will be sent to your email regularly.

    If necessary, you can download them to your computer or phone.

    You can also track sales dynamics in special menu iTunes.

    Answering the question, how to write an application for iPhone, we especially emphasize two main things: knowledge of a programming language and the presence of an interesting, original idea.

    Developing applications for iOS can be not only very exciting, but also quite profitable. You just need to create a high-quality Soft that is relevant for users of Apple devices, put it on the AppStore and enjoy the fruits of your activity, that is, make a financial profit.

    Today, many enthusiasts are looking for an answer to the question of how to create an application for iOS on Windows. Official ways there is no solution to this problem. Some software solving the problem creating applications for iOS, yes. However, its use leads to a number of difficulties.

    Therefore, everyone who decides to seriously engage in the development of programs and games for mobile devices from Apple, you should get a computer with OS X version 10.8 or higher.

    How to create an application for iOS: sequence of actions

    In order to start creating applications for iOS, you will need to undergo certain training, namely:

    • Install Xcode. It is provided free of charge by Apple and can only be installed on OS X. There are no methods for running this software on Windows and Linux.
    • Install functional text editor, for example JEdit or TextMate. This will significantly simplify the performance of certain actions, for example, writing code.
    • Install the program vector graphics. It is necessary for developing games and programs with images and designs. You can use software such as Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. Their free analogue is the DrawBerry program.
    • Learn the basics of Objective-C - a programming language without which it is impossible to create games for iOS and functional programs. Although it is possible to create simple software without this programming language, it will not be possible to make it functional. (If there is no desire to learn Objective-C, then you will have to use the services of freelancers who will do part of the work on developing applications for a financial reward).
    • Create a developer account. To do this, you will have to pay $99 (fee is charged every year) and enter your tax information.
    • Download and review test applications. This will give you a hands-on iOS development experience.

    Qualitative software product is a product based on a precisely formulated concept. That is why it is necessary to start creating an application for iOS by planning it. This implies:

    • Defining the concept of the future program (design, functionality, main actions, operation scheme of the future software - all this must be clearly thought out and approved). If the task is to create a game for iOS, then its genre must be chosen, the storyline, characters, and so on must be thought out.
    • Choose target audience, which very much depends on the functionality of the software.
    • Select specific tasks that the software being developed will solve.
    • Think over user interface, which should be such as to contribute as much as possible quick solution tasks to be applied. It is better to work through several options, a visual study of which will help determine the final choice.

    Now you can start directly developing mobile applications for iOS. To do this, in the program for creating applications for iOS (Xcode), you need to start a new project and specify all the necessary data. The development process then looks something like this:

    • Creation of a Storyboard, which is necessary for visually displaying all screens of the future application, as well as transitions between them.
    • Assigning a Storyboard to the created project. This is necessary so that the selected interface is loaded when the program starts.
    • Creating the first screen using the view controller. There is a wide variety of controllers that have already been created, and they themselves are necessary for the program to “understand” exactly how to display content to the user.
    • Adding interface objects. Developing an application for iOS is impossible without using such elements functional interface, like text fields, various labels, navigation, buttons and others. All of them are in the Objects Library list.
    • Changing the properties of added objects. This is necessary to give the program being created individuality. Without this it will not be possible to create popular program for iOS.
    • Adding new screens. Almost every modern application for mobile devices from Apple has several custom screens.
    • Adding a functional navigation bar, which is necessary to move users between program screens.
    • Assigning the functionality of the created buttons.
    • Creating the ability to process data by the program. This step involves the use of the Objective-C programming language, with the help of which the application will be able to store and process data entered by the user, as well as perform other functions.

    The final stage of creating an iOS application is testing it. To do this, you need to build the program using XCode (the “Build” button), and then check its functionality on the emulator built into the software and on your own Apple device.

    If various errors occur or the application crashes, you need to find out their causes and eliminate them.

    Also, the created iOS application can be sent to other users for testing, for which you need to create an Ad-Hoc certificate on the website iOS Dev Center. Users will be able to give large quantities reviews that will help make the program more stable, functional and useful.

    Important to know! The created Soft can pass Apple certification only if it is optimized for iOS 8 version and a retina display.

    After testing and debugging the application created for iOS, you can begin final compilation and publication through the web interface of the iTunes Connect site. To do this you will have to perform several steps:

    • come up with a name for the application;
    • enter detailed information about it;
    • send the program to the appstore;
    • wait for him to check.

    Now you know how to create an application for iOS, and you can safely begin to implement your idea. However, remember that it is better to start with a small program that implements simple tasks.

    Developing several such applications for iOS will allow you to understand the principles of creating programs for Apple devices, as well as gain the skills to create more complex applications.

    Every day the number of people dreaming of learning how to create programs is increasing. After collecting information on the Internet, the idea comes to them that the most promising is the development of applications for iOS - operating system from Apple. In fact, dreaming is one thing, but programming is another. Creating your own application is not easy. But it’s not prohibitively difficult either. What is needed for this?

    Programming language

    To write programs for a specific platform, you need to use a specific programming language. App development for iOS and Android is different. If you have a platform from Google, you need to choose Java language, then for iOS choice stands between Objective-C and Swift. Long time Development for the iOS platform was carried out only using the Objective-C programming language. Even though it is many years old, it is still being developed and used by a large number of developers. But its disadvantage is the high barrier to entry.

    Since the most important source of profit Apple is its app store, employees are interested in more useful and interesting utilities. For this reason, a developer conference is regularly held to talk about changes in operating systems. In 2014, developers were shown newest language Swift programming, which is used to develop applications for iOS. Swift is easy to learn as it has a very simple syntax and is strongly typed. This language is very suitable for those who want to learn on their own.

    What you need to get started

    In addition to basic programming knowledge, you need to have the following:

    • a computer or laptop with the OSX operating system on board;
    • Xcode development environment, which is free.

    This set allows you to run applications in a special simulator directly on your computer. But keep in mind that in the future you may need to pay $99 to get an annual subscription to the developer program. After payment you will be able to:

    • run developed programs not in a simulator, but on real devices;
    • place applications in App store Store;
    • download new versions of the development environment and iOS.

    New versions of Xcode have introduced a sandbox element called Playground. Here the developer can experiment with a new programming language.

    Many people want to start writing programs, but they think it is extremely difficult. Of course, in order to become a professional, you need to have a lot of knowledge and vast experience behind you. But in order to create small application, there is no need to be a professional.

    Where does the development of applications for iOS and Android begin? Learning happens by doing. Therefore, we must start with it. A lot of theory is not always good. After all, if a person reads ten from cover to cover, he will not. We need to act.


    This sandbox is a wonderful environment for learning a programming language. What does she look like? The user enters a line program code and immediately sees the result of execution. Once it becomes clear that the written fragment works as it should, you can simply transfer it to the project. Using the sandbox, you can solve problems such as:

    • mastering the syntax of a programming language;
    • improving programming skills by experimenting with new APIs;
    • performing simple arithmetic calculations;
    • developing a new algorithm and monitoring its every step.

    iOS app development: where to start

    Theory is, of course, good, but, as mentioned earlier, practice is needed. In order to get acquainted with the sandbox, you need to launch the Xcode development environment. After launch, the user can see a window in which it is proposed to create a new project or launch Playground. We need a second point. Now you need to come up with a name and save the “sandbox” to any convenient location on your computer. By the way, developing applications for iOS on Windows is also possible, but then a large number of problems will need to be solved. This includes installing a pirated operating system and editing important files, and a lot of errors and crashes.

    After saving, the very Playground that is needed will be launched.

    At first glance, there is nothing interesting here. But you should enter your code there, like appearance will change immediately.

    To get started, you can try writing the following:

    for var y = 0; y< 10; ++y {

    println (“result: (z)”)

    After this, the sandbox will change its appearance. The column on the right (results pane) shows the values ​​for each row that are obtained after execution. Also in the right column you can enable the display of a time panel, which makes it possible to track changes in time of the selected expression. The console output with the text that would be output by the program is also displayed here.

    Commenting code

    Development of applications for iOS, as well as for other platforms, is not complete without comments, which are needed to make it easier for the developer to navigate the code. Comments are lines that are ignored during program execution. They can be either single-line or multi-line.


    So, applications are written in a programming language. The basis of any language is variables. Developing applications for iOS and Android without using variables is impossible. As the name suggests, it is a container that holds a mutable value. Each variable must have a unique name and can contain both numeric and text values. In the Swift programming language, variables are defined using the words var and let. In the second case, the variable cannot be changed and must be initialized when declared. In the first case, the variable is initialized immediately before use.

    Every variable has some type. These can be strings, floating point numbers (fractional), boolean values ​​(true and false).

    Output of results

    The result of the program execution is output to the console. What is it? This is what allows the user to interact with the computer. Thus, the output console used to be called the monitor, and the input console was the keyboard. Now the meaning of the terms has changed a little. This is the name of a program window intended for input and output of commands. Developing applications for iOS often requires the output of some data. To do this, the Swift language provides the print and println commands. The first differs from the second in that it automatically starts on a new line.


    Following basic concept in programming - functions. This is a certain sequence of actions that perform a specific task. Each function can take some values ​​and also return a result. To use this construct, you must first declare it using keyword func. It is followed by the name, as well as parentheses. If any value is to be returned, its type is indicated after the brackets. If there is no return value, then the type can be omitted or an “empty” type – void – can be specified. The parentheses contain the values ​​that the function accepts. To call a function, specify its name and values ​​for the arguments.

    You can make sure that the parameter name is required when calling a function. To do this, it is framed with the “hash” symbol.

    So you can write some useful features, which can, for example, calculate exchange rates and convert one unit of measurement to another. Every time you need to use them, you just need to call these functions, and not write the code again.

    What now?

    So, as can be seen from the above, developing applications for iOS with your own hands may well be within the capabilities of everyone. The main thing is to learn the basics of the programming language, become familiar with the development environment, and practice a lot and often. It is practice that makes significant progress. But what is described here is just the beginning. There will be a lot of interesting, complex, and exciting things to come in the world of programming. This will help you always keep your brain in good shape, create something new and earn good money. After all, Apple technology is used all over the world. Therefore, your application can be appreciated by millions of people.