• How to make your own rust experimental server. Creating a Rust mod server on your computer. System requirements for Rust server hardware

    Beautiful Rust game is gaining popularity at tremendous speed. Every day more and more newcomers arrive in Rast. In this regard, many players think about the question: how to create your own server in Rust?- So in this article we will look at this issue and learn how to create our own server. Will it be pirate Rust server or rust steam server, no matter, we will consider both options.

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    So, let's get started:

    How to create a pirate Rust server

    1. First, of course, we need the server itself. Go to the “ready-made Rust server” category and download the server you like.
    2. Create a new folder on your hard drive, for example " D:\ServerRust"But make sure that the name and path to the folder do not contain Russian characters.
    3. Unpack the previously downloaded server into the created folder.
    4. Now you need to go to the folder - " /serverdata/cfg"
    5. Open using notepad (RMB - open with - Notepad) the file " server.cfg" and configure it at your discretion. A small file with a description of all commands will help you with this -

      4.69 Kb downloads: 4365

    6. Next, we also configure " Run Server.bat"as it is written in the description on the page where you downloaded ready Rust server

    How to create a Rust steam server

    • We do the same thing, just the file " server.cfg"we just find it in the folder" /cfg".

    Let's launch " Run Server.bat"our newly created server. Turn on Rust, press "F1" and enter net.connect this is a regular local IP address, in order for your friends to connect to you via the Internet, you must have a dedicated IP.

    If you have reached this page, then you are interested in how to create your own server in Rust, as well as how to configure its operation.

    Initially, we will talk exclusively about the Steam version of the game, which for this period of time costs 800 rubles; if necessary, it can be simulated on a pirated version. During various holidays they offer decent discounts. Therefore, we will not strongly consider pirated client-servers, because Rust is not so expensive. Now let's talk about the purpose of the server in the game itself.

    The purpose of your server in the game Rust

    1. Using the server, you can play together with your friends, where no one will interfere with your gameplay.
    2. For experimental activities, this means that anyone can build house traps to test it in real time.
    3. To benefit from this, that is, creating a server for dozens of people to play.

    There may be other reasons why Rust Experimental servers are created, but these were just the most popular ones.

    How to create (make) your own Rust Experimental server on Steam

    The Rust server is, first of all, an incredibly good platform for conducting numerous experiments in the game. Where you can look at new updates from a different angle, that is, find out what items have been added to the game, and also check the stability of your own house, which will not be easy to raid. At the same time, the most banal reasons were named for which they create their own server.

    It is worth remembering that servers sometimes have their own stores with things where you can buy items for a raid, building a house, weapons and much more, actually for real money. There is constant competition in this aspect, where some people still buy these items.

    It is better to play the gameplay with friends on other people’s servers, because this will add adrenaline and raise team spirit, thereby you yourself will understand that it is better to survive with friends on other people’s servers. But there are also cases when the server is filled not only by regular players, but also by cheaters who prevent you from playing normally. If you know how to get your server off the ground, then feel free to create your own and invite your friends there, but do not use admin rights, this will worsen the situation for other players.

    System requirements for Rust server hardware

    No matter how funny it may sound, there are no specific system requirements that can be recommended to everyone. Where in the equipment the most important element is RAM, which can be the highest in terms of parameters, because when the server is loaded, the entire flow loads the RAM, and then freezes occur on the server. If there are a lot of objects and players on the server, then the load on RAM will only increase. For a full-fledged game, 8 GB of RAM and an i5 processor are suitable, which will consistently support your server at the proper level. With this equipment, you are able to withstand the attack of 20 helicopters, while shooting at them from a 15-story building, which will be 15 blocks in diameter. Thus, no freezes should occur. As soon as a serious load appears on the server, the RAM begins to use its own power to the maximum to save the server's operation. In normal mode, only 4-6 percent of RAM is used.

    Accessibility in the SteamCMD console

    SteamCMD is a special utility that is designed for instant updates of your own servers, and this is done through the client version using the command line. But initially, you can install the Rust server itself in this way. Undoubtedly, it is important to download such a console from the official website, and only there you should download it, because you will catch dangerous viruses. The site itself also has installation information, but these instructions are probably not enough for you to create a full-fledged server.

    The distribution kit itself is in the archive; to install it, you need to unpack all the files into one of the necessary directories. It is worth remembering that if your server is on Linux OS, then you need to download this particular distribution. Now we will try to completely disassemble operating systems such as Windows 10 and Debian 8 GNU, Linux.

    Installing a distribution for the Rust server under Windows 10

    Perhaps this process of installing a distribution kit may not differ much from previous versions of Windows, where everything is done in the same way. Moreover, this process can be carried out on the core version, which does not require a license, which can be ideal for all servers.

    Initially, it is better to create a specific folder on your hard drive. For example, "D:\SteamCMD", this name was made so as not to get confused in the future, and it was clear what she would do in the future. You should unpack your distribution into this folder. After unpacking all the files, stemcmd.exe will appear among your files, which is exactly what you need to run. After the program is launched, it will automatically download the latest version, if necessary, to keep your server up to standard. You must remain idle until you are prompted to enter any commands.

    Thus, we now have the right to update Steam applications. Below are detailed instructions for creating and updating your own game server.

    IMPORTANT: We enter all commands without these “” quotes, keep this in mind in the future.
    1. The first step is your own authorization on the service. This can be accomplished with the help of a good team. "login anonymous". Of course, you can specify your own login and password, but anonymous authorization does not require you to enter any password. Its use is easier than other authorization systems.
    2. The second important step is to indicate the real path to the directory in which the server will be completely installed. This can be done using "force_install_dir<Путь каталога>» . In this matter, it is worth remembering that when choosing a hard drive, you need to pay attention to its load and bandwidth. The highest throughput is only available with an SSD drive, which is worth purchasing if not. Thanks to it, performance and access to it are increased by 90 percent. Therefore, this must be taken into account when creating a server. The path along with the command will look something like this: "force_install_dir D:\srv001"(the name of the directory was specified arbitrarily, where you can name it in your own way, after which it will be automatically created).
    3. One of the equally important steps is to start the installation or update of the game. Undoubtedly, all programs and applications have their own identifier; in Rasta it has the following ID: "258550". In this step you don’t need to think about it, where you can safely enter the following data into the console: "app_update 258550". After entering this command, the download will be carried out, as well as the required unpacking of the downloaded files to the directory server, which we specified at the previous stage. Of course, if you look on the Internet, you can come across such a team "app_update 258550 -beta public" She, of course, has a full command summary. The majority lies in one thing: the game was previously divided into two different games, and these are Legacy and Experimental. Where the new version was in testing, which was not added to the main version of the game and was distributed in free mode. Now Legacy has officially closed down, and was replaced by Experimental. Keys of the “-beta” type are required to install a certain version of the game; in our case, this is not necessary. After all, she will download a full-fledged client of the game itself, which is up-to-date.

    After your client downloads all the required files for the server, you can begin to officially launch the server.

    This article will discuss the full concept of creating, opening and even managing your own server, which will have only standard files without any modifications to it. After all, modifications are a completely different topic, about which a lot can also be said.

    To start our server, we need a batch file (batch file). Moreover, when launching it, you have the right to substitute several of your own functions, which it will be forced to perform, and this is indicated in the launch command itself.

    Of all the minimal commands, the following line must be included in the batch file: "RustDedicated.exe –batchmode". This is only the smallest part of the possible connected commands that can be used.

    If anyone is interested, you can run your server using the following commands that should be in your batch file "RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.hostname "MyNameServerRExP" +server.port 28016 -logFile "output.txt". The command line showed not particularly necessary settings that indicate the name of your created server, port numbers, log file, it will record all log actions performed by the server, where you can find out what errors occurred in its operation. But for this you need to create a file in the directory of the created server, and it will be "D:\srv001\ruststart.bat".

    An important factor in this step is the choice of port; if you have several other servers on the same server, then you need to use completely different ports. That is, you need to set other port parameters yourself "+server.port 28017".

    After running this command, the entire world will be generated. But also in this command file you have the right to specify any commands that will be directly used for the server.

    Now we need to launch the Rust game itself, launch the game, open the console with using the F1 key, where we enter the following line "connect localhost:28016". That is, we enter the same port that we specified in the batch file itself, and we will go to our server. But “localhost” will only run on your computer on which the server was launched. If you did the same thing, but on a purchased server, then you just need to enter the IP address and port of the server, and then you will go to it. But we initially made a server for our OS with local access. Thus, having written the connection command, after a while you will be able to run around the wild island.

    Automated update process for the Rust Experimental server

    At this point, each person defines his own framework on how best to update the entire server for the updated version of the game. That is, you can set certain values ​​that your system will follow. To do this, it is important to create a batch file again with this path "D:\SteamCMD\upd_rs001.bat". It should contain something like this:

    echo "Update server Rust: SRV001"

    start /wait/high steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir D:\SRV001 +app_update 258550 validate +quit"

    Now you will have to pause the server on your own and open this bat file, which will update your server client to the latest version. As soon as the updates are downloaded, you can safely launch it again.

    If you understand console commands, then you can bring everything to automation. Where, if a new update arrives, the server stops working and downloads the updates itself, without your participation in all these moments. Of course, if you have a server with modifications, then they may stop working and will be no longer supported. As for the original servers, this will be simply a wonderful option that is simply irreplaceable.

    We install the server on a Debian Squeeze machine

    Undoubtedly, the process of this installation is very complicated, and requires significant explanations of what belongs to what. Therefore, you need to act carefully.

    1. Log into the Linux system as a superuser, otherwise known as “su”. Next you need to execute the command “apt-get install lib32gcc1”. In this step, the special installation of libraries required for GCC, or more precisely, for compilation, is performed.
    2. For SteamCMD, a new profile is created completely separately so as not to constantly launch as a superuser, which will consume more time to launch. Then we calmly create a steam user, where we immediately log in, using commands such as: “useradd -m steam”, after “su - steam”.
    3. Next, you need to create a directory called “steamcmd”, and go into it using “mkdir ~/steamcmd”, and then “cd ~/steamcmd”. Where to create a catalog in the business catalog of the Steam profile.
    4. Immediately download the distribution in the console: “wget http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz”.
    5. We unpack the archive: “tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz”. Next, enter “ls” and see what files have been added.
    6. Using “./steamcmd.sh” we launch the shell script. Where we will create an invitation for the Steam console command. Undoubtedly, in the future we will simply enter commands intended for Steam, which we have already seen when installing the Windows version.

    "login anonymous"

    "force_install_dir ./res02"

    "app_update 258550"

    1. Once everything is installed, feel free to go to the “res02” folder, but to do this, you first need to exit the Steam console “quit”. Next, enter “cd ./res02”, and enter “ls”. We look at all the files and among our friends we see that there is a “RustDedicated” file.
    2. In this step, we remember the Windows version again, where we already use the body file. We do exactly the same thing here, launching a batch file under the following parameters “./RustDedicated –batchmode”. After which the console begins to display various messages regarding some information that should not contain errors.

    Then we quickly launch the game and enter “connect” in the console as usual. Here, the address of the machine itself, as well as its port, is initially indicated. After which we see that the connection to the server is established. Unfortunately, without optimization, the server will consume most of the RAM, which is approximately 5 out of 8 GB. After all, on Windows, RAM usage did not even reach 1.3 GB.

    In this topic I will tell you how to create your own Rust Experimental server with mods. Why is this necessary? Well, at least if you play Rust, then you have a lot of ideas that are much more convenient to test on your server with endless resources and the ability to fly. And if you go further, you can make your server popular and receive real money for selling game goodies to players on your server.

    So let's get started.
    Part one - Creating a server.
    1. Download the Rust_server.zip archive from the official website at this
    2. Unpack the archive into a folder convenient for you. For example, to this one: C:\Games\Rust_Server\Server
    Next I will give examples of addresses with this folder.
    3. Go to the C:\Games\Rust_Server\Server folder and run the update.bat file
    A black window with a command line will open and the server files will be downloaded, the size is about 2.15 GB. Once the download is complete, the window will close automatically.
    4. Go to the folder C:\Games\Rust_Server\Server\rustds
    Create a text document in Notepad, copy this text inside:
    RustDedicated.exe -batchmode -server.hostname "My Server" -server.port 28015 -server.identity Hello_World -server.maxplayers 5 -server.seed 777 -server.worldsize 4000 -chat.serverlog 1 -server.netlog 1 -server .saveinterval 300 -spawn.max_rate 1 -spawn.max_density 1
    Next, in notepad, click “Save as...” and save the file with the name “start server.bat” extension “All files”.
    The file that appears "start server.bat" is the start file for your server. When you click on it, a black command line window will open again and the map will be created and the server will start. You can find out that the server is ready to work by looking at the FPS counter at the bottom right of the window: when loading it will show 0 fps, and after finishing a digital value will appear, for example, for me it is 262 fps.
    5. Next you need to find out your external IP address.
    Let's say you went to one of the IP address determination services, and your address turned out to be
    Open Rust and press the F1 button, in the console that opens, enter the command client.connect

    If everything is done correctly, the connection will work and you will find yourself on your own server

    P.S.: The folder with your server files (save, etc.) will be located at C:\Games\Rust_Server\Server\rustds\server\Hello_World

    Part two: Admin

    1. To make yourself (or a friend) an admin on your server, you first need to find out your Steam ID. To do this, go to your Steam profile and in any free space - for example, to the left of your avatar, right-click and select "Copy page address". Paste this address anywhere, for example into a notepad or browser. Something like this will appear)