• How to send a heavy file by mail. How to send large files by mail - practical tips

    There are many ways to send a file to someone over the Internet, and anyone who does this chooses the most obvious method - sending it by email. But there is a limit on the file size, usually 25 MB; some programs in .exe format are unlikely to be sent due to security restrictions. Unless by placing them in the archive. Many people use Skype for transfers; there are no restrictions on file size, but the transfer is not very fast, regardless of the network speed. I never waited for the end of the transfer of large files, but used other tools, which I will discuss below.

    Transfer using cloud services

    Clouds have been part of our lives for quite a long time and obviously this is the most understandable way to transfer any files. All popular email services have their own cloud.

    Gmail has this Google Drive– initially 15 GB are available for free, excellent integration with all google services and excellent speed. Yandex mail has its own disk 10 GB expandable. Install the Yandex disk application on your smartphone and enable auto-upload of photos, you will get +32 GB. There is an interesting screenshot feature that saves them immediately to Yandex Disk. With the ability to edit and design screenshots taken. Mail from Mile boasts cloud 50 GB for new users, previously it was possible to reserve 100 GB, this is, perhaps, all the advantages. The most secure cloud at the moment Mega with 50 GB free, file encryption, cool interface and decent speed.

    Didn't mention the most popular founder current Dropbox only because its meager 2GB is not initially suitable for transferring large files. Yes, and there are a lot of different clouds with different conditions; in my opinion, I talked about the most popular ones in RuNet.

    Transferring files this way has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

    Transfer in a browser window

    There are quite a few such methods, I’ll tell you about those that have been proven to work, there are no restrictions on the size of the transferred file, and they are also simple and understandable.


    Perhaps the most functional service for moving large files. All functionality is in one window, with convenient tips and a clear layout of controls.

    • Drag the desired file or folder into the browser window, click to select on your computer, or use ctrl+v to paste from the clipboard.
    • Copy the link to send in a way convenient for you. Or send directly by mail adding a message of up to 140 characters.
    • Store the file on the service for up to 14 days or send it directly without closing the browser window.
    • Ability to set a password, alphabetic or numeric.
    • The speed of the service is quite good, of course, depending on your provider.


    A very simple service for transferring any files directly from the browser; transfer is possible only when the window is open. And until the file is downloaded from the link received. If you need to send a file to multiple users, you will have to do it personally each time. This technology features you transfer the file directly without uploading to a third-party server.

    • The file is sent directly, excluding uploading to the server, p2p connection as a torrent.
    • Select or drag the desired file to transfer into the browser window.
    • Doesn't work in mobile safari.
    • Otherwise, charming and safe.

    BitTorrent sync

    Your personal torrent network, the operation of which requires a bittorent sync client, fortunately there is support for ALL platforms, including drives and other cloud devices. The program’s capabilities for exchanging and transferring files are impressive; you can read it in detail and very clearly. I will say that the speed is really good, encryption and file transfer directly make this method especially attractive. Such glowing praise is marred by only two aspects: the indecent price of 2,499 rubles/year for the PRO version (although you can get by with the FREE version) and slightly confusing controls for an inexperienced user.

    Anonymous method

    Absolutely amazing free and anonymous service anonymousfiles.io transfer files up to 5 GB. Drag or select files from your computer. Get the link share the link.

    You cannot delete downloaded files, but you can determine their lifetime up to 6 months. No logs or restrictions for uploading and downloading. Amazing and free secure exchange method.


    Every day we are getting closer to the fact that we perform most of the tasks in the browser; transferring large files over the network also moved to the browser window, moved to the cloud, or, as in the case of bittorent sync, mastered p2p networks and key encryption. Streams move in the 21st century with incredible speed and scale, and humanity has come up with plenty of tools for this!

    If you know of others that are fundamentally different from those presented, write in the comments - it will be interesting!


    Enter your username and password, open yours and click on the “Write” tab located on the top line of the page.

    In the “To” line of the “New letter” page that opens, write (you can add from your address book) the email address of the recipient of your letter.

    Specify the topic, write the text of the message below (if required), then left-click on the “Attach file” tab.

    Then click on the “Open” tab in the same window (bottom right). The video file will appear on your email page and begin downloading. The download process may take some time, depending on the size of the file itself (the heavier it is, the longer it will take). When it is completely downloaded, send the message to the recipient by clicking on the “Send” tab.

    Please note

    You can “compress” video using special programs called encoders. When a file is compressed using such a program, the images are processed in such a way that the facts of video distortion remain hidden and the quality level of the video remains virtually unchanged. You can find and download coders on the Internet.

    Useful advice

    On the mail.ru mail server you can send a file of no more than 20 megabytes. This means that a larger file will have to be “compressed” before being sent via email. If you don't want to "compress" your file for any reason, it will be marked with a weight icon after you add it to the email. Such files can only be sent as links. In the letter that the recipient receives, a link to your video will automatically appear, following which he will be able to download it from the “[email protected]” project.

    E-mail is a universal means of communication and exchange of media files. such as music and video. To send videos via e-mail, you can use one of the simple methods.


    Use the ability to attach files to the text of the letter. In this case, you need to find out the maximum size of attachments to be sent. Right-click on your file, then select the “Properties” submenu and find out whether your entire file is suitable for transfer. Otherwise, break it into several parts. The easiest way is to split it by archiving it and setting the properties to “Split into several archives.” Attach files so that their total size is below the limit. Send an email, then compose another one and add the rest of the files.

    You can also use the live view feature using services such as youtube.com. In this case, you will need to either log in to this site using your gmail account. Download the video and copy the link to the page where it is located. Insert the link into the body of the letter, and then send it to the recipient.

    Once upon a time, we wrote letters by hand and sent them to our friends and family by mail, which we had to get to first. And it arrived to the addressee only after a few days, or even weeks. With the advent of email, everything changed - now it takes only a few minutes to send a letter to someone, and within a couple of seconds it reaches the recipient. But this is not all the opportunities that new technologies have given us. Now, in a similar way, you can send not only text messages, but also photos and even videos. This allows us to be even closer to those who are very far away, and share our impressions with friends even brighter! If you have not yet taken advantage of this opportunity, then read how to send a video by email and implement it as soon as possible.

    Almost all services where you can register a mailbox have built-in functions for sending pictures, audio and video files. But they all have limitations related to their size. That is why, before sending a video by email, you need to make sure that the file meets the established criteria. Let's look at several options for sending them depending on size.

    Sending by attachment

    Most email services allow you to transfer records whose size does not exceed 20-30 MB. If your video is very short and weighs no more than the established maximum limit, then this is very easy to do.

    Go to your mailbox and create a new letter. Choose the topic and on which you plan to send it. Next, if necessary, write a text message. Now all that remains is to attach the video. Below the text entry form you will see an “Attach file” icon. A window will open to select the desired file. Select the video to send and click "Open". It will be downloaded and attached to your email. Nearby you will see the name, as well as the size of the attached file. You can send.

    However, while 20 MB is more than enough for a regular text message, for a video file it is usually not. If your video weighs more, then you can choose one of the following methods for sending a video by email.

    Uploading to a file hosting service

    There are a number of file-sharing services that allow you to upload large-sized photos and videos - from 2 to 10 GB. Many of them are free and do not even require pre-registration. You only need to upload the file by clicking the "Add File" button. After that you will receive a link to it. But how to send a video uploaded to such a resource by email? Just indicate a link to it in the letter, and the recipient will be able to follow it and watch your video.

    This option is good because you don’t even have to download the video. It will just open in the browser and that's it. At the same time, the quality will not suffer at all.

    Uploading to video hosting

    There is another way to send a video by email if it has a lot of weight. Any video hosting will help us here. Two of the most popular are YouTube (known all over the world) and Yandex.Video (quite popular in Russia). What is required of you?

    First, register on the selected site - it won’t take much time. Then upload your video by clicking the "Add Video" button. By the way, you can record it right there if you wish - to do this, select “Record from webcam”. The maximum volume of an uploaded clip on Yandex.Video should not exceed a lot, about 1.5 hours of high-quality video), on YouTube - 2 GB. Almost any file formats are supported, which means you are absolutely free to choose them.

    In addition, you can select the privacy level for the downloaded video. For example, make it visible to everyone, only to friends or exclusively to yourself. In addition, if access to the video is public, you can disable comments on it. The next steps are simple: you need to copy the direct link to your clip and send the video by email by pasting this link into the email.

    Sending to Hotmail

    Is it possible to somehow pull off the idea with the video without uploading it to third-party resources? How to send videos by mail without using file sharing services or hosting services? This can be done by creating a mailbox in the correct location. The Hotmail mail service allows you to attach files to letters, including videos, up to 10 GB in size! Here you can easily send powerful videos without additional and tedious manipulations. Also, if the file is very large, you can divide it into equal parts using (for example, in the case of DVD files).


    We hope you find the tips on how to send a video by email helpful in this article. Each of the options considered has its own advantages and takes into account various features of the downloaded video files. Make your communication with dear people even warmer - record videos and share them easily.

    When sending large files via email, problems arise. Postal services have restrictions on the maximum size of attachments. For example, the size of a letter for Mail.ru is 30Mb and for Gmail 20Mb. If you send a letter with a large file, it may well leave you without reaching the recipient. Moreover, when a file is recoded for transfer, its size increases by approximately 33%. I recommend using file hosting services for files larger than 5Mb. Let's look at how to send a file through file hosting services of popular email services: Gmail.com, Mail.ru, Yandex.ru.

    The easiest way is to use the file sharing service from Mail.ru. For files smaller than 100Mb, you don’t even have to register, unless of course you use mail from Mail.ru. By registering, you can send files up to 1Gb in size and use 10Gb storage. Sending files via Yandex is also easy, but you need an account.

    The greatest service and security is provided by Gmail and its Google Docs service. I recommend using this method.

    In addition to these file hosting services, there are a huge number of other services that you can use.

    Go to the service. An account is required to send files. If you have not yet registered, this procedure is mandatory for Yandex. After registration you will see the “Share files” link:

    You can upload files to the service one by one. Select file:

    And download it:

    Or go to the "many at once" tab, click "Add files":

    You can add many files at once. This is convenient when, for example, you need to send a lot of scanned documents. After adding, click "Upload":

    Wait for the files to download:

    Since I mainly use Gmail for work, it is most convenient for me to work with the service. This service has many functions and file sharing is one of them. The volume for storing files is 7Gb. First of all, you need an account on Gmail. If you don’t have an account, look at the ten main reasons to use Gmail and register or go to the description of file hosting services from Mail.ru and Yandex.ru.

    Click the "Download" button and select the file to download:

    Before uploading, you will be asked to convert your documents to Google format. By converting documents (spreadsheets, text documents) into the Google Docs format, you can work together in them in real time:

    Often required transfer large files to another person, which weigh quite a lot, several gigabytes, and even more. How to do this quickly, easily and without registration?

    Typically, file hosting services are used for this purpose, for example, Yandex Disk, , or Google Drive .

    Sometimes files are sent directly by mail, or via Skype. This is also an option, although you cannot send large files by mail - mail services impose restrictions on the weight of attached files.

    So. in Gmail the possible weight of attached files is a maximum of 20 MB, in Yandex - 10 MB, in Mail.ru - 5 MB.

    You can send large files via Skype, but both users must be on Skype during the transfer - then the transfer will proceed. If someone is missing, the transfer process is interrupted and resumes only when both users appear on Skype.

    In addition, such a transfer loads computer resources and takes up a lot of Internet traffic. And if you have a weak Internet, it can slow down significantly.

    And the speed of file transfer via Skype is not very high. In order for files to be transferred quickly, you need good Internet for both you and your friend who is receiving or transmitting files.

    For small files this option is quite simple and convenient, but if the files are large, it is better to use . At least, you can upload a file, give another person a link, and then he can easily download it for himself, and does not depend on you and your presence on the network. And you are not attached to him.

    In addition, the amount of memory that file hosting services provide is also not unlimited. Yandex Disk provides 3 GB, Google Drive provides 15 GB, but requires downloading and installing the program.

    There is another option that is best suited if you do not intend to store your file on an online service for a long time, but only want to transfer it to another person, or other people.

    This option is using the service DropMeFiles. To begin with, if you have not one file, but many, so as not to send a bunch of files, but make do with one archive. In addition, archiving will reduce the weight of files, which means it will speed up their uploading to the service and subsequent downloading to your computer.