• How to save photos in Contact: transferring photos to albums. How to open saved VKontakte photos

    Probably all users of the social network VK already know what saved photos are. The function is very convenient and in this article we will talk about it in more detail. We will tell you not only how to save photos on the VKontakte social network, but also how to quickly and easily transfer them from the album of saved photos to your other albums.

    VKontakte today, without exaggeration, is the most convenient social network in terms of its interface. Not only is it easy to understand and can be used by any beginner, but it is also very rich in functionality. One such feature is saved photos. Let's start our short instructions with the question of what this function is and how to make such saves, and why they are actually needed.

    Now you know exactly how to save photos. It would seem like three simple steps! However, usually the album of saved photos on the social network Contact for all users eventually becomes filled with various pictures and photos. Sorting them into your albums is becoming more and more problematic each time. But it's possible. You can do this manually, or you can do it more cunningly and smartly, spending much less time on everything.

    How to sort saved photos

    There is an inconspicuous but very convenient application on the social network with the simple name “Photo Transfer”. You can find it at this address: http://vk.com/app3231070_7096862

    By launching this application in VKontakte, you will see an interface that can be divided into two parts: left and right. The left side of the interface is where the photos will be transferred from. You can select any of your albums, including the album of saved VKontakte photos. You can also select albums from communities that you created or in which you are an administrator with access to photo editing. On the right side of the interface there is a “Where” block. Here you must select the location where the photos will be moved.

    Photos of your albums will be displayed below. Select the ones you need with a mouse click and click on the azure “Move” button. Next to each photo there is an icon with a magnifying glass. By clicking on it, you can enlarge any photo to see it better, in case you forgot what exactly it shows. Very simple, but also very convenient, as well as “Transfer Photos”.

    After reading our article, you can now boast that you know not only what saved VK photos are, but also how to save photos and how to transfer them easily and simply from one album to another. Enjoy convenient and useful features together with millions of other users of our favorite social network VKontakte!

    Many users restrict access to viewing their photos using . Or this option is possible when the albums are not published on the page - you just don’t know how to access them (see).

    But I really want to see what the user has hidden. Let's figure it out how to see hidden photos on VKontakte.

    Use the page id to view hidden photos

    Go to the page of the desired user and copy his id from the address bar (see).

    In the event that there is no digital value for id, and instead the nickname selected by the user is indicated, then you need to do the following.

    You need to go to view any part of the user's profile. The easiest way is to open your avatar.

    Now go back to the address bar. Find the next part of the code "z=photo233054".

    The numbers after the word “photo” are the id. In this case, this is the value - 233054. Now let's move on to the next step.

    How to view private photos and albums on VKontakte

    If you look at the page of the user whose id we just received, you will see that only one photo is available for viewing. And there is no “Photo Albums” block. This means that all photos and albums are hidden (see).

    So let's look at them already. To do this, go to the address bar again and type the following text:


    As you can see, there are more than 500 photos here.

    There is an alternative code. Here it is:


    Enter it into the address bar, and instead of asterisks, write id again. Next "Enter". The result will be the same.

    Now you can view all the photos that the user has uploaded to his page (see). Including hidden ones.


    As you can imagine, you can also limit viewing of your photos. But for those who are familiar with the described method, this will not be an obstacle.



    Do you want only your friends to know about your life from your photos on VK? You can easily restrict access to them using privacy settings.

    How to hide photos in VK, we will explain today in this article. For any album on VK, you can simply set private access only for you, for friends or relatives, and also create an album for only one specific person.

    To do this, you need to go to the “My Photos” section on your page and click on the “Show all albums” button. Click on the desired photo that you want to hide and go to the album where it is located. In the right corner, find the “Edit Album” link.

    Right below the album cover and description, you will see a question: “Who can view my album?” and a proposal to select the circle of those people to whom it is visible. Expand this list and set the appropriate settings.

    To ensure that only some friends see the photo, and for the rest they are hidden, click on the “Some friends” item and select, from the pop-up list, those people to whom you intend to show the photo.

    If you want to hide the photos in which your friends or acquaintances tagged you, on the main page in VK, go to “My Settings” and select the “Privacy” tab; the second item in the “My Page” field is the question “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged " By selecting “Only me”, you can hide tagged photos from prying eyes.

    It is also possible to hide the photo map. The photo map marks where you were when you took the photo. If you don’t want to tell anyone about where you’ve been, in the “Who can see the map with my photos” item in the privacy settings, it’s better to check “Only me.”

    If you are confused and not sure that you hid the photos you wanted, scroll through the settings page in VK. At the very bottom, click on the link “See how other users see your page.”

    To prevent your photos from being visible in the feed on the main page, move your mouse to the photo on the main page and click on the gray cross that appears when you hover over it. It is impossible to hide the photos that you posted on the wall; they will be visible to all users who are interested in your page. Therefore, for important photos in VK, it is best to create a separate album and not upload them.

    How to hide saved photos in VK

    VK has a special function that allows you to save those photos that you like or need for work. When saved, they are automatically transferred to the Saved Photos album. You can also see this album in the list of all albums. However, when you click on it, you cannot hide the contents like in a regular album. To hide saved photos, it is best to move them to another album.

    To do this, select the required photo from the saved ones.

    To do this, select the required photo from the saved ones. Just below it, you need to find the “Actions” tab and click on it. Next, select “Move Album” and select a previously created hidden album. It's good to have few photos. Transferring them this way is not a difficult task. But it happens that there are more than 300 saved photos, you need all of them, but you don’t really want to transfer them.

    Especially for quickly transferring photos to VK, there is the “Transfer” application, which will help you quickly transfer photos from one album to another. Add it to your list of applications. And choose what and where you will transfer. You can also save photos locally in the application.

    How to hide comments to photos in VK

    Are your photos being commented on by people you don’t understand or don’t know? Or do you want comments on your photos to be available only to you? You can easily hide comments.

    Social networks are developing more and more every day and becoming more technologically advanced every day. Many people like to connect social networks with their lives and upload various photos to their virtual albums. But sometimes there is a need to use privacy on social networks and you want to understand how to hide saved photos in VK. To do this, you don’t need many steps, so below we will tell you how to use this feature correctly and give you some recommendations.

    Hiding photos using settings

    How to hide a photo in VK? Previously, this could be done with one click in the settings; you just had to go into them, select the “Privacy” item and set the desired value and the number of people who can admire your photos. But this was only possible in the old version of the social network, but now it has begun its update and the settings have changed a little. This item has disappeared and is now replaced by a setting that allows you to hide only those photos in which you are tagged. But this can also be used to your advantage.

    You just need to tag yourself in each photo. To do this, open the photo, select “Tag person” on the right side of the screen and tag yourself. In the future, the above setting will apply to all your photos.

    Using album settings

    In addition to the basic settings on the social network, it is possible to customize photo albums. That is, if your photos are sorted into albums, you can set privacy for them separately. How to hide photos in contact using this method? Everything is quite simple, just go to the edit menu for the album and there you will immediately be given privacy settings. You can use them to completely restrict access to your albums. The main thing is to be careful about this type of setup and not make hasty decisions.

    Another question is how to hide comments on photos in VK? To do this, simply use the standard settings of the social network, where in the privacy section you can set a limit on viewing comments on your photos. Everything is quite simple and intuitive.

    Now you know how to hide photos on VK and can freely use your new skills. Be careful about the social network and do not rush to post absolutely everything that could be used against you.

    Today it is impossible to imagine a modern social network without photographs. Pictures are published every second in huge quantities. These can be personal photos, photos of celebrities, screenshots, drawings, memes loved by the Internet community... The content of the pictures does not change the essence - for the system itself, all this is classified as photographs.

    And we devote today’s article exclusively to the topic of saved photos. We'll tell you what it is, how to open saved VKontakte photos and what else you can do with them. So let's get started!

    What are saved photos?

    There are a great many photos on VKontakte, and once you come across a picture, you may never see it again. Of course, you can download it to your laptop or smartphone, or mark it “like” to return to it after some time. But it is not always possible or necessary to upload photos to your phone, computer, or tablet. And users usually give so many likes that it will be very difficult to find a favorite post among them.

    Fortunately, VK developers do not receive their salaries simply for their beautiful eyes - they create real opportunities for social network participants. In particular, a special album was created, called “Saved Photos”. This is a separate photo album that includes only those pictures that you save directly on the social network.

    Why is it needed? And here each user decides for himself. Functionally, such an album can be very useful. Firstly, it’s just convenient to keep all the pictures you like in one place. At the same time, you do not need to download them to your computer or mobile device, which means that the memory will not be clogged, and you will always have access to the photos as long as you have the Internet and from any device.

    Secondly, a photo album with saved files will help clean the wall. After all, most often we just repost what we liked. And if you don’t like to litter the wall, then the album will be your salvation.

    Thirdly, saved files allow you to maintain the necessary level of confidentiality. Pictures added to this album are not displayed in the News Feed, and actions to add materials will not be noticed by friends. Moreover, since January 2017, a saved photo is not visible to anyone except the user by default. So you can safely upload what you want, without fear that the picture, and therefore you, will be laughed at or criticized.

    Finally, one more thing. An album with saved files can be used not for “encryption”, but, on the contrary, for your own advertising. How does this work? Yes, just save what you like and leave the photo album open. Accordingly, other users will be able to view photos that will say a lot about you and your interests. So these photographs can be considered as part of a personal profile.

    Actions with saved files

    1.Open the photo that we want to add;

    That's all! The picture is immediately saved to the album, where you can view it later without any problems. By the way, all this is located in the “My Photos” section - finding it won’t be difficult. The section is located in the main menu of VKontakte, this is the left column on the site.

    Of course, if a photo can be added, then it can be deleted. But we will talk about this in, where we will also answer the question of how to immediately delete all saved photos.

    Well, for now let’s touch on another point - moving the photo. Yes, yes, your saves can be transferred to other photo albums! Those. You can easily upload all the pictures/pictures you like into this album and then sort them. And you can do this in exactly the same way as with regular photo albums:
    1.Open the photo;

    2.Click on “More”;

    3.Select “Move to album”;

    4.Select the desired album - the photos are uploaded!

    By the way, we immediately suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of all available options.

    As you can see, photos can be edited, incl. adding photo effects to them, and also put a geotag, a mark indicating the VK user, make it your avatar and open it in full size.

    Finally, a final question: who will be able to see the added pictures except you? Here you decide for yourself by adjusting your privacy settings. If you don't know how to view them, follow the instructions:

    1.In the site header, click “Settings”;

    2.Go to the “Privacy” tab;

    3.Check the appropriate box next to “Who sees the list of my saved photos.”

    For example, you can hide saved photos from everyone by selecting the “Only me” option. Or, conversely, make the album public by checking the “All users” checkbox. Well, of course, you can select individual categories of people, starting with the standard “My friends” and ending with the admission of only some users. Ultimately, it all depends on the purpose of using the saved files. Opening or closing access is entirely your choice.

    About problems with saved files

    Some users ask the question: where and why did the saved photos disappear? Yes, this also happens sometimes, but this is still the exception, not the rule.

    A massive boom occurred in January 2017, when the social network was undergoing yet another systemic change. Then thousands of users reported that the photos simply disappeared from their contacts. As it turned out, the site was undergoing technical work, which caused the failure. As soon as the work was completed, the album returned to its place, and the members of the VK community exhaled.

    If you notice that your photos have disappeared, check your Internet browser and clear your cache and cookies. Try closing your browser and using another one. If the problem is not resolved for several days, write to the technical support of the social network.

    From all of the above, we conclude that saved photos are a useful feature for active VK users. It opens up new opportunities and makes working on the social network easier.