• How to create a css table in html. Tags attribute and

    Hello, dear blog readers! Often on web pages, in addition to text and pictures, there is a need to display various data in the form of tables. Yes, this is understandable; a table is the most convenient way to present a large amount of information. So the question arises “How to insert tables into html?”. In this article I will answer this question and give you many examples of various html tables.

    How to create a table using HTML

    HTML tables are created in four steps.

    1. At the first step in the html code using the pair tag

    we indicate to the browser that a table has been inserted into the web page:
    . The table element is a block element of a web page. Therefore, the table is always displayed on a new line, indented vertically from adjacent elements, so there is no need to place it in a paragraph.

    2. In the second step we form lines tables, placing paired tags inside

    . Each element creates a separate line:

    3. Next, in the third step we form cells tables using paired tags And , which are placed inside the element . Tag creates regular cell, and cell header, i.e. header of the corresponding column:

    4. Well, at the last step we place them inside the elements And cell contents. The HTML code for inserting a table into a web page looks something like this:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    Cell 1-1Cell 1-2Cell 1-3
    Cell 2-1Cell 2-2Cell 2-3

    They will help you fine-tune the display of borders. With it you can change the thickness and color of the frames, as well as change the type of borders.

    Text that needs to be placed inside cells does not need to be enclosed, but if the text is large, it can be broken into paragraphs by using the tag

    If you need to somehow format the inserted text, you can use .

    In addition to text, we can place pictures in cells using the tag :

    The contents of the cell can even be another table. In this case, creating a nested table is no different from creating a regular table. Just between tags And tags are inserted

    , and rows and cells are inserted into it.

    There are some rules to keep in mind when creating tables:

    • only a tag is used to create a table ;
    • tag
    • can only be inside a tag
    • tags
    • , any other tag content ignored by the browser;
    • table contents (text or pictures) can only be contained in tags
    • And can only be inside a tag
      And ;
    • table cells must have at least some content, otherwise the browser may not display them at all, but if some cell must be empty, then a non-breaking space (HTML literal) is usually placed in it;
    • table refers to block elements of a web page;
    • The sizes of the table and its cells depend on the content, i.e. the table is stretched in width and height so that everything fits;
    • a small indentation is made between the borders of individual cells and between the border of each cell and its contents;
    • the text of the header cells (th element) is displayed in bold and centered;
    • Borders around the table and its cells are not drawn by default.
    • Table title

      Let's start with a paired tag

      , which gives the table a title. The title text goes inside this tag, which should be inside the tag . And it doesn’t matter where in the html code of the table you place the tag . Moreover, it is permissible to use no more than one element within the same table, and it should go in the html code immediately after the tag
      , the browser will still display the header above the table and align it to the center. But usually the tag placed immediately after the opening tag :

      This is a table
      Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
      Cell 2.1Cell 2.2


      Table Sections

      An html table can be logically divided into parts - sections. There are three types of sections:

      • header section, which contains the header cells that form the table header;
      • body section, in which cells with basic data are located;
      • completion section, into which cells with summary data are placed.

      The table header section is formed using a paired tag


      A body section is created with a paired tag

      . One html table can contain several body sections, which allows you to create structural blocks to which uniform design styles can be applied.

      The termination section is formed by a paired tag

      and within one container
      there can only be one.

      All these paired tags must contain the tags

      , which form lines related to the corresponding sections:

      Column 1Column 2Column 3
      Cell 1.1Cell 1.2Cell 1.3
      Cell 2.1Cell 2.2Cell 2.3
      Outcome 1Outcome 2Outcome 3

      Merging table cells

      It remains to talk about the most important feature of tables - merging cells. Attributes are used to combine several cells into one colspan And rowspan tags

      And . The colspan attribute specifies the number of cells combined horizontally, and rowspan – vertically:


      Example result:

      1.1 1.2-1.3
      2.1 2.2 2.3
      3.1-4.1 3.2 3.3
      4.2 4.3

      When merging cells, it is important to check the number of cells in each row to ensure there are no errors. Yes, the design

      replaces two cells, so the next line should have two tags , or the same design! If the number of cells in all rows does not match, then empty extra cells will appear.

      An example of incorrect html code when merging cells:

      cell 1.1cell 1.2
      cell 2.1cell 2.2

      And the result displayed in the browser:

      Those. If you analyze the html code, you will notice that the first line contains three cells, two of which are combined using the colspan attribute, and only two cells are added in the second line. Therefore, a third empty cell appears in the second line.

      Tag attributes

      In this post we have already encountered one tag attribute

      . With the border attribute, which specifies the thickness of the border in pixels. By default it is 0 and therefore cells are displayed without a border by default.

      In addition to the border attribute, there are several other important attributes supported by the tag

      . Let's look at them.

      Attribute align- sets leveling tables on the page. Can take the values ​​left, center, right, which set the alignment to the left, center and right, respectively. Defaults to left.

      Attribute background, which sets the background image to the table. Takes the address of the image file as its value.

      bgcolor— sets background color tables. Can be used in conjunction with the background attribute.

      Attribute bordercolor sets frame color tables.

      Cellpadding— defines distance between the cell border and its contents. Allows you to improve the readability of the table. The value can be any positive number.

      Cellspacing- sets distance between outer cell borders.

      Let's talk about this how to insert a table into an html page I'll finish, just summarize:

      • tags are used to insert a table
      — table designation, - adding a line and , completion section and body section - ;
    • to combine cells we use tag attributes
    • And which are used to create strings, and paired tags, responsible for creating cells. ( Moreover, the closing tags of rows and cells may be missing)

      So, given that we already know how to create a simple HTML table, let's apply the information above and create a simple table as shown in (Figure 1).

      The simplest table Fig. 1

      Simple table code, which is shown in Figure 1 (above)

      — cell insertion;
    • a table is a block element of a web page;
    • the contents of cells can be not only text, but also pictures and other tables;
    • a table can contain three types of sections: header section -
    • colspan and rowspan.

      That's all, in the next post I will talk about navigation tools on an html site. To avoid missing this post, subscribe to my blog updates! That's it, see you again!

      Tables in HTML are the most powerful and frequently used tool. Basically, webmasters use tables not only as a method of grouping data display, but also to format web pages.

      Let's look at both ways to use HTML tables. But first, we'll learn how to add tables to an HTML document, and also look at the capabilities that HTML gives us for working with tables.

      Creating a simple HTML table

      Each table in HTML consists of many cells that are arranged in rows. And all these lines form a whole table. A paired tag is used to designate a table


      As you already know, tables consist of rows and cells. And in order to create a simple table, we need two more tags: these are paired tags


      1-Table cell2-Table cell3-Table cell4-Table cell
      5-Table cell6-Table cell7-Table cell8-Table cell
      9-Table cell10-Table cell11-Table cell12-Table cell

      Complex table code, example in Figure 2

      Merging columns "Attribute" colspan" Concatenating strings Attribute " rowspan"
      Attribute " valign""top"
      Attribute " valign" "bottom"

      The resulting table is Figure 1 . looks ugly. All this is because the tags that we used to create the simplest table (

      , , And

      1) Tag attribute

      "height". Please note that the tag there is no "width" attribute because the tag is responsible for the line, and, accordingly, for the height. And the columns are responsible for the width. Even though the tag has the "height" attribute, but it is practically not used anywhere anymore.

      Tag attributes


      3) Tag attribute

      The closing tag is required.

      Attention: It is impossible to create a table without using all these tags.

      Now let's try to use the theory and create a table in practice.

      Exercise: create a table of one row with three columns.

      ), may have various attributes that must be specified: this could be background, borders, dimensions, and so on.

      Let's now look at the attributes that apply to the tag

      . In order to see how the table with applied to the tag will change attributes, copy the table code and place it in a text document with the .html extension and open it in a browser, adding attributes to the table code and refreshing the page, you will see how your table will look in the browser.

      Tag attributes:

      1) The "border" attribute specifies the width of the frame of the entire table in pixels, written like this:


      2) Attributes "width" and "height" - this attribute specifies the recommended width and height of your table, written like this:

      3) The "bordercolor" attribute - sets the border color of the entire table, written like this:


      4) The "align" attribute - table alignment, align=left - the table will be aligned to the left, align=right - to the right, written like this:

      5) Attribute "bgcolor" - sets the background color of the table, written like this:

      I think the attributes are enough for you!

      Now let's look at the tag attributes:

      Tag attributes

      2) Tag attribute

      "width", the "height" attribute of the tag no, because tag is responsible for the table cell and its width, and the row (tag) is responsible for the height
      "colspan". The value of this attribute indicates the number of columns that this cell occupies. In other words, this attribute allows you to combine several adjacent cells vertically into one.

      4) Tag attribute

      "rowspan". The value of this attribute indicates the number of rows that this cell occupies. Accordingly, this attribute allows you to combine several cells into one horizontally.

      5) Tag attribute

      "align". This attribute allows you to align elements within a cell horizontally. It has three values: "left" (along the left edge of the cell), "center" (in the center), "right" (along the right edge of the cell). If nothing is specified, the alignment will be left.

      6) Tag attribute

      "valign". This attribute allows you to vertically align elements within a cell. Just like “align”, it has only three meanings: “top” (at the top), “middle” (in the middle), “bottom” (at the bottom). The default value is "middle" in the middle.

      Let's apply what we've learned so far.

      Figure 2 shows our complex table.

      Complex table Fig. 2

      That’s basically all you need to know about HTML tables and use them successfully.

      Creating an html table in the Joomla editor.

      To create a table in Joomla, you can use the TinyMce editor, which is found in Joomla by default.

      Now using the Joomla visual editor, you can create simple or complex versions of tables, but be careful and do not forget about the width of the area for content on your site, so that when creating a table its width does not exceed this value.

      Download files:

      Video course on HTML from Evgeny Popov

      The free video course contains 33 lessons on HTML.

      The video course reveals basic knowledge of HTML and will be useful not only for beginner site builders who are not yet familiar with HTML, but also for more experienced webmasters.


      Hi all!
      Let's continue learning the basics of HTML. In this lesson I will tell you and show examples how to make a table in HTML. We’ll also look at how you can set the color of the table cells, how to center the table, learn how to make a table border, etc.
      HTML tables are often used in HTML to list some information. Previously, tables were used to create the framework of web pages:

      ...but this is already a thing of the past, since today there are more effective ways to create wireframes for a website with . I often use a table on my blog or website, for example, like in .

      I think you understand why you need to learn how to create a table.

      What main tags does the table consist of?

      ○ tag TABLE
      It is the main container for creating a table, which contains other table elements such as columns and rows.
      The closing tag is required.

      ○ tag TR

      Inside the container

      rows are placed:

      Columns are created using a tag

      row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3

      Exercise: create a table of three rows and three columns.

      row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3
      row -2 / column 1 column 2 column 3
      row -3 / column 1 column 2 column 3

      Is everything clear to you up to this point? Who doesn't understand, raise your hand! Yeah, we all understand, so let’s move on.

      Now let's look at the attributes for the table.


      Table Borders in HTML

      To make the table visible, go to the tag

      applies attribute "border» .

      If the attribute value « border» “0”, the border will not be visible unless added to the tag

      attribute "border", the border in the table will also not be visible.

      Table borders in HTML - website

      row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3


      Try changing the value in the attribute "border" on "10" .

      How to merge cells in a table

      To combine cells in a table use attributes "colspan" and "rowspan" to the tag < td> .

      • colspan - merge cells horizontally;
      • rowspan - merging cells vertically.

      In the values, indicate how many cells you want to merge.

      row 1 column 1
      row 2 column 1 row 2 column 2


      row 1 column 1 row 1 column 2
      row 2 column 1


      More complex example:

      Tables in HTML - website

      row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3
      row -2 / column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4


      How to increase the space between table cells

      To increase the distance between the text and the cell border, add the attribute "cell padding" to tag

      In the values ​​of the “cellpadding” attribute, specify the indentation distance

      row 1 column 1 column 2


      To increase the distance between cells in a table, use the attribute "cellspacing" to tag

      In the attribute values "cellspacing" specify the distance between cells

      row 1 column 1 column 2


      How to make an HTML table background

      To make an HTML table background use to tag


      the following attributes:

      • BGCOLOR – background color for the entire table or for each cell individually. The color is specified by code or word.
      • BACKGROUND – the background in the table is filled with a picture.
      Tables in HTML - website
      row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3
      row -2 / column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4


      How to insert a picture into an HTML table

      To insert an image into an HTML table, between the tag

      insert tag .

      row 1 cell 1 cell 2


      Values ​​are specified in pixels (px) or percentages (%)

      Aligning content in an HTML table

      To align content in an HTML table, use the to tag

      attribute "align" And "valign" :

      ALIGN– horizontal alignment of content in the table.

      • left - push content to left side (default);
      • center install in the center;
      • right - push content to right side

      VALIGN– vertical alignment of content in the table.

      • top press the contents to the top;
      • bottom press the contents to the bottom;
      • middle set content in the middle
      default cell Align the content horizontally along the right edge, vertically - press it to the bottom
      Align the content horizontally along the left edge, vertically - press it to the top Align the contents horizontally in the center, vertically - press them in the middle


      How to center an HTML table

      To center a table, you need to wrap the table with a tag


      Table code

      row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3

      Additional and main tags for the table

      Table for website
      Title 1 Title 2
      1 2


      Now we're done with the tables. You can now create a table of any complexity yourself. Pin this lesson. Try creating any table yourself.
      I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson. Subscribe to my blog updates.

      Previous post
      Next entry

      Using the COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attributes, you can combine several adjacent cells of a column or row into one large cell.

      COLSPAN attribute of tags , allows you to merge cells of several columns within one row.

      ROWSPAN attribute - cells of several rows within one column.

      The number specified in these attributes indicates the number of cells that will be merged.

      Because When performing merge operations it is very easy to get confused, I strongly recommend making a preliminary sketch of the table on paper.


      HTML code:

      1111 22222 33333 44444 55555 66666 77777 88888 99999

      Browser display:

      1111 22222 33333
      44444 55555 66666
      77777 88888

      Improving the appearance of the HTML page table

      The CELLSPACING attribute makes it possible to set the size of the strip of clean space that frames the table from the outside. By default, the browser separates table cells with a 2-pixel stripe.

      The CELLPADDING attribute specifies the size of the stripes of clear space within a cell, separating its contents from its outer borders. By default this value is 1 pixel.

      To make graphic images placed in adjacent table cells look like a single whole, you must set the CELLSPACING and CELLPADDING attributes to zero values.

      Displaying table borders of an html page

      If the value of the tag's BORDER attribute

      is different from zero, the browser encloses the table in a frame and delimits adjacent rows and columns of the table. Using the FRAME and RULES attributes, you can specify which parts of the table frames should be shown.

      The FRAME attribute is used to define fragments of the external outline of the table.

      RULES attribute - specifies a set of internal dividing lines.

      The following are valid values ​​for these attributes.

      FRAME Value Result void All lines are missing above Line above the table below Line below the table rhs Line to the right of the table lhs Line to the left of the table hsides Lines above and below the table vsides Lines to the left and right of the table border All lines are present (default) RULES none All lines missing cols Lines between columns rows Lines between rows groups Lines between groups of columns and rows all All lines present (default)


      The second row is one column (it's just that part of it is hidden by the second column of the first row):

      Finally, the third row is a single column that includes three columns:

      Using these two options rowspan And colspan You can create tables of any complexity. Practice.

      Nested tables

      As the name suggests, one table can be placed inside another, or inside any column. Let's do this using our last markup as an example.

      So we have this code.

      HTML code:

      111 111 111 111 111 111

      Browser display:

      111 111 111
      111 111 111

      Wrapping words in table cells of an html page

      By default, the browser automatically wraps text within table cells. The NOWRAP attribute forcibly disables word wrapping within a table and displays the text in one line. Therefore, it is recommended to use this attribute in relation to table cells containing short text, because otherwise it will go outside the browser window. It should be noted that this attribute has no effect on cell text formatted using tags


      Nested tables of html pages

      Nesting tables one inside the other is a very common technique for designing the appearance of a Web page. First of all, you need to build a main table, and then place child tables in its cells. When defining tables, you must remember to include in their description all closing tags that contain a slash character, because omitting just one such descriptor will distort the table dramatically.

      You should also not abuse the investment, because... in this case, the loading of the page by the browser slows down significantly.

      Formatting of nested tables is carried out according to general rules, which, in fact, makes the page attractive.


      The second row consists of six columns:

      The third line consists of two columns, with the first including two columns and the second four:

      It's not that difficult. We visually overlay the grid on the drawing and write the rows one by one from top to bottom, describing the required number of columns in each.

      Rowspan tag - concatenation of rows

      What if we need markup like this?

      Please note that in the second row we have only one column, because the first column extends from the first row, simply including two.

      At first glance, this may seem difficult, but with a little practice you will be able to create tables of any complexity.

      Let's look at another example:

      HTML code:

      111 111

      01 01 01 01 111 111 111

      Browser display:

      111 111
      01 01
      01 01
      111 111 111
      colspan tag - combining columns

      The most common use of tables of complex structures is web page markup. Look at the picture:

      It turns out that we need the first and third rows to have one column each. This is achieved using the parameter colspan tag

      . This setting tells the browser to combine multiple columns into one. The value of this parameter is a number indicating how many columns will be merged.

      For example,

      This column includes two columns.

      For our example:

      Document title

      site header
      menu content
      bottom of the site

      Notice that the first and third rows now contain one column each.

      Let's look at another example of web page markup:

      site header
      menu menu menu menu menu menu
      news content

      Count - how many rows and columns are there in this table? To do this, mentally apply a grid to the drawing. This will result in three rows and six columns.

      The first row consists of one column, which includes six columns. Let's write this down:

      site header
      menu menu menu menu menu menu
      news content
      cap menu
      bottom of the site

      So in the first row we have two columns, with the second column concatenating the two rows. Let's write this down:

      cap menu
      bottom of the site