• How to create a VKontakte wiki page for communities and groups? How to Create a Wiki Page: Basics and Helpful Tips

    Wiki page (wiki page) VKontakte

    We decided to write this article to help mothers on maternity leave who want to start making money as a social media administrator. Wiki – in very simple terms, it is a technology that allows site users to fill out and change the content of this site themselves.

    What is a wiki (wiki) page and why is it needed?

    Surely many of you have repeatedly seen on VKontakte in various communities a beautifully designed menu, clicking on which takes you to a drop-down graphical list with the necessary categories.

    Or a beautiful article with various texts, pictures, emoticons, etc., which you get to by clicking on the clickable text under some post.

    How to make a wiki (wiki) – VKontakte page in a public or group. Method No. 1

    Very simple! Enter a link like this in the search bar of your browser

    Instead of XXX, put the ID number of your public or group (numbers only). You can find out the id number of your public or group by opening any photo and copying the numbers in the address bar of the browser that come after “photo-” and before “_”.

    Instead of pagename, enter the name of the wiki page you are creating (if there are several words, then through the lower flush “_”). In our example, “CLICK_HERE”.

    There is another way to create a wiki page in VK, more complex, but maybe you'll like it better.

    How to make a wiki (wiki) – VKontakte page in a public or group. Method number 2.

    1. If you want to make a wiki - a page for a public page, you must first create a group (community) on VKontakte. Only there is it possible to create wiki pages. And after this, the finished wiki page can be transferred to the public page (public page). Creating a group is very simple:

    A) in the right column select “My groups”;

    B) in the window that opens, in the upper right corner, click “create community”

    C) write the name of the future group (at your discretion)

    D) turn on the checkbox (checkbox) next to the “Group” item

    D) click “create community”

    If you need a wiki page for a VKontakte group, then skip step No. 1.

    2. To create a wiki (wiki) page, you need to open “materials”. To do this, go to your group. In the right column, under your group avatar, click “Community Management.” In the window that opens, find the “Materials” item. Select "Open". Don't forget to save your changes.

    3. After this, on the main page of your group, under the description, the inscription “Latest news” will appear, and next to “Edit”. This is where we need to click.

    4. Please note that if on the main page of the group, instead of a description you “pinned a post”, you need to “unpin” it. Click on the post (not on the picture! namely on the text of the post, under the picture click “unpin”)

    5. After you clicked the “edit” button next to the “Latest news” inscription, a wiki page window will open in front of you. In the upper right corner you will see a button with two checkmarks - this is an editing mode switch. It is much easier for a beginner to work in visual editing mode, since this editor is partially similar to regular word. In wiki markup mode, you need to write a special code.

    6. Set the editing mode switch to the “Wiki markup mode” position.

    7. And we write a phrase, by clicking on which a person will be taken to the wiki page we created. But in order for this text to become clickable, it must be enclosed in double square brackets (on the keyboard in the English layout there are buttons with the Russian letters “X” and “Ъ”), for example [[CLICK HERE]]. Click “Save Page” at the bottom. And then “Preview”. If you did everything correctly, then the inscription that you wrote inside the square brackets will appear below the “save page” button and will be clickable (become a link). That is, if you click on it, you will be taken to a blank page called “CLICK HERE”. If it doesn’t work and under the “save page” button you see an inscription in square brackets, check again what mode you have the editing switch in.

    8. In the address bar of the browser we see a link to the resulting wiki page, looking like this:

    https://vk.com/pages?oid=-ХХХ &p=pagename

    where XXX is the id number of your public or group (numbers only). You can find out the id number of your public or group by opening any photo and copying the numbers in the address bar of the browser that come after “photo-” and before “_”.

    pagename – the name of the wiki page (if several words, then through the lower flush “_”). In our example, “CLICK_HERE”.

    1. After replacing the id, click “Fill with content.”
    2. You again find yourself in the wiki editor. If you are not an expert, then fill out the wiki page using the visual editing mode. Everything is simple here. You can add and change any text as you like. Insert photo, audio or video. Attach any link to text or image. To see the result, click “Preview”. Nothing complicated.

    Do you want to create not just another public page with pictures and music, but a truly interesting community with useful content? Then you just need to know how to create a wiki page. And today we will learn how to do this.

    Why do you need wiki markup?

    In fact, there are dozens of use cases. For example, in Wikipedia, all articles are formatted using this markup language. The VKontakte website also supports the creation of wiki pages: with their help, you can create a group menu or create a voluminous article, where the text is interspersed with photographs, videos and other materials.

    Unlike regular posts, here you have much more options for formatting: adding headings, bold or italics, any images, links, etc. And if you wish, you can even make a full-fledged mini-site.

    Now let's talk about how to create a wiki page.

    Step 1: find out the group ID and create a new page

    First you need to get the ID of your group or public. In most cases, pretty URLs are used instead of a number combination. You can get the ID by opening the community statistics:

    Let's move on to the next stage. How to create a wiki page for a group? In fact, you just need to enter a new command link into the address bar of your browser. She looks like this:

    Instead of XXXX we enter the ID of our community, and instead of “Page_name” we enter the actual name that we came up with. After this, you must press Enter. A new wiki page will be automatically created, and the message “Fill with content” will appear on the screen.

    Step 2: create a post

    This is perhaps the simplest thing you can do using language

    Anyone who has worked at least in the banal Notepad will understand the functionality of the visual editor. All the main functions are quickly accessible on the panel:

    • text style (bold/italic);
    • alignment (left, right, center);
    • adding H1-H3 headers;
    • highlighting quotes;
    • adding links;
    • adding multimedia (photos, video, audio).

    Step 3: Publishing

    So, you already know how to create a VKontakte wiki page. All that remains is to publish it in your community. In order for subscribers to see the link, it is better to immediately prepare a nice cover. It is advisable that the picture contains a link or a call to click on the “View” button below.

    Useful "tricks"

    In principle, it is more than enough to understand how to create a standard type of wiki page. In addition, at any time you can click on the “Preview” button and see what your post will look like after publication. It’s another matter if you need to make a beautiful and convenient menu for navigating through a group. Here you will already need basic knowledge of the markup language itself.

    Wrap around photo

    If you want the image to be not in the center of the page between two paragraphs, but to the side of the text, you need to add |right or |left in the code of the image itself.


    Anyone who is interested in how to create a VKontakte wiki page should remember another very useful tag - Hider. With its help, you can create hidden blocks in which information is revealed by clicking.


    This is very convenient if you publish a lengthy article with a large number of headings and subsections. Then at the very top of the page you can create a table of contents so that the user can instantly go to the block that interests him. All you need to do is enter the exact text after the hash mark and the link text after the straight line.


    They can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to accurately format any information. Including for creating a menu with icons. There are only a few main tags:

    • (| - beginning of the table;
    • |+ - title;
    • |- — new line;
    • | - new cell;
    • ! — selected cell (with darkened background);
    • |) is the end of the table.

    The cells themselves can contain any information - text, images, videos, documents. In practice it looks something like this:

    Graphic menu

    This is probably the coolest thing you can do if you know how to create a wiki page. In fact, there is nothing complicated, but you will have to tinker with thinking through the layout and cutting images. In order for the menu to be displayed correctly, you must adhere to the exact dimensions, focusing on a width of 510 or 504 px. If you want the photos to be “glued” together, you need to add a note to the image code; nopadding.

    And if you use the noborder parameter instead, then there will be a distance of 6 px between the images. Then the total width of all photographs in a row is calculated using the formula 510-6*N (N is the number of images in a row).

    Similar tags and designations are used on all resources that support the creation of wiki pages.

    Thousands of new public pages are created every day on the social network VKontakte. Imagine how many of them are created per month or per year. Imagine how many public pages are already being administered at the present time. To successfully promote each of them, a beautiful avatar and a large number of posts on the wall are not enough. To interest people and “make” them stay on the pages of your community, you need something specific.

    Absolutely every community can be made more interesting by filling it with useful and interesting information to read. But what to do with it? Just throw it on the wall and hope it goes away? The answer is not correct. The best way to help with this is wiki pages.

    Wiki pages are truly something special. After all, thanks to them, you can not only upload interesting materials to the community, but also design them in such a way that the user himself wants to jump from page to page. Not many people know that thanks to wiki pages, and also due to what they are called so - wiki markup, you can build a full-fledged website from a public VKontakte page, since the user has all the tools to create new pages, links between them and even graphic design.

    But even fewer people know how to create wiki pages on public VKontakte pages. We are already in the process of creating internal pages in VKontakte groups and everything connected with them. The situation with public pages is similar, but the process of creating new pages is somewhat different from the method of creating them in groups. Therefore, the case with publics needs to be considered separately, and this is what this manual is dedicated to.

    Creating wiki pages in public:
    When creating pages in public pages, you do not need to use wiki markup, as is done in groups. We just need to manually generate a special link that will take us to the section for creating a new page. And in order to generate the necessary link, you just need to know the identifier (ID) of your community:

    After that you need to follow a link like this:

    Where is the line xxxxxxxxxxx is the community ID, and pagename– the name of the page where it will be accessible. The name may include Latin letters, numbers and even some symbols, for example, the dash sign "_".

    Let's assume our community ID is 84747051 , and we decided to name the page testpage. Then the link will look like this:

    Fill the page with the necessary information:

    After creation, the page will look like this:

    So, we created a new page in the public. Be sure to set permissions to edit the page so that unauthorized users cannot make any changes. To view and change editing rights, visit the "Page Access" section on the content editing page of the created wiki page:

    Ready. The page has been created and permissions have been set. The most important thing left is to create a link to the page so that it opens in a window (that’s why they are wiki pages). To do this, create the following link:

    If you need to create an article with different font formatting, add illustrations, make a navigation menu or even a mini-site, you can easily do this using wiki markup.

    There are 4 instructions here:

    • Creating a Wiki Page Using a Link
    • Creating a wiki page using the "Materials" section
    • Creating a wiki page using the service
    • Create a wiki page using the application
    • How to attach a wiki page to a post

    Creating a Wiki Page Using a Link

    1. In link http://vk. com/pages?oid=-XXX &p= Page_name replace XXX- on the ID of your public page or group, and Page_name replace with the title of your page (spaces do not have to be replaced with underscores)

    3. Edit the page and save the changes.

    Creating a wiki page using the "Materials" section

    This method is suitable for creating a wiki page in a group

    1. We connect the “Materials” section in community management

    2. After this, the “Latest News” section will appear on the first screen of the group

    3. Go to the “Latest News” section - this is already a wiki page, but if a menu is planned for the group and a separate wiki page is needed, then proceed further:
    In wiki markup mode, we write the name of the wiki page in double square brackets and save the result.

    4. Go to viewing mode, click on the name of the page - and get to the created page. Fill out and save.
    After this, the link on the “latest news” page can be deleted. But in this case, it is better to save the link to the created page.

    Creating a wiki page using the service

    This method is suitable for creating a wiki page for groups and public pages.

    On the page you will see this form:

    How to use the form

    1. In the first box you need to insert your community ID.

    How to find out the community ID

    2. Now write the name of your page in the second window and click on the “create page” button - voila, your page is ready! All you have to do is fill it out and save it ;)

    Create a wiki page using the application

    This method is suitable for creating a wiki page for groups and public pages.

    Go to the application

    Want a place to post work samples, blog, and advertise your services? Usually a website is created for these purposes. But there is another, simpler way out - a VKontakte group with wiki markup. In this article I will explain how to create one.

    Practice and more practice! I will describe the process using the example of a real group - Futuristic Copywriting.

    I'm working with a new VKontakte design. The old one will soon outlive its usefulness - so I won’t consider it. In any case, the process is not much different.

    The first thing you should do is create a new group:

    • Open the "Groups" section.
    • Click on the “Create Community” button.

    Creating a new community

    • Enter a title. Specify any - it can be changed at any time as many times as you like.
    • Now select the type of community: group or public page. The difference is described above.

    Group or public page?

    • Click "Create a Community."
    • Here you can change the specified name and select the page type (this can also be changed at any time).
    • Don't forget to accept the Site Terms of Use.

    Selecting the page type

    • Click "Create Page".

    Hurray, the community has been created!

    Editing community information

    Immediately after creating a new group, you will be taken to the “Edit Information” page. What's here:

    • Name. I think there is no need to explain. The only required field.
    • Community Description. Write a few words about yourself and your group. There is no point in writing a lot - no one will read it.

    All fields except the title can be left blank

    More settings

    When you are finished with the settings, click “Save”.

    Group created

    Now you can upload the main image. Click on "Upload Photo" on the right.

    Let's load an image for the page

    Specify the path to the image. Put your logo, photo or draw (order) something special there. Using a frame, select the area that will become the main picture of the community.

    Select the desired area using a frame

    Now select a small circular area that will become your group's thumbnail.

    The size of the circle can also be changed

    This is what we got. The page has become 35% more attractive!


    Don't forget about status. You can also write something interesting there. For example, your slogan or contact details. Or an announcement that today is your day off.

    This is where the preparatory work ends and the most difficult part begins - wiki markup.

    How to find out group ID

    A menu, a blog entry, a list with examples of work - we will create all this using wiki pages. VKontakte is a disgusting service that does not have tools for creating a new page. Instead, you will have to use scripts. Don't be alarmed, it's simple, although inconvenient.

    For the script you will need to know your group ID. If you have not changed its address, then these are the numbers in the address bar that come after the word “club”. I have already changed it, so such a simple way to get the ID is not available to me.

    Click on any post on the wall to open it. If there is nothing, write something. Anything.

    Create any post and click on it

    New data will appear in the address bar. What is in the middle between “wall-” and “_” (underscore) is your page ID. Save it somewhere.

    My ID is 124301131

    Creating a wiki page

    Now you can use the script to create new pages with wiki markup.


    Copy this and paste it into your browser's address bar. Instead of my ID, enter yours. And instead of the word “Name” write the name of the page you are creating. You can use Russian, spaces, numbers. And then press Enter to follow the link and run the script.

    Be careful! The name of the wiki page cannot be changed. If there are typos, you will have to create a new one.

    Let's first make the main page. I called it "Menu".

    Copy the script into the address bar

    Click "Fill with content."

    Open the page editor

    This is where the page editor is located. But for now we don’t need him, but a link. Look at the address bar. You need everything before the words “?act=edit§ion=edit”.

    Be sure to save the page ID and link to it

    This is a very important point. The new page is not pinned anywhere yet and there are no links leading to it. If you close it, you will lose it.

    I recommend creating a separate file that will store your group structure. Format it in the form “Title - link - Page ID”. The ID is "page-124301131_50771728". You will still need it.

    Here, for example, is the structure of my “Overheard” group. Menu and 2 more pages. I also added a script here to create new pages. To make it easy to find.

    Save all links and IDs in a separate file so as not to lose

    What to do if you only saved the page ID, but forgot about the links? Enter the address “https://vk.com/page-124301131_50771728” in the address bar. Naturally, substitute your page ID.

    Pin a wiki page to a group

    You have already created the main page itself. Now it needs to be secured at the very top of the community. To do this, copy the link to the page and paste it into a post on the wall. VKontakte will automatically create a link-button and attach it under the post.

    Just copy the link to the page in the post

    The button will remain even if you remove the text link

    Upload an image. The maximum width of the image is 510 px. The maximum height is also 510 px. Within these values, you can do whatever you want. A 510x510 square is the largest banner you can make. This is true for any posts, not just pinned ones.

    I made something like this

    Click send. Now click on the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the post. And click "Pin".

    Now pin the post with a link

    In the same way, you can make announcements of articles on your wiki blog. Just don't need to fasten them.

    Refresh the page. Information about the group has disappeared. Instead, a post you created with a link and a picture appeared.

    Click on the image to open the attached wiki page

    If you click on the picture or the “View” button, the wiki page will open.

    It's empty for now

    We won't touch the main one for now. We don't have the rest of the pages yet. There is nothing to provide links to. Let's do other things first.

    Layout of the VKontakte wiki page

    I will not describe all existing layout tags. Everything was written long ago before me. Eat official VKontakte group, dedicated to wiki markup. You can find anything in it. Everything is sorted there by topic - take it and apply it.

    I will show you how to apply the knowledge from this group in practice. Let's create an "About Me" page. First, create it using a script, write down the ID and go to the editing page.

    There are 2 modes on the editing page: normal and markup mode. For some reason, the regular one is mercilessly buggy - it constantly breaks links. And most of the functions are not available in it. That's why I try not to work in it. To switch to wiki markup mode, click on the icon<>top right.

    Go to wiki markup mode

    What should be on the About Me page? A little information, a list of advantages over other copywriters, perhaps a photograph. Let's do this.

    First, write the text. Personally, it’s more convenient for me to write in my favorite one and then copy it into the VKontakte editor. Don't forget to click "Save Page" after each change.

    Now let's add a photo. Click on the camera icon and specify the path to the image.

    Click on the camera icon on the toolbar

    Here is our photo

    I want the text to wrap around the image, so I'll add a "left" parameter to it. And I don't want people to be able to open the full version of the photo, so I added the "nolink" attribute. Read more about attributes in the group to which I provided a link above.

    Add the parameters “nolink” and “left”

    To see the result, go to normal mode using the button<>.

    Not very nice

    Let's make the photo smaller. Just write down the required dimensions in marking mode. I indicated values ​​that were half the original ones.

    Specify the required dimensions in wiki markup mode

    Now let's create a list. Highlight the desired line and click on the list icon.

    This button puts a * tag, which creates a list item

    The symbol “*” will appear in front of it. This is the list tag. You can set it manually or use the button on the toolbar. Check off the remaining items on the list.

    Already more beautiful

    Now you need to select the headings. The toolbar has buttons for designing headings H1-H3.

    Use buttons or add tags manually

    I will make “About Me” the first level heading. And the phrase before the list is of the third level.

    Almost ready

    Everything is almost fine, but the second heading appears a little on the picture. You need to add an empty line. In wiki markup mode this is done using the tag

    Add an empty line

    If you need to skip only 1 line -
    not needed for this. It is used if you want to get 2 or more empty lines in a row.

    Perhaps you can highlight individual words in bold. Select the desired fragment and press the “B” button or use the Ctrl+B key combination.

    The combination Ctrl+B also works

    This is what happened in the end.

    I think it's not bad

    Making a portfolio on VKontakte

    Now we will create a convenient portfolio for clients. I see 2 ways:

    • Create albums with screenshots and a list page with links to each of them.
    • Create a separate page for each work and a list page.

    For example, I will arrange 2 works in a portfolio - each in its own way.

    Portfolio album

    To create an album, open the "Manage Community" menu.

    Go to community settings

    Here, check the box next to “Photo Albums”. Now you can create them. Save your changes.

    Add a block with photo albums

    On the community page, click on the “Add Photos” button and specify the path to the required files.

    Let's add screenshots of our works to the album

    Let's say I want to add an article to my portfolio about how to take screenshots of texts that don't fit on the screen. To do this, I take a screenshot of the article and cut it into small pieces in a graphics editor.

    For what? Because otherwise the text on the image will be too small and impossible to read. Such a portfolio is of little use. And so I divided it into a bunch of separate fragments of normal size and will add it to a separate VKontakte album.

    I got 4 pieces of text and a miniature. Hover over any image and click the Move Photo icon.

    Let's move the new images to a new album

    Create a new album.

    Click "Add to New Album"

    Give the album the same name as the article. To make it easy to find. You don't need a description. Also check the boxes next to “Only editors and administrators can add photos” and “Disable album commenting.” Click “Create Album and Transfer.”

    Give the album a name and prevent other users from changing it

    Transfer the remaining screenshots in the same way. Only now you don’t need to create a new album - it already exists.

    Select an already created album from the list

    This is what we ended up with.

    Album with pieces of text

    For subsequent albums there will be no such transfer hemorrhoids. Click on "Photo Albums".

    Open your band's album list

    Now click on the “Create Album” button in the upper right corner. Give it a name and upload a new batch of screenshots there using the “Add Photos” button.

    Create an album for new text in your portfolio

    That's it, now we have 2 albums containing screenshots of 2 articles. Enough, perhaps.

    2 albums with screenshots

    Create a Portfolio page and write down its ID. We will not post the works themselves on it - only titles, thumbnails and short descriptions.

    Click on the “Add Photo” icon.

    Adding a new image to the page

    Click on “Select from Community Photos.” Open the album you want and select your thumbnail.

    Find your thumbnail added to the album

    In a new tab, open the album or the first screenshot in it. And copy his link (entirely). You need to insert it into the photo tag between the vertical bar | and closing square brackets ]].

    Insert a link between the symbols | And ]]

    This way you will receive a thumbnail, which, when clicked, will open the desired album or a screenshot with the beginning of the text (depending on what you specify the link to).

    Portfolio page

    Well, everything is much simpler here. Create a new wiki page and don't forget to write down its ID. Click on the “Add Photo” icon and upload a screenshot of your text, pre-cut into small pieces. Ideally, 1 image - 1 paragraph.

    For what? Because VKontakte compresses images quite strongly. If you upload an entire screenshot and then stretch it to fill the entire page, the quality will be terrible. Small fragments will not suffer as much.

    Now turn off wiki markup mode (if it was turned on).

    Return to standard mode to see the result

    Not bad, but it won't be enough. Click on the first picture. In the settings that open, set the width (left cell) to 607 px. This is the maximum image size allowed on the page. The height will change automatically.

    Set the width of the image - 607 px

    This is what happened. Enlarge all other pieces of text in the same way.

    The first fragment became noticeably larger

    This way you can insert text of any length onto a wiki page. The main thing is that it can be read with a width of 607 px.

    Entire screenshot of text on the wiki page

    Finally, we will need the IDs of the pages you recorded. Open your Portfolio page.

    Upload a thumbnail to it (from the created album or from your computer). Now insert the page ID of the text between the closing square brackets ]] and the vertical bar |.

    Copy page ID with text between characters | And ]]

    Actually, that's all. Now, when you click on the thumbnail, the visitor will go to a page with text.

    Our 2 thumbnail links

    Making a list of works

    Now let's make our portfolio more presentable and convenient. I will add a title, titles of works, small descriptions and links to the site where they are published. This is what happened.

    Add some information about each job

    Design of the “Services and Prices” page

    We already have an “About Me” page and a beautiful portfolio. Perhaps it's time to show your clients the price tag. I think we will format it in the form of a table. Simple and clear. Create a new wiki page, save the ID - and let's go.

    You can read in detail about all the tags that are needed when laying out a table