• How to delete calls on Android. How to delete calls on Viber

    There is nothing complicated about how to delete calls in Viber. Moreover, this can be done for all calls at once, or only for some. After all, especially active and sociable users, over time, accumulate so many of them in the Call Log that it becomes simply unpleasant to look at all this mess.

    How to delete phone calls on Viber

    There are several ways to clear the Call Log. For example:

    1. Launch Viber on your device;
    2. Click on the button in the form of a telephone handset in the upper area of ​​the screen;
    3. Next, you need to long press on the very first call in the Log;
    4. A square will appear at the bottom of the display with the ability to mark all calls in the Log;
    5. Accordingly, click on it, select all calls;
    6. And click on the image of the trash can next to it.

    Ready. All calls have been deleted. Now let's talk about how you can delete only some calls:

    1. Launch the messenger;
    2. In the same way as in the previous case, click on the handset at the top of the screen;
    3. We select the topmost call - it doesn’t matter whether it is incoming or outgoing;
    4. Now you can click to mark all the calls you need to delete;
    5. And click on the Trash icon.

    The selected calls will be deleted from the Log. So, if you know how to delete calls in the application, then you can avoid cluttering up the Call Log too much. The Viber program is rightfully considered by many to be Number One among all messengers around the world. This is not surprising, given all its capabilities. With its help, everyone can correspond completely free of charge, and even make calls. At the same time, calls are also available in the traditional form - through voice communication, and through video. For a fee, you can make calls to mobile phones that are not registered in Viber, as well as to regular landline phones.

    Despite the fact that Viber has already been downloaded and installed on their devices by more than a billion users worldwide To the globe, the developers are not going to rest peacefully on their laurels. They are constantly working to improve their product. And new updates come out with enviable regularity. It is also worth noting that Viber is distributed free of charge. It is available in many world languages, including Russian. Of course, before deleting calls in Viber, you need to keep in mind that the call history cannot be restored in the future. And no details or “printouts” of calls and messages are provided here.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    New mobile owners iOS devices often they cannot figure out its basic functions, since it is very different from Android, Windows Phone and so on. Let's talk about how to delete a call on iPhone one by one, as well as how to delete all calls at once.

    How to delete unnecessary calls from iPhone?

    By default, the smartphone is from Apple offers to delete all calls (including outgoing calls, as well as received and missed incoming calls) at the same time. To do this you just need to do a few things simple actions. After this, the user will have no doubts.

    Go to “Phone” and go to the “Recent” section. In the right corner we find the “Change” button and click on it, then click on the “-” key. After clicking on “Delete”, we confirm our actions (the “Finish” button). That's all.

    So, the instructions on how to delete a call on an iPhone assume a single deletion. Some users also jailbreak and install some third party application, which will help you delete calls one by one. One such program is iLog (also known as MobileLog). You can install it from the operating room application iOS systems called Cydia.

    Delete an unnecessary call to iPhone via iLog

    Let's start with the fact that this program works exclusively on mobile devices with a jailbreak, that is, with an operation performed to open unlimited access to file system and obtaining chief administrator rights. Note that this is not required.

    Go to Cydia and go to the “Sections” menu on the bottom panel. Select the “All Packages” folder there. Using the index alphabetically, we look for the iLog program. After clicking on it, basic information about this program will open in front of us. At the top right, select the installation button, “Install”. Next, confirm your actions by clicking on “Confirm”. At the end of the installation process, we return to Cydia by clicking the “Return to Cydia” button at the bottom of the screen.

    Exit the Cydia application. Now the iLog program icon should appear on the desktop of our mobile device.
    Now let's talk about deleting calls from the log. We go to iLog and select the call that we want to delete. We move our finger across it from left to right and press the “Delete” button.

    With the advent new firmware for iOS 5, users now have the ability to delete calls individually without installation third party programs from Cydia. To do this, simply swipe your fingers from left to right and press the delete button. Unfortunately, not yet this function Not available on all mobile devices.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/main1-e1496849914507.jpg" alt="cleaning android" width="267" height="200"> !} Owners of mobile devices are often interested in how to delete phone call logs on Android. This is not the most complex problem, which may arise for a given operating system, but one of the most common. Many need detailed guides and Android-related tips to get the most out of your gadget.

    Difficulties that seem easy to solve for advanced users can be serious for less experienced smartphone owners. For inquiries in search engines we can conclude that not everyone can easily erase numbers from the list of dialed numbers on their device. To erase information about an incoming or outgoing call, you need to have a basic understanding of how it functions and is configured Android system. The process may vary depending on the model you are using.

    Instructions for Samsung, Nexus and HTC devices

    To delete history on your smartphone Samsung Galaxy , you should hold your finger on a specific call for a while, after opening the corresponding application. After this, you will be able to designate all the numbers that you want to erase. You will need to click on “Delete” in the right top corner screen.

    If you want to clear the list completely, you need to open the calling application, the “Other” option in the left or right corner of the screen and “Delete”. After this, the “All” option will appear on the left side, next to which you need to check the box and click on delete again.

    On smartphones Nexus you can do what you want like this:

    1. go to the “Phone” application;
    2. tap on the icon with 3 dots top line for search;
    3. launch a list of those dialed and accepted;
    4. select "Clear history".

    If there is a handset HTC and you want to erase statistics, the path is this: “Phone”, “Call history”, touch the icon with 3 dots in the upper left corner. After that, use the “Delete call history” option.

    This detailed information about all your actions with mobile phone, tablet or something else similar device. In the details you can find a lot of information that compromises you. That is why sometimes the question arises: “Is it possible to remove call details?” or "How to adjust call details?" Here's the answer to this question, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

    Cleaning call details

    Mobile operators that provide us with communication services, such as MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 and others, also provide the opportunity to make call details and use it to monitor spending. Only these same operators do not provide the opportunity to clean up the details of calls and SMS. Watch - look, but delete - no. Why is detail cleaning necessary? Most of those reading these lines already know the answer to this question: hide some information from unwanted applicants. For example, it is very often necessary to clean up the details when someone is cheating on someone: to remove traces of communication that prove the presence of infidelity. And there are many such examples - everyone has their own reason for contacting us.

    If you have no desire to save any information about calls made, messages sent and received, as well as pages viewed in browsers, then you just need to delete the history on Android. This can be done either partially or completely.

    How to delete history on Android using the application

    To delete your Android search history, you can use special application Quick cleaning. With its help, the history in the user's browser, the history of his calls, as well as the history that is saved when searching on Google Play are cleared.

    In addition, it will become impossible to view search information on YouTube. Using such an application is quite simple.

    • Launch the application
    • Check the boxes for data that should be hidden
    • Click the “Clean” button

    It is important to know that some applications cannot be cleaned using this program, but it sends you straight to necessary settings and you will need to clear everything manually. Unnecessary files V mobile device are deleted by clearing the cache. Tips and instructions for deleting the cache can be found in the article.

    How to delete calls on Android

    To clear the call log on Android, you need to:

    • Open the Phone app
    • Select the “Magazines” section
    • Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner
    • Click “Clear call log”

    You can also delete calls selectively:

    • Open call log
    • Select call
    • Click “Call Details”
    • Click on the cart in the upper right corner

    How to delete browser history on Android?

    How to delete history on the Internet

    This browser is a built-in application in some smartphones. To clear the history you need to do the following:

    • Open the browser and go to the menu
    • Select "Settings"
    • Find and click on the items “Clear history” and “Clear cache”

    These instructions are suitable for standard Opera browser, as well as for Opera Mini, Opera Max and Opera beta. To delete history in Opera you need to:

    Chrome is standard browser on naked Android and smartphones from Google. To delete history in Chrome you need to:

    How to delete history in Firefox

    The Firefox browser is considered one of the most fast browsers, that’s why so many people loved it. To clear history in Firefox, you need to:

    • Open browser
    • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
    • Find the “History” item
    • Click “Delete web surfing history”

    Most Popular mobile browser in RuNet - Yandex. To clear history in Yandex on Android you need: