• iOS operating system type. iOS overview. What it is

    iOS is the operating system (OS) for mobile devices released by Apple in 2007. Unlike competing systems, it is only suitable for various Apple branded mobile devices.

    The main competitor is OS from Google. But in Lately these systems are becoming more and more similar to each other, adopting positive aspects from each other. Android, looking at iOS, becomes closer to users: this includes both the simplicity and convenience of working out of the box, and the aesthetics of the interface. iOS, in turn, is increasing functionality and expanding customization options.

    Benefits of iOS

    Application quality (AppStore)

    AppStore is an online app store for iOS created by Apple in 2008.

    Due to the fact that in App Store a strict filter for allowing applications to be published, only truly high-quality applications can be installed on devices. Most of the applications are paid due to the fact that developers put a lot of effort into development and testing and do not want to lose their customers and drop in the rankings by releasing a raw product.

    Easy update

    The transition from release to release of the OS is carried out with one click and is available immediately after the release and publication of a new update. At the same time, the device itself will notify the user of the need to update. Unlike competing platforms, iOS supports devices that were released more than a year ago, thereby

    does not force its customers to purchase a new more powerful gadget after the release of new software.

    Application updates are also carried out with one click, and in the settings you can set automatic download and installation of updates, after which you can be sure that your programs will always be up to date.

    The best apps are published first in the AppStore

    Many developers prefer to first release an application on the iPhone, and only after a while to write an analogue for Android and Windows phone. This is due to a quality development environment and handy tools to create new applications.

    Single ecosystem

    Mobile ecosystem Apple devices(i.e. integration or interaction various gadgets) is the most advanced on the market. Their optimization is amazing, because the company produces both hardware and software part herself. This means that the operating system is maximally optimized for specific device. A set of connected devices Apple account ID allows you to synchronize data with each other, making work easier and more productive.

    Now you do not need to think about how to send information from one gadget to another, you just keep working. Because all your devices have access to your documents.

    Convenient and easy-to-learn interface

    Taking any Apple device in your hands, you will already know how to use it. This was made possible thanks to an intuitive interface, which was created in such a way that everyone could easily master it. On home screen all built-in applications are located, a split second is enough to glance at the screen and find out the weather, news, time and much more.


    According to a study by Strategy Analytics, apple technology shows more than 2 times greater reliability compared to the devices of its competitors.


    It is achieved due to the closeness of the platform, thanks to which

    you can forget about such technological concepts as "computer viruses".

    But protection is provided not only from virtual attacks, the Find My iPhone function and a fingerprint scanner (Touch ID) will help protect your device from thieves.

    And this is not the whole list of advantages of the system. The list of shortcomings is much more modest.

    Disadvantages of iOS

    Not a universal system

    Yes, you have to pay for security: you will not be able to install the system on a device from another manufacturer, you will not be able to add new feature or expand the possibilities without violating the user agreement.

    Restrict file transfer via Bluetooth

    With Bluetooth on board, the iPhone cannot transfer a file to another manufacturer's device, but this shortcoming easily solved by sending the file to the "cloud".

    Closed file system

    The manufacturer took care of organizing the files on the device, but not all users like it.

    Paid apps, music and movies

    Many people consider this a disadvantage, but don't you need to pay for the work of developers and authors?

    Thus, the system boasts convenience, stability, security and ease of use, which is quite enough for many users.

    iOS 7 vs Windows Phone 8

    Yes, yes, our site is dedicated to the operating room Android system. However, this does not mean that we will bypass other operating systems and devices built on them. Today we will tell you about iOS, one of the best and most popular operating systems.

    iOS is an operating system for tablets, smartphones and mobile players from Apple, which is installed only on Apple devices, including iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. iOS cannot be installed on other devices, just as Android cannot be installed on the same iPhone.

    History of creation

    It is believed that the manager of the company Apple Steve Jobs decided to implement a multi-click touch screen for a computer that could be used without a keyboard or mouse. Later, when the prototype had already been developed, Jobs came up with another idea - to implement this technology on mobile phone. Recall that at that time there was no talk of any phones from Apple at all. It was 2005 outside.

    The company took part in the creation mobile phone Motorola ROKR, which was shown in the same 2005. The phone was positioned, among other things, as a player, the interface of which resembled that of an iPod. In addition, the device interacted with iTunes. Alas, the device did not gain much market success.

    In the same 2005, Jobs decided to interact with mobile operator Cingular. He said that Apple is ready to create own phone. The companies worked closely together, but at the same time, information about the creation of the phone was carefully hidden.

    And already in 2007, on January 9, was presented iPhone first Generations at the Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco. Of course, there have been rumors that Apple is building a phone before, but even the most dedicated fans didn't believe it. Nevertheless, the smartphone was presented and it was a real sensation - at that time, no manufacturer had anything like it. Time magazine named the iPhone Invention of the Year.

    The device itself was already based on the iOS operating system. True, at first the company did not offer a separate name for its mobile OS, so the slogan was: "iPhone runs on OS X."

    The iOS user interface is based on the concept of direct interaction using multi-touch gestures. Interface controls consist of buttons, switches, and sliders. Of course, all buttons are touch-sensitive with the exception of home buttons, Power keys, volume buttons, and vibration keys.

    It is noteworthy that iOS appeared before the Android OS. Despite this fact, as of 2015, the share of Android among smartphones is about 80%, while iOS is about 14%. This is due, among other things, to the fact that most companies that produce mobile devices install Android on them. If Apple allowed to do the same, it remains to be seen who would be ahead.

    iOS photos:

    About App Store

    The App Store is an app store for iPhone devices, iPad and iPod Touch. Applications can be downloaded for free or purchased for a fee. As of 2015, the store offers more than 1.5 million apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as about 730,000 apps for iPad tablets. The total number of downloads for the same year exceeds 100 billion!

    Most apps cost between $0.99 and $9.99.

    Interestingly, the App Store came out much later than the first iPhone was introduced - this happened in July 2008, that is, at the very moment when the iPhone 3g was introduced.

    Owners-beginners of "apple" products are inevitably faced with such a thing as iOs. What it is? How to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages? And can anything be substituted? There are answers to these simple questions about iOs.

    What it is

    First of all, this is a mobile operating system created by Apple specifically for its i-gadgets: tablets, phones, players. A distinctive feature of this "axis" is its closeness. Among themselves, gadgets controlled by this operating system can "communicate" without problems, but with other systems - no. Even bluetooth cannot transfer files to other devices. The iOs operating system (what it is, we have already figured out) is updated in a timely manner, improved, while featuring very high performance.


    In 2007 Apple company introduced its first phone, the iPhone. Then there was no talk about iOs (what it is and what it is for, we will tell further) there was not even a talk. The first "apple" phone was running a simplified version of Mac OS - a computer operating system. Naturally, the gadget had plenty of shortcomings, but it was still a huge breakthrough in the mobile industry. In 2008, the company released an improved iPhone, which just appeared iOs. What it is? It was already a mobile operating system, which still bears little resemblance to the modern one. It had the simplest functions, but at that time it was an even bigger breakthrough.


    Since 2008, the company has come to grips with the improvement of the operating system and gadgets. With each new version, iOs is getting more and more optimized. Users who update their gadgets in a timely manner notice significant changes. First, the functionality is significantly increased. Secondly, major bugs are fixed previous versions. Developers closely monitor their work, user reviews.


    As mentioned above, the most main feature- closed iOs. What it is? Photo working iPhone a little higher, it shows the standard desktop of the gadget. So, the closeness of the system is manifested in the fact that the user cannot configure the device completely for himself. The main settings, functions and basic functionality remain standard. The system uses a closed code that does not allow you to change anything. And this, by the way, is also a virtue. If only because the security of the gadget remains on top. Especially when compared to the completely open and vulnerable Android system.


    The most important advantage of the system is its stability. Indeed, multitasking (simultaneous use of several applications) remains at its best even on old gadget models. Not to mention the fact that the system rarely has any failures that lead to the failure of the device. This almost never happens in iOS! Developers, releasing a new "apple" gadget, do not just "sharpen" a new version of the operating system for it, but also diligently optimize it to work with older devices. And given that Apple products are very expensive, this is a very humane approach.

    It is noteworthy that, despite the closed programming code, the system remains intuitively simple. And most importantly - comfortable! It's really a pleasure to use because it works smoothly, quickly and without interruption. But it is not without drawbacks, because not everything can be perfect.


    Perhaps the most important disadvantage of the system is its frequent updating, which leads to some unpleasant moments. So, gadgets of the first generations simply cannot afford to work under the control of updated and most latest versions iOS. Weak hardware simply does not master such fast and perfect functions and settings. And older versions of the operating system are no longer supported by the company. Which always leads users to the problem of choice: to change the old gadget (which is very problematic to sell) for a new one, or to endure all the "glitches" and "lags", watching how the system slowly "dies".


    So, what else can be said about iOs? What it is? Linux is the most modern and stable of the currently existing computer operating systems, has a common, similar kernel with iOs. Which already speaks of many advantages over others mobile platforms. However, there are still more Android users. If only because gadgets with this operating system are cheaper. Owners of iOs rarely change it to more budget and simple options. And even limited user functionality, closeness and high cost do not stop! What to choose for yourself? Everyone decides this for himself, but it is worth remembering that, according to statistics, iOS users use their gadgets at 200%, practically without encountering such a problem as resetting the device to factory settings, restarting, "glitches" and "lags".

    Today we will talk about the heart of the iPhone and I will tell you what iOS is. Oddly enough, some people don't know the name of the operating system on the iPhone.

    There is nothing wrong with that, because now you are here and you can read this material. I will try to summarize the information that I have.

    iOS system - what is it?

    Well, I’ll probably start with the fact that as soon as the first iPhone was released in 2007, there was no name for the operating system yet. Given that it was based on an OS identical to the MacBook, it was called OS X.

    I won’t talk about the name for a long time, because it’s already clear that Apple’s trick is simply to add the letter “i” to everything at the beginning. So iOS turned out, well, I think it's no secret to anyone that OS is Operating System.

    Although it is quite possible that it stands for completely "iPhone Operating System". Apple gives its users the opportunity to think for themselves.

    It works not only on the iPhone. It was designed for mainstream mobile devices and you can add iPad and iPod.

    The entire operation of the system is based on touch screen. There are no styluses, only fingers. An exception not so long ago was iPad Pro, but there is something like a pen and it is needed exclusively for drawing.

    The main feature can be noted that the system is completely closed. You will not be able to download any file to the device. To do this, you will have to do various manipulations and download a special application.

    If we talk about applications and games, then they can be downloaded from the App Store. There are a lot of them now and you can find absolutely everything you need.

    How to find out which iOS is on iPhone?

    If you are interested in seeing your version of iOS on iPhone, then you can do it in just a couple of seconds. Just follow these steps:

    1. choose Settings;
    2. then click on Main;
    3. Now About this device;
    4. opposite the word "Version" we have the number of the current iOS.

    Such simple steps, you can find out the version at any time you need. The first time according to the instructions, and then I think you will remember.

    How is iOS different from Android?

    I won’t talk too much here, I’ll just tell you the most important differences between iOS and Android and how things are in general at the moment.

    The first thing I would like to point out is that safety. After all, Android devices are most often hacked, placing a virus there is not such a problem.

    There are probably several reasons for this. The first is that Play market checks applications a little worse and you can take into account that people like to install hacked software.

    Well, the second is that Android is completely open. Everyone has studied it inside and out. So everyone knows her strengths and weaknesses.

    The second difference can be ecosystem. After all, now before choosing a device, you must understand what services you want to use.

    Android has all analogues for Apple services. Speaking of iCloud, we immediately recall Google Drive. If it's Siri, then OK Google, and so on.

    Both sides have their pros and cons. But this is an individual matter and it is best for you to consult with users or just read information on the Internet.

    Next, you can call work stability And device support. In principle, today the difference is not as big as it used to be.

    If you take an Android smartphone in your hands three years ago and use it, then you can certainly find a bunch of lags and slowdowns that are incredibly annoying.

    Today, of course, this is also sometimes observed, but much less often. More worrying is that when you buy a device on this OS, how long will it be updated to the latest versions.

    With Apple, this period is usually about four years. While Android is a couple of years old and you can forget about the latest versions.

    It is worth considering the fact that each developer has his own shell. Because of this, it is not certain that you will be able to receive updates immediately after the release. new version Android.

    What are the options for iPad and iPhone users?

    According to a long established tradition, along with the release of new generations of iPhone smartphones, Apple also releases a new version of the iOS operating system. The next - 11th - iOS has become perhaps the largest update appearance operating system since the abandonment of skeuomorphism in iOS 7. But in addition to visual innovations, there are a lot of interesting things in terms of functionality. Let's get acquainted with iOS 11 and evaluate the main innovations!

    First of all, it is worth noting that the most important innovations concern tablets, not smartphones. This is also indicated by the advertising slogan: “A big step for the iPhone. Giant Leap for iPad. But some of the new features are available both there and there. We will start with them.

    Files app

    One of the most common reproaches against iOS is the lack of a file manager. Apple stubbornly does not allow you to work with files on the device in the same way as we work with them on a computer, that is, sort by folders, transfer from one folder to another, etc. At first glance, the new Files application, which has done after The announcement of iOS 11 is so much noise, it changes this paradigm. Outwardly it really file manager, which is clearly similar in design to the Finder in macOS.

    We see that files and folders can be assigned color tags, as is done in macOS (however, they are assigned very inconveniently and unintuitively); we see that files can be shared by sending them by email or transferring in other ways typical for iOS. They can even be moved into folders.

    But note: there is no access to files in the iPad itself - only in cloud services! IN this case connected Dropbox and iCloud Drive, on the Apple website we can see Box, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive in the screenshots ... True, there is On My iPad there, but we could not find this item on our tablet. Perhaps it will appear in the final iOS versions 11, but for now the Files app is more of a single hub for content management cloud services.

    Note that all of the above is true for the iPhone. On both iPhone and iPad, after the update, the Files icon automatically appears among the applications.

    Command centre

    The Control Center has changed significantly - a translucent screen that opens with a gesture from the bottom of the screen. Now you can change the set of widgets and their location. All this is done through Settings / Control Center.

    In the case of the iPad, this is less useful, but for the iPhone, this feature is a real find. The screenshots below show that the voice recorder and notes icons have been added, but the timer has been removed.

    Other useful innovations available on both iPhone and iPad is the notification feed, accessible directly from the lock screen. And only on the iPhone - a new car mode. When the smartphone is in this mode, notifications are not received, and when you try to contact the subscriber, you receive a message that the person is driving.

    Interestingly, this mode can be activated both manually and automatically if the smartphone determines that the person is on the move. True, in this case, it will also turn on in a bus, for example, or in a taxi. So there is a third best option: Automatic activation when connected to the car's Bluetooth.

    Updated App Store interface

    One of the most controversial innovations is the store interface. Apps store. Apple has revamped it radically (for both iPhone and iPad), and frankly, we can't say which is better. It turned out to be less informative (in terms of the amount of information per unit area of ​​the screen) and more noisy.

    IN new App Store The emphasis is shifted to the choice of store editors. In the foreground are large cards, each of which is dedicated to one application. It is clear that from the point of view of user convenience, this is a dubious innovation.

    On the other hand, if you want to quickly understand what the recommended applications are, then perhaps this interface can be called informative.

    Stickers from apps in Messages

    Another interesting and potentially useful, but far from as necessary as it seems, is the appearance in Messages of convenient access to stickers from third-party applications.

    Now at the bottom of the Messages window there is a panel with icons of applications in which stickers are available. Moreover, you can either install some sets in the App Store, and they will become available here, or use those stickers that are in previously installed applications.

    In particular, the screenshots show that Lara Croft 2, Solar Walk 2, and even Artsy, an app for connoisseurs of painting, have stickers. This means that the range of stickers and the convenience of using them increase significantly. But... how often do we use "Messages"? In our case, communication usually takes place in Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp and even facebook messenger, not in Messages. We go there, as a rule, to write SMS, but it is in the case of SMS that stickers will not work.

    New iPad interface

    As we have already noted, the main changes have affected the tablet interface. There is now a dock at the bottom of the screen, much like the one we're used to on macOS. Moreover, the most frequently launched applications automatically appear on the right side of it, and on the left side, as before, you can add applications yourself.

    The principal innovation is that the dock can now be opened while inside any application. To do this, just perform a swipe gesture from the bottom of the screen.

    If we perform the same action while on the main screen, and not in the application, then we will see thumbnails open windows, like Makovsky Spaces.

    In addition, with iOS 11 for iPad, Apple is expanding the multitasking experience. In Split View additional application can be opened directly from the dock, and it will appear on the same screen as the previously opened one.

    Another interface innovation is the transition between applications by pressing the oblong side button. Now the window thumbnails are arranged in a vertical row, and you can use both the screen and the wheel to navigate through them.

    Other useful changes

    In "Notes" there was an option "Scanning documents". In theory, it looks very cool: you can take a photo of a document, and the picture will automatically be enhanced in such a way as if it were a good scan. In practice, it doesn't work very well.

    First, the option itself is hidden deep. You need to create a new note, find the plus sign in the lower right corner, click on it and select "Scan Documents".

    Secondly, the result is still not as good as it is required for the full use of the option. For example, the age-old problem of photography - light falling from above and creating unnecessary shadows - this function solves only partly. It can be seen below that when photographing the document, although the picture was aligned and the shadow was partially removed, there were still dark spots that make it impossible to work seriously with this document.

    It would seem why the program cannot understand that the spot below is clearly something superfluous? It can not be on the documents of this! But - alas. However, this is definitely a move in the right direction, so let's hope that in iOS updates the situation will improve.

    In addition to the above, it is worth describing the new features of working with the Apple Pencil stylus (it is clear that this only applies to the iPad Pro).

    Now you can draw in notes and letters, and the text will automatically “flow around” the drawing. In addition, you can create a handwritten note right on the lock screen (it will be saved in Notes). Plus, the work with the stylus in PDF documents and screenshots has been improved - you can draw at any time, and the changes will be automatically saved.


    In this review, we have not told everything about iOS 11. The new version of the operating system has many small changes that may be curious in themselves, but they are unlikely to be decisive. However, there are a lot of major innovations described in the article.

    Another thing is that we don’t have the feeling of any fundamentally new opportunities that have opened up after updating to iOS 11. Perhaps the notification feed on the lock screen and the ability to customize the Control Center are convenient. Otherwise, everything seems to be not bad, but if you use iOS 11, and then return to iOS 10, there is no feeling of discomfort.

    So, for example, expanding the possibilities of working with the stylus is the direction is absolutely right, but how many users constantly carry the Apple Pencil with them? Yes, those who are really used to working with the Apple Pencil will probably like the new features, but they are in the minority.

    The appearance of "Files" is completely doubtful in the form in which it is implemented now. It is not a full-fledged file manager. Strictly speaking, this is an aggregator of cloud services, nothing more. Previously, almost all the same things could be done simply with individual applications Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

    Another thing is that the direction of thought is absolutely correct. Yes, file handling needs to be improved. Yes, the document scanning function can really be very useful if it reaches the required level.

    What is definitely convenient and good is the customized Control Center on the iPhone and the updated dock on the iPad. However, you may have a different opinion and impression. Tell us in the comments which iOS 11 innovation you liked the most!