• How to remove yourself from Rambler dating. Important news for Rambler dating users. How to completely delete a dating profile

    « Rambler. Acquaintance" is one of the popular dating services on the Internet, which belongs to the Mamba company. It’s easy to register here, but after a successful acquaintance, users often have questions about how to delete their profile.

    You will need

    • - account in the Rambler service. Acquaintance";
    • - knowledge of user data – account and password;
    • - Internet access.


    To delete your own account in the virtual dating service " Rambler. Acquaintance", you must first go through the authorization process. To do this, go to the website, enter your login and password information in the appropriate fields.

    If you have forgotten your password, select “Login” on the first page of the portal. Then follow the link “Forgot your password?”. Enter the e-mail with which you registered on the site - you will be sent an email with your login and new password.

    Your account will be removed from the service lists " Rambler. Acquaintance» only a month after the corresponding command. Therefore, in order to delete your account, you must refrain from visiting this site for 30 days.

    Useful advice

    In the Rambler service. Dating”, it is possible to turn off the page without deleting it: in the “Settings” section, to do this, you need to uncheck “Participates” in the “Participation in search” item. You can also turn off and on individual parts of the page (“Type”, “Self-Portrait”, “Dating” and others) in the “My Page” section using the buttons located next to the desired blocks.

    53) Why is it difficult to delete profiles from dating sites? And how to delete a profile?

    Today I will tell you about some important features and subtle points that any user of dating sites will encounter. It's inevitable. The point is that after registering, posting a profile on dating sites, after some time, the user will want to delete his profile. The reasons can be very different:

      someone has found their soulmate and wants to delete the profile;

      someone has found a more convenient dating site and wants to register there and delete their profile from the old dating site;

      and someone simply did not calculate their strength, and, and now it is also necessary to remove profiles from some sites;

      and dozens, hundreds, thousands and millions of other reasons.

    Of course, basically, to delete a profile from a dating site, the user just needs to enter his username and password, that is, log in to the site, and only after that find the “Settings” item and usually there is a section or field “Deleting a profile”.

    But this doesn’t always happen so smoothly and simply. For example, on some dating sites, to delete their profile, the user needs to log into the site or log in and look for the option to delete the profile. And many administrators of dating sites, or rather the owners of these very sites, do everything to ensure that an ordinary user cannot so easily delete his profile. And sometimes they completely prohibit users from deleting their profiles.

    The main reasons why users of dating sites (and there are very, very many such sites) cannot delete their profile:

      you cannot find the field or line “Delete profile”;

      the profile seems to have already been deleted, but in fact it was not deleted;

      require payment for the opportunity to delete the profile;

      and many other reasons.

    All this is done by the owners of dating sites, so that the counters of all pages of these very sites have a larger number of users. Even if most of these users have already deleted their profiles. Or you tried to delete it, but it didn’t work.

    As a rule, if on a dating site the counter for the number of users shows, for example, the figure of one million users, then most likely out of this million about one hundred thousand regularly visit the site. Maybe two or three hundred thousand. And in very rare cases, every second user out of this million is five hundred thousand users. So the maximum number of users out of the total million users who have added photos or who regularly visit the dating site is five hundred thousand. The remaining users log in very rarely or don’t log in at all. Or they simply forgot to delete their profile after they met their soul mate or found another dating site. It is possible that they simply could not delete the profile yet, since they could not do this for the reason that there is no “Settings” menu item on the dating site with a section, field or line “Delete profile”....

    What to do?

    If you also cannot delete your profile from the dating site, then first try deleting all the photos and all photo albums in your profile. And after that all other entries, for example diaries. Below are all the items, fields and other information from your application form. And then just stop going to this dating site. Then, perhaps, your profile will be deleted automatically. If it doesn’t work, then don’t worry, information about you and your photos have already been deleted.

    Sometimes you can also make the profile invisible and disable showing the profile to other users. So to speak, disable the activity of the profile in the search. But sometimes dating sites require payment from the user for this. I advise you not to pay for this.

    You can ask for advice on other forums and other resources on the Internet from other users.

    And finally, the last method, which can be called the main one. Just contact the site’s technical support with the request “Please remove my profile from your site.” Usually for this purpose there are sections on the website “Contacts”, “Feedback”, “Technical Support”, “Help”,"FAQ" and so on.

    After all these steps, do not visit this site again, so that your data remaining in the database will either be deleted on its own or transferred to the archive. Only if you want to meet again through this or these dating sites, you can register a new profile. For this you may need a new one e-mail. But this can be easily and quickly resolved. Since there are services and ways to get a new free email , there are many.

    The main thing is that your photos and your profile will already be deleted.

    Go to page

    There are several ways to delete or freeze your Rambler.ru dating profile.

    In order not to delete the profile but to make it inactive, you can temporarily turn off the profile so that it does not participate in the general search and you are not disturbed by other users. In this case, all personal data and photos will be visible to users who have a link to your profile.

    The above method can be improved. All data and photographs can be corrected to be incorrect so that you cannot be identified by any signs. If necessary, you can also easily return the information and continue to use the questionnaire.

    How to completely delete a dating profile

    Step-by-step instructions - how to delete a dating profile

    1. Using the login form or social buttons, go to your personal account. At the top right of the page, click the “Settings” link.

    2. Scroll down the page and find the “Delete profile” button.

    3. In the dialog box, make a choice: disable the profile or delete the profile.

    4. The system will prompt you to open your mailbox, find the letter and follow the instructions inside.

    Automatic deletion of a profile

    If you do not visit your dating profile for 6 months, the system itself will delete it from Rambler. About a month before deletion, you will receive an email notification that your profile has been deleted as inactive.

    Such letters will contain an offer to restore your page by simply following the link. If you do not respond during this period, the profile will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.

    Many of them unconditionally pressed the “Go to Mamba” button and did the right thing. However, others pressed the “I’ll think about it” button and started bombarding our support team with a whole bunch of questions. I will write down the most typical of them here and try to answer them in as much detail as possible. So, let's go...

    Before answering the questions, let's dot the i's. The current rambler dating (which is love.rambler.ru) is the Mamba, only with the Rambler logo in the header. Therefore, if you choose to “stay with Mamba” - nothing will change for you at all, except that you will have to go to the site and the password will not be from your mail on Rambler, but a separate one (but you can set it like on the mail, this is not forbidden). New rambler dating (which is dating.rambler.ru) is a completely different site made by the LovePlanet company.

    And now typical questions and answers to them.

    Now users are offered to choose between Mamba and Rambler. If I choose Rambler, will my profile disappear on Mamba? And those who, unlike me, choose Mamba, will I no longer see? And if I now choose Mamba, then I also need to go to the site will it be through Mamba, not Rambler? What is the best way to proceed?
    If you choose Rambler, your profile on Mamba will not disappear. Until July 1, you can access it on love.rambler.ru; after July 1, we will automatically transfer it to Mamba. The “new Rambler” will not have your interlocutors from Mamba, there will be no your previous correspondence, you will need to register again and get to know everyone again. If you choose Mamba, you will receive an email with instructions on how to continue using your profile and our service as before.

    If I choose “stay with rambler”, what will happen to my VIP status and coins in my account?

    They will disappear. "Updated Rambler" is a different site, you need to register on it again and buy everything again (if you want to buy anything).

    I registered for “new rambler dating”, but I was not given the promised VIP status and promotion to the top of my profile.

    It looks like Rambler deceived you with these promises. After moving to Mamba and logging into the profile for the first time, you are guaranteed to receive the promised 5 coins to your account. We do not deceive our users.

    I chose “stay with Rambler”, looked at the new site and didn’t like it. How can I continue using my profile on Mamba?

    Log in to love.rambler.ru in a day - and you will again receive a project selection window. Don't make a mistake the second time and choose Mamba.