• How to install WordPress on beget hosting. Installing WordPress on your hosting couldn't be easier. Reliability and speed

    Good day, dears! Denis Ivanov is in touch again. Nowadays absolutely anyone from a schoolchild to a pensioner can create their own blog on the Internet. During the creation process, a question arises such as installing WordPress on hosting. This is done in literally five minutes. You will be surprised how fast and simple everything is. I will show you the example of Beget hosting, which I use myself and recommend to everyone! Low prices, competent technical support, highest reliability. So, first things first. What's first? A! I’ll buy myself some pinanina! I will throw feasts! Stop. What pinanina? We are talking about installing WordPress on hosting.
    Hopefully you already have a domain. If not yet, then you can.

    Go to your hosting control panel and select "Domains".
    Go to the "Add or register domains" tab. Enter the name. Select your domain zone from the drop-down menu. Creating a new website and pointing a domain to it means that a folder with the name of your domain will be created on the hosting. Click the "Add domain" button.

    On the next page we see that our domain has been successfully created on the hosting.

    We return again to the hosting control panel and this time select the “CMS” item.

    We see a large list of cms that can be installed. We are interested in WordPress.

    Now point by point:

    1. Select your site for installation. If you have several websites on hosting, do not make a mistake when choosing.
    2. Select the domain created in the previous step.
    3. Enter a description of the site.
    4. Administrator login
    5. Administrator password. You can click on the blue icon on the right and the system will generate a password for you.
    6. Administrator's email.

    For security reasons, I strongly recommend not to use the simple and most common administrator logins such as “admin” and the like. The password also should not be simple like 12345, ytsuken, qwerty and the like. Only strong passwords should be used.

    Click the "Install" button.

    A message will appear indicating the successful installation of WordPress. Click on the blue icon on the right side.

    A window will open with information about your site. Be sure to write down this information for yourself.

    WordPress admin login

    As a result of the simplest steps, cms WordPress was installed on the hosting. All that remains is to go to the admin panel, install the desired one and

    You can control sites And IP addresses. Website represents a location on a disk that is referenced by one or more domains or subdomains.

    Website creation

    To create a new site, you need to specify the directory in which it will be located. The directory for the site will be created relative to the home directory. The directory name can consist of Latin letters, numbers and the following symbols: " - " (dash), " . " (dot) and symbol " / " (slash) to indicate a subdirectory.

    To create a site you need to enter Site name and press the button Create. This will create a directory with the name of the site, a directory will be created in it public_html, into which you need to upload files.

    Linking/unlinking of domains

    In the same section you can link/unlink Domains or Subdomains to/from sites. Opposite the desired directory with the site, click Link. After that, select a free domain on which this site will open.

    Thus, one website can work with many domains/subdomains.

    Also, next to each domain/subdomain there is a button, when clicked, the domain/subdomain is unlinked from the site and becomes free, i.e. it can be linked to any other site on your account.

    Website management

    Below is a table of all sites on the account. Next to each site there is a button, when clicked, the site will be deleted. Be careful, incorrect use of this function may disrupt the functionality of your site. Also next to each site there is a button, by clicking on which you can see the load exerted by this site.

    In addition, next to each domain/subdomain there is a button, by clicking on which you can select the required version php for a given domain/subdomain. Thus, one site can open at several addresses, for each of which you can install its own version php.

    Also in this window you can set the necessary directives or use ready-made parameters for popular CMS. In addition, it is possible to configure storage of site sessions in Redis

    IP Address Management

    We offer for rent IPv4 address from your own PA networks with full registration in accordance with the rules of the RIPE NCC. In this subsection you can:

    For IP addresses already in use, you can manage auto-renewal and, if necessary, delete an unnecessary IP address.

    Linking a domain to an IP address

    In order to bind a domain to an IP address, you need to select the required domains from the list, then click on the " Order".

    If you already have a dedicated IP address, then you can attach other domains to it by selecting domains from the list in the corresponding IP address block

    If necessary, domains can be unlinked from an IP address by unchecking the required domains in the list.

    Setting the outgoing IP address

    You can set the IP address from which outgoing requests from your site will be made. In order to set an IP address for outgoing requests, you need to select the required domains from the list, then click on the " Order".

    Please note that you will need to confirm the debit from your account balance.

    If you already have a dedicated IP address, then you can use it as the IP address for outgoing requests. To do this, you need to select the required domains from the list in the corresponding IP address block.

    If you need to set an existing IP address as the IP address for outgoing requests for all sites, then you can do this in the " block IP Address Management" by selecting it from the drop-down list.

    How to create a website on Beget.ru?
    Let's try to do this together! You will soon understand that everything is quite simple: log into your account on Beget, click a few buttons, do a few simple steps, and a website on Beget hosting is created.

    As usual, let's start with a little theory. If it is not interesting to you, if it is boring, then with the help of the content you can immediately move on to the practical part. To return to content, we recommend using the "Back to Top" arrow in the lower right corner of the screen.

    What you need to create a website on Beget virtual hosting

    General considerations about creating websites on shared hosting

    Let's immediately agree that creating a website on hosting can be viewed in two ways: in a narrow and in a broad sense. Let's explain what's what.

    A simple technical option for creating a website

    Creating a website in the narrow sense consists of two stages, when you create a folder on a virtual server disk for your website, add a domain name to your account, then link (attach) it to the website folder.
    At this stage, we can assume that the Beget hosting site has been created. It will even open by domain name, where Beget will report that the site has been successfully created and is ready for use.
    However, on such a site you will not be able to post files or write articles, because a CMS (engine) has not yet been installed on it: WordPress, Joomla or any other.

    Complete website creation option

    The site, in a broad sense, requires a little more work. To those already indicated above, we will add the installation of a CMS, for example, WordPress, linked to a MySQL database. After this we can truly say that the site has been created.

    This article discusses an easy option for creating websites, and we will study the installation of a CMS in the next one.

    In general, to fully create any website on any hosting, you need to complete four steps.

    For clarity, let's put them in a table, in the left column is a list of items, in the right - what we will do with them when creating a site on Beget hosting

    Table for creating a full-fledged website in relation to Beget.ru

    Practical part of the article

    You can start creating a website on Beget hosting either from the Sites menu or from the Domains menu, it doesn’t matter.
    Let's not break the sequence of table points and go through them in order

    Create a site folder on the Beget.ru hosting server

    1) Go to PUA Begeta under your nickname and login. Click on the "Sites" icon

    2) Fill in the name of the site. Usually, this is a domain name, so it’s easier not to get confused when there are a lot of sites. But in fact, this is the name of the folder on the server in which the site files will be stored. Therefore, you can give the site any name.

    By the way, the line below says that Beget has already created a test site for you on a third-level domain login.bget.ru.

    3) Click the "Create" button.

    And then another line appeared below. The list of sites has been supplemented with our site.

    So, we have just created a folder for the future site on the Beget hosting server.

    Now let's complete the second point from the table. To simplify the article, we will assume that we already have a domain name for our site. It is located in the "Domains" section.
    Readers who want to understand, for details.

    All we have to do is link the domain to the site folder.

    How to link a domain to a website on Beget

    Since we first created a site (site folder) and then registered a domain, now we need to link the domain to the site. To link means to attach.

    This is done in PUA Begeta, under the “Sites” icon.

    1) Go to the “Sites” section and in the line of our site click the “Attach domain” button.

    2) Select the domain we need from the list, click “Attach”

    3) And then we see that the desired domain is attached to our site folder.

    By the way, you could already link a domain to the site in the Domains menu when you linked your own domain. Then it should be visible in the list of domains.

    Honestly, it takes much longer to describe the process than to put it into practice. Try it and you will succeed; the Beget hoster definitely has the advantage of clear interface, many hints in pictures and a voluminous question-and-answer section.
    Now we have done half the work of creating a site on Beget.ru hosting, but, as already written above, in a strictly technical sense we can consider that the site on Beget.ru (Beget) has been created.

    Good day, dear visitors, blog site! From this article you will learn how to use Beget and create your own website on this hosting.

    Nowadays, the process of launching a new website is so simple that anyone can handle it. Of course, I’m not talking about complex projects, but about a simple blog on the popular CMS WordPress.

    Conventionally, we can distinguish the following stages of creating a website on Beget:

    1. Registering a domain name and linking it to hosting.
    2. Creating a folder for the site on the hosting and attaching a domain to it.
    3. Installing a content management system, such as WordPress.

    The stage of purchasing a domain name in zone.ru on 2domains is described in detail. Now I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the cost of registering a domain on Beget is 179 rubles. per year, and renewal is 289 rubles/year. See the current prices for purchase and renewal on the 2domains website, they change almost every year!

    How to connect a domain to beget.ru hosting

    The first step is to click on the “Domains” item:

    Since the domain is already registered, click on the link “I already have a domain” on the right:

    On the domain management page, indicate the domain name and select the domain zone in which you registered it. Next, make sure that the “direct domain to website” mode is selected, and select the “create a new website” option. See as below picture:

    Installing WordPress on Beget is easy. You don't need any knowledge. The whole process is automated, and below you will see for yourself how easy it is.

    Installing CMS WordPress on Beget

    In your hosting control panel, go to the "CMS" section:

    Select from the list the site on which you are going to install WordPress. If you have linked one domain, then you have it there 1. To quickly find WordPress in the general list, check the box next to the “Free systems” item and select “Blogs”. Click on the "install" button:

    In this automatic installation process, all you need to do is provide your login, password and email. The first ones are needed to access the admin panel for further site management, and the email is needed to restore access in case of loss. Clicking on the “install” button starts the automatic installation, which will complete in less than a minute.

    When WordPress is installed, you will see a message on the screen with the login and password to access the admin panel, as well as the password for the database on the hosting. They should be written down so they don’t get lost!

    How to make backup copies of the database and website files

    Just in case, you should periodically save backup copies of the site to your computer. There are different cases when you suddenly need to restore its functionality. And most often they happen due to the fault of the user himself, in an unsuccessful attempt to make changes to the site code. Hacks and virus infections that affect the operation of the site occur less often.

    Select "BackUp" from the menu:

    The following page will open in front of you:

    On it we can either make an automatic copy of files, or restore the site and database from previously saved states.

    We decide what backup you need: a file archive or a database. Select the site state; by default, “current state” is selected. And click opposite the folder with the site on the “Save and upload to account” button. The following window will appear on the screen:

    You have two options for getting the archive with files:

    1. Download from the link that will be sent to your email. A simpler option.
    2. and download the archive from there. Requires a little more action.

    If you choose the first option, you will receive two emails about the status of the backup:

    If you choose to save the backup to the root folder of the site, in the Beget hosting control panel, go to the "File Manager" section. Or connect via any FTP client. Among the list of all files, find the file with the extension .sql (this is what corresponds to the database backup). If you ordered the saving of site files, then look for an archive with the .gz extension.

    Important! After downloading the archive to your computer, delete it from the hosting.

    This is the main thing I wanted to tell you about creating a website on beget.

    Good news, the new Beget hosting control panel has recently gone live. Below is a screenshot where you can see what the updated Beget panel looks like (some personal information is shaded).

    Please note that on our website there are several articles with pictures from the old panel.
    These are the following posts:

    Most likely, the fact that the Beget panel has been updated will not interfere with the study of the above posts, because, like the previous PUA, the current one is intuitive and, if you haven’t logged into your Beget hosting account for a long time, and then suddenly logged in, nothing bad will happen - for sure don't get confused.

    What are the main differences of the new panel?

    Firstly, a tab system has been introduced. What is written at the top on the dark gray stripe - Hosting, Partnership, Support, Balance, Account - these are all the tabs of the most significant sections, by clicking on which you open the desired section in the same window.

    Secondly, the concept of maximum information from the first screen has been worked out. For example, on the Hosting tab you can see almost all the necessary information: Start tariff, latest news from hosting, response from technical support (if there was a request), account balance (we won’t miss payment deadlines), other technical data, server load.
    Counter widgets are displayed next to the icons: the File Manager icon reports that 1.3 GB of disk space is being used out of 5 GB available within the TP. There are several more icons with counters, see for yourself on the screenshot.

    Thirdly, you can’t say it better than Beget hosting itself. Here is a quote from the description of the new beget.ru panel.

    • All sections are completely unified, filters and sorting have been added to the tables, all forms have been brought to a common form. Most sections have not radically changed their structure, but by paying attention to every detail, we have made them more convenient and intuitive for the client.

    We hope that the new Beget hosting panel will give you only convenience and pleasure in working with your account.

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