• How to recognize deleted friends on VK. How to find out who has left friends on VK. How to find out which of your friends has left VK

    Many of us are so accustomed to the VKontakte social network that we do not notice some seemingly insignificant things. For example, checking personal messages every day, we may miss that the list of friends has decreased, that someone is missing there. And if there are a lot of friends, then it will be very difficult to identify the absent one. However, if your memory fails you, some functions and different contact applications will come to the rescue. So, how do you find out who has left your contacts as friends?

    Simple and free

    Thanks to the new changes, it is impossible to completely remove a person from friends. A person who is removed from friends automatically goes to the subscriber group and will remain in it until he sees that he is in this group and removes himself from it. Accordingly, those who deleted you can only transfer you to the category of subscribers. To find out who has left your contacts as friends, go to the “My Friends” section. Find the “Friend Requests” column and click on it. If you are subscribed to someone, then you will see the “Outgoing Requests” tab. By clicking on it, you will receive a list of all those you are subscribed to. If among them there are former contact friends, then they were the ones who recently deleted you.

    Helper apps

    Some applications will also help you find out who has left your contacts as friends.

    It’s quite easy to control this process using the popular contact application “Friends - list of friends for recording”. After you install this application on your page, a window with three tabs appears in front of you: added, deleted, visitors. In the first tab “added” you can always see what day and month this or that friend was added to you. The third tab “visitors” automatically includes those who came to your trap link. Typically, users post a link to this application somewhere on their page. The person who visits it will be listed in the list of visitors to this application in contact. And finally, the “deleted” tab we need allows you to find out who has been removed from friends in a contact. Here your former friends will be displayed in a column with an avatar, name and date of deletion. Moreover, the list includes both those who themselves removed you from friends in contact, and those whom you deleted. The application begins to operate from the moment of installation. That is, if someone recently left, and you just now installed the application, then it will not show you this person.

    There is a similar application in VKontakte, where you can track who has left your friends in VKontakte. It is chosen by those users who do not need additional options, such as in the previous application (visitors, date of deletion, avatar of the deleted one). Install the application "Friends 2.0: Who left? Who lost?". So far you have written that there are no changes. And when someone is removed from the list of friends in a contact, under the “-” sign you will see the surname and initials of the former friend.

    Someone might suggest that you simply copy the entire list of friends in a contact into an Excel file, and then check it if suspicions creep in that a friend has deleted you. But you must admit, it’s much easier to look through applications and applications!

    The good thing about the VKontakte social network is that it allows users to store each other’s contacts for several years. Once you add a person as a friend, you will always have the opportunity to write to him, no matter how many years have passed since your last conversation or last meeting. The longer a person uses VKontakte, the more friends he has. But if there are a large number of friends, it becomes impossible to remember them all, and this makes it more difficult to determine who has removed from the list of your friends if their number on the social network has decreased. In this article, we will look at how to find out who has left VKonatkte friends.

    Keep track of who you follow

    The easiest way to determine who has been removed from your friends list is to look at the VKontakte pages to which you are subscribed. Most often, the user does not have too many subscribers, especially if we talk about subscriptions to the pages of ordinary people, and not various stars and famous users of the social network.

    To see who you are following on VKontakte, go to the “Friends” section by selecting it in the left menu. Next, go to the “Friend Requests” subsection on the right side of the screen.

    A page will open on which you can see a list of people following you (incoming friend requests). Switch to the Outbox section at the top to see who you are following. A list of people to whom you sent a friend request will open, but they did not accept it, or those who were previously on friendly terms with you, but then removed you from their friends list and you remained their subscriber.

    Please note: If a person does not want you to even follow them, they can send you to “”. In this case, you will not be able to see it in the list of outgoing subscription requests and will not receive any information about it.

    How to see who has left VKontakte friends through the application

    Various VKontakte applications significantly expand the standard functionality of the social network, including allowing users to obtain data that cannot be found out with conventional tools. For example, there are programs that allow you to find out. There is also a separate application that allows you to determine who has recently been removed from the list of your VKontakte friends. This application is called "My Guests".

    Please note: The “My Guests” application allows you not only to find out who has been removed from the VKontakte friends list, but also makes it possible to track the status of friendship status with users. For example, if a person removed you from their friends list, but after a while they returned you back as a friend, you will be able to see these changes in the application.

    To see through the “My Guests” application who removed you from friends, go to the “Games” page and in the search, find the “My Guests” program. Select it and click “Launch application”.

    When the program starts, go to the “All about friends” section. Here you can find out various information about the users who have been added to your friends: see who has been online recently and for a long time, see the list of blocked users in your friends, and also see “Changes in friends” - switch to this tab.

    Here you will see a list of how your number of friends on the VKontakte social network has changed. For users who have removed you from friends, in the column “Who added/removed whom and when” the status “Removed you from friends” will be marked and the time when this happened will be indicated. Thus, you have the opportunity not only to find out who exactly removed you from the list of virtual friends, but also when he did it, which can be useful.

    It is worth noting that even if the user added you to the blacklist, but previously removed you from the list of friends, this will be displayed in the application. However, in a situation where you were added to the blacklist, but were not previously separately removed from friends, this information will not appear in the “My Guests” application. Thus, the best way to prevent a person from finding out that it was you who removed him from friends is to block him on the black list.

    At one time, VK had a huge number of applications that made it possible to find out who was unfriended. Today, the number of such applications has decreased significantly. We wanted to tell you about one of these applications, but after testing we found out that they simply do not work - several friends are deleted, and the application claims that nothing has changed... But nothing, there is another solution to this issue, and it is extremely simple!

    As you know, when you unfriend someone, that user is moved to the followers section. Therefore, if someone deletes you from their friends, it means that you become a subscriber of this user. It turns out that all we need to know is who you suddenly “subscribed” to! How to do this?


    And the solution is very simple.

    Go to the VK page and click on the “My Friends” menu. You will see a list of all your friends.

    Now click on the “Friend Requests” tab. A list of your subscribers will appear in front of you. Click "Outgoing Requests" to see who you are subscribed to. If the “Outgoing requests” item is missing, it means you are not subscribed to anyone.

    We see a list of users. We find among them those people who were your friends - since you are on their list of subscribers, it means that they have already managed to remove you from their friends list.

    This is all clear, you say, but how can you now find out who will leave your friends list, say, tomorrow or in a week? There is no single solution as such, but there is a way out - you can unsubscribe from most users, except those you are really interested in (click on the “Cancel request and unsubscribe” button). For example, there are 10 people left on the list. You leave everything as it is, you can even just in case these 10 users - so as not to forget who you are subscribed to. Come back, say, to this section after a couple of days or a week and see if the number of users on the list has increased. If it increases, it means that someone left their friends; all that remains is to find this person.

    Interestingly, this option does not work if the user not only removed himself from friends, but also added you to . However, this does not happen often.

    Today we will tell you how you can find out who has left your friends on VKontakte from a computer or Android mobile phone or iPhone.

    Participants of the popular VKontakte platform, using it daily, constantly add as friends both people they know and those with whom they would like to communicate and discuss interesting topics. It is often difficult to notice when someone unfriended you or did not accept an outgoing request to be added as a friend.

    Although it’s very easy to see who has left VK friends. You need to follow the clear guide provided below to complete this task in minutes.

    How to find out which of your friends has left VK?

    To find the pages of people who have unsubscribed from your updates, you need to go through several steps:

    Here is a list of people who deleted you on their own or did not reciprocate your subscription.

    Now you are considered their subscriber, but not their friend (there is a chance to understand who you are interested in). You can get rid of these profiles.

    How else can you find out who has left VK friends from your phone or PC?

    You can accurately determine who is no longer your friend using VK applications such as “Who has left Friends? Guests! Blacklist" and "Who has been unfriended. Check!". Let's look at how to perform the necessary actions using the first application as an example.

    In this way, you can monitor the actions of your friends and, if one of them decides to unfriend you, you will immediately know about it. Try to check your friends for unfollows once a week if you don't like being someone's follower or to ask the person why they left.

    If you send applications to strangers in order to gain a lot of friends, then be prepared for the fact that many of them will not reciprocate, and the VK administration may freeze the page for a while for suspicious activity.

    Therefore, if you need a lot of friends, it is better to use specialized services or the services of a PR manager. This is convenient because for a reasonable fee you will receive an active audience automatically, without the risk of losing your account.

    Good day to everyone, my dear readers and guests of my blog. Please tell me, how many friends do you have on VKontakte and did you make them and for what purposes? It’s just that I used to take left-wing friends for myself in order to make it easier to play any games on VK. But now I don’t play your games anymore, so I deleted all the wrong friends.

    As a result, out of more than 300 friends, only 100 remained. But these are exactly the people I know. But sometimes it happens that you go to VK, and you have one less friend. It would be interesting to find out what kind of scoundrel dared to renounce the Tsar (I’m joking, of course). Previously, it was impossible to see who disappeared from your list, but today I will show you how to see who has left VK friends.

    By the way, if you specifically do so, you periodically review them in the following ways. Otherwise, some leftist friends tend to immediately leave you in their subscribers, which you obviously don’t need.

    Built-in way

    In fact, you can easily find out who decided to get rid of you and keep you among their subscribers using internal VK tools. To do this, you need to go to the “Friends” line and there you should have the “Outbox” tab. This is where those people who kicked you off their friends list are displayed, as well as those people to whom you sent an application, but they still haven’t accepted it. If these tabs are not there, then click on the item "Friend Requests", which is in the right column.

    It is not difficult to distinguish these two types of people. Those people who have not yet accepted you as friends are marked as "Cancel request", and those who kicked you out of friends are marked with the “Unsubscribe” button. If you don’t have this tab, then you don’t need to worry. So no one left.


    In addition to the standard method, you can see the people who deleted you using a special application. In fact, there are a whole bunch of them. You can enter the “Games” menu on the left side and write “Who left” in the search. You will find several applications that suit your topic. Personally, I have the application “Who left? Guests! Friends!” You can also click on it and "Run application".

    Well, now with various changes (someone is added or removed), everything will be recorded in this system. To view the entire history of your other movement, you can click on the corresponding tab. You can even find out if a specific person has blacklisted you. Overall a good applet).

    Well, I think that these two methods are quite enough, and you don’t have to use any separate programs. If you liked the article, then do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates to keep abreast of everything new and interesting. Well, I will be waiting for you again on my blog. Come back often. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.