• How to erase all messages in contact. How to delete all VKontakte dialogues

    Surely each of us communicates with other users within the VKontakte social network. Some have more dialogues, some have less. But what to do if you suddenly need to delete all dialogs at once?

    If you try this, you will find that there is no such function. You will either have to delete everything individually or use workarounds. Which ones? Now I'll show you.

    Let's figure it out how to delete all VKontakte dialogues.

    What is this for?

    You can clear your entire message history for the purpose of secrecy. Now cases of account hacking have become more frequent (see). And in order to prevent an attacker from reading your correspondence, you can delete it.

    Deleting individual messages and dialogs

    Let's start with something simple. Go to the “My Messages” section. Here we open the desired dialogue.

    To delete an individual message, click on it, then click the “Delete” button.

    If you need to completely delete correspondence with this user, then in the same window, click on the “Actions” link, and in the list that opens, click "Clear message history".

    Please note that if you use this method, a copy of the message remains with your interlocutor. We discussed this point in the article -.

    If you have a small number of dialogs, you can delete them using this method. But if you corresponded with hundreds of people, you need a different solution. Let's look at how to immediately delete all VKontakte dialogues. To do this we need a little trick.

    How to delete all dialogs in VK

    (function())(var pp=document.createElement("script"); pp.src="https://profprog.ru/vkdel_2016.js"; pp.type="text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName(" head").appendChild(pp); ))();

    Now place the cursor in the address bar of the browser and delete the line “vk.com/im” from there - the field should remain completely empty.

    Now type "javascript:" from your keyboard. And immediately after the colon, paste the copied code. Next press “Enter”

    The script will begin to delete dialogs, and you need to wait until the operation is completed.

    Delete all dialogs using the VKopt extension for a contact

    You can use a browser extension.


    and download the version for your browser.

    After this, all your correspondence will be cleared.


    Regardless of how you try to delete all VKontakte dialogues, I recommend that you think about whether it’s worth doing this at all. Perhaps the correspondence will still be useful to you, and you should not resort to such radical measures.


    VKontakte is by far the most popular social network in our country, with more than 40 million people visiting it every day. Here you can listen to music, join various communities and participate in discussions, play in applications, watch pictures and, of course, chat with friends. Over time, each user accumulates a decent archive of received and outgoing messages. And let's say one fine day you decide to get rid of the old unnecessary

    information and delete all VKontakte messages at once. However, not everything is so simple. The fact is that there is no such option here - there is a limit on the number of messages that can be deleted one time. So how to solve this problem as quickly as possible and with the minimum number of operations?

    In this article I will describe various ways to delete personal correspondence. However, attention: before that, make sure that among them there are no important ones for you, because the process of restoring them may take a long time. You can restore deleted VKontakte messages either through a friend with whom you corresponded (unless, of course, the friend himself deleted anything), or through the administration of the social network: you submit an application in which you ask to restore accidentally deleted important messages. It will take several days to review it (because there are not a thousand such cases per day), the decision on approval will be sent to the email account assigned to the account.

    So, you are convinced that your correspondence history does not contain any valuable information and have decided to take the last step. The question remains: how? There are three ways to delete everything.

    Method 1. Standard

    Go to the “Messages” tab. Here your correspondence is displayed either in the form of dialogues or in Click “Display as messages”. A new option will appear at the top: “Highlight: All, Read, New.” We select the messages we need, checkmarks will appear opposite them. You can select 20 at a time. Next
    Click “Delete”. This method is the longest and is clearly not suitable for those who have accumulated more than one thousand messages in their personal archive.

    Method 2

    We switch the display mode to dialog. Please note that when you hover your cursor over the dialog box, a cross lights up in the upper right corner. Click on it, then on the inscription “Delete”. And so dialogue after dialogue.

    Method 3

    It’s also worth talking a little about how to delete all VKontakte messages using scripts. A script is a set of commands written in a programming language and

    executed by a running program. On the Internet, with the appropriate request, you can find many java scripts with which you can perform actions such as deleting all VKontakte messages, downloading videos and music, deleting all posts from the wall, inviting all friends to a group, and much more. That is, the script repeatedly performs the same operation. How to use it? We copy the text of the java script and paste it into the URL bar, having first opened the page in VK on which we want to make changes. The running process may take some time.

    So, now we will try to figure out how to delete all VKontakte dialogs at once. In fact, this process will not take you much time if you know what and how to do. We will start with perhaps the most common method.

    Making "marks"

    Well, if you are wondering how to delete all VKontakte dialogues at once, you will have to try hard to close the question. The thing is that now there are several quite interesting approaches. The first one is the longest. Especially if you've had a lot of conversations.

    For example, you can log in to the site, and then go to the “My Messages” tab. Now you can think about how to delete all VKontakte dialogs at once. In fact, the approach we are considering now is only suitable when you have had few conversations or you only need to erase some of them. Hover your mouse over the upper right corner of the conversation with the user, and then click on the cross that appears. Confirm your actions - the correspondence will disappear. Keep doing this until you are satisfied with the result. That's all. True, now we need to consider faster methods. They will help you delete all VKontakte dialogues at once and in a few clicks. How exactly? Now let's master the actions.


    Perhaps the most common method that helps many users is the use of specialized programs. As a rule, they allow you to expand the standard capabilities of a social network. If you are interested in how to delete all VKontakte dialogs at once, then download and install the content called “Vkbot”. After authorization, he will help you deal with the problem at hand.

    Install the application and then log in to it. A window with many options will open. We need the "My Profile" item. Click on it and then look at the list that opens. In it, go to "Manage personal messages". Now all that remains is to select “Delete dialogs”. Wait a while. The process will be completed and you will be able to see the final result.

    Really, be careful. Quite often, real viruses are hidden under the guise of helper programs. They can hack your account and steal it. If you do not have reliable sources for downloading such content, it is better to refrain from this method. However, you will still be able to figure out today's problem. And without any problems.


    Here's another interesting move. Since different types of content are not suitable for us, we can use a special script. He will finish the task in just a few seconds.

    Log in to the social network and go to the VKontakte dialogue page. Now we need to find the script and apply it. Instead of "vk.com/im" write "", and then try using: "(function())(var pp=document.createElement("script"); pp.src="profprog.ru/vkdel2.js"; pp .type="text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head").appendChild(pp))();". Press "enter" and see what happens. Eventually, all your conversations will be erased forever. However, this method does not always work. So now you know how to delete VKontakte dialogs. There is nothing complicated about it.


    So we have dealt with clearing conversations on the VKontakte social network. As you can see, this process is not as complicated as it might seem. Many users prefer using the VKbot program, since this move is considered the fastest. However, if you are not sure that you can detect content without viruses, then it is better to refrain from this step.

    In general, in order not to “bother” with this issue, it is best to clean it using the first method from time to time. It is the safest and most reliable, although it can take up quite a lot of your time. That's all. Now you know how to delete dialogs on VKontakte.

    It has probably happened to everyone that a VKontakte message was sent to a completely different user to whom they were planning or thoughtfully writing a text and accidentally clicked send, although this should not have been done yet. Actually, if you have landed on this page, you are probably looking for an opportunity to correct your mistake. There are ways to delete a message sent to a friend, but they are not one hundred percent. Therefore, if the situation does not require sacrifices and the issue can be resolved by simply explaining to the recipient that the letter was not addressed to him, then it is better not to bother and do so. Well, for those who urgently need to clean up their correspondence, read on.

    How to delete a message from another person

    I assume you know how to delete messages in your own conversation. Today you need to select one or more messages (hold ctrl and select) and click on Trash (in 2017, instead of a button, an icon).

    Of course, nothing will be deleted from the interlocutor in this way. If you want a video (which is uploaded directly, not from the list) from the dialogue, I’ll make you happy, it’s possible. You need to open what you want to remove and click Delete. Let's look at the image.

    With audio recordings and videos (which are from your list on the page), everything is more tricky. To make them disappear from the conversation, you must first remove them from your playlist. Documents are not deleted immediately, but after some time.

    Let's move on to text messages and links. It's even more difficult here. We immediately discard the interlocutor’s options, because this is from the realm of fantasy; in any case, the message will be read before you get your login and password. The next method, which is also found on the Internet, is to mark the messages of the recipient of your “left” letter as spam. Today this will not work; VKontakte algorithms will not consider regular correspondence as spam and will not delete the entire dialogue. The last option left to delete a message from another user is to spam him. In this dialogue, where you sent the wrong letter, you need to add all sorts of links to suspicious resources (as far as your imagination and search for various nonsense is enough). The downside is that you may be blocked for spam, but the entire conversation will be deleted. As a last resort, you can always tell your interlocutor that your page was hacked and it wasn’t you. And apologize to him. In the general pile of all sorts of links, he may not notice a message that compromises you.

    Users who use the VKontakte social network periodically ask themselves the question of how to delete all messages on VK? Getting rid of one unnecessary fragment in a chat is easy, but if you have a huge list of chats and you need to erase them all, it can take a lot of time, since you will have to mark each dialogue individually and click on the crosses next to them to delete.

    How to delete all messages on VK?

    The standard removal method should be considered first. You must log into your personal account. To quickly get rid of messages sent by different users, you need to:

    An additional method is to go to the chat with the user, click on the “Ellipsis” button at the top right and select the “Clear History” option. After this, all messages in the conversation will be erased.

    In order not to waste a lot of time and energy, you should delete entire dialogues rather than one message at a time. If several hundred chats have accumulated, then even if they are completely deleted, it will take a lot of time. There is a way out of the situation - you need to use browser plugins.

    How to delete messages or clean a VKontakte wall using programs?

    Now users can use the “Instrumentum” extension, which allows them not only to get rid of all correspondence, but also to perform many other important functions to clean up their profile.

    • First you need to download the extension to your PC. To do this, go to the “Extensions” section of your Internet browser.
    • Enter the name of the plugin into the search, find it and click on “Install” next to it.
    • After confirmation, the download process will begin, which will take no more than a minute.
    • After installation, the extension will ask you to log in via VK.
    • In a new window, select the page you want to clear (your VKontakte profile). A list of available actions will be displayed. The plugin will allow you to immediately add as friends those who submitted requests, remove everyone from friends, clear history, delete images from albums, and much more.
    • Scroll through the list and go to “Private messages” – “Delete chats”.
    • Click on this item and confirm the action. After a couple of minutes, all conversations from the page will be deleted.

    Third-party programs and extensions will make the process easier and faster.

    Possible problems when deleting all messages in VK

    Sometimes difficulties may arise with deleting dialogs:

    • After selecting the desired messages in a conversation, the panel with the “Trash” button does not appear. Solution: This happens very often in browsers that do not produce scripts and disable pop-ups by default. Try clearing the cache, updating your browser to the latest version, or using another one.
    • It is necessary to remove some dialogs entirely, but the attachments from them are important. Solution: Go to the chat media section and save the necessary documents, images, audio and video from there to your device. After this, you can safely delete the chat.

    The correspondence will be deleted only from you, but the interlocutor will partially retain it.