• How to install voice search in the Yandex search engine? Voice search Yandex and Google: how to enable and configure

    Google Corporation began its activities as a search engine, and at the moment, searching for information using mobile devices remains one of the main directions of development. With each update of the phone/tablet system, Google Play Services and individual programs, more and more new functions appear to make life easier for the user. In this article, I'll talk about the most useful voice commands, Now on Tap contextual search, and also show you how to set up your phone to perform any voice commands, including using Tasker. After all, this is exactly what we dreamed about when reading the works of science fiction writers in childhood.

    Traditionally, all the latest developments from the “good corporation” are implemented on Nexus line devices. This was the case with voice control and with Google Now, a system for presenting information in the form of a set of cards. One application is responsible for Google Now, simple Google search and voice search, this is Google. It is included with standard Google applications and is available on any certified Android smartphone.

    Previously, voice control was only activated when you clicked on the microphone icon while the search program was open (or on widgets on the desktop). Then came the Google Start launcher, which allowed you to execute voice commands directly from the desktop (using the phrase “Ok, Google”). Starting with Android 4.4, the same feature became available in other launchers, but only if the launcher explicitly supports this feature (almost all popular launchers do).

    There are also several smartphones with advanced voice control functions that are activated even when the smartphone screen is turned off. For example, MOTO X contains a separate processor with very low power consumption, which does nothing but listen to all surrounding sounds in the background for a key phrase.

    Search widget on desktop

    Voice control

    Simple search for information is, of course, the most important function of Google Now. Moreover, it is intelligent enough to understand the context, which means commands can be combined into chains. For example, if you say: “Okay Google, who is the president of Nicaragua?”, the search will return the answer “Daniel Ortega.” And if you further ask “How old is he?”, then the answer will be “Seventy years old.” Google Now understands a lot of commands, here are ten of the most useful ones.

    • Maps and navigation- “let's go/navigation #title streets #number Houses". Launches Google Maps in navigator mode at the specified address. You can also indicate a city, store, organization, and so on.
    • Calculator- “thirteen percent of five thousand.” Will display the answer and the form of the calculator in the search window. You can use your voice to dictate addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the root of a number. You can also translate measures of weights, lengths, etc.
    • Sending SMS/messages- “write an SMS to Oleg, text I’m driving, I’ll call you back later.” You can also send messages through WhatsApp, Viber and several other popular instant messengers. Using a simplified scheme, you can dictate “message #program #contact #text.” For example: “Whatsapp message Oleg I’m driving.” After this, you can also confirm the sending by voice with the “send” command.
    • Dialing a number- “call mom.” You can also dictate an arbitrary number that is not in the address book. When using the “call sister/brother” command, you can specify a number from your contacts (if written differently), then the next time the call will be made automatically.
    • Reminders and alarms- “wake me up on Saturday at eight in the morning” or “remind me to turn off the stove in ten minutes.” You can also add events to Google Calendar. Events can be tied not only to time, but also to place. If you add “remind me to print the text at work,” then if geolocation is turned on and the work address (location on the map) is specified, the reminder will automatically pop up on your phone. The regular timer built into the Clock app is just as easy to start.
    • Guess the melody- “what kind of song is this?” Will start recognizing the playing music.
    • Music/video- “listen to (music) #group #song.” Launches the specified music in Play Music or a clip on YouTube. It works normally with Russian titles, but since it identifies English words and performers, sometimes incorrectly interpreting them for the Russian language, it does not always work.
    • Photo/video- “take a photo / record a video.” Will launch the camera in the selected mode.
    • Manage Settings- “turn off Wi-Fi”, “turn on the flashlight”.
    • Notes- “note to yourself: test password for service one two three four.” Adds a note to Google Keep.

    Now on Tap

    The description of this service was given special attention at the presentation of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. And it was presented as one of the main features of the new firmware. But we received more or less normal functionality in Russia only in December. In the official Russian translation it is called context from Now.

    How does this work? “When you launch context from Now, Google analyzes everything you see on the screen and searches for information based on that data,” is the official description from the support page. What this means is that instead of highlighting and copying phrases of interest on the screen, then opening the search and pasting the phrase, you can simply press and hold the Home button. Google will then offer suggestions for the keyword phrases found. This could be pictures, videos, a proposal to open this place on maps, news. May offer to open the organization’s website or make a call, open a Facebook profile or look at a celebrity’s Twitter account, or add a note. If there are corresponding applications on the device, after tapping on the icon, the page will open immediately inside the application. When listening to music from different applications, you can call up detailed information about artists, albums, YouTube videos and more with one click.

    Easter eggs in Google search

    Just like the desktop version of search, voice search has Easter eggs. I will give only a few commands, the rest you can find out at this link. Unfortunately, almost all of them work only in English and with an English interface or when only English is selected in the settings.

    "Do a barrel roll."
    “Make me a sandwich!”
    “Sudo make me a sandwich!”
    "When am I?"
    "Beam me up, Scotty!"
    "Up up down down left right left right."
    "What does the fox say?"


    If, after everything you've read, you still don't have enough commands to make your fantasies come true, then, with a little time, you can configure Google Now to execute almost any command. To do this, we will first need the AutoVoice plugin.

    Using Tasker, you can perform many actions: launch applications, control sound, run scripts, control the screen, manipulate files, press buttons on the screen, manage media, make HTTP Get and Post requests and respond to them, manage advanced phone settings. And all this can be done by issuing voice commands. And with the help of many plugins, the functionality expands even further.

    To get started, you need to enable the Google Now Integration item inside AutoVoice. In Tasker you need to create a separate profile for each team or group of teams. As usual, to create profiles, I recommend turning on English in Tasker settings. For the test profile, we will create a voice command to turn off the sound. To do this, create a new profile with the parameters Event → Plugin → AutoVoice Recognized. Fill in the following fields:

    • Command Filter- here we enter the necessary voice command, in our example: “turn off the sound.” If you click on the Speak Filter line, you can dictate the command.
    • Exact Command- if you check the box, it will only work on the exact command, otherwise it can work on every single word or form of a word.
    • Use Regex- use regular expressions. Allows you to configure recognition of several words in one profile. If in the first field you enter “(turn off|turn off) (sound|volume)” without quotes, then the profile will respond to the commands “mute sound”, “turn off volume”, “mute sound” and “turn off volume”.

    For the action we use Audio → Ringer Volume and Audio → Notification Volume. To control the triggering, you can add a pop-up notification via Alert → Flash and enter “Disabled” in the Text field.

    The commands “turn off Wi-Fi” work immediately in Google Now, and “turn off the sound” prompts you to open the settings. And after intercepting the command through Tasker and executing it, it still remains on the current screen with the request. Therefore, we will additionally add App → Go Home to the actions. Well, to amuse your friends, in all profiles for voice control, you can set Alert → Say as the first action and enter the phrase “I obey, master.” Then the phone will respond with voice in response to commands.

    Using additional plugins, such as AutoRemote, you can control other Android devices. And if you install EventGhost on your computer, then with the help of numerous plugins you can do a lot of interesting things. One of the most useful applications will be setting up a smart home, but that’s a separate big story. Joao Dias, the developer of all Auto* plugins, also has an add-on for the computer, which allows you to integrate mobile device management through the Cortana voice assistant on the desktop.

    A few tricks

    Tasker is hardcore. You can do amazing things, but to do this you need to master a lot of information, understand variables, regular expressions, and so on. For those who don't want to bother with Tasker, there are a large number of programs that use voice control capabilities, but have a clearer and more accessible interface and are easy to use. I'll stop at three.

    The program allows you to change the key phrase from “Ok, Google” to any other. Unfortunately, after one of the service updates and a request from Google, it stopped working with Google Engine, leaving only PocketSphinx. In this regard, only English phrases are suitable for the key phrase, but previously it was possible to surprise those present by calling the phone “hey, you” or “listen to the command.”

    However, the developer promises to fix everything in the next updates. Other functions include the launch of recognition by the proximity sensor (two waves of the hand) and by shaking the phone. Like MOTO X, it supports recognition when the screen is off, but, unfortunately, this greatly affects the battery, so it is relevant for a phone on charge or car media centers on Android with constant power. Works with a Bluetooth headset, has integration with Tasker, and can read text messages.

    Another program from the developer Open Mic+. Integrates with Google Now and allows you to use an expanded set of commands. The list of supported ones includes the following: enable/disable wireless access point, pause/resume music, next/previous song, unread SMS/gmail (voices them out), volume<х>, lock your phone, take a photo, take a selfie. You can also turn on the voice recorder, control the backlight, and auto-rotate the screen. With root, you can turn off/restart your phone, clear notifications, and enable Airplane mode. For supported functions, you can change the commands to your own. It also has integration with Tasker, allowing you to enable triggering for each task by the name Task. There is a module for Xposed that allows you to use Commandr with Android Wear.

    Assistant Dusya

    And finally, the brainchild of Russian developers is the Russian-language voice assistant Dusya, which combines all the advantages of the described applications and utilities. Like Tasker, Dusya allows you to create your own voice functions (they are called “scripts”), in a much more understandable and simpler form (there is help in Russian, video tutorials) and with more powerful functions for working with speech commands. In addition, it also has its own online catalog of ready-made scripts created by other users. At the time of writing there were about a hundred of them.

    Just like Commandr, Dusya can integrate with Google Now, and also has many types of other contactless activations - by shaking, waving, using a headset, bringing it to the ear, and including its own activation phrase in Russian. And if you want to use the interface, then it is there, very simple, fast and functional. Among the functions there are 25 most frequently requested ones, there is even control of smart homes and home theaters.

    at November 18, 2016.

    Just a few years ago, voice control was something fantastic for many users. Movies and books have been using voice control for a long time, but in real life developers haven't been able to get anything worthwhile. But still, after a couple of years, voice control began to be used by millions of users from all over the world and now all modern Android smartphones and tablets support it. As you know, it was Google that introduced into its smartphones the ability to control devices using voice; you can not only type texts, but also make calls, send messages and play music. What else can be done with voice control and whether it is necessary, read in today’s article.

    Group I– the ability to control the functions of the device itself. Do you want to set an alarm, but without pressing the display even once? To do this, you just need to say the phrase “Wake me up at such and such a time.” Want to listen to music? You can say “Play playlist.” This also includes dialing functions, information about messages, calls, and more.

    Group II– commands aimed at searching for any information. To get the result you need, you just need to connect to the Internet, after which, using a voice request, you can find out the weather outside, view the score of a match played, find the words of a song or find out who Ernest Hemingway is.

    True, there are still some limitations that the developers are trying to correct. For example, you can find out the films that are shown in Moscow cinemas, since the city is large and this information is considered in demand, and if you want to do the same, but with a smaller city, you can get a lack of information, which, of course, is sad .

    It is noteworthy that some voice control systems are capable of supporting text input, both regular and thanks to translators. True, you should understand that it will be difficult to recognize a long sentence and you can end up with a real “mess of words,” so try to pronounce them by breaking them down into short phrases. The situation is exactly the same with commands, but in most cases they are short.

    10 Voice Control Features for Google Now:

    1. Setting reminders, for example: “Remind me to call Alexander on Monday.”
    2. Creating events in the calendar, for example: “Calendar, watch the match of your favorite team at 21-30.”
    3. Open the desired applications, for example: “Open Google Keep.”
    4. Dial the number of a specific subscriber by name or degree of relationship, for example: “Call Alexander” or “Call your sister.”
    5. Play movies and music purchased from Google Play, for example: “Watch “The Hobbit”” or listen to “Bitter Mist.”
    6. Find out the route from the place where you are now to the final destination, for example: “Routes, Vladimir, Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 13.”
    7. Find out the city in which certain attractions are located, for example: “Where is the Golden Gate.”
    8. Find out the weather in the city, for example: “Weather in Vladimir on Saturday.”
    9. Find out the meaning of words, for example: “What is “genetics””?
    10. Search for photographs of places, attractions, etc. that interest you, for example: “Photos of Old Trafford.”

    First of all, you don't have to do anything with your hands. If people who don’t want to click on small application icons and go somewhere to launch, for example, a calendar, while others are driving and, to protect themselves, type a message using their voice.

    Secondly, some people want to talk always and everywhere, a smartphone can become an excellent conversationalist, although more like an encyclopedia, but still, it is not a cat or a dog that will be happy with you and nothing more.

    Thirdly, there are situations when the smartphone function needs to be turned on from a distance. For example, you can take a photo by turning on the front camera and take a photo of yourself. Or (if you have a tripod) install your smartphone on the tripod, launch the camera and simply give a voice command. There is nothing complicated, and the photo is of high quality.

    Back in 2011, the Siri voice assistant was integrated into the iOS operating system, which marks the beginning of the use of this assistant in the iPhone 4S and subsequent generations of smartphones. This technology has room to develop, in particular, Apple still has not taught Siri to respond normally and understand the Russian language, but the function is in demand and is constantly being developed, adding something new.

    Previously, everyone thought that Siri would come with Android devices, but once Apple acquired this technology, all plans remained just plans.

    Nowadays, voice control is actively used not only among young people, but also among wealthy adults, and this is facilitated by a huge set of applications that allow you to give commands to your device using your voice.

    Smartphones with a pre-installed Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system have at their disposal a built-in Google Now service - an assistant that can do all of the above. In fairness, it is worth noting that the program does all its actions taking into account your current location, history of search queries, application launches, etc. actions, which allows the assistant to learn. To take any action, you just need to turn on the Internet, launch Google Now and say the phrase “Okay, Google” or simply click on the microphone icon next to the search bar.

    It is noteworthy that Google Now received the Russian language only at the end of 2013, so now you can ask questions and commands in our native language without any problems. Once again, with this application you can: call the desired subscriber, write SMS messages, set reminders, alarms, launch programs (games), take photos, find out any information, get directions and much more.

    There are a huge number of applications with similar functionality, but they were forgotten exactly at the moment when Google Now began to understand the Russian language. In any case, you can install any voice application, for example, Assistant, and check its functionality by comparing it with Google Now; moreover, most programs work with Android OS versions below 4.1.

    Hardworking developers of the Android operating system constantly introduce various innovations and steadily keep up with the times. And now, all owners of smartphones and tablets have access to an interesting and convenient voice function “Ok Google, find...”.

    Overall, Okay Google, Find is a new voice search that, with the right commands and without using the on-screen keyboard, can find all the information you need. And with some tweaks, perform other useful functions on your phone, making it very similar to Apple's Siri.

    But first things first. For the feature to work correctly, it must be installed and configured. It's not difficult at all, but you need to follow the instructions exactly and complete all the steps to the end.

    What is needed for this

    The very name of the function suggests that Google plays an important role here. And it's true. At the very beginning, you need to install the original application from the Play Market Google from Google Inc (Download). It's free and installs quickly and easily. Then we activate it. To do this, you need to enter your account, that is, Google mail (ends with [email protected]) and its password.

    Very often, when purchasing a gadget, Google is already installed on Android. You should check that your account is correct and up to date, and update the application version. Enter the Play Market, find the application you need in the search, go into it and press the UPDATE button. Without this minor detail, the entire installation of Okay Google, find... may not take place.

    Another important fact should also be taken into account. This voice search is available on smartphones with the new version of Android. On the official Google website, version 4.4 is indicated; on many sites with useful tips, they start from 4.1 and higher. So it's worth a try anyway. To open SETTINGS on your phone, find the ABOUT PHONE item (usually at the very end of the list). Here you will find all the information about the device, including the version.

    Photo: Find out the Android version

    Correct setting

    Now you can proceed directly to setting up voice search on Android.

    Open SETTINGS in the phone menu, find the ACCOUNTS or ACCOUNTS item. In them, select Google, and then find the line called SEARCH. After clicking on it, a new page will open, which will list the settings of Okay Google. In this menu item, select VOICE SEARCH, and in it RECOGNITION OKAY GOOGLE. Now the last setting item will open in front of you, in which you need to check the box next to FROM THE GOOGLE APPLICATION.

    Photo: Setting up ok Google

    Voice search is actually ready to use, but you need to go through the voice recognition process. It is standard both on Android devices and on other operating systems. Sometimes not everyone succeeds in doing it the first time. Don't despair, the second or third attempt will definitely be successful.

    Photo: Setting up ok Google

    That's almost it now. True, with such standard settings, the voice function OK Google, find... will search only on the Internet. Also, Google search must be enabled and active. In principle, voice search for various information is already convenient and practical. But you need to know that voice control capabilities can be significantly expanded at the level of the entire phone. In this case, it will be very similar to the Siri analogue, in no way inferior to it.

    There are two ways to do this:

    1. In many smartphones, during setup, not only the line “From the Google application” appears, but also “From all applications”. By activating it too, voice search gains access to all phone applications.

    Photo: Setting up ok Google

    2. If there is no additional line, Google has developed an additional application Google Start (Download). After downloading and activating it, Ok Google, Find will be able to work with all applications on the device. And you, in turn, can only control them with your voice.

    Photo: Google Start
    Photo: Setting up ok Google

    Unable to configure

    This annoying problem is not uncommon. Basically, the reason for everything is inattention and haste. If the Android version is correct, then you missed one of the important details in the installation.

    First check the Google version, it must be updated. This nuance is as significant as the Android version (it was previously explained how to do this).

    Then, step by step, according to the instructions, check each setup step. Perhaps you missed one of them or forgot to check a box somewhere. In this case, everything can be corrected by manually adjusting the settings.

    If you do not notice any errors, you should install and configure from the very beginning. This helps a lot. Just this time be extremely careful.
    In the vast majority of installation problems, one of these tips always works.

    How to use

    Now a real personal assistant lives in your phone. Without your unnecessary movements, it will fulfill every request.

    First, it's worth testing the basic commands. Say the phrase “OK Google”, a microphone icon should appear in the search bar, click on it. Now say the full request “Okay Google, weather in New York” or “Okay Google, find the exchange rate.” A pleasant voice will answer questions and display information on the device display for clarity. By the way, the latest Android smartphones have voice function installed by default. That is, you don’t need to say the first phrase to activate it, just voice your question right away.

    If you acted competently and wisely by connecting voice control to the entire phone at once, there will be many more examples of its use.

    1. Set an alarm;
    2. Mark events and activities on the calendar;
    3. Make a to-do list;
    4. Send messages and make calls (in this case, you must pronounce the contact's name exactly as it is written in the phone book);
    5. Open applications and programs;
    6. Use the search for any queries via the Internet, etc.

    Examples of useful commands

    With full access, there are incredibly many command options. You can change the order of words, but pronounce the phrase clearly and clearly in meaning.

    Personal organizer. Setting reminders, alarms, information about upcoming meetings, trips, events, tracking your parcels, activating photos and videos. To recognize tasks, Google now (for reminders and notifications) and gmail (information about parcels, booking tickets, tables, etc.) must be enabled.

    Ok Google, remind me to call mom at 3:30 p.m.
    …. where is my parcel?
    ….set the alarm for 7:00
    ….when will you meet your sister?
    ….what is planned for Monday May 1st?
    …..go to Google.com
    …..open the application…
    ….take a photo/video (you need to open the camera), etc.

    Calls and messages. It is possible to make calls, send SMS, listen to voicemail, open the necessary information about contacts, send emails and publish on social networks.

    Okay Google, type Alexander Petrovich or... call dad/dad
    ….SMS Beloved: buy milk
    ….phone number Igor
    ....email message, to whom Alexander Petrovich, subject Birthday, message text Happy birthday, exclamation point.

    Using a similar algorithm, you can perform any other voice commands. The main thing is that they are done through applications from the Play Market, Google mail or Google search engine.

    Searching through Google maps and its navigation system will be very convenient. The more sources you connect, the more voice searches you can do.
    Okay Google, listen to Viktor Tsoi/what is this song?/watch the movie Silence of the Lambs.
    Okay Google, when was Angelina Jolie born?/where is the Statue of Liberty?
    ….what films are shown at the Svoboda cinema/where is the nearest restaurant?

    Experiment with new commands and queries, make your life modern and easy.

    Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

    Communication with your device is no longer a dream or a fragment of a science fiction film. Every year, Android voice control expands its capabilities. But this trend also applies to gadgets with other operating systems, such as iOS. Thanks to voice commands, you can find out the location of the nearest cinema, public transport schedule, weather forecast, exchange rates and many other useful information. In addition, they help the user manage the device. Today, using speech on many modern devices, you can activate an alarm clock, turn on Wi-Fi, play audio and video, send a text message, etc. On Apple devices, voice control is carried out using the well-known Siri question-and-answer system. There are several methods of voice control on Android devices.

    Technologies do not stand still, and today they give us the opportunity to control gadgets through voice commands

    Voice control applications are not yet fully integrated with the Russian language. For devices running on the Android platform, the most popular and easiest way to control a smartphone using speech is the “OK, Google” command. But, unfortunately, it does not always meet the needs, since it was originally developed for English-speaking users. Compared to the English version, the command has fewer features.

    In addition, the Russian-language “OK, Google” is not so effective due to the insufficient penetration of modern technologies into various spheres of life. For example, a search might not find movie times playing at a movie theater in a small town, or information about the pizzeria closest to your home.

    Similar difficulties with Russian language integration are observed on Apple devices, where Siri is widely used. However, if you do not plan to look for something familiar, for example, interregional train schedules, information about a famous hotel, or an apple pie recipe, then voice control can make the task much easier. Users face difficulties when it comes to making smart queries that require logic and a comprehensive approach.

    How to customize the "OK Google" command

    The “OK, Google” command is active if the Google application or Google Chrome browser is running. For correct operation it is necessary to check. This can be done in the open Google application. In the upper left corner there is an icon that will allow you to go to settings. It consists of three parallel horizontal lines and is probably familiar to all fans of Google products. After this, you should run a simple command: Settings - Voice search - Recognition of “Okay, Google”. Next, you should activate the “From Google App” option.

    Thanks to this setting, the command can be used in any operating mode of the gadget, for example, in active mode or battery charging mode. After this, the system will record your voice, after which there should be no problems recognizing requests.

    If the “OK, Google” command is not activated on your smartphone, then you are using an outdated version of Android. You need to update the software version of your smartphone. Before activation, make sure that the latest version of the Google application is installed on your device. Make sure that the installed version of Android is not lower than 4.4 and the Google application is not lower than version 3.5.

    After all settings are configured, you can test voice control. You need to say: “Okay, Google” and formulate your question or task for a mobile device. Active users of such a service can easily find the necessary information. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full list of voice commands that this voice control method supports.

    Review of the application "Assistant in Russian"

    The disadvantage of the voice control program for Android called “Assistant in Russian” is the presence of a paid version. Many people consider this application a worthy answer to Siri. You can install it from the store without any problems. Users are given seven days during which all functions of the application will be available. Thanks to the test period, everyone will be able to evaluate the merits of the program in order to decide how important it is to have it on their smartphone.

    The application communicates with you in a female voice. It will fulfill any request, be it searching for the necessary information or activating built-in phone functions such as alarm clock, translator, reminders. Such a program can open other installed applications at your request. The software can be installed on a variety of Android versions, starting from 2.3.

    Many users highly appreciate the capabilities of the Assistant in Russian. You can verify this by reading the rating and number of downloads of such software. Before you can start using it, you need to install Voice Search/Typing by Google. If you are looking for a convenient assistant, we advise you to test “Assistant in Russian”.

    Popular Assistant app

    If you want to find a voice assistant that can support multiple languages, then you need Assistant. You will be able to use German, English, Spanish, Portuguese along with Russian. The developers promise the integration of new languages ​​into the Assistant. The program has received high marks from experts. The New York Times magazine ranked her among the top ten. Forbes included her in the top ten for performance.

    In addition to searching for information based on voice requests, the Assistant remembers important information, such as the name of frequently used applications or frequently visited places. The advantage will be that the program takes into account information about your location to display relevant search results. The application can be customized taking into account individual characteristics, for example, setting special voice commands.

    An uninterrupted Internet connection is required for the application to perform its functions. Offline voice control technology is expected to appear soon, which will completely enable the activation of phone functions using a single phrase without an Internet connection. It is important to note that “Assistant” today is a convenient paid application.

    Voice control is a technology of the future that is evolving every day. The era of voice commands began with the Siri assistant, which can be installed on the iPhone 4S and later models. Today, voice applications allow you not only to quickly search the Internet, but also to control phone capabilities, such as making calls, sending messages, activating an alarm clock. Many users will find these features useful. In addition, such artificial intelligence arouses genuine interest among the average person. Many people perceive such communication with a smartphone as entertainment.

    There are several reasons why users cannot control their computer using standard tools - a keyboard and mouse. Firstly, this may be due to breakdown named devices. Secondly, such a need arises among people with disabilities. And finally, thirdly, users simply want to somehow ease task for myself working with a computer, giving him commands by voice.

    Windows OS has a standard speech recognition application, but unfortunately, it does not support Russian, but only English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese.

    If the interface of your Windows distribution is designed for speakers of one of the above languages ​​and, of course, you speak it, then you can use standard speech recognition program. To do this you need to take 3 steps: set up microphone, take a simple training course for controlling your computer using your voice (also included in Windows) and configure the speech recognition program itself.

    To do this, you need (the description of OS sections will be in Russian):

    But what should Russian-speaking Windows users do? Fortunately, there is a way out - using third-party programs. There are many similar applications - both paid and free. Among all the applications for voice control of a Windows computer, the one that stands out the most is Type. This will be discussed further.

    Managing your computer with Typle

    According to the majority of users who prefer to control their computer using their voice, the program Type is one of the best (if not the best).

    This small-sized application is capable of not only executing commands available in its database, but also supports creating custom ones. It is the latter that is especially valued in this application.

    The program is distributed for free, but the free version has restrictions for creating custom commands. However, these capabilities are quite sufficient for a regular user.

    So, download and install the program. When you first launch the application, you will be asked to enter some personal data - you can enter any characters in these fields. Then you have to choose a license - choose the first option out of 3 proposed (until all the inscriptions are in English) and click Next.

    After the application collects the information it needs to work, you will see a start window with tips:

    Type will ask you to click on the " Add" After clicking, you will need to enter your name (enter any) - this is necessary so that the application can execute your commands if you are not the only user of the computer. We also fill in the field “ Enter keyword"(you can leave the suggested option " Open up»). This is the word that will be used to run your commands, or rather, this phrase will give the program a signal to execute the command which you will pronounce next.

    All that remains is to press the record button and then say a phrase (the length of the recording should be shorter than 1.5 seconds). To check, you can say “ Open up" After successful recording Type will ask you to save the recorded command.

    Next, click on the button “ Add» in the top menu. A window will open in which you need to select a program to launch after pronouncing the keyword into the microphone. For example, let's select the application " Opera 35"(you can choose any of your programs - a browser, a player or some messenger like Skype).

    Pay attention to the bottom of the window. At the moment, the checkbox is set to “ Programs and files" You can also highlight other points. For example, check the box for " Windows files" Now the window for selecting commands to run will display standard Windows programs (notepad, Paint, command line, etc.), as well as various system applications, such as “ Update Center" or " Disk Defragmenter Wizard"and others. This is a convenient feature for users who often have to deal with setting up a computer system.

    Another interesting ability Type- the ability to open favorite Internet sites. To do this, you need to check the box “ Internet Favorites» and select the desired site from the list.

    Once you have selected the appropriate action, it will require write the command. To do this, click on the record icon next to the field in which the name of the selected action (program, site, etc.) is written, and then say any phrase. In our case it is “ Opera».

    After successfully saving the entry, you can check whether the command was executed correctly using the program Type. To do this, you need to say the word “ Open up", and then immediately the phrase that you wrote down at the last step to launch this or that program. In our case, the command sounds like “ Open Opera». After these words, the program will automatically launch the browser.

    As you can see, you can control your computer using the program Type not that difficult. You can create many different commands that, when spoken, will launch certain applications, open documents, or start playing video or music.

    Video on the topic - VoxCommando program