• How to enable the Windows calculator program. How to turn on a calculator on a laptop. How to do a simple calculation using a Windows XP calculator

    Windows XP comes with standard free applications that some users don't even realize exist. If you carefully look at “All Programs”, you can see a large list of standard programs installed on the system.

    One such useful free application is a calculator for Windows XP. The program allows you to perform various arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, as well as functions of an engineering calculator, for example, finding logarithms and factorials.

    Where is the calculator in Windows XP?

    So, we found out that the operating system has the ability to launch a built-in calculator. How to use it? Where can I find it? To do this, you need to open the Start menu. Next, go to the “All Programs” tab. Now move the mouse cursor to the “Standard” item. Move your cursor to the right to display the Calculator tab. Launch it.

    Rice. 1 Where is the calculator in Windows XP?

    It is also worth noting that the “Calculator” program can also be launched through the “Start” button.

    • To do this, click "Start".
    • Next, click on the “Run” command.
    • Type the command calc here and press the Enter button.

    Windows XP will automatically launch the calculator.

    How to do a simple calculation using a Windows XP calculator?

    Numbers can be entered using the keyboard or using the mouse by clicking on the numbers in the calculator (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2 Calculator for Windows XP.
    Type Regular

    On the full-size one there are two types of buttons that are designed for entering numbers. The keys on the right side of the keyboard (the so-called numeric keypad) are designed for quickly entering information and making calculations in programs. To be able to enter numbers and operators using the numeric keypad, you must press the NUM LOCK key.

    To perform any calculation, enter the first number. For example, 2.

    Press the + (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication) or / (division) button. For example, +.

    Enter the next number. For example, 3.

    You can enter other operators (+, -, *, /) and numbers.

    Finally, press the = button.

    In our example, the result should be 2+3=5, that is, the number 5 should appear on the calculator indicator after the calculations.

    How can I perform more complex calculations using the Windows XP calculator?

    To do this, you need to change the type of calculator. You need to go to the View menu (Fig. 2) and click on “Engineering”. The calculator for Windows XP will open in engineering mode (Fig. 3):

    Rice. 3 Calculator for Windows XP.
    Type Engineering

    Before starting calculations, we select a number system, for example, Dec – decimal system.

    For hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers, four display options are available: 8 bytes (64 bits), 4 bytes (32 bits), 2 bytes (16 bits), and 1 byte (8 bits). To enter hexadecimal numbers, you can use additional “number” buttons, designated by letters from Latin “A” to Latin “F” (in the bottom row in Fig. 3).

    For numbers in the decimal number system, three options are available for displaying source data and function calculation results: in degrees, radians and grads.

    Calculator for Windows XP allows you to make calculations using functions such as sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tg), decimal (log) and natural (ln) logarithms, determining exponent (exp), exponentiation (x^ y, x^2, x^3) and extracting roots of various degrees (x^y), calculating reciprocal values ​​(1/x), calculating the factorial (n!), etc. (see Fig. 3).

    The calculator allows you to perform not only arithmetic operations, but also logical operations such as “and” (And), “or” (Or), “not” (Not), etc. (see Fig. 3).

    When calculating on a calculator, the rules of the sequence of operations are followed, for example, multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction. To change the order of operations at the request of users, you can use parentheses: opening “(” and closing “)”. Parentheses can be used when calculating complex functions (or in other words, functions of functions). In a similar way, you can model almost any function for which there are no buttons on the calculator, for example, cotangent, arcsine, etc.

    Thus, the calculator for Windows XP is a worthy replacement for both conventional calculators and other programs for “manual” calculations, including those offered for a fee. Having Windows XP, you can not deny yourself the pleasure of using the built-in calculator.

    Computer Literacy Exercises

    1) Using a calculator for Windows XP, determine the value of the expression 2+2*2 in two modes: normal and engineering. Are there any differences in the results? Why are there these differences?

    Calculator: review
    This program is designed to perform the same actions as a regular calculator. It performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction, as well as calculator functions such as finding logarithms and factorials.

    Calculator view in Windows 7 and Windows XP

    Launching the Calculator program

    To launch the Calculator program, you need to open the menu "Start". Next, go to the tab "All programs". Now move the mouse cursor to the point "Standard". Move the cursor to the right to display the tab "Calculator". Launch it (click Enter).

    You can also run the program with the "calc" command.


    The first two points ( "Start" And "Run") can be launched with a hotkey Win+R

    Performing simple calculations

    Entering a number
    Numbers are entered by pressing keys or clicking the mouse on the calculator buttons. If an error occurs and the last digit is not the one you need, you can delete it. To do this, use the / button (the first button in Windows XP, the second button in Windows 7) or the key of the same name on the keyboard.

    You can remove the entire number by pressing the / button or the Delete key.

    Arithmetic operations
    The calculator has four arithmetic operations:
    + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) and / (division).
    They can be pressed on the keyboard or mouse
    Simple calculations are performed in 4 steps:
    1. Entering the first number
    2. Entering an operation.
    3. Enter the second number.
    4. Press the / button or the = key or the Enter key.
    After this you can see the result. For example, let's calculate the value of the expression “2 times 2”. To do this, press the buttons in sequence: 2*2=
    4 appeared on the calculator screen.

    To dial negative numbers, you must first dial the number without the minus, and then press the button or the F9 key. If you press it again, the minus will disappear.

    To be able to enter numbers and operators using the numeric keypad, press NUM LOCK.

    Copying numbers
    Often you need to take a number from some document, for example, from a spreadsheet, and make calculations with it. In any text editor or processor with a part of the text, this is done simply. You can do the same with a calculator. There is a command for this in the Calculator "insert" "Edit" Ctrl+V.
    It may also be necessary to copy the calculated results to another document. There is a command for this in the Calculator "copy". The command can be called either by selecting the corresponding menu item "Edit", or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

    Useful features
    Sometimes the number is so long that it is impossible to understand what the number is. For example, how many zeros are there in this number: 1000000000000? To solve this problem, the number is divided into groups of three digits. In the Calculator, this is done in the “View” menu with the “Number of digits in group” command.
    Another example. Let's type 123+7 and then we understand that we wanted to multiply. The last operation can no longer be undone; the second number is already there. The only way is to cancel everything and dial everything again. To do this, press the / button or the ESC key.

    One of the most common actions in accounting is the calculation of interest and operations with it. The Calculator has a separate button for this operation. Interests don’t always exist on their own; often you need to do something with them. Therefore, calculations of percentage and arithmetic operations are combined. In addition, it is necessary to understand where one number ends and the second begins. Since percentages are written after the number, in order to find out from 888 50%, you need to write 8 8 8 5 0%. But then it is not clear what numbers are written: 8885 0 or 88 850 or something else. To clearly separate one number from another, you need to press any arithmetic operation between them. Then, after pressing percentage, the percentage of the number will be cleared. And after one, you can perform the typed operation by pressing =. So, the sequence of working with percentages:
    1. Write the number from which you need to calculate the percentage.
    2. Press the operation button. What kind of surgery it will be depends on what needs to be done. For example, if you need to reduce a number by a few percent, then use the “minus” operation.
    3. We write the percentage value - the second number.
    4. Press the % button. The percentage of the specified number appears on the screen.
    5. Click =. The operation is in progress.

    Let's increase 888 by 50%.

    Press: 888+50% equals 444.

    Additional features
    There are two more useful buttons on the Calculator: / and /.

    If you need to divide 1 by some number, then the most convenient way is to type this number and press 1/x.

    And sqrt calculates the number that, when multiplied by itself, will give the original - extracting the square root.

    Working with memory
    To evaluate some expressions, you need to remember intermediate results. For example, when calculating the expression 12*98-34*65, you need to remember the result of the calculation 12*98, then calculate 34*65, and then subtract the second and the number from the first. But where to remember the result?
    Of course, you can copy the number using CTRL+C and write it down somewhere, but there is an easier way. The calculator has one memory cell for this. This is a place where you can memorize one number, but it is enough to evaluate many expressions. In the future we will not call it “memory cell”, we will say “memory”.
    So, the Calculator can remember 3 numbers: the last one typed, the number on the screen and the number in memory.
    To work with memory there are the following operations:
    To save a number from the screen into memory, press the / button.
    To copy a number from memory to the screen, press the / button.
    To clear the memory (write 0 there), press the / button. There is no other way to remove the number from memory; the buttons will not help.
    To add the displayed number to the number stored in memory, press the / button. The result will be in memory.

    After storing a number, an M indicator will appear above the memory buttons on the calculator panel. Each new number stored in memory replaces the previous one.

    Keyboard keys equivalent to calculator keys

    Button Key Button Key
    % % +/- F9
    - - + +
    * * / /
    , . or, 0-9 0-9
    = ENTER or = Backspace BACKSPACE
    1/x R sqrt √ @

    Engineering mode

    In order to switch the “Calculator” to Engineering mode, you need to go to the menu View and choose Engineering or press hotkey Alt+2. In addition to the normal mode, the following are available:

    • trigonometric and hyperbolic (“Hyp” flag) functions, natural and decimal logarithms, exponentiation (separate buttons are allocated for squares and cubes). Inverse functions (root extraction for exponentiation) are available via the "Inv" flag (automatically reset).
    • converting fractions of a degree into minutes and seconds (back through the “Inv” flag), calculating factorials (for a non-integer argument, the gamma function Γ(x+1) is calculated instead of the factorial).
    • grouping operations (buttons with brackets, there is a nesting level indicator), switching display modes (fixed/floating point).
    • calculating the remainder of division
    • bitwise operations: AND, OR, NOT, XOR. Before calculation, the fractional part is discarded.
    • shift left (shift right via the “Inv” flag)

    The Calculator program has two more modes: Programmer ( Alt+3) and Statistics ( Alt+4).

    Where and how to find a calculator in Windows 8? The article will give some advice on this issue.

    A bit of poetry.

    Sometimes you need to quickly calculate something, but doing it in your head is problematic (we skipped school), so the need arose to use a calculator. Great! Not everyone has a pocket one, so it’s a good idea to do this on a computer. It's really bad luck! Users of Windows 8 (they don't have enough problems with the Start button), and so, these happy people are faced with another problem. Its whole essence and pain is in the next sentence (read with emphasis)

    Where is this damn calculator on Windows 8!? Let's try to answer this question, since you can use the calculator in different ways.

    Option 1.

    Press Win+R and enter “calc” in the window that appears. The treasured calculator window will appear.

    Option 2.

    We go to “search”, type in “Calculator” (of course, without quotes). Both of these methods are dreary, and therefore let’s try something else, preferably with a minimum of body movements.

    Option 3.

    The essence of the manipulations below is to always have quick access to the calculator. So, first of all, go to “All applications”

    We scroll the list to “standard”, where the calculator is located. Right-click on it, select “pin to taskbar” That’s all, we found a calculator on Windows 8, it wasn’t that difficult, right?


    Calculator in Windows 8 - remember how to open it

    Good day, dear readers! Today's topic will be relaxed, because we will not be doing any complex manipulations. It’s even strange that I’m writing about this. I just want to tell you about how to open a calculator in Windows 8. “Yes, everyone already knows that,” many will say, and by the way, I thought so too. But it turns out that the number eight puzzled many people and for some, finding a calculator became a whole problem.

    I met people who could not find a calculator in Windows 8, but sometimes it is so necessary, especially when there is no ordinary computing device at hand. No, of course, now every phone has a calculator built into it, but on a computer it is very useful to have and convenient to use. I myself very often (almost every day) have to use a calculator and this computing assistant, oh, how it helps me out.

    OK. Let’s not spend too much time on the introduction, especially since our article today is short, right? Well, let's go!

    I remembered one joke here:

    To fall asleep, I mentally repeat the multiplication table, and fall asleep somewhere around seven. But today I couldn’t sleep and I got to double-digit numbers and froze... I had to get up and grab a calculator.

    Something like this). So how? Is everything clear? Well, great, although I am sure that the vast majority of you knew perfectly well how to open this devil machine. In general, this information will definitely not be superfluous.

    For a more detailed mastery of Windows, the Internet and working with various programs, I highly recommend watching this wonderful video course, which will show you how to work correctly in Windows, on the Internet, with programs using visual examples in video format. In general, a thing.

    I hope that the article was useful to you and that you can now quickly find our calculator and if you want to keep abreast of new products on the blog, then do not forget to subscribe to it. And I say goodbye to you. See you in the next articles. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin


    How to find a calculator in Windows 8

    4 January 2014 Author: Alexander Klyuev

    I want to dedicate my first post this year to the Windows 8 operating system. At the end of 2013, I decided to give myself a gift - I bought a new laptop, on which, of course, Windows 8 was already pre-installed.

    And immediately a problem arose - where is the calculator in Windows 8? One of the main and perhaps noticeable features of the new operating system was the “tiled” interface (Metro), which replaced the usual shortcuts and windows. In general, even for the average user, understanding all the innovations of the system and understanding what’s what will not be difficult.

    The goal of this new interface is to unify the operating system as much as possible for ease of use on all devices, from personal computers to phones and tablets. For all the time that I have been “communicating” with a computer, I have tried both XP and 7. I really liked the “Eight”! The technical requirements of Windows 8 do not differ from its predecessor (Windows 7), and the boot speed of Windows 8 on the same hardware is almost doubled.

    The main difference between Windows 8 and its predecessors is that the Menu button is not in its usual place - the left, bottom corner of the screen. All control occurs through the interface (Metro), in the list of all applications. To do this, on the start screen, right-click on a space free from tiles and click the “All applications” button at the bottom.

    Click on it, highlighting it, with the right mouse button. Then pin it by clicking on the “Pin to taskbar” button

    That's it! The Calculator icon will appear in the Quick Access toolbar

    If you don’t want to clutter up the panel or Desktop, now you know where the calculator is in Windows 8 and can quickly find and open it.

    What does the updated Calculator look like? It looks standard and hasn't changed much.

    If you need more specialized functions, when you click on the "View" button, you can select other difficulty levels - for example, "Engineer" or "Programmer"

    This is what a Calculator with advanced functions looks like

    With these simple settings, finding a calculator in Windows 8 will not be difficult.

    Different people perceive information differently - some perceive video better, while others perceive text, so I recorded a short video on the topic of the article. I wish you success in mastering the Eight.

    Sincerely, Alexander Klyuev.

    How to use a calculator in Windows 8

    Recently, one of the main events in the world of IT technologies is the release of Windows 8. In addition, the new version of the operating system is being actively introduced and installed in many models of system units or laptops sold. However, the innovations that the developers decided to introduce baffle some users, even in simple situations, since Windows 8 is very different from other versions of the OS. You can read more about the features of working in Windows 8 here. Well, now let’s get back to working with the calculator in Windows 8. So, many are interested in such a seemingly simple tool as a calculator. Let's take a closer look at where to find it and how to work with it.

    Turning on the calculator

    In fact, finding this application in G8 is quite simple. To do this, right-click on any free space on the start menu. After that, click on the All applications button. We scroll through the menu that opens and find the program we need.

    To make access to the calculator easier and faster, this application can be pinned to the taskbar. You can read about what features the taskbar has in Windows 8 in this article. In order to pin the calculator to the taskbar, right-click on it. In the list of actions, select the one that will help us pin the application to the start menu.

    How to use the program

    The main purpose of the program is to perform the necessary calculations. All necessary data is entered in several ways. Firstly, this is done using the buttons in the window. Secondly, you can use the keyboard. If you need to enter any data into the program memory, you will need to press the desired button. In this case, the M button will appear above the value.

    The clipboard is filled by pressing Ctrl+C. To paste data into the application field, you need to click on the Ctrl + V keys. The program also has additional settings. So, when you go to the View section, you will see several modes in which the calculator can work. For example, the engineering view has additional functions. They will be useful to those who need to carry out calculus of trigonometric functions. Moreover, the measurement scale here is presented in several units of measurement, including degrees, grads, radians.

    In statistics mode there are additional buttons. They can be useful in specific cases of calculus. However, there are keys here that can be used for standard calculations, for example, CAD - deleting all numbers that have already been entered; using C you can correct the previous value.

    The programmer mode is quite advanced compared to a regular calculator. Not only can you set the number system you need here, you can also specify the bytes contained in the number. In order to work in the hexadecimal number system, new buttons were added to the application. Thus, the calculator actively uses the keys from A to F. In addition, using the () button, you can open and close parentheses.

    Special buttons allow you to rotate to the right or left. The Windows 8 calculator has keys that allow you to do modulo calculations or other actions. The program has a large selection of a wide variety of calculations, which are simplified as much as possible for the average user.

    As you can see, the Calculator in Windows 8 is a simple but indispensable tool. It is used for a wide variety of purposes. Moreover, the application can be used both for elementary calculations and for complex examples that will be needed only in certain areas. For convenience, it is better to initially pin the application to the home screen. This can be done with just a few mouse clicks, as has already been written about. Thus, the program will always be at hand and will allow you to make even the most complex calculations in a matter of minutes.


    Even though many retirees are no longer working, running a household often requires some calculations. Many older people draw up a budget for food, manufactured goods, utility bills and other expenses using a fountain pen in a notebook or on a piece of paper. If you are doing needlework, it becomes necessary to calculate the amount of material, threads, loops, rows, etc. And if you are engaged in construction at your dacha, then by the summer season you need to calculate in advance the required number of boards, bars, screws, nails and who knows what else.
    Now that you have learned how to use a computer, it would be logical to use its capabilities for all these purposes. That is, calculations should be done not in a column on a piece of paper, but while sitting at the computer. The Windows operating system includes in its standard programs calculation program - Electronic calculator.

    In order to display the calculator on the monitor, click the “Start” button, then “All Programs”, “Accessories”, “Calculator”, click.

    An image of a calculator will appear on the screen. The image can be dragged to any convenient place by grabbing it by the top blue bar with the cursor while holding down the left mouse button.

    The top white line is called an indicator; it displays the numbers entered from the keyboard and the results of calculations. Try pressing a few numbers on the keyboard.
    The "Backspace" key is used to delete the last digit dialed, for example, if after typing the number 258, you discovered that the last digit was incorrect, you should have dialed 256.
    If the entire number is entered incorrectly, it can be deleted entirely by pressing the "CE" key or the reset button "C".
    Try adding two numbers using the "+" sign, subtracting using the "-" key, multiplying using the "*" sign, and dividing using the "/" key.
    To extract the square root, use the "sgrt" key.

    The calculator has a buffer memory function, that is, it can remember one number you wrote into memory. If you enter a second number into memory, the previous value will be deleted from memory. The memory keys are located in the left row.

    Enter a number from the keyboard and press the "MS" key, this number will be remembered.
    The additional appearance of the “M” symbol means that there is information in memory.
    Remove the entered number from the indicator line by pressing the "CE" key.
    To recall a number from memory, press the "MR" key; the memorized number will appear in the indicator line. To clear the buffer memory, press the "MC" key.

    Let's do a simple calculation using memory.
    Let's multiply two numbers on the calculator: 25*2=50, save the resulting result in memory by pressing the "MS" key.

    Now use the "CE" key to clear the indicator line. Let us introduce the following arithmetic operation:
    150*3=450, the result will appear in the line.

    Let's perform the operation of dividing the resulting number 450 by pressing the key with the "/" sign by the number stored in memory, recalling it from memory with the "MR" key.

    Next, press the "=" key, the calculation result appears in the indicator line. In this case, you can notice that the “M” key has not gone out, that is, the number “50” is still stored in memory. The memory can be cleared by pressing the "MC" key, but if you enter a new value into the memory, the memory will clear itself, the old number will disappear and only the new one will be saved.

    Calculations can be made using a computer keyboard. That is, when the calculator is open, enter numbers and symbols into it, pressing them not on the calculator with the mouse pointer, but with your fingers on the computer keyboard. All actions will be displayed in the calculator indicator line.
    Please note that to use the numeric keypad located in the right keyboard block, the Num Lock key must be turned on.

    To delete the last dialed digit, use the "Backspace" key on the keyboard in the same way; you can delete the entire number with the "Del" key or the "Esc" reset key. Entering a number into the calculator's buffer memory is done by simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" key and the English letter "m". Don't worry about remembering these keyboard shortcuts, just like you won't remember the key assignments on your calculator. If you forget the assignment of the keys, the calculator provides hints.

    Click on any key of the calculator with the RIGHT mouse button, a question phrase will appear, click on it with the left mouse button.

    A tooltip will open explaining the purpose of this button in the calculator. Below is information about the key combination on the computer keyboard to perform the same operation.

    If you have a text document open at the same time while working with the calculator, the calculator is placed on top of it or collapsed into a small tab at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on the tab, you bring the calculator back to the screen.

    In a text document, you can write down the sequence of necessary mathematical operations in a line, ending it with a “=” sign, for example:

    Expand the calculator from the tab and click on the top line “Edit”, then click “Insert” (or simultaneously press the “Ctrl” key and the English letter “v” on your keyboard).
    The result of sequential calculations will appear in the indicator line, that is, first add, then multiply. By copying this action line “12+5*8=", you can also send it to memory using the “MS” button, and then call up the calculation result with the “Edit”, “Paste” command in the indicator line.

    The "Calculator" program contains two possible operating options: "Normal" and "Engineering". Switching modes is done through the "View" menu.

    The engineering calculator has an expanded panel of buttons that perform advanced functions. There are trigonometric functions, logarithms and much more. The calculator in the "Engineering" mode can calculate in various number systems, for example, in the binary system. It is unlikely that you and I will need these functions.

    There is only one feature worth noting here.
    The sequence of mathematical operations “12+5*8=" calculated by us in a regular calculator gave the result “136”.
    In an engineering calculator, the same sequence of mathematical operations "12+5*8=" will give the result "52".
    The fact is that a regular calculator performs calculations in the order written in the line. The engineering calculator takes into account mathematical rules and performs actions in accordance with the priorities of these rules: first multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction.

    The size of the calculator on the screen cannot be changed. However, when using a calculator, you can open Magnifier at the same time. , set the desired magnification size and use the enlarged buttons at the top of the screen. When you open Magnifier, an information window appears. To prevent it from appearing again, check the box next to “Do not display this message again.”

    Let's summarize today's lesson.
    Among the standard programs of the Windows operating system there is program for performing calculations - "Calculator". The "Calculator" program contains two possible operating options: "Normal" and "Engineering". For a simple user, as a rule, the functions are quite sufficient a regular calculator.
    You can enter numerical values ​​into the calculator by pressing buttons on it using the cursor or pressing keys in the number pad of a computer keyboard. Calculations can be made by writing down a certain sequence of actions in a text editor followed by copying into a calculator.
    The order of performing mathematical operations in a regular calculator and in an engineering one is different.. Working in the Calculator program simultaneously with the program "Screen Magnifier" may be convenient for people with low vision.
    To go to the next lesson click on the link

    The calculator has always been a very popular device. With the advent of computers and operating systems, this electronic computing device overnight became much closer and easier to use, while receiving many additional functions. In the Windows OS, the program has a simple, engineering and software calculator, as well as a date calculation function.

    For personal computer users who often use a calculator, the keyboard has hot keys that are used to quickly call the program. This simplifies the path to the calculation device and also saves the user’s time.

    This material will discuss how to turn on the calculator on the keyboard, what functions it has, as well as how to work with this system program in the Windows operating system.

    What functions does a calculator provide in the Windows operating system?

    As mentioned earlier, the modern Windows 7 operating system has given the calculator many user-friendly functions. Let's figure out what can be calculated using the standard Windows program.

    First of all, this application has a simple calculator. It is basic, on which, in turn, the entire calculation algorithm is built. By the way, for the average user it is quite enough. But the functions of the calculator in the Windows environment do not end there.

    Instead of buying a calculator that is quite cumbersome by modern standards for complex calculations, Microsoft provides an engineering calculator for the computer in its operating system. It will allow you to make calculations taking into account cosines, sines, roots and other mathematical elements, using only your PC. Many users are not even aware of the variety of functions provided by a calculator based on the Windows operating system.

    How to turn on the calculator in the standard way

    It is quite possible to turn on the calculator on the keyboard by pressing a certain key combination. But to complete this task, you need to set certain launch parameters yourself, which will be discussed below. First, let's figure out where the Windows 7 calculator is on the computer and how to turn it on in the standard way. To access the calculator using the classic method, follow the guide below:

    1. Click the "Start" button.
    2. Then click on the "All Programs" button at the bottom of the Start menu.
    3. In the list that opens, find the "Standard" folder, then open it.
    4. Find "Calculator" in the list and launch it.

    You can also use a simpler method by entering the word “Calculator” in the “Windows” search bar, and then launching the program from the search results. In order to do this, click the "Start" button, at the bottom of the main OS menu, enter your query in the search bar, after a while it will appear in the system interface.

    How to run an engineering software calculator on Windows OS

    In order to launch the calculator mode you need, you don’t need to resort to unthinkable things. Use the startup instructions below:

    1. Launch "Calculator".
    2. In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab.
    3. From the list that opens, find the program operating mode you need.
    4. Check the box next to the selected mode.

    After completing these operations, you will be able to take full advantage of the calculator and its functions.

    How to enable the calculator on the keyboard

    To launch an application using hotkeys, as mentioned earlier, they must be set. To quickly launch the program there are calculator hot keys. But, unfortunately, by default there is no command to call this program, since it is prohibited in the launch settings. Follow the instructions, referring to the image, to launch the calculator on your keyboard:

    1. Click the "Start" button.
    2. Then go to the "All Programs" tab.
    3. Go to the "Standard" folder.
    4. Find "Calculator" from the list and right-click on it.
    5. From the context menu that appears, click the "Properties" button.
    6. At the top of the window that opens, go to the "Shortcut" tab.
    7. In the "Shortcut" item, which is set to "No", specify your key for quickly calling the program, for example, F10 or Ctrl+Alt+NumLock.
    8. Click the "Apply" button and then "OK".

    If you have completed everything as described above, you can move on to the next section and try launching the calculator from the keyboard, we’ll talk about this later.

    Turn on the calculator using the command on the keyboard

    So, we figured out how to turn on the calculator on the keyboard, now let's move on to launching it. Let's assume that you have set this key combination: Ctrl + Alt + Num Lock. Now you need to hold down each key in turn, after which the calculator should start.

    Everything is quite simple, and now it will be much easier for you to launch this application. But, if the program does not start on keystroke, you should follow the above guide again. For your information, you can change the key assignments at any time.


    From this material you were able to learn how to turn on the calculator on the keyboard, that is, how to set a command to call the program using hot keys. You also learned what functions a calculator running under the Windows operating system has. And also how to enable it for programming, date calculation and engineering calculations. The operations presented are very simple, so anyone can perform them.